SMS Push Protocol v1.9.6

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SMS PUSH Protocol


Version 1.9.6 Boby Juliyanto
Lorensius Simanjuntak

SMS Push Protocol v1.9.6

Technical Specification DATE 12/24/2021 Page 2 of 9

10:29:00 AM
For Internal Use Only
Print Date: 12/24/21 10:29 AM
SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

1 Document Information

1.1 Purpose
This document provides complete Protocol technical specification for Jatis’s SMS Push Service

1.2 Target Audience

IT staff. Basic knowledge of the various technology used in the project are required.

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SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

1.3 Document Update History

Version Editor Reviewer Change Summary
1.0 Lorensius Simanjuntak Januar Siregar Original release
(16 Jan 2013)
1.1 Lorensius Simanjuntak Rinto Priambodo Change Delivery Status Description:
(4 Mar 2013) - Success to Success, received
- Unknown number to Success,
unknown number
1.2 Lorensius Simanjuntak Rinto Priambodo Add new parameter Channel to identified
(13 Jun 2013) OTP, Alert and Normal SMS

1.3 Herlangga Saputra Add new ResponseCodes 20,

(4 Sep 2013) 21, 22
1.4 Firuza Azizah Boby Juliyanto Division name updated
(24 Nov 2015) Update DR Mechanism
1.5 Boby Juliyanto Lorensius Simanjuntak New status for invalid division.
(4 Jan 2016)
1.7 Lorensius Simanjuntak Arief Hadiyanto Add DR Push Spec Realtime based on
(27 March 2017) submit status to Telco

1.8 Lorensius Simanjuntak Arief Hadiyanto Add DR Push Spec Realtime based on
(27 March 2017) delivery status received from Telco

1.8.1 Lorensius Simanjuntak Arief Hadiyanto Add New Delivery Status

(22 April 2017)
1.8.2 Boby Juliyanto Lorensius Simanjuntak Remove some statuses from Delivery Status
(13 Nov 2017)
1.9 Boby Juliyanto Lorensius Simanjuntak Adding types of delivery reports platform
(14 Nov 2017)
1.9.1 Bayu Aditya Boby Juliyanto Adding Whatsapp channel
(17 Oct 2018)
1.9.2 Bayu Aditya Boby Juliyanto Remove Whatsapp channel,
(16 Sep 2019) Add status 6 Invalid Sender

1.9.3 Bayu Aditya Boby Juliyanto Add POST method to API

(19 Nov 2019)
1.9.4 Boby Juliyanto Lorensius Simanjuntak Miscall OTP and end-point alternative
(31 Mar 2021)
1.9.5 Boby Juliyanto Lorensius Simanjuntak Remove DR Pull method
(12 Jul 2021)
1.9.6 Boby Juliyanto Lorensius Simanjuntak Remove GET method
(17 Dec 2021)

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SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

2 Message Push Protocol

Message push protocol is sent using HTTPS secure connection protocol through public internet.
However, SMS Push clients are required to register a static IP number which will be registered at Jatis
Any attempt to hit the given web page from a non-registered IP will be blocked

Request Method:
POST : Request parameters body are sent using x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Parameters:

URL address : Jatis has 2 end points that could be load-balanced using any
high availability application, they are: (located in Indonesia) (located in
Userid : user id given by jatis, unique for each client
Password : password given by jatis, unique for each userid
Sender : Sender or Masking that will be displayed on cell phone when the
SMS received
Msisdn : Desired mobile number using international prefix e.g.
628123456789 (Maximum 30 digits)
message : SMS Message (in plain text maximum 580 characters).
If the channel is using 3 (miss call OTP), then the message should
be in numeric value.
division : Client’s division name. Please set value division who has been
registered by Jatis Team (Maximum 50 characters)
batchname : Batch information (Maximum 200 characters)
uploadby : PIC or User who send the SMS (Maximum 50 characters)
channel : Channel information to define type of SMS, OTP, Alert or
Normal SMS. The value of channel must be one of following:
• 0 : Normal SMS
• 1 : Alert SMS
• 2 : OTP SMS
• 3: Miss call OTP

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SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

Reply Parameters:

Status Description
1 Success
This status will be combined with message id given by JATIS’s application.
The example is as follow:


The Message Id will be used when collecting Delivery Status.

2 Missing Parameter
3 Invalid User Id or Password
4 Invalid Message
5 Invalid MSISDN
6 Invalid Sender
7 Client’s IP Address is not allowed
8 Internal Server Error
9 Invalid Division
20 Invalid Channel
21 Token Not Enough
22 Token Not Available

Reply parameters are given in plain text


POST Request with curl:

curl -d "userid=JATIS&password=JATISabcd&msisdn=62857712345&message= tes kirim http
=2" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST

POST Response:


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SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

3 Delivery Report
Jatis sends the delivery status via HTTP protocol to clients when the delivery status is available.

There are two type of DR Push:

a. Telco submit status
This type of DR is the status of SMS transaction request from Jatis to Telco.
Client Jatis Telco

1. M2M
2. Submit
3. SMS Legends:
4. Submit
5. Telco response Synchronous

Request Parameters:
URL Address :
(Client’s delivery reports URL)
userid : user id given by jatis, unique for each client
password : password given by jatis, unique for each userid
sender : Sender or Masking that will be displayed on cell
phone when the SMS received
MessageId : This Id is received from JATIS’s application when
SMS successfully submitted. Type : Nvarchar (50)
DeliveryStatus : Delivery status from jatis (1, 2, 3, 4,77) , Type :
Nvarchar (2)
Datereceived : Date received SMS from operator, Type : datetime
Description : Delivery Status Description

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SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

Telco Submit Status Code:

Delivery Description
1 Success
Success/message processed successfully by Telco.
2 Messages undelivered to subscriber
3 The destination number is not valid
Invalid MSISDN number
4 Failed
Operator Internal Server Error
ERROR: CP Throttle
WARNING: CP Connection Congested
System Error

b. Handset delivery status

This type of DR is the status of SMS transaction sent from Telco to handset. This is a
premium feature which has additional cost, please contact our presales/business team.

Client Jatis Telco Handset

1. M2M
2. SMS

3. SMS Legends:
4. Handset
delivery Synchronous
5. Delivery
6. Handset

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SMS Push Protocol Confidential Jatis Mobile

Request Parameters:
URL Address :
(Client’s delivery reports URL)
userid : user id given by jatis, unique for each client
password : password given by jatis, unique for each userid
sender : Sender or Masking that will be displayed on cell
phone when the SMS received
MessageId : This Id is received from JATIS’s application when
SMS successfully submitted. Type : Nvarchar (50)
DeliveryStatus : Delivery status from jatis (1, 2, 3, 4,77) , Type :
Nvarchar (2)
Datereceived : Date received SMS from operator, Type : datetime
Description : Delivery Status Description

Handset Delivery Status Code:

Delivery Description
1 Success/message successfully received in handset.
2 Messages undelivered to subscriber
3 The destination number is unknown/not valid
Invalid MSISDN number
4 Failed
Operator Internal Server Error
ERROR: CP Throttle
WARNING: CP Connection Congested
System Error

Example DR Push request:
Jatis send DR using HTTP GET protocol via internet.

Example DR Push response:


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