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Stances Beginner -1-


Wikipedia defines “Stance” as a morpheme meaning

stand, used in several ways: to take a position in an
argument, a stand on a given issue and it also refers to
a particular standing posture. This is interesting. Let’s
look further.

步 is the Chinese character used most commonly for our

word “Stance”. In Mandarin Pinyin it’s bù and in
Cantonese Yale it’s bou6.

Entering the word “Stance” into a common translator will

not bring you 步. However reversing the direction of
translation – entering 步 into the search box yields
interesting results. Let’s look at a few suggested
translations and see if it brings more light to what a “Stance” is.

Step, Pace, Stage, Footsteps, Walking, Walk, Foot, Tread, Go on Foot, Stage in
Process, Stroll, Situation, etc.

The most common perception that comes to peoples’ minds when they hear the word
“Stance” is that of the typical Horse Stance (or perhaps Crane from Karate Kid). This
gives the impression of a static posture done maybe for building strong legs, but
speaks nothing of mobility. However looking at these two types of definitions of the
word – both Western and Chinese – we can see that this is a misconception.

The idea of a standing posture is nothing new. But to have a “stance” on something
hints that there is an “intention” behind a stance as well, and perhaps a build-up of
potential energy somewhere for some purpose. The idea of steps, walking, etc. adds
a new element to the mix – mobility. The key idea here is that stances do not mean
just standing there. However, Static Stance Training has its benefits.

Stances Beginner -2-

What is the purpose of static stance training?
Ask students what stance training's purpose is, and they'll tell you it's to build up
strong legs. Ask them the purpose of strong legs, and they'll tell you it’s to have
powerful kicks.

They're right, technically.

Stance training will give you strong legs and more powerful kicks, allow you to better
withstand blows to your legs, increase blood flow in the lower part of the body, plus
many other side benefits.

Some other reasons for static stance training to consider are to develop solid root, to
improve posture, to temper and control one's mind, and to cultivate energy.

Though it can initially feel torturous, over time you will attest to the benefits.

Let’s look at three of these.

Stances Beginner -3-

Solid Root
Developing solid root can mean reaching the point where you can take any posture
out of your forms and remain stable in it; just as a rooted tree doesn't budge when

Some postures are inherently more stable than others; generally the wider and lower
a stance, the more stable.

But even high stances held on one foot, such as a Crane Stance, can be developed to
the point where it is difficult to topple you over.

In combat, or when performing forms, you are constantly in rapid transition from
one posture to another.

You must reach a level where you automatically and immediately become rooted in
each and every posture.

The ability to root is essential because only from a rooted stance can you generate
power through your legs and waist to effectively strike with "whole body" power,
which is the signature of an advanced martial artist.

Rooting is not practiced so that we will be immovable when attacked; when we are
attacked we want to move.

But again, we want to be sure that we move into a rooted posture that allows for
immediate and powerful counterattacks.

Stances Beginner -4-

Within any individual style, we find postures unique to that style: Xingyi has the San
Ti stance, Shuai Jiao has the back stance, Bagua has Kou Bu and Pai Bu, and so on.

If you are shown these postures and immediately go into moving patterns or forms
without static stance training, it is difficult, if not impossible, to develop the postures

Our minds must first ingrain the gross and subtle characteristics of each posture, and
then our muscles and joints must be conditioned to be able to form the posture

This is far easier if we are standing still, focusing only on the posture rather than
moving and thinking about stepping or sequences.

Stances Beginner -5-

Tempered Mind
The mind is mysterious, multifaceted, and tricky. It doesn't like to stay focused on
one thing for long, particularly if that one thing is difficult, painful, or unexciting.

Without warning it will leave the point of focus and think about tonight's dinner date
or tomorrow's meeting.

The Chinese often refer to the mind as "the wild monkey" and you will find practices
aimed at “Taming the Monkey”.

For success in martial arts, we need to learn how to tame this wild monkey and keep
our minds fully focused, whether for training, for combat, for qigong, etc.

Stance training is an ideal way to calm and control the mind.

Like sitting meditation or concentration exercises, stance training inherently stills the
body and thus allows for observation and work on the mind.

In sitting meditation, however, we tend to sit comfortably so we can forget about the
body (unless, of course, you have trouble sitting).

Stance training is unique in that the body, though still and unmoving (on the
outside), quickly begins sending messages of great pain to the brain.

No matter how fit or advanced we are as martial artists, if we make a very deep Cat
Stance or raise one knee high for a Crane Stance, our legs and bodies soon begin to

The mind senses this pain and, keeping in character, immediately urges us to "go sit
down and relax" or "move on and try something else".

If we learn to observe such "tricks" of the mind and not be affected by them, we can
push ourselves to stay focused, stay in the stance longer, and achieve greater

As we develop greater focus and will power, this discipline carries over into all
aspects of our martial arts and ultimately into our entire lives as well.

Stances Beginner -6-

We can see that there many benefits to Static Stance Training.

Fortunately, however, such a deep understanding is not a prerequisite to significant

benefits from stance training.

As is often said, success comes from the doing.

If you simply hold the stance, focus your mind and follow the principles, over time
you will reap great rewards.

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