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Task 2: keep improving my learning skills. writing Task

PRESENTED BY : Norida Yasmin Peña Ortiz

TUTOR: Fredy Orlando Salamanca

COURSE: 900002B




13 DE MARCH DE 2022
Step 1: Three practices of the module

Module 1- Activity 4

Módulo 2 - Activity 2
Module 3- Activity 1

Module 4- Activity 4
Step 2: Read complete the chart and carry out the activities

a. Complete the chart using the information above

Ruth’s Routine

Activity Frequency Adverb

Brush my teeth at 8:00 o`clock usually

pongo una alarma solo para eso Occasionally

wash my face before bed, because that never

always wakes me up.

I wake up and immediately and take a always


I put on shorts and a t-shirt usually

I wear a formal dress when I have to go sometimes

to work

breakfast eggs often

I must drink a delicious coffee. always

b. Write 5 sentences about Ruth’s routine using the frequency adverbs.

1. Usually wears shorts and a t-shirt

2. She never washes her face before bed

3. Always he wakes and up he takes a shower

4. Sometimes she wears a formal dress to work

5. always drink delicious coffee

c. Write with the following information sentences with frequency adverbs (always,

sometimes, usually, never) also, write a complement to the sentence.

• The dog / bark

- The dog always barks in the house

- The dog sometimes barks in the street

- The dog usually barks in the meadows

- The dog never barks in my room

• My father and I / drink

- My father and I always drink water when we jog

- My father and I sometimes have drinks in the bar

- My father and I usually drink coffee in the morning

- My father and I never drink drinks at home

• She / eat

- She always eats fruit salad in the morning

- She sometimes eats soup for lunch

- She usually eats eggs for breakfast.

- She never eats cakes at night

• Liliana and Santiago / speak

- Liliana and Santiago always speak about how to work as a team

- Liliana and Santiago sometimes speak to plan group outings

- Liliana and Santiago usually speak about politics

- Liliana and Santiago never speak about the lives of their friends

Step 3: The Recipe

• Choose a typical dish in your region and write the recipe

• Topics:

The typical duck of my region is the Cocido boyacense


Measurement Product

3 pounds Creole hen

1 kilo pork meaty bone

1 kilo beef rib

1 pound longaniza or chorizo cut into pieces

1 kilo small savanna potato

4 units Tender cobs cut into pieces

1 pound Hibias

1 pound Cubes

1 pound Chuguas

1 pound Broad beans

½ pound pea and bean

200 gramos scallion

200 gramos chopped tomato

200 grams Sliced big headed onion

3 units cut garlic

1 branch chopped parsley

1 branch chopped cilantro

2 tablespoons oil

to taste pepper, salt, cumin


To start with place two tablespoons of oil in a large pot with the tomatoes, cumin, big-headed

onion, minced garlic, finely chopped parsley, long onion, salt and pepper; Secondly cocine

por unos minutos hasta obtener un guiso, thirdly retire la mitad de la mezcla y reserve. After
that add the chicken, minced sausage, beef, and pork to the pot along with the beans, peas,

broad beans, hibias, chaguas, and cob, before covering the pot, pour water to cover all the

ingredients and cook for one hour, netx add, the potatoes and cubes and Let cook another half

hour; Last of all add the stew that was reserved, and the chopped cilantro if necessary add salt

and pepper to taste. Finally serve. If it is preferably with a portion of rice and avocado

Step 4: The letter

Read the following letter to my mom and complete the activities below.

a. Complete the chart writing the sentences with the correct tense (Simple Present, Simple

Past, or Past progressive)

Simple present sentences Past progressive sentences Simple past sentences

I am really happy I was landing in Riohacha I was in la Guajira

I woke up very early I was walking I had lunch there in

to get to know the place and Riohacha

buy some souvenir

I was landing in Riohacha I was checking in at the I was there all day


I stopped a minute I was very excited I was eating friche in the

main park

I was having a delicious I was visiting El Faro I was enjoying the calm and

juice in a Ranchería facing crystal clear waters for

the sea . swimming

I stopped again at Arcoiris I was running


I went to Ojo del Agua wanted to visit

beach Punta Gallinas

I went to sleep in a ranchería

On Saturday he returned to


b. Write down sentences in simple past with the following information, also write a


- We / run (negative sentence)

We did not run the marathon

- She / call (Interrogative sentence)

¿She was the one who called a taxi?

- He / make (Affirmative sentence)

He make homework the day before

- I / sing (Interrogative sentence)

¿I sing vallenato o popular?

- You / work (negative sentence)

You did not go to work yesterday

- It / jump (Affirmative sentence)

It jump rope every day

- She / try (Interrogative sentence)

¿She is trying the cake?

- They / use (negative sentence)

She didn't wear that blouse at the party

- We / write (Affirmative sentence)

we write the title of this song

c. Write down sentences in past progressive with the following information, also write a


- We / bend (Negative sentence)

We weren’t bending the t-shirts

- You / blow (Interrogative sentence)

you hit the street dog

- She / hide (Affirmative sentence)

she was hiding her pregnancy very well

- He / sleep (Negative sentence)

he wasn't sleeping in bed alone

- It / bite (Interrogative sentence)

you were biting the cake

- They / drive (Affirmative sentence)

They go along the road that drive to bogota

- I / forget (Negative sentence)

I do not forget the medical appointment

- We / let (Interrogative sentence)

we left the door closed

Step 5: Reflection and personal growth

• ¿Did I study and learn the suggested topics of the e-Book?

Yes, I studied the books even though it was difficult for me to understand some of them, look

for learning alternatives

• ¿Did I participate in the forum within the indicated times?

Try to participate as soon as possible despite my difficulty of time to be able to enter the

forum immediately.

• ¿In which of the following interaction and learning spaces did I participate: Forum for this

task, CIPAS, Webconferences, WhatsApp group, Telegram group?

Participate in the forums, WhatsApp groups were not created for the development of this


• ¿What did I learn from this task?

I learned to make sentences in different tenses, use adverbs to make sentences, make

comparisons, read texts and, between those texts, ask different questions about the issues to

be resolved, learn how to write a sentence according to its tenses.

• ¿Is what I am learning important?¿ why?

Yes, it is very important since they are the basis for our future professional career where

knowing languages gives us better professional and work alternatives.

• ¿How does this learning contribute to my personal and professional life?

In order to obtain better job offers, good professional performance since it is currently a very

important language in any professional career.

Rate your work from 1 to 10 points. If you do not complete the self-assessment and/or do not

answer the reflection questions, your grade will be zero (0.0).

Honestly, for my effort, dedication and determination in carrying out the work, I would rate

myself an 8 or 9.

Step 6: Online space

Choose an online space where you are going to upload all the 5 steps given. You can choose

one of the followings:

• Padlet:

My link is

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