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Cadle’s Home Fellowship June 18, 2021

Israeli News Review
(Gen 12:3 & Ps 122:6) Elijah’s message was rejected by Israel; just as Jesus was
rejected - Luke 4:24-26. As a consequence, Israel lost a
On May 14, 1948 Israel once again
became a nation on the world blessing and gained a curse - Read Deut 28. Jesus was
stage in partial fulfillment of Ez 37 - rejected because of unbelief and the Jews refusal to see and
the dry bones passage. They have hear the truth of their Messiah at his first coming - read Is
entered the land and become a 61:1,2. The Jews rejected Christ before Pilate, and as a
nation but they have not yet
consequence, took upon themselves the curse for killing an
embraced Jesus as their Messiah
and King. innocent person - Matt 27:25.

Today, the political tide of the US

and Israel has changed. We must Ancient Hebrew Worldview
watch and wait for what will God’s chosen people knew there were other gods. They,
happen next with these new however, were set apart from all other people to be God’s
dynamics. Netanyahu has warned
own. The Bible clearly states the existence of other gods. A
the new Gov’t in Israel against Iran
and establishing a Palestinian simple Bible search for lower case “gods” will reveal over
State. Two US pressure points are 200 instances regardless of which translation is used. When
coming against Israel … the Bible (223 in the ESV) mentions other gods (66), foreign
gods (10), false gods (2), household gods (12), it means other
1) The US renewed talks with Iran.
Will these US efforts undermine gods exist.
Israeli security? Any new
agreement with Iran will only Ex 15:11 - “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is
embolden their proxy like you, majes?c in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds,
aggression against Israel. doing wonders?”
Connection with Dan 8 and the Ps 97:9 - “For you, O Lord, are most high over all the earth;
two-horned Ram? you are exalted far above all gods.”
2) Social Justice for Palestine. Will Ex 20:3 - “You shall have no other gods before me”
US pressure Israel into a peace
for land agreement? The US Dan 2:47 - “The king answered and said to Daniel, “Truly, your
Democratic Party has shifted its God is God of gods and Lord of kings, and a revealer of
position from verbal support of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this mystery.”
Israel to silence. Will Israel
Deut 10:17 - “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of
inherit the Promised Land (Gen
28:15) prior to the Millennium?
God also promised his people a land that they would inherit
Netanyahu believes he will return
from him and this would also separate them from the other
to the seat of Prime Minister.
nations. These other nations would be overseen by “sons of
Cadle’s Home Fellowship June 18, 2021

God” who functioned as God’s inner circle and were

members of his divine council (PS 82 & PS 89). Deut 32:8 -
Holiness is not about being perfect “When the Most High gave to the nations their
it is about identity. It is a state of inheritance [land], when he divided mankind, he fixed the
purity through cleansing, being borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons
consecrated by a ceremonial act,
of God. But the LORD’s portion is his people, Jacob his
and being sanctified or set apart
to God. allotted heritage."

Five different times in Leviticus Just as the “sons of God” in Gen 6:1-4 successfully rebelled
God explains that to be holy is to and caused God to regret his creation, the new “sons of
be set apart. Lev 20:26 - “You are God” overseers of nations in Gen 11 also rebelled and the
to be holy to me because I, the
cycle seemed destined to repeat itself. However, God had
Lord, am holy, and I have set you
other plans. He selected a people and a nation that he
apart from the nations to be mine.”
would personally oversee himself and present itself as a
1 Peter 1:14-16 - “… But as the one clear contrast to the other nations. God honed his plan to
who called you is holy, you also are
counteract the rebellion.
to be holy in all your conduct; for it
is written, Be holy, because I am Confusion on this issue, by most modern day biblical
scholars, is a misunderstanding and use of the Hebrew
Step 1 is a purification. 2 Cor 7:1 - term - Elohim. Ancient Israelites understood Elohim to
“… let us cleanse ourselves from refer to ANY spiritual being. It is a generic term and is
every impurity of the flesh and
applied to any being who exists in the spiritual realm. This
spirit, bringing holiness to
completion in the fear of God.” is easily understood by doing a word search for lower case
“gods” in the biblical text. There are well over 200
Step 2 the act of consecration. occurrences in both the OT & NT. In every case, these
Rom 12:1 - “present yourself as a
false gods, lesser gods, unclean spirits, evil spirits are
living sacrifice, holy, and pleasing
to God” Baptism is an act of referred to as Elohim. They never refer to a human being,
consecration. only to a spiritual being who resides in the spiritual
domain. PS 8:5 explains that God made man a little lower
Step 3 being sanctified is to be set
than the heavenly beings or Elohim. These Elohim, which
apart by the blood of Christ, the
Holy Spirit and by faith. are spiritual beings in the spirit realm, are grouped in the
Bible into the following categories.
Read Lev 22:32, Heb 13:12, Rom
15:16, 1 Cor 6:11, Acts 26:18 to 1. Yahweh, the Most High God of Israel (found hundreds
better understand sanctification. of times)
All three aspects are wrapped
2. Lucifer, O Day Star, son of Dawn (IS 14:12) has a
together in the definition of
holiness and they help define our heavenly throne (IS 14:13) but will die like earthly kings
identity in Christ, as he is holy. (IS 14:10, IS 24:21, IS 34:4 & PS 82:7)

3. The “beney Elohim” of Yahweh’s heavenly council (sons

of God), both loyal and disloyal (Gen 6:1-4, PS 82; PS 89;
Cadle’s Home Fellowship June 18, 2021

Deut 32:8-9, 43; PS 58:112; Job 1:6 & 2:1 & 38:4-7, Dan
4:17; Dan 7:9-10)

4. The gods of foreign nations (1 Kings 11:33 & Acts 7:42)

5. The disembodied Nephilim dead or Demons (Deut 32:17)

6. The disembodied human dead (1 Sam 28:13)

7. Angels and Archangels (ma’lak) - act as messengers, protectors, and providers for

This information is not commonly taught within Christianity today because many academics fear
that most Christians will be confused and the doctrine of “monotheism” threatened. However,
when properly understood, monotheism is in no way threatened. Within the spiritual realm there
is differentiation amongst spiritual beings. Spiritual beings can be distinguished based on a
number of attributes - appearance, hierarchical rank, titles, job descriptions, authority, and
powers. As God Most High, Yahweh is unique and stands alone as the only uncreated being.
Yahweh is an ‫( אלהים‬Elohim), but no other ‫( אלהים‬Elohim) is Yahweh. That was what an
orthodox Israelite believed about Yahweh. Psalm 83:18 declares it - “May they know that you
alone - whose name is the Lord - are the Most High over the whole earth.” Monotheism is secure
given the unique nature of Yahweh and his separateness or holiness from all other gods.

In other words, the supreme nature of the God Most High, does not negate the existence of
“sons of God” as divine beings. The sons of God are referenced in these five passages …

1. Gen 6:1-4 - “the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they
took as their wives any they chose.”

2. Deut 32:8 - “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he
divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the
sons of God.”

3. Job 1:6 - “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves
before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.”

4. Job 2:1 - “Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves
before the Lord, and Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord.”

5. Job 38:4-7 - “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? … when the
morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

We will expand on this topic further in later sessions as we delve into the story of Elijah.

Cadle’s Home Fellowship June 18, 2021

Please note, these views are being popularized, in recent years, by biblical and Hebrew language
scholar Dr. Michael Heiser, who works for the Logos Bible App. His views can be found at and he has a youtube channel covering this and other topics - https://

I appreciate his ministry, as he has no theological axe to grind or position to protect or maintain.
He allows all of scripture to speak without imposing hundreds of years of western thought and
ideas on top of it. I am not saying all western biblical thought is worthless.

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