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A Research Presented to the Senior High School Department

Luisa Medel National High School
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research


Name of Research Adviser:


Background of the Study

The Luisa Medel National High School is having more enrollees every year. When the
school year comes; the Students of the Palawan National in Senior High School Students are
addicted to social media like Playing Computer Games, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram,
Tiktok, watching online even the class. Students must know the importance of social media to
be able to fulfill their own will. Technology nowadays is becoming more and more high tech.
And it’s improving day by day for us to use in our convenience.

Although we are all affected by technological advancements, the majority of us are the
ones that benefit the most. We will focus our research on Luisa Medel National School senior
high school students aged 17-19 years old. The concept of social media is "the relationships that
exist between networks of people," however students spend their time on social media sites like
Facebook and Twitter before doing their schoolwork, allowing us to gain more specific and
accurate answers from our research.

People use social media to stay in touch with people who live far away. As social media has
grown in popularity, It's a lot more user-friendly than before. You can also use social media to
convey how you feel about someone or something. People are captivated by how they use social
media to express themselves, whether it's about politics, education, or entertainment. And
because students are the ones who use social media the most, it has a significant impact on them.

The progressively ubiquitous access, convenience, functionality, and flexibility of social

technologies are the driving factors for the adoption of social media (Brown, 2010; Schroeder,
Minorca, and Schneider, 2010). These factors have made social media adoption very easy three
and have greatly improved mankind's life by exposing him to different ways of creating and
sharing information. Another advantage of internet-based social technologies is that they are
typically free or need just a compact amount of investment, removing a possible barrier to
adoption (Brown, 2010).

As we all know, nothing exciting is ever totally one-sided, and social media is no exception,
as it has both positive and negative aspects. There is a link between social media use and
university students' academic achievement. There are four key benefits of using social media in
higher education, according to diverse perspectives and ideas; Enhancing relationships,
strengthening learning motivation, providing individualized course material, and developing
collaborative talents are among them (Wheeler, Yeoman, and Wheeler, 2008; Rifkin, Long
Necker, Leach, and Ortia, 2009). Furthermore, Riccardo et al. (2007) stated that students are
socially connected and thus share their everyday learning experiences and engage in
conversation of themes through social media, whereas; Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010)
examined that social network websites attract students.

Students use social media in large quantities, according to research. Previous research has
revealed that over 90% of tertiary school students use social networks, according to Wiley and
Sisson (2006). It also discovered that students spend approximately thirty (30) minutes per day
on social networking sites (SNSs) as part of their daily routine life (Nicole, Charles, and Cliff,
2007). Demonstrates the extent to which students use these sites, and it may have both positive
and negative effects on their academic performance.

According to Rachel Heike, many parents are concerned about how toddlers' exposure to
technology may influence their development. We know that our preschoolers are rapidly
developing social and cognitive skills, and we don't want hours spent hooked to an iPad to slow
them down. However, adolescence is a critical phase of rapid development, and far too few of us
are paying attention to how our teenagers use technology. It's affecting kids in a way that's a lot
more visceral and intimate than a 3-year-old playing with his father's iPhone.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effect of Social media to the academic performance of Grade 12
students for the School Year 2021-2022.
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following question for the students:
1. Why social media is important to your Academic performances?
2. What are the effects of Social media to your Academic performances?
3. What are the challenges that you encounter using the Social media?
4. How do you overcome this challenges?


The research will be conducted to address the following null hypothesis:

1. There are no significant relationships in the effect of social media in the students.
2. Students who are exposed to social media networks do not have a substantial impact
on their academic achievement.
3. There is no discernible difference use of social media networks by male and female
4. Social media addiction has little bearing on students' academic achievement.
5. The use of social media does not seem to be influenced by age.

Theoretical Framework

According to connectivism theory, students are encouraged to seek out knowledge

online on their own and convey what they discover. According to connectivism, the use of
technology to assist persons and information should benefit the learning process, not the
other way around. People may study and share knowledge using the World Wide Web,
which includes Web browsers, email and social networks, YouTube, and any other
technology that allows users to learn and share information with others. (2016, Goldie)

Constructivism is one of the ideas of social media's influence on students. Watzawick

asserts (1984). Constructivism states that when people encounter something new, they
compare it to an internalized construct based on previous experiences. When comparing
this theory to the influence of social media on students, this theory explains the benefits and
connections of social media to students in terms of providing information and knowledge
through social media because it connects us to many people with diverse knowledge.

The Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior were developed to explain
why people can exert self-control over their actions (LaMorte, 2018). The Theory of
Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior includes six constructs: attitude, behavioral
intention, subjective norms, social norms, perceived power, and perceived behavioral
control. Only the first construct is examined in this study, which examines adolescents'
opinions toward various components of social media that affect their overall well-being.
The Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior predicts that adolescents will be
more likely to use specific social media platforms if they perceive good results on well-
being. If teenagers have unfavorable views toward well-being concepts on definite social
media platforms, it is critical to understand why they use patent platforms. The purpose of
this research is to examine adolescent views about various social media platforms to well
understand how each platform affects well-being.

Walberg's Theory of Educational Productivity proposes 11 influential categories

of variables. The characteristics of a student; are reflected in the first three factors (ability,
motivation, and age). The fourth and fifth variables represent the instructions (quantity
and quality). The four variables (classroom climate, home environment, peer group, and
media exposure) indicate characteristics of the psychological environment. He highlighted
that these variables have various consequences that may cause problems with; a student's
academic achievement if they are not appropriately guided.

Conceptual Framework

Presumed Cause Presumed Effect

Causal Relationship Academic Performance of Grade 12

Social Media
Senior High School Students

Control Variables Confounding Variables

Predictor Stimulus Antecedent Criterion Response Consequence

Manipulated Treatment Outcome Effect

Significance of the Study

The result of this study is may be significant to the following:
School Administrators. New information from the result of this study may strengthen
the assessment of the school when it comes to the implementation of the online class. This may
help them create programs and design activities towards the effectiveness of the student’s
learning. School may also design programs and implement curriculum that will also help
students overcome problems and challenges in the online class.
Teachers. The findings from this study may serve as baseline data with regard to the
academic performance of the students in the online class as well as will give them the idea of the
challenges that the students encountered. This may help teachers to reconsider the deadlines and
number of activities to be given to the students.
Students. The result of this study will serve as their reference whether to improve or not
their academic performance as well as to look for ways on how to improve it. Students may take
reflect on their current state and may be able to realize things out of it. It may also help students
to connect with their teachers and will motivate them to do their task better.
Researcher. As a researcher, this study is both a technical and academic training, a
valuable collection and a source of information. This is an additional exposure and a great
experience to advance knowledge in research. Researchers may also benefit from this by
exposing and relating their experiences in the new normal education. This will help them
confirm their feelings and be able to adjust if necessary.
Future Researchers. The result of this study may serve as reference or basis for future
researchers pertaining to the effectiveness of the mentoring program, thus enhancing this study.

Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to describe the effect of social media to the academic performance
of 5 senior high students of Luisa Medel National High School for the school year 2021-
2022. The study will be conducted through online interview. The researcher will employ
the purposive sampling technique. It means that only those who are having an online
class and at the same time available to be served as participants will be taken.
The researcher will use a validated set of open-ended questions for interviews to
describe the effect of social media to the academic performance of the students.
Definition of Terms
To ensure clarity and understanding of the terms which will be sued in this study, the
following terms will be defined conceptually and operationally.
Social Media
Social Networking
Social Networking Sites
Academic Performance
Senior High School (SHS)


The study will look into the effects of Facebook on student achievement. Numerous
research studies examine this topic and they are indeed relevant because most of the innovative
features offered by the Facebook platform in collaboration with other social medium forums
have been boosted, particularly with the introduction of revolutionary features and platforms.
The majority of the research selected we're published during the last four to five years.
According to Ellison (2007)'s extensive literature study, the role of Facebook in higher education
is set down to the formation of virtue classes. The review examined a large research database
from around the world to make this review thorough in its coverage of practically all aspects of
an attempt to explain the many roles of Facebook in higher education classes.

In their study, they identified four (4) significant benefits of social media usage by students in
higher education, which included building relationships, increasing learning motivation,
providing individualized course content, and developing collaborative abilities.



According to Rejie D. Astodello (December 11, 2016), in Tabuk City, Kalinga - People in the
world are reaping the benefits of modern technology. Previously, communication and the free
exchange of ideas between individuals were hampered by large distances, race, and equal
religion. However, these obstacles are no longer able to obstruct the flow of information and
knowledge since the new world of social networking permits an unfettered exchange of opinions
through online social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like.

Because students are strongly motivated to utilize social media sites, most of them use them to
meet their social demands rather than their academic ones. They have the freedom to do anything
they want — they may upload and download data, make new acquaintances and remark on other
people's lives, and even construct new online identities that the actual world does not permit. The
primary reason is that while they work or look for materials online, they are drawn to social
networking sites to kill boredom during study time, diverting their focus from their task. The
negative side of this, which has piqued the interest of many parents, is that some pupils are
becoming less committed to attending school.
I've seen the same good and awful effects of utilizing social media inside and outside of the
classroom from my Tabuk City National High School Grades 7 and 8 pupils. When I wanted to
contact my pupils, reminding them of their tasks and pressing obligations, I found these social
sites productive, In addition, I used these social sites to direct my pupils to valuable information
that may help them get better marks in school. I attempted to persuade the students, particularly
the teenagers who had access to internet-enabled devices, to utilize them to augment their library
study rather than just talking with pals all the time.

This chapter will present the research design, participants of the study, the research
instrument, data gathering procedure and data analysis procedure.

Research Design
A Qualitative design will be used in this research to ensure that I can acquire the stories
that will be relayed by the students. A phenomenological qualitative study will be conducted
through interviews by the researchers. A phenomenological research design is a design of inquiry
coming from philosophy and psychology in which the researcher describes the effect of social
media to the performance of individuals about a phenomenon as described by participants
(Creswell, 2014). According to Linctman (2014), lived experiences or life experiences are those
in which a person is involved, often a researcher selects a particular experience or event to focus.

Participants of the Study

Purposeful sampling methods are often used in qualitative research studies so that the
participants have experience in the phenomenon being studied. Creswell (2009) recommended
selecting participants who can provide information about the phenomenon being studied. For this
study, 5 participants will be selected from the Senior High School, Luisa Medel National High
School for the school year 2021-2022. All participants will be given pseudonyms to hide their
true identify and that they can share stories without reservation during their available time.
Research Instrument
To describe the experiences of the students, an open-ended interview schedule will be
designed with follow-up questions to probe for further information on online class experiences.
A thematic analysis will be used to describe the effect of social media to the academic
performance of the students.
Validity is the most important consideration in developing and evaluating a research
instrument for it is defined as the extent to which an instrument measures what it claims to
measure (Ary et al., 2014). Thus, the researcher will subject the interview schedule to the three
experts in their field of specialization for face and content validation.
Content validity, according to Wilson and Joye (2017) refers to the fact that experts
examine the items to ensure that all aspects of the construct are well-represented.
Suggestions of ideas from the experts will be followed in the revision of the instrument,
and the evaluation of the instrument was done using the criteria made by Carter Good and
Douglas Scates to ensure the content validity of the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following procedure will be done in gathering the data:
A letter will be sent to the office of the Head of the Senior High School Department,
Luisa Medel National High School seeking permission and assistance to allow the researcher to
the conduct the study. Upon the approval of the head, the interview schedule will be subjected to
face and content validity by three experts in their field of specialization. Revision of research
instrument incorporating solicited ideas and suggestions from the experts will be done right after
An interview using the validated interview schedule with the students regarding the effect
of Social media to their Academic performance will then be followed. The researcher will use a
DSLR Nikon Camera to video the interview and a cellular phone sound recorder to record the
Data taken from the interview will be analyse using thematic approach.

Data Analysis Procedure

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