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What are the Effects of Technology on Learning?

Effects of Technology on Learning was my monograph topic for bachelor

degree. I have researched and found information about this topic and defended it
outstandingly. Now, I would like to write an essay about the same topic for ICCR
scholarship. I have solved this problem during my university career. So I would
like to share it as essay with you for ICCR scholarships.

As far as modern technology has great effect on learning process. It means

that technology and learning process cannot be separated. They are like soul and
body for one another. Modern technology has great and deep impact on the process
of learning. Without modern technology learning process is uncompleted and those
who don’t use technology during their lessons or academic period may in the
future they will encounter with serious problem, especially in the field of their
jobs. First they will not be able to get the job, even if they get, they will be as sick
and tired as cannot be described. Second, those students or cadets who are
imparted from technology during their lessons, this apartness from technology
direct effect on the mark of students. It means may they will be failed or they will
not get high marks. And so many more effects were also exist that I cannot
describe all here.

At the beginning of that monograph I have found that without technology,

learning process couldn’t be as completed as with technology. For example,
speider (2012) has mentioned that students who access to technology during their
learning process they can get high marks than those who don’t access to
technology. And he also has claimed that without modern technology learning
process cannot be conducted, even if it is conducted, it will be full of shortcomings
and deficiencies. At whole, it wouldn’t be a complete process. In one part of the
literature review, Kavish (2001) has said that technology in the process of learning
play a major role. Technology can effect on the future of each personality. He also
said that his purpose is that everyone must try to get little familiarization with
modern technology till use this technology in their future time responsibilities. It
means that getting of job is hard task but if you are not familiar with technology
than it is even hardest. So, if you eager to be a different founder you need to be a
different seeker.

Also, one of other writers has acclaimed that now a days learning process
without technology is impossible. That means if there is no technology there won’t
be learning. So, before that we deprive from learning we must try to be familiar
with technology and we must attempt till access for each kind of modern
technology and take advantage from it in our lessons.

According to the data which has collected from different sources, technology
can help to improve your ability and become easier your learning process.

They said, mobile, calculator, computer, media, internet, Facebook, twitter,

watt sap, projector, screen, and even board can effect on the process of learning. So
according to literature review technology is the simplifier of learning and it never
complex the process, but give chances to cadets till know about one issue deeply,
correctly, and perfectly. Therefore, instructors must use different kind of
technology till students engage in their classes and lessons. For example, Rode and
Beloow (1990) mentioned that every kind of technology is essential for students in
their academic areas. He also said that technology can engage most of the students
in the classes and also can be recognized about one issue or problem basically.
Beyond of the above positive ideas some authors have written that technology may
have bad effects on some students, especially on the students of school period of
time. Like, he has mentioned some examples that one student from 8 th class who
had first position in the class, but once upon a time his uncle bought him a mobile,
as he was too busy with his mobile so he lost his position and even he failed during
the exams. And some other writers said that students at the time of school don’t
how to use technology and they don’t know how to give time to it, till not waste
their time, but they are busy twenty four per seven with this new technology and
waste their time disorderly. So these are the some negative impacts of technology
that students, especially the students of school must keep away their selves from
those things and points.

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