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a Comprehensive BloLoge 8 - : I. NCERT TEXTBOOK intell 1 ights) which could have faulted ina nape onbacrasement forthe United | EXERCISES States. As a result the united states patent office i i Ri 4. Crystals of Bt toxin produced by some by cancelled the claim of patent on Basmati Rice of Cmte of Bt texin produced By S008 bacteria dy Rice Tee. Company. (a) bacteria are resistant to the toxin ; 4 () toxin is immature; Biopiracy. Biopiracy can be defined as ‘the use eae of bio-resources by multinational companies and other {Gh beeteria enclooes toainin'a ppect] nc organisations without proper authorisation from the, mscin is inactive. countries and people concerned without compensatory i eat are transgenic acter payment’. Most of the industrialised nations are rich ancl! Mlustrate using any oop in technology and financial resources but poor in ang, When a frign goneseres of genes are intention biodiversity and traditional knowledge related to the Introduced Into the genome of bacterin, the el? called transgenic bacteria or genetically mages utilisation of the bioresources. In contrast, developing a. For example, two DNA sequence: nations are poor in technology and financial resources, See saiec linen iaealta) wera inte oe for A sds ae oalbee tuced into but are rich in bioresources and traditional knowledge. Plasmid of bacteria E. coli. This transgenic bese ‘Traditional knowledge related to bioresources can be produced insulin chains. a exploited to develop modern applications and can also Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantage, be used to save time, effort and expenditure during of production Clos ae crops. 2 their commercialisation. Some nations are developing _Ans. Advantages of GA Laieeatiarae modification has) laws to prevent such unauthorised exploitation of their ought, salt, heat) (i) reduced reliance =o bioresources and traditional knowledge. The Indian pesticides (iii) increased efficiency of mineral usage by Parliament has recently cleared the second amendment plants (iv) helped to reduce post harvest losses of the Indian Patents Bill, that takes such issues into ()enhanced nutritional value of fod, eg, vitamin consideration, including patent terms emergency Diondvantages of GB Crops () Transgees in cxp plant can endanger native species. For example, the gee for Bt toxin expressed in pollen might endanger pollinators like honeybees (ii) GM crops may cause problems in human health by supplying allergens and transferring antibiotic resistance markers (iii) These crops may cause damage to the natural environment. 4, What are Cry proteins ? Name an organism that produce it. How has man exploited this protein to his benefit ? Ans. ‘Cry’ proteins refer to the protein crystals containing a toxic insecticidal protein. It is produced by a seil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis. The genes encoding cry proteins called Bt toxin genes were isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis and incorporated into several cr? plants (e.g., Bt cotton, Bt corn, rice, tomato, potato and soybean) to provide resistance again insect pests. 5. What is gene therapy ? Illustrate using the example of adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. : Ans, The replacement of a non-functional/defective gene Witt normal functional gene is called gene therapy. Apers with defect in the gene for the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) suffers with SCID (Severe Combine Immuno Deficiency). The enzyme ADA is erucial for immune system provisions and research and development initiative. TEST YOURSELF 1. What are transgenic animals ? 2. Define the term Bioethics’. 3. What is meant by biopiracy ? 4. In transgenics expression of transgene in target tissue is determined by (a) Transgene (@) Promoter (©) Reporter (d) Enhancer. IMPORTANT TERMS + Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Plant, bacteria, fungi and animals whose genes have been altered by manipulation. + Gene Therapy. Is tho treatment of hereditary disorders by replacing a faulty gene by a normal healthy functional gene, + Transgenic Animals, Animals that have their DNA ‘manipulated to possess and express an. extra (foreign) gene. Scanned with CamScann: CNSIVELS, Cel Se teeteartab lee or frst 3 tient are grown in a cults 6 a re outa Fe ADANDNA (asea meri ‘pe DY fon introduced into these lymphocytes, which eta ently returned tothe patient, Since these eels genta rtal, the patient requires periodic infusion exam eialy engineered lymphocytes, fs Satically represent the experimental steps in « Dis and expressing an human gene (say the gene 8 th hormone) into a bacterium like Ben othe Fig. 12.6 of the text. ou suggest a method to remove oj] (hydrocarbon) 7, oon se based on your understanding of DN fon Sey and chemistry of cil? ica lipid synthesized by the condensation of one as Ol Teaf glycerol with three molecules of fatty acide, salt pil from the seeds can be removed by preventing pesathesis oF either glycerol or the enzyme lipase whic aesgnes the synthesis of oi. It can be achieved by (auskng out the genes coding for the enzyme lipase ¢- Feenayme required for the synthesis of glycerol Fad out from internet what is golden rice, Golden cei a transgenic crop which is rich in vitamin A. ‘Dos our blood have proteases and nucleases ? tgs No our blood does not contain enzymes proteases and nucleases. 10 Consult internet and find out how to make orally active pmtsin pharmaceutical. What is the major problem to teencountered ? us Orally active proteins can be made through rDNA technology for instance, hirudin a blood clotting protein tus been produced in the seeds of Brassica napus. The transgenic cow named Rosie contain human protein (human c-lactal-albumin). However, such proteins may cause allergic reaction in some people. \IL TEST QUESTIONS © Vey Short Answer Type Questions (mark) 1. Name the bacterium, that is used as biopesticide. ‘40s Bacillus thuringiensis, 2 Whatiis transgene ? '* A gene which is transferred from one organism into Fi ‘another organism by genetic engineering. * Name the drug that was earlier produced by sacrificing fag. pls but are now produced using biotechnology. Insulin, « Name a Popular recent technique, which is used for ing the /virus in an organism. dag ggg the Presence of pathogen/virus in an og top towards gene therapy, lymphoeytes fom aaa 5. pen centre in India, responsible for DNA fir rinting and diagnosis of diseases. Ans. CDFD (Hyderabad), 6. How mar LY poly i i ny polypeptides are found in human insulin ? Ans. Two, ™ : 7. Which transgenic crop was the first to be approved by commercial cultivation in India. Ans. Bt cotton. 8. How many amino acids are arranged in two chains of insulin ? Ans. Chain A, has 21 and chain B has 30 amino acids. 9. When does the Bt cotton was commercially planted ? Ans. In 1996-97, in Australia and USA. 10. Distinguish between ‘Cry’ and ‘ery’ Ans. ‘Cry’ stand for erystals of toxic protein produced by Bacillus thuringiensis, whereas ‘cry’ stands for the gene codes for the synthesis of the toxic protein. 11. Which two patents on India’s biological resources have been revoked ? Ans. On pesticides on ‘neem’ and healing properties of ‘turmeric. 12. Why would biopiracy affect India most ? Ans, 13, Ans, 14. Short Answer Type Questions 1 2 9. Because India is the world’s richest country in biodiversity. Name a molecular diagnostic technique to detect the Presence of a pathogen in its early stage of infection. (CBSE, 2010) rDNA technology/PCR/ELISA. State the role of transposons in silencing of mRNA in eukaryotic cells. (AL CBSE, 2013) ‘The transposons are genetic elements which replicate via an RNA intermediate. The complementary RNA transcribed by a transposon binds and prevents translation of specific mRNA in eukaryotic cells. It is called RNA interference. (2 marks) ‘What is Bt cotton ? Why is it resistant to insect pests ? Explain, how is the expression of a native gene blocked ina GM crop. ‘What are the problems when we consume GM foods ? Define the terms transgene and transgenic organism. Explain, what is meant by bioethics in genetic engineering. What is meant by biopiracy ? Give a few examples of biopiracy. ‘What is genetically engineered insulin ? Explain the use of transgenic animals in relation to biosafety measures. Deseribe the responsibility of GEAG, set up by the Indian Government. (CBSE 2009) Scanned with CamScann 470 ified ighlight any four advantages of Genetically Modi 1 Srna: MOD (CBSE Foreign 2009) 11, Name the insect pest that i killed by the product of ery IAC gene. Explain how the gene make resistant to the insect pest. (AL cose, 2010) 12, Biopiracy should be prevented, state why and how. a 7 (A. CBSE, 2011) . How is ‘Rosie’ considered different from a normal cow ? 1 eran Consiered eon SE, 2011) 14, (a) Mention the cause and the body system affected by ADA deficiency in humans. . (8) Name the vector used for transferring ADA-DNA into the recipient cells in humans. Name the recipient cells. (AL. CBSE 2012) 15. Name the genes responsible for making Bt cotton plants resistant to bollworm attack, How do such plants attain resistance against bollworm attacks ? Explain. (Delhi 2012) 16. Describe the gene therapy procedure for an ADA deficient patient. (CBSE, 2013) 17. Expand the following and mention one application ofeach @ PCR (i) ELISA. (CBSE, 2013) 18. (a) Name the deficiency for which first clinical gene therapy was given. (©) Mention the cause of and one cure for this disease. (CBSE, 2013) 19. Why is proinsulin so called? How is insulin different from it? (A.L, CBSE, 2013) Short Answer Type Questions (8 marks) 1. What are GM crops ? In what way this technology is superior to conventional breeding ? 2, Explain, how are plants made resistant to nematodes. Explain the process of RNA interference. 4, How are the transgenic animals useful to us? 5. What is gene therapy ? Explain it with an example. 6. Explain, how can ADA deficiency be corrected ? 7. Explain the procedure of ELISA. 8. Nematode-specific genes are introduced into the tobacco plants using Agrobacterium vectors to develop resistance in tobacco plants against nematodes. Explain the events that oceur in tobacco plant to develop resistance. (CBSE 2009) 9. Plasmid is a boon to bictechnology. Justify this statement ‘quoting the production of human insulin as an example, (AL. CBSE 2009) 10, Name the source and the types of ery genes isolated from it for incorporation into crops by biotechnologists. Explain how have these genes brought beneficial changes in the genetically modified crops. (A.L CBSE 2009) 11. How did Eli Lilly Company go about preparing the human insulin ? How is the insulin thus produced different from that produced by the functional human insulin gene? (CBSE Foreign 2009 and A.l. CBSE 2010) 1B. Why is the introduction of genetically eng, 13. 14. 15. 16. a7. 18. Long Answer Type Questions 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7. 8. 9% 10. i. | Comprehensive BOG, ; ; he Ipmphocstes into ® DNA deficiency pete Penmanent eure ? Suggest a possible eon tt | : (case, How does RNA interference help in developing. © in tobacco plant against nematode infections (CBSE, 2, Explain the process of RNA interference, (Cag. ped (a) Tobacco plants are damaged severely when ing? with Meloidegyne incognitia, Name and at strategy that is adopted to stop this infstatign (6) Name the vector used for introducing the » specifi gene into tobacco plant. “Uk agp at (a) State the role of DNA ligase in biotechnology, @) What happens when Meloidegyne incognit consumes cells with RNAi gene? (Dein oe (a) Why are transgenic animals so called? (©) Explain the role of transgenic animals in, () Vacs safety and (ji) biological products, with the help of example each. (CBSE op ‘Name the pest that destroys the cotton bolls. Explaiy the role of Bacillus thuringiensis in protecting the ein crop against the pest to increase the yield, (AL CBSB, 2013) (6 marks) Describe the process of genetic transformation in plants. Describe the uses of GM plants. Describe the different uses of biotechnology in medicine, Give an account of the application of biotechnology in agriculture. Explain, how is genetically engineered ‘insulin prepared ? Explain the application of genetic engineering in molecular diagnosis, Describe the importance of ‘transgenic animals. Give an account of ethical issues of biotechnology. One of the main objectives of biotechnology is to minimise the use of insecticides on cultivated crops. Explain with the help of a suitable: example how insect resistant crops have been developed using techniques of biotechnology. (CBSE, 2009) (@) How is mature insulin different from proinsuli secreted by pancreas in humans ? (6) Explain, how was humans’ functional insulit produced using rDNA technology. (©) Why is the functional insulin thus produce! considered better than the ones used earlier by diabetic patients ? (CBSE, 200 How is a transgenic tobacco plant protected agai Meloidegyne incognitia. Explain the procedure, 00 (A.J. CBSE and Foreign scanned witn vamscai ANDITS APPLICATIONS its use in biotechnolog (Na age of its use in BY 9% savant ye name of the enzyme ADA, wh y is this o sound ential the human body ? Suggest a gone catpy forts deficiency. (AL CBSE, 2009) the soure from which insulin was extracted i) “i yier. Why is this insulin no more in use by diabetic le? in process of synthesis of insulin by Eli Li 0 any Name the technique sed by he compen, ovis the insulin produced by human body different (© om the insulin produced by the above mentioned copay. (AL CBSE, 2011) gosed Questions (8-5 marks) bough ‘green evolution’ has almost trippled the food + in production, yotitis not enough to feed the growing onan population. This problem can be overcomed by the use of Genetically Modified (GM) crops, ( What are GM crops ? {i) Mention any six ways in which GM crops have been sei. 4, One ofthe application of biotechnology is ‘gene therapy? tptreat a person born with a hereditary disease, () What does ‘gene therapy’ mean ? (i) Name the hereditary disease for which the first dlinical gene therapy was used. ii) Mention the steps of gene therapy used to treat this disease, we 1 4. Themanipulation ofiving organisms by humans cannot to an unlimited level. Some ethical standards are required to evaluate the morality of all human activities that might help or harm living organisms, (0 Name the organisation set up by the Indian Government to monitor GM research, li) What are objectives of this organisation. (ti) What problems regarding the patent granting has created with the usage of GM organisms for public services, ™. MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE QUESTIONS ‘te correct option to the following: C Tefirst genetically engineered human insulin (humulin) mentee ‘on 5th July, 1983 by an American company f (Hotes () Biotech. Bi Liny (@) Columbus. | gegob 00% samen Sglicgy eee & inet source of Taq polymerase, Explain thy 2. Human insulin has 61 amino acids in two chains. Mark cA 10. aw \ correct statement. (@) Chain A with 21, and chain B with 30 amino acids (®) Chain A with 20, and chain B with 31 amino acids (©) Chain A with 81, and chain B with 20 amino acids (@) Chain A with 80, and chain B with 21 amino acids A strain of “golden” rice contains high contents of ~ (@) Vitamin A ) Vitamin K © Vitamin ¢ (@) Vitamin E. ‘Flavr-Savr is the transgenic variety of (@) Wheat ©) Tomato © Rice (@) Cotton. ELISA is mainly used for (a) Detection of mutations (®) Detection of pathogens (©). Selecting plants having desired traits (@) Selecting animals having traits of interest. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacterium of (@) Smallintestine (6) Dirty water (© Polluted air @ Soil. Beis resistant to (@) Virus (©) Adverse environmental conditions (©) Boll worm (@ Herbicide. How many polypeptide chains are present in an insulin Precursor molecule ? (@) One () Two (©) Three (@) Four. ‘Transgenic animals are those which have (@) Foreign DNA in some of their cells (®) Foreign DNA in all of their cells (©) Foreign RNA in some of their cells @) Foreign RNA in all of their cells, ‘Transgenic plants are plants having (a) Nogene (©) Genes in transposition (©) Genes with no function to perform (@ Genes of another organism. (Orissa 2002) Insect resistance transgenic cotton has been produced by inserting a piece of DNA from (a) an inset (©) a bacterium (c) awild relative of cotton @ avirus, (CPMT, 2004) First biochemical to be produced commercially by microbial cloning and genetic engineering is (@) Human insulin (6) Penicillin (©) Interferon (@) Fertility factor. \BHU 2005) scanned witn Camscann AT2 13. Which bactoria is used as biopesticide first on tho commercial seato in the world ? (a) Escherichia coli (0) Agrobacteriun tumefaciens (©) Bacillus thuringiensis (a) Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 14, Hirudin is (@) a protein produced by Hordeum vulgare, which is rich in lysine (8) atoxie molecule isolated from Gossypitum hirsutum, which reduces human fertility (¢) a protein produced from transgenic Brassica napus which prevents blood clotting (@) antibiotic produced by a genetically engincored bacterium E. coli. (AIMS 2006) 16. An example of gene therapy is (a) production of injectable hepatitis B vaccine (6) production of vaccines in food crops like potatoes Which can be eaten (©) introduction of gene for ADA in person suffering from scID (@) production of test tube babies by artificial insemination and implantation of fertilized eggs. 16. Golden rice is a transgenic erop of future of which of the following improved traits ? (a) High lysine contents (0) Insect resistance (©) High protein content (d) High vitamin A content. (CBSE 2005) 17. A transgenic food crop which may help in solving the Problem of night blindness in developing countries is (@) Golden rice (6) Flavr Savr Tomatoes (c) Stralink maize (d) ‘Bt Soybean, (CBSE 2008) 18. Trichoderma harzianum has proved useful micro- organism for (a) Biological control of soil borne plant pathogens, (0) Bioremediation of contaminated soils (©) Reclamation of wastelands (d) Gene transfer in higher plants. (CBSE 2008) '9 Cry I endotoxins obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis are effective against (@) Nematodes (6) Flies (©) Mosquitoes (d) Boll worms. (CBSE 2008) Which ono ofthe following proved effective for biological control of nematodal diseases in plants? (@) Paecilomyces lilacinus (©) Pisolithus tinctorius (c) Pseudomonas cepacia (d) Gliocladium virens, (HP PMT 2006) (CBSE 2008) Comprehensive BlOLogy., 21. Human insulin is being commercially transgenic species of (a) Saccharomyces (c) Mycobacterium Y rode ig () Kecherichia (@) Rhizobium, 4 (cas; 22, What is antisense technology ? 2 (a) RNA polymer producing DNA, () Acell displaying a foreign antigen used fp, of antigens. they (©) Production of somaclonal variant intone, (a) When a piece of RNA that is complemen sequence is used to stop expression of , Scie F nase a 20 28, ‘The gonetie defect adenosine deaminase (ADA) apa may be cured permanently by ey ‘iodic infusion of genetical] (© yarphocytos having funefonsl ADA end Bett () Administering adenosine deaminase activator, (6) Introducing bone marrow cells producing ADA iy calls at early embryonic stages, (d) Enzyme replacement therapy, (CBSE, 2009) ‘Which one of the following is commonly used in transfr of foreign DNA into crop plants ? (a) Trichoderma harzianum. (b) Meloidogyne incognitia. (c) Agrobacterium tumefaciens. (d) Penicillium expansum. 26. Transgenic plants are the ones (a) Produced by somatic embryo in artificial | medium. (b) Generated by introducing foreign DNA into a cell and generating a plant from that cell. (©) Produced after protoplast fusion in artificial medium (d) grown in artificial medium after: ‘hybridization in the field. (CBSE, 2009) 26. Genetic engineering has been successfully used for producing (@) transgenic cow-Rosie which produces high fa milk for making ghee. . (6) animals like bulls for farm work as they have supe" power, (c) transgenic mice for testing safety of polio vaccine before use in humans, (@) transgenic models for studying new treatments certain cardiac diseases. (AL. PMT, 2010 + The Genetically Modified (GM) brinjal in India has b™* developed for, (@) Enhancing mineral content (6) Drought resistance (©) Insect resistance (CBSE, 2009) Jing shelf if. @ Bobaoant pei 0) scanned witn vamscan yoL00Y AND ITS APPLICATIONS on jus thuringiensis 8 ws04 to conteo} ee eterlal pathogens (b) Fungal pathogens 1 ented (@) Insect pests, @ fro process of RNA intorferrence hia 8 been used i ga The pment of plant resistant to a ene () Nematodes i vn (@) Viruses, (AL PMT and Main, 2011) jllus thuringiensis forms protei 1 bec etd rate, This protein tle Which i) isetivated by aid pH of the forogut ofthe insoct. ct dus not Kill tho carrer bactor | resistant to this toxin, (¢) binds with epithelial eet of mig ultimately killing it, iscoded by several genes including the gene ry (Al. PMT Main, 2011) 41, Maximum number of existing transgenic animals is of | @ Bg () Fish ©) Mice @ Cow. + 9. The protein products of the following ry IAC and cry II Ab are responsible (a) Boll worm () Round worm te) Moth (d) Fruit fly. (DPMT, 2011) 38. The problem of blindness in poor countries ean be taken carvof by using the following, (a) Golden rice ium which is itsele igut of the insect pest @ (AL PMT, 2011) ig Bt toxin genes for controlling, () ‘Transgenic tomato (d) Bt brinjal. (PMT, 2011) ‘M. Aregulatory body working under MOEF for the release of transgenic crop is (o) Transgenic maize (a) NBPGR (b) GEAC ( Nsc (d) NIPGR. (DPMT, 2011) 4%. A transgenic rice (Golden rice) has been developed for increased content of (0) Vitamin A () Vitamin B, © Vitamin c (@) Vitamin D. (DPMT, 2011) %6. Tobacco plants resistant to a nematode have been \vcloped by the introduction of DNA that produced (in the host cells) (®) both sense and anti-sense RNA (©) a particular hormone on antifeedant | ® atoxic protein, (AL PMT, Main 2012) | % The first clinical gene therapy was given for treating t ‘@) Diabetes mellitus k ©) Chikenpox | © Rhoumatoid arthritis ‘Adenosine deaminase deficiency. (AL PMT, Main 2012) \ ~ 473 in present in plant tissue as to active toxin due to organisms toxin is converted in (@) Action of gut micro (®) Presence of conversion factors in insect gut (©) Alkaline pH of the insect gut @) Acidic pH of the insect gut, (AL. PMT, 2015) 89. Which body of the Government of India regulates GMM research and safety of introducing GM organisms for Dublic services? (@) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (6) Research Committee on Genetic Manipulation (©) Bio-safety committee (@) Indian Council of Agricultural Research. (AL PMT, 2015) 40. The crops engineered for glyphosate areresistantitolerant (a) Insects (®) Herbicides (©) Fungi (@) Bacteria, (AL PMT, 2015) 41. Golden rice is a genetically modified crop plant, where the incorporated gene is meant for biosynthesis of (@) Vitamin C () Omega 3 © Vitamin A @) Vitamin B (AL PMT, 2015 R) ANSWERS 1 (©) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4.) 5. () 6 (d) zo 8. ©) 9% &) 10. (d) 11. 6) 12. (@) 13. ©) 14. () 15. () 16. (@) 1. @ 18. (a) 19. (@) 20. (©) 21. @) 22. (d) 23, (o) 24, (e) 25. (6) 26. (c) 27. (0) 28. @) 29, (b) 30. (c) 31. ©) 82, (a) 83. (a) 34. (0) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (@) 38, () 39. (@) 40. (b) 4. © Iv. ATIIMS SPECIAL Assertion and Reason Type Questions In the following questions a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). —Ifboth Assertion and Reason are true, and the ‘Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion, then mark (a. —Ifboth Asse:tion and Reason are true, and the Reasor is not the correct explanation of the Assertion, ther mark (), scanned with Camscann

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