Oral Presentations and Readers: What Will The Students Do?

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What will the students do

Each student will choose a level-appropriate book. They will
read it and prepare an A3 poster with pictures related to the
story or that you relate them with the book. After that, the
students will prepare their oral presentations and present it to
the class.

The oral presentation must include:

- a brief summary of the boo
- your opinion on the boo
- explanation of the pictures on your poste

Remember to pay attention to the following aspects while speaking

- use a wide range of vocabulary.
- a clear pronunciatio
- verbal communication ( eye contact, pitch and tone to keep

Which book should you choose

There are two rules
• The book should be interesting to you. It should be a fun and enjoyable
experience. Reading shouldn’t feel like work
• The book should match your reading level. Don’t try to read a book that is too
hard to understand

Check these webpages to help you:

1⃣ http://www.oxfordgradedreaders.es/product-category/oxford-bookworms/oxford-
( level 2 and 3 are appropriated to you

2⃣ https://www.burlingtonbooks.com/Spain/Page.aspx?PageID=68&zoneIndex=1
(4º ESO)

Giving an oral presentation can be scary, but here are our top tips for oral

Do presentation. If you can’t record

• Use the planning time to prepare what yourself, ask a friend to listen to you.
you’re going to say Does your friend understand you
• If you are allowed to have a note • Make your opinions very clear. Use
card, write short notes. expressions to give your opinion
• Use more formal language • Look at the people who are listening to
• Use short, simple sentences to express you
your ideas clearly
• Pause from time to time and don’t Don’t
speak too quickly. This allows the • Write out the whole presentation and
listener to understand your ideas. learn every word by heart. Write out
Include a short pause after each idea the whole presentation and read it
• Speak clearly and at the right volume aloud
• Have your notes ready in case you • Use very informal language
forget anything • Only look at your note card. It’s
• Practise your presentation. If possible important to look up at your listeners
record yourself and listen to your when you are speaking.

Useful language for presentation

Explain what your presentation is about at the beginning
I’m going to talk about ..
I’d like to talk about ..
The main focus of this presentation is ..
Use these expressions to order your ideas
First of all, ... Firstly, ... Then, ... Secondly, ... Next, ... Finally, ...
Lastly, ..
To sum up, ... In conclusion, ..
Use these expressions to add more ideas from the same point of view
In addition, ... What’s more, ... Also, ..
Added to this, ..
To introduce the opposite point of view you can use these words and expressions
However, ..
On the other hand, ... Then again, ...



Your classmates will have the following instructions to

mark you. Don’t worry, the nal mark depends on the
listening, you are going to give some feedback of your
classmates’ presentation; so you need to
a) Listen attentively and show respect to the presente
b) Be fair/honest in your comments

Category A B C D E Your comments

1- Voice: clear and loud enough
2- Eye contact and body language
3- Correct and clear pronunciation (Good
4- Shows con dence
5- Grammar accuracy
6- Rich/extensive vocabulary
7- They bring good resources (nice, original
8- Preparation: Is it well prepared
The students show they have worked hard on their

5. Assessment from the teacher

The teacher will take into account the following items to give you
a mark.
Skills to assess 4 3 2 1 Total

Pronunciation Very good pronunciation Good pronunciation Noticeable Spanish Poor. No assimilation of
with good intonation. with a few errors. interference. basic pronunciation
Easily understandable. Understandable Mispronunciation of


Fluency Very good speed. Good speed. Pauses and hesitation Lack of confidence of
Confidence of Confidence of interfere with normal expression. Slow delivery
expression. expression. Generally flow of ideas. of ideas.
good with some gaps.
Content Very interesting content. Interesting content. Not very original Lack of interest or
Shows creativity. Clearly Good organization of content. No clear originality. Cannot keep the
organized ideas. Captures ideas in general. organization of ideas. A attention of the audience.
the attention of the little boring.
Grammar and Uses accurate grammar Demonstrates correct Expresses ideas with Student has little control
Vocabulary and varied sentence use of language complete sentences but over English grammar: lots
structure. Extensive structure with makes clear grammar of mistakes.
vocabulary and occasional errors. mistakes. Limited Very basic vocabulary.
expressions. Good use of vocabulary.
Eye contact and Is able to present all the Is able to present all Has difficulty to present Mostly reads the
body language information requested in the information the information presentation.
(preparation) a natural way without the requested, but needs requested. Lots of
help of the paper. the help of a paper. reading.
Preparation Shows a lot of planning, Good planning, Could have worked Lack of work, and
preparation and rehearsal. preparation and harder at preparing his/ preparation.
rehearsal in general. her presentation.

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