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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Statement of the Problem

Researchers aim to know how Senior High School Students budget their


Specifically, this sought to answer the following question:

1. What are the importance of budgeting allowance in school?

2. How do students budget their allowance, whether it is on a daily or weekly basis?

3. What are the causes and effects of insufficient budget in the life of students?

4. Based on the analysis, what student budget plan maybe proposed?

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of the study is to measure and observe the level of the Allowance

Allocation of Senior High School Students in Padre Garcia National High School

after and before it is used in research. Moreover, this study also focuses on budgeting

studies that can be knowledgeable in handling money. It aims to grow student's

knowledge when it comes to budgeting their school allowance. Researchers have

removed less knowledge of Senior High School Students.

This study is also limited to selected

respondents who were in Senior High School. The respondents is selected based on

their ability to answer and understand the researcher's questions. The researchers

came up with a number of respondents hoping to generate and compile the

appropriate data for their study. Researchers will not limit themselves to studying the

specific organization or group of people because, it will be abundant for researchers to

do so and will also avoid referred to or any return to the study.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Significance of the Study

Specifically this research study will be of great help to the following entities:

School. This research will be a great help to the students in equipping them

with the knowledge and skills they need to budget allowance effectively.

Parents. This research will be a great help to the parents to be aware on how

they can teach their child in budgeting allowance.

Teacher. This research will help the teachers to understand why insufficient

school allowance affect the academic performance of their students.

Students. This research will help the students to be aware on how to budget

allowance effectively. It may give ideas to the students, also they will be able

to know how to avoid having an insufficient school allowance..

Researcher. This research have a great benefit to the researchers they may

enhance their knowledge about identifying authentic ways on budgeting their

school allowance. It will be a guidelines to be a thrifty person.

Future researchers. The ideas to be gathered may help the future

researchers as their guidelines and reference data in conducting a research that

is similar to their study. This also gives ideas to the future researchers on

helping others in budgeting allowance.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School



This chapter deals with the presentation of the related literature and studies used as a

guide in conducting the study. The researchers included the similarities and

differences of the studies that were found to the current study.

Conceptual Literature

The following conceptual review focus on the Allowance Allocation among Senior

High School Students in Padre Garcia National High School.

Money Management

The key to financial success is to be well aware of how you are spending your

money. Know that there is a certain line between being cheap and having spending

savvy (Caole, 2014).

A current national concern is the low financial literacy of college students.

College students are not receiving the financial knowledge necessary to be successful

in today's paced economy. Due to an increasingly complex marketplace, college

students need greater knowledge about their personal finances and the economy

(Jorgensen, 2010).

Young people today face a very uncertain future as a result of the double-dip

recession, government spending cuts and structural problems such as the high cost of

housing. (Dolphin, 2012). Students were found lacking of money management skill

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

due to the lacking of financial literacy. In the freshman year, there are 32% of college

students doubted about their capability of managing their money in campus (Ibrahim

et al., 2010). The millennial generation can be aided through financial literacy

programs offered by the financial services industry (The Millennial and Money


Factors Influencing Students to Save Financial Knowledge

One of the articles which has attracted researcher's attention is a term paper

written by Mohamad Fazli Sabri and Maurice MacDonald (2010) entitled "Savings

Behavior and Financial Problems Among College Students: The Role of Financial

Literacy in Malaysia". They demonstrate that students who had higher financial

knowledge were more likely to report savings behavior and also reported fewer

financial problems. According to them, students with financial knowledge promote

better financial management whether or not they can afford to indulge themselves

during the college years.

Purpose of Savings

Saving money for an emergency fund is important for everyone at all times.

Having a savings account for emergencies can prevent financial disaster in the event

of student's unemployment after graduate. An emergency fund can come in handy any

time students experience a shortage in income or an increase in expenses. An

emergency fund can also help students avoid using their credit cards or incurring debt

to pay for emergencies that arise. Dave Ramsey, an outspoken radio talk show and

television show host who teaches a course called Financial Peace University, suggest

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

on his website Dave, that people should have a starter emergency fund

of $1000.00. Ramsey

suggests this serve as emergency fund until they have paid off all of their high interest

credit card debt, at which they should begin building a full savings account for


Financial literacy

The ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one's financial resources

effectively for lifetime financial security (Caole Vila, 2014)

The ability of the students to understand how money works: how a student budget and

manages their allowances.

Research Literature

Finance good money management skills are the process of budgeting, saving,

investing, spending the cash usage. Though it is not something we are born with, they

are acquired over one’s lifetime through many successes and some failures as well.

“An allowance is not an entitlement or a salary. It is a tool for teaching children how

to manage money.” (Godfrey, 2013)

A study by Umali, (2017) mentioned that everyone needs to be financially

literate and can determine priorities in allocating their resources.

Money is any clearly identifiable object of value that is generally accepted as

payment. There is a motion that is working on teaching basic personal finances to

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

high school students before they graduate. A budget is clearly the key to succeeding

financially. Student think that a way to pay for college is student loans, but there are

other options like scholarships, financial aid or work options. Some can take investing

classes where students can learn the process of investing and budgeting. As student

there are also other things to spend on, it can be wants or needs not just school

supplies. Most people recommend parents to have a long-term planning for their teen.

(Caldwell, 2017)

Another study Tempo, (2010) he mentioned that "Students have the tendency to

spend their allowances on their recreational activities such as, renting a computer unit

for fan and games, buying items at the shopping mall, and spending money for the

peers. Teens are active consumers interns of the money they spend, as well as in the

influence they wield in their families and on societal friends. Despite being raised in a

period of rapid change, they display a remarkable self-confidence in their judgment."

In the study of Caldwell, (2017) parents can teach their children money

management where they can set up a personal saving account for their teen.

Depositing clothes and money into an account that teen can manage while some can

help their child in planning their budget monthly that can help in organizing expenses.

These guardians can explain to teens how managing money is very important as if

there is an unforeseen event.

In the study of Gordon, (2010) due to factors that can affect budgeting, there

exists a difference on planning a budget. The manner in which senior high school

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

students manage their money is based on several factors such as age, personality,

traits and knowledge.

A research study by Stollak, (2011) they had a hard time budgeting their

allowance in order to buy the requirements and other expenses related to their

projects. They are in a situation where they have restricted incomes and high


Sander, 2012 he was able to note that many Americans are caught up in the

economic downturn, and college students are often worried about money, this

financial worry may affect their academic performance, due to divided attention.

When they are concern about the availability of learning materials, as well as their

daily upkeep in school.

There is a motion that is working on teaching basic personal finances to high

school students before they graduate. A budget is clearly the key to succeeding

financially. Students think that a way to pay for college is student loans, but there are

other options like scholarships, financial aid or work options. Some can take investing

classes where students can learn the process of investing and budgeting. As student

there are also other things to spend on, it can be wants or needs not just school

supplies. Most people recommend parents to have a long-term planning for their teen.

(Caldwell, 2017)

The idea of Godfrey (2013) "Allowance is not an entitlement or a salary. It is a

tool for teaching children how to manage money." Allowance is an amount of money

given. It is a need for teenagers where they can save up for their wants or daily needs.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Its history concerns the development means of carrying out transactions involving a

medium of exchange.

Theoretical Framework

Budgeting Planning Phase Theory

Carnis, (2017) says that the overall budget planning phase differs from the

costing phase in that the budget planner takes a broader view. You must identify

specific resources -- such a labor availability or sources of financing -- that are

necessary for each phase of a project. A budget planner also looks at cost elements for

various aspects of a project and identifies how they interrelate. This can help discover

potential bottlenecks and redundancies

Financial Socialization-Social Capital Theoretical Framework

Institutional factors include social and psychological influences (e.g., familial

resources and financial behaviors) (Clancy, & Guo, 2012). As indicated, the primary

focus of this study is to measure students’ financial knowledge, developmental assets,

and social support. The combined financial socialization-social capital theoretical

framework helps conceptualize how students’ current external influences (e.g.,

parents, neighbors, friends, and schools) and internal influences (e.g., internal assets)

affect or increase their financial knowledge (Chowa et al., 2012).

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Budgeting Financial System

Planning Phase Theory
(Clancy, & Guo,
( Carnis, 2017) 2012)

Budget Plan

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Figure 1

Theoretical Framework of Allowance Allocation Among Senior High School in

Padre Garcia National High School

Figure I presents the paradigm of the study. The circle at the center contains the

students Budget Plan. Then, the circle at the left side contains the Budgeting Planning

Phase Theory which identify specific resources, such a labor availability or sources of

financing that are necessary for each phase of a project. The circle in the right side

contains Financial Socialization-Social Capital Theoretical Framework, which is the

primary focus of this study is to measure students financial knowledge, development

assets, and social support.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School


- Importance of
Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

I Interview


- Interview

- Documentary

Budget Plan
Documentary Analysis

Figure 2

Conceptual Paradigm of Allowance Allocation Among Senior High School in

Padre Garcia National High School

Conceptual Framework

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

This study presented the paradigm of the study. The first box contains the

input which is the importance of budgeting, methods in budgeting and causes and

effects of insufficient budget. The second box contains the difference processes done

by the researchers. This will include the interview and documentary analysis. The

third box contains the proposed output which is conducting student budget plan. In

this budget plan will discuss the guidelines needed by the students to help them in

saving money.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School



This chapter discusses the methods that have been used in data collection and in

the analysis of the data to answer the research questions of the study. It explains the

research design that have been used as well as the sampling method used to analyze

and understand the data that have been collected by the researchers. This chapter

explains the approach used to answer the research questions so as to meet the research

objectives. This chapter then makes emphasis on the research design, population of

the study, size of the sample, data collection, validity and reliability of the research.

Research Design

The researchers will use qualitative research approach to fulfil the objectives of

the study. Also they will use descriptive as the research designs. According to Bhat

(2019), descriptive research is defined as a research method that describe the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. This

methodology focuses more on the "what" of the research subject rather than the "why"

of the research subject. In other words, it primarily focuses on describing the nature of

demographic segment, without focusing on why a certain phenomenon occurs. A

form of conducting descriptive research is by means of observation.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

This type of qualitative research is best suited to this study since this will identify

the importance of budgeting for Senior High School Students in Padre Garcia

National High School, strategies in budgeting school allowance and how insufficient

school allowance affect the students.

Subject of the Study

The focus of the study revolved around to the Senior High School Students of

Padre Garcia National High School. Due to the large number of the respondents the

researchers use Rao soft to minimize the number of the respondents. The total number

of the respondents is twenty two (22). The researchers use convenience sampling to

fulfill the twenty two (22) respondents.

Data Gathering Instrument

The main instruments to be focused are to gather some data about some

questions in the interview. This will be designed to test asses the completed project.

According to an interview design is an experiment where the observation of the

interview is taken before and after the interview. The design means that you are able

to interview some questions of the respondents. Interview design may be applied on

the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers of the study followed some procedures in order for them to

achieve the objectives of this study. First they created a letter to excuse those selected

respondents. Next to that, the researchers applied an interview to the participants to

ask some questions to be answered. The respondents need to answer the questions of

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

the researchers being applied and the researcher's directed to learn the interview of

their personal insight through the given statement related to the objective of the study.

Furthermore, the chosen respondents were given the same set of questions. The first

questions involves the importance of budgeting and the second part is the effect of

insufficient school allowance to the students. The interview were done with

sequentially with the cooperation from the respondents.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School



This chapter deals with the presentation of the data gathered through semi-

structured interview guide, analyzed and interpreted by the researchers regarding the

importance of budgeting and the causes and effects of insufficient school allowance.

1. Importance of Budgeting Allowance

Budgeting is important for your financial stability, ensuring you can pay

common expenses like, transportation, daily needs, and school expenses. Budgeting

ensures you’re not spending more than you’re making, allowing you to plan for short

and long term expenses.

Table 1 shows the coding and transcription of the responses of the students on

the questions related to the importance of budgeting.

Table 1

Importance of Budgeting Allowance


What are the importance of budgeting allowance in

Respondent (01): Not only for food expenses but
also for school expenses and for savings.
Respondent (02): if you don’t budget your money
you can’t buy your wants
Respondent (03): For you to know where you did
used your money.
Respondent (04): For us to buy our needs and wants
Respondent (05): For you save money

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Respondent (06): In our everyday life we need to

budget our allowance because we didn’t sure if we
still have excess money in our pocket.
Respondent (07): For us to save some money
The students preferred to Respondent (08): For us to have savings that we can
used in necessary things and for our future used
save money and to buy their Respondent (09): For us to compute all the expenses.
Respondent (10): To save money
daily need and wants. Respondent (11): For you to save your money and to
know where you did used it.
Respondent (12): As a student’s we have so much
things to pay and we need to manage our money well
because budgeting is one of the vital rows in our
everyday life.
Respondent (13): You need to budget your money for
those unannounced expenses such as in research.
Respondent (14): To use your money in important
Respondent (15): In school we have a lot of expenses
that we need to pay such as research that has
connection in academic.
Respondent (16): For you to save money
Respondent (17): Not all the time you have enough
money to buy your wants.
Respondent (18): For you to save money
Respondent (19): To ensure that you will always
have enough money for the things you need and the
things that are important to you.
Respondent (20): To save money
Respondent (21): For us to have savings for
necessary things
Respondents (22): To save money

The above coded statement of the respondents revealed the commonly

importance of budgeting for the students.

When the respondents were asked about the importance of budgeting most of

them stated that budgeting is important to save money and to buy our daily needs and

wants. Moreover, some of the respondents mentioned that budgeting is one of the

vital rows in our everyday life.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

From the non-participant observation undergone by the researchers, it is

observed and noticed that the respondents are always do the budgeting for those

necessary things.

This idea has similarity with idea of (Caldwell), 2017 who states that

allowance is an amount of money given. It is a need for teenagers where they can save

up for their wants or daily needs

2. Students Method in Budgeting Allowance

Many adopt money-saving behavior, like utilizing students discounts, buying

used textbooks, choosing to grocery shop over eating out utilizing coupons and online

discount, sharing housing, walking or biking instead of owning a car, renting

textbooks and working longer hours to increase funds.

Table 2 shows the coding and transcription of the responses of the students on

the questions related to the student’s method in budgeting allowance

Table 2

Students Method in Budgeting Allowance


Guide Question How do students budget their allowance, whether it is

No.2 on a daily or weekly basis?

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Respondent (01): 250.I always save money not only for

expenses but also for future use.
Respondent (02): 100. I separate the transportation
expenses and food expenses and if there is excess money
Most of the students I’ll use it for school expenses
Respondent (03): 70. I separate the transportation
daily allowance is 50 expenses and food expenses and if there is excess money
I’ll use it for school expenses
to 100 spending for Respondent (04): 50. I used it in necessary things.
Respondent (05): 500. I used it in necessary things like if
necessary things we have contribution in cooking.
Respondent (06): 200. I used it wisely
such as Respondent (07): 100. Actually 20 pesos provides for the
transportation and the rest it will be a savings.
transportation, Respondent (08): 100. I used it for foods, school supplies
2and for emergency situations.
school expenses and Respondent (09): 50. For school expenses and break time
Respondent (10): 250. It depends upon the expenses in
emergency situation. school each day.
Respondent (11): 20. It depends, I didn’t buy food in
break time because that money is for my transportation

Respondent (12): 70. I’m using my allowance for the

transportation for the food and for the other expenses in
school such as class fund.
Respondent (13): 100. I save the half of my allowance
and the half is for transportation and unannounced
Respondent (14) : 40
Respondent (15): 30. I did not used my allowance
instead I save it.
Respondent (16): 500. Know your priorities and set aside
the unimportant things

Respondent (17): 1000. I used it for the transformation and

foods then the rest is for savings.
Respondent (18): 100. I used it wisely.
Respondent (19): 50. I didn’t buy foods in break time just
to pay those school expenses.
Respondent (20): 50. For transportation and food.
Respondent (21): 60. For transportation, food and school

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Respondent (22): 50. I used it for necessary things only.

The above coded statement of the respondents revealed the commonly ways in

budgeting their allowance is knowing every expenses.

As confirmed from the conducted interview to the respondents, most of them

stated that their allowance is daily which is 50 to 100. They spend their money for

transportation, foods and school expenses. Moreover, some of the respondents

mentioned that their allowance is weekly which is 250 to 500. They spend it for

unannounced contribution, school supplies, and emergency situations and for the

necessary things. Furthermore, the excess money will be a savings.

This idea has similarity with idea of (McWhirter), 2016 who states that by

setting a budget for things like eating, clothe and travel, students avoid running out of

money before the semester ends and can save for things like spring fall break or any

emergency expenses.

3.1 Causes and Effect of Insufficient Budget

People get into trouble with their finances is because they really don’t have the

skills to manage their money. Spending your hard earned money without a budget

plan is like driving into unfamiliar territory without a GPS.

Table 3.1 shows the coding and transcription of the responses of the students

on the questions related to the causes of insufficient budget

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Table 3.1

Causes and Effect of Insufficient Budget


Guide Question What are causes and effects of

No. 3.1 insufficient budget in the life of


Respondent (01): Yes, because as a

Grade 11 students there are many
Respondent (02) : Yes
Respondent (03) : Yes, there is a lot of
Respondent (04) : Yes, there is many
expenses when it comes in research.
Respondent (05) : Sometimes
Respondent (06) : Yes, because school
supplies is expensive.
Respondent (07) : Yes
Most of the students encountered Respondent (08) : Yes, there is a lot of
problem when it come in expenses
problem when it comes in budgeting Respondent (09) : Sometimes, because
my allowance is not enough.
allowance. Respondent (10) : Yes, when it comes
in making project the materials needed is
so expensive.

Respondent (11) : Sometimes, because there is many

things to pay
Respondent (12) : Yes
Respondent (13) : Yes, because there is a lot of things to
pay like class fund.
Respondent (14) : Yes
Respondent (15): Yes, especially right now, being a
grade 12 students there is so many expenses.
Respondent (16) : Yes
Respondent (17) : Sometimes

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Respondent (18) : Yes, because sometimes the

allowance is not enough
Respondent (19) : Yes
Respondent (20) : Yes, because there is a lot of
unannounced contribution.
Respondent (21) : Sometimes
Respondent (22) : Sometimes
The above coded statement of the respondents revealed the commonly reasons

why students encountered problem in budgeting is because of having so much


As confirmed from the conducted interview to the respondents, most of them

stated that they always encountered problem when it comes in budgeting allowance.

Moreover, some of the respondents mentioned that as a Senior High School

Students there are many expenses such as in research that's why they experience

shortage in school allowance.

This idea conforms to the idea of (Failaman), 2017 who states that entering

in senior high school is much difficult than junior high school. More on paper works,

research, and individual or group activities. We, as a students are preparing for more

expenses daily.

3.2 Causes and Effects of Insufficient Budget

Insufficient budget can have major effects on your health. Stress, in general,

can cause heart attacks, strokes, and many other serious health issues regardless of the


Table 3.2 shows the coding and transcription of the responses of the students

on the questions related to the causes and effects of insufficient budget

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Table 3.2

Effects of Insufficient Budget


Guidance Question What are the causes and effects of insufficient

No.3.2 budget in the life of students?

Students stated that it Respondent (01): It gives anxiety

Respondent (02): It feel so hard because if my
makes them stress and it allowance is not enough I can’t buy those things I
affects their healthy life Respondent (03): Sometimes it make me stress
because I don’t know how I can budget my
style and academic insufficient school allowance.


Respondent (04): It’s hard to think that you can’t buy

those things you want. For example teacher ask you to do
a project, you can’t but it if you don’t have enough
Respondent (05): When I encountered shortage in my
allowance, I can’t buy food I want so it can lost my
Respondent (06): It makes me stress because you don’t
know where you can get money.
Respondent (07) : It is hard because I can’t buy those
things I want and I feel too shy when some of my friend
buy food them I’m the only one who can’t afford to buy
Respondent (08): It has big effect because when there is
unannounced contribution it so hard to make an excuse.
Respondent (09): Sometimes I can’t buy food in break
Respondent (10) :It makes me stress
Respondent (11): If there is so many expenses
Then I don’t have enough money so that I need to borrow
some money for me to pay those expenses.
Respondent (12): Insufficient school allowance affect

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

most of the students because we have different things to

pay like our transportation, research.

Respondent (13): If you don’t have enough money you

can’t do your task.
Respondent (14) : It makes me stress
Respondent (15): It makes me stress because you don’t
know when you can get some money to fulfill your daily
Respondent (16): It affects my healthy life style because if
you don’t have enough money you can’t buy the food you
Respondent (17): I don’t know what to do.
Respondent (18) : It makes me stress because I can’t paid
those expenses
Respondent (19): It makes me feel sad because I can’t paid
my school expenses.
Respondent (20): It makes me stress.
Respondent (21): I can’t buy my daily needs.
Respondent (22): It makes me depress.

The above coded statement of the respondents revealed the commonly effects

of insufficient school allowance is making students stress.

When the respondents were asked about the effects of insufficient school allowance,

most of them stated that it makes them stress and they can't do their task in school.

Moreover, some of the respondents mentioned that insufficient school allowance can

affect their healthy lifestyle and academic performance.

From the non-participant observation undergone by the researchers, it is

observed and noticed that insufficient school allowance has big impact to the students.

This idea conforms to the idea of (Sander), 2012 he was able to note that

many Americans are caught up in the economic downturn, and college students are

often worried about money, this financial worry may affect their academic

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

performance, due to divided attention. When they are concern about the availability of

learning materials, as well as their daily up keep in school.

Proposed Strategic Budget Plan

In view of the findings made, the strategic budget plan is hereby designed.


The main goal of every students is to save money for their wants and needs.

This can be attained by providing a strategies in budgeting and continuously engaging

worthwhile efforts in conducting research to further improve the management

process. One very essential move toward achieving this end is the development of a

functional strategic budget plan. This provide a place record your mission, vision and


The proposed strategic budget plan is primarily designed to provide clarity

and direction on how to budget the school allowance. The researchers wants to give a

creative idea on how to manage money effectively that may leads increasing savings.

In addition strategic budget plan serve as the road map of students to the destination

to success. When properly implemented this will help the students in terms of

different expenses and students will know the proper method in budgeting allowance.


The strategic budget plan for students was developed to further improve their

knowledge in budgeting, create a cushion for unexpected expenses and makes talking

about finances much easier. This could also help improve their management skills

such as planning, decision making and problem solving.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

Specifically this output will transform the weak points into strengths. It

highlight the following concern:

•Proper method in budgeting

Proposal Budget Plan



• Provide • Use trifold PHP 10,000 • Students • To encourage the

more brochure to • Parents students to save

techniques in discuss the • Teachers money for

budgeting guidelines in necessary things

• To ensure budgeting • To avoid anxiety,

that students • Attractive depression and to

will apply that and easy to study well

different read • To have a budget

techniques in guidelines for unexpected

their everyday • Conduct a expenses and other

life survey about activities in school

• To convince what are the

the students to effective

have savings strategies in

Proper budgeting

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

method of allowance
• Conduct a


training on

how to make




This chapter discusses the summary of the study, conclusion, as well as the

recommendations that the researchers sees fit based on the findings.


This study was about allowance allocation of Senior High School Students in

Padre Garcia National High School that aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the importance of budgeting allowance in school?

2. How do students budget their allowance, whether it is on a daily or weekly basis?

3. What are the causes and effects of insufficient budget in the life of students?

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

4. Based on the analysis, what student budget plan maybe proposed?

In order to satisfy the objective of the study, the research employed descriptive

study under qualitative approach, with this design the researcher gathered sufficient

and enough facts, and made the findings, interpretation, conclusion and


These methods were the most appropriate and suitable to be used because

these could easily explain the allowance allocation of Senior High School in Padre

Garcia National High School.

The subject of the study were 22 Senior High School Students in Padre Garcia

National High School. The researchers made use of semi-structured interview guide

as the main instrument to be able gather information and it is through individual



After the concise findings, the researchers came up the following conclusion:

1. The importance of budgeting is to save money to provide our daily needs.

Furthermore, budgeting is one of the vital rows in our everyday life.

2. The students spend their money for transportation, foods and school

expenses. In addition, they used their allowance for emergency situations.

3. The students encountered the insufficient budget since there is a lot

expenses in school. Moreover, the students allowance is not enough to pay those


Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas

District of Padre Garcia
Padre Garcia National High School

4. The insufficient budget affects the performance of the students in school. It

may leads the students in stress such as anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the

students can't afford to buy their wants and needs.


1. Students may know the strategies in budgeting allowance and they may know to set

their priorities.

2. Teacher may pay more attention to teach the students on how they can budget their

money well.

3. The school administrations and facilitators may administer program and activities

that can help the students to learn the techniques in budgeting their allowance and be

made the students to be aware

4. The parents may guide their children to prevent them from experiencing the

negative effect of insufficient school allowance.

Collaborative Research Experience and Achievement Towards Exce

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