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Geological integration and evaluation of Northern Monagas, Eastern

Venezuelan Basin
R. A Y M A R D 1, L. P I M E N T E L 1, P. E I T Z 1, P. L O P E Z ~, A . C H A O U C H l, J.
NAVARRO a, J. M I J A R E S 1 & J. G . P E R E I R A 2
t Corpoven, S . A .
2 Lagoven, S . A .

Abstract: Over the last 60 years, the Eastern Venezuelan Basin has been heavily explored
with giant oil accumulations being developed in such areas as Oficina, Anaco, Quiriquire
and the Orinoco Oil Belt in the states of Anzoategui and Monagas. Since 1986, interdisci-
plinary studies and seismic interpretations have led to discovery of a trend of deep
structures on the northern flank of the basin, some of them beneath old early Tertiary
producing fields. The first exploratory well, FUL-1, tested 12000 BOPD of 28~ API crude.
The new reservoirs consist of massive sandstones of the Eocene Caratas Formation and
Oligocene Naricual and Los Jabillos Formations between depths of 13 000 and 17 000 feet.
The main structures placed in a thrust fold belt as a series of anticlines, extending over 100
km across Northern Monagas; currently four wells are being drilled and six more
exploratory wells are planned to be drilled in the new future. To date over 1900 MMBBLS
of reserves have been discovered, and possible reserves for the area are close to 8.6 billion

The data and some of the concepts presented in regime which was acting in Eastern Venezuelan
this paper have originated from the work carried during Miocene times.
out by Lagoven, S.A. and Corpoven S.A., both This paper presents the results of the largest
affiliates of P D V S A (Petr61eos de Venezuela, integrated exploration campaign undertaken in
S.A.) between 1978 and 1987. Northern Monagas and the Interior Range since
The Eastern Venezuela Basin is the second 1978. It includes the latest geological con-
most important oil province of South America, cepts developed and will show the discoveries
behind the Maracaibo Basin. It has been devel- achieved as a result of these studies.
oped over the last 60 years in the traditional
oil fields of Anaco, Oficina, Santa B~rbara,
Exploration history
Orocual and Quiriquire, all of them well known
in the world's petroleum geologic history Oil exploration in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin
(Fig. 1). began as early as 1890, but commercial pro-
During the late 1970s and 1980s, new and duction was not established until 1913, when
modern techniques of acquisition and processing the first well Bababui-1 was drilled in the vicinity
of seismic information, together with the geo- of Guanoco Lake in the state of Sucre (Fig. 2).
logical and geophysical integration has led to Oil seepages and the interest of searching for
interpretation of deep exploration targets in new prospective areas in the Interior Mountain
this area. Range, especially in the foothills of the Northern
The zone of exploration interest has been Monagas area, led to important discoveries in
extended from previous Upper M i o c e n e - the Upper Tertiary sequence. Traditional oil
Pliocene traditional plays, to the deeper section fields like Quiriquire (1928) which has produced
with high potential reservoir formations of over 760 million barrels of oil from alluvial
O l i g o c e n e - E o c e n e and Cretaceous in age. fans and, later on, Jusepin (1936) and Orocual
The most important reservoir beds discovered (1938), were the result of the first geologic
are shallow marine sandstones deposited on a interpretations of the reconnaissance geophysi-
gently sloping platform. These are Oligocene in cal surveys (magnetics and refraction) which
age, and correspond to the Naricual Formation. permitted at that time, the delineation of some
Four oil fields have been discovered in the of the Upper M i o c e n e - P l i o c e n e events in the
last four years. These fields are all found in subsurface.
large anticlinal structures faulted by thrusting Later on during the 1940s and 1950s surface
and separated by strike-slip faults. These struc- geology and the first seismic reflection surveys
tures have been developed in a compressional were accomplished. As a result, some other

From BROOKS,J. (ed.), 1990, Classic Petroleum Provinces, Geological Society Special Publication 37
No 50, pp 37-53.
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38 R. A Y M A R D E T A L .


, , , -NTRAL
_r "~*'1 / /

Fig. 1. Location map.

(1926) .(D.(1960} 11936 - 4 4 ) (1965)
9 (189o)


U. M IOCENE -5000'

/ u -I0000'



Fig. 2. History of exploration.

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fields were discovered: Manresa, Santa B~irbara, North is the E1 Pilar fault, a right lateral strike-
Mulata, Muri, later on some deeper structures slip fault that has been considered by many
were evaluated in Quiriquire and Orocual, but authors as the border between the South
without any positive results. Salvador (1958) American and the Caribbean Plates.
mentioned that the purpose of most of the wells Relative motion eastward of the Caribbean
drilled at the time was to obtain geological plate with respect to South America has been
information. estimated at a rate of 2 to 4 cm/year (Sykes
During the first period of exploration (1890- et al. 1982).
1960) shallow targets of the Upper M i o c e n e - To the South the basin is bounded by the
Pliocene were evaluated and only seven wells Guiana Shield which, is composed of rocks of
penetrated a sequence over 13 000 feet in depth. various lithologies of Pre-Cambrian age. These
Obviously geologic subsurface knowledge was rocks were an important source of sediments
restricted and the capability and experience in during the passive margin stage ( C r e t a c e o u s -
deep drilling was a great constraint at the time. Early Tertiary).
After 1976 new exploration campaigns were To the West it is bounded by the E1 Baul
initiated throughout the country, and in 1978 a Arch, and to the East towards the Gulf of Paria
regional seismic reflection survey of 716 km was and Trinidad dips into the Atlantic Ocean.
carried out. This survey was considered regular Two important Geological provinces are
to poor in quality as a result of the structural identified in the area: The Interior Range in the
complexities which were not foreseen at that North and the Maturin Sub-basin towards the
moment. foothills and the plains South of the Maturin
This information was fundamental in giving area (Fig. 4).
the first general indication of the deep structural
configuration of the Maturin subsurface area, Interior Range
and it was essential for the following seismic
surveys conducted during 1984 and 1987. Over A described by Subieta et al. (1988) the Interior
5000 km of seismic lines (vibroseis and dyna- Range is represented by a wedge of sediments
mite) have been recorded in this area, together that were deposited in a continental passive
with a gravimetric survey that consisting of 5000 margin during Cretaceous to Early Tertiary
stations. times. These sediments were folded and
During 1985, parallel with acquisition of the thrusted during the collision of the South
seismic data, a drilling campaign started with American and Caribbean plates, starting in this
two wells; ORS-52 in the Orocual field and the area during E o c e n e - O l i g o c e n e times.
well FUL-1 in a new area designated as El Main structural features found in the Interior
Furrial. This last well was located a few kilo- Range are large-scale concentric folds mainly of
metres South of the traditional field of Jusepin. Cretaceous rocks. These folds have an orien-
Excellent results were obtained in these two tation N 70~176 and some are up to 70 km
wells, considering the production of condensates long by 5 km wide. Depending on competence
of the ORS-52 well, and the fact that the E1 of the Cretaceous rocks, these anticlines some-
Furrial is a giant field, with more than a billion times deform by box folding.
and a half barrels of oil discovered. These anticlinal features are accompanied by
In 1987 the prospect of Musipan and El Carito thrust and overthrust faulting parallel to the
(Musi-IX and Cari-IX wells) were drilled on axis of the structures, with dip to the north and
adjacent structures to E1 Furrial, these yielded are believed to reach a detachment zone or a
outstanding results. The E1 Carito prospect gen- sole thrust in depth.
erated another giant discovery with some 2.4 A geological crossection of the Interior Range
billion barrels of light crude oil. based on surface work, estimates a shortening
of 40 km that represents 28% (Rossi et al.
Regional setting Other important elements are the Urica fault
The Eastern Venezuelan Basin comprises an trending N W - S E , considered a vertical right
area of some 165 000 km 2. It is bounded to the lateral transcurrent fault (Rod 1959) displacing
north by the Margarita Island and the A r a y a - anticlinal structures perpendicular to their axial
Paria outcrops which form part of the alloctho- plane. This fault seems to have been active
nous metamorphic Caribbean chain (Fig. 3). previous to Cretaceous time.
These rocks are Jurassic-Cretaceous in age As cited by Subieta et al. (1988) the San
and form a series of nappes (Bellizzia 1979). Francisco Fault is a N W - S E right lateral strike-
The main tectonic element present in the slip fault, described as Rosales (1969). This
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40 R. AYMARD E T A L .

Fig. 3. Regional tectonic setting, Eastern Venezuelan Basin.

fault is vertical in the Northern part, and hori- Rosales estimated a horizontal displacement
zontal towards the South, close to the Quiriquire of the San Francisco Fault of 25 to 35 km based
area, where merges to the Pirital thrust fault. on subsurface on is,zpach maps of the San Juan
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Fig. 4. Eastern Venezuela Basin.

Formation in the Quiriquire Field. The author By means of the structural configuration, the
associates the formation of this fault contempor- Maturin Sub-basin can be subdivided into three
aneous with folding. important provinces; the Compressional Prov-
Rossi et al. (1987) describe a right lateral ince in the Interior Range, the Frontal Defor-
horizontal displacement on the San Francisco mation at the foothills, and the Extensional
Fault of 15-20 km on surface work. province to the South.
The Tectonic evolution of the Maturin Sub-
Maturin Sub-basin basin started previous to Cretaceous times,
when a predominant extentional regime was
The Maturin Sub-basin, as a part of the Eastern active essentially along the Northern borther of
Venezuelan Basin has a passive southern flank South America (Fig. 5).
against the Guiana shield which constitutes the During the Late Cretaceous and Early Eocene
basement, and was also an important source of times, a passive continental margin with a stable
the sediments that where deposited during platform dipping gently to the North was mainly
Cretaceous and Tertiary times (Fig. 4). the environment of continuous and uninterrup-
This Sub-basin is asymmetric and elongated ted sedimentation (mainly deep and shallow
in shape, trends in a ENE direction, parallel to marine to the north and continental towards the
the Interior Mountain Range 'Serrania del South) during the early stages of the develop-
Interior'. More than 30 000 feet of sedimentary ment of the basin. The distributary province or
fill have been deposited, mainly of marine and main source of sediments came from the south.
continental in origin. By Late Eocene to Early Miocene times,
The main structural feature in this area is the uplifting in the northern area started, giving
Pirital overthrust system (Fig. 4) which trends origin to the Interior Mountain Range and the
in a N 70~ direction and is considered a low- Maturin Sub-basin. During Middle Miocene an
angle emplaced Cretaceous allocthonous block oblique transpressive regime produced by the
with a displacement of some 10 km. collision of the South American and Caribbean
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i _..... :. -





Fig. 5. Tectonic evolution of the Maturin Sub-basin.

plates; formed from North to South, the fold and trend parallel to the main anticlines. The
and thrust belt and the foreland Maturin Sub- upper sequence of La Pica and Las Piedras
basin parallel to the range. This event is evi- formations is clearly deformed as a product of
denced by a strong unconformity observed in this injection of shales.
seismic lines and dated by wells as Middle As explained by Subieta et al. (1987), the
Miocene. origin of diapirs is in great part tectonic. They
During Pliocene to Pleistocene times, although are related to the high rate of sedimentation
transpressure seemed to continue, it diminished with a low initial permeability. The compressive
towards the South. The deformation of the tectonics is responsible for raising the fluid
sedimentary cover in the Northern Monagas pressure in the pores, and determining the initial
area shows extentional features, while younger flow.
rocks towards the eastern part of Venezuela
and Trinidad are still under compression. This
means that there has existed an active North to
South and West to East migrating compressional The sedimentary rocks found in this area are
front, from Late Eocene to Present. the result of two major depositional cycles of
Mud volcanoes are also observed in the sub- C r e t a c e o u s - E o c e n e , and post-Eocene ages
basin, South of Maturin. Some of them are respectively (Fig. 6).
observed on the surface, while on seismic lines The C r e t a c e o u s - E o c e n e section was de-
they are present in front of the large thrusted posited on a stable continental shelf, bordered
anticlinal structures. These features can be fol- by the Guyana Shield to the south, with an
lowed for many kilometres towards Trinidad open sea to the North.
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L A PICA .= -- M





Fig. 6. Stratigraphic column.

The post-Eocene section is characterized by the source rocks for most of the oil in the
the presence of various regional unconformities Northern Monagas area.
caused by successive orogenic events originated
in the North. It is this section which contains
the most important reservoirs in the Northern Querecual Formation (Upper Albian)
Monagas area. These reservoirs of the Naricual
This formation is composed of fine grained cal-
and Los Jabillos Formations are overlain by
careous shales, argillaceous limestones and
an excellent, thick, shale seal of the Carapita
shales and massive black limestones with large
calcareous concretions, towards the top presents
The following is a brief description of the
thin laminated cherts. The Querecual formation
formations based on outcrop recognition and
is equivalent to the La Luna Formation of
information from wells.
Western Venezuela and the Naparima Hill
Formation of Trinidad.
Sucre group
The Sucre Group of Lower Cretaceous age San Antonio Formation (Santonian-
includes the Barranquin, El Cantil and Chimana Campanian)
Formations. The Barranquin Formation is com-
posed mainly of sandstones and siltstones. The Composed primarily of sandstones interbedded
El Cantil and Chimana are mainly limestones. with shales, silts, and black limestones, similar
to those of the Querecual Formation. The sand-
stones are massive, greyish-white, calcareous
and glauconitic. The shales are grey, carbon-
Guayuta group
aceous, and calcareous. The limestones are
The Guayuta Group of C e n o m a n i a n - frequently dolomitic. The environment of de-
Campanian age is composed of the Querecual position is pelagic, with euxinic sea bottom con-
and San Antonio formations which constitute ditions (Gonz~ilez de Juana et al. 1980). This
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formation has a diachronic upper contact with NaricuaI Formation (Upper Oligocene)
the San Juan Formation.
The Naricual Formation is made up of massive
shallow marine, deltaic, to alluvial sandstones.
Santa Anita group These sandstones comprise the most important
The Santa Anita group has an age of Upper reservoirs in Northern Monagas. These sands
Cretaceous to Eocene. It is composed of the are grey to brown, friable, fine to medium
San Juan, Vidofio and Caratas Formations. grained moderately rounded to subrounded,
and well sorted. The massive sandstones contain
San Juan Formation (Maestrichtian) thin layers of shale and lignite. This formation
is generally between 1500 and 1700 feet thick.
This is the uppermost Cretaceous horizon en-
Its upper contact with the Carapita Formation
countered in the section. It is primarily made up
is concordant.
of massive sandstones. These sandstones are
fine to coarse grained, occasionally shaly, cal-
careous, slightly glauconitic, friable, with fine Carapita Formation (Oligocene- Miocene)
dark shale laminations. Thin dolomitic sand- The Carapita Formation is composed predomi-
stones are frequent. nantly of thick, sub-compacted, overpressured
shales; they tend to be silty and calcareous
Vidogto Formation (Lower Maestrichtian- throughout the entire section with traces of
Lower Eocene) pyrite, anhydrite, calcite and chert. Although
the Carapita Formation is predominantly a shale
The lower portion of the Vidofio Formation sequence, thin sand lenses are sometimes pres-
is made up of interbedded sands and shales. ent. These have been interpreted as turbidite
Shaliness increases upwards in the section so sands. The environment of deposition of the
that the upper part is primarily composed of Carapita Formation is deep marine to abyssal
shale. These shales are black and calcareous. plain.
Caratas Formation (Lower to Middle La Pica Formation (Upper Miocene)
The lithology is composed primarily of clays
The Caratas Formation is made up of inter- and shales with minor amounts of sandstones
bedded sandstones, silts, and shales. The sand- and silt. Traces of chert, dolomite and anhydrite
stones are light brown to grey in color, fine to are common in the upper portion. The presence
medium grained, calcareous and slightly glau- of siderite in it may indicate be a transition zone
conitic. Thin bedded limestones and anhydrites between the La Pica and the Las Piedras Forma-
are present in the upper portion of the Caratas tions. The La Pica Formation was deposited in
Formation. These are detected by increases in paleoiows created by the tectonics which af-
formation density. The environment of depo- fected this region. There are two intraforma-
sition is continental to nearshore marine. The tional unconformities.
contact with the overlying Los Jabilos Forma-
tion is unconformable. Las Piedras Formation (Pliocene-
Merecure group
The upper section is composed primilly of grey
This group is composed of the Los Jabillos, to red clays. Sands become increasingly more
Areo and Naricual Formations. persistent at the base with the appearance of
traces of dolomite, and chert. This appears to
Los Jabillos Formation (Lower Oligocene) mark the transition zone between continen-
Consists of fluvial sand shale sequences. The tal and marine deposition. The Las Piedras
sands are shaly, fine to medium grained, with Formation was deposited in a fluvio-deltaic
siliceous and authigenic clay cement. Its upper environment.
contact is diachronous and transitional with the
Areo Formation. Mesa Formation (Pleistocene)
The lithology of the Mesa Formation consists of
Areo Formation (Middle Oligocene) buff to red shales near the top, grading into
The Areo Formation is a regional dark grey coarse grained sands and conglomerates near
shale generally between 100 and 200 feet thick the base. The resistance to erosion of these
which divides the massive sand shale sequences conglomerates forms certain topographic fea-
of the Naricual and Los Jabillos Formations. tures, from which this formation is named.
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Geochemical aspects times found mixed, apparently from different

stages of generation.
The results from a regional geochemical evalu-
The oil seems to have been generated in, and
ation of oils and oil source rock correlation
migrated from, the active Upper Miocene to
study of the possible Cretaceous and Tertiary
Recent kitchens in the Cretaceous source rocks
source rocks of Northern Monagas, was carried
that are found beneath the main thrust systems.
out by Intevep, S.A. (Talukdar et al. 1986).
The updip, southward favorable position of
This study shows that the Upper Cretaceous
the foreland basin, permitted during the first
(Cenomanian-Campanian) Querecual and
stages of migration, long distance, lateral mi-
San Antonio formations of The Guayuta Group
gration from the North during Upper Miocene
are the source rocks responsible for the hydro-
to the present.
carbons present in the Eastern Venezuelan
In the study Talukdar et al. (1986) proposed
Basin. This source rock was deposited in a
that long distance, between 150 and 300 kilo-
passive continental margin and contains a rich
metres, of southward lateral migration of oil
marine organic content deposited under highly
during Middle Miocene, gave rise to the altered,
anoxic conditions (Hunt 1979).
mature marine oils found in the shallow Miocene
The Guayuta Group has been lithologically
stratigraphic reservoirs in the Orinoco belt in
described as fine-grained calcareous shales,
the southern flank of the Maturin Sub-basin.
argillaceous limestones and shales with an av-
Based on the model proposed and the wide
erage thickness of 2000 feet estimated in
distribution of the Cretaceous source rock in
subsurface and some 3400 feet measured in
the Monagas area, a great potential exists for in
traps especially the structural type, in this area.
Talukdar et al. (1986), gave an estimated that
55% of the total thickness could be considered
as a source rock, and has shown values of TOC Oil occurrence
between 0.25 and 6.6%, and a hydrocarbon Oil prospection for deep targets in Northern
yield content of 454 mg Hc/gTOC. Monagas is based on broad, well-developed
In the study three different organic facies structural closures, which are connected to the
were recognized; a Facies 'A' with 85% amorph- upper Cretaceous organic rich, thick sequence
ous marine organic matter (present in the In- of highly potential source rocks, by thrust and
terior Mountain range); Facies 'B' with 60% overthrust faulting.
amorphous material and less than 30% of woody The recipient rocks are known to be present
material distributed in very thin laminae parallel in the entire sequence from Upper Cretaceous
to the stratification; and Facies 'A + B' located to Pliocene, these include the San Juan, Caratas,
in the Southern part of the sub-basin with low Los Jabillos, Naricual, Carapita and the post
maturity values (R0 = 0.5%), and a hydro- tectonic sequences of La Pica and Quiriquire
carbon index of 15.29 mgHc/gTOC. Formations (Fig. 6).
The Cap rock is one of the parameters favor-
able for trap conception in the area, the presence
Oil generation and migration m o d e l of a thick transgressive sequence of shales of
the Carapita Formation, Miocene in age, consti-
Talukdar et al. (1986) proposed a model of oil tutes an excellent regional seal.
generation and migration for the basin (Fig. 7).
They estimate that a first stage of maturation Oil discoveries
had occurred prior to the tectonic emplacement
(Middle-Miocene) of the Northern Interior Four fields have been discovered in the area in
Range. the last three years. Two of these were dis-
The same characteristics were also observed covered in 1985, by the ORS-52 in the Orocual
in the structures along the Maturin Sub-basin in field, and the FUL-1 well in the El Furrial field.
the South; but in the geochemical study they Later in, 1987, two more wells were drilled,
consider that maturity observed in the rocks MUSI-IX and CARI-IX in the Musipan and El
was not high enough for oil to be expelled from Carito structures respectively (Fig. 8). The main
the source rock. They conclude that the gener- characteristics of these fields area are summar-
ation and migration of oil took place in the ized as follows.
foreland basin, during Miocene to Recent times.
The oil found in the Northern flank of the Orocual field
Maturin Sub-basin in the Cretaceous and The Orocual structure is an elongated anticline
Tertiary sequences is described as mature, mar- with its main axis trending ENE. Like to other
ine, with or without bacterial alteration, some- structures in the area, it is related to thrust
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I N J E C T I O ~

5 M . Y . TO

0 | |


8 M.Y.

.... ,~lONm. so
,o*: ~: -~P4ce
~ , , , , ~ SEA LEVEL



Fig. 7. Oil generation and migration model.

faulting in the South limb, while the other limb of 38~ API oil, and 11.3 million cubic feet of gas
dips gently towards the North (Fig. 9). per day.
Five potential reservoirs were tested in this The two Tertiary reservoirs are turbiditic
field during 1985 in Cretaceous and Tertiary sandstones which are found at a depth between
rocks. These reservoirs are found in the San 11460 and 12 050 feet, with an average porosity
Juan Formation (Upper Cretaceous) with a total of 13%, and a water saturation estimated at
net pay sand of 650 feet, one of them producing 20%. The field holds total reserves of 50 million
up to 2700 barrels of 42 ~ API oil, and 18.2 barrels of light oil and 230 billion cubic feet of
million cubic feet of gas per day. These beds are gas.
found between 13420 and 14119 feet which is
the total depth. They are marine sandstones
E l Furrial Field
with an average porosity of 9%, and water
saturation of 25%. Permeability values range The E1 Furrial Field is part of a large anticlinal
between 0.90 and 2.43 md. structure truncated in the South by a major
Two reservoirs were tested in the Tertiary, thrust fault. This structure extends over 100 km
both from Oligocene rocks of the Carapita For- in length as part of one of the blind fold and
mation, with a net pay zone of 160 feet. Pro- thrust systems of the Northern Monagas sub-
duction was in the order of 1700 barrels per day surface area. This feature is divided into various
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I ~ "u='"~""/oo FULl"1
I 'iAR;~;~~OSFsUL:xI /."//~ LEGEND
~ "~

I ;"~'='*"~ "" CARl-1X / ( I~ SEISMICSURVEYS

~--~.. M 0 NAG A S "~
"~,. . 0 25 50
". . _ Km.
Fig. 8. Exploration activity 1984-1987.

WELL: 0RS-52
-ixzoo'[ Marine SS iO 25 650
~ Turbiditic SS t0 20 154
bjO 13400


~- ~ 42 37
c~ T t700 35 8.9

01 L ,GAS

Fig. 9. Orocual Field.

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48 R. AYMARD E T A L .

Fig. 10. E1 Furrial Field.

different blocks by right lateral strike-slip faults this field correspond to the Oligocene Naricual
which are perpendicular to the axial plane of Formation.
the anticline. The discovery well, FUL-1 penetrated this
The E1 Furrial structural segment has an area reservoir at a depth of 13 000 feet and found a
of 70 km and a vertical closure of 3000 feet total of 1410 feet of sandstone and a few inter-
(Fig. 10). The well FUL-1 has a total depth of calations of shale. From this total sequence 905
14 870 feet, terminating in Oligocene sediments. feet are net oil pay. The main reservoir of the
The most important reservoir rock found in upper Naricual Formation is a shallow marine
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I 5.600'--
~31--~ t~176t 13.700
I '9 '~176 '~176


,,.,oo' =,1,~ , ,--= ~ I 1690 MMBLS


4.2 MMBLS AND 4.2

I " ] 14. 8 5 0 '

NP: 905 ( "~-) 13.702' -- 13.854'

Fig. 11. E1 Furrial Field.

sandstone, with an average porosity of 15%,

El Carito discovery
low water saturation (24%) and a good per-
meability (Fig. 11). In general terms, these A geologic model was established for the
sandstones are composed of very well sorted Northern Monagas area, based on the inte-
quartz grain with some Kaolinite cement. gration of geologic and seismic information.
Another well that penetrated the whole pro- This model was used for recording and interpret-
spective E o c e n e - O l i g o c e n e sandstone se- ing the seismic survey of 1986 in the western
quence in the field was FUL-4, which found part of the area.
1240 feet of net pay sand. The geologic interpretation of one seismic
The main reservoir rocks of the Naricual line of this survey is shown in Fig. 13. In it, we
Formation are shallow marine sandstones de- can observe in the North, the uplifted, deformed
posited as a transgressive sequence. In general and eroded Cretaceous rocks overlying Tertiary
terms, the most common facies found are those sediments. This is a Cretaceous allochthonous
of beach and shore face, going inland towards block associated with the Pirital thrust fault.
the lagoon, which is separated by long shore The central portion of the figure shows the
bars as represented by Reinson (1979) in a location of the E1 Carito-IX exploratory well.
facies model (Fig. 12). This well is located over a large anticlinal struc-
The FUL-1 well was completed on February ture that comprises Cretaceous and Tertiary
1986 in the upper reservoir of the Naricual sediments. The structure is limited to the North
Formation (13 690-13 842 feet) with a test of and South by thrust faults and has an aereal
7331 barrels of oil per day on a 1/2-in choke. closure of 32 km 2. The principal oil trapping
Later production of the well gave 12 500 bar- mechanism is structural with 9000 feet of vertical
rels of 29 ~ A P I oil with a choke of 3/4 in. No seal playing a very important role.
water whatsoever has been registered to date Figure 14 shows a typical log of the producing
during the production history of this well. By horizons in E1 Carito-IX well. This well has a
1987 it has an accumulated production of 4.2 total of 1102 feet of net oil sand, with porosity
million barrels of oil during a period of 22 and water saturation between 1 1 - 1 8 % and
months. 1 9 - 3 0 % respectively. The production tests of
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50 R. AYMARD E T A L .



Fig. 12. Sedimentary model.

EL C A R I T O - 1X

! SEC.



0 I 2 5 Km

Fig. 13. El Carito discovery: geologic interpretation.

five different intervals of the Naricual Formation Reserve estimates for the El Carito structure
indicate that each horizon is capable of produc- are in the order of 2.4 billion barrels of light oil
ing more than 6000 barrels of oil per day with a ( 3 3 - 3 6 ~ API) and 2.8 trillion cubic feet of
minimum daily production of 7 and a maximum gas. These amounts are an indication of the
of 35 million cubic feet of gas. magnitude of the discovery.
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8900 34.5 34 .9' : 11-18.%

Sw : 19 - 30%
7500 35.7 20
D NP: 1102'

6800 34 17
7600 34 15
6400 33 7 6AS: 2800 MMMCF6

Fig. 14. El Caritodiscovery1987-1988.


1690 5 0 ~

~ ~ ~ ~ M U $ I P A N 10
O, I f
Fig. 15. Oil discoveriesand associatedreservesMMBLS.
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Future exploration and hydrocarbon Musipan area, with a second producing well
potential and the current drilling of the third well. The
delineation drilling in E1 Carito area will be
The present and future exploration of the initiated during this year.
Northern Monagas Area is influenced mainly The associated reserves to the discoveries are
by two factor. (i) The discoveries of oil accumu- shown in the Fig. 15. From the total amount of
lations up to the present time and (ii) the results 4670 million barrels of oil, 1590 are proved and
of the last geophysical and geological integrated probable reserves and 3080 are possible re-
interpretations. serves. Present and future drilling in these areas
will be mainly focussed to test and evaluate the
Oil discoveries probable and possible reserves, of fundamental
importance in the accelerated development
As we have previously shown, (Fig. 15), three plans for the area.
major discoveries, E1 Carito, Musipan and El
Furrial are located in the main e a s t - w e s t over Result o f the last geological-geophysical
thrust play, whereas the Orocual is located in a
nothernmost thrust block.
In the Furrial area and delineation and devel- The map in Fig. 16 shows the discoveries and
opment drilling is in progress, and so far eight the prospective areas from the last integration
wells have been completed as oil producers in studies of the area. There are four major struc-
the Naricual Formation. The field is producing tural plays, where present and future explora-
60 000 barrels of oil per day and it is planned to tory drilling will take place.
increase the production to 200000 barrels per The southermost thrust fault. Formed by two
day in 1990. thrust faults with three associated anticlines
In 1987 the delineation drilling began in the each. The most prominent is the Amarilis pros-

I cA A I ?

Fig. 16. Prospective areas and oil expectations.

Downloaded from by guest on May 14, 2015


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