Swing-Up: Aind Balancing Control B Ot

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WM09-5 sice02-0691

Swing-up aind Balancing Control

of Acr ob ot
Toshimitsu KOBAYASHI', Takayoshi KOMINE',
Satoshi SUZUK12, Masami IWASE3 and Katsuhisa FURUTA3
1Major of Computer and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Denki University(TDU),
Hatoyama-cho, Hiki-gun, Saitama, 350-0394, JAPAN
2 Frontier R & D Center, TDU, Hatoyama-cho, Hiki-gun, Saitama, 350-0394, JAPAN
3 Department of Computers and Sustems Engineering, TDU,
Hatoyama-cho, Hiki-gun, Saitama, 350-0394, JAPAN
Email: kobayashiBfurntala.b.k.dendai.ac.jp,komine@furntalab.k.dendai.ac.jp,

Abstract: This paper proposes two kinds of control strategy for swinging-up and keeping a twc-
link acrobot a t the upright position. One is based on the energy control, and the other is based
on the linear feedback control so that the poles of the closed-loop system are assigned t o make
the pendant pmition unstable and the upright position he stable. Two different linear feedback
control laws are used in the course of the swing-up and balancing of the acrohot a t the upright
position. The proposed strategies are evaluated by the simulation.
Keywords: acrobot, swing-up and balancing contorl, linear matrix inequality, energy control,
pole assignment,optimal regulator

1. Introduction lengths from the joints to centers of gravity of links, mc-

ments of inertia, and viscous coefficient, respectively.
The researches of the robot that imitates the actions
of the human being and animals have been studied.
It is known that the human being and animals learn
and practice the under-actuated like motions3). Many
researches concerning an under-actuated systems have
been r e p ~ r t e d ' ) ~ )This
~ ) . paper proposes contrrd s t r a t e
gies for the twwliik acrobot to swing-up/b"rlance at
the upright position, and evaluates their effectiveness
by simulations. As preparation we investigate the one
linear state feedback that swingwp the acro'bot from
the pendent pmition and stahilizes it at the upright pc-
sition simultaneously. We tried to find such linear state
feedback by LMI method, but the feedback is found
excessively large and the control law is not practically
possible. Hence we adopt altermative strate.gies that
uses swinging-up control law and balancing control law Fig. 1: The acrobot
separately. On first strategy, the swing-up control law The dynamic equation derived by Lagrange law b e
is designed for the pendent position to be unstable by
assigning some of the closed-loop poles in the light half
plane, and the balancing control law is determined for where
the inverted acrohot t o be stable by assigning all closed-
loop poles in the left half plane. On second strategy, the
swing-up control law is designed by an energy control
method, and the same balancing control law as first
strategy is used. The shows that the second strategy
realize much faster motion than first strategy.

2. Modeling of the acrobot

The acrobot used in the experiment is shown in Fig.1,
and its schematic model is given as Fig.2. The param-
eters mi, L;, li, J, and C, are masses, link lengths,

SICE 2002 Aug. 5-7.2WZ. Omka 3072 PRDoollDMooMwlolwoOQu)oZSICEoW1

M,II := J 1 + m l l ~ + m 2 L : + d l+2d?
M-12 := d i + dz
Go11 := (mill + mzL1)g + d3
Goiz := d3.
If U($)[”] is the input to the second joint, then io
for Eq.(2) is expressed by r, = [O,u,(t)lT. Defining
z,, = [ ~ 1 , 9 2 , ~ ~ , Eq.(2)
9 2 ] T is
, represented hy
= A,z,(t) + B,ua(t), (3)


Fig. 2: Model of two-link acrobot

Linearizing model a t the upright position, Eq.(l) is d e
scribed by
G2 := -d3sin(g1 + 8,) Mp8 i H p e + Gp9 = rp, (4)
dl := JZ m&
d2 := m2L1l2
d3 := m212g.
M ( Q ) ,H(B,B), G(9),and r E R2 are an inertia, a Cori-
olis term and a viscosity term, a gravity term, and a
Mp = M ( 9 )
(=: M - )

general force respectively. &[rad(i = 1,2) denotes the

angle of links, and 8 = [ l ? 1 , 8 2 ] ~E R2. Thereafter, in
linearized system representation, the subscripts a and
are used to distinguish the model of the pendent po-
sition and upright position. The values of parameters
are in Tab.1.

Table 1: The parameters of acrohot

The numerical values of A,, B, of Eq.(3) and Ap, Bp

3. Swing-up and balancing control of Eq.(5) are given by
at the upright position by a sin- r o 0 1 0 1
0 0
gle control law 41.59 -32.39 -0.7874
If 91 is the perturbed angle from pendant position, then An = l-3:.’27 77.84 1.193 -8.299
B1, is defined by ala = rr+9]. Defining 9, = [&, 9,]’ E r o 0 1 0 1
R2 and linearizing &.(1) around the pendent position,
Eq.(l) is rewritten BS AB = IL o
1.193 -8.299)
M=& t Hadn + G,9, = rn, (2) r o i
where B , = B p = l -18.67 I
1 33.93 J
A single feedback control law is tried to find the feed-
hack gain so that the closed-loop system is unstable
around the pendant position and stable around the u p
right position point by using LMI.To find such state
feedback law u,(t) = - F z , and up(t) = - F z e , the

positive definite and symmetric matrix P and st.%tefeed- where Q is a positive semi-definite matrix, R is a pos-
back law F should be determined by satisfing itive definite matrix. The optimal control input ua(t)
that minimizes the criterion function J is given by
(A,, - B,F)P + P ( A , - B,F)T > 0 , (6)
(AB- B@)P + P ( A p - B P F )<~ 0. (7)
= - F ~ ~ ~ (=~R -)I B, T F
P ~ ,~

But because of B,FP term and BpFP term a r e bilinear where Pp that is symmetric and positive definite the
for variable F and P, Eq.(G),(7)is not necessarily come solution of the next Riccati equation,
down to the convex plan problem generally. Uling
AgPs + PpAp + Q - PpBpR-lBFPp =0
w := FP, (8)
4.2 Swing-up and balancing control
Eq.(6) and Eq.(7) are transformed into
based on energy
A,P + PA: - B,W - WTBZ > 0, (9) In this section, the control is designed by utilizing the
ADP i PA: - BpW - W T B z <. 0, (10) energy, but the balancing control is same as the one
3P = PT > 0,3 w, used in the pole assignment, which is given by 4.1, so
the only swing-up control law is shown in this section.
and the problem can be changed to LMI problem re-
garding P and W. Thus, useing Q.(9),(10),(11),a sin- Swing-up control based on energy: The total en-
gle feedback gain F is gave as ergy excepted the dissipation energy is calcurated as

F = WP-'. 1
(12) E ( t ) = -{(.TI +mil: +m,z:,e: +2m2Z1l2
2 . .
The computed feedback gain F is given by e I e z ~ s ( e-l e,) + ( J +~ m2r:)8:)
F = (-160,211,-6.27,-3.45] x (13) +
+{mlllcosO~ mz(llcos0, + 12cos&)}g. (17)

As the feedback gain becomes excessively larga, the re- The difference between the total energy E ( t ) and po-
alization of the swing-up and balancing based on tbis tential energy of balancing at the upright position E, is
control strategy by using single feedback law IS impos- given by
sible actually. E,(t) := E ( t ) - E , . (18)
Passivity of a two-link acrobot yileds
4. Swing-up and balancing control
by separate control laws
4.1 Swing-up balancing
and (control Now the next equation is considered
based on pole assignment d
-Ez(t) = -/&(t), (20)
Swing-up control based o n pole assignment: dt
The closed-loop system of Eq.(3) with input u,(t) = where p > 0 . As E,(t) --t 0 is satisfied Eq.(20), the
-F,z,(t) becomes swing-up control is succeeded, Thus, u(t) is expressed
,zo(t) = (A, - B,F,)zc.(t). (14)

This feedback gain F, is determined so that the follow-

ing equation is satisfied 5. Simulation results
Re(X(Ao- B,F,)) > 0 . (15) The simulation results of swing-up and balancing con-
trols by proposed method is shown. The swiching con-
F, is used to make the closed-loop system unstable dition from swing-up control to balancing control is c h ~
around the pendent position and to start swinging to sen by try and error at the & = O[rad].
the upright position.

Balancing control: The law of the balancing con-

5.1 Simulation of swing-up and balanc-
trol is designed as an optimal regulator. The criterion ing control based on pole assignment
function considered for the control of Eq.(5) is chosen We have done the simulation taking the specifica-
as tion of an actual acrobot into consideration. Torque
.^ limit is (U( = 12. The second link has the an-
gle liit(i2.9[rad]). The initial state is chosen as

zo = [-T + 0.1,O,O,OIT. The feedback gain Fp is
computed as Fp = 12.918,-0.845, -0.100, -0.0771 for
Q = diog['20,1W,2,10) and R = [lo']. The poles are
assigned for swing-up control 0.283 f 4.6783, -4.460 *
0,5003, since poles of open-loop system at pen-
dent position are -8.201 x lo-' f 4.6783, -4.460 f
8.789j.The feedback gain F, is chosen as F, = I I
12.918, -0.845, -0.100,-0.077]. *
As the results, we swing-up the acrobot to the u p
right position by about 9.5[sec] and balanced by about
10.5[scc] as shown in Fig.3 because the state of O1 =
, = O[rad] corresponding to the upright posi-
O [ T Q ~ O2
tion is accomplished.
ms ugb9 in m y 0 and tdamng mnld w M cats asS"snt
1 . ...
I ' I'I
lmed 1st

Fig. 4 The B1 and O2 in the swing-up and balancing

control by energy are shown in the top figure.The bot-
tom is showing the input.

are successfuly employed in the simulation. If yon want

- ,.. . ..
to swing-up fast, then strategy on energy should be cho-
sen than pole assignment. But if yon regarded torque
limit, then strategy on pole assignment should be cho-
. .. . . . ... . . . . 1 , . .. ...
.*I sen than energy. We are going to apply these control
strategies to the actual t w d i n k acrobot.

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