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Labdaoui Saad

deliverable 2: detailed plan

presentation of the studied theme:

Today more than ever we are led to discover other cultures, identities, beliefs
that our planet can offer. The 21st century with all its technological
advancement has made our world flat.
Companies have clearly noticed this change where the landscape is changing at
high speed, which represents enormous development opportunities but also
new challenges that involve major metamorphoses at the managerial level.
the choice of manager and his training are one of the criteria for the success of
the mission. Indeed, the ability to adapt to the language and knowledge of the
culture of the foreign country are valuable tools for the management of
multicultural teams, but the culture shock is always present. The chosen
question leads us to reflect on the challenges brought by globalization and the
establishment of a business abroad, as well as the management problems that
we may encounter and how intercultural management can be effective in the
face of this.

I-Intercultural management in companies:

Definition and role of intercultural management:

management first of all refers to all the techniques of organization,

management and control of the company's human and material resources to
achieve its objectives. Intercultural management aims more precisely at
relationships and exchanges between individuals from different cultures.
Intercultural management therefore refers to the management method which
consists of taking into account cultural differences within the same
As globalization requires, many companies today form relationships with
collaborators and partners from all corners of the world. The company must
imperatively adapt its management to have a certain facility to manage the
relations between the members.
Where intercultural management intervenes to facilitate relations between
different actors from different cultures and to make this mix an asset.

Issues and integration of intercultural management in a globalizing world:

among the major challenges facing global companies, the organization of work
and intercultural management remain essential and difficult to overcome.
On the one hand, all the available resources of the company should be
committed to building a sustainable competitive advantage, while on the other
hand generating synergies between employees of different cultures.
Intercultural tensions are generated by the misinterpretation of signs and
behaviors. When we are abroad, we have a tendency to take our own system
of values as our "referent", or even to want to subconsciously impose it. In this
attitude lies the essence of intercultural conflicts. Better communication and,
above all, better awareness of each other's value systems would prevent many
of these conflicts.
The integration of intercultural management into company strategy has simply
become essential today to strengthen its competitiveness by taking advantage
of the benefits of cultural diversity. Whether it is a question of recruiting new
employees, integrating them, or quite simply improving exchanges between
members of a team with cultural differences, a management method adapted
to interculturality is essential. It is therefore appropriate for the manager to
carry out organizational and relational actions in order to anticipate
intercultural risks within the company.
Taking into account cultural differences is essential to avoid intercultural
conflicts leading the company to failure and internal conflicts.
there are several cases:
- failure of an alliance between companies: the example of the failed merger
between the German group Daimler-Benz and the American car manufacturer
- negotiation failure: loss of contract due to cultural difference and difficulty in
- Expatriation failures: When the employee cannot fit in and work together, the
company has to find another new talent to train.

II-Performance and adaptation of a manager in a multicultural environment:

how to link the interactions between cultures, cooperation and performance?

What role should the manager play, first, and then the human resources
department in this process?
This is the main challenges in the face of internationalization and the coming
together of different cultures in the workplace.
According to the literature on the management of cultural differences for the
past thirty years, the cultural factor seems to be more of a problem than an
advantage in the company. It is often the cause of difficulties, dysfunctions in
organizations, including
including conflicts, or even misunderstandings and poor performance (Bivens &
Lowell, 1966; Killing, 1983; Shenkar & Zeira, 1992). Yet since these findings,
other researchers have advocated the opposite, explaining that the influence of
culture on performance and efficiency is linked to the duration of multicultural
teams (Watson, Kumar, Michaelsen, 1993).

Management practices and tools:

Among these practices are recruitment, training / coaching, conflict

management and local management particularly suited to the company.
- recruitment: which involves tools such as a multicultural aptitude test or even
recruitment software adapted with the aim of Selecting actors according to
professional skills and linguistic skills by considering personality traits.
- Training / Coaching: various training courses on the management of different
personalities and cultures, behavior management as well as learning languages
and civilizations to learn to respect the differences within the group.

company culture:
In companies, international cooperation links forged with partners from various
countries have led to formulate intercultural management as a requirement
that management are supposed to achieve. The differences in forms of
cooperation generate different types of intercultural management articulation:
-Classic, the case of a large company creating subsidiaries foreign primarily for
distribution and after-sales service. Case of many firms manufacturing branded
items, and which, in the consumer goods sector, for example, are found before
the following alternative: globalize marketing or develop specific product and
marketing strategies according to the different countries.
- We are dealing with another scenario when a company bought another
abroad and tried to integrate it. Relying possibly on supposed or real
differences between the parent cultures of the two companies concerned, the
organizational culture developed in the acquired company may attempt to
assert itself against that of the new mother, by resorting to symbols and
representations, value systems or products.
- But as soon as joint ventures are created between companies coming from
different cultures, there are requirements more complex ones that are
expressed. The direction is then often in the hands of the company that has the
technological skills while producing, providing services or distribution are
handled by local staff. This are thus nationals of different mother cultures who
come into contact, disposing, despite the common ground assured by the joint
venture, different powers to assert their interests.

III-International business development:

International business development is defined as the creation of long-term

value for an organization from customers, markets and international
The International Business Developer focuses on the following tasks:
*the development of an international strategy
*the preparation of an International Business Plan
*the implementation, support and monitoring of the International Business
The international environment obviously plays an important role: the proposed
strategy and plan must take into account the different cultural contexts.

functions of the international business developer:

The international development manager, under the control of his hierarchy

which is none other than the general management, relies on market studies to
propose a business development strategy abroad (he can be assigned a
particular territory such as a country or a more global zone) by defining the
objectives linked to turnover. It is therefore the guarantor of results.

This professional runs a department made up of export salespeople. It adapts

its approach to the habits and customs of the targeted territory, taking into
account many socio-cultural criteria such as, for example, the level of
development of new technologies in this same territory or even consumption
habits. Indeed, market penetration is not the same in France as it is in China or
Brazil, to take just these examples. The import trade policy applied is
administered and controlled by the international development manager. Its
mission is also to organize and plan the logistics specific to the transport of


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