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Parental Waiver Form February 26, 2022 TO ALL CONCERNED: po grat permission for my child/ward . the of the Senior High School Student Council of the Integrated School Senior High School Department, to go to school for five (5) selected dates with different assigned personnel, from March 21, March 31 to April 1, April 4 and 8 respectively for the STEM DAYS 2022 to be held on April 4-8,2022 lam fully aware that itis the primary responsibilly of the Facully-in-Charge and of the University to supervise the students, | am also aware that the said persons should demonstrate an acceptable standard of care and diligence. Furthermore, | consider their significant responsibility, for the safely and risk management when planning, preparing, shooting, and supervising the ‘event proper. However, | also recognize that there may be risks attributed which can only be avoided through my son's/daughter's/ward’s extra diligence and due care, which I fully explained to my son/daughteriward, Respectfully Yours, Parent's/Guardian’s signature over printed name Contact Number: Conforme: (Student's signature over printed name) Name of Facully-in-Charge: Mr. Jomari B. Montalbo

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