Acted-Chief Wash Engineer Test - Template

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After fulfilling names and date below, the applicant will directly start with the test page 2.

To be fulfilled by the applicant:



To be fulfilled by ACTED (Technical Department):

General knowledge /15

Technical skills : /50

Total: /65


Technical test – WATER and SANITATION

TEST – Water and Sanitation

The main purpose of the technical evaluation is to assess the capability of the applicant in terms of
technical knowledge and skills for implementing programmes related to Water and sanitation. The
humanitarian background is assessed as well.

The marking will be based on the relevance of the answer. However, the quality of the English and
clarity of the information will be taken into account to mark the questions.

The test is made of 22 questions and 65 points will be attributed as follows:

1. General knowledge / 15 points

2. Technical skills / 50 points

Note: questions have been weighted. Pay attention to the right column to get the importance of the

Duration: 75 minutes.
Go straight to the point and be precise in your written expressions.

Do you consider that some questions are irrelevant, or on the contrary missing, to efficiently assess
your skills? Do not hesitate to add comments at the end of the document.

Good luck!

Technical test – WATER and SANITATION


1.1 Mention at least 3 humanitarian principles. Humanitarian-‫ الحياد‬-‫عدم االنحياز‬- -‫االستقاللية‬ /3

How would you define and measure the
1.2 /3
quality of a project?
The evaluation is befor the project and in half
What are the differences between monitoring
1.3 of project and at the end of the project but the /3
and evaluation?
monitoring is during the project
1.4 What is a baseline survey? /2
You have to handle a contentious
1.5 relationship between 2 members of your /2
team, what actions do you take?
What are the key elements roots for a good
1.6 collaboration between you and your team, /2
the base and the coordination?
TOTAL : 15



You are managing a water supply The important information is the the draining and
project requiring a sustainable technical the the dynamic head and the distance to reach the
solution. Before choosing a technology tank
2.1 (whatever the project type), what key ‫قبل كل شئ نت‬ /2
information should you consider? ‫اكد من العمق الديناميكي والغزارة وعدد المستفيدين ونوع الشبكة‬
‫المتوفرة واذا كانت غير متوفرة نصمم شبكة مياه حسب الواقع ونتأكد‬
‫ للشرب‬.‫من جودة المياه وصالحيتها‬
What are you understanding of
2.2 community participation or involvement /2
in the project?

What is the maximum theoretical depth
8-9 m because the drop of water well cut and
2.3 for a surface motor pump (whatever the /1
destroyed ‫وذلك لضمان عدم حدوث تكهف في انبوب السحب‬
engine type) can suck up?
In surface pump, what is the difference The serial is to give more high
between Pumps in Serial and Parallel? The parallel to give more draining
2.4 /3
‫الربط التسلسلي يكون للحصول على ارتفاع ضخ اكبر‬
‫والربط التفرعي يكون للحصول على غزارة اكبر‬
You have been invited in the nearby
school where the teacher asks you to ‫ قابلالللشرب ومنها غير قابل‬.‫نشرح بان هناك انواع للمياه منها‬
explain in simple terms the different ‫للشرب وذلك عن طريق اجراء اختبارات فيزيائية وجرثومية‬
2.5 /2
existing aquifers? Their differences and ‫وكيميائية للمياه ويمكن معالجة بعض الظواهر ان وجدت وبعضها‬
in terms of water quality and access? ‫ترفض المياه شكل مباشر‬


2.6 Mention three types of pipes, which Polyethylene-font- etarnet /6
could be used in water networks. What ‫قساطل البولي ايثيلين مرنة وقابلة للصيانة بسهولة ورخيصة الثمن‬
are the advantages and disadvantages of ‫وسهلة االستعمال وغير منحلة بالماء وصلها سهل ولكنها التتحمل‬
‫ بار تقريبا وتحتاج لحماية اثناء التمديد‬20 ‫ضغوط كبيرة اكثر من‬

Technical test – WATER and SANITATION

each type? ‫ االترنيت تتحمل ضغوط عالية‬.‫وقابلة للكسر وال يوجد اقطار كبيرة‬
‫ ولكنها مكلفة وصعوبة بالتعامل معها‬.‫يوجد اقطار كبيرة‬
‫ ولكنها قابلة‬.‫ ويوجد اقطار كبيرة‬.‫الفونت المرن تتحمل ضغوط كبيرة‬
‫لالنحالل بالماء ومكلفة‬
What are the key technical parameters The size of the earth tank the distance between the
2.7 to take into account in the dimensioning spring and the village and the diameter of pipe and /3
of a gravity water supply system? the draining of spring
What are the minor and major losses, – ‫الضياعات خطية احتكاك – موضعية‬
what does effect on each of them? What ‫بالسكورة واالكواع والنقاصات وتهريب‬
is the acceptable range for water ‫القساطل‬
velocity (m.s) in the pipe and Why? The speed 1.5-2.5m/s for small diameter or 0.78m/s
2.8 /6
2.5-1.5‫السرعة في األقطار الصغيرة بين‬
‫ثا اما ىاالقطار الكييرة فيؤخذ بعين‬/‫م‬
‫االعتبار التكفة وصعوبة العمل والحفر‬
‫وغيرها من االمور‬
A technician tells you that HDPE pipes -
PN 12.5 installed on a gravity water
‫الن القساطل من النوع المذكور التتحمل اللضغط المطبق عيلها‬
supply system with a vertical difference
2.9 ‫ بار لذلك يجب تقليل الضغط او استخدام حساس للضغط‬14 ‫والبالغ‬ /3
in height over 140m broke down.
‫عند للفصل او االنتقال الى هدار لتغريغ الماء‬
Explain the causes? What solutions
would have prevented this?
What are the main families of ‫اهم هو العكارة وتعرف بالعين المجردة وخلو الماء من الشوائب‬
2.10 parameters for water quality? ‫ االيكوالي المعادن المنحلة‬.‫ والجراثيم والبكتريا‬.‫والكلور المتبقي‬ /3
‫ والمنغنيز‬.‫والكبريت‬
According to the information in Annexe1
,Assuming that the water temperature is
(15o c ), calculate the flowing items on
excel sheet to get the specified flow
- TDH (Total dynamic head)
- Submersible pump (HP).
- Pumping pipes (Material,
2.11 diameter) /10
- Electric cable cross-section.
- Generator (KVA).
In addition, mention the essential
accessories, which should be installed
on the top of borehole.
You can use the information in the
Annexe 2 to complete your calculations,

What are the main parameters that
wastewater treatment intends to
reduce/remove? What are the usual
stages of sewage treatment?
2.12 /2
In a tropical country with low income
per capita, which one of activated
sludge or waste stabilization ponds
would you prefer?
2.13 Describe the main potential risks to the ‫المشاكل الحاصلة هي عبارة عدم الدراسة الكافية واخذ الوقت‬ /2
quality of water collected from an open- ‫والعامل االمني بعين االعتبار‬
well in an overcrowded suburban area
of a medium size town. Assume that the
groundwater is held in an unconfined
aquifer made up of fine silty sand and

Technical test – WATER and SANITATION

the groundwater level is 1,5m below

ground over the whole year and families
mainly uses dry pit latrines. How will
you protect the wells?

What are the components of concrete ‫ مع‬3‫م‬/ ‫ كغ‬350 ‫ البيتون المسلح‬3‫ م‬/‫كغ‬250 ‫البيتون العادي عيار‬
(béton)? What are the components of ‫سبعة اسياخ بالمتر‬
2.14 /2
mortar (mortier)? What are the ‫اما هاون مورتير فيستخدم للبالط وملئ الفراغات بين البلوك ويكون‬
components of reinforced concrete? 3‫م‬/‫ كغ‬300-250 ‫عياره عادة بين‬
What is the usual ratio of concrete’s
2.15 350kg /m3 /1
components to build a reinforced pillar?
You just complete the construction of a In the summer season the level of water well leas
concrete slab outside during the dry The important is the dynamic head and the draining
season (Summer season). What are your But the draining well leas too we must take the big
advices to the local mason for the next draining
2.16 48h? /2
‫مستوى الماء سوف يقل في فصل الصيف ويزداد االرتفاع الديناميكي‬
‫ولكن التدفق سوف يقل في فص الجفاف لذلك يجب االعتماد اثناء‬
‫حساب المضخة واستطاعة المولدة وغيره على اكبر استطاعة يعمل‬
‫عليها البئر وذلك بالمقارنة بين االستطاعة في الفصلين‬
Total /50

Annexe 1: Pumping equipment calculation

Water Tank

Water tank height = 6 m

Distance between water tank and borehole = 50 m

Q=50 m3/h

Static level = 150 m There is two flanged elbows on the

pumping line with the following
Dynamic level = 165 m specification: 900, R/D=2

Technical test – WATER and SANITATION

Total borehole depth = 450 m

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