Electrical Circuits Lab EE 213

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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Circuits Lab EE 213

Experiment 5A

Transients in RL and RC Circuits

Student Name: ‫المأمون خميس‬

Student ID Number: 135369

Lab Section: 2

Due Date: Dec 24


 Testing transients for RL and RC circuits.

 To learn how to measure the time constant experimentally.


Measuring the currents and voltages across an inductor and a capacitor in
a transient response.

Results and Discussion

1- RL –Circuit Transient Test

1- Construct the RL circuit shown in the figure below, using Rs= 1 kΩ, L= 1 H, and
Vs is 4V p  p , 100 Hz square wave.

Table 1: Parameters for Circuit of Figure 1

R R R  L
g L s (measured ) R R R
L g s

50Ω 160 Ω 1 kΩ 0.83 ms 5 ms

Figure 1. RL circuit.

2- Display the function generator output voltage ( VS (t ) ) on Ch1 of the scope.

3- Display the voltage across RS ( V2 (t ) ) on Ch2 of the scope.

V2 (t )
I L (t ) 
4- Make an accurate sketch of both signals ( VS (t ) and I L (t ) ) showing values of time
and amplitude.

5- Measure τ using the 63% change criterion: (expand the time scale to make an
accurate measurements)

τ = 0.82 ms

6- Measure τ using the two-point method:

Table 2: Two-point method for calculating τ

t1 = 1 ms Y1 = 0.67 V t2 = 2 ms Y2 = 1.36 V Y f = 1.65 V

t2  t1
 = 0.82 ms
ln Y f  Y1   ln Y f  Y2 

7- Measure I L (t ) at t = 2τ , 3τ and 5τ. Compare them with theoretical values:

Table 3: Measured and calculated current values

Measured Theoretical
t I L (t ) I L (t )
2τ 1 mA 1.2 mA

3τ 1.6 mA 1.49 mA

5τ 1.6 mA 1.63 mA

Vm  Vm 
I L (t )    I o  e  t / , where:
Rtotal  Rtotal 
Vm  VS ( p  p ) / 2

Rtotal  R  R  R
L g s
8- Exchange the positions of R and L in the circuit so you can display VL (t ) , make

an accurate plot of VL (t ) :

9- Draw [ VL (t ) + V2 (t ) ] and compare the result with input voltage.

2- RC –Circuit Transient Test

10- Construct the RC circuit shown in the figure below, using RS =100 KΩ, C= 10

nF, and Vs is 4V p  p , 100 Hz square wave.

Table 4: Parameters for Circuit of Figure 2

s (measured )  RC s T/2

100 kΩ 1 ms 5 ms

Figure 2. RC circuit.

11- Display the function generator output voltage ( VS (t ) ) on Ch1 of the scope

12- Display the voltage across RS ( V2 (t ) ) on Ch2 of the scope.

V2 (t )
I C (t ) 

13- Make an accurate sketch of both signals ( VS (t ) and I C (t ) ) showing values of time
and amplitude.
14- Measure τ using the 63% change criterion: (expand the time scale to make an
accurate measurements)

τ = 0.98 ms

15- Measure τ using the two-point method:

Table 5: Two-point method for calculating τ

t1 = 1 ms Y1 = 0.53 V t2 = 2 ms Y2 = 1.46 V Y f = 1.98 V

t2  t1
 = 0.99 ms
ln Y1   ln Y2 

16- Measure I C (t ) at t = 2τ , 3τ and 5τ. Compare them with theoretical values:

Table 6: Measured and calculated current values

Measured Theoretical
t I C (t ) I C (t )
2τ ~~~~~ 5.40 µA

3τ ~~~~~ 2.00 µA

5τ ~~~~~ 0.25 µA

Vm  Vo t /
I C (t )  e , where:
Vm  VS ( p  p ) / 2

Rtotal  R  R  R
C g s

17- Exchange the positions of R and C in the circuit so you can display VC (t ) , make

an accurate plot of VC (t ) :

18- Draw [ VC (t ) + V2 (t ) ] and compare the result with input voltage.


 We have to choose suitable values of the frequency and the

components to guarantee reaching the steady state.

 The growth in voltage across a capacitor is gradual.

 The growth in current across an inductor is gradual.

 After 5 time constants, the steady state is almost reached.

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