Inspirational Speech (Persuasive)

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Inspirational Speech (Persuasive)

High school is hard, I’m pretty sure this isn’t a surprise to anyone here. The deadlines are
stressful, exams keep you up at night, Math. It’s just not a fun time in general. But I’m here
today to tell you that this is just another step to your journey towards achieving your goals. Sure
it may not be the easiest platform to step on, it’s filled with hardships and despair, but trust me
on this, it will all be worth it in the future.

One key thing that helped me achieve my goals was that I had very strict values and principles
that I stuck by throughout my life. One of them was that you shouldn’t worry about failing. Sure it
might seem like the end of the world at that moment but relax, it’s just a simple test. It’s not like
you’re automatically gonna be unsuccessful, it’s just a minor step back. Just let it motivate you
to do better on your next one.

One of the most important and often overlooked methods is… opening your heart and mind to
everything. Being close-minded is one of the reasons that most people don’t reach their dreams.
To close your mind is to stop your growth and that's not what you want, is it? So step up and
open your minds to the wonderful curiosities this world has to offer.

Also, NEVER, and I mean, NEVER, compare yourself to others, it’s such an unhealthy mindset
to have. If you constantly compare yourself to someone better than you, then you’ll end up
feeling demoralized. I think it’s much better to compare yourself with… yourself. It allows you to
improve at your own pace and at your own time, without anyone making you feel bad. It will be
much easier to achieve your dreams if you focus on no one but yourself.

Now you might be thinking, “What if I don't know what I want”, yeah neither did I. I only did what
my parents wanted me to do, they practically owned my life, I had no control of it whatsoever.

When I was your age, I’m not gonna lie, I was… lost, to say the least. I didn’t know what I
wanted to do in life, I had no ambition, no hopes, no dreams, no nothing. And some people
could say I still am up to this day.

But I think I’m lucky enough to say that in the position I am in right now in my life, I’m pretty
happy with what I’ve come to be. I have friends that stick by me, loving parents, and overall just,
happy. And believe it or not, you can too. It may not seem plausible right now but I assure you,
you’ll find your calling too someday.

This has been Alysza Dumanglas, welcoming you to your next step in life. Thank you.

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