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Letda Inf Amrin situmorrang

Class A /21004


The batak war ( 1878-1907), was a war between the batak kingdom and the dutch. This war
lasted for 29 years. The reason for the outbreak of this war was the dutch were trying to create
pax Netherland. The war erupted after the dutch put their troops in battle, with the aim of
protecting the proponents of Cristianity who were members of the Rhijnsnhezending, with the
character of the propagator Nomensen ( Germans). King sisingamangaraja XII decide to attack
the dutch position in tarutung. The war lasted for seven years in the North Tapanuli area, such
asa in Bahal Batu, Siborong – borong, Balige Laguboti and Lumban Julu.

In 1894, the dutch launched an attack to control Bakkara, the seat of position and government
of the batak kingdom. As a result of this attack, sisingamangaraja XII was forced to move to
Dairi Pakpak.

In 1904, the Dutch troops, under the leadership of Van Daalan from central Aceh, continued
their movement to North Tapanuli, whil other troops were brought in Medan. In 1907, Marsose
troops under the command of captain Hans Christofel succeeded in capturing boru sagala, the
wife of sisingamangaraja XII ab-nd their two children, while sisingamangaraja XII and his
followers managed to escape to the simsim forest. He refused an offer to surrender, and in the
battle on june 17,1907, sisingamangaraja XII died along with his daughter lopian and his two
sons sutan Nagari and Patuan Anggi. The death of sisingamangajara XII marked the end of the
batak war.


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