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I. Objectives:

To describe street dance and hip-hop dances, and their dance styles

To share the contribution of street dance and hip-hop dances to fitness

II. Materials/Equipment:

• copy of step up 4 movie

• audio-visual set, cellphone ( Android )

• pen and notebook


1. Watch carefully the movie “Step Up 4”.

2. Answer the following guiding questions:

 What dance form is shown in the movie? The dance form shown in step-up 4 is hip-hop dance. Hip-hop
dance is a form of street dance performed with hip-hop music.

 What is street dance? A street dance is a dance style that evolved outside dance studios in any
available open space

 What is hip-hop dance? Hip-hop dance refers to street dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop
music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture.

 What particular movements/steps strike you? The gymnastics movement, such as the back flips strikes
me, because it requires a lot of skills to execute

 Can street dance and hip-hop dance improve fitness? How? Hip hop dance increases your stamina and
endurance. It requires you to move and change positions at an extremely fast pace. This constant motion
helps build endurance and increases your aerobic capacity. Hip hop requires you to contract and expand
the abdominal muscles in a series of quick but fluid movements.

 Can we use street dance and hip-hop dance as our recreation activity? Why and how? Hip hop dance
increases your stamina and endurance. It requires you to move and change positions at an extremely
fast pace. This constant motion helps build endurance and increases your aerobic capacity. Hip hop
requires you to contract and expand the abdominal muscles in a series of quick but fluid movements.

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