Nisa Zaki UAS Inggris III

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Tahun Akademik : 2021/2022

Mata Kuliah / SKS : Bahasa Inggris III/2 SKS
Hari/Tanggal/Jam : 04_01_2022

Dosen : Dr. Hj. Ika Kartika. M.Pd.

Kode Mata Kuliah : PAI 308

Nama Mahasiswa : Muhammad Ripaldi

NIM : 20862081047
Program Studi : Pendidikan agama Islam Reguler lewiliang
Semester : 3rd

Soal harap dikerjakan dengan benar, teliti dan jelas.

Bacalah setiap soal dengan baik dan teliti sebelum mengerjakan jawabannya




1. Menyusun rangkaian kalimat menjadi coherent passage (bagian yang padu)

berdasarkan rangkaian gagasan dan ungkapan yang logis.

InstruksI: susunlah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan memberi nomor sesuai

urutan kemunculannya dalam teks. Tulislah 1,2,3,4,5, atau 6 pada tempat
kosong yang tersedia.

___2___ A. When a person commits sins, his feeling of modesty decreases. As

he commits more and more sins, his sense of shame weakens.

___4___B. He would do almost anything because he has nothing 'within' him that
would tell him that such-and-such a thing does not constitute proper
behaviour, and that he should be ashamed to act in such a way.
___ 1 ___C. Shame or modesty is one of the most important factors that are
bound to keep a person away from committing a shameful or sinful
___6___D. If a person has no feeling of shame, there is nothing to stop him from
doing anything.

___3___E. It weakens to the point that it may not exist at all. When he
falls to that depth, he does not care what people might say or think
about him.
___5___F. In fact, he might even brag or tell others about his sinful exploits

2. Menentukan main idea (gagasan utama)

Instruksi: Bacalah bacaan berikut dengan seksama. Setelah Anda

membaca, jawablah pertanyaannya.

At the age of six, Goran Kropp climbed his first mountain. Twenty-three year
s later, he tackled one of the highest mountains in the world, Mount Everest. His j
ourney to the top shows just how independent, persistent, and determined this re
markable man is.
While most people arrive at the foothills of Mount Everest by some sort of m
odern vehicle, Kropp bicycled 7,000 miles from his home in Sweden. Traveling b
y bike was not easy. Bumpy, rough roads caused mechanical problems for Kropp,
and he stopped many times to repair his bike. In addition, he was chased by dog
s, stung by hornets, and drenched by rain several times before he arrived at the
base of the mountain.
Kropp chose to climb Mount Everest the same way he traveled to the mount
ain without the help of others and without modern conveniences. Unlike others, K
ropp climbed the mountain without a guide or helper. He did not bring bottled oxy
gen to help him breathe at high altitudes, and he carried all his gear himself in a
pack that weighed about 140 pounds.
It took Kropp two tries to reach the summit. The first time, he had to turn bac
k only 350 feet from the top because the weather was too dangerous. Just a few
days earlier, at that same level, eight climbers had died when a sudden snowstor
m hit the mountain. Kropp waited out the storm, rested, and tried again a few day
s later. This time, he was successful. When he had finished descending the mou
ntain, he got back on his bike and rode the 7,000 miles back to Sweden.


1. What is the subject of this passage? Goran crop the mountain climber
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? While most people arrive at the foothills
of Mount Everest by some sort of modern vehicle
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? Kropp chose to climb Mount Everest
the same way he traveled to the mountain without the help of others and without
modern conveniences
4. What is the overall main idea of the passage?
At the age of six, Goran Kropp climbed his first mountain
3. Menentukan Topic Sentence (kalimat topik).

Instruksi: Bacalah paragraf dibawah ini, kemudian tentukan topik sentence

(kalimat topiknya)

School is tough enough without having to worry about looking cool every single
day. The less I have to decide first thing in the morning, the better. I can’t tell you
how many mornings I look into my closet and just stare, unable to decide what to
wear. I also wouldn’t mind not having to see guys wearing oversized jeans and
shirts so huge they’d fit a sumo wrestler. And I certainly would welcome not
seeing kids showing off designer-labeled clothes. To me, a dress code makes a
lot of sense.

4. Menulis
Instruksi: Buatlah 5 (lima) paragraf tulisan berbahasa Inggris tentang:
“Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Globalization in Indonesia”.
Kemudian identifikasi:
A. Social purposes
B. Generic structure
C. Linguistic features

globalization is a process that cannot be avoided by all countries in the world,

including considerations in various aspects of life. Rejecting and avoiding
globalization is tantamount to isolating oneself from the international public. In
fact, the impact of globalization can occur in many sectors, including economics,
politics, education, science and technology, communication, transportation, to
One of the effects of globalization that is easy to observe is in the socio-cultural
field. This is because globalization can trigger socio-cultural changes in various
aspects, such as language, knowledge systems, systems and community
organizations, technology and human way of life, livelihood systems, religious
systems, and arts.
However, the impact of globalization is not always positive, but there are also
negative ones. The positive impact of globalization, globalization causes
changes in socio-cultural values, ways of life, mindset, as well as science and
technology from other advanced nations. For example, increasing a high work
ethic, likes to work hard, disciplined, has an independent spirit, is rational,
sportsmanship, and so on.
Not only that, the advancement of science and technology has made socio-
economic life more productive, effective and efficient. Globalization provides an
opportunity for every country to learn from other countries, so that the process of
transferring knowledge and technology globally occurs quickly. The impact is that
the tourism economy can develop and generate prosperity for the community in
the tourism destination area
As for the negative impact of globalization, the very rapid flow of globalization
can erode indigenous cultural values. For example, the spirit of mutual
cooperation, solidarity, caring, and social solidarity is fading. In addition, the
disappearance of indigenous cultural values can be seen from the way of
dressing, namely when western fashion models are increasingly influential in the
country, while indigenous Indonesian cultural models are increasingly
unattractive. But it can be said that lifestyle changes can also be said to be the
most inherent negative impact of globalization.

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