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manav mangal school

Class: V
Subject: English Grammar
Topic: Conjunctions
Practice Assignment

Exercise – 1

Choose the correct conjunctions:

i. It was raining, so/because the game was cancelled.
ii. You must work hard yet/or you will fail.
iii. Lily visited the dentist, for/so she had toothache.
iv. The two brothers were intelligent and/but lazy people.
v. I am allergic to cats, yet/so I have two of them.
vi. Students like Miss Ella because/but she is always so kind.
vii. Anna took out the keys and/ for unlocked the door.
viii. John studied hard for the maths exam. Therefore/because he got an

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:

i. Take this book _______ return it to the library.
ii. Is the story true _____ false?
iii. He tried _____ he did not succeed.
iv. Something must have fallen _____ I heard a sound.
v. It was Sunday _____ the school was closed.
vi. She must have been very hungry _____she ate everything immediately.
vii. He studied hard _____ got good marks.
viii. He is poor ____he is happy.
Class V/English/1

Join the two sentences using suitable conjunctions:

i. The girl is short. The girl is thin.
ii. The old man is rich. The old man is greedy.
iii. Please give me a pen. Please give me a pencil.
iv. I am sick. I will not go to school.
v. We will not play outside. It is raining.
vi. I have to go to work at six. I am waking up at four.
vii. My car has a radio. My car has a CD player.
viii. Do you like chocolate? Do you like vanilla ice-cream better?
ix. I was on time. Everyone else was late.
x. Teresa likes to read. Her sister Julia prefers to watch T.V.

i. Students will be made to write answers of Practice Assignment during the online class.
ii. Students should take the printouts of the Practice Assignment and write the answers in it.

Class V/English/2

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