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Kreano 12 (1) (2021) : 26-38

J u r n a l M a t e m a t i k a K r e a t i f- I n o v a t i f

Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and

Reasoning Mathematics of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students

Ilyas Ismail1, Nursalam2, Andi Dian Angriani3, and Andi Kusumayanti4

Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Corresponding Author:,, an-

History Article
Received: November, 2020 Accepted: April, 2021 Published: June, 2021

This study aims to develop a measurement tool for students' understanding, application,
and mathematical reasoning ability at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in South Sulawesi. This re-
search is a formative research type of Research and Development (R&D) research
through 4 (four) stages, namely: the preliminary stage; the stage of self evaluation (cur-
riculum analysis, material, students) and design; prototyping stage (validation, evalua-
tion, and revision) which includes expert reviews, one-to-one, and small groups; and the
field test stage. This research's product was an assessment instrument in the form of
questions that measured the ability of understanding, application, and mathematical rea-
soning of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students. The test subjects in this study were fourth grade
MI students in Makassar City, Gowa regency, and Sinjai regency. The content validity re-
sults based on the rater indicated that the test items needed were declared valid after be-
ing assessed by the rater and analyzed using the CVR (Content Validity Ratio) and CVI
(Content Validity Index). In the reliability test, the measurement tools for comprehension,
application, and reasoning were indicated to be reliable.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur kemampuan pemahaman, ap-
likasi, dan penalaran matematika siswa pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Sulawesi Selatan.
Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (R & D) tipe formative
research melalui 4 (empat) tahap yaitu: tahap preliminary; tahap self evaluation (analisis ku-
rikulum, materi, siswa) dan design; tahap prototyping (validasi, evaluasi dan revisi) yang
meliputi expert reviews, one-to-one dan small group; dan tahap feld test (uji coba lapangan).
Produk penelitian ini adalah instrument penilaian berupa soal-soal yang akan mengukur ke-
mampuan pemahaman, aplikasi, dan penalaran matematika siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.
Subjek uji coba pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV MI di Kota Makassar, Kab. Gowa,
dan Kab. Sinjai. Hasil validitas isi (Content validity) berdasarkan rater menunjukkan bahwa
butir-butir tes yang dibut dinyatakan valid setelah dinilai oleh rater dan dianalisis dengan
menggunakan CVR (Content Validity Rasio) dan CVI (Content Validity Indeks). Pada uji relia-
bilitas, alat ukur kemampuan pemahaman, aplikasi, dan penalaran dikatakan reliabel.

Keywords: Measurement Tool; Mathematics; Comprehension; Application; Reasoning.

© 2021, Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif. UNNES

p-ISSN: 2086-2334; e-ISSN: 2442-4218
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 26 – 38  27

BACKGROUND cal concepts themselves. At the same time,

the ability to solve problems is also one of
Mathematics is one branch of science that the abilities that the students must possess
has a very important role in science and because many problems in mathematics in-
technology. Mathematics is a subject that volve several aspects of knowledge. This
can train students in improving critical, logi- ability is also related to students' mathemat-
cal, and creative thinking. Indonesia's educa- ical reasoning abilities. There has been much
tion curriculum places mathematics as a research related to the student's abilities to
compulsory subject that must be given to improve the understanding, application, and
students from basic education to tertiary mathematical reasoning, including higher
education. The development of students' order thinking skills or HOTS. It recommends
critical, logical, and creative thinking skills in the importance of students being trained to
mathematics can be done by accustoming think critically in mathematics learning, in-
students to solving mathematical problems cluding solving mathematical problems us-
of understanding, applying concepts, and ing mathematical reasoning abilities (Tjalla,
reasoning. 2010 dan Anisah, Zuslkardi, & Darmawijoyo,
The ability to understand mathematics 2011).
is essential in the principles of learning Teachers have made various attempts
mathematics (NCTM, 2000: 35). Students' to foster student enthusiasm in learning
understanding ability is important because mathematics, including learning mathemat-
everything related to learning will require ics with an open-ended approach to develop-
understanding and meaning of the material ing critical thinking skills (Novikasari, 2009).
(Hikmah, 2017) . Understanding ability is a The use of manipulative objects to improve
measure of a person's ability both in quality the understanding of the geometrical con-
and quantity of new ideas with the previous cepts of 5th grade elementary school stu-
ideas. A student is expected to understand dents (Yeni, 2011), Math games using games
the mathematical concepts he/she learned in (Bakker et al., 2015; Pareto, 2014). Jablansky,
his/her own way or through the relationship Alexander, Dumas, & Compton (2016) re-
between new concepts with the student's searched the differences in mathematical
concepts. The students are claimed to have reasoning development between students in
the ability to understand mathematics if they primary and secondary schools. Moss,
can recognize, understand and apply con- Hawes, Naqvi, & Caswell (2015) researched
cepts, principles, procedures, facts, and the impact of applying lesson study in Japan
mathematical ideas (Maulana, 2011). The to improve students' reasoning abilities for
ability of mathematical understanding will geometry material.
occur if the teacher facilitates students by However, the various efforts that have
giving mathematical problems that lead to been made have not provided maximum re-
linking concepts in mathematics. The stu- sults because the acquisition of Indonesian
dent's ability to apply mathematical con- students' cognitive mathematical abilities is
cepts in problem solving is one form of the still weak. It can be proved based on the sur-
ability to apply mathematical concepts vey finding of Trend in International Mathe-
themselves. matics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015
Likewise, the student's ability to apply showed that Indonesian students are weak in
mathematical concepts in problem solving is all aspects, both content and cognitive
one form of the ability to apply mathemati- mathematics and science for grade 4 (Yeni,
28  I. Ismail et al. Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and …

2011). It shows that students' cognitive in the indicator of the ability to propose ini-
mathematical abilities, especially in under- tial assumptions of the value obtained by
standing, applying concepts, and reasoning students of 45% of students, the ability to
abilities, still give weak results. This weak- compile evidence of the correctness of the
ness is the consequence of the students are solution by 40%, the ability to draw conclu-
not accustomed to and are not trained to sions by 35%. Meanwhile, the low compre-
solve problems that require them to develop hension ability with indicators of applying
the ability to understand, apply concepts and the concept obtained a value of 25%. Based
reasoning abilities. It is in line with research on these observations' results, the researcher
by Nuraeni, Mulyati, dan Maya; (Yuliani et thinks that one of the factors causing the low
al., 2018), who said that the students' under- ability of reasoning, understanding, and ap-
standing, concept application, and reasoning plication of students' mathematical concepts
abilities were still low. It can be proven when is because the teacher still emphasizes the
students forget about the studied material skill of working on questions (drill). So that it
even though the material is related, and stu- does not provide opportunities for students
dents have not been able to apply the con- to build their knowledge. It is in line with the
cept of learning into their lives. Nursalam, results of a survey study that shows around
Angriani, & Usman (2017) suggested that the 12.18% of teachers in Indonesia do not un-
mathematical reasoning ability of Madrasah derstand the curriculum. Despite the curricu-
Tsanawiyah students was in the lacking cat- lum's implementation, almost everything
egory, so the teacher needed to train even depends on the teacher's creativity and per-
more students by using mathematical rea- sistence because they know the field's situa-
soning questions. Students who are given tion and conditions. Teachers should select
problems related to inquiry, experiment, and carry out the learning and teaching pro-
compare, conclude, reason, stimulate and cess according to students 'abilities, espe-
find many difficulties in making decisions, cially those related to students' mathemati-
problem solving, error analysis, and classifi- cal cognitive.
cation. (Heong et al.,2011; Ramos, Dolipas, & National Council of Teacher of Mathe-
Villamor, 2013; dan Saido, Siraj, Bin Nordin, matics (NCTM, 2000) states that in the im-
& Al Amedy, 2015). Their results recommend plementation of mathematics learning, there
the importance of developing students' are 5 (five) things that must be a part of the
higher-order thinking skills, especially in attentions of an educator, namely connec-
terms of mathematical reasoning. Other tions, reasoning, communication, problem
studies from Nursalam (2016) stated that solving, and representation. Hence, it shows
students in grade V Elementary School/MI that an educator plays an essential role in
had difficulty learning the material on the growing students' mathematical reasoning in
rank and fractions operation caused by learning activities or evaluation activities,
weakness in arithmetic operations. especially in making math problems.
Meanwhile, based on the results of ob- In the learning process, students need
servations made at several Madrasah Ibtidai- to be trained to develop the ability of under-
yah schools in South Sulawesi, it is known standing, concepts application, and mathe-
that the students' ability to understand, ap- matical reasoning so that the learning pro-
ply concepts, and mathematical reasoning cess should be given real problems to be
abilities are still low. The low ability of stu- trained and solved by students. It is im-
dents' mathematical reasoning can be seen portant for students who are not used to be-
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 26 – 38  29

ing given a level of understanding, applica- practicality of teaching materials (3) Test
tion, and reasoning. students' understanding, application, and
Therefore it is important to develop an mathematical reasoning abilities. The
instrument to measure students' under- design of the development is presented in
standing, application, and reasoning abilities Figure 1.
at the basic education level, especially at the Each research method certainly has
Madrasah Ibtidaiayah (MI) in South Sulawesi. shortcomings, especially in this
development research. The R & D approach
METHODOLOGY can be said to be "here and now" research. R
& D research cannot be fully generalized be-
This study is a research and development cause basically R & D research is modeling
(R&D) formative research type (Tessmer, the sample, not the population. Meanwhile,
1993). This research involved 4 (four) stages, in this study, based on the development
namely, the preliminary stage, the self- stages passed, there are several drawbacks,
evaluation stage (curri-culum analysis, including this development method that
material, students) and design, the requires a lot of money and takes a long
prototyping stage (validation, evaluation, time.
and revision), which included expert reviews,
one-to-one and small groups, and the field RESULT AND DISCUSSION
test stage. The product developed in this
study was a measurement tool for students' The process of developing measurement
under-standing, application, and devices for students' understanding,
mathematical reasoning ability at Madrasah application, and mathematical reasoning
Ibtidaiyah (MI) in South Sulawesi. The test through 4 stages are broken down as fol-
subjects in this study were grade IV MI Al- lows:
Abrar Makassar students, MI Madani Pao-
Pao, and MIN 2 Sinjai. The data collection The Preliminary Stage
instruments used in this study were: (1)
validation sheets which were used to This stage is begun with gathering several
measure the validity of students' mathe- references related to this research, namely
matical understanding, application, and research on the development of measuring
reasoning abilities and other research tools for students' understanding,
instruments, (2) student questionnaire application, and reasoning skills, also known
sheets which were used to measure the as higher order thinking skills. Some

Figure 1. Tessmer Design Development (1999)

30  I. Ismail et al. Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and …

references on higher order thinking skills different from the examples given. It could
Susan M Brookhart (2010), who said that be proven by the general questions created
higher order thinking skills transfer by the teacher is in the form of stuffing. The
knowledge, critical thinking skills, and teacher does not determine the form of the
problem solving. In Bloom's Taxonomic stimulus and determines the description of
Revision, there are levels in the cognitive the stimulus. The consideration that not all
domain, namely: remembering, students will be able to answer questions in
understanding, applying, analyzing, evalu- the HOTS form, the busy schedule makes
ating, and creating. Anita Lie et al. (2020) the teacher not have enough time to develop
said that higher order thinking skills are the HOTS-based questions. Extensive
ability to use and cultivate thought knowledge is needed to develop HOTS ques-
processes above facts. Ridwan Abdullah tions.
Sani (2013)said that higher order thinking
skills include critical, logical, reflective, The Self Evaluation Stage
metacognitive, reasoning, and creative
thinking skills. Based on these opinions, it This stage aims to design a measuring
can be concluded that higher order thinking instrument of comprehension, application,
skills are a fact-based thinking process and reasoning abilities based on the
consisting of several indicators of preliminary stage results. The measuring
remembering, understand, apply, analyze, instrument to be designed consists of a grid,
and evaluate, and create, think critically, test questions in multiple choice and gap
logically, reflectively, metacognitively, filling, and assessment guidelines. It is in line
reasoning, and creatively. Meanwhile, in this with the opinion of Mardapi (2008), which
study, the part of higher-order thinking skills states that in developing a test instrument,
that will be studied is the ability to what needs to be done is compiling a test
understanding, applying, and reason. grid, choosing a test form, and making
The next step was to determine the lo- assessment guidelines. Several designs need
cation and subjects of research trials, namely to be done, including curriculum analysis,
Grade IV MI students in South Sulawesi con- material analysis, student analysis, and
sisting of 3 schools, namely MI Al Abrar Ma- design. The curriculum that has been re-
kassar, MI Madani Pao-Pao, and MIN 2 Sin- viewed at the curriculum analysis stage is
jai. After determining the location and the the MI mathematics curriculum, which in the
trial subjects, the observation, which aimed 2013 curriculum aims to improve under-
at identifying learning activities and stu- standing, application, and reasoning
dents' understanding, application, and rea- abilities. Student analysis activities were
soning abilities at the school was carried out. focused on grade IV students as test
The method used in this observation was the subjects. Based on observations and results
interview method. Interviews were con- of interviews from mathematics teachers, it
ducted with mathematics teachers at the can be seen that the mathematics
three schools. The results of the interviews knowledge of students in grade IV MIN 2
conducted showed that the teacher's creativ- Sinjai, MI Al-Abrar Makassar, and MI Madani
ity in choosing the question stimulus was not Pao-Pao varied. There were less, medium,
following the situation and condition of the and high ability. In general, students'
area around the education unit. The ques- understanding, application, and reasoning
tions made by the teacher were not much abilities have never been explored either by
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 26 – 38  31

the teacher or other researchers. The in providing the test results assessment that
students also rarely get questions that can the students had done. In learning
engage their understanding, application, evaluation, scoring guidelines are needed
and reasoning abilities. Material analysis is that can be used as a guide to assess student
an identifying activity of the main concepts work (Charlotte Danielson, 2007). Scoring
that will be used in tests on MI mathematics guidelines are required for both multiple-
material. Regarding the curriculum analysis choice and essay form tests. Both forms of
activities, it was found that the material to tests require clear guidelines on what and
be used in the development of measuring how the assessment is carried out
instruments was following the material in (Sumaryanta, 2015). What is done at this
the Curriculum 2013 for mathematics stage can then be used as a reference in
subjects. The materials are number, designing test instruments related to HOTS
geometry, and data presentation. questions, especially for mathematics
After carrying out those three analyses, teachers in improving student mathematics
namely curriculum analysis, students, and learning outcomes in cognitive aspects.
material, the next stage is designing or de- Moreover, so far, HOTS question-making
signing measurement tools for comprehen- training is rarely held for math teachers. It
sion, application, and reasoning, which in- reinforces the opinion of Karim et al. (2019),
clude: test grids, test questions, and assess- who said that training specifically for making
ment guidelines. The researcher's initial HOTS-oriented math problems is lacking,
stage was designing the test questions for even there are still teachers who have never
comprehension, application, and reasoning attended HOTS question training.
abilities. The questions were designed based
on the material analyzed and based on indi- The Prototyping (Validation, Evaluation,
cators of understanding ability, application, dan Revision) Stage
and reasoning called prototype I. Research-
ers designed 40 measuring instrument ques- The purpose of this prototyping phase is to
tions, such as 30 multiple choice questions produce prototyping II of the revised
and 10 numbers of filling gap questions. The measuring instrument based on input from
test questions designed were problems re- experts (reviewers) consisting of 6 lecturers
lated to daily life and bring up pictures relat- of the Department of Mathematics
ing to the students' daily lives. Verbal prob- Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and
lems in mathematics are a type of mathe- Teacher Training at the Alauddin Islamic
matical problem designed to help students State University Makassar in charge of
apply abstract mathematical concepts to re- checking and correcting the measuring
al-world situations (Tasni & Susanti, 2017). instruments understanding, application, and
The researcher also made a test grid reasoning abilities. In this validation stage,
and consideration material for the validator the validator assessed aspects related to the
to check the validity of the comprehension instrument that had been designed
matter, application, and reasoning. The test (Prototype I). Each aspect had a maximum
grid was designed referring to the indicators value of 1 and a minimum of 0.1 means that
of achievement and cognitive domain of the respondent considered the questions in
each question. Besides, researchers also accordance with the topic to be measured
designed assessment guidelines to facilitate but needed improvement. 0 means that the
researchers, teachers, or other researchers respondent considers the problem was not
32  I. Ismail et al. Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and …

in accordance with the topic to be measured Measuring instruments that had been
and needed improvement. Referring to the revised in the previous stage were retested,
first validation measuring instrument namely the small group trial, which was test-
results, the ability of understanding, ing on a small scale to determine the level of
application, and reasoning shows that there readability of the questions by taking 6
were 10 items to be revised, namely fourth grade students of MI Madani Pao-Pao.
question No. 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35. These students are 6 non-research subjects
After the items that were not well revised on the same level, each with 2 high, medium,
according to the expert team's input and and low ability students based on the learn-
rearranged the problem's composition, the ing outcomes known by the mathematics
content validation was re-done to the teacher who taught those three students. In
experts who previously given an accordance with the results of the percent-
assessment. Thus, the second validation age of the 8 statement items above with
results show that 40 items examined by 6 predetermined criteria and the results of the
validators (experts) had shown that these analysis on the student questionnaire re-
items support the test's validity. Then from sponses to the measuring instrument of
the CVR results, the CVI (Content Validity comprehension, application, and reasoning
Index) value which is the average CVI of all in the one-to-one trial, the average positive
items, is 1 meaning "very appropriate" student response was 79.16%, and the aver-
questions with the topic to be analyzed. age negative response of students was
After all the research instruments were 20.83%. The analysis results in this one-to-
considered valid, the next step was to con- one test will serve as a reference for revising
duct a one-to-one test, namely testing on a the students' mathematical understanding,
small scale to determine the questions' read- application, and mathematical reasoning
ability level by taking 3 fourth grade students abilities. In small group trials, students' aver-
of MI Madani Pao-Pao. These students are 3 age positive response was 79.16%, and the
non-research subjects on the same level, average negative response of students was
each with high, medium, and low abilities 20.83%. Thus, students' average positive re-
based on the learning outcomes known by sponse was 79.16%, while the average nega-
the mathematics teacher who taught those tive response questionnaire of students' re-
three students. According to the findings of sponses was 20.83%. It can be concluded
the percentage of the 8 statement items that more than 50% of students gave posi-
above with predetermined criteria and based tive responses. Moreover, the students' re-
on the results of the analysis on the student sponse questionnaire has met the "achieved"
questionnaire responses to the measuring criteria, and there is no improvement/ revi-
instrument of comprehension, application, sion of the measuring instrument to be de-
and reasoning in one-to-one trials, the aver- veloped.
age positive response of students was The most important stage in this re-
79.16%, and the average negative response search was to do the field test to see the lev-
of students was 20.83%. The analysis results el of reliability and difficulty of measuring
in this one-to-one test will serve as a refer- tools for students' understanding, appli-
ence for revising the students' mathematical cation, and mathematical reasoning abilities.
understanding, application, and mathemati- Field tests were conducted at 3 MI schools in
cal reasoning abilities. South Sulawesi in class IV, consisting of 29
students of MI Al Abrar Makassar, 39 stu-
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 26 – 38  33

dents of MI Madani Pao-Pao, and 16 stu- questions can be presented, as shown in Fig-
dents of MIN 2 Sinjai. Each student must ure 2.
complete 30 multiple choice questions and
10 filling gap question items in 2 x 60
minutes. Based on the results of the stu- Characteristics of Item-based
dent's work, the level of test reliability can be questions Degree of difficulty
calculated. The following data is the results 31
of the calculation of the test reliability test
shown in the following Table 1.

Table 1. Reliability Test Result

4 5
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Al-
N of Items
pha Hard Medium Easy
.731 30 Category

Regarding table 1, it appears that the Figure 2. Diagram of Difficulty Levels of Multiple Choice
reliability value of items that have been Questions
made and tested amounted to 0.71. There-
fore, it showed that the analysis of the relia- As what is projected on the table, it can
bility level of the measurement tools for be concluded that the results of the analysis
comprehension, application, and reasoning of the difficulty level measuring instrument
for multiple choice questions and the tested of understanding, application, and mathe-
contents could be categorized as reliable. matical reasoning of students in MI obtained
In addition to the reliability test, the re- 4 items of hard category, 31 items of the
searcher also tests the difficulty level and medium category, and 5 items of the easy
distinguishing features of measuring devices category. Based on this empirical data, the 9
for comprehension, application, and reason- items needed to be reviewed or revised.
ing. Points of measuring instruments can be In addition to the difficulty level of the
good if the test items have a difficulty level items, another aspect used to determine the
at intervals of 0.30-0.70. It was found that items' quality is the power of differentiation.
the items were not too difficult and not too The item analysis results to determine the
easy. The difficulty level of measuring in- distinguishing power of the questions are
struments developed was also obtained from presented in appendix B. Meanwhile, the
data on student work results in trials (field distribution of the analysis results of the dif-
tests). The difficulty level analysis results of ferences in power can be shown in Figure 3
the ability of understanding, application, and below.
reasoning can be seen in appendix A. The distribution of different power analysis
To determine the decision that an results can be presented in Figure 3.
easy, medium, and hard problem can be
used to categorize that a good level of diffi-
culty was between 0.3 - 0.7. In addition to
that, the problem needed to be revised or
rejected. In this case, a quality distribution of
34  I. Ismail et al. Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and …

Table 4.
Test Distinguishing Power
40 Regarding the data analysis of measuring
the ability of understanding, application, and
reasoning of MI-Madani Pao-Pao students, it is
known that from 84 students subjected to
measuring instruments, from the results of the
trials there were no students who had very good
levels of comprehension, application, and
Accepted Rejected reasoning abilities, there were 28 students
Figure 3. Diagram of Distribution of Difficulty Degree for (33.33%) included in the category of having good
Multiple Choice Items comprehension, application, and reasoning
categories, 35 students (41.67%) included in the
Based on the table, it can be concluded category of having sufficient (medium)
comprehension, application, and reasoning
that the analysis results of the distinguishing
abilities. Meanwhile, 19 students (22.62 %) were
power of measurement tools for students'
included in the category of having the low ability
understanding, application, and mathemati- of understanding, application, and reasoning,
cal reasoning in MI with the criterion that if and 2 students (2.38%) were included in the
the differentiating power was greater than or category of having very low ability of
equal to 0.3. Then the items that were ac- understanding, application, and category
cepted will be revised if the distinguishing reasoning.
power was between 0.2 - 0.29. Whereas if The low ability of understanding, ap-
the distinguishing power were below 0.2, plication, and reasoning is due to several fac-
then the item would be rejected. Following tors including, formal education that is tak-
the above analysis, it was obtained that 40 ing place now tends to get stuck just strug-
items were accepted and 0 items were re- gling with aspects of remembering, and un-
jected. Hence, from this empirical data, the 3 derstanding which is a low order of thinking.
question items needed to be reviewed or re- This is in line with Ardhana's (2017) opinion,
vised. who concluded that students could only
Finally, the last stage was to analyze work on questions at the remembering
the level of students' understanding, appli- stage. It is presumably because students are
cation, and mathematical reasoning skills by asked to swallow only the things that the
calculating each student's score after an- teacher delivers. Learning activities with a
swering the questions given. The analysis pouring system can cause the control of chil-
results of students' understanding, applica- dren's potential, even though each child is
tion, and reasoning tests are projected in the born with extraordinary potential. Students'

Table 4. The Analysis of IV Grader MI Field Test Results

Total Questions Students Score Frequency Percentage (%) Category

80< score ≤100 0 0 Very Good
40 questions 60< score ≤80 28 33,33 Good
40< score ≤60 35 41,67 Medium
20< score ≤40 19 22,62 Low
0≤ score ≤20 2 2,38 Very Low
Total of Subjects 84 100
Mean Score 50,71 Medium
Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 26 – 38  35

difficulty in understanding abstract concepts the Faculty of Tarbiyah, and teacher training
with learning methods dominated by the and one-to-one trials to 3 students to be
teacher, as in general students are often suc- asked for comments about the test
cessful in solving certain problems but fails if questions; (d) field test stage, namely field
the problem's context is modified. It is one of trials in 3 MI schools in South Sulawesi in
the reasons students are not accustomed to grade IV namely MI Madani Pao-Pao, MIN 2
thinking at a high level, namely using com- Sinjai, MI Al-Abrar Makassar to determine
prehension, application, and reasoning abili- the level of comprehension, application, and
ties. reasoning ability, reliability, the level of
In the implementation of this devel- difficulty of the test that was created. In
opment research, the researcher has several terms of the analysis results obtained, an
limitations. Some of them are mathematics average ability of understanding,
teachers who do not participate in develop- application, and reasoning of MI students
ing this problem, there are still many stu- was 50.71 with enough categories. Thus,
dents who are not serious in working on the based on the analysis results, it can be
questions, and HOTS questions cannot be concluded that the teacher still needs
followed evenly by all students who basically further efforts to provide questions that can
each of them have different abilities, stu- stimulate students' understanding,
dents are not used to dealing with HOTS application, and reasoning abilities.
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Appendix A

Difficulty level analysis is intended to find out if the question is relatively easy or difficult. Diffi-
culty is a number that indicates the difficulty or ease of a problem (Arikunto, 1999). The difficulty
level category is relatively difficult to be at the interval of kindergarten <0.30, medium with a dif-
ficulty level of 0.30 ≤TK≤0.7, and easy with TK>0.70. Meanwhile, the details of the measuring in-
strument question can be said to be good if the test items have a difficulty level at intervals of
0.30-0.70 (Allen and Yen, 1979). The following results of the analysis of the difficulty level of the
double problem measuring instrument are shown in table A1.
Table A1. Results of Analysis of Difficulties in the Level of Measurement of Students' Understanding, Application and
Reasoning For Multiple Choice Questions Mathematics at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in South Sulawesi
1 0,43 MEDIUM 16 0,45 MEDIUM
2 0,43 MEDIUM 17 0,45 MEDIUM
3 0,50 MEDIUM 18 0,44 MEDIUM
4 0,26 HARD 19 0,48 MEDIUM
5 0,64 MEDIUM 20 0,48 MEDIUM
6 0,61 MEDIUM 21 0,73 EASY
7 0,38 MEDIUM 22 0,39 MEDIUM
8 0,43 MEDIUM 23 0,44 MEDIUM
9 0,31 MEDIUM 24 0,37 MEDIUM
10 0,51 MEDIUM 25 0,60 MEDIUM
11 0,31 MEDIUM 26 0,45 MEDIUM
12 0,38 MEDIUM 27 0,63 MEDIUM
13 0,56 MEDIUM 28 0,46 MEDIUM
14 0,44 MEDIUM 29 0,43 MEDIUM
15 0,20 HARD 30 0,69 MEDIUM

Based on table A1 it is known that for multiple choice questions, there are 1 question item that is
relatively easy, 2 points of questions that are classified as difficult and 17 questions that are classi-
fied as moderate.
Table A2. Results of Analysis of Difficulties in the Level of Measurement of Students' Understanding, Application and
Reasoning for Mathematics Fill in Questions at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in South Sulawesi
1 0,83 EASY 6 0,30 HARD
2 0,79 EASY 7 0,54 MEDIUM
3 0,64 MEDIUM 8 0,64 MEDIUM
4 0,51 MEDIUM 9 0,99 EASY
5 0,25 HARD 10 0,95 EASY

Based on table A1 it is known that for the questions of choice of stuffing, there are 4 items that
are classified as moderate, 2 items that are classified as difficult, and 4 items that are classified as
38  I. Ismail et al. Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and …

Appendix B
Table B1. Results of the Analysis of Distinguishing Power of Measuring Instruments for Understanding, Application,
and Reasoning of Student Mathematics Multiple Choice Questions at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in South Sulawesi

Based on the results of the differentiation analysis in table B1, 12 questions have an
unsatisfactory discrimination index with accepted criteria, and 12 questions have a very
unsatisfactory index with accepted criteria, and 6 questions have a satisfactory discrimination
index with accepted criteria.

Table B2. Results of the Analysis of Distinguishing Power of Measuring Instruments for Understanding, Application,
and Reasoning of Student Mathematics Multiple Choice Questions at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in South Sulawesi

Based on the results of the discriminating power analysis in table B1, it can be seen that 2 items
have an unsatisfactory discrimination index with accepted criteria, and 7 items have a very
unsatisfactory index with accepted criteria, and 1 item has a satisfactory discrimination index
with accepted criteria.

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