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Parts of Speech

Speech: He went to the market.

Parts of the speech: He (pronoun) went (verb) to (preposition)

the market (noun).
• Noun
• Pronoun
• Verb
• Adverb
• Adjective
• Preposition
• Conjunction
• Interjection
• Name/ Name-word (Rahim/ Khulna/ Computer / Mobile)
• Subject or object of a sentence (My father is a teacher.)
• Object of Preposition (Send the file to Rahim.)
• Replaces Noun (used for Noun)
• He/she/they/it
• Act/ Action
• Finite: Having an end
Ex: He eats rice.
• Infinite: without having an end
Ex: He wants to go.
• Transitive (having an object)
Ex: He eats rice.
• Intransitive (without object)
Ex: Fire burns.

• Qualifies a noun or a pronoun

Ex: Rahim is a good boy.
This water is hot.
He is a selfish man.
Rina has a beautiful car.

• Modifies Verb: You speak slowly.

• Modifies Adjective: It is too deep.
• Modifies Adverb: He runs very quickly.
• Governs a Noun or a pronoun or a noun clause.
Ex: He went to Dhaka.
• Connects words, phrases and sentences: and, but, or, that etc.
Ex: Fruits and bread
He is poor but he will help me to pay.
He died yesterday; but still I feel his presence.
• Expresses a feeling such as joy, grief, surprise etc.
Ex: Hurrah! We have won the game.
Alas! We lost the football match.
Thank You.

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