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IE 300






10.01.2022 - 04.02.2022



Internship Start Date 10.01.2022

Internship Completion Date 04.02.2022

Total Working Days 20


Name Türk Henkel Kimya San. ve Tic.



Address Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mah., Poligon Cad.

Buyaka Two Sites No:8 D:C Blok, 34771






Phone +90 (216) 462 70 00




At the first day I met with my supervisor who will be responsible for me. He
1 10.01.2022 showed me around and introduced to the whole team.

Second day, a laptop was assigned to me and started to attend to the meetings.
2 11.01.2022 Also, I sat down with my manager and talked about what I was going to to exactly.

On the third day, we held a Zoom meeting with director-level employees. The
3 12.01.2022 company and general statistics were mentioned and all departments introduced

In the meeting held under the leadership of the Human Resources department,
4 13.01.2022 the other interns were met.

On the fourth day I sat down with my manager and talked about the project that I
5 14.01.2022 will be in and he introduced me with the specific group.

Detailed meetings were held for the project. General information was given for
6 17.01.2022 the current situation.

7 18.01.2022 Detailed meetings were held for the project.

The routes of the Field Representatives were given. New route adjustments have
8 19.01.2022 been made for improvements.

The routes of the Field Representatives were given. New route adjustments have
9 20.01.2022 been made for improvements through Zoom.

The routes of the Field Representatives were given. New route adjustments have
10 21.01.2022 been made for improvements.

Student’s Name: CENK KABATEPE Supervisor’s Name: İSMAİL TÜRKOĞLU

Student’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature-Stamp:


The routes of the Field Representatives were given. New route adjustments have
11 24.01.2022 been made for improvements.

The routes of the Field Representatives were given. New route adjustments have
12 25.01.2022 been made for improvements.

The routes of the Field Representatives were given. New route adjustments have
13 26.01.2022 been made for improvements and finalized and presented the outcome.

Sales data are given for Must Stock List. Then, it was tried to decide which
14 27.01.2022 products should definitely be on the customer shelves, based on the data.

A Must Stock List was prepared by making a sales analysis with a different project
15 28.01.2022 group. Daily progress meetings were held.

A Must Stock List was prepared by making a sales analysis with a different project
16 31.01.2022 group. Daily progress meetings were held.

A Must Stock List was prepared by making a sales analysis with a different project
17 01.02.2022 group. Daily progress meetings were held.

A Must Stock List was prepared by making a sales analysis with a different project
18 02.02.2022 group. Daily progress meetings were held.

A Must Stock List was prepared by making a sales analysis with a different project
19 03.02.2022
group. Daily progress meetings were held.

A Closing Meeting was held with the Human Resources team for the last day.
20 04.02.2022 Everyone conveyed their conclusions from the projects they did.

Student’s Name: CENK KABATEPE Supervisor’s Name: İSMAİL TÜRKOĞLU

Student’s Signature: Supervisor’s Signature:

Provide an abstract of your project, including where you conducted your internship, what
problem(s) you worked on, solution techniques and results. Briefly describe what you
learned and/or which skills you acquired during the internship.

I. Introduction 400 words

Present a summary of your internship. Provide an overview of the problem you worked on
during your internship. What tools were necessary to solve the problem? Did you need to
learn new tools, techniques?

I completed my compulsory internship at Türk Henkel Kimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş. I

worked in the Laundry & Home Care division under the Trademarketing and Merchandising
manager and aslo under the sales department in the company. During my 20-day internship,
I gained a lot of corporate knowledge and experience. Although I did not have many interns
who started with me, we completed our work in harmony with my teammates who came
from different cities around Turkey, had different cultures and had a desire to learn. We
were able to view many various perspectives on themes that were discussed in virtual
gatherings and group works because of the width of the range. In addition, the HR team
exposed us to a variety of activities aimed at improving our professional communication. We
completed these tasks in small groups in order to increase discussion quality.

For the first time in my career, I had the chance to do an internship in a Fast-Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. Since I completed my other internships in the automotive
sector, I made a smoother transition to corporate life by using my communication and
understanding experiences from there in this company. However, although the fact that the
sectors were very different brought some similar characteristics, they also contained
extremely challenging and ambitious subjects. Understanding new concepts and making
projects with these in mind was one of the only factors that improved me a lot.

During my internship at Henkel, I worked on two main problems. Both problems

were problems that challenged me in my career life and that I had never encountered
before. However, the outputs of the projects were equally satisfactory to the managers. The
first of the problems was the scheduling of salespeople from Henkel, called Field
Representatives (FR). This was called FR route planning in the company. We briefly can say
that it is a planning of how many hours the FRs will spend at which time with which
customers. These employees are a team that visits customers and checks that Henkel
products are in order, enters data into the system for displays, and processes which
products are available. The large number of FRs and customers are two of the most
important factors that complicate this problem and take a long time to plan. In addition,
there is the Merchandising team under the FRs, which is not on the Henkel payroll. The task
of this Merch team is to ensure product placement and aisle control of Henkel products in
assigned stores. At the same time, when and how long this Merch team would spend in
which stores was an issue that needed to be planned.

The second problem was updating the Must Stock List. We can also make an analysis
of the over-sold products and a study on which products should be increased in terms of

II. Company Description 600 words

In your own words, describe briefly the company and the department you worked in 1-2

Company description should include:

- The company’s sector and products
- Any research conducted in the company
- Very brief history of the company and your department (foundation date, very
major changes), and your role in this department during your internship.
- Company statistics (size, organization, etc.)

If you are going to use any material that does not belong to you (e.g., company description
taken from a website, company organization chart from company documents, a product list
from company website), then do not put them here; instead put them into appendix.

Henkel is a German chemical and consumer goods corporation based in Düsseldorf.

It is a multinational corporation that operates in both the consumer and industrial markets.
Henkel was founded in 1876 and is divided into three global operating business units
(Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care, and Adhesive Technologies). Its brands include Loctite,
Persil, Fa and Purex. Henkel reported revenues of approximately 19 billion euros and a
profitability of 2 billion euros in financial year 2020. More than 80% of the company's 52,950
employees are based different countries rather than Germany.

Henkel & Cie was established in 1876 in Aachen by Friedrich Karl Henkel (a 28-year-
old chemical and paint salesman with an interest in industrial chemistry) and two other
partners who owned a plant making sodium silicate (water glass). They sold his first product,
"Universalwaschmittel," a sodium silicate-based multipurpose detergent. Henkel introduced
the two partners in 1878, and the first German brand-name detergent was born: Henkel's
Bleaching Soda, a low-cost product packaged in durable paper bags. It was the outcome of
Fritz Henkel's unique study and was composed of sodium silicate and soda.

Henkel is the industry's best adhesives manufacturer. With names like Loctite and
Technomelt, and consumers, Craftsmen and Building businesses with brands like Pritt and
Pattex, the business unit offers a broad spectrum of adhesives, sealants, and functional
coatings for both heavy industry and consumers. They are mainly active in 4 areas. They are
packaging and consumer goods adhesives, transport and metal, general industry and

Henkel Beauty Care has market leadership positions around the world, and its
consumer products division is growing at a rapid pace. The business unit creates,
manufactures, and distributes a variety of high-quality goods (hair, body, skin, and oral) that
are sold in 150 countries throughout the world. Schwarzkopf and Syoss are some of the
most well-known Beauty Care brands. Alterna and Authentic Beauty are among the names in
the company's portfolio of professional beauty products.

Persil, Henkel's best-known brand, was the first commercial "self-activated"

detergent, which means it creates bleach bubbles with a soap component and was debuted
in 1907. The product name is an acronym of the names of the two primary components
perborate and silicate. Henkel's Laundry & Home Care division is led by Persil, which
generated more than 1 billion euros in sales in 2017. Henkel's Laundry & Home Care product
line now includes everything from hard detergents, specialized detergents, and laundry
additives to dishwashing solutions, hard surface and WC cleaners, air fresheners, and bug

Also, Henkel gives special priority to sustainability and also sustainable development
specifically. Keeping the growth in the company is one of the essential key point, but doing
this in a sustainable manner has a higher importance. Henkel released first ever
Environment Report in 1992. Henkel is also a member of the "World Business Council for
Sustainable Development,"(WBCSD) which the company is helped to create. Henkel joined
the United Nations Global Compact in 2003 and pledged to follow the Compact's ten
principles in the areas of human rights, employment, the environment, and anti-corruption.
The corporation declared its sustainability goals for 2012 in 2008, which were met by the
end of 2010: energy consumption had fallen by 21%, water usage had decreased by 26%,
and waste generation had decreased by 24%. Occupational accidents decreased by 29%
within the same time period. In addition to these improvements according to sustainable
development, in the area of “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) Henkel is one of the
leading FMCG company in the world.

III. Redefining the Must Stock List and Route Optimization of Field Representatives
i. Problem Statement 600 words
- What is the specific problem that you worked on?
- What are the constraints in finding a solution for the problem?
- Is this a new problem for the company? If not, what was the solution before?
- If the problem is new for the company, how do other national, international
companies deal with this problem?
After starting my internship at Henkel, I had the chance to see how the company
approaches problems. I saw that many employees look at the event from different
perspectives and try to solve problems with different ways of thinking. As I mentioned
above, I worked on two main problems. The first issue was the arrangement of Henkel
salespeople, known as Field Representatives (FR). In the company, this planning was
referred as FR route planning. We can summarize it as a planning of how many hours the FRs
will spend with which clients at what time. This group of personnel visits customers to
ensure that Henkel products are in good working order, enters data into the system for
display purposes, and checks if the products are available or not. Two of the most essential
aspects that aggravate this difficulty and take a long time to arrange are the vast number of
FRs and customers when we consider the whole Turkey.

At the same time, since the FRs are all around Turkey, this route study should be
done with each region. Due to such situations, some constraints come to the fore of the
project. For this, the company has regional managers responsible for the field. FR's work
under their regional managers and try to reduce this burden a little by reporting the
conditions at each customer. The main problem in this project was which customers we
should go to, and while doing this, it was to minimize the cost and increase the profitability
of the company. This brings the constraint about figuring out which customers to go to. It is
impossible to go to customers all over Turkey and do a presence and display analysis.
Therefore, we needed to identify the most visited stores of chain stores, local markets,
traditional channel and wholesalers and located closest to consumers. We thought that
display projects and on shelves availability reporting in these stores would yield more logical
and valid results.

In fact, this project that I am involved in should not be considered as a problem, but
as research that needs to be done. This study is a study that is generally done once a
quarter. The reason why this is done so often is to follow the stores that open and close
quickly for profitability calculations.

Other, project that I was involved in was more of a product-based project. This
research was important in deciding which of Henkel's Laundry and Home care products
should be available to customers at the stores. The availability of more profitable products
with higher sales percentages on the shelves of chain markets or wholesalers plays a crucial
role for both the company, the consumers and the sales of that store. Therefore, we had to
decide which of our products were the most sold in Turkey. For this, we continued our work
with a data provider that displays field activities under the name of Repzone.

These two projects are not a new problem as they are projects carried out quarterly
or semi-annually within Henkel. These two projects are not a new problem as they are
projects carried out quarterly or semi-annually within Henkel. The teams that I am a part of
continue these studies on a regular basis. Sometimes, when field conditions or economically
shaky periods are passed, such studies are carried out more frequently to increase sales. For
example, in this Covid-19 period, these studies were carried out on a monthly basis and
more emphasis was placed on which products should be given priority. However, this study
continues at standard intervals during these times when the power of the pandemic begins
to diminish.

ii. Tools and Techniques Used 400 words

Describe tools and techniques required to complete the project successfully, including:
- Programming languages: Why did you choose a specific language? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of that language in comparison to other alternatives
within the context of your project?
- Software: Which software packages did you employ, and why? What were the
benefits of employing them in your project? What were some missing useful
features? Do there exist alternative software that could have fit your project needs
better? If so, why didn’t you use them?
- Hardware: Same questions as in software tools apply here if your project uses
specific hardware.
- Techniques: Which techniques did you employ? Why does the technique employ fit
into your solution? What are the advantages of such a technique in solving your

Most of the techniques, tools and equipment we used as a team were available in
the computer environment. Company assigned to me a Lenovo laptop. We finalized the
route planning from the analysis and graphics we made on Excel. As a result, I improved my
Excel knowledge and started to use it more comfortably. I learned how to make data
visualizations that are not affected by instant changes with the dynamic reports I created for
sales data. By using the Pivot tables and data analysis tabs in Excel, we have obtained
meaningful and reasonable results by arranging the mixed incoming data more regularly. It
helped me feel more equipped on these platforms that I learned and developed on. I have
seen firsthand which data can be used and how in a tool like Excel. The fact that the field
information comes from such a database/platform and makes them more logical in excel has
improved me in my analysis of using both platforms.

At the same time, Repzone used by Henkel was a new tool for me. Tracking and
route planning of the field team were loaded and controlled in this environment. There are
Exhibit forms and Availability forms placed on this platform for FRs to fill out. Along with
these forms, data is collected for display market share research and reporting on the
availability percentages of products in different customers. At the same time, FRs receive
bonuses over annual targets through these forms. Not only these, but a platform where
competitor products are found, and comparisons are made. In addition, it is an application
that tracks the routes that FRs go to, and how much time is spent in that specific store.

For the meeting purposes Zoom and Teams platforms have been used during the
internship regularly. Also, online meeting rooms was used, it was a totally a different
experience for me. We utilized Google Slides to prepare and deliver our final gatherings in
addition to the Teams and Zoom platforms. Previously, I always used Microsoft Powerpoint
to prepare my presentations. We used Google Slides because we wanted to prepare it in an
online environment where we could see each other's slides. We were able to spot each
other's errors and make immediate changes or leave a note to improve the quality. We were
able to quickly finish creating the presentations with only small flaws using this method.

iii. Detailed Explanation 2400 words

This section explains your project in detail. In the previous section you discussed which tools
and techniques were used, and why. In this section, you need to now show how you used
the tools and techniques to solve your problem. Your explanation should be clear enough so
that another person reading your report should be able to solve a similar problem.

iv. Results 400 words

In this section, clearly present the results of your project. In particular, explain the following
in detail:
- Was your project completed successfully? If so, show us that your solution indeed is
successful. If not, tell us the problems that you encountered, and possible solutions
to those problems that could have been applied.

- If your project had quantitatively-measurable goals (performance figures,

correctness metric, completing 9 out of 10 features, etc.), then show your results. If
your project had qualitative metrics (nice-looking, usable, etc.), then include
comments from your supervisor and co-workers, as well as screenshots.

IV. Conclusions 600 words

Conclusions must combine your academic background and your internship experience.
- Explain how your education helped you successfully complete your internship. In
particular, explain which topic in which course was used for what purpose in your
- Compare your in-class education and assignments with your project assignment
during your internship. To what extent they were similar? To what extent they were
- Explain how your internship can help your education. What new concepts have you
learned that can be used during your classwork?
- Explain which skills and qualifications you have acquired during your internship, and
how they may affect your career in the future. Did this internship change your
career goals? What were the main influential parts?
- What are your personal views about the company, people, and the work

Include relevant material such as catalogues, product specifications, papers
Each information, figure, table, etc. that does not belong to you (has been found online,
taken from some other document, etc.) must be referenced, or you risk being penalized due
to plagiarism.

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