Basic English Grammar (1) - 1

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Intermediate English grammar


LECTURER: Yen Aryni,S.pd,M.S



BOBBY MARBUN [21052017]

DINDA AMELIA [21052026]




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. We express our
gratitude to Him who has bestowed His grace, guidance, and hidayah to us so that we can
complete the Preposition paper. Compiled to fulfill the assignment of Mrs. Yen
Aryni,S.pd,M.S at ASAHAN UNIVERSITY. In addition, we also hope that this paper can add
insight for readers.

Apart from all these things, there are still shortcomings, both in terms of sentence
structure and grammar. Therefore, we welcome all suggestions and criticisms from readers
so that we can improve this paper.

Kisaran, February 2022

Group 1

FOREWORD ......................................................................................................………………………
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................………..
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................…………………
1.2 Formulation Of The Problem ............................................................................………………..
1.3 Purpose .............................................................................................……………………………….
2.1 Definition Of The Sentence .................................................................................................
2.2 Kinds Of The The Sentence such as Noun phrases, verb phrases and modifier.................
2.3 Examples Of The Sentence such as Noun phrases, verb phrases and modifier...................


3.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................………………….
3.2 Suggestions ...........................................................................................…………………………..

1.1 Background
Sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence must contain a
subject and a verb (although one may be implied) or a more formal definition of sentence is
a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate,
conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause
and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. But this time we will focus on the little
noun phrases, verb phrases and modifier examples and Uses in daily life and become
referral. I hope this paper willbe a reference and knowledge to all of us.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on this background, we formulate the problem as follows :
1. What is the meaning of the Sentence ?
2. What is the kinds the Sentence such as noun phrases verb phrases and modifier?

1.3 Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is as follows :
a. To know the meaning of the Sentence.
b. To find out how to explain and example noun phrases verb phrases and modifier

2.1 Understanding
The sentence is a compilation of several words or clauses, which may be needed
with conjunction words and sentence must contain a subject and a verb. In formal
spoken or written English, every sentence must be complete. The basic Rule is that all
sentences must have a subject (S), which can be a pronoun, a Noun, or a noun phrase,
and a verb (V), which can also be a verb phrase. In many Cases, the verb can be
followed by a direct object (O). Consider the following Examples :

She works. (S) + (V)

Fish swim. (S) + (V)

The children played. (S) + (V)

The bus driver needs a break. (S)+(V)+(O)

My mother liked the movie. (S)+(V)+(O)

Every sentence must have a subject. Th e imperative sentence is an exception To this

basic rule, because the subject, you, is understood. Imperative sentences are Used to
instruct someone to do something.

Go to class.

Pick up your mess, please.

Read objective newspapers.

Verbs that do not require a direct object are called intransitive verbs. Some
Common intransitive verbs are exist and rise. Th ey are typically used with preposi-
Tional phrases, as illustrated in the following examples.

It is possible that life existed on Mars millions of years ago.

Black smoke rose from the burning tires.

2.2Kinds of Sentence
a.Noun phrases
The noun phrase is a phrase that has the core of the noun. The nouns
phrase in the sentence works the same as the noun in other words the
phrase nounce can be directly distributed with the noun. It is a phrase that
results from the combination of nouns (noun), pronoun (pronoun), or
number.If noun is a single noun, noun phrase is a new word derived from
several combinations of words to explain noun itself.
The subject of a sentence can be a noun phrase, which can be simple or
complex. The subject can Be one word or a group of words that includes
a noun together with other words that provide Information about the
noun. Some noun phrases can be quite complex. Consider the following
The boy went to the playground.

The lively boy went to the playground.

The lively boy next door went to the playground.

No matter how complex a noun phrase is, it still remains the subject
of the sentence and Determines the form of the verb. Th e verb in the
sentences above is went.

b.Verb phrases
The phrase phrase is a collection of words in English of two or more
words, where no subject and predicate elements, have a function as
information giver. Then is it our Shared philosophy? Definitely different.
Verb phrases are a legion of words, such as verb, auxiliary verb, linking
verb, transitive verb, tranitive verb and others, which forms a sentence
with a certain function.The verb in a sentence can also appear in a verb
phrase, Example:
He has often spoken of you.

She will not be able to understand this document

Verb Phrase is divided into two forms, based on traditional grammar and
generative grammar. If referring to traditional grammar, the text or the
sentence is composed of basic pattern of the sentence, which is consisting
of verb and Subject. As for the Generation Grammar is a sentence
transformation, where a sentence consists of a variety of elements,
ranging from subjects, verb, capital, noun or pronoun. And every form of
verb phrase certainly has a different formula.
Oral formula
1. Traditional grammar
According to its traditional grammar, the verb phrase consists of its main
verb and auxiliary verb.
English phrases, examples:
I was sleeping while my father was watching the TV.
(I was asleep when my father was watching TV).
2. Skill disorder
According to struggle grammar, it is a verb (main verb), auxiliary verb
(auxiliary verb), modifier (it can be adverb, foctive, or otherwise), and
persistent (object of phrase). For example:
I was talking to him ten minutes ago.
(I was talking to him ten minutes ago.)

c. Modifier
Modifier is a word, phrase or clause in English that has a function
as adjective (adjective) or adverb (adverb) that explains other words or
other groups. There are many types of sentence modifiers. Among the
most important are adjectives, adverbs, And prepositional phrases.
Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns.

That striped snake is poisonous.

Our new neighbor is a professional basketball player.

He is old.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

She seldom wrote after she moved away.

The severely wounded man was taken to the hospital.

The Wilnes spoke very nervously about the robbery.

Prepositional phrases can modify nouns or verbs.

The man in the garden is a police officer.

For many years they lived in Mexico

2.3Example of the Sentence

Exercise 1.1
Is a real bargain. That coat is a real bargain.
1.Were eating an Italian specialty.
2.Have worked in Austin for two years.
3.Italiant week.
4. Is awful.
5. Looks comfortable.
6. Went to the theater.

Exercise 1.2
1.Children ought to be more careful.
2.Water is good for you.
3.Prague is an amazing and historic Eastern European city.
4.The furry, clean, calm cat slept on the couch.
5.The furry, clean, calm, black cat ran outside.
6.The furry, clean, calm, black cat with a scar jumped on the counter.
7.The big, ugly, dirty, brown bear with long ears and large claws attacked
a hunter.
8.She read a magazine yesterday.
9.Peter went to the circus.
10.Lending money and giving too much advice can cause problems.

Exercise 1.3
1.The big, brown dog sitting in the shade is hungry.
2. I always drink coff ee in the morning before work.
3.After getting to the hotel room, Saul ordered room service.
4.The youth hostels we stayed in while we were in Budapest weren’t too
5.My professor, after noticing that I had been studying hard, was nicer to
6.Maybe her father is sicker than you think.
7.In the future, presidential elections will be held on the Internet.
8.After the show, the people who were sitting in the front row got up.

Exercise 1.4
They stayed up and chatted until dawn
1.______He headed for home on foot.
2.Do you recognize the ______man on the corner?
3.She_______speaks to me anymore.
4. _______I was at Macy’s hoping to buy a________Dress.
5.He took her advice very____________
6._______ we ________go skiing in Colorado.
7.Your_______brother plays the piano ________
8. Please speak___________I’m trying to nap.
9.Yesterday, I saw a________ accident_________
10.My sister is a____________ competent lawyer.
The sentence
Exercise 1.1
1.They were eating an Italian specialty.
2.They have worked in Austin for two years.
3.We purchased it last week.
4.The salad is awful.
5.It looks comfortable.
6. Robinson went to the theater.

Exercise 1.2
4.The furry, clean, calm cat
5.The furry, clean, calm, black cat
6.The furry, clean, calm, black cat with a scar
7.The big, ugly, dirty, brown bear with long ears and large claws
10. money and giving too much advice

Exercise 1.3
1.The big, brown dog sitting in the shade, is
2.I, drink
3.Saul, ordered
4.The youth hostels we stayed in while we were in Budapest, weren’t
5.My professor, was
6.Her father, is
7.Presidential elections, will be held
8.The people who were sitting in the front row, got up

Exercise 1.4
1.After work
4.Last week, new black
6.In winter, usually
7. younger, beautifully
8. quietly
9. horrible, in the city
10. rather


3.1 Conclusion
Sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence must contain a
subject and a verb (although one may be implied) or a more formal definition of sentence is
a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate,
conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause
and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. But this time we will focus on the little
noun phrases, verb phrases and modifier examples and Uses in daily life and become
referral. I hope this paper willbe a reference and knowledge to all of us.
3.2 Suggestion
In this paper, of course, there are many corrections, because we realize that this
paper is far from perfect. Therefore, we hope for constructive criticism and suggestions.
With that, we hope that this paper will be even better


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