BPS-15013 Technical Data and Service Equipment Data

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.


General ........................................................................................................................ 1
LAD HP Preheater 1 .................................................................................................. 2
LAD HP Preheater 2 .................................................................................................. 3
LCC LP Preheater 1 ................................................................................................... 4
LCC LP Preheater 2 ................................................................................................... 5
LAA Bleed Line to Deaerator .................................................................................... 5
MAL Drain (external) ................................................................................................ 5
MAL Condensate drain tank..................................................................................... 7
MAL Drain Gland Steam Condenser (U-pipe) ........................................................ 8
MAM Gland steam condenser................................................................................... 8
MAM Gland steam condenser fan ............................................................................ 8
MAM Gland steam condenser by-pass valve ........................................................... 9
MAN LP Bypass System Pneumatic ......................................................................... 9
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information
contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

MAV Lubrication oil system ................................................................................... 10

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

MAV Lubrication oil vapor fan .............................................................................. 10

MAV Lubrication oil coolers. Plate heat exchangers ............................................ 10
MAW Gland steam supply ...................................................................................... 11
MAW Safety valve exhaust ...................................................................................... 11
MAW Spray condensate for Gland Steam System and Turbine exhaust ........... 11
MAX Control oil system .......................................................................................... 11
MAX Control oil coolers .......................................................................................... 12
MK Generator air coolers ....................................................................................... 12
MKA Generator cooling condensate shut-off valve .............................................. 13
QF Compressed air demands, Power assisted Check valve ................................. 13
QF Compressed air demands, Control valves ....................................................... 13
QF Compressed air demands Shut off valve.......................................................... 14
S Heat losses to surroundings .................................................................................. 16
S Heat losses to surroundings .................................................................................. 16
Z Converter ............................................................................................................... 16

Data needed by the customer for plant design.
Technical data are continuously given and verified in this document.

Calculation or design pressure and calculation or design temperatures are shown in the
P&ID for each system.

Plant KKS-prefix:
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Turbine plant 1 = 1
Turbine plant 2 = 2
Approved Latest revision Archive HG
2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

LAD HP Preheater 1

Component designation LAD10AC010

Delivery limit designation LCH10/05
P&ID drawing number 1CSD426596
Fluid HP Heater 1 Drain
HP heater 1 Drain flow nominal 12.56 kg/s
HP heater 1 Drain max temperature 176.1 °C
HP heater 1 max pressure 14.18 bar a

Delivery limit designation LCH20/10

HP heater 2 Drain flow nominal 6.57 kg/s
HP heater 2 Drain max temperature 199.0 °C
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HP Heater 2 Drain max pressure 14.18 bar a

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Delivery limit designation LAD10/05; LAD10/30

Evacuating volume incl. bleed pipe 8,07 m³

Delivery limit designation LAB30/05, LAB40/05

Tube material Carbon Steel
Heat exchanged 13.686 kW
Main Feedwater flow nominal 137 kg/s
Main Feedwater temperature inlet 171.1 °C
Main Feedwater temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 194.0 °C
Main Feedwater press. drop (at nominal flow) 0.8 bar
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

LAD HP Preheater 2

Component designation LAD20AC010

Delivery limit designation LCH20/05
P&ID drawing number 1CSD426587
Fluid Condensate
HP Heater 2 Drain flow nominal 6.57 kg/s
HP Heater 2 Drain max temperature 199 °C
HP Heater 2 Drain max pressure 22.8 bar a

Delivery limit designation LAD20/05, LAD20/30

Evacuating volume incl. bleed pipe 7,57 m³
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

Delivery limit designation LAB40/10, LAB50/05

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Tube material Carbon Steel

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Heat exchanged 14289 kW

Main Feedwater flow nominal 137 kg/s
Main Feedwater temperature inlet 194.0 °C
Main Feedwater temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 217.4 °C
Main Feedwater press. drop (at nominal flow) 0.9 bar
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

LCC LP Preheater 1

Component designation LCC10AC010

Delivery limit designation LCJ10/05
P&ID drawing number 1CSD426594
Fluid Condensate
LP Heater 1 Drain flow nominal 16.6 kg/s
LP Heater 1 Drain max temperature 92.4 °C
LP Heater 1 Drain max pressure 0.8 bar a

Delivery limit designation LCC10/30, LCC10/05

Evacuating volume incl. bleed pipe 14 m³
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

Delivery limit designation LCJ20/10

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

LP Heater 2 Drain flow nominal 9.2 kg/s

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

LP Heater 2 Drain max temperature 95.0 °C

LP Heater 2 Drain max pressure 0.77 bar a

Delivery limit designation LCA70/05, LCA75/05

Tube material Stainless Steel
Heat exchanged 28295 kW
Main condensate flow nominal 103.0 kg/s
Main condensate temperature inlet 54.1 °C
Main condensate temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 90 °C
Main condensate press. drop (at nominal flow) 0.4 bar
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

LCC LP Preheater 2

Component designation LCC20AC010

Delivery limit designation LCJ20/05
P&ID drawing number 1CSD426595
Fluid Condensate
LP Heater 2 Drain flow nominal 9.24 kg/s
LP Heater 2 Drain max temperature 95.0 °C
LP Heater 2 Drain max pressure 3.03 bar a

Delivery limit designation LCC20/05, LCC20/10

Evacuating volume incl. bleed pipe 8,36 m³
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

Delivery limit designation LCA80/10, LCA85/10

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Tube material Stainless Steel

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Heat exchanged 20824 kW

Main condensate flow nominal 119.6 kg/s
Main condensate temperature inlet 90 °C
Main condensate temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 131.2 °C
Main condensate press. drop (at nominal flow) 0.4 bar

LAA Bleed Line to Deaerator

Component designation LBQ30BR030

Delivery limit designation LBQ30/10
P&ID drawing number 1CSD425965
Fluid Steam
Steam flow nominal 8.86 kg/s
Steam max temperature 183.4 °C
Steam max pressure 7.54 bar a

MAL Drain (external)

Component designation MAL10AA442 (LBQ20-EAU/EAK)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation LBQ20/15
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.144 kg/s
Enthalpy 3019.9 kJ/kg
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Drain flow normal 0 kg/s

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

Component designation MAL10AA499 (LBQ20-EAZ)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation LBQ20/20
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.144 kg/s
Enthalpy 3019.9 kJ/kg
Drain flow normal 0 kg/s

Component designation MAL10AA444 (LBQ10-EAT/EAL)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation LBQ10/10
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.088 kg/s
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

Enthalpy 2906.2 kJ/kg

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Drain flow normal 0 kg/s

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Component designation MAL10AA498 (LBQ10-EAX)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation LBQ10/15
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.088 kg/s
Enthalpy 2906.2 kJ/kg
Drain flow normal 0 kg/s

Component designation MAL10AA453 (LBQ30-EAP)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation LBQ30/15
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.072 kg/s
Enthalpy 2770.9 kJ/kg
Drain flow normal 0 kg/s
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

Component designation MAL10AA486 (LBQ30-EAP)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation LBQ30/20
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.1 kg/s
Enthalpy 2770.9 kJ/kg
Drain flow normal 0 kg/s

Component designation MAL10AA410 (MAB10-EAM)

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation MAL10/135
Service External Drains
Drain flow at start 0.667 kg/s
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

Enthalpy 3444.0 kJ/kg

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Drain flow normal 0 kg/s

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

MAL Condensate drain tank

Component designation MAL60BB010

P&ID drawing number 1CSD426609
Delivery limit designation MAL60/05
Service Exhaust Steam
Steam flow start-up 0,24 kg/s
Steam Flow max 1,12 kg/s
Steam max temperature 482 °C

Component designation MAL61/62AP010

P&ID drawing number 1CSD426609
Delivery limit designation MAL65/05
Fluid Internal Drains
Condensate Flow, intermittent 2,2 kg/s
Condensate max temperature 98.6 °C
Pressure at pump discharge -2,5 bar(a)
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

MAL Drain Gland Steam Condenser (U-pipe)

Component designation
P&ID drawing number 1CSD425970
Delivery limit designation MAM10/10; MAM10/15
Service Main Condensate
Drain flow at start 0.04 kg/s
Drain flow normal 0.038 kg/s
Enthalpy 2933 kJ/kg
Note: Drain at tube breakage will flow through u-pipe to flow drain.

MAM Gland steam condenser

Component designation MAM10AC005
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contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Delivery limit designation MAM10/10, MAM10/15

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425970

Fluid Condensate
Tube material SS
Heat exchanged 110 kW
Main condensate flow nominal 30.0 kg/s
Main condensate temperature inlet 53 °C
Main condensate temp. outlet (at nominal 57 °C
Main condensate press. drop (at nominal 0.08 bar

MAM Gland steam condenser fan

Component designation MAM10AN005 & MAM10AN010

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425970
Delivery limit designation MAM10/25
Total number of fans 2 pcs
Number of fans in service 1 pc
Conditions for ONE fan:
Exhaust damp air flow 0.11 kg/s
Exhaust damp air density normal operation 0.816 kg/m3
Exhaust damp air density at start 1.2 kg/m3
Exhaust damp air temperature 75 °C
Max allowable exhaust pipe pressure drop 0.002 bar
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

MAM Gland steam condenser by-pass valve

Component designation MAM10AA105

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425970
Delivery limit designation MAM10/30, MAM10/35
Component designation Main Condensate
Condensate flow max 73.0 kg/s
By-pass valve pressure drop at max flow 0,3 bar

MAN Bypass System Pneumatic

Component designation MAN30AA110

P&ID drawing number 1CSD426598
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contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Delivery limit designation MAN30/05

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Fluid Life Steam

Nominal Pressure Inlet 125 bara
Nominal Temperature Inlet 540 °C
Nominal Flow 116,7 kg/s

Delivery limit designation MAN30/10

Fluid Steam
Nominal Pressure Inlet 6 bara
Nominal Temperature Inlet 482 °C
Nominal Flow 159 kg/s

Delivery limit designation LCE10/15

Fluid Main condensate
Nominal Inlet Pressure 19 bara
Nominal Inlet Temperature 54 °C
Nominal Flow 42 kg/s

Fluid Steam
Nominal Pressure Inlet 6 bara
Nominal Temperature Inlet 158 °C
Nominal Flow 159 kg/s

Fluid Steam
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Nominal Pressure Outlet 0.22 bara

Nominal Temperature Outlet 63 °C
Nominal Flow 159 kg/s

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2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

MAV Lubrication oil system

Component designation MAV10BB005

Lubrication oil standard ISO VG 32
Lubrication oil volume first fill 8.5 m3

MAV Lubrication oil vapor fan

Component designation MAV10AN005 & MAV10AN010

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425971
Delivery limit designation MAV10/10, MAV10/20
Total number of fans 2 pcs
Number of fans in service 1 pcs
Conditions for ONE fan:
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information
contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Exhaust air flow 800.0 m3/h

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Max allowable exhaust pipe pressure drop 0.003 bar

MAV Lubrication oil coolers. Plate heat exchangers

Component designation MAV30AC005 & MAV30AC010

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425971
Delivery limit designation MAV30/10, MAV30/15,
MAV30/20, MAV30/25
Fluid Cooling Water
Total number of coolers 2 pcs
Number of coolers in service 1 pc
Plates Material SS
Conditions for ONE cooler:
Heat exchanged 420 kW
Cooling water flow 22 l/s
Cooling water temperature inlet 40 °C
Cooling water temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 45 °C
Cooling water press. drop (at nominal flow) 0.5 bar
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

MAW Gland steam supply

Component designation MAW15AA105

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425974
Delivery limit designation LBA12/05
Gland steam flow max 0.15 kg/s Valve maximum
Pressure 131.0 bara
Temperature 540 °C

MAW Safety valve exhaust

Component designation MAW10AA195

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contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425974

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Delivery limit designation MAW10/25

Service Steam
Maximum valve capacity 0.9 kg/s
Steam temperature 150 °C
Set pressure 5 bar(g)
Max allowable exhaust pipe pressure drop 0.5 bar

MAW Spray condensate for Gland Steam System and Turbine exhaust

Component designation LCE10AA050, LCE10AA105

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425974
Delivery limit designation LCA32/05
Fluid Condensate
Condensate flow max 0.08 kg/s
Pressure 12-19 bara
Temperature 53 °C

MAX Control oil system

Component designation MAX10BB010

Control oil standard ISO VG 32
P&ID drawing number 1CSD425975
Control oil volume 0.4 m3
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

MAX Control oil coolers

Component designation MAX30AC010/015

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425975
Delivery limit designation MAX30/10, MAX30/15
Fluid Boiler make-up water (demineralised
Material SS
Total number of coolers 2
Total number of coolers in service 1
Conditions for ONE cooler:
Heat exchanged 50 kW
Cooling water flow 2,5 l/s
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Cooling water temperature inlet 40 °C

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Cooling water temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 45 °C

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Cooling water press. drop (at nominal flow) 0.5 bar

MK Generator air coolers

Component designation MKA10AC010, MKA10AC011,

MKA10AC012, MKA10AC013
P&ID drawing number 1CSD425977
Delivery limit designation MKA10/05, MKA10/10,
MKA10/15, MKA10/20,
MKA10/25, MKA10/30,
MKA10/35, MKA10/40
Fluid Cooling Water
Tube material SS
Total number of coolers 4 pcs
Conditions for ALL coolers:
Heat exchanged 2134 kW
Cooling water flow 150 l/s
Cooling water temperature inlet 40 °C
Cooling water temp. outlet (at nominal flow) 43.5 °C
Cooling water press. drop (at nominal flow) <0.5 bar
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

MKA Generator cooling condensate shut-off valve

Component designation MKA10AA005

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425977
Delivery limit designation MKA10/45, MKA10/50
Cooling condensate flow max 150 l/s
Pressure drop at max flow 0,1 bar

QF Compressed air demands, Power assisted Check valve

Component designation LBQ20AA205;LBQ20AA210

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contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425965

Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Delivery limit designation QFC30/45; QFC30/50

QFC30/35; QFC30/40
QFC30/25; QFC30/30
QFC30/05; QFC30/10
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand is required during 1- 21 Nm3/h
2 sec. only when opening at start and during
part stroke test.

QF Compressed air demands, Control valves

Component designation MAW10AA105 & MAW15AA105
P&ID drawing number 1CSD425974
Delivery limit designation QFC05/05
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0.5 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand is required to provide a 7 Nm3/h
full actuator stroke. Duration maximum 5 sec.
The frequency for this demand is very low.
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

Component designation LCE10AA115

P&ID drawing number 1CSD426598
Delivery limit designation QFC35/25
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0.5 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand is required to provide a 7 Nm3/h
full actuator stroke. Duration maximum 5 sec.
The frequency for this demand is very low.

Component designation MAM10AA105

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425970
Delivery limit designation QFC10/05
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

Steady state air capacity 0.5 Nm3/h

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Max air supply demand is required to provide a 7 Nm3/h

full actuator stroke. Duration maximum 5 sec.
The frequency for this demand is very low.

QF Compressed air demands Shut off valve

Component designation MAN30AA110

P&ID drawing number 1CSD426598
Delivery limit designation QFC35/20
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6.2 – 8.6 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand at full stroke at 20 Nm3/h
turbine trip. Stroke time ca 2 sec.

Component designation LCE10AA050

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425974
Delivery limit designation QFC05/05
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand at full stroke at 20 Nm3/h
turbine trip. Stroke time ca 2 sec.
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

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2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

Component designation LCE10AA105

P&ID drawing number 1CSD425974
Delivery limit designation QFC05/05
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand at full stroke at 20 Nm3/h
turbine trip. Stroke time ca 2 sec.

Component designation MAL10AA479, MAL10AA490,

MAL10AA410, MAL10AA409,
MAL10AA426, MAL10AA440,
MAL10AA441, MAL10AA442,
MAL10AA499, MAL10AA489,
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contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

MAL10AA443, MAL10AA444,
© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

MAL10AA498, MAL10AA445,
MAL10AA449, MAL10AA453,
MAL10AA457, MAL10AA462,
MAL10AA466, MAL10AA494
P&ID drawing number 1CSD425969
Delivery limit designation QFC15/05, QFC15/90,
QFC15/50, QFC15/45,
QFC15/60, QFC15/10,
QFC15/15, QFC15/20,
QFC15/96, QFC15/80,
QFC15/25, QFC15/30,
QFC15/95, QFC15/40,
QFC15/70, QFC15/75
QFC15/85, QFC15/35
Instrument air quality STI 8400-01E
Required air pressure min/max 6/10 bar(g)
Steady state air capacity 0 Nm3/h
Max air supply demand at full stroke at 20 Nm3/h
turbine trip. Stroke time ca 2 sec.
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

16 (16)
Respons. dept Date Reg.

Technical Data and Service Equipment Data ENN 2 2013-10-07 BB000158

(Steam turbine)
Dieter Görnert Babelan-Cikarang
This document is issued in Pulse.

S Heat losses to surroundings

Inside STG enclosure 185 kW

Inside Oil equipment enclosure 40 kW

S Heat losses to surroundings

Inside Siemens Sound Enclosure 99 kW
Outside Siemens Sound Enclosure 81 kW On hold – estimated
Total heat loss 180 kW On hold – estimated
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information
contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third

© Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Z Converter

Metric Imperial
1 m 3.28 ft
1 m3 264.17 gallon(US)
1 l/s 15.85 gpm(US)
1 m3/s 35.315 ft3/s
1 Nm3/h 35.315 scf/h
1 kg 2.204 lb
1 kg/s 7937 lb/h
1 kg/m3 0.0624 lb/ft3
1 bar 14.5 psi
1 kJ/kg 0.43 Btu/lb
1 kW 3412 Btu/h
1 °C C*1.8+32 °F
A 087 0474-B 00-03 MS Word 97

Approved Latest revision Archive HG

2013-01-31 Rev.: C – for construction
Andreas Schrödl 9100
Checked Rev.: B – for engineering No.
Andreas Schrödl Rev.: A – first issue 1CSD426599

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