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three biggest geopolitical challenges of the 21st


our world is changing, and since the beginning of the 21st century everything is
subject to several global challenges which require effectively implement the
policies necessary for the proper conduct of public and private cases.

I-geopolitical issue between China and the United States

Since his election, Donald Trump has declared a trade and technology war on
His first step was to impose surcharges on imports from China, which was
rejected by the OMC, then Trump expressed his position on the US trade deficit
with China which he found unacceptable.
But the real geopolitical challenge between the two world powers and which
affects all the countries of the world is 5G. This 5th generation of mobile
network promises to be very important in the industrial fields, which explains
the race of the two leading countries to have the first place to acquire this
technology which should by 2035 brought in 12.3 trillion dollars as well as 22
million new jobs around the world.
Indeed, there is an actor who is ahead in this field and we are talking about the
Chinese Huawei, except that the United States are determined to bar him
because Washington asks its allies to let Huawei down for as a cause through
the functions hidden in 5G equipment could capture all kinds of data and in
particular very sensitive data from the army.
From the chinese point of view, the war is above all commercial, indeed the
united states until now dominated internet and digital technologies, 5g could
shift the market and influence on the chinese side.
This trade and technological war has therefore turned into a political war led by
the United States to rebalance the trade balance between the two countries
and which clearly marks the rivalry between the two countries for world

However, the United States and China are not the only ones concerned. For
China, winning the European market would be part of a broader strategy of
weakening US power on the old continent.
And even if European countries recognize the possibility of Chinese espionage,
they did not appreciate the American pressure to influence their choices, so
choosing China for the integration of 5g could be a way of asserting a
geopolitical position. independent from the united states.

II-Global warming

Global warming is a global phenomenon, it has an effect on demography,

economy or even politics:
Demographically, this phenomenon will generate a strong climatic migration in
view of the countries threatened by the rising waters.
At the economic level, the tourism sector is taking a big hit due to the many
countries which encourages the decline of air transport which has a high
carbon footprint.
Industry is also one of the most polluting sectors, a challenge of changing
production method is needed to limit the impact on the environment while
maintaining economic growth.
The political dimension of global warming is becoming even more popular. The
new generations and their unlimited access to information make them
increasingly asking leaders to redouble their efforts to find solutions and find a
common agreement with other countries to deal with the problem.

By pointing out the ineffectiveness of government action, global warming can

therefore generate violent conflicts.
It is therefore essential to question the effectiveness of political systems, and in
particular democracy which allows freedom of thought, because the openness
of the new generations to innovation and their access to knowledge and
information is the key to overcoming current crises.

III-interconnexion and access to information

The world is global, and as the metaphor of Mr. MELNIK clearly shows, we can
compare the current world of the 21st century to a smartphone for which you
need to have passwords.
Since we are living in a century where we are all connected, access to
information and communication have become crucial, except that it is not.

The Internet has established itself as an information medium since 1990 and
since the beginning of the 21st century it has contributed to the globalization of
it allows instantaneous dissemination and reception of information that
changes relationships with current affairs.
A change that makes it possible to cross borders and give the possibility to
anyone with access to this progress to achieve what was previously
The real problem with this technological breakthrough is equal access to
information and achieving interconnection with this global world.
Indeed, not all humans around the world have access to this wealth of data.
Poverty, geolocation, a country's political system are all barriers to this
interconnection with the outside world, which makes the internet and being
connected a real geopolitical challenge of our century that most leaders still
The simplest example is the health crisis of covid19 which has shown the delay
of part of the populations to achieve technological independence and the
possibility of being connected to the outside world (study, teleworking ...) while
remaining safe. This crisis has also demonstrated the incompetence of
infrastructure and managers to move towards digital.

Conclusion and personal opinion

with globalization brought about by technological advancement, the world has

become flat. the human being is interdependent and interconnected across
borders and distances and cultural differences.
The 21st century is one of interaction and ensuring that instant access to
information as well as interconnection is a lever for dealing with geopolitical
and human crises.
As a future global decision maker, I think the most important geopolitical
challenge of our century is global warming. a hard challenge that leaders and
decision-makers should not take lightly and use all means by being united to
make effective decisions.
We must therefore take a close look at the political systems of countries in the
world and see if the current democracy is still the best choice to overcome
geopolitical obstacles.

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