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3.1 Operational Definition

1. College is education level after you go to senior high school to prepare
students to be part of society
2. Interest is a response for liking and being interested to something or activity,
without being told to usually expressed when someone prefers one thing over
3. Studying abroad is a condition that someone studies in other country to learn
new culture and get new experience also new knowledge

3.2 Population and Sample

1. Population
Sugiyono (2011: 80) said that population is the area of generalization
consisting of an object or subject that has certain qualities and
characteristics determined by researcher to be learned and then make
Table 1.1 population
No Class Students Total
1 X.1 25
2 Cambridge X.2 27 79
3 X.3 27
4 X.4 33
5 X.5 33
6 X.6 33
7 X.7 32
Non Cambridge 256
8 X.8 35
9 X.9 27
10 X.10 31
11 X.11 32
Total 335
2. Sample
According to Sugiyono (2011: 82), sample is a part of the amount and
characteristics that have by the population.

Table 1.2 Sample

No Class Total
1 Cambridge 30

2 Non Cambridge 50

3.3 Research Method

In this study, the writer will be using questionnaires, so that the research
method that will be used is a qualitative method. Qualitative method is a method
that is used to investigate the features of social influence that cannot be explained
or measured like quantitative method.

3.4 Techniques for Collecting Data

The Techniques that will be used to collect the data in this research are:
1. The writer will prepare some questionnaires that will be answered by students
2. The students give the questionnaire back to the writer when they already filled
out the questionnaire
3. The writer get the data to analayze

3.5 Techniques for Analyze data

The techniques that will be used to analyze the data are:
1. After the writer collecting the questioner that has filled by the students, the
author will input the data into the table
2. The writer will calculated the data from the table.
3. The writer will analyze the data, and make a conclusion from the data.

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