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European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

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60 Years of portfolio optimization: Practical challenges and current

Petter N. Kolm a,⇑, Reha Tütüncü b, Frank J. Fabozzi c
Courant Institute, New York University, 251 Mercer St., New York, NY 10012, United States
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, 200 West St., New York, NY 10282, United States
EDHEC Business School, 393, Promenade des Anglais BP3116, 06202 Nice Cedex 3, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The concepts of portfolio optimization and diversification have been instrumental in the development
Available online 1 November 2013 and understanding of financial markets and financial decision making. In light of the 60 year anniversary
of Harry Markowitz’s paper ‘‘Portfolio Selection,’’ we review some of the approaches developed to address
Keywords: the challenges encountered when using portfolio optimization in practice, including the inclusion of
Black–Litterman transaction costs, portfolio management constraints, and the sensitivity to the estimates of expected
Estimation errors returns and covariances. In addition, we selectively highlight some of the new trends and developments
Mean–variance optimization
in the area such as diversification methods, risk-parity portfolios, the mixing of different sources of alpha,
Multi-period optimization
Portfolio constraints
and practical multi-period portfolio optimization.
Portfolio optimization Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction was foreign to classical financial analysis, which revolved around

the notion of the value of single investments, that is, the belief that
The concepts of portfolio optimization and diversification have investors should invest in those assets that offer the highest future
been instrumental in the development and understanding of value given their current price. Second, it formulated the financial
financial markets and financial decision making. The major break- decision-making process as an optimization problem. In particular,
through came in 1952 with the publication of Harry Markowitz’s the so-called mean–variance optimization (MVO) problem formu-
theory of portfolio selection (Markowitz, 1952). The theory, popu- lated by Markowitz suggests that among the infinite number of
larly referred to as modern portfolio theory, provided an answer to portfolios that achieve a particular return objective, the investor
the fundamental question: How should an investor allocate funds should choose the portfolio that has the smallest variance. All other
among the possible investment choices? First, Markowitz quanti- portfolios are ‘‘inefficient’’ because they have a higher variance
fied return and risk of a security, using the statistical measures of and, therefore, higher risk.
its expected return and standard deviation. Second, Markowitz Markowitz’s work has had a major impact on academic research
suggested that investors should consider return and risk together, and the financial industry as a whole. Some internet searches we
and determine the allocation of funds among investment alterna- did as of the writing of this paper revealed the following numbers:
tives on the basis of their return-risk trade-off. Before Markowitz’s
seminal article, the finance literature had treated the interplay  19,016 articles in Google Scholar cite Markowitz’s original
between return and risk in an ad hoc fashion. paper ‘‘Portfolio Selection’’.
The idea that sound financial decision-making is a quantitative  When searching for ‘‘modern portfolio theory’’ we obtained:
trade-off between return and risk was revolutionary for two rea- About 590,000 hits in Google.
sons. First, it posited that one could make a quantitative evaluation 531 YouTube videos.
of portfolio return and risk jointly by considering security returns 217 books on Amazon.
and their co-movements. An important principle at work here is Many thousands of tweets on Twitter.
that of portfolio diversification. It is based on the idea that a port- MVO is used both for constructing portfolios of individual assets
folio’s riskiness depends on the correlations of its constituents, not (asset level) and for asset allocation (asset class level). While in this
only on the average riskiness of its separate holdings. This concept paper we focus on the former application, the majority of the tech-
niques we discuss are applicable to asset allocation, optimization
on the asset class level is often considered easier than on the asset
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (212) 998 4855.
level, primarily because of the small number of asset classes. Inter-
E-mail addresses: (P.N. Kolm),
(R. Tütüncü), (F.J. Fabozzi).
estingly, today more than 60 years later, risk-return optimization

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 357

at the asset level is still primarily done only at the larger and/or The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review
more quantitatively oriented firms. However, with the availability classical MVO. In Section 3, we discuss some of the most com-
of optimization tools customized for portfolio and risk manage- mon ways on how to address the challenges one encounters
ment more and more investment managers are using some form when implementing MVO in practice. In Section 4, we highlight
of risk-return optimization as part of their portfolio construction some interesting new directions and trends in MVO and related
process. A major reason for the surprisingly slow adaptation by areas.
investment managers to apply quantitative risk-return optimiza-
tion is that they have observed that directly ‘‘out-of-the-box’’ port- 2. Mean–variance optimization
folio optimization tends to be unreliable in practice. Specifically,
risk-return optimization can be very sensitive to changes in the We consider an investment universe of n assets S1, S2, . . ., Sn with
inputs, especially when the return and risk estimates are not well uncertain future returns r1, r2, . . ., rn. We denote by r = [r1, . . ., rn]>
aligned or when the problem formulation uses multiple, interact- the vector of these returns. A portfolio is represented by the
ing constraints. As a result, many practitioners consider the output n-dimensional vector x = [x1, . . ., xn]> where xi denotes the
of risk-return optimization to be opaque, unstable, and/or proportion of the total funds invested in security i. The (uncertain)
unintuitive. return of the portfolio, rP, depends linearly on the weights
Estimation errors in the forecasts significantly impact the result-
ing portfolio weights. For example, it is well-known that in practical rP ðxÞ ¼ x1 r 1 þ    þ xn rn ¼ x> r
applications equally weighted portfolios often outperform mean–
variance portfolios (DeMiguel, Garlappi, & Uppal, 2009; Jobson & We denote by ri the standard deviation of ri, qij denote the cor-
Korkie, 1981; Jorion, 1985), mean–variance portfolios are not relation coefficient of the returns of assets Si and Sj (for i – j), and R
necessarily well-diversified (Green & Hollifield, 1992), portfolio the (symmetric) n  n covariance matrix of the returns of all the
optimizers are often ‘‘error maximizers’’ (Michaud, 1998), and assets, i.e.
mean–variance optimization can produce extreme or non-intuitive 2 3
r11 r12    r1n
weights for some of the assets in the portfolio (Black & Litterman, 6r 7
1991, 1992). Such examples, however, are not necessarily a sign 6 21 r22    r2n 7
6. .. .. . 77
that the theory of risk-return optimization is flawed. Rather, it 4 .. . . .. 5
means that the classical framework has to be modified when used
in practice in order to achieve reliability, stability, and robustness
rn1 rn2    rnn
with respect to model and estimation errors. We will review some where rii ¼ r2i and rij = rji = qijrirj (for i – j). All valid covariance
of the common approaches for this purpose in this paper. matrices are positive semidefinite matrices (i.e. x>Rx P 0 for all
Our intention with this article is not to provide a survey of MVO, x), or equivalently, all of their eigenvalues are nonnegative. In this
its extensions and related areas. Some surveys include Steinbach paper, we assume that R satisfies the stronger property of positive
(2001), Rubinstein (2002), Fabozzi, Kolm, Pachamanova, and Focar- definiteness, namely that x>Rx > 0 for all x – 0. This is equivalent
di (2007), and Markowitz (2014). Admittedly, there are many to assuming that none of the assets S1, S2, . . ., Sn can be perfectly
important contributions and works that we do not cover due to replicated by a combination of the remaining assets. Positive defi-
space constraints. The main goal with this article is twofold. niteness assumption ensures that R is an invertible matrix. For a
First, we address some of the key aspects related to using port- given portfolio x, we can compute the variance and the standard
folio optimization in practice. The inclusion of transaction costs in deviation of the portfolio return as
the portfolio selection problem may present a challenge to the
portfolio manager, but is an important practical consideration. VðxÞ ¼ x> Rx
We discuss a standard approach on how to extend traditional rðxÞ ¼ x> Rx
asset allocation models to incorporate transaction costs. In prac-
tice, it is common to amend the mean–variance framework with The standard deviation of the portfolio return r(x), also re-
various types of constraints that take specific investment guide- ferred to as portfolio volatility, is frequently used as a measure of
lines and institutional features into account. We discuss the use risk of the portfolio x.
of various categories of constraints in portfolio construction and We let X, a subset of Rn , denote the set of permissible portfo-
methods that quantify their impact on the portfolios generated. lios. In particular, x e X means that the portfolio weights have to
One of the main criticisms of the MVO approach focuses on its satisfy the constraints we impose upon our portfolio.
dependence on estimated parameters; specifically, expected re- We represent the expected returns of the securities by
turns and covariances, and its sensitivity to errors in these esti- 2 3
mates. We outline various approaches that exist in the literature l1
6 . 7
to mitigate the impact of estimation errors, including Bayesian l¼6 7
4 .. 5
methods, the Black–Litterman approach, and robust optimization
techniques. ln
Second, we selectively highlight some of the new trends and
where li = E(ri) for all i = 1, . . . , n.
developments in MVO and its related areas. Due to space con-
Using this notation, the MVO problem takes the form
straints, we cannot survey all new trends in this area. While admit-
tedly our choice is subjective, it is based on what we believe are as max l> x  k  x> Rx
some of the important developments in this area for the use of
MVO and its extensions in practice. In particular, we discuss the re- where k is an investor specific risk aversion parameter that deter-
cent focus on diversification methods and provide a summary of mines the trade-off between expected portfolio return and portfolio
the developments related to risk-parity portfolios. We also provide risk.
a formalization of the problem of mixing different sources of alpha Alternative formulations of the MVO problem are obtained by
and address some of the challenges that arise from these formula- either maximizing the expected return subject to an upper limit
tions. Finally, we outline some of the recent literature on practical on the portfolio variance, or by minimizing the portfolio variance
multi-period portfolio optimization. subject to a lower limit on the expected return, i.e.
358 P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

max l> x  The addition of various types of constraints that take spe-
x 2X
> 2
cific investment guidelines and institutional features into
x Rx 6 r max account.
or  Modeling and quantification of the impact of estimation
min x> Rx errors in risk and return forecasts on the portfolios via
Bayesian techniques, stochastic optimization, or robust
l> x P Rmin optimization approaches.
If the constraint set only includes linear equality and inequality  Multi-period extensions of MVO to incorporate intertempo-
constraints then the MVO is a quadratic program (QP) and can be ral effects such as hedging needs, changing market condi-
solved by using standard numerical optimization software. Mod- tions, market impact costs, and alpha decay.
ern portfolio optimization software can also deal with nonlinear
constraints, such as risk limits or risk contribution limits on groups We discuss the first three topics in this section and defer the
of securities, as well as constraints with discrete elements such as discussion of the fourth topic to Section 4.
number of holdings and/or trades constraints. Such formulations
are typically solved by using software that has conic optimization 3.1. Incorporating transaction costs into MVO
and integer optimization capabilities.1
The objective of the portfolio allocation process is to find an
3. Advances in using MVO in practice optimal trade-off between return and risk. Traditionally, this was
done independently of trading cost considerations, as the control
Markowitz’s seminal paper on portfolio selection undoubtedly and management of trading costs were handled separately by the
has had a major impact not only on academic research but on trading desk. This suboptimal approach would often lead to target
the financial industry as a whole. It changed the focus of invest- portfolio holdings that would incur large trading costs, in some
ment analysis away from individual security selection toward the cases having a severe impact on realized risk-adjusted returns.
concept of diversification and the impact of individual securities By directly incorporating transaction costs into the portfolio alloca-
on a portfolio’s risk-return characteristics. In the MVO framework, tion process, resulting portfolios are more cost effective and show
efficient portfolios are formed by choosing an asset based upon its improvement in terms of realized risk-adjusted returns. Transac-
interaction with other assets in the portfolio as well as on its con- tion costs make the portfolio optimization problem difficult to
tribution to the overall portfolio, and not on the basis of its stand- solve when the number of assets is greater than two, especially
alone performance. in a dynamic setting. For a recent example, see Brown and Smith
Despite the simplicity and intuitive appeal of portfolio con- (2011).
struction using modern portfolio theory, it took many years until Transaction costs consist of direct costs, such as commissions
portfolio managers started using portfolio optimization to manage and taxes, bid-ask spread, and indirect costs, such as slippage. Slip-
real money. In real world applications there are many concerns page is the difference between the price prevailing at the time the
associated with its use, and portfolio optimization is still consid- trade is anticipated, t0, and the volume weighted average price
ered by many practitioners to be impractical to apply. As we ar- over the time period, [t0, t0 + T], over which it executes. Somewhat
gued in the introduction, some of these concerns are related to simplistically, slippage is due to (a) random price changes in the
the often unintuitive relationship between the inputs and outputs securities that occur in [t0, t0 + T], and (b) ‘‘market impact costs,’’
of MVO as well as the sensitivity of the optimal portfolio allocation i.e. price changes incurred because of the trade itself. In general,
to changes in the inputs, inputs that are inherently difficult to esti- we expect that a trade moves the price against the buyer or seller.
mate. Some practitioners consider the notion of optimality offered That is, the price is pushed upwards when buying and downwards
by modern portfolio theory to be ill-defined, or of ‘‘false precision’’, when selling. The market impact portion of slippage can be
in the noisy and non-stationary system formed by financial secu- substantial when the ratio of the trade size to the average trade
rity returns. The perceived robustness and intuitiveness of simpler, volume is high and is often modeled as an increasing function of
rules-based portfolio construction approaches may be preferred to this quantity.
the mathematical rigor of optimal portfolio selection.2 Furthermore, based on the liquidity of different securities, their
In recognition of these concerns, the original approach proposed trading costs may be significantly different. Out of two securities
by Markowitz only serves as a starting point and the classical with similar expected return and risk profiles, one with higher
mean–variance framework is often extended in several different liquidity is more likely to have higher post-transaction cost re-
directions for portfolio management in practice. These extensions turns. Therefore, a portfolio construction framework that ignores
include, but are not limited to, the following: transaction costs will lead to suboptimal portfolios. For this pur-
pose portfolio managers use forecasting models to predict the
 The inclusion of transaction costs (such as market impact resulting transaction costs as they construct their portfolio. Several
costs) and tax effects.3 well-known models have been proposed in the literature, see, for
example, Hasbrouck (1991), Lillo, Farmer, and Mantegna (2003),
and Almgren, Thum, Hauptmann, and Li (2005).
See, for example, Fabozzi et al. (2007) for a discussion of numerical optimization To illustrate we focus our attention to the model by Almgren
software for solving portfolio optimization problems. et al. (2005) whose main feature is that it explicitly and separately

See also the interesting contribution to this debate in Ceria (2012). estimates the permanent (Ipermt ) and temporary (Itemp
t ) market im-
Capital gains taxes may make a strategy that is profitable on a pre-tax basis into a
pacts for each order of xi shares of stock i
losing one on an after-tax basis. Therefore, it may be important for the portfolio
manager to factor tax consequences into the investment decision. What makes this    
problem more complicated is the fact that, different investors are in different tax  xi a Hi
Iperm ðxi Þ ¼ c  T  ri  signðxi Þ     þ eperm
brackets and therefore have different effective tax rates. The after-tax allocation V i  T Vi i
problem is a large topic by itself and is beyond the scope of this article. A good
starting point for this topic is Don Mulvihill’s articles ‘‘Investing for Real After-Tax  
Results,’’ ‘‘Asset Allocation And Location,’’ and ‘‘Equity Portfolio Structure’’ in  xi  b
Itemp ðxi Þ ¼ g  ri  signðxi Þ    þ etemp
Litterman (2003) Additional analysis on the impact of taxes can be found in Stein
Vi  T i
and Garland (2008), Stein (2001), and Brandes, Domowitz, and Serbin (2012).
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 359

where Vi is the stock’s average daily volume, ri is the one-day stan- solvers) to directly solve these type of problems, or one can solve a
dard deviation of the stock’s return, Hi is the number of outstanding QP relaxation of the problem. We note that in principle there is no
shares of stock i, T is the fraction of the day over which the trade is loss in numerical accuracy by solving a problem where the market
executed, and epermi and etemp
i are unexplained residual terms. The impact function has been approximated by a simple linear/qua-
dimensionless term Hi/Vi in the formulation of the permanent im- dratic function. This is due to the fact that estimated market im-
pact costs measure the fraction of the company’s value traded each pact models have large estimation errors. A benefit of the
day and, as such, is a measure of relative liquidity of the stock. approximation is that it can be solved very quickly with standard
Using a large set of trades, the cross-sectional model parame- QP software.
ters a, b, c, d, g can be estimated, giving the following qualitative In the direct solution approach, we can incorporate 3/2-power
results.4 First, permanent impact cost is linear (a^ ffi 1) in trade size. transaction cost functions (coming from square root market impact
Second, b^ ffi 1=2 meaning that the temporary impact cost is roughly cost functions) directly into a second-order cone programming sol-
proportional to the square root of the fraction of volume represented ver. This fact is based on the simple observation that the following
by one’s own trading during the period of execution.5 Hence, for a two optimization problems are equivalent:
given rate of trading, a less volatile stock with large average daily
volume has the lowest temporary impact costs.
min ai xi
Using this market impact model of the dollar transaction costs x1 ;...;xN
of a trade of xi shares in security i become
1 perm
TC i ðxÞ ¼ jxi j  I ðxi Þ þ Itemp ðxi Þ X
2 min ai yi
x1 ; . . . ; xN i¼1
We observe that the resulting transaction cost function is of the
y1 ; . . . ; yN
s:t: x3=2
1 6 y1 ; . . . ; xN3=2 6 yN :
TC i ðxi Þ ¼ ai  jxi j3=2 þ bi  x2i
Next, we note that the constraints are equivalent to the rotated
With Almgren et al.’s choice of the exponent for the temporary quadratic cone inequalities x2i 6 yi  zi and z2i 6 xi . This last equiva-
impact term, one gets a slightly different functional form: lence is well known and is noted, for example, in Exercise 9.2 of
TC i ðxi Þ ¼ ai  jxi j8=5 þ bi  x2i . For a basket of trades (x1, . . . , xn) the Cornuejols and Tütüncü (2007). It is also possible to represent the
total dollar transaction costs therefore is TC(x) = i TCi(xi). market impact functions of the form TC i ðxi Þ ¼ ai  jxi j8=5 þ bi  x2i in
We are now ready to write out an extension of the MVO that conic form after applying similar but more complex variable
incorporates market impact costs. Suppose that the current portfo- substitutions.
lio holdings in dollars are x0 and we want to determine the new Further discussion of the transaction costs in the portfolio
holdings x, given a vector of expected returns a, a covariance optimization can be found in, for example, Borkovec, Domowitz,
matrix of returns R, and a risk aversion coefficient k. The mean– Kiernan, and Serbin (2010), Fabozzi, Focardi, and Kolm (2010),
variance problem with market impact costs then takes the form Chen, Fabozzi, and Huang (2010), Brandes et al. (2012), and refer-
ences therein.
max l> x  k  x> Rx  c  TCðxÞ
s:t: x> e þ TCðxÞ 6 x>0 e 3.2. Constraints in portfolio construction
w  x  p ¼ w0
Starting with the first papers of Markowitz on the subject, most
where e = (1, 1, . . . , 1)>, x are the trades expressed in terms of MVO formulations featured a variety of constraints such as the
shares traded, p are the security prices and c is an transaction cost long-only investing constraint. Indeed, one of the appeals of MVO
aversion parameter. The expression x  p is the component-wise in quantitative portfolio construction is the flexibility this
product of the trade and price vectors, representing the dollar value approach offers for incorporating multiple constraints reflecting
of the trades. The objective function combines the standard mean– client guidelines, regulatory restrictions, as well as the discretion-
variance utility with a market impact cost function. The budget con- ary views of the portfolio manager. The algorithms and software
straint states that the market impact costs have to be financed from used for MVO are well equipped to deal with a variety of constraint
existing holdings. types in a generic and robust manner. This flexibility allows the
Although this is a specific example, it is in general true that portfolio manager to customize the portfolios according to differ-
many realistic models for transaction costs involve nonlinear ent client requirements and risk appetites as well as the varying
(and non-quadratic) functions. While the portfolio allocation prob- regulatory restrictions of the different jurisdictions where the
lem without transaction costs is a quadratic program (QP) – with products are offered without needing to alter the alpha and risk
transaction costs it is a more general nonlinear program (NLP) signals used for building the portfolios.
and thus can be more time-consuming to solve, especially for a However, the presence of constraints impacts the portfolio con-
large number of assets. struction process as well as the characteristics of the constructed
There are two main approaches to handle this. One can proceed portfolios and their performance in material and often unpredict-
as in, for example, Ceria, Takriti, Tierens, and Sofianos (2008) and able ways. Using constraints without understanding and quantify-
use a specialized solver (second-order cone programming (SOCP) ing this impact can lead to poor portfolios that do not reflect the
views and expertise of the portfolio manager. For this reason, a
The authors use a proprietary data set obtained from Citigroup’s equity trading number of studies in recent years focused on building diagnostic
desk in which a trade’s direction – buyer or seller initiated – is known. Note that for measures and tools to evaluate the impact of constraints on port-
most public data sets, trade direction is not available and has to be estimated by a folios and their performance.
classification algorithm. Classification errors in algorithms introduce a bias that
Clearly, adding constraints to an MVO problem can never
typically produces an overestimate of the true trading cost (Ellis, Michaely & O’Hara,
2000; Lee & Ready, 1991).
improve the ex ante optimization results. However, in practice
5 ^ ffi 3=5. However, many practitioners prefer 1/2
Almgren et al. actually find that b the inclusion of constraints in the mean–variance optimization
partly because it leads to a more tractable formulation. problem can lead to better out-of-sample performance, compared
360 P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

to portfolios constructed without these constraints. For example, model of security returns and risks are subject to estimation errors
practitioners often use long-only constraints or upper and lower and may underestimate the risks a portfolio may be exposed to.
bounds for each security to avoid overconcentration in a few as- Underestimation of risks can lead to extreme bets in an optimized
sets. Gupta and Eichhorn (1998) suggest that constraining portfolio portfolio and the portfolio manager may therefore instead choose
weights may also assist in containing portfolio volatility, increase to limit the size of the bets explicitly using constraints.
realized portfolio performance, and decrease downside risk and
shortfall probability. These observations are related to the model 3.2.4. Trading constraints
insurance property of certain constraints—we discuss this in more As we discussed in Section 3.1, trades that constitute a large
detail below. fraction of the total trading volume of a security tend to move
We start the section with an informal taxonomy of constraints the price of the security in an unfavorable direction and incur mar-
used in portfolio construction, especially with respect to the source ket impact costs. In addition to, or instead of, incorporating these
and motivation of these constraints. We then review the concept of costs into the portfolio selection methodology, a portfolio manager
the transfer coefficient as well as the quantification of the cost of may also choose to explicitly limit the participation rate in trading
constraints using the well-known notion of shadow costs from certain securities. These constraints typically have the following
the optimization literature. We also discuss the interesting contri- form: ‘‘do not trade more than x% of the average daily volume of
butions to the literature that study the interactions between con- security y’’.
straints and the misalignment between alpha and risk models.
3.2.5. Risk management constraints
3.2.1. Regulatory constraints Portfolio managers often limit the predicted volatility of the
Some of the constraints used in portfolio construction reflect portfolio, measured either in an absolute sense or with respect to
the restrictions imposed on the portfolio manager by the market a benchmark. In addition, risk contributions of individual securities
regulators. As such, they are inflexible and must be respected at or groups of securities may be restricted. Such constraints are use-
all times, even if they limit the portfolio manager’s ability to add ful for risk budgeting purposes, for example, for allocating risk
value to the portfolio through security selection and positioning. across different geographic regions or different risk factors in an
For example, mutual fund managers in the US are subject to the equity portfolio.
restrictions of the Investment Company Act of 1940, regulated and
enforced by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Similarly, 3.2.6. Transfer coefficient
in many European jurisdictions, portfolio managers are bound by Our ability to understand and quantify the impact of constraints
the Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities on portfolio performance and characteristics has improved dra-
(UCITS) directive. In addition to these rules that intend to regulate matically since the turn of the century. One of the pioneering
the actions of portfolio managers, regulators occasionally issue works in this field is that of Clarke, De Silva, and Thorley (2002).
temporary limitations for risk management purposes. Examples This work introduced the concept of the transfer coefficient which
of such constraints include the short-selling limitations imposed is defined to be the cross-sectional correlation coefficient between
in various jurisdictions.6 the risk-adjusted active weights in an optimized portfolio and the
risk-adjusted forecasted active returns (‘‘alphas’’) for the corre-
sponding securities.
3.2.2. Guideline constraints Clarke et al. (2002) motivate the definition of the transfer coef-
When a portfolio manager is managing money for a client, the ficient using the observation that unconstrained optimal risk ad-
client may specify certain restrictions on the portfolio’s positions justed active weight allocations are proportional to the alphas
or trades. Such restrictions are usually termed guideline restrictions, when active returns are assumed to be uncorrelated. This corre-
and are carefully specified in an investment management agree- sponds to a transfer coefficient of 1 for the portfolio and provides
ment (IMA). For example, the client may ask the manager not to in- a useful base case for comparison with the more general settings.
vest in certain industries such as tobacco, or may impose a limit on For example, when the portfolio optimization problem includes
the number of holdings in the portfolio. Like the regulatory restric- constraints, risk-adjusted active weights are no longer propor-
tions, guideline restrictions are considered to be inflexible and can- tional to the alphas and the transfer coefficient depends on how
not be violated without the client’s consent. well these weights match their alphas.
As we argued above, most portfolio optimization problems in
3.2.3. Discretionary exposure constraints practice have multiple constraints including regulatory, guideline,
Frequently, the constraints used in portfolio construction are and discretionary limits on positions or trades. One can associate a
discretionary and may originate from the portfolio manager’s de- cost with a constraint by measuring this distortion, expressed as
sire to limit exposure to certain securities, or groups of securities the transfer coefficient of the resulting portfolio. In their study,
such as those in a particular industry, sector, or country. Similarly, Clarke et al. (2002) compute the transfer coefficient in various sce-
the manager may want to limit exposure to securities with certain narios involving the long-only constraint, a market-cap neutrality
characteristics such as small or large market capitalization, high or constraint, and a turnover constraint. Not surprisingly, their analy-
low leverage, or common quantitative factor exposures such as va- sis shows that the long-only constraint is the costliest of these con-
lue and momentum. straint types.
A well constructed and calibrated risk model will accurately
price the risk in taking such exposures and the MVO process will 3.2.7. Shadow cost decomposition
yield the optimal risk-return tradeoffs for the portfolio. So, why One important limitation of the approach in Clarke et al. (2002)
does the portfolio manager need to use exposure constraints that is that when a portfolio is constructed using multiple constraints, it
may inhibit the ability of the optimization process to generate only provides an aggregate measure of the impact of these con-
ideal tradeoffs? The answer to this question is related to the notion straints and does not offer a scalable strategy to decompose the
of model insurance. The portfolio manager recognizes that any effects of individual constraints. Therefore, it becomes harder to as-
sess the costliness of each constraint in realistic settings using
See, for example, Lee and Stefek (2008) who discuss the short-selling bans transfer coefficients. In recognition of this limitation, several
imposed by regulators in Spain and Italy. studies attempt to decompose the impact of individual constraints,
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 361

often using the notion of shadow costs (or, Lagrange multipliers) alpha model that is orthogonal to the risk model. By ensuring that
from the optimization literature. This approach is based on the the alpha and risk models are aligned correctly, or that all alpha
first-order optimality conditions for constrained optimization model factors are captured in the risk model as well, some of the
problems. Given its heavy reliance on shadow costs, this method- issues arising from misalignment can be avoided.
ology is sometimes called the shadow cost decomposition. Tütüncü In a recent contribution to this debate, Saxena, Martin, and
(2012) demonstrates the applications of shadow cost decomposi- Stubbs (2012) analyze the misalignments caused by constraints.
tion in utility analysis, active-weight decomposition, return factor They observe that even when the alpha model and the risk model
analysis, and performance attribution. are aligned correctly and the alpha model has no component that is
Previous work using this representation includes Grinold (2005) orthogonal to the risk model, if binding constraints are used in
where the decomposition allows the allocation of opportunity loss portfolio construction, resulting optimal portfolios can have signif-
to different costs and constraints in the portfolio construction icantly under-predicted levels of active risk. To be more precise,
problem. In this work, the opportunity loss is measured in terms the realized active risks of these portfolios can be 20–30% above
of Grinold’s objective function which is a simple risk-adjusted the levels of risk predicted by their risk model.
portfolio return function. We note that this study focuses more Saxena et al. (2012) consider the case of active weight bound
on the impact of trading costs than the constraints. Scherer and constraints and attribute the risk estimation bias caused in this
Xu (2007) focuses on the impact of constraints on investor utility scenario to the presence of systematic risk exposures not captured
Scherer and Xu (2007). They make the observation that while the by the risk model in assets for which the active weight constraints
impact of constraints on individual security weights can be severe, are binding. In other words, the combination of the active weight
this impact may be less pronounced on the utility. They argue that constraint and the use of the MVO methodology reveal a system-
the constraint impact is best measured in the utility dimension and atic risk factor that is missing from the risk model. The authors of-
they provide this measurement using the decomposition above. fer the alpha alignment factor methodology to address this serious
Bender, Lee, and Stefek (2009) find additional insights by split- issue. The methodology works by creating disincentives for expo-
ting the portfolio weight distortions caused by a constraint into sures in the hidden risk factor and thus delivers portfolios with
two parts: one that is aligned with the unconstrained optimal port- unbiased risk estimates.
folio and one that is orthogonal to it.
Stubbs and Vandenbussche (2010) also analyze the shadow cost 3.3. Mitigating the impact of estimation errors in MVO
decomposition for measuring the impact of constraints. They ex-
tend the methodology by developing an ex-post constraint attribu- In the classical MVO framework an investor is required to
tion on optimized portfolios by attributing realized returns to provide estimates of the expected returns and covariances of all
objective terms and constraints, as opposed to sectors or factors the securities in the investment universe considered. This is a
that are used in classical performance attribution. They achieve formidable task given the number of securities available today.
this essentially by tracking the performance of the ‘‘distortion port- Portfolio managers are unlikely to have a detailed understanding
folios’’ associated with constraints in the shadow cost decomposi- of all the securities, companies, industries, and sectors that they
tion approach. have at their disposal. Typically, most of them have a specific area
The return-based performance analysis developed by Stubbs of expertise that they focus on in order to achieve superior returns.
and Vandenbussche (2010) complements the ex ante analysis de- This is likely to be one of the major reasons why the MVO frame-
scribed in the other references. One of the questions this constraint work has not been adapted by more practitioners. It is simply unre-
attribution method can answer is related to the model insurance alistic to expect the portfolio manager to produce reasonable
function of constraints we discussed above. As we argued, a port- estimates (besides the additional problems of estimation error)
folio manager may explicitly limit exposures to certain securities of the inputs required in classical portfolio theory.
or groups of securities reflecting the lack of conviction in a model In addition, after the estimation of these quantities, the portfo-
that may produce optimal weights beyond such limits. On an ex lio optimization problem is often solved as a deterministic problem
ante basis, such constraints can never improve the utility of the – thereby completely ignoring the uncertainty in the inputs. Using
optimized portfolio and will often decrease it. The ex post con- point estimates of the expected returns and the covariance matrix
straint attribution analysis may actually reveal that an insurance of returns, and treating them as error-free in portfolio allocation is
constraint improves performance by preventing the portfolio from not prudent. If, say, the portfolio manager has more confidence in
taking bets that turn out to be harmful to the portfolio perfor- some of the estimates than others, it may make sense to treat these
mance. Or it may confirm that the constraint is harmful to the port- inputs differently while building portfolios. With these concerns in
folio performance, either because the ‘‘insurance premium’’ is too mind, some of the recent approaches to portfolio optimization con-
high or that the constraint does not actually provide sufficient pro- sider the incorporation of the uncertainty of expected returns and
tection. As with any insurance strategy, such an evaluation must be risk into the optimization process to create a more realistic model.
made on an on-going basis and use observations from a relatively In a portfolio optimization context, securities with large ex-
long history. pected returns and low standard deviations will be overweighted
in comparison to their benchmark weights. Conversely, securities
3.2.8. Misalignment from constraints with low expected returns and high standard deviations will be
The concept of misaligned alpha and risk models has attracted underweighted. Consider the scenario where the expected returns
attention in the recent literature; see, for example, Lee and Stefek and covariances are estimated and the estimation errors for these
(2008) and Ceria, Saxena, and Stubbs (2012). These studies demon- quantities are randomly distributed with mean zero. This means
strate that when the alpha model contains factors that are not that some quantities are over-estimated and others are underesti-
priced (or, spanned) by the risk model, then the optimization pro- mated. The optimization process will allocate higher weights to
cess will exploit this fact and generate portfolios that provide ex- securities with over-estimated expected returns and under-esti-
cess returns without incurring risks, as measured by the risk mated risks, and symmetrically, lower weights to securities with
model. The presence of such arbitrage opportunities makes the under-estimated expected returns and over-estimated risks. The
optimization process unstable and the resulting portfolios have larger the estimation error, the larger the impact will be on opti-
the property that the risk of the portfolio is significantly under-pre- mized weights. For this reason, some authors cynically refer to
dicted. This under-prediction is caused by the component of the optimizers as ‘‘error maximizers.’’ While the impact of small
362 P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

estimation errors on portfolio weights can indeed be significant, Constraints on risk contributions of individual securities or
this often happens when some assets are close substitutes for an- groups of securities we discussed in Section 3.2 are also examples
other (Kritzman, 2006). As a result, portfolio return distribution of approaches that aim to mitigate the impact of estimation errors
does not change dramatically even when the optimal weights are by introducing constraints on diversification metrics.
changing. Using this observation, Kritzman argues that mean–var-
iance optimizers are often robust to estimation errors when their 3.3.3. Bayesian techniques and the Black–Litterman model
sensitivity is measured in the portfolio return space as opposed A great number of general Bayesian and shrinkage approaches
to portfolio weights. While the debate around the ‘‘error maximi- have been used to estimate the inputs to MVO. For the expected re-
zation’’ property continues, the research around understanding turns see, for example, Jobson and Korkie (1981), Frost and Savari-
and mitigating the impact of estimation errors has reached a ma- no (1986), and Jorion (1991, 1986). For the covariance matrix see,
ture state. for example, Ledoit and Wolf (2003, 2004).7 The basic idea underly-
Uncertainty from estimation error in expected returns tends to ing these types of estimators is the bias-variance tradeoff,8 where by
have more influence than in the covariance matrix in a MVO (Best sacrificing some bias one can obtain a more efficient estimator that
& Grauer, 1991a, 1991b). The relative importance depends on the is less sensitive to changes in the data.
investor’s risk aversion, but as a general rule of thumb, errors in In this section we focus on the Black–Litterman model that is a
the expected returns are more important than errors in the covari- ‘‘market based’’ shrinkage approach where the estimate of ex-
ance matrix, and errors in the variances are about twice as impor- pected returns is calculated as a weighted average of the market
tant as errors in the covariances (Chopra & Ziemba, 1993; Kallberg equilibrium (e.g., the CAPM equilibrium) and the investor’s views.
& Ziemba, 1984). As the risk tolerance increases, the relative im- The weights depend upon (1) the volatility of each asset and its
pact of estimation errors in the expected returns becomes even correlations with the other assets and (2) the degree of confidence
more important. Conversely, as the risk tolerance decreases, the in each forecast.
impact of errors in expected returns relative to errors in the covari- Let us mention at this point that the ability to incorporate exog-
ance matrix becomes smaller. As a rule of thumb, the first priority enous insight, such as a portfolio manager’s judgment, into formal
should be on providing good estimates for the expected returns, models is important in practice. Such insight might be a valuable
followed by the variances and correlations. In this section, we dis- input in the model. The Bayesian framework allows forecasting
cuss some of the most common techniques for mitigating estima- systems to use such external information sources and subjective
tion errors. interventions (i.e., modification of the model due to judgment) in
addition to traditional information sources such as market and
proprietary data. Because portfolio managers might not be willing
3.3.1. Constraints on portfolio weights
to give up control to a ‘‘black box,’’ the incorporation of exogenous
As we argued in Section 4.2, portfolio managers often impose
insights into formal models through Bayesian techniques is one
limits on the portfolio weights of securities or groups of securities
way of giving the portfolio manager better control of a quantitative
to avoid extreme weights that may result from model inaccuracies.
framework. Forecasts are represented through probability distribu-
Jagannathan and Ma (2003) provide a theoretical justification for
tions that can be modified or adjusted to incorporate other sources
such practices. They show that the no short-selling constraints
of information deemed relevant. The only restriction is that such
are equivalent to reducing the estimated security covariances,
additional information (i.e., the investor’s ‘‘views’’) be combined
whereas upper bounds are equivalent to increasing the corre-
with the existing model through the laws of probability. In effect,
sponding covariances. For example, stocks that have high covari-
incorporating Bayesian views into a model allows to ‘‘rationalize’’
ance with other stocks tend to receive negative portfolio weights.
subjectivity within a formal quantitative framework. ‘‘[T]he ra-
Therefore, when their covariance is decreased (which is equivalent
tional investor is a Bayesian,’’ as Markowitz noted.9
to the effect of imposing no short-selling constraints), these nega-
Many trading strategies cannot easily be turned into forecasts of
tive weights diminish in magnitude. Similarly, stocks that have low
expected returns and covariances. In particular, trading strategies
covariances with other stocks tend to get over-weighted. Hence, by
may not produce views on absolute return, but rather just provide
increasing the corresponding covariances the impact of these over-
relative rankings of securities that are predicted to outperform/
weighted stocks decrease. However, extreme care needs to be ta-
underperform other securities. For example, let us consider two
ken when imposing constraints for robustness and stability
stocks, A and B. An absolute view is of the form ‘‘the one-month ex-
purposes. For example, if the constraints used are too ‘‘tight,’’ the
pected return on A and B are 1.2% and 1.7% with a standard devia-
portfolio allocation will be completely determined by the con-
tion of 5% and 5.5%, respectively.’’ In contrast, a relative view may
straints instead of the forecasted expected returns and their
be of the form ‘‘B will outperform A by half a percent over the next
month’’ or simply ‘‘B will outperform A over the next month’’.
Clearly, it is not an easy task to translate any of these relative views
3.3.2. Diversification measures into the inputs required in the modern portfolio theoretical
Instead of providing ad hoc upper and lower bounds on each framework.
security, Bouchard, Potters, and Aguilar (1997) suggest using An assumption underlying the Black–Litterman model is that
‘‘diversification indicators’’ that measure the concentration of the the expected return of a security should be consistent with market
portfolio. These diversification indicators can be used as con- equilibrium unless the investor has a specific view of the security.
straints in the portfolio construction phase to limit the concentra- In other words, an unconstrained investor who does not have any
tion to individual securities. The authors demonstrate that these views on the market should hold the market.
indicators are related to the information content of the portfolio
in the sense of information theory. In particular, a concentrated 7
While less popular in practice, robust statistics approaches are also used to
portfolio corresponds to a large information content (as we would estimate the inputs to MVO (see, for example Trojani and Vanini (2002) and DeMiguel
only choose a very concentrated allocation if our information about and Nogales (2009)). Based on space constraints we have omitted a discussion of
these techniques in this paper.
future price fluctuations is ‘‘perfect’’), whereas an equally weighted 8
It can be shown that the mean squared error of an estimator is equal to its
portfolio would indicate low information content (as we would not variance plus its squared bias. The minimum of the mean squared error may not be
put ‘‘all the eggs in one basket’’ if our information about future obtained when the bias is zero.
price fluctuations is poor). 9
See page 57 in Markowitz (1987).
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 363

h i1
We assume that security returns a multivariate normally
xP ¼ ðsRÞ1 þ P> X1 P ðsRÞ1
distributed with mean l and covariance matrix, i.e. r  N(l, R).
However, l is itself a multivariate normally distributed random h i1
vector l  N(p, Rp) where p is a vector of market equilibrium xq ¼ ðsRÞ1 þ P> X1 P P> X1 P
returns (more about this below). These assumptions encapsulate
the idea that the expected returns of the securities deviate from and
the perceived market equilibrium. Naturally, both the expected
return vector and the vector of market equilibrium returns are xP þ xq ¼ I
not observable and have to be estimated. We now illustrate how Specifically, (sR)1 and P>X1P represent the confidence we
to use the Black–Litterman model in three steps.10 have in the estimates of the market equilibrium and views, respec-
tively. Therefore, if we have low confidence in the views, the
Step 1: Investor Views. An investor may have views on some or resulting expected returns will be close to the ones implied by
all of the securities. The investor expresses these views as market equilibrium. Conversely, with higher confidence in the
Pl  N(q, X). Here the matrix P 2 Rkn describes the investor’s views, the resulting expected returns will deviate from the market
views, the vector q 2 Rk are the expected returns of the inves- equilibrium implied expected returns. We say that we ‘‘tilt’’ away
tor’s views (‘‘alphas’’), and X 2 Rkk is the covariance matrix from market equilibrium.
of the views (the ‘‘confidence’’). The matrix P is sometimes It is straightforward to show that the Black–Litterman expected
referred to as the ‘‘picking matrix’’ as it ‘‘picks out’’ the securi- returns can also be written in the form
ties that the investor has views about.
Step 2: Market Equilibrium. We need to estimate market equi- l^ BL ¼ p þ sRP> PsRP> þ X ½q  Pp

librium, p. The standard approach in the Black–Litterman

model is to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), that is From this expression we see that the ‘‘tilt’’ away from the equilib-
rium is given by a vector proportional to RP>[PsRP> +X]1[q  Pp].
pi Eðri Þ  rf ¼ bi ðEðrM Þ  rf Þ Probably one the most important features of the Black–Lit-
terman model is that it ‘‘adjusts’’ the entire market equilibrium im-
covðr i ; r M Þ plied expected return vector with the investor’s views. Because
bi ¼
r2M security returns are correlated, views on just a few assets will im-
ply changes to the expected returns on all assets. Mathematically
where E(ri) is the expected return on security i, E(rM) is the expected speaking, this follows from the fact that although the vector q
return on the market portfolio, rf is the risk-free rate, bi is the beta of can have dimension K N, P>X1P is an N  K matrix that ‘‘prop-
security i, and r2M is the variance of the market portfolio. Denoting agates’’ the K views into N components, P>X1Pq. This effect is
by xb = (xb1, . . . , xbn) the market capitalization or benchmark stronger the more correlated the different securities are. In the ab-
weights, CAPM can be written as sence of this adjustment of the expected return vector, the differ-
2 3
p1 ences between the equilibrium expected return and an investor’s
6 . 7 forecasts will be interpreted as an arbitrage opportunity by a
p¼6 7
4 .. 5 ¼ dRx mean–variance optimizer resulting in portfolios concentrated in
pn just a few assets (‘‘corner solutions’’).
There are a number of extensions to the Black–Litterman model.
Eðr M Þ  r f First, we note that it may appear that the equilibrium-based prior
d¼ used in Black–Litterman restricts the potential applications of the
technique to global and diversified funds. This is not true. The pos-
where d is the market price of risk. In this context p is referred to terior formula (the Black–Litterman expected return vector and
the vector ‘‘market implied expected returns’’ or ‘‘equilibrium im- covariance matrix) can be applied to any normal distribution (as
plied expected returns.’’ the prior), not just market equilibrium. As pointed out in Meucci
(2010) active management was among the first applications of
Step 3: The Black–Litterman Expected Returns. The Black–Lit- Black–Litterman, where the prior expectation was assumed to be
terman expected returns are given by the formula null.
h i1 h i
l^ BL ¼ ðsRÞ1 þ P> X1 P ðsRÞ1 p þ P> X1 q Satchel and Scowcroft (2000) propose a model where an inves-
tor’s view on global volatility is incorporated in the prior views by
with covariance matrix (‘‘uncertainty’’) assuming that s 1 is unknown and stochastic. Qian and Gorman
h i1 (2001) describe a technique based on conditional distribution the-
M VarðlBL Þ ¼ ðsRÞ1 þ P> X1 P ory that allows an investor to incorporate views on any or all vari-
ances. Meucci (2008) propose a methodology called the ‘‘entropy
This is the Black–Litterman model for the market equilibrium pooling approach’’ to incorporating nonlinear views in a non-nor-
combined with the investor’s views. mal market. Here, views can be seen as statements that distort
Some remarks are in order to provide a better intuitive under- the prior distribution of security returns. The posterior distribution
standing of the Black–Litterman formula. First, we see that if the is obtained by combining the views and prior distribution in such a
investor has no views or the confidence in the views is zero (i.e. way that the entropy of the posterior distribution is minimized rel-
q = 0 or X = 0), then the Black–Litterman returns are equal to the ative to the prior.
equilibrium returns, i.e. l
^ BL ¼ p. Consequently, with no views the
investor will end up holding the market portfolio. Second, it is
3.3.4. Robust optimization
not hard to see that the Black–Litterman expected returns are a
The sensitivity of the output of optimization algorithms,
‘‘confidence’’ weighted linear combination of market equilibrium
including MVO, to changes in problem inputs is well-docu-
and the investor’s views with the two weighting matrices
mented and is related to the often discontinuous and ill-behaved
mapping between the inputs and outputs of optimization
For a detailed description and derivation see, for example, Fabozzi et al. (2007). problems (Bonnans & Shapiro, 2000). In addition, constraints in
364 P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

the problem formulation may amplify the sensitivity of the re- it, resulting in increased expected returns. They illustrate that in
sults to the changes in the inputs. Combined with the fact that the presence of positive skew, investors may be willing to accept
inputs to MVO are subject to estimation errors, these general a negative expected return.
properties of optimization algorithms lead to concerns around Given the computational power available today it is possible
the reliability of the decisions derived using portfolio optimiza- to construct portfolios (at least portfolios of moderate size) that
tion methods. maximize expected utility under the empirical asset return dis-
During the last 15 years, robust optimization methodology tribution. In practice however, this approach is seldom used.
emerged as an answer to some of these concerns and refers to Typically, practitioners rely upon mean–variance approximations
the modeling of optimization problems with data uncertainty in of a chosen utility function. Levy and Markowitz (1979) com-
such a way that one finds a solution that is guaranteed to be sat- pared the performance of portfolio allocation by maximizing
isfactory for most realizations of the uncertain parameters expected power utility with that of the standard mean–variance
(Ben-Tal & Nemirovski, 1998; Ben-Tal & Nemirovski, 1999; El optimization. They found that mean–variance approximations of-
Ghaoui & Lebret, 1997; El Ghaoui, Oustry, & Lebret, 1998). Uncer- ten perform well enough. Cremers, Kritzman, and Page (2003)
tainty sets that contain possible values of the uncertain and Cremers, Kritzman, and Page (2005) show empirically that
parameters are used to describe the uncertainty in the problem the log and power utility functions are fairly insensitive to
and their size represents the level of the uncertainty and/or the higher moments, and therefore, mean–variance optimization
desired level of robustness. performs well for investors with log or power preferences.
Once an uncertainty set is defined, the robust portfolio optimi- However, for discontinuous or S-shaped utility functions (for
zation problem is formulated using an adversarial perspective. In example, such as that of prospect theory) this result no longer
this formulation, once the investor makes a portfolio selection, it holds true and mean–variance optimization shows significant
is assumed that an adversary will choose the expected returns loss in utility compared to an optimization of the full utility
and covariances from the uncertainty set so as to minimize the function.
investor’s utility. Another way to view the choice of the adversary One alternative to general expected utility maximization is to
is to think of it as the worst case realization of the input parame- extend the mean–variance framework by directly incorporating
ters (expected returns and covariances) from their uncertainty portfolio skew and kurtosis. In fact, such extensions can be seen
set. In this setting, the objective of the investor is to choose a port- as approximations to general expected utility maximization, where
folio that maximizes the worst-case utility (Goldfarb & Iyengar, one considers a Taylor series expansion of the utility function and
2003; Lobo & Boyd, 2000; Tütüncü & Koenig, 2004). In addition drops the higher order terms from the expansion. The first attempt
to robust counterparts of the MVO framework, there are robust for- to extend the classical mean–variance optimization in this fashion
mulations that are based on additional risk measures such as va- was done by Jean (1971). Later, more general and rigorous treat-
lue-at-risk (El Ghaoui, Oks, & Oustry, 2003) and conditional ments have been presented by several authors (see for example,
value-at-risk (Garlappi, Uppal, & Wang, 2007; Zhu & Fukushima, Athayde and Flôres (2002, 2004) and Harvey, Liechty, Liechty,
2009) also introduce methods to increase robustness by incorpo- and Mueller (2010).
rating factor models. Another alternative to general expected utility maximization is
Robust optimization formulations lead to challenging mathe- to maximize expected portfolio return subject to some tail-risk
matical problems but in many cases modern optimization tech- measure. We note that in this case the problem may not be equiv-
niques such as second-order cone optimization or semidefinite alent to that of maximizing a utility function.
optimization provide tools and software that make robust portfolio Probably the most well-known risk measure, besides the stan-
optimization problems computationally tractable. Due to the com- dard deviation, is the Value-at-Risk (VaR) first developed by J.P.
plexity of robust formulations, there also have been efforts to Morgan and made available through the RiskMetrics™ software
understand the properties of robust portfolios (Gregory, Darby- in October 1994 (see, Morgan (1996)). While VaR is popular as a
Dowman, & Mitra, 2011; Kim, Kim, Ahn, & Fabozzi, 2012; Kim, risk measure, it has several undesirable mathematical characteris-
Kim, & Fabozzi, 2012, 2013, in press; Kim, Kim, Kim, & Fabozzi, tics such non-subadditivity and non-convexity. This led to the
2014), additional details on robust optimization and its use in port- introduction of so-called coherent risk measures (see, Artzner, Del-
folio selection are provided in Fabozzi et al. (2007), Cornuejols and baen, Eber, and Heath (1999)). Today, one of the most popular
Tütüncü (2007), Fabozzi, Huang, and Zhou (2010), and Kim et al. coherent risk measures used for portfolio construction is that of
(in press). Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). Rockafeller and Uryasev (2000)
As with any attempt to improve mean–variance optimization, showed that these types of problems can be solved efficiently as
robust optimization is not without its critics. For example, Scherer linear programs (LPs).
(2007) argues that the robust optimization methods are essentially
equivalent to using shrinkage estimators on the inputs and, at least
in certain scenarios, lead to portfolios with inferior out-of-sample 4. New directions in portfolio optimization
In this section we selectively highlight some of the new trends
3.3.5. Incorporating higher moments and tail-risk measures and developments in MVO and its related areas. Due to space con-
The mean–variance framework is a special case of so-called ex- straints, we cannot survey all new trends in this area. While admit-
pected utility maximization where investors are assumed to have tedly our choice is subjective, it is based on what we believe are as
quadratic utility or returns distributions are jointly normal. This some of the important developments in this area for the use of
may sometimes be limiting as many financial return distributions MVO and its extensions in practice.
are not jointly normal, but exhibit fat tails and asymmetry that First, we discuss the recent focus on diversification methods
cannot be described by their mean–variances alone. In many in- and provide a summary of the developments related to risk-parity
stances, the tails of the return distribution significantly affect port- portfolios. Second, we provide a formalization of the problem of
folio performance (see, for example, Jobst and Zenios (2001)). mixing different sources of alpha and address some of the chal-
Harvey and Siddique (2000) show that skew in stock returns can lenges that arise from these formulations. Finally, we outline some
be relevant in portfolio selection. In particular, if asset returns ex- of the recent literature on the usage of multi-period portfolio opti-
hibit non-diversifiable co-skew, investors expect be rewarded for mization in practice.
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 365

4.1. Diversification methods xi  ðRxÞi

RC i ðxÞ ¼ xi  MRC i ðxÞ ¼
One of the most important goals of quantitative portfolio man-
An important property of this definition is that the sum of the risk
agement is diversification across sources of returns and risks in a
contributions for all assets in the portfolio is the total risk of the
portfolio. A simple way to achieve diversification is to allocate cap-
portfolio, that is
ital equally across a group of investment alternatives. Recent stud-
ies claim this simple approach can be effective and reach the
Xn Xn
xi  ðRxÞi x> Rx
RC i ðxÞ ¼ ¼ ¼ rðxÞ
maybe surprising conclusion that a variety of approaches aiming i¼1 i¼1
rðxÞ rðxÞ
to achieve optimal diversification do not consistently perform better
We also define the relative risk contribution (RRC) of an asset to be
than the equally-weighted allocation according to multiple criteria
the ratio of its risk contribution to the total portfolio risk, that is
in out-of-sample tests (DeMiguel et al., 2009). Besides its simplic-
ity, an important ‘‘advantage’’ of the equally-weighted strategy is RC i ðxÞ xi  ðRxÞi xi  ðRxÞi
RRC i ðxÞ ¼ ¼ ¼
that it does not make use of return and risk models, and therefore, rðxÞ r 2 ð xÞ x > Rx
is not subject to the estimation errors in such models.
Other alternatives to achieve diversified portfolios include
4.1.2. Risk parity
methods that make use of a risk model but no return model. One
Given an n -dimensional covariance matrix R, a portfolio
well-known example of these so-called risk-based allocation
x = [x1, . . . , xn]> is called a risk parity portfolio with respect to R
approaches is the global minimum risk portfolio, or the global
if it satisfies the following condition
minimum variance portfolio where risk is measured using the vari-
ance of the portfolio return. A related risk-based method is the risk rðxÞ
RC i ðxÞ ¼ ; for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; n
parity approach (Asness, Frazzini, & Pedersen, 2012). The risk par- n
ity approach in portfolio construction aims to build portfolios Note that x is a risk parity portfolio if and only if
where the overall portfolio risk is diversified by allocating the risk
equally across the different investment strategies and/or securities. RRC i ðxÞ ¼ ; for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; n
In this approach, the portfolio risk and the risk contributions are
calculated from the variance and covariance estimates of their In view of the last equation, risk parity portfolios can be compared
future returns. to equal weighted portfolios where xi ¼ 1n ; for all i ¼ 1; . . . ; n. In-
stead of allocating capital evenly across all the assets in the invest-
4.1.1. Measuring risk contributions ment universe, risk parity portfolios allocate the total risk evenly
One of the important concepts in portfolio management is across the assets.
quantifying the risk of individual components (such as that of
strategies and/or securities) to the total portfolio risk. The distribu- Constructing risk parity portfolios. Risk parity portfolios have
tion of risk contributions from different portfolio components can appealing properties that make them appropriate choices for
then be used to measure the level of diversification within the investors looking for diversified portfolios. They are also easy to
portfolio. interpret and explain in intuitive terms. However, in comparison
There are different ways to define the risk contribution of an to equally-weighted or global minimum variance portfolios, they
individual position to a portfolio. For example, one can consider can be much harder to construct, especially in scenarios involving
the difference between the risk measures of the existing portfolio additional constraints on the final portfolio. One special case,
and the portfolio that is obtained by removing one of the positions namely the task of building a long-only risk-parity portfolio with
and label that difference as the risk contribution of that position. no additional constraints is relatively straightforward as we ex-
To be more precise, define plain below. However, it can be impossible to find a true risk-parity
portfolio when the portfolio manager imposes discretionary con-
xi ¼ ½x1 ; . . . ; xi1 ; 0; xiþ1 ; . . . ; xn
> straints on the portfolio such as lower and upper bounds on indi-
vidual component weights. Simple structural questions such as
which represents the portfolio without position i. Then, the risk ‘‘is there always a risk parity portfolio associated with a given
contribution of position i can be defined as covariance matrix R?’’, or ‘‘when risk parity portfolios exist, are
they unique?’’ may be hard to answer when coupled with con-
ri ðxÞ ¼ rðxÞ  rðxi Þ strained scenarios.
To pose the problem of finding a risk parity portfolio as an optimi-
This is the approach outlined for computing the marginal risk from a
zation problem, one first needs a quantification of the deviation from
portfolio component in CreditMetrics (J. P. Morgan & Co., 1997). One
risk parity. Then, minimization of this quantity may produce a risk-
problem with this definition of the risk contribution is that sum of
parity portfolio. With this is mind, let us consider the following devi-
the contributions of all the portfolio positions is in general not equal
ation measure proposed by Maillard, Roncalli, and Teïletche (2010)
to the total portfolio risk, thus making the interpretation of the risk
contributions unintuitive. X
n X

An alternative definition of risk contribution often used in prac- DRP1 ðxÞ ¼ xi ðRxÞi  xj ðRxÞ2j
i¼1 j¼1
tice is constructed as follows. First, define the marginal risk contri-
bution (MRC) of asset i as the partial derivative of the function measuring all pair wise differences. Alternatively, we may choose to
r(x) with respect to xi. This is the rate of change in the portfolio consider deviations from the average value in squared or absolute
risk as the weight of asset i increases sense, i.e.
X 2
@ rðxÞ ðRxÞi xi ðRxÞ i 1
MRCi ðxÞ ¼ ¼ DRP2 ðxÞ ¼ 
@ xi rðxÞ i¼1
x > Rx n
Above, ðRxÞi ¼ nj¼1 rij xj is the ith component of the vector (Rx). n 

Then, the risk contribution (RC) of asset i is defined as the product DRP3 ðxÞ ¼ xi ðRxÞi  1
 x> Rx n
of its weight and MRC i¼1
366 P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

Now, the risk parity portfolio can be sought by minimizing any 4.2. Mixing different sources of alpha
one of these deviation-from-parity functions. Unfortunately, all
three measures we defined are non-convex functions of the portfo- An important element of a quantitative portfolio selection pro-
lio weights. Therefore, the resulting minimization problem is likely cess is the construction of a return model. The output from a return
to be difficult. Non-convexity of the deviation measure implies that model is often expressed as a vector of ‘‘alpha’s’’, i.e. a vector of
the deviation measure may change unpredictably as one modifies forecasted excess returns for each one of the securities in the
the portfolio weights, and that the local minimizers of the devia- investment universe. Alphas represent the portfolio manager’s pro-
tion functions may not be global minimizers. Indeed, Maillard prietary views on the investment choices and are the primary
et al. (2010) report that the numerical optimization of function determinant of the portfolio’s performance. They are also the main
DRP1(x) ‘‘is tricky’’ and they had to resort to heuristic approaches quantities used to assess the manager’s skill.
as outlined in their article. While alpha is typically a single number representing the excess
As observed by Maillard et al. (2010) and Kaya and Lee (2012), return forecast for the corresponding security it often combines a
an interesting and very useful characterization of risk-parity is pos- number of views and opinions. For example, multiple-factor return
sible in the long-only case. Let us consider the optimization models are prominent examples where several different and
problem potentially conflicting views are mixed together. Another example
of the ‘‘view mixing’’ methodology is the approach of Black and Lit-
terman (1992) discussed in Section 3.3.3.
min f ðxÞ ¼ x> Rx  ln xi While mixing views into a single alpha value is often practical,
this approach is not always suitable or feasible. In such cases, it
The domain of the objective function f for this problem is the may be preferable to represent the different views as separate re-
interior of the nonnegative orthant Rnþ ¼ fx : x P 0g. The optimiza- turn models and address the view or model mixing problem at the
tion problem is unconstrained in its domain. optimization/portfolio construction stage. In the next subsections,
This optimization problem is sometimes referred to as the we provide examples of portfolio construction scenarios where
logarithmic penalty formulation since the term  ni¼1 ln xi is the such formulations are used and how advanced optimization soft-
logarithmic barrier (or logarithmic penalty) function for the nonneg- ware and modeling can be used to solve these problems.
ative orthant Rnþ . The logarithmic barrier function is a well-known
tool in optimization, especially in the context of interior-point 4.2.1. Combining strategic and tactical views
methods used for solving constrained optimization problems We consider a scenario with an investment universe of n secu-
(Boyd & Vandenberghe, 2004). The optimization problem we con- rities S1, S2, . . . , Sn with uncertain future returns r1, r2, . . . , rn. Let
sider above with objective function f is related to but different from r = [r1, . . . , rn]> be the vector of these returns. As before, a portfolio
the formulations in Maillard et al. (2010) and Kaya and Lee (2012). is represented with the n -dimensional vector x = [x1, . . . , xn]>
Specifically, Maillard et al. (2010) minimize the risk term subject to where xi denotes the proportion of the total funds invested in
a lower bound on the logarithmic barrier term, while Kaya and Lee security i. Let X, a convex subset of Rn , denote the set of permissi-
(2012) maximize the logarithmic barrier term subject to a lower ble portfolios. The set X is often defined through explicit
bound on the risk term. However, the three formulations are essen- constraints on the allocation of weights. We use this generic repre-
tially equivalent and have very similar optimality conditions. The sentation to simplify the exposition.
optimality conditions for the optimization problem above are We assume that the portfolio is managed with respect to a
given by benchmark portfolio xB. The (uncertain) return of the portfolio,
rP, depends linearly on the weights
rf ðxÞ ¼ 2Rx  x1 ¼ 0
h i> rP ðxÞ ¼ x1 r 1 þ . . . þ xn rn ¼ x> r
1 1 1
where x1 ¼ x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn denotes the vector of reciprocals of As before, R represents the symmetric n  n covariance matrix
the vector x. Note that we can write each element of the optimality of the returns.
conditions in the equivalent form We consider two different return models for these securities.
These models may differ on their return forecasts, for example,
1 1 because of the different investment horizon assumptions they
2ðRxÞi  ¼ 0 () xi  ðRxÞi ¼ ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n
xi 2 use. A typical example of this scenario is encountered when one
tries to mix strategic (longer term) views with tactical (short-term)
If these conditions hold, then we have views. Let us represent the expected return coming from the stra-
tegic model with lS and those coming from the tactical model with
xi  ðRxÞi 1=2 1 lT,
RRC i ðxÞ ¼ ¼ ¼
x> Rx n=2 n 2 3 2 3
lS1 lT1
We have shown that the optimality conditions for the optimiza- 6. 7 6 . 7
tion problem are equivalent to the risk parity conditions given lS ¼ 6 7 T 6 7
4 .. 5; and l ¼ 4 .. 5
above. Therefore, optimal solutions of the problem we posed must ln
be risk parity portfolios. There are other nice properties of this
optimization problem in addition to the observation we just out- Why would one not want to combine these two alphas vectors
lined. In particular, the objective function is strictly convex func- using some appropriate weighting parameters that address the dif-
tion of x which immediately implies that the solution is unique ference between their horizon assumptions? There are several po-
and is a global minimizer of the function f. We note that the tential reasons:
weights xi satisfying equation the optimality conditions may not
add up to 1, so the solution is not necessarily a valid or desirable  We may want to constrain risk contributions of each alpha
portfolio. However, it is easy to scale these weights so that the source separately.
scaled weights satisfy a full investment constraint as well as the  We may want to separate out the active positions due to each
risk parity condition. alpha source for easier return and risk attribution.
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 367

 We may want to treat trades motivated by each alpha source the investment universe. In addition, the portfolio manager has
differently as the expected holding period might be different. built a macro-investing model that provides forecasts of returns
for different countries represented in the equity investment uni-
To address these considerations, one needs to use two separate verse. Here, the return for a country may be measured as the return
decision variables for each investment security in the mathemati- to a broad index for that country’s equity market. How can the
cal formulation of the problem. Representing the active weights portfolio manager combine country views with cross-sectional
due to the strategic model with xSA and the active weights due to views on individual stocks? What should be done if, say, the port-
the tactical model with xTA , one may arrive at a formulation such folio manager is bullish on Toyota but bearish on Japan? Alterna-
as the following one tively, consider the scenario where the portfolio manager wants
to combine views on individual stocks with views on the industries
> > >
max ðlS Þ xSA þ ðlT Þ xTA  k  ðxSA þ xTA Þ RðxSA þ xTA Þ  c  TCðxÞ or sectors those stocks belong to. If, say, the portfolio manager is
bearish on technology stocks, but bullish on Apple, should this
s:t: x  xSA  xTA ¼ xB stock be overweighted or underweighted?
ðxSA Þ RxSA 6 uS These are two very similar scenarios where two models are
> being mixed. The first model is on the individual elements in
ðxTA Þ RxTA 6 uT
the investment universe consisting of securities S1, S2, . . . , Sn.
The second model, however, is on groups of securities from this
The separate risk constraints on the strategic and tactical active
universe. In this section, we provide a possible mathematical for-
weights in the formulation above represent a risk budgeting ap-
mulation of this ‘‘overlay problem’’ and discuss methods for its
proach where one makes a priori risk allocations to each view.
The presence of such constraints prevents the portfolio risk to be
A crucial element of these models is the mapping of securities
dominated by one view or the other. These allocations may change
to groups (countries, sectors, industries, etc.) as well as the associ-
over time depending on the performance of each view as well as
ated hierarchy of decision variables. The security to group mapping
the managers changing conviction level on the strategic and tacti-
can be described using the m  n incidence matrix G where Ggi = 1
cal views.
if security i is in group g, and 0 otherwise. We also assume that
As we discussed in Section 3.1, the selection of the transaction
there is a benchmark for the portfolio with given weights at the
cost aversion parameter c is often linked to the average holding
individual security level, xIB . In this paper, we use a superscript
period of the investments in the portfolio as the one-time transac-
of I to describe decision variables or weight vectors expressed at
tion cost of entering into or existing out of a position needs to be
the individual security level while the superscript of G is used with
amortized over the life of holding the position. Representing the
group level variables and quantities. We infer weights for a bench-
trading cost function TC(x) in terms of the aggregate weights
mark at the group level xIB using the equation xGB ¼ GxIB .
rather than the individual weights due to strategic or tactical views
There are several potential ways to model this particular model
obscures the potentially complicated treatment of the trading costs
mixing problem. One of them is the following approach. We first
when one considers multiple views with multiple investment
consider the decisions made at the group level. Assuming that
there are m groups representing the partition of the securities into
On the one hand, the aggregation in the formulation above ap-
countries, sectors, or industries, we denote the group weights with
pears necessary. For example, if the strategic view is bullish on one >
the vector xG ¼ ½xG1 ; . . . ; xGm
security while the tactical view is bearish, optimal strategic and
The selections made at the group level can be used to generate a
tactical weights may have opposite signs. This may require a buy
tilted/scaled benchmark at the security level constructed as fol-
trade for the strategic view and a sell trade for the tactical view.
lows. We preserve the relative weights of the securities in a group,
Of course, the portfolio manager would only execute the net trade
but scale them up or down with respect to the original benchmark
rather than buying and selling the same security at the same time
weights based on the ratio of the chosen group weight to the
for the portfolio, justifying the aggregation as in the formulation
benchmark weight of the group. To be more specific, for each secu-
rity in the benchmark, if it belongs to the group indexed by g, scale
On the other hand, this may not be an adequate representation
its weight by the ratio xGg =ðxGB Þg .
of the portfolio manager’s problem if they expect the holding peri-
This will produce a scaled benchmark where the weights add up
ods for strategic and tactical investments to be significantly differ-
to 1 as long as group weights add up to 1 and the group mapping
ent and instead wants to amortize the trading costs differently for
represents a full partition of the investment universe. The scaled
trades motivated by each view by choosing different transaction ^ xG where
^ IB ¼ G
benchmark can be expressed mathematically by x
cost aversion parameters for trades coming from each view. One ^ ¼ diagðxI ÞG> diagðGxI Þ1 . Using this notation, we can express
could, therefore, replace the aggregate transaction cost term
the active positions taken both at the group level as well as the
c  TC(x) with something like cS  TCðxSA Þ þ cT  TCðxTA Þ. While this individual security level
substitution would allow a differentiation of trading cost amortiza-
tion, it is not clear how one would address net trades in this ver-
xGA ¼ xG  xGB
sion of the formulation.
We think the proper treatment of different holding periods for
different securities or views remains a relatively unexplored xIA ¼ xI  x
^ IB
segment of the literature on quantitative portfolio construction
Note that the active weights in the individual security level are
and can benefit from further research. We discuss one possibility
defined with respect to the scaled benchmark rather than the ac-
to address this issue in Section 4.3 by using multi-period
tual benchmark. This allows the added value from the group level
model and the security level model to be separated and attributed
properly. Further, we do not require that GxI = xG which means
4.2.2. Overlaying views on groups of securities that security level decisions do not need to conform to the group
Consider the following scenario: A portfolio manager wants to level decisions.
build a global equity portfolio and has constructed a multi-factor Using this notation, the full optimization problem takes the
model to forecast the future returns of the individual stocks in form
368 P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371

> > > >

max ðlG Þ xGA þ ðlI Þ xIA  kG  ðxGA Þ RG xGA  kI  ðxIA Þ RI xIA  c  TCðxG ; xI Þ where lt are the fair security returns (the return that correctly com-
xG 2XG ;xI 2XI
pensates for the risk of holding each security), at are predictable ex-
s:t: x ¼ x x
A B cess returns, and ertþ1 is an unpredictable residual term with
x ¼ xI  x
^ IB
Et ðertþ1 Þ ¼ 0 and Vart ðertþ1 Þ ¼ R. The investor forecasts ‘‘alphas’’ using
ðxGA Þ RG xGA 6 uG a factor model with k mean reverting factors (k n)
I >
ðx AÞ RI xIA 6 uI at ¼ Bft þ eat

4.3. Multi-period optimization Dftþ1 ¼ Dft þ eftþ1

In the first equation, ft 2 Rk represents the factors, B 2 Rnk the fac-
The classical works of Merton (1969, 1990), and Campbell and
tor loadings, and eft the idiosyncratic components. This specification
Viceira (2002) illustrate that single-period portfolio choice policies
generalizes a standard static factor model, making it dynamic and
are in general not optimal as they do not capture intertemporal ef-
time-dependent. The second equation specifies the temporal behav-
fects and hedging demands. Return predictability and market im-
pact naturally give rise to intertemporal hedging demands for ior of the factors. Here D 2 Rkk is a positive definite matrix of mean-
securities, and investors need to look beyond just the next period reversion coefficients. Intuitively, the greater the elements of this
when optimally allocating across securities. For instance, market matrix the faster the factors mean revert to zero. Furthermore, we
impact costs from trades in the current period have an effect on assume Et ðeatþ1 Þ ¼ Et ðeftþ1 Þ ¼ 0, Vart ðeftþ1 Þ ¼ Rf , Vart ðeatþ1 Þ ¼ Ra , and
prices in later periods. that the error terms ert ; eat ; eft are mutually independent. We will
Market impact is the effect that a portfolio manager has on now incorporate temporary and permanent market impact costs
prices from buying and selling assets. In general, prices move into this model.
against the portfolio manager. Prices go up as a result of pur- We denote the investor’s holdings at time t by xt. Any trading in
chase; a sale results in a price decline. When he sells, prices go our economy is subject to both temporary and permanent impacts.
down. Market impact costs are costs associated with the immedi- Following Almgren and Chriss (2000), we model the costs associ-
acy of trading: In general, if the trading is done quickly (slowly) ated with trading an amount of Dxt = xt  xt1 shares as a cost
market impact costs are higher (lower). Portfolio managers fre- against the investor’s alpha, that is
quently break up their orders (parent orders) into smaller pieces
(child orders) and trade those over longer periods of time. How- at ¼ Bft þ eat þ P Dx þ HDxt HDxt1
|fflfflffl{zfflfflffl}t |fflffl{zfflffl}
ever, if a portfolio manager is trading an order over a longer per- permanent temporary

iod of time, then due to price volatility there is a chance that ¼ Bft þ eat þ Pxt þ HðDxt  Dxt1 Þ
asset prices adversely. In other words, there is a trade-off be-
tween (1) the cost of immediacy of trading (that comes with where P; H 2 Rnn . Note that the term H(Dxt  Dxt1) reverses the
higher market impact costs), and (2) price volatility (that comes effect of a trade from one period to the next, making the impact of
with lower market impact costs). So-called ‘‘optimal execution’’ HDxt effective for one period only (single period impact). There-
software can model and optimize this trade-off associated with fore, we refer to HDxt as the temporary component and PDxt as
trading a given order (see, for example, Almgren and Chriss the permanent component.
(2000)). In most practical applications temporary impacts do not decay
The objective of portfolio optimization is to find an optimal instantaneously over a single period but rather last for several.
trade-off between return and risk. Traditionally, this was done inde- We can achieve this by modeling them as
pendently of the trade-off associated with trading (described in the at ¼ Bft þ eat þ ðP þ HÞDxt  ht
previous paragraph). However, this will often lead to target portfo-
lio holdings that will incur large market impact costs. While not where the new state variable ht (the remaining temporary impacts)
fully modeling market impact, a simple approach is to incorporate is defined by
transaction costs into mean–variance optimization as we discussed
ht ¼ Ght1 þ ðI  GÞHDxt1 þ eht
in Section 3.1.
In this section we discuss a multi-period framework that allows Here we assume Et ðeht Þ ¼ 0, and Vart ðeht Þ ¼ Rh . The matrix
us to jointly model risk, return predictability (alpha) and its decay, G 2 Rnn (with kGk < 1) determines how fast the temporary impact
and impact costs. The models of Grinold (2006), Engle and Fersten- decays.
berg (2007), Garleanu and Pedersen (2013), and Kolm and Maclin The investor solves the following multi-period version of the
(2012) are special cases of this model. A detailed description of this mean–variance problem
model, that also incorporates standard portfolio constraints, is "(  )
k 1
presented in Kolm (2013).11 Other recent work on multi-period max E ð1  qÞt x>t at  x>t Rxt  Dx>t KDxt
optimization includes Boyd, Mueller, O’Donoghue and Wang Dx1 ;Dx2 ;...;DxT1
2 2
As before, we consider a discrete time economy with n risky þð1  qÞT x>T aT  x>T RxT
securities. Suppose that price changes rt+1 pt+1  pt are given by
where q e (0, 1) is a discount factor, k is a risk aversion coefficient, R
r tþ1 ¼ lt þ at þ ertþ1
is the covariance matrix of returns, K is a diagonal matrix of posi-
tive entries representing a quadratic transaction cost, and x0 are
the initial portfolio holdings. This objective function together with
See also Kolm and Ritter (2013) that introduce a novel approach for the study of the dynamics turns out to be a stochastic linear-quadratic (LQ) reg-
general multi-period portfolio optimization problems with alphas, trading costs, and ulator problem. In this model, the trade size Dxt is the control
constraints. Their approach is inspired by the theory of Bayesian state estimation and variable.
is not limited to Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian models. They show that for a multi-
period portfolio optimization problem, there is a ‘‘dual’’ Bayesian dynamic model
We provide a sketch of the analytical details underlying this mul-
where the most likely sequence of hidden states is the trading path which optimizes ti-period framework. Further details are presented in Kolm (2013).
expected utility. The problem can be formulated as a Linear–Quadratic–Gaussian
P.N. Kolm et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 234 (2014) 356–371 369

(LQG) control problem, where the state equations are linear and the proportional to the difference between current portfolio holdings
cost function is quadratic. Its solution follows closely that of the and a dynamically modified optimal target portfolio (from here
standard theory (Åström, 1970). on referred to as the dynamic target portfolio). This dynamic target
First, let us rewrite the dynamics of the state variables (ft, wt, portfolio is different from the optimal target portfolio above, as it
and ht) in a linear state space representation. It is convenient to de- incorporates the transient and persistent frictional effects of trans-
fine the ‘‘augmented state’’ variable st = (ft, wt, ht)0 , Now, observe action costs from trading the securities.
that its dynamics are given by We point out that dynamic portfolio analysis changes the
0 1 0 1 0 f1 perception of traditional portfolio management – from a static to
ID 0 0 0 et
B C B C B C b a dynamic view. Portfolios are moving targets that we are attempt-
st ¼ @ 0 I 0 Ast1 þ @ I ADxt þ @ 0 A ¼ As b
t1 þ B Dxt þ et ing to optimally track in order to balance the trade-off between
0 0 G ðI  GÞH eht risk-adjusted returns and trading costs while accounting for the
persistent effects of both.
where In practice, multi-period models are seldom used. There are
0 1 several practical reasons for that. First, it is often very difficult to
Rf 0 0
B C accurately estimate return/risk for multiple periods, let alone for
Vart1 ðet Þ ¼ @ 0 0 0 A a single period. Second, multi-period models are in general compu-
0 0 Rh tationally intensive, especially if the universe of assets considered
is large. Third, the most common existing multi-period models do
Now, we observe that each summand of the multi-period objec-
not handle real-world constraints. As discussed in Section 3.2, in
tive function is quadratic and can be rewritten as follows:
practice the majority of managed portfolios are subject to all kinds
k 1 of constraints. For these reasons, practitioners typically use
x>t at  x>t Rxt  Dx>t KDxt ¼ x>t ðBft þ eat þ ðP þ HÞDxt  ht Þ
2 2 single-period models to rebalance the portfolio from one period
k 1 st R S st to another.
 x>t Rxt  Dx>t KDxt ¼ The concepts of portfolio optimization and diversification have
2 2 Dx t S0 Q Dx t
a a been instrumental in the development and understanding of finan-
þ Oðet Þ cðst ; Dxt Þ þ Oðet Þ
cial markets and financial decision making. In light of the 60 year
where anniversary of Harry Markowitz’s paper ‘‘Portfolio Selection,’’ in
0 1 >
1 0 1 the previous sections of this paper we reviewed some of the ap-
0 B 0 0
C B C 1 proaches developed to address the challenges encountered when
R ¼ @ 12 B  2k R  12 I A; S ¼ @ 12 ðP þ HÞ A; and Q ¼  K using portfolio optimization in practice, including the inclusion
0  12 I 0 0 of transaction costs, portfolio management constraints, and the
sensitivity to the estimates of expected returns and covariances.
Together, the objective function therefore takes the form In addition, we selectively highlighted some of the new trends
" # and developments in the area such as diversification methods,
XT 1
min E t T
ð1  qÞ cðst ; Dxt Þ þ ð1  qÞ CðsT Þ risk-parity portfolios, the mixing of different sources of alpha,
Dx1 ;Dx2 ;...;DxT1 and practical multi-period portfolio optimization. This will without
doubt continue to be an important area both in academic theory as
where c(s, Dx) is defined above, C(s) = s>Rs, and R = R> P 0, S P 0,
well as practical settings.
Q = Q> > 0.
The linear dynamics and the quadratic objective function define
an LQG problem. Applying standard results from the theory of LGQ Acknowledgements
problems the optimal control is the linear control given by
Dxt = Ltst. Here the matrix Lt is given by We are grateful for helpful comments from Joseph Cerniglia as
well as the participants of the conference ‘‘Celebrating the 60th
b > K tþ1 BÞ
Lt ¼ ðQ þ ð1  qÞ B b ðS þ ð1  qÞ B b t<T
b > K tþ1 AÞ; Anniversary of Modern Portfolio Theory’’ honoring Nobel Laureate
Harry Markowitz held on November 27, 2012, at Fordham Univer-
where Kt satisfies the Riccati equation
sity in New York.
b > K tþ1 A
K t ¼ R þ ð1  qÞ A b  ðS> þ ð1

b > K tþ1 BÞðQ

 qÞ A b b 1 S þ ð1  qÞ B
b > K tþ1 BÞ
þ ð1  qÞ B b
b > K tþ1 A References

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