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• improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to selected music from
MOST ESSENTIAL • perform music from Mindanao with own accompaniment
LEARNING • evaluates music selections and music performances using rubrics on musical
COMPETENCIES elements and style


a. Improvise and perform simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to a selected

music from Mindanao;
b. Perform music from Mindanao with its accompaniment.
c. Evaluate music selections and music performances using rubrics on musical
elements and style.

The vocal and instrumental traditions of Mindanao are rich. Songs are used to express
their thoughts and feelings. Instruments on the other hand are used in performing ensemble
music as well as to accompany dances. The vocal music of Mindanao reflects the natural and
spiritual life of all the people on the island, the Muslims, the Christians, and the Lumads.
The instruments of the Lumads are originally hand-made out of bamboo-carved, cut,
sliced, made into smaller sticks, then drums are made of wood and animal skin.

The musical practices of Mindanao identify separate Islamic and non-Islamic cultural
traditions. Story of socio-cultural relations and other influences outside these communities gave
birth to the distinctiveness of their characters.


Directions: Look at the selected non-Islamic, Mindanao song, “Tu Man (T’boli song)”, and study
the rhythmic values that follow. Afterward, sing it according to the “rise and fall” of notes seen
in the selected song. NOTE that you do not have to be perfect at singing it. You can also
choose between SPOON, FORK, STICKS, or any materials that can be found at home in
accompanying your singing.

Guide Question:

While performing the activity

How did you feel?
Were you able to go with the beat while using the improvised instrument? And Why?


“Make a Sound of Mindanao”
Make an improvised percussion instrument using available materials in your home or in the
community to be used as your accompaniment doing the rhythmic pattern of “El Galina
Here are the links for:
a. El Galina Capituda Song- El Gallina Capituda with Rhythmic Accompaniment - YouTube
b. Improvised Instruments (for inspiration)- improvised instruments Sampaguita7 ***** - YouTube


CATEGORY 4 Above Standards 3 Meets Standards 2 Approaches 1 Below

Pitch Student sings the Student sings the Student sings the Student sings the
song with correct song mostly with song with minimal song with mostly
pitch all correct pitch all error in pitch error in pitch
throughout the throughout the during during
performance performance performance performance
Rhythm Improvised Improvised The beat of The beat of
percussion percussion improvised improvised
instrument played instrument percussions percussions
well and played well but instrument is instrument is
excellently there are few sometimes usually
accompanied the durations of error inconsistent. inconsistent, and
song during the but do not Rhythm problems rhythms are
performance detract the occasionally seldom accurate
overall detract the detracting
performance overall significantly the
performance overall
Quality of
The instrument The instrument The instrument The construction
(Instruments) shows shows neatly of itself seems
considerable considerable constructed but is “slapped
attention to attention to fragile and will together” in a
construction. It will construction. It probably not hurry
stand up to will stand up to stand up to being
repeated playing being played played more
over a period. more than once. than once.


Direction: Using your chosen Mindanao music and improvised accompaniment from week 6,
take this time to practice and analyze your performance using the rubrics below as your guide
to meet the criteria in musical elements and styles. This activity will help you to improve your
performance and prepare yourself for the upcoming performance evaluation.

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
RHYTHM The beat is secure The beat is secure The beat is The beat is usually
and the rhythms and the rhythms somewhat erratic. erratic and rhythms
are accurate for are mostly Some rhythms are are seldom
the scales being accurate. There accurate. Frequent accurate.
sung. are few duration or repeated
errors. duration errors.
PITCH Virtually no errors. An occasional Some accurate Very few accurate
Pitch is very isolated error, but pitches, but there or secure pitches.
accurate. most of the time are frequent and/or
repeated errors.
pitch is accurate
and secure.

DYNAMICS Dynamic levels are Dynamic levels are Dynamic levels Attention to
obvious, typically accurate fluctuate but can dynamic levels is
consistent, and an and consistent. be discerned. not obvious.
interpretation of
the style of music
being sung.
EXPRESSION Performs with a Typically performs Sometimes performs Rarely
AND STYLE creative and with nuance and with nuance and demonstrates
nuance and style style that is style that is expression and
in response to the indicated in the indicated in the style.Just play the
score and limited score or which is score or which is notes.
coaching. suggested by suggested by
instructor or peer. instructor or peer.
TONE Tone is consistently Tone is focused, Tone is often The tone is often not
QUALITY focused, clear, clear and focused, clear and focused, clear or
and centered centered through centered, but centered regardless
throughout the the normal singing sometimes the tone of the range,
range of the range. Extremes in is uncontrolled in significantly
voice. range sometimes the normal singing detracting from the
cause tone to be range. overall
less controlled. performance.

The musical practices of Mindanao separately reflect Islamic from non-Islamic cultural
traditions. The story of socio-cultural relations and other influences outside these communities
gave birth to the distinctiveness of one’s characters.

The coastal lowland areas of Mindanao are homes of Islamic cultures. Their musical
practices are a vital element in their social life which is the main source of their ethnic identities.

The musical and cultural tradition in Mindanao is divided into two, the Islamic and Non-
Islamic. T heir vocal music is focused on topics dealing with life cycles, folk epics, and religious
chants Percussion instruments are found in cultures worldwide. Basically, percussion instruments
are those whose sounds are produced by striking, scraping, or shaking. Although the
instruments that fall within the percussion family have sound production in common, their forms
take many shapes, and a variety of distinctive sounds are produced. The instruments of the
Kulintang are all percussion instruments. They include various gongs called Kulintang, Agung,
Gandingan and Babandir. The one drum in the ensemble is called Dabakan.


Before I move on to the next module, I will assure you that…

I understand…
I will apply the lesson in…
I will practice…

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