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7 The Production Process: The Behavior economic profit Profit that accounts for

of Profit-Maximizing Firms both explicit and opportunity costs.

production The process by which inputs
are combined, transformed, and turned • if a family business employs three
into outputs. family members but pays them no
wage, there is still a cost?
firm An organization that comes into being • the opportunity cost of their labor.
when a person or a group of people The most important opportunity cost
decides to produce a good or service to that is included in economic cost
meet a perceived demand. is the opportunity cost of capital.
This is as true of
The Behavior of Profit-Maximizing Firms
1)proprietorships, where the resources
come directly from the proprietor,
All firms must make several basic
2)corporations, where the resources
decisions to achieve what we assume to
needed to make investments come from
be their primary objective—maximum
Whenever resources are used to invest in
a business, there is an opportunity cost.
Instead of opening a candy store, you
could put your funds into an alternative
use such as a certificate of deposit or a
government bond,
normal rate of return A rate of return on
Profits and Economic Costs capital that is just sufficient to keep
owners and investors satisfied. For
profit The difference between total
relatively risk-free firms, it should be
revenue and total cost.
nearly the same as the interest rate on
profit = total revenue - total cost
risk-free government bonds.
total revenueThe amount received from
A normal rate of return is considered a
the sale of the product (q x P).
part of the total cost of a business.
total cost The total of (1) out-of-pocket Adding a normal rate of return to total
costs and (2) opportunity cost of all
cost has an important implication: When
factors of production. a firm earns a normal rate of return, it is
earning a zero profit as we have defined
The term profit will from here on refer to profit. If the level of profit is positive,
economic profit. the firm is earning an above-normal rate
of return on capital.
So whenever we say profit = total revenue Normal Rate of Return
- total cost, what we really mean is
economic profit = total revenue - total The way we treat the opportunity cost of
economic cost capital is to add a normal rate of return
The reason we take opportunity costs
into account is that we are interested in to capital as part of economic cost.
analyzing the behavior of firms from the
standpoint of a potential investor or a normal rate of return A rate of return on
potential new competitor. capital that is just sufficient to keep
owners and investors satisfied. For 1. The market price of output.
relatively risk-free firms, it should be 2. The techniques of production that
nearly the same as the interest rate on are available.
risk-free government bonds. 3. The prices of inputs.

Output price determines potential

revenues. The techniques available tell me
how much of each input I need, and input
prices tell me how much they will cost.
Together the available production
techniques and the prices of inputs
Short-Run versus Long-Run Decisions determine costs. Output price determines
potential revenues.
short run The period of time for which
two conditions hold: The firm is operating optimal method of production The
under a fixed scale (fixed factor) of production method that minimizes cost
production, and firms can neither enter
nor exit an industry. for a given level of output.

long run That period of time for which

there are no fixed factors of production:
Firms can increase or decrease the scale
of operation, and new firms can enter
and existing firms can exit the industry.

For the short run:

*Which factor or factors of production

are fixed in the short run differs from
industry to industry.

*No hard-and-fast rule specifies how long In choosing the most appropriate
the short run is. The point is that firms technology, firms choose the one that
make two basic kinds of decisions: those minimizes the cost of production. For a
that govern the day- to-day operations firm in an economy with a plentiful
of the firm and those that involve longer- supply of inexpensive labor but not
term strategic planning. Sometimes much capital, the optimal metho of
major decisions can be implemented in production will involve labor-
intensive techniques. And vise versa.
weeks. Often, however, the process takes
years. Production Functions: Total Product,
Marginal Product, and Average Product
The Bases of Decisions: Market Price of
Outputs, Available Technology, and Input

In the language of economics, a firm

needs to know three things:
production function or total product law of diminishing returns When
function A numerical or mathematical additional units of a variable input are
expression of a relationship between added to fixed inputs, after a certain
inputs and outputs. It shows units of point, the marginal product of the variable
total product as a function of units of input declines.
Every firm will face diminishing returns,
which always apply in the short run. This
means that every firm finds it
progressively more difficult to increase its
output as it approaches capacity

Note that the added output from hiring a Marginal Product versus Average Product
third worker is less because of the
capital constraint, not because the third average product The average amount
worker is somehow less efficient or produced by each unit of a variable factor
hardworking. of production.

If marginal product is above average

product, the average rises; if marginal
A production function is a numerical product is below average product, the
representation of the relationship average falls. Re/fer to the table
between inputs and outputs.
Marginal and average product curves can
(a), total product (sandwiches) is graphed be derived from total product curves.
as a function of labor inputs. The Average product is at its maximum at the
marginal product of labor is the additional point of intersection with marginal
output that one additional unit of labor product.
Production Functions with Two Variable
(b) shows that the marginal product of the Factors of Production
second unit of labor at the sandwich shop
is 15 units of output; the marginal product Inputs work together in production.
of the fourth unit of labor is 5 units of Capital and labor are complementary
output. inputs

Marginal Product and the Law of

Diminishing Returns
because capital has no use without
marginal product The additional output people to operate it
that can be produced by adding one more
unit of a specific input, ceteris paribus.
Additional capital increases the So far, we have looked only at a single
productivity of labor—that is, the amount level of output.
of output produced per worker per hour.
One of our main objectives in the next
This simple relationship lies at the heart of chapter is to determine the amount that a
worries about productivity at the national competitive firm will choose to supply
and international levels. Building new, during a given time period.
modern plants and equipment enhances
a nation’s productivity.

In the last decade, China has accumulated

capital (that is, built plants and
equipment) at a very high rate. The result
is growth in the average quantity of
output per worker in China.

inputs can also be substituted for one

another. If labor becomes expensive,
firms can adopt labor-saving
technologies; that is, they can substitute
capital for labor

If capital becomes relatively expensive,

firms can substitute labor for capital.

Choice of Technology

Two things determine the cost of

production: (1) technologies that are
available and (2) input prices. Profit-
maximizing firms will choose the
technology that minimizes the cost of
production given current market input
prices. So, the winner technology is C IN
4TH line, producing 100 units with the
lower cost, and E in the 5th line

Looking Ahead: Cost and Supply

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