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manav mangal school

Class: V
Subject: English Literature
Chapter 13: Swami and His friends
Practice Assignment

Reference to Context

Read the extracts and answer the questions given below:

(a) No teacher ever tried to prod him.

i) Who is ‘him’ in the above extract?

ii) Why did the teachers never try to prod him?


iii) Name the lesson from which the extract has been taken.

(b) He hated Swami’s growing friendship with the new boy.

i) Who is ‘He’ in the above extract?

ii) Whom does the ‘new boy’ refer to?


iii) What does ‘He’ hate?


Class V/English/1
(c) Day by day as Mani looked on, it was becoming increasingly clear that a new
menace had appeared in his life.
i) Who or what is referred to as the new menace in the above extract?

ii) In whose life had this menace appeared?


iii) Write the meaning of the word menace and use it in a sentence of your own.

Fill in the blanks

i. Swami’s four friends were ______________, ___________, _________ and

ii. Only the ______________ could reprimand Somu.

iii. Teachers never questioned ___________ and __________ in the classroom.

iv. People usually __________ aside when Mani passed.

v. Mani had a pair of _________ ________ at home.

vi. _________ was like Swaminathan in many ways.

vii. Mani started hating _________ because he became a new __________ in the school.

i) Students will be made to write answers of the Practice Assignment during the online class.
ii) Students should take a printout of the Practice Assignment and write answers in it.
Class V/English/2

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