Letter To Senator

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Jesse Cendejas

2660 Fort Apachee Trail

Dacula, Georgia 30019

Johnny Isakson
United States Senate
131 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Johnny Isakson

I am a second generation Mexican American, and was naturally born into this country.
My parents live an honest live in America and take advantage of prosperous
opportunities. On a recent college trip with my mother, we were both on our way when
we were stopped at a "Drug Search"area on the highway. I thought it reasonable at first,
but when they pulled me and my mother to search our vehicle, I happened to notice that
we were not the only hispanics there, for every car that was stopped had a hispanic
passenger inside. Across the street, there was a tent set up and under were rows of people
hand-cuffed and sitting. Is this one way to enforce the "Illegal Immigration Reform and
Enforcement Act of 2011" or was this truly a natural stop to detect anyone with illegal

This law is discriminating and unconstitutional. The law gives power to seize and arrest
based on reasonable suspicion, but what are these "reasonable attributes" to an Illegal
Immigrant? Can we truly visualize an illegal immigrant without the consideration of race
or color? If we cannot, than this is considered racial discrimination and racial profiling.
At the "Drug Stop", only hispanics where being pulled over, so why didn't the police
officers also inspect the vehicles with Caucasians or White Americans who could also
obtain illegal substances?? This is a harsh practice and it began with this Immigration

This law is creating an obscure scene in America. Senator Matt Ramsey said georgia
"cannot afford to ignore the economic burden created by our unsecure borders.” Even
though i do not support Illegal Immigration, it is not the creator of this "economic
burden", but helped Georgia's Economic prosperity in the 90's through agriculture when
there were not any laws on employment yet made. The cause of our economic downturn
is not on illegal immigration, but on many factors(as stated in economics.com) such as
Falling House prices, Credit crunch, Contraction of Credit following demise of Lehman
Brothers and general credit crunch, Fall in Confidence affecting consumer spending and
investment, Global downturn in economic growth, and Cost Push inflation of early 2008,
causing a squeeze in living standards.
At this time, in our state, the news reports are buzzing with stories of money shortages
and economic troubles. If what FOX,CNN, and Local TV News Networks say is true,
then why is it that our Georgia Government is passing unconstitutional laws that violates
federal law enforcement agencies ,such as the U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), when, as told by Shawn Hu (Immigration Attorney), they do not
have the resources to retain and board state transferred illegal immigrants.

Sir, I have some experience of how life is in Mexico, and I assure you that is is not the
easiest. Mexico is not enriched with opportunities like this nation has. My solution would
be to find a way to allow immigration from any part of the North American Continent
easier and faster with stronger regulation and background checks, find a way to allow
illegal immigrants with priorities in this country to gain legal residency easier, find a way
to rebuild Georgia's Agricultural back to its original glory, and finally repeal this
immigration law that invokes unconstitutional rights to peruse illegal immigrants.


Jesse Cendejas
Works Cited

Causes of Economic Downturn | Economics Blog. (2008, September 12). Economics

Help - Helping to Simplify Economics. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from

"Georgia, state, United States: Economy." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.©

1994, 2000-2006, on Infoplease.© 2000–2007 Pearson Education, publishing as
Infoplease.30 Mar. 2011 <http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/us/A0858373.html>.

Hu, S. (2011, March 23). Reform Watch: Georgia Proposes Arizona-Style Immigration
Laws | Immigration Laws. immigration laws and green card. Retrieved March 30, 2011,
from http://www.immigration-laws.org/reform-watch-georgia-proposes-arizona-style-

Murguía, J. (2011, March 17). Janet Murguía: Georgia: On Immigration, Speeding Down
a Dead-End Street. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved
March 30, 2011, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/janet-murguia/georgia-on-

Phillips, J. (2011, February 4). Immigration Law Similar to Arizona’s Proposed in

Georgia Hearing | United States | Epoch Times. Epoch Times | National, World, China,
Sports, Entertainment News | Epoch Times. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from

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