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98 11 1.2 1.3 241 2.2 2.3 31 3.2 Answer 1 Criminal law 2 Public law 3 Procedural law 1 head of state 2 houses/chambers key 4 Cuil lw 5 Substantive law 4 jurisdiction 5 authority © conventions eo Noun ie “legislare “Tegistarure legislative pro'ceed, pro'cedure proedural | con'vene convention con'ventional | “regulate regulation "regulatory or | “authorise 1 legislature 2 accede 3. procedural 1 passfenact 2 enact/pass 3 amend/update accede | acteession elect | ellection | cllected | au'thority or | ‘authorised | {authorisation | | regu'latory _—____ regulatory 4 repeal 5 codify 6 consolidate 1 statutory instrument 3 pressure groups 2 bye-law 4 scrutinising the provisions 1 Bill 4 enshrines 7 drafting 2 submitted/introduced/proposed 5 approved 8 undertaken 3 debated 6 represented 9 propose/introducefsubmit 1 bound 2 consider 3 rely on / apply 4 distinguish 5 cite 6 binding precedent 7 revised 8 override | a'pply application a'pplicable pre'cede “precedent pre'ceding per'suade per'suasion per'suasive “bind ‘binding Professional English in Use Law 3.3 41 4.2 4.3 5.3, 5.4 6.1 6.2 1 binding 3 cation 2 applicable 4 persuasive 1 Magistrates’ Court 5 leapfrog 2 Instance 6 Appeal 3 Division 7 House 4 High Court of Justice at TT eS a'ppeal a'ppeal also | ‘appellate ‘hear ‘hearin Ey ‘rial aim aim ‘claimane Je, 2e, 3d, 4a, Sb 1 Appeal/Appellate © appeal 3 4 b criedheard 1 warrant of arrest 2 indictment 3. summons criminal proceedings; realistic prospect; defence costs; reasonable doubr; guilty pleas reduced sentences severe penalties; indictable offences 1 realistic prospect 3 indictable offences. 5 defence costs 2 reasonable doubt severe penalties 1 detained 5 sentence/penalty 2 acquitted 6 apprehend 3 appears 7 bail 4 charge Rd gaceb 1 inspection 5 disclosure 2 counterclaim 6 witness statement 3 form of defence 7 practice directions 4 claim form [formerly known as a ‘writ of summons’ or a ‘suimmons") admit faim; agree 10 a stay allo issue a claims review the process; 1 Normally the claimant issues a claim and it is served on the defendant. 2 The defenclanc must file a reply, whether it is a defenc te sgime; enforce the judgment: file a replys jim ong sec a timerable; settle differences serve a cl an admission, or a request for a time extension. 3 Ask the court to agree to a stay (in proceedings). 4 To give parties an opportunity to review the process and make decisions 5 The claimant can enforce the judgment in the Magistrates’ Coucrs, Professional English in Use Law 99 TA 8.1 8.2 8.3 aT 9.2 10.1 loo 1 unfair dismissal 7 borne by 2 deiend 8 broker a settlement 9 respondent 9 partics 4 claimant 10 witness statements 5 government agency 11 address 6 withdrawn 12. refer to formerly known as; generally called; referred to as; also known as; defined as. 1 generally called 3 defined as 2 formerly known as 4 also known as / referred to as 1 internal 6 provisions 11 Community 16 directive 2 frontiers 7 Treaty 12 regulation 17 Member 3 fece 8 States 13 application 4 movement 9 measures 14 entirety 9 services 40 obligations 18 applicable 1 crue 2 false — community rules take precedence. Community law hes supzeraacy over national law. 3 false ~ the Common Customs Tariff applics to all goods imported into the EU from countries ‘outside the Communiey like Japas and the USA. 4 cue 1 conveyancing; draw up/draft 2 advacacys right of audience: appear 3 solicitor; harrister pa eo ‘train trai'nceship or — | caai’nec ‘training advise ad’vice adviser ‘practise "practice practioner “specialise ‘specialisms ‘specialise 5 secondment 6 trained 3 practicufiraypartnershiip 7 specialise 4 graduated 8 corporates ic, 2a, 3b, 4e, 5, 64, 7F Profession! English in Use Low 10.2 q12 11.3 124 12.2 Tas 13.1 13.2 na 14.4 1 conversion course 7 pupillages 2 Bar Vocational Couse 8 tenancy 3 chambers 9 advocacy 4 pupil master 10 exercise rights of audience (‘practise’ is also possible) 5 shadow V1 senior barrister 6 documenv/pleading/(an) opinion best interests; all parties meeting; chargeable works comprehensive notes; terms agreed; fee earner 1 best interests 3 corms agreed 2 all partics meeting 4 chargeable work a significant proportion of a large part of a substantial amount of 1 sound files with the minutes on 5 rype them up 2 copying everyone in / circulating them by email 6 get back co them 3 getting a hard copy of 7 get on 4 marks up 1 District Judge (Magistrates? Court) 3 Lord of Appeal in Ordi 2 Circuit Judge 4 Lord Justice of Appeal Tithe Bench 2 the fuciciary 3 the judicial office 4 penal establishment 1 suspended 4 undercaking 2 imprisonment injunction 3 applicant 6 incezim injunction 1 providesiofters 4. contains/includes/comprises 2 includes/comprises 5 led by / headed up (by) 3 incorporates/comprises draw on / have relevant expertise; have exclusive access; haye f draw on extensive experience; provide a comprehensive service; make significant investments resource specialist knowledge 1 has extensive experience 4 resource specialist knowledge 2 made significant investment 5 provide a comprehensive service 3 draw on relevant expertise 1 persor 4 transfer know-how 2 submit a tender 5 measure outputs 3 professional indemnity cover 1 office manual / department manual (of just ‘manwal’) 4 indemnity insurance premium 2 precedent letters 5 external auditor 3 disbursements Professional English in Use Law tor 14.2 14.3 15.4 15.2 161 16.2 16.3 16.4 102 Ina client cace lerer you should... a =... refer to the marter on which you are instructed to act... b=... {refer to) the agreed targer timeseale, such as there is © =... inform the clienc of who wilf be undertaking work for them .. d — ... give the name of the person with overall responsibility for conduct of the matter, © ~ ... provide a fee estimate for work by staff and should also give the details of any autticipated disbursements, such as court fees, search fees, and othe: costs. fit isn’t possible to give a quote at the outse: of a matter you may, for example, suggest that you ahrain their approval before undertaking, any work in excess of an ageeed limir. f =... apree to provide an estimare at the earliest epportuaity. Te, 2d, 3e, 4a, 5b 1 movey laundering 4 a5 son ay is reasonably practicable 2 one-off transaction —_§ exercised all duc diligence 3 foresralling 8 disclosures 1 comply with 6 took ail reasonable steps 11 aware 2 Proceeds of 7 exercised all due diligence 12 satisfactory evidence Bact for another person 8 forestalling 13 nominated 4 contravening 9 disclosure 14 transaction 5 fine 19 suspect Te, 2d, BF, 4e, 81, Bh 2 Ellipsis — ... relating zo che above (Project Ivory, Target Company ~ Franklin Red Limited| 3 Soistitution of ‘this aspect’ for ‘conditions co which Completion will be subject” 4 Ellipsis ~.., read the enclosed (Heads of Terms) carefully ... 5 Substitntion of ‘the same’ for ‘the enclosed’ Heads of Terms 1 crue... enclosed find the further amended Heads of Terns... 2 truc~ You will see that Thave left this aspect as originally drafted for the time being, 3 false = As previously discussed, you will let me have further instractions 4 false —1 should be gratedul iF you could read she enclosed carefully and eoafirm that you ace happy with the same, 1 Tam pleased to enclose / Phease find enclosed 2 previously discussed 3 please let me know if you have any particular concerns f please ler me know if we ean he of furcher assistance /if you have any questions, please do nor hesitate to give me « call 4 TshouldAvould be grateful if you could 5 1 look forward to hearing from you (shortly / as soon as possible) / L look forward t0 our meeting Professional English in Ure Law 17.1 17.2 17.3 18.1 You wanted me to give you an outline of the stages in getting proprietary rights. First, consider submitting an application to the patent office in the research phase, Before that happens, don’t publicly disclose the invention because his might be interpreted as prior publication, Next, Then, ( The next step is to ! After that, chink about using the services of a registered patent agent to help prepare the specification (the legal document} required by the patent office. Once thats been done, / Next, | Then, | The ext step is to complete the form ‘Request for grant of pat After that,/ Next, ! Then, ! Once that’s been done, take or send the documents to the parent five. Finally, the patent office decides whether the invention fulfils specific conditions before ic grants a patent. 1 equivalent to / the same as 2 difters from 3 referred to as /called / known as 4 comparable to / similar to / like 5 is (very) different from / differs from in other words that is Let me explain further / Let me pur it another way Could I {just} clarify that / So, if I've understood vou correctly, / So, if 1 may (just) check I've gor this right, 1 This Agreement! and the benefits and_advantages* herein’ contained are personal to each Member! and shall" not be sold, assigned or transferred” by the Membes.! 2 Lessor’ *" shall? not be lable for loss of or damage to any property left, srored, or transported” by Hier! or any other person in or !’ Vehicle! either before or after the rerum thereof? to Lessor, Hirer hereby? agrees to hold? Lessor!’ * harmless from’, and indemnify’ Lessor” * against all claims based on or arising out of such loss or damage unless caused by the negligence of Lessur.': 7 3 Title’ to property in the goods shall remain vested in? the Company! * (agtwithstanding* the delivery of the same to the Customer!**) until the price of the Goods! comprised in the contract and all other money duc from the Customer! * to the Company! on any other aecount has heen paid in full” using capital letters ro signal important or defined terms + using legal jargon, including che use of pairs of words or criplers 3 ysing old-fashioned words not much in general use 4 the specific use of the modal verb ‘shall’ to impose an obligation or dury on someone 5 using technical terms & personal pronouns ” wsing Jong sentences with litte panetuation a Membership ® liable; loss; propertys vehicle; arises (‘sesults' is also possible); nepligence ¢ goods; paying Professional English in Use Law 103 18.2 19.1 19.2 20.1 20.2 2nd 21.2 22.1 104 Ui, 2d, 3a. 4, 5h, Be, Ze i, 2g, 3h, At, 5h, 65, Te, Be, Sd trading vehicle {tcading enviny general duration Partnership Agreement expelled from exemption jointly and severally linble bankrupt sole trader Registrar of Companies; minimum authorised capital; security over personal assets; guarancee the obligations; caise share capital; legal entity: Public Limited Company 1 security over personal assets 4 minima authorised (share) capital 2 Public Limited Company 5 to caise share capital 3 Registrar of Companies 1 formation agent / registration agent. 4 trading name 2 transfered 5 Company Secretary 3 registered company 6 Incorporation TLIMUTED 3 registered attice —-S mmorggage 7 capital 2 ARTICLES 4 objects 6 hahi 16, 26, ay 4b, 5d a allov/allocate © member of the eormpany © nominal capital d share certificate € issuing declare 2 dividend; defer payment; exercise the right; isstie at a premium; vote on a resolution + vote on; resolution 4 deler payment 2 declare; a dividend 5 issue; ar a premium 3 exercise the right 1 a floating charge 4 security 2 a fixed charge § amongage 3a debenture Professional English in Use Law 22.2 22.3 23.1 23.2 24.1 24.2 24.3 1 charge/mortgage 8 creditors 9 fixed charge 2 mortgagelcharge 6 insolvent 10 floating charge 3 assets 7 repayment 11 defaules 4 debenture 8 secured 12. chazge bolder ee er ee eeu assigns (transfers) an interest eae eed RCs Tenet Rue Cun cs ag eu nis Pee eg char'gor char'gee gean'tor gran tee lessor Ve'ssee [also 'tenant) | 1 chargor 2 mortgagee 3 lessor 1 He appears to be disqualified. Becanse he is over 709 general meeting of the members would need to agree to waive the age requirement. He may also be an undischarged bankrupt in which case the court would need to give leave. 2 ‘The company may be charged a lace filing penalty. The ditectors have committed a criminal offence, This may result ina fin disqualified from holding the ©} 3 The Registrar of Companies may strike Monocles Led off the register and dissolve the company. The company’s assets may become the property of the Crowa. and a criminal record. If this happens again, they may be icv of director, Je, 2d, 3b, 4a, 5c a comply with b provided notice of; statutory form(s) served: minnres filedéletiveree/submitceds within (... requisite period e delivered/submitred months of) che accounting reference dare / within the 3 unsecured 4 preferencial 1 creditor 2 insolvent 5 realise 6 discharge ta. shareholders or members 1 company directors Je a creditor or company directors ida charge holder or company directors 2 by filing a notice at court 3 our 4 with Ton 2 of 5 of 6 as 7 in Bt by petitioning the court it crystallises / crystall it’s a poing concern winding up or liquidation 3 4 6 7 solvent Profesional English in Use Law 105 25.1 reese Ce eet oer object dis'pate dispute or dis'puce _ | dis'putant I [re'solve [ies resolver | contract | con'tactor con'tractual or { \ \ con'tracting, 25.2 1 parivs 3 cesolved 5 referred 7 Agreement 2 parry 4 dispute 6 Contractor 8 sesolution 25.31 refecal 3 mediator 5 settlement 2 mediation 4 resolving 25.4 1 false ~acbitration is a formal and binding process. 2 false - the online mediator passes email responses between parties online. 3 false ~ adjudication is commonly used to resolve construction disputes. 4 false ~ the defendant and the claimant are respective parties, The mediator is an independent third party. 26.1 1 notify 4 profits 7 instalments 2 cooperative 5 due dace 8 income 3 stipulated 6 gains 9 exceed / be in excess of 26.2 1 chargeable 4 relief 7 benefits/esficiency 2 Return (or declaration) 5 exemption 8 efficiency/benefits 3 due 6 hill iz compe'tition | regulate regulator | 27.2 1 regulators 3 (takeover) bid 5 segulatory 2 takeover 4 anc trusvcomperition 6 merger 27.3 1 abide by 4 disclosed 2 offeree 5 offer 3 relevant securities 6 offeror 28.1 1 amonerary penalty 2 an adverse effecr —-3_agced undertakings 28.2 1 inquiry 5 watchdog (the OFT) 9 referral 2 barriess 6 refer 10 competition 3 distort 7 sivals/competitors 11 powers under 4 harm 8 investigation 12 compelled 106 Professioncl English in Use Law 28.3 29.1 29.2 29.3 30.1 30.2 30.3 1 d—selling popular products below cost price to put pressure oa smaller competitors 2 b—ereering barriers 0 keep out new playerss ¢ ~ acquiring development sites co prevent a rival opening a store 3 b—move into convenience stores could distort competition; d — stores’ increasing buying power, which they can use to drive down the prices paid to suppliers 1 tort 3 damage 5 defamation 7 swespass 2 damages 4 claimant/plaintitf 6 strict liability 8 slander eT defa’mation de'famatory “libel ‘libellous lia'bility liable injury ‘injured 1 injury 6 owes Chas’ is also possible) 2 sustained/suftered 7 care 3 undergoing 8 admitted 4 suffered/sustained 9 claim 5 earnings 10 negligence 1 potential claim 2 adversely 3 impartial opinion 4a causal link / causation 5 pursue a claim / bring a claim 6 likely 7 ona conditional fee basis on a no win no fee basis / on a contingeney basis (AmE) 8 In the case in point 1 gives 4 prepares 7 pursue 2 explores 5 keeps 8 affected 3 obtains 6 agrees 9 bring Nove: The direct object (for example, ‘che claim’) normally comes hefore the agent (for example, “the firm’) The claim is explored by the firm, ‘The cliene’s medical records are obtained by the solicitor. A report is prepared by an independent expert A register of experts is kept by the department, ‘A payment schedule is agreed with the The claim is pursued on a conditional f went by the firm, basis The ouccome for the patient has heen adversely affected by the action of che defendant. The claim must be brought by the claimant within the limitation period. eervounun Professional English in Use Law 107 311 31.2 31.3 32.1 32.2 32.3 33.1 33.2 34.1 tos, 1 hive agreement/eontract 4 lease 2 service agreemendcontract 5 Joan agreementieontract 3 hire purchase agreemenv/contracr contrary evidence; counter offer; conditions of sale; rebutal presumption; avoid uncertainty, essential terms: contracting, parties; qualified seceptances subject co contract 1 An English court is likely to find that no contract was formed, There had been no final unqualified agreement ot all the clements of the contract, stich as consideration (for example a price} or essential terms (such as delivery}, The agreement was vague. There was uncertainty. 2 Helena had become a shareholder. The contract was formed at the time of pasting, when acceprance was seat by the offeree, even thongh che letter in which acceptance was communicated was not actually recived. This is the postal acceptance rule, 3 The agreement was legally binding tf there was no contrary evidence. ‘There was intention to, create legal relations, 1 authozity/capacity 4 (formally) executed 2 (made) ia writing 5 enforceable 3 have effect (be effective 6 standard wording 1 rendered 3 barred 5 set aside 7 sequired 2 treated 4 consented 6 implied diate of occurrence af che cause of action 2 limitation period lapse of tune Definitions, Consideration Recitals (also known as Background or Preamble) Commencement and Date: Interpretation Conditions precedent Operative provisions (referring to those “therein” the Schedoles) Operative provisions wyacaena 1 Irrespective of / Despite 4 ln the absence of hereby 5 vice versa 3 concerning 1 Where 5 replace 9 conditions 2 dofectiverfeultyidamaged 6G within 19 defects 3 repair 7 date of delivery 11 due to 4 av its sue disecetion B subject to 12 fauhy Professional English in Use Law 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5 35.1 35.2 35.3 36.1 36.2 36.3 1 breach of contract 3 terminate/discharge the contract 2 repudiate the contract 4 perform the contract per'form pper'formance relpudiace repudiation "terminate termin’ation dis'charge ‘discharge ‘stipulate’ does nor collocare with ‘a contract’ or ‘the contract’ ‘stipulate terms/conditions or ‘stipulate a ternveondition” 1 warrancy 5 express 2 damages 8 10 the comrary 3 stipulates 7 previous dealings 4 implied under scaruce 1 be under no liability “not be liable 4 duty 7 goodwill 2 whatsoever 5 damage 8 arising from 3 negligence 6 consequential 9 breach 1 outside their (the Company's) reasonable control construed jurisdiction 2 of the essence 5 unenforceable: provision 3 assigneds prior written consent 6 languages prevail at 25 1 agent (on behalf of his principal) 8 enforce a term 2 third party 7 confer a benefit (on someone] 3 privity of contract 8 obligations under contract 4 novation 9 assignment of obligations 5 express provision 1 released; concractual obligations § communicate acceptance of the breach (of conteact) 2 defective performance 6 repudiate 3 deen commitced 7 discharged by frustration 4 substantially performed 8 remuneration 1 rescinded 3 suffers 5 specific performance 2 (their) discretion 4 granted Profesional English i Use Law 109 37.1 37.2 38.1 38.2 39.7 39.2 39.3 40.1 40.2 Ho enter into transactions; produce uniformity; reduce the need for; relloct the aims of, subject w legal restrictions: terms favourable to: use standard terms: contlict with legal developments 1 subject to legal restrierions 3. reduce the need for 2 use standard terms 4 ecflect the aims of 1 acceptance 3 exclusion 5 consumer 2 encumbrances 4 incorporated 8 connser offer Note: It is a convention of written contracts that tecms defined wirbin the contract may have an initial capinal lester, 1 Licensee 6 Licence Agreement / Licensing Agreement 2 Licensor / authorised Licensor 7 under the terms 3 breaking the seal 8 multiples granted 4 exclusive 9 protected hy copyright law 5 enters inco effecr 10 enforced 1 permit 3 excluding 5 restriewed 2 seserves 4 professed 6 deemed 1 tenanv/leasehelder/lessee 2 frecholdl 3 under-tenant 1 cenewel of the lease 4 consent {to the assigament) 2 grounds exemspring; statutory regime 5 rent review 3 transfer interest in f assign 1 clause 5 Tenant 2 Landlord 6 serving notice 3 Break Pate 7 assignment 4 terminate 1 conveyancing, 5 sale memorandum 2 lot 6 seller 3 title 7 completion date 4 bidding alot b salememorandum —— ¢ Title 1 purchaser § incorporated 2 rescind, 6 pre-contact enquiries 3 sale ageeement 7 neyotiated 4 exchange 8 forma of contract Projessional English in Use Law 40.3 41.1 412 41.3 414 42.1 42.2 42.3 424 43.1 First of all, derms are negotiated by seller and purchaser; then usually the purchaser considers searches and the seller ts asked to provide replies to prre-contract enquiries. After that, a sale agreement is drafted by the seiler’s solicitor and Standard Conditions can be incorporated into the contract, then it’s necessary that the form of contract is agreed by both parties and finally the parties exchange contracts once all terms are agreed. However, parties may rescind the contract in the evert that the conditions have not been achieved. employment teibunal; collective hargaining; labour relations; employment particelars; time off; sick pay; fixed corm: crade union 1 sick pay 4 employment tribunal 2 fixed term 5 employment particulars 3 trade union 6 collective bargaining 1 giving notice f norice of ermination of employment — 4 dismissal 2 restrictive covenant 5 grievance procedure 3 made redundant 6 variation of contract 1 constructive dismissel 2 summary dismissal 3. unfair dismissal 1 irrelevant 4 non-testrictive 2 illegal 5 unfair 3 unlawful 6 non-statutory 1 terri'torial 4 in'dustrial 2 o'siginal 5 ‘patentable 3 intelectual = “novel copyright owners copyright protection: coperighr arises; copsright symbol 1 owner 2 proseetion 3 arises + copyright 4 tangible form 7 inventive step (AmE: non-obvious} 2 amamatic right 8 enritlemenr 8 novel 3 assignment 6 filing date 9 patencable 4 exclusive rights 2 the right to exclude 1 sign 7 trading goodwill 2 graphically 8 passing off 3 trade mark 9 freezing injunction 4 top level domain / TLD 10 interim injunetion 5 infringer 11 dispute resolntion proviclers 6 cybersquatting (also known as “net name piracy’) ‘12. account of profits Professione! Engh in Use tow ut 432 45.1 12 1 brand 7 granting 2 registerable 8 licensed 3 distinctive 9 infringement 4 misleacling 10 passing off 1 domain names 6 Community Tracle Mark / CTM. Note: Other common word combinations not shown in text A are in brackets. breach of computer security (also breach of security}; illegally obtained; adequate security [so adequate computer security); virus spreading; insecure servers; computer misuse; unauthorised access (aise unauthorised activities and unauthorised users}; tegal challengess end users (alse legabillegal users): illegal activities (alse illegal access) 4 false — People who use computer applications are known as end users. 2 false — I's camputer misuse /a breach of computer security ro gain unauthorised avcess co a databa 3 false — Insecure servers make virus spreading possible, Secure servers make virus spreading more difficult. 4 trac 1 scamsfraud 5 pharmning 2 phishing 8 fake 3 disclose 7 bona fide 4 fraudsters 8 laundering 1 data subject 3 consent aust be informed and freely given 2 Data Protection legislarion 4 infringe regulations sustainable development principle pallurer pays principle 1 2 3 comnion bur differentiated responsibility principle 4 S precautionary principle environment impact assessment principle 1 proveetion 5 enforcement 2 framework/frameworks 6 polletion 3 treatiesiconventions 7 implementation 4 compliance 8 damage 1 licences 4 sanctions 2 audits 5 conditions 3 environmental issues Professional Engish In Use Low

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