Yeliz Pinar Lesson Plan

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ASSIGNMENT : Receptive Skills (LSA 1)

ASSIGNMENT TITLE : Helping Learners with Developing

Strategies They Can Use to Prepare for Reading



CANDIDATE NUMBER : (leave this blank for now)

CENTRE NAME : Anatolia Training Institute (ATI)


DATE : 16.02.2022

TIME : 8:15 PM


Meeting ID : 816 9138 7679

Passcode : 871255


The class that I am teaching for my Delta course is a small one. The participants of the course learn

English to develop their English skill for general purposes. Although the students are generally

university students, they are studying English not for their academic studies. They had English

courses in their universities and earlier studies. They want to gain the general knowledge of the

language to increase their ability to communicate in English. That's why it is important for them to

develop their different skills like speaking, reading, writing and grammar. One of them has travelled

abroad and she wants to continue her academic life to do her masters in another country. They are

generally at the pre-intermediate level; therefore, they have the basics of grammar, reading, writing

and speaking. They need to develop these skills by being taught more details of the use of language.

As a part of this course, reading skill carries a very significant role because they aim to continue

learning English for academic purposes and work life. Pre-reading stages will help them a lot

develop not only their efficiency in reading but also their vocabulary, speaking and writing skills.

The class consists of 7 students who has attended the class so far but only 6 of them attend regularly.

5 of them are female and two of them are male. Their ages are between 20 to 25. There are some

other students who join the class from time to time but unfortunately their attendance is very low. In

addition to those ones, there are more students on class roster but unfortunately, they have never

participated. Ibrahim has attended the lesson only once. He is also very inactive in the WhatsApp

group. We don’t know if he wants to quit or continue. Gokce has attended the class twice in five

weeks but she shows interest in the classes when she attends. Atakan, the only regular male student,

is very successful as he shows great interest in the language. He studied English more intensely than

the others. Pinar lacks some fluency in English but she has good understanding skills in reading.

Irem has some challenges to understand the spoken language from time to time and she seeks for
more explanation or repetition of the tasks. The students have good study habits as they do the given

tasks during the class time and extra work assigned after the lesson.

There are two teachers sharing the class and we meet them once a week on Wednesdays from 7 pm

to 9:15 pm. Each teacher has an hour-long lesson with the students. We are in touch with each other

to choose the units to be taught every week as we pay attention to follow subsidiary units and topic.

The students are taught different skills to develop their receptive and perceptive productive skills.

We do not follow a syllabus; however, we pay attention to follow a curriculum that is pre-

intermediate level. Both of us try to focus on different language systems and present the topics in

different skills on the same day. Pelin meets the students from 7 pm to 8 pm (Turkish time) and I

meet the students from 8:15 to 9:15 (Turkish time) after a 15-minute break. As the course does not

evaluate the students with a test or they are not supposed get certain grades to pass or fail, they are

not stressed. This makes the students feel more confident about the use of language and they are not

afraid of making mistakes. As a result, although the number of the students is low, there is a good

participation during the lessons. The students are eager to talk, share their opinions, do the tasks and

there is rarely a silent moment in the lesson. As the contact hour is too short with the students, we

created a WhatsApp group with the students. They write in English on this group and this keeps them

in touch with the course. Also, due to the lack of time during the classes, students send their

homework in the group, give feedback to each other, and they get feedback from the teachers. This

helps a lot to create an interactive atmosphere outside the class times. Although, most of the students

are female, there is not a problem about the share of the class work with the male student.

They like to work in groups and in pairs. They do peer-checks, group discussions and exercises

willingly. However, as most of them are university students, some of them feel pressure about their

own studies. Irem for example is a medicine student so she has a lot of work during her day. I feel

that she is stressed out. Once she mentioned that she doesn't like what she studies. I believe that this

makes her even more pressured to achieve in her university. Other than that, Atakan mentioned his
health problem he had in the near past as he had to fight against cancer at a very young age. Except

for his university, he is running a charity to help the children in need by gathering donations.

However, I do not feel that these factors negatively affect their participation in the lesson.

As the classes are after a long study or work day, I feel that it is important to include some activities

that will keep them active. The classes are online which restricts the activities that would require

moving around the classroom, so I try to include visuals, discussions, group work and speaking tasks

to increase their participation and interest. We use Zoom application for the class time which has

different tools for online learning. I activate the board, let them write on the slides by using

annotation. We also use polls to answer the questions, see the general idea on a topic, or to do the

exercises. In this way, they are more included in the lesson. Also, I get to see their spelling and

writing which helps me diagnose their mistakes better while writing.

About the class's general level, the following points can be concluded:

They have good skills of understanding the written and spoken discourse. They can understand the

instructions with some minor challenges from time to time, they can read the reading passages at

their level without difficulty, they can state their opinions through group conversations and

individual talks, and write simple paragraphs to give their opinion about the topic. However, what

they lack is the use of grammar and fluency in speaking. I have realized that they have the idea about

their level appropriate grammar topics but they often make certain mistakes in the written and spoken

form. These mistakes are very common amongst the students whose L1 is Turkish and these

mistakes are generally like use of verb to be with another verb (he is study), use of gerund/infinitive

forms (I like study), use of auxiliary verbs in simple present tense (he don't know). This also affects

their writing as they cannot apply the grammar rules in their sentences. This makes it a bit

challenging to understand their real meaning but it doesn’t discourage them. As stated earlier,

because they don’t feel pressured about the grades or passing/failing the course, they don’t feel

uncomfortable about writing or making mistakes.

As for their speaking skills, they are not really fluent speakers of English. I assume this is because of

their lack of practice outside the classroom and they don’t get the chance to speak a lot. It might be

the result of their previous studies in English as well because they might have studied English mostly

through mechanical exercises in grammar which is a very common method in Turkey.

I would say that reading is their strongest skill. Given the level-appropriate reading texts, I haven’t

realized any major challenges they face while reading. They are also interested in the reading

passages, pre-reading stages, tasks during and after reading which makes it easy to study the skill

with them.

As for grammar, I have observed that they show great interest in learning the grammar points. In the

lead in stages, there is always very high participation. They listen to the grammar attentively, try to

understand their mistakes and later when they work on the follow up exercises I observe that they

make less mistakes. They tend to correct themselves and make their use of grammar much better.

However, some of them need to be more exposed to the reading and listening in L2 because they

have limited vocabulary while speaking. I also observe that they sometimes have difficulty in

understanding the questions or instructions due to the lack of vocabulary. It can be also because they

are not really exposed to the spoken form of the language outside the classroom as previously

mentioned. This might be dramatically affecting their fluency and understanding. I think they need to

do more speaking and reading practice to develop their skills in vocabulary.



Name of Previous Strengths / Weaknesses Learning needs Learning needs

the experience Motivations (perceived by (perceived by the
students the learner) teacher)

İrem She studied She is good at written She has difficulty She wants to She needs to
Sayın English in her and spoken form of in understanding continue her participate more in
university in language. She doesn’t some grammar education with group discussions
prep class for have problems in the structures while MA. She wants during the pre-
a year. listening. reading. to develop her reading.
reading skills
because she will
need it for
Eylül She has She is eager to learn She has poor She thinks she She needs to
Evren experience in when she attends. vocabulary which needs to develop practice reading as
another However, she missed causes her not to her reading skills she has difficulty in
course for a the classes from time understand the understanding
month. to time. reading different grammar
She likes to work in structures and she
groups and is good at sometimes lacks
discussions before the vocabulary.

Miyase She studied She is a very According to a She has I think she is a good
Deniz English in her motivated student and pre-intermediate difficulty in student but she
Çam university in she attends the class level of student, understanding needs to improve her
prep class for regularly. She wants to she has very few different fluency which can
a year. do her MA and PhD in weaknesses. She grammar be possible by
the US or France with sometimes lacks structures in the joining more in the
a scholarship. She is fluency during the reading text. discussions during
very smart. She pre reading stage. the pre reading
produces a lot of At these moments, stage.
language during the she uses L1.
lessons in the written However, she tries
and spoken form. hard.
Atakan He studied in He is a very smart and For his level, he Atakan is good at
Sakaoğlu a military motivated student. He doesn’t have reading and
school and in shows that he loves weaknesses that I understanding pre-
the learning in every way. can observe. intermediate level
university, he His interest in learning texts. He rarely
took prep reflects on his learning misunderstands due
class for a a language as well. to different grammar
year. structures.
Pınar She studied She thinks learning She lacks She wants She doesn’t talk
Aksoy English in her English is very understanding of improve her much during the
university in important for the reading text reading speed. class time. That’s
prep class for everything in life. She sometimes due to why I need to ask
a year. wants to learn English lack of vocabulary. her direct questions.
especially for It will help her to
education and business participate more in
life and to go abroad in group discussions
the future. for her fluency as
Gokce She studied She works and she She lacks fluency She wants to She participates in
Cetintas English in needs English for her while speaking develop her the group
high school. work life. She is and giving vocabulary to discussions during
motivated. She also feedback on the understand what the pre reading.
wants to learn English reading texts. she reads better. However, she needs
for general purposes to
like travelling. develop her
Ibrahim He joined the
lessons only
once so there
is no concrete
data about
him. He
hasn’t filled
in the learner
5.b Aims

Main Aims:

By the end of the lesson, the students will have:

 revised the key vocabulary before reading,

 predicted the main idea in the pre reading stage to lead them into the reading stage,

 understood the importance their skimming and scanning skills to understand a text better;

Subsidiary Aims;

The students will have;

1. Spoken through some activities in the pre reading stage to activate their schemata

2. Made a short research about the inventions

3. Written a short information paragraph as a follow up to practice the vocabulary they learn in

the lesson.

4. Read to understand a process described in a text

5c. Language Analysis:

The main aim of this lesson is to increase the students’ participation in a reading class and

understanding a reading passage through some pre-reading activities and have a successful skimming

and scanning process as a result.

Pre-reading is a stage of a reading lesson which can increase the productivity of the lesson. It can

consist of the stages like a warmer or a lead in to set the scene, introducing the topic and pre-teaching

the vocabulary to facilitate the understanding of the text.

In the beginning of the lesson the students will be introduced about the topic and the lesson aims. To

activate their schemata, they will start with a discussion about the everyday items they use. This

activity will be done in groups and the students will discuss about their history as well. This stage is

going to give them chance to learn new information from their peers as well.
After the speaking and brainstorming stage, using the visuals will be utilized. This is another tool

which helps them be more involved in the topic. In every class, there are many visual learners.

Pictures are always useful to raise awareness about the topic. This will help especially the students

with visual memory.

During the vocabulary check, the students will look the key words that are important for them to

understand the details of the reading text. These words are:

Form: noun; used in collocations like car engine
Meaning/use: the part of the machine that gives it power
Pronunciation: /ˈendʒɪn/

form: noun
meaning: a picture of something made with a pen or pencil
Pronunciation: /drɔːɪŋ/

form: noun
meaning: refers to the events that happened in the past
Pronunciation: /ˈhɪst(ə)ri/

form: noun
meaning: is an object that is a copy of something else
Pronunciation: /ˈmɒd(ə)l/

form: noun
meaning: someone who works to build or fix things like machines, roads or bridges
pronunciation: /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/

form: verb
meaning: to rest or move slowly on the surface of a liquid and not sink
pronunciation: /fləʊt/

form: verb
meaning: to disappear below the surface of the water
pronunciation: /sɪŋk/
*The meanings and the pronunciations of he words above are taken from:
In addition to checking the meaning of the vocabulary, the students will be asked to give examples

for the things that sink and float in water, that have an engine and famous people from the history.

This activity will be used to reinforce the meaning of the key vocabulary.

The activities included in the pre-reading stage is important to let the students read without help in

the later stage of reading and activate their knowledge for skimming and scanning. It will help the

students gain confidence to read in L2 because realistically they cannot have a teacher with them all

the time to help them read something outside the classroom. Therefore, students have to develop the

ability to read on their own. It is possible for the teacher to gradually 'disappear' from the class

through the pre-reading activities. During the reading stage, the students will have enough schemata

and will have practiced the necessary vocabulary to read alone.

Aebersold and Field say: “Reading in a second language is a dynamic and interactive process in

which learners make use of background knowledge, text schema, lexical and grammatical awareness,

L1- related knowledge, and real-world knowledge, as well as their own personal purposes and goals,

to arrive at an understanding of written material.” (1997) This clearly shows that before reading the

students need to associate themselves with the text to understand it.

Peter Watkins explains the importance of the stage as follows:

''The pre-reading stage is important, therefore, for building learners’ desire to read the text.

This can be partly achieved through promoting affective, as well as cognitive, engagement

with the material. Reading lessons are not only about the accurate decoding of words and messages,

but are also opportunities for learners to respond – either positively or negatively

– to the situations, characters and ideas found in the texts. Giving learners opportunities to

engage with material at an affective level, expressing feelings and emotions, both before

and after reading, is likely to support motivation.'' (2017). During the class, I will try to facilitate the

activities to maximize the engagement of the students.

In the end of the lesson, the students will be given a questionnaire to raise the awareness of pre

reading stages employed in this lesson. It will also help them understand that reading can be less

challenging if they use these strategies for their further readings.

5.d Timetable Fit

This class will be our fifth week with the learners and we already had two reading classes with them.

We had a class on the micro adventures about which they were eager to talk two weeks ago. By the

fifth week, the students will be familiar with the aims of the pre reading stages. Pre-reading activities

are important for every level to foster the understanding of what they read and make meaningful

connections. The students are pre-intermediate level so they need to practice the language in different

skills. They have the basic reading skills but as they need more challenge in their learning process,

improving their reading skill will help them get better in their use of language.

The students do not have to pass an exam or a test for the Delta course. However, some of them

mentioned that they want to take IELTS or TOEFL exam to study abroad for their masters. As a part

of these exams, reading comprehension is a necessary skill to be improved. It is a great chance to

start motivating them to read to let the students feel more comfortable about their exams in the future

and increase their confidence while reading in the week 5. During this lesson, the students will

recognize the importance of understanding the pictures, titles and subtitles as a pre reading stage and

activate their schemata before they are engaged in the real text. Once they have the habit of giving

themselves time to prepare for reading, it will be effective to apply it for the later times while they

read a text.

The students do not have a time restriction so they have got enough time to practice their skills. This

will help in the following weeks of the course to practise those kinds of activities more. They will

have enough time to internalize these stages. For the following week, the students make a research

and prepare a ppt to make a short presentation. This will be useful for them to practice the

vocabulary the will learn during this lesson. The pre reading stages to be employed during this class
will help the students while making a presentation because they will have talked about the inventions

and inventors in this lesson which possibly will make them more confident and fluent to talk about

the topic.

5e. Assumptions:

The students in this Delta class are quite knowledgeable about the topics we discuss in the lesson.

Also, they generally show good performance in the vocabulary part before reading, they have high

participation in the discussions. As they show good interest in the pre reading stages, they generally

do well in the reading parts as well.

During the lesson, I believe that they will follow the same process without any confusion. While

discussing before the reading, students are generally interested in the group discussions. They like to

share their opinions with their peers and come up with their group idea. Therefore, I believe that they

will perform well while speaking about the topic of the reading. As the students are knowledgeable

about many things, I think this week's topic will be appealing for them because they can combine

their ideas about the technological devices that they frequently use today with their history.

As they are pre-intermediate level of students they need to focus on the vocabulary part to practice

the words used in the written and spoken forms. Most of the time they don’t find it challenging but it

is good to give them chance to practice the words they will see in the reading before the reading

stage. I believe that they also find this part useful because they feel engaged in the vocabulary as a

language system. As this class aims to be a communicative one, the students will be engaged in

learning the on the vocabulary, talking about it and using it in their own sentences during the pre


5f. & 5g. Potential Problems and Appropriate Solutions

1- Due to the level of the students, they might have some fluency problems in the speaking part of

the pre-reading stage. They sometimes have difficulties in building the sentences because of their

lack of grammar and speaking practice. I will try to make them feel more comfortable by giving
them time to work in groups with other friends so that they can share their opinions first. In this way,

they can learn unknown words from each other and do the peer check.

2- The students may not know the vocabulary presented in the pre-reading stage. This might create

problems in their understanding later on when they are led in to the actual reading. To overcome this

problem, I will give them a vocabulary task and then they will check their answers with their friends

in break out rooms. In this case, it can be helpful to make each other explanations or giving the

meaning of the words in L1 for lower level students. If I observe that the students are not clear about

the meaning of the words after they come back, I will give them simple definitions and sample


3- There might be some students who have no idea about the topic of the reading passage. In this

case, they will have nothing to share in the lead-in part so they might be silent. To avoid this

problem, I will activate their schemata by showing them some pictures and doing vocabulary tasks so

even if they have no idea, they will get some information. The lead in stage when they discuss the

technological devices they use in the modern life can help them recall their memory about their

inventions and inventors as well.

4- This is an online class so there might be some technological problems during the class hour. There

might be an internet problem or a power cut. In this case, if it happens to one of the students, I will

continue with the rest of the lesson. If this problem occurs on my side, I will contact the students

through WhatsApp to stay online for a while and wait for me. If the issue is not solved during the

class time, we will have to continue the lesson the following week.

5- The students will have practiced to guess the topic of the week in the earlier weeks. They will be

introduced how to activate their schemata by looking at the titles and the subtitles of the text, the

visuals they are presented. In case there are students who still cannot figure out the topic, I will give

them time to skim the text.

6- As the students are not very fluent in English and they have some pronunciation problems from

time to time, they may have difficulty in pronouncing some words. In this case I can use the drilling

method to practice the pronunciation of the words.

7- The number of the students in the class is not really big so sometimes it is difficult to create

groups or pairs. In this case, I will try to arrange the numbers as equal as possible. If there are five

students in the class, in a pair work, one of the groups can consist of 3 people.

8- Some of the students are stronger than the others. Those ones generally take less time in

completing the exercises. I will ask the ones who finish to use 'raise the hands button' not to distract

the others. I can observe the time they take to complete the activities.

9- There might be a time restriction problem in the end of the class when they are supposed to write a

piece of short paragraph about some inventions. If I face this problem, I will assign it as a homework.

As they have done many times, they can send their paragraphs on WhatsApp. I can give them

feedback on their papers as they send them to me during the week.

10- The students can face difficulties in understanding the instructions. Sometimes they are too shy

to ask further explanations. I will try to include ICQs to make sure that they understand which points

they need to focus. This will reduce the confusion and it will ensure that everybody talks about the

same subject.

11- There might be one or two students who would like to take over the conversation, speak more

than the others or answer more questions than the others. If I realize that some of the students are

more silent, I will direct the question to these specific questions by calling out their names.

12- In the end of the lesson, once the students finish searching about their invention, I will ask them

to speak about it briefly. However, time restriction can be a problem one more time. In this case, I

will ask them to speak about it following week in the beginning of the class as reminder of the

previous week.

5i- Materials and Aids:

 PPT slides prepared by the teacher

 Technological devices to join the zoom meeting, preferably a lap top as they need to write on

the board for some exercises.

 Good internet connection

5.k Commentary

a. Rationale for choosing this specific lesson:

According to my experiences with different level of students, what they bring to the reading affect

drastically their understanding of the reading the text. They will feel readier and more prepared to

read. By anticipating the topic, they get ready in terms of language, vocabulary and grammar that

they might come across in the text. In the later times, this is very helpful to increase the learners’

motivation as well because as reading will be no more a challenging skill for them in time. As I also

stated in my BE, there are many resources that confirm the value of pre-reading stages. Goudvis and

Harvey (2007) explain that our schema is the sum total of our background knowledge and

experiences that we bring to our reading. I believe that by providing the scaffolding for students,

teachers help them activate prior knowledge and become better readers. In this way, they can easily

follow the stages of the lesson. The flow of the learning process is going to be easier. I assume that

the text I included in my lesson plan is an interesting one for the students. To increase the

comprehension of their understanding, I include visuals, vocabulary check and activation of prior


As for the needs of my students, they lack fluency and vocabulary. I believe that pre-reading stage is

important for them because they need to feel prepared before reading. In many articles and studies I

have read while preparing my BE and lesson plan, I have seen that reading motivation is related to

the learners’ achievement. While trying to establish the activities before reading a text, my primary

aim is to increase their achievement in the reading process.

Link to my BE:
While preparing my lesson plan, I have referred to many articles, books and researches. I am highly

encouraged to utilize differentiated prereading activities before readings because many surveys and

researches show that the students enjoy this stage and it increases their understanding of the text.

Cohen & Cowen states that L2 learners use their background knowledge because it helps them

remember and recall information stored away and allow them to use this memory to build upon what

they know as they learn new things. If a learner does not have the appropriate schemata built up, he

or she will not be able to comprehend the material (2011).

During this lesson, the activities for the lead in part will be used as pre reading stages to let the

students make logical connections between their earlier knowledge and the reading passage. I will

focus on stimulating students’ curiosity so that there is a desire to read the text. While doing that I

will pay attention not to reveal information that they are supposed to get from the text. I will keep in

mind that over scaffolding or pre reading will make the teacher do all of the work as a result of

which students will have no reason to read the text.

Rationale for choosing the content:

Pre-reading: Before the students start the reading the text, I will show them some pictures and give

them a discussion topic. This help them share their opinions. It is also a warm up for the topic and

the students can activate their schemata. After the discussion part, they will check some vocabulary

that will appear in the text. This stage will help them understand the gist because the vocabulary can

give them hint about the topic. Also, it is useful for them because at the pre-intermediate level, they

need to revise the vocabulary before actual reading to avoid blocking their understanding during the

reading stage.

While reading: During the reading the students will be given time to skim the text first. To give

them a purpose, there will be some questions they need to answer. Then, they will scan the text to

understand more and answer another set of questions. Reading stage will be connected to the pre
reading so that there will be scaffolding of the lesson. In this way, the students will be more aware of

the process of understanding the text better.

Post Reading: The students will be asked to do a writing activity during this stage. This will give

them a chance to produce knowledge in the end of the class by using the vocabulary they are taught.

This is also important to show the students that they can express their opinions on the given topic.

Word Count: 749


Aebersold, J.A. and Field, M.L. (1997) From Reader to Reading Teacher. Cambridge: CUP.

Cohen, V. & Cowen, J. E. (2011). Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching

Reading, Writing and Thinking. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Goudvis, A., Harvey, S. (2007). Strategies that work: Teaching comprehension for understanding

and engagement. Portland: Maine/Pembroke

Watkins, Peter. (2017). Teaching and Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge University Press.
5.h Lesson Procedures

time Stage & stage Procedure Interaction Materials
Pre Reading
10 mins Lead in: To The teacher starts the lesson by greeting the students. T - Ss Ppt slide 3
explore the theme T gives them the objectives of the lesson. S-S
by T shows the third slide to the Ss and asks them the list of the things they use. Ss go to Whole class
activating the break out rooms to talk about their answers for 5 minutes. class.
contextual and They will use their general knowledge to come up with their ideas about the topic.
schematic When Ss come back from the break out rooms, they talk about their ideas about what
knowledge they discuss in the break out rooms.

Pre Reading 5 min Lead in: Checking T shows them some items and asks if they know the inventor or history about the T - Ss Ppt slides
their knowledge invention. S-T 4 to 9
and skimming to After short feedback from the students, T shows them very short paragraphs and asks
find basic them to find the year they were invented and by whom they were invented.
information in a Then the T asks if they needed to read all the information in detail to find the answer.
simple text The Ss are expected to say they didn't read the information in detail. Then, the T asks
what helped them to find the information in those paragraphs. They are expected to say
that the numbers that show the years and the names of the people were the information
they were looking for.
5 minutes Checking the T shows them the vocabulary items on the Ppt and gives Ss 3 minutes to complete the Ss - T Ppt Slides
vocabulary before exercises in A and B. Ss have 3 minutes to complete the tasks. T - Ss 10 - 11
Preparing to reading Ss are asked to raise their hands as they finish the exercises not to disturb the others. T
read can follow the students pace not to spend more time than needed.
After all the students complete the exercises, they will check their answers on the
answer key and ask questions if they have any.
3minutes Checking the T asks the students to give ideas on each of the categories. T teachers asks different Ss - T Ppt Slide
understanding of students each time to make sure that all the students speak. 12
the vocabulary
before reading
While 2 minutes Predicting the T shows the Ss the title, a caption and some pictures of the reading. T asks them to tell T - Ss Ppt Slide
Reading topic of the their opinions about what the reading is about. Ss talk about their ideas after thinking S-T 14
reading and about it for a minute.
activating the
knowledge about
the topic of the
5 minutes Reading the first T sends the students to the break out rooms for 3 minutes to read the first paragraph Ss - Ss Ppt Slide
paragraph to together. Ss are supposed to understand what the paragraph describes and what makes Ss - T 15
understand the it special.
topics T get feedback from the Ss about the answers. The whole class discusses for a minute.

5 minutes Reading the body T shows the students the exercises to complete the summary of the reading. Then Ss Ss Ppt Slide
of the reading are asked to read the text and fill in the blanks with the necessary information to fill in Ss - T 17
the gaps. The questions will appear on this students screens as a poll. After they finish Poll tool on
answering the questions, T will show them the result of the poll so the students can see Zoom
their mistakes if they have any.

7 minutes Reading to T shows Ss the last part of the reading. Ss take two minutes to read and understand Ss Ppt Slide
understand the how the process works. Ss- Ss 19 - 20
process described T sends the Ss to the breakout rooms to complete the chart about the process of how Ss - T
in reading the clock works for 3 minutes. T - Ss
When they come back, T shows them the answers. Ss compare their answers with the
answer key.

Post 10 Evaluation of pre T gives the students pre reading questionnaire to get feedback about the stages that Ss PPT 21
Reading minutes reading activities were used in the beginning of the lesson. Ss - T
and raising Students marks their opinions about options. T - Ss
awareness T tells the students the importance of information given around the reading text like
headings and subtitles and activating their schemata

Homework 3 To have the T shows the Ss some inventions and Ss will choose one of them. They will scan the qr Ss Ppt slide 21
students write a code on their selected ppt and go to a website where they can read more about the Ss - T - 23
short research invention. They work individually on the task for the next week.
about the newly Ss will find some information about the invention and prepare a ppt to talk about it in
practiced the following lesson for 1 – 2 minutes.
vocabulary and
the topic.
To have the Ss do
extensive reading
about the topic of
the lesson outside
the class

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