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Measuring the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Author(s): J. Huston McCulloch

Source: The Journal of Business, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp. 19-31
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 07/01/2010 04:22

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Journal of Business.

INTRODUCTION tenuouslydifferentiable.We may expect

This paper develops a technique of fit- it to be monotonicallydecreasing.
ting a smooth curve,called the "discount Except for a few short-termsecurities
function," to observations on prices of called "bills," none of the zero coupon
securities with varying maturities and "bonds"whose prices are determineddi-
coupon rates. The yield curve, instan- rectly from the discount function exists.
taneous forward interest rates, mean However, given the maturity moand the
forward interest rates, and consistent coupon rate c of a security, its value p
values for securitiesare derivedfromthis can be computedas the sum of the values
discount function. Formulasfor estimat- of the payments that compriseit:
ing the variances of these derived statis- MO
tics are given. All formulas are worked p = 1006(mo)+ cf 3(m)dm. (1)
out for a broad family of discount func-
tions amenableto linearregression.A pre- For simplicity, we have assumedthat the
ferred form for the generalizeddiscount coupons arrive in a continuous stream
functionis describedwhichfocusesresolu- instead of semiannually.This enables us
tion in the vicinity of concentrationsof to use "and interest"pricesas quoted.3
observations. It is used to compare re- In orderto fit a curve to the discount
gressionyield curveswith those obtained function by linear regression, we must
by Durand' and those shown in the postulate k continuously differentiable
TreasuryBulletin.2 functionsfj(m), and then express it as a
constant term plus a linear combination
THE DISCOUNT FUNCTION of these functions:
The most fundamental curve describ- h

ing the term structure of interest rates, 6(m) = ao + 2ajfj(m).

the one from which all others must be
derived, is the discountfunction 6(m). It Since the present value of present money
describes the present value of $1.00 re- is unity, we must have 6(0) = 1. The
payable in m years. It is natural to sup- only way to force the curve through this
pose that the discount function is con- point is to set ao = 1 and
* Departmentof Economics,Universityof Chi-
fj(O) = 0 . (2)
cago.I am indebtedto ProfessorsReubenA. Kessel,
MertonH. Miller,LesterG. Telser,andHenriTheil, Therefore the discount function takes
and Mr. MichaelMussafor helpfulsuggestions.The
commentsand suggestionsof the refereeswere es-
the form
peciallyfruitful,and resultedin a thoroughrevision k
of the paper. 6(m) + Fa fj(m). (3)
1 David Durand,Basic Yieldsof CorporateBonds, j1
1900-1942 (New York: National Bureau of Eco- ' A proratedshareof the next couponis addedto
nomicResearch,1942). the quoted "and interest" price to arrive at the
2 TreasuryBulletin (Washington,D.C.: Govern- "flat" price at which the securityactually changes
ment PrintingOffice,March 1966), p. 78. hands. Today, only bonds in default are quoted
The form of the functions fj(m) and We chose to start with the discount
the value of k are very important to the function, expressingit as a linear combi-
quality of our fit of the discount func- nation in unknownsas in (3), becausewe
tion. However, opinions may differ on knew that the linearity of the integra-
their specification and there is no in- tion operator in (1) would then also
disputably best method. Therefore we make p a linear combinationin these un-
will develop all formulas at the present knowns, permitting estimation of the a1
level of generality. Possible forms of by linear regression. Previous workers,
these functions and rules for selecting k notably Cohen, Kramer, and Waugh,4
will be considered at the end of this have instead started with the yield curve
paper. a(m), a nonlinear transform of 6(m):
Combining (1) and (3) we obtain a(m) = -(1/rn) ln 6(m). If one were to
begin with this yield curve instead, so
p = 100 [1 + Zajfj(mo)1 that

1(m) = ao + Eajjf(m),
+ cf [1 + ajfj(m)J dm
0 j=l
when the value of the couponswas added
to that of the principal using (1), he
= 100 [1 + 2ajfj(mo)] would obtain

+ C [Mo + Eaji p = 100 exp -mo[ao + fajfj(mO)

j=l 0

=100 + cm0 + cj exp -m[ao + Eajfj(m)] dm

+ Eaj [100fj(mo) + c ff(m)dmj. (4) Thisexpressionis not linearin the aj and
j=l 0
thereforethe a cannotbe estimatedby
Setting linearregression
withoutthe useof crude
y= p-100-cmo (5a) approximations. Consequently,we will
and use the approachof equation (3) and
will not develop the yield curve until
= lOfj(mo) + c ffj(m)dm, (5b) later.


equation (4) becomes
y= Zaix,. (5c) At any momentin time therewill not
j=l be simultaneousactual sale prices for
Because c, io, and the postulated func- everysecurity.This is especiallytrue of
tionsfj(m) are given, the right-handside slow-movingcorporateissues.However,
of (5c) is a linear combination, in un- there often are enoughsecuritieswith
known constants aj, of known con- simultaneouslystandingbid and asked
stants x;. offersto makeinferencesaboutthe term
4Kalman J. Cohen, Robert L. Kramer, and
flat. However,a few prewarbonds have to be con- W. HowardWaugh, "RegressionYield Curvesfor
vertedto the "andinterest"basisbeforeequation(1) U.S. GovernmentSecurities,"ManagementScience
can be used. 13, no. 14 (December1966):B168-75.

structure. If we have such observations of a value consistent with the observa-

pb and p? on n securities, define mean tions on the other securities used. We
prices pi as pi = (pb + p')/2. Let ci and probably cannot expect the fit to be any
mi be the coupon rate and term to final better than 1.0.5
maturity of the ith security. Adapting (5) to the error term as-
Instead of (1) holding exactly for the sumption of (6), the regressionequation
bid-askedmean price, we will find that is:
= 1008(m) + cif 3(m)dm + ei, (6) 'Yi= Eajxii + et, i = 1, 2, . .. n, (7a)
where et is an error term with positive
variance. These errorscan be caused by var (,s)) = a2V2 (7b)
transactions costs, tax exemption, the where
capital gains tax treatment of deep dis- Y= Pi- 100- Cimi (7c)
count bonds, callability, convertibility, m.
ineligibility for commercial bank pur- Xij= 100fj(mi) + cif fj(m)dm, (7d)
chase, ability to be surrenderedat par in 0

payment of estate taxes (true of so- and

called flowerbonds), risk of default, im- vi = (pia- p)/2 + b. (7e)
perfect arbitrage,and the rigidity which
will be introduced by postulating any We run a weighted least-squaresregres-
specific form forfi(m). Thanks to trans- sion on (7) to obtain estimates d1, d2,
actions costs alone, the absolute value * **, Ok and ff of the parameters a,, a2,
of et could be as high as vt = (pa p-)l * . ?, ?a and a. The discount function is
2 + b, where b is the brokerage fee of then estimated by
0.5 parts per 100 for the broker-traded k

corporate issues and zero for dealer- a (m) = 1 + Edvfi(m). (8)

quoted U.S. Governments. The differ-
ence between the maximum price to a We are not justified in extrapolating
buyer and the minimumprice to the sell- 6(m) or any of its derived functions be-
er is 2vi. Because of the other sources of yond the longest maturity of the secu-
error,the errorterm will often be larger rities observed. Notice that we are able
than va.Nevertheless, it will have a vari- to fit the discount function with a
ance that is related to vs. Since the other smooth curve, even though we do not
sources of error are more difficult to have direct observationson it. We could
quantify, it is convenient to assume that never have done this by hand, or even by
the standarderrorof ej is simply propor- ordinarycurve-fittingtechniques.
tional to vi: S.E. (e) = crvi.The value of I have actually fit (7) to observations
a, which is to be measured,gives us an on railroad bonds for fifteen selected
indicator of how well arbitrageis work- dates from 1920 to 1938 and on U.S.
ing and of the size of the factors other Government securities for the close of
than coupon and maturity which enter every month from December 1946 to
into the value of the securities.If it is as 5 In the context of this applicationof linearre-
low as 1.0, the bid-asked mean price of gression,R2is a bad indicatorof goodnessof fit. It
has no obvious intuitive interpretationand almost
most of the securities observed will be always is over .999. On the other hand, a"is mean-
within the transactionscosts tolerancevi ingfuland sensitive.
March 1966. The discount functions for at the close of February 1951 to 5.6 at
two of these dates are shown in figures 1 the close of March 1951 was especially
and 2. They are displayedplus and minus dramatic. Since most of the same securi-
their estimated standard errors of mea- ties were still present in the market, this
surement. The estimated curve itself is fall could not have been entirely due to
not shown in order to avoid clutter. It
lies halfway between the upper and low-
er edges of the band shown. Notice that 1.0?

the error, relative to the value of the

curve, increases with time to maturity 2~0.0?

because the market is less concerned

with the distant future than with the


vaWV ___
0.2 -

0.0 - I
0.6 - - - - - - - -
0 10 20 30 m
Yearsto Motart
~0.4 - -
FIG. 2.-Discount function for the close of
February1966 based on bid-askedmean pricesfor
taxable U.S. Governmentbills, notes, and bonds.
0.2- -
Redemptionof callable issues is assumedto be at
earliest call date if price is above par and at ma-
turity date when price is belowpar. In this regres-
0.0 - - - - -
sion, n = 78, k = 9, and v= 7.81. In spite of the
0 10 20 0
highervalue of this curve is better definedthan
Yeas to Maturity
that of fig. 1 becausebid-askedspreadsweresmaller
FIG. 1.-Discount functionfor the close of Feb- and becauseof the absenceof brokeragefees.
ruary1922based on bid-askedmeanpricesof high-
grade (Moody'sAa and Aaa) railroadbonds. Con- TABLE 1
vertibles and securitieswith any chance of being
called before maturity were excluded. The band MEAN VALUES
showsthe best estimateplus and minusits standard
error.In this regression,n= 26, k = 5, and 0-
2.67. Mean
Period Type of Security Value
near future, and therefore does not de-
1920-1938....... High-graderailroad 2.6
fine the curve for the distant future with bonds
as great a precision. The calculation of 1/1/47-3/1/51.. Taxable U.S. govern- 15.9
these errorsis discussedin a later section. ment securities
4/1/51-1/1/62.. Taxable U.S. govern- 4.6
Mean values of f' for selected sub- ment securities
2/1/62-4/1/66.. Taxable U.S. govern- 9.0
periods are given in table 1. These fig- ment securities
ures would seem to indicate that prior to
the Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord
of March 4, 1951, and again after the a change in the special features of the
beginning of "OperationTwist" in mid- securities.
1961, some sort of "disarbitrageur"was Having estimated the parameters as
active in the market for U.S. Govern- we can estimate the true values pi of
ment securities. The fall in a from 13.9 the n securities:

Pi = 100 + cimt Consequentlywe can estimate (10) with

+ E100f(mi)
dj + cif f(m)dm] 1+ djfj(m)
= (14)
This formula can even be used to esti- Forward curves correspondingto the
mate the value of securities that did not discountfunctionsshownin figures1 and
enter into the regression.It is of use to 2 are depicted in figures 3 and 4, plus
dealers,banks, insurancecompanies,and p(m)
large borrowerswho need to comparethe
values of securities differing in coupon
rate and maturity. Sophisticated users
may even want to adjust (1) for taxes
and for the value of special provisions.
Examination of the weighted residuals,
p- )/vi, shows that the ineligibility
for commercialbank purchase of many
bonds prior to the Accord (and to a __NS
lesser degree until 1954) tended to cause
negative residuals and that the special
tax status of deep discount bonds tended 0 10 20
Yearsto Maturity

to cause positive residuals. These prop-

erties account in large measure for the FIG. 3.-Instantaneous forward interest rate
curve correspondingto the discountcurve of fig. 1
disappointinglyhigh values of 0ffor post- for the close of February1922.
war Treasury securities. Compensating
for such factors should give better fits
and reduce the unaccounted-forerror.
The discount function 6(m) is an ex-
ponential decay curve whose rate of de-
cay need not be constant. Its rate of
decay is the instantaneousforward
rate p(m):
P(m)-- '(m) (10) 0 40 20 30 m
Yearsto Maturity
Equivalently, FIG. 4.-Instantaneous forward interest rate
curve correspondingto the discount curve shown
in fig. 2 for the close of February1966. The high
5(m) = exp [- fp(x)dxl (11) resolutionat the short end is madepossibleby the
concentrationof bill observations.
and minus their standard errorsof mea-
p(m) = lin [8(m)/1(m + h) _] (12
surement.The calculationof these errors
will be discussed in a later section. The
By differentiating(3) we have "knuckles" in the bands are to be ex-
k pected, unless we are willing to specify
d'(m)= >ajfjf(m). (13) that 8(m) must be twice continuously
differentiableinstead of just once. As m age of that rate of decay over the inter-
goes to infinity, p(m) does not necessari- val from 0 to m. Thus,
ly approach an asymptote. Rather, its ' m
standard error of measurement will be (m)= - f p(x)dx. (18)
found to grow without limit, so that its m 0
value simply fades away. This effect is Equivalent formulationsare
moreapparentin figure4 than in figure3,
which goes off scale. (m) = exp [-mfl(m)], (19)
The instantaneousforwardrate curve
is a very importanttheoreticalconstruct. q(m) = --In (m), (20)
However, its value for a single maturity and
m is of little practical concern, because
w(m) = r(0, m)
it is prohibitively expensive in terms of
transactions costs to make a forward Equation (18) states that v stands in
contract between two points in the dis- the relation of an average curve to the
tant future if these points are only a marginal curve p. Although v and p are
small distance apart, as are m and m + h not cost curves, they still bear the same
in definition (12) of the instantaneous mathematical interrelationships as do
forwardrate. average and marginalcost curves:
Only the average of p(m) over a con-
siderableinterval in the future is of prac-
i) mn'(m) + n(m) = p(m) (21)
tical concern. Given any two values of ii) n(0) = P(O)
mn,say ml and in2, the meanforward in-
terestrater(Ml,M2) is the averageof p(m) iii) X is
fcalling at m,
over the interval [i1, i2]:
then p is aboveOatM.
below t
r(minm2) = f p(m)dm. (15)
iv) If O'(m) = 0, theno(m) = p(m)
The yield curve, as defined in equa-
r(ml, M2) = m in i(n1) (16) tion (20), can be estimated by
1 A

Computationally,(16) is more useful and 77(m) = ln6(m). (22)

can be estimated by
Yield curves correspondingto figures 1
r(ml, M2) = in in1) (17) and 2 are given in figures 5A and 6A.
The figuresshow the estimatorsplus and
Notice that we have derived and esti- minus their standard errors of measure-
mated forwardinterest rates without use ment. Notice how the standard error is
of the yield curve. large for both large and small m on the
railroadcurve for 1922 and is smallerfor
THE YIELD CURVE intermediate m. The computation of
The instantaneous forward interest these errors will be discussed in a later
rate curve p(m) gives the rate of decay section.
of the discount function 5(m) at each Otherinvestigatorshave measuredthe
point m. The yield curvet7(m)is the aver- term structureof interest rates by fitting
'bS0:.0g~l40 4.:s0 1m
4.0 Years to Maturity

0.0 2E _FIG. 6A.-Yield curve corresponding to the dis-

0 10 20 30 40 m count curve shown in fig. 2 for the close of Febru-
Yearsto Maturity ary 1966.
FIG.5A.-Yield curve correspondingto the dis-
count curveof fig. 1, for the close of February1922.

6.5 - -.

6.0 --

5.5 > - - 0 A 92


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 42 54 66 78 90
Yearsto Maturity
FIG.5B.-A Durandyield curvefor comparisonwith fig. 5A based on high-gradecorporatebond trans-
actionpricesfromthe firstquarterof 1922.

'68 70 '72 74 76 7 8 '84 X6 es 90 92 '94 I

.9S 8e
Percent ' 0 ' z ; W { s is, "as Po 119 0 &-9 -1--

5.601 15,60

520 5=20

4 80 =480
A _

* I I tyr
4.40 | * --
x*C~d ,,|- * lse .ss
law.. 4.40

|Othr deepdiscount ImesI

ITrs1urry billsIncludedare llmi to maturitiesows I
400 to 3 monts, 6 months, and 9 monthsandto th long 4
Yid ala d to l t dli t whenpdi.. are
j l per and
tomatuoowpr i twhen prk es are at par or
aar|et M ablenowbIsuedinexchng f ornonmorktak bI l
3.60 23?% InvdmentSries Bbonds. 3.60
'Isom withcouponmates of 3I% or I

F77 T I= - C= =
1966 68 0 72 74 '76 '78 o' le '84 '8 '8 '90 '92 94 '96 9

FIG.6B.-A TreasuryBulletinyield curvefor comparisonwith fig. 6A based on bid quotationsfor the

close of February1966.The smoothcurveis fitted by eye. Marketyields on couponissuesdue in less than
three monthsare excluded.Source:TreasuryBulletin,March 1966, p. 78.
a smooth curve to the average yields to rates.8 For example, Durand's 1922
maturity of the securities observed.Du- curve, shown in figure 5B, could not be
rand and the Treasury Bulletin6 hand used to infer the interestingly low for-
fitted the points with a French curve, ward rates shown in figure 3 which
while Cohen, Kramer, and Waugh7 fit spanned the interval from 1937 to 1950
them with a linear regression.A Durand in the future (maturitiesfifteen to twen-
curve and a TreasuryBulletin curve are ty-eight years). These remarkablerates
shown in figures5B and 6B for compari- foreshadowedthe low rates for that pe-
son with figures5A and 6A. riod which were again to prevail during
Both the hand and the regressionap- the later part of the Depression. When
proaches to directly fitting the yield the data for 1922werefirst fit, the author
curve are open to two seriousobjections. used a polynomial form for 6(m), and
First, unless the yield curve I(m) is flat, similarlow forwardrates resulted. In an
there is no reason to expect the average effort to get rid of them, he devised the
yield of a bond with a positive coupon piecewise quadratic formulation which
rate to lie on it. The pure yield curve is will be discussed in a later section,
definedfor hypothetical bonds with zero screened the data more carefully for
coupon rates, so that the yield of an or- bonds which were callable, convertible,
dinary bond with maturity mo is a com- or were not entirely risk free, and added
plicated average of I(m) over the whole more observations. In spite of these
interval [0, ino], with only one of many efforts the low forwardrates persisted.
weights at no, correspondingto the prin- The tendency for the standard error
cipal. For instance, if a bond has more of measurementof q(m) to be large for
than fifteen or twenty years to go before small m means that Durand's "basic"
maturity, less than half of its value is yield curves are open to another objec-
due to the principal.The rest is embodied tion: They are biased so that they tend
in the coupons. This averaging process to have an upwardslope. In orderto ob-
washes out any shape the yield curve tain rates for absolutely risk-freeloans,
might have at the long end. The upward he drew his yield curves to pass under
slope at the right end of the curve in the bulk of the plotted points. This
figure5A may be a pertinent exampleof would be a valid procedureif the width
the shape the yield curve may still have of the observed band of points were
at the long end. Unfortunately,however, caused only by differencesin the premi-
its measurementerror becomes so large ums for the risk of default. However, the
that this upward slope may or may not observedbid-askedmean price of a virtu-
be statistically significant. ally default-free security often differs
Second, any minor error incurred from its predictedvalue by several times
while directly fitting the yield curve will the transactionscost involved. In terms
be magnified, especially for large m, if of yield, this differenceis more impor-
one tries to use formula (21) to calculate tant for short maturities than for long,
forwardrates from the yield curve. Du- causing Durand's plotted points to di-
rand himself has insisted that his curves verge for short maturities. By fitting his
should not be used to derive forward 8 David Durand,"A QuarterlySeriesof Corpo-
6See nn. 1 and 2. rate Basic Yields, 1952-57, and Some Attendant
7See n. 4. Reservations,"Journal of Finance 13 (1958):348-56.

curves under the bulk of the points in- If z is a k-vector of known values and
stead of through them, his curves tend 4 is the vector (l, ... ., hk), the es-
to have an upward-sloping shape too timator of the variance of the linear
often. Figures 5A and 5B illustrate one combination ZT4, for example, will be
case when Durand appears to have ob- the quadraticform zTCz.
tained an insufficiently downward-slop- The estimator of the variance of 8(m),
ing yield curve. The fact that Durand's definedby (8), is therefore
curves are biased to slope upward could vi [a(M)] = zTCz, (23a)
provide an alternative to the "liquidity where
preference"explanationof why the con- x; = fj(,m) (23b)
glomerateyield curve derivedby averag-
ing his annual curves is upwardsloping.9 Similarly, the estimator of the variance
of p n as definedin (9), is
var (pi)=XC (24a)
The observed prices of securities are m,

seldom even close to their true values as Xj= 1OOf,(mi)

+ cif fj(m)dm. (24b)
given by (1). In fact, the observedprice
itself is indeterminate, since the maxi- Just as (9) can help banks, dealers, and
mum price to a buyer (the asked price financial intermediaries estimate the
plus the brokerage fee, if any) is sub- proper bid-asked mean price to offer,
stantially higherthan the minimumprice (24) can help estimate the proper bid-
to a seller (the bid price minus any asked spreadwith a little experience.For
brokeragefee). Consequently, the term instance, they might make their offers
structure cannot be measured exactly, differfrom 'i by 1-3 S.E., depending
and any estimator of a value derived upon how cautious they feel and the size
from it is subject to random measure- of the offer.
ment errors.It is important to estimate The variance of the quotient of two
the variance of these errors and to ac- random variables x and y with expected
companyany display of statistics derived values Ex and Ey can be approximated
from our regression with estimates of by use of the formula
their standarderrors.This has been done
graphicallyin the diagramsaccompany- var (x/y) var (x) +var (y)
ing this paper by displaying a band (Ex/Ey)2 (Ex)2 (Ey)2 (25)
whose upper and lower edges are the - 2cov (x, y)
actual estimate plus and minus its stan- ExEy
dard error.
The weighted least-squaresregression providedthat var (x) <<(Ex)2, var (y) <<
(Ey)2, and that the distribution of y is
on (7) producesa k X k matrix C which
positive."0Using (25), it can be shown
is the estimator of the covariancematrix
of the estimatorsdi of the parametersai. 10 Formula(25) in the case of independentlydis-
tributedvariablesand formula(27) are commonly
9 See ReubenA. Kessel, The CyclicalBehaviorof used in experimentalphysics and chemistry.Both
the TermStructureof InterestRates(New York:Na- the varianceof a quotient and that of a logarithm
tional Bureauof EconomicResearch,1965), p. 18. are related to the varianceof a product,which is
that the variance of , (m), as given in must be continuously differentiableand
(14), is approximatedby thatfj(O) must be 0.
The maturities of the securities we
var W ]I -_p)zICz,
W (26a) observewill not be uniformlydistributed
over the interval from 0 to m., the
zj= [fXm)]/[Y'(m)] (26b) longest maturity observed,except by ac-
cident. Whereconcentrationsof observa-
tions occur, the shape of the discount
The variance of the natural logarithm function is relatively well defined.Where
of a random variable x can be approxi- observationsare sparse,we are not justi-
mated by fied in distinguishing as much shape.
Therefore it will be desirable to make
var (In x) (Ex) (27) fj(m) depend on the distribution of the
mi in such a way as to provide greater
provided that var (x) << (Ex)2,and that resolution wherever maturities are clus-
the distribution of x is positive. Using tered. In the case of U.S. Treasurysecu-
(27), it can be shown that the variance rities, following this rule will place the
of the mean forward rate ri(m1,m2), as greatest resolution at the short end,
defined in (17), is approximatedby where there are many bills outstanding.
var [P(Mzl,M2)] z7'CZ, (28a) This is as it should be, since participants
in the market are more concernedwith
where small differencesin time in the near fu-
z = m m [fi(ml) fi(M2 . (28b) ture than in the far future. This greater
62m (ml) b(M2) concern means that the discount func-
tion 6(m) they define by the values they
Again using (27), we see at once that the place on the outstanding securities will
varianceof the yield curve '(m), as given have the most detailed shape at the
in (22), is approximatedby short end.
A relatively naive approachis simply
var [vm) a 0[(m)]I (29) to set
fj(M) = mi =1, 2, ...,k. (30)
THE FORM OF THE FUNCTIONS fj(m) This assumption makes 6(m) a kth-
The choice of the functions fj(m) is degree polynomial with unity for its
central to the quality of our fit of the constant term. A polynomial is straight-
term structure. However, the selection forward,but it has no theoretical moti-
of a form will always be a matter of vation. Its formulationdoes not depend
judgment. Only a few hard and fast rules on the distribution of the mt, nor does
hold. Two of these are that the fj(m) it have a greater capability for provid-
ing resolution for values of m where the
rigorouslyderived by Leo A. Goodman,"On the mi are more likely to occur. As a result
Exact Variance of Products," Journal of the Ameri- of its uniform resolving power, when it
can Statistical Association (December 1960), pp. is used to fit a discount function which
708-13. An approximationfor productsanalogous
to (25) can be derivedfromhis exact formulawhen has a finely definedshape in the first 1 or
the variancesare relativelysmall. 2 percent of its length and is relatively
smooth thereafter, it will either ignore by defining the subintervals to contain
the short end and conform only to the approximately equal numbers of the
remaining 98 or 99 percent, or else, if terminalmaturitiesmi, we will get great-
there are so many bill observationsthat er potential resolution where the data
they take over the regression,it will con- observations are most numerous. Each
form only to the short end and ignore of the quadratic segments will have an
the long end. It would take an extremely approximately equal number of obser-
high-order polynomial to fit both the vations to conformto. We can define the
long and short ends of such a curve. subintervalsin this way by setting d, =
Even so, this high-order polynomial m1 + 0(mil+,- mn), where I = greatest
would probably take on extreme values integer in [(j - 1)n]/(k - 1), and 0 =
between observations at the long end, [(j - 1)n]/(k - 1) - 1. (We have as-
and would not be monotonically de- sumed the securities to have been ar-
creasing, as the discount function must ranged in order by increasing terminal
be. On the other hand, a functionalform maturity, so that mj < mj+i.)
which inherently permits greater resolu- The set of functions of the form
tion in the vicinity of data concentra- k
tions would be consistent with such a a(m) = 1+ Y ajfj(m)
curve throughout its length, would re- j=l
quire the estimation of only a few un- will comprise the entire family of con-
known parameters,and would be mono- tinuously differentiablefunctions which
tonic. The one portion would not have satisfy 6(0) = 1 and which are piecewise
to be sacrificedto suit the other. quadratic over the subintervals defined
A better functionalform for 8(m) than above if we define the fj(m) as shown in
a polynomial is a continuously differen- figure 7. The first one, f (m), starts with
tiable, piecewise quadratic function. To value zero and with a positive slope at
define such a curve we must divide the m = 0, flattens until it has a zero slope
interval (0, m.) into k - 1 subintervals at m = d2, and remains constant there-
(di, di+,). We will have di equal to 0 and after, as in figure 7A. Intermediateones,
dk equal to mA.Our a8(m)will follow a fj(m), where j = 2, 3,..., k-1, are
different quadratic function of m over zero up until dj~_, There the slope be-
each of the subintervals. In order for gins to increase from zero up to some
S(m) to be continuously differentiable, positive value at dj. Then the slope falls
the quadratics defined over adjacent from its dj value to zero at dj+c.Its value
subintervals(dje, d1)and (dj, di+,) must is constant thereafter. Figure 7B shows
have a common slope, as well as a com- the particularcase off2(m). The last one,
mon value, at d3.The greaterthe number fk(m), is definedthe same as the interme-
of subintervalscovering any part of the diate ones, except that it is undefined
interval (0, mn), the greater will be the after m = m., as shown in figure 7C.
resolvingpower of the discount function Algebraically, the fj(m) are defined as
in that part of the interval. Therefore, follows:

,m - m 2, O< m< d2
fi(m) 2d2 (31a)
!'d2,7d2< m < mn

0, 0 < m < di-,

- ci* i)2
2(m d;-, < ms< di

f6 (M) (i c)+() (m - d,) j 2, ...,Y-k-1 (31b)

2) =(d+l-dj)'

dj < m < dji

'(dj~l - dc), dj+l < m < mn

(O.0 < m< dk-1

k(Mn) l(m - dk_1)2 d C C(31c)

f(m) U| k__ _ <lM_ _ ____


dt-0 42 A d.-m.


dj-O d2 d3 B d.-m.


d,-O C dk., d-m.

FIG.7.-The preferredform of the f;(m). Thesef (m) make (m) piecewisequadraticand continuously

Since the vertical scales of the fj(m) are ters of elementary calculus, and will be
immaterial, we have arbitrarily chosen omitted here.1
them so that The specificationof the fr(m) given in
5'(d,) = afj(d,) (32) (31) was used for the regressionfits of the
11Otherspecificationsof the fi(m) will generate
= as.
exactlythe samefamilyof piecewisequadraticfunc-
Integration of fj(m) in order to evaluate tions. The one chosenwas selected only becauseit
can have the property(32) if the scales are chosen
(7d) and (24b) and differentiationin or- appropriately.The otherspecificationswill give the
der to evaluate (14) and (26b) are mat- same 5(m)if used with the same data.
discountfunctionshownin figures1 and 2. rangewe regardas reasonable,and select
Because a piecewise quadratic function that value which minimizes the un-
has a discontinuoussecondderivative,the biased estimator '2 of r2;
derived from these discount functions as_ 1 2 (I Pi)2~
have discontinuous first derivatives, n- k fr kV
which explains the angular shape of the
As k increases, the residuals generally
bands shownin figures3 and 4. However,
as mentioned earlier, the instantaneous decrease, but then so do the degrees of
freedom. The result is that a2 declines
forward rate p(m) is interesting mainly
as a theoretical construct. Its level at sharply as k increasesfrom 2 to 3 or 4,
one isolated value of m has little practi- but thereafterfluctuatesirregularlywith
cal significance.Consequentlywe are not a small amplitude, and often with more
worried by the outlying values of k(m) than one local minimum. Sometimes it
and its standard error that are some- showsno sign of permanentlyrising,even
times implied by our specificationof the after k becomesso largethat the discount
function adheresto outliers.
fj(m). In fact, our specificationis suffi- A secondapproachis simply to make k
cient to imply that mean forward rates
a fixed function of n. We would like this
r(mi, in2), which are of practical concern,
are continuously differentiablewith re- functionto have the followingproperties:
First, in orderto have resolutionincrease
spect to both mi and m2.The yield curve,
a special case of r(mi, m2) with ml = 0,
as the numberof observationsincreases,
is therefore also continuously differen- our function k(n) should increasewith n.
tiable, as may be seen in figures 5A Second, in order to make the number of
and 6A. observationsin the domainof each quad-
ratic segment increase with the total
THE VALUE OF k numberof observations,the ratio n/k(n)
The number k of parameters to be should also increase with n. An elemen-
estimated is another area where judg- tary function with these properties is
ment must be used. If k is too low, we k(n) = nearest integer to n'12.In prac-
will not be able to fit the discount func- tice, this formula gives approximately
tion closely when it takes on difficult the same results as the first approach,
shapes. If it is too high, the discount without the expensive search.12
function may conform too closely to 12Since the final revisionof this paper,a prece-
outliers instead of being smooth. If k is dent for the continuouslydifferentiable,piecewise
as high as n, there will be no way to quadraticfunctionalformhas cometo my attention
(see Wayne A. Fuller, "Grafted Polynomials as
estimate i2. In the spirit of least squares, ApproximatingFunctions," AustralianJournal of
we might try all values of k inside a AgriculturalEconomics13, no. 1 [June19691:35-46).

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