The Most Popular Diet Trend From The Year You Were Born

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The most popular diet trend from the year you were born

Throughout the years, people have been inundated with books and infomercials
about diets that lower your weight, increase your energy, get you pregnant, and a
number of other promises that can not be guaranteed from food and food alone. 

Although one or two of these diets have stood the test of time, many fall into the fad
category: they are popular for a minute, but become obsolete the minute they
are proven to be ineffective and — in some cases — dangerous. 

From elimination plans to juice cleanses, here are some of the most popular diets
over the last 50-plus years. 

1963 — Weight Watchers

According to its official website, Weight Watchers started as a small group of
friends meeting at founder Jean Nidetch's home to discuss their weight loss struggles
and successes. Today, the program boasts an impressive 1.1 million members,
including celebrities like Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Hudson, and Oprah Winfrey. 

The program uses a science-backed points system, which emphasizes fruits, veggies,

and lean protein. Members track their foods and stay within a certain point range,
which is assigned based off their needs and goals. 

Though the program has made adjustments to keep up with the times, the concept
has always remained the same. In fact, according to Fast Company, the program's
flexibility and focus on lifestyle rather than weight has made it one of the most
successful "diets" to date. 

1971 — The Grapefruit Diet

This citrus saw a rise in popularity in the '70s due to a diet that promised quick
weight loss. According to Healthline, the premise of the Grapefruit Diet was to eat a
grapefruit with every meal. The thought was that the grapefruit contained a special
enzyme that burns fat fast. 

Although the diet may lead to weight loss, it isn't because of the fruit. 

"Grapefruit has no special properties when it comes to weight loss," Elisabetta Politi,

nutrition manager of the Duke University's Diet and Fitness Center, tells Health. She
adds that the reason people may lose weight on this diet is that they are consuming
less calories. 

1975 - The Cookie Diet

Created by Dr. Sanford Siegal in 1975, the Cookie Diet required people to snack on
low-calorie cookies throughout the day, according to US News. The cookies were
reportedly made with a secret "hunger-controlling" formula to keep your appetite at
bay and your calorie count in check.
The diet made a resurgence in 2009, according to the New York Times, with
celebrities like Kim Kardashian West and Kelly Clarkson giving it a try. 

1977 — SlimFast
The meal-replacement program was wildly popular in the '90s, but was a weight-loss
method long before then. The SlimFast premise is quite simple, according to its
official site. Simply "replace any two meals with SlimFast shakes, bars or cookies,
enjoy one sensible meal of your choice and three 100-calorie snacks in between."

Generally, participants are limited to 1,200 calories a day. 

1978 — The Scarsdale Diet

The Scarsdale Diet emphasized protein consumption and banned snacking,
according to Healthline. Another rapid weight loss program, critics of the diet said it
missed out on important macronutrients and was not sustainable in the long term. 

1980 — The Cabbage Soup Diet

The name says it all: you eat nothing but cabbage soup for seven to 10 days.
According to Marie Claire, people claim to lose up to 10 pounds on the Cabbage Soup
Diet — but not permanently. 

"Because the Cabbage Soup Diet has such a low calorie intake and virtually no
protein, almost all weight lost on this diet will be water and muscle, not body fat,"
personal trainer and fitness coach Scott Laidler tells the publication. 

1981 — The Beverly Hills Diet

The Beverly Hills diet was developed by Judy Mazel — a weight loss advocate who
had no nutritional certification. According to the New York Times, the 42-day diet
centered around eating fruits for the first 10 days, then adding items like bread and
proteins like "steak and lobster." 

"This is the most dangerous diet I have ever come across," endocrinologist Mark
Saginor told People in 1981. "Along with the fat loss you can break down a
tremendous amount of lean body mass, and you can lose potassium, which is
potentially devastating."

1985 — Jenny Craig

Originally launching in Australia, Jenny Craig made its way to the US in 1985.
According to the official website, participants receive a customized menu of pre-
made meals and meet with a consultant who offers support and guidance. 

Jenny Craig is very popular among celebrities, including Valerie Bertinelli, Queen
Latifah, and Mariah Carey.  

1988 - The Liquid Diet

The Liquid Diet, also known as Optifast, was made popular thanks Oprah Winfrey. In
1988, the former talk show host stepped on stage wearing a pair of size 10 jeans and
pulling a wagon filled with 67 pounds of fat — a representation fo the weight she lost
on Optifast. 

According to the New York Times, the Liquid Diet prevents participants from
eating food. Rather, they consume liquids — and a very low amount at that. Though
participants lose weight quickly, they aren't able to keep it off. The New York Times
reported on several studies, which found that participants gain most of the weight
back. That was the case for Winfrey, who wrote about the Liquid Diet on her website:

When I started Optifast in July 1988, I was at 212 pounds. By fall, I weighed 145
pounds. Wearing my size 10 jeans, I pulled a wagon full of fat — representing the 67
pounds I'd dropped — onto the stage.

What I didn't know was that my metabolism was shot. Two weeks after I returned to
real food, I was up 10 pounds. Since I wasn't exercising, there was nothing my body
could do but regain the weight. 

1991 — Low-Fat Foods

In the '90s, people believed that eating fats made you fat. But, according to NPR, the
fat-free era actually made Americans heavier. Why? Well, according to US
News, low-fat products often contain more sugar than their full-fat counterparts.
Since sugar acts as an appetite stimulant, this makes you eat more. 

Unfortunately, people still believe low-fat is the way to go, despite studies that say
you need fat to be healthy. 

1994 — The Ornish Diet

Dr. Dean Ornish convinced people to try his diet by telling them they could, "eat
whatever you want, whenever you want it, and however much of it you want." As the
New York Times pointed out in 1994, however, the food on the Ornish diet must
be low in fat and high in fiber. Specifically, less than 10% of calories consumed can
come from fat. 

This is a problem because, well, your body needs fat to survive. According to
SELF, you need fat to maintain your body temperature and insulate your organs. 

1995 — The Zone Diet

Created by Dr. Barry Sears, the Zone Diet is meant to reduce inflammation which, in
theory, should reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses
like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart disease.

The diet encourages people to eat in a 40-30-30 principal: 40% carbohydrates, 30%
protein, and 30% fat. 

1996 — The Blood Type Diet

According to VeryWell, the Blood Type Diet was developed by Peter D'Adamo, a
naturopathic physician. D'Admo theorized that eating for your blood type would
allow you to digest food with greater efficiency, lose weight, and enhance your overall
But, as Science Daily notes, several studies have since debunked the Blood Type
Diet  and found that is actually deprived people of various nutrients. 

2000 — The Subway Diet

This meal plan has an interesting backstory. According to the chain's official
website, the Subway Diet was created by Jared Fogle in 1999 when the then 22-year-
old replaced two of his high calorie meals with low-fat sandwiches from the

Fogle lost 245 pounds in the first 11 months on the Subway Diet. He eventually
incorporated exercise into his daily routine, which helped him shed more weight.
This weight loss eventually led to Fogle becoming a spokesperson for Subway, though
he was eventually dropped when he was charged with — and pled guilty to — owning
child pornography. 

2003 — The Atkins Diet

Although it was first conceptualized in the 1960s, the Atkins Diet didn't become
mainstream until 2003 when, according to the official site, Dr. Robert C. Atkins
published "Atkins for Life." The diet, as many know, was the a high-fat, low-carb
eating plan. It involved phases where you slowly introduced carbs back into your life,
though never exceeding 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. 

Although many people lost weight on the plan, it did come with some downsides.
Several studies found that the Atkins Diet could affect your mood, impact your
kidneys, and even causes ketosis, a condition in which your body breaks down fat for
energy due to lack of sugar, according to Mayo Clinic. 

2003 — The South Beach Diet

Cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston introduced the South Beach Diet — named after a
poplar Miami spot — in 2003. According to the official site, the high-protein, low-
carb diet began as a solution to "quick fix diets" that left people hungry: particularly,

Thought critics have found this to be a sustainable diet, Health reports that the South
Beach Diet encourages consumption processed vegetable oils, which could pose
health risks. 

2006 — The Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse, aka the Lemonade Diet, requires participants to drink a cocktail
of fresh-squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and water for every
meal ... for 10 days straight. Although it was first developed by "nutrition guru"
Stanley Burroughs in the 1940s, it saw a rise in popularity after Beyoncé went on the
Master Cleanse to lose weight for "Dreamgirls." 

And she did lose weight because, as experts were quick to point out, she was
essentially not eating. 

"Of course you're going to lose weight — you're starving yourself," nutritionist Joy
Bauer told the New York Times in 2006. "People want a quick fix and they want to be
thin so badly that they're vulnerable and open to almost anything." 
Bauer isn't the only expert to call BS on this detox diet. Scientist have debunked the
Master Cleanse over the last few years, and had some help when Burroughs was
convicted for practicing medicine without a license ... twice. 

2007 — The Raw Food Diet

Emerging onto the scene in 2007, the Raw Food Diet is exactly what it sounds
like: eating only, or mostly, uncooked foods. According to NPR, raw foodists believe
that food loses its nutrient content and "life force" when it's cooked over 112 degrees. 

There are several variations of the Raw Food Diet, according to Healthline, and,
although it does limit the intake of process food, it can be very restrictive. 

2008 — NutriSystem
Although it was founded in the 1970s, NutriSystem saw a revival in 2008 after a new
CEO took over, according to Forbes. Similar to Jenny Craig, NutriSystem is a
customized weight-loss program where you receive various meals and snacks. 

2009 — The Fertility Diet

In 2009, Drs. Jorge Chavarro, Walter C. Willett, Patrick J. Skerrett released a book
with one simple goal: help women get pregnant through their diet. The book, "The
Fertility Diet," utilized research from the Nurses' Health Study to create 10 diet
principals that would help women conceive. According to Harvard Health
Publishing, some of those principals included eating more soy and avoiding fats. 

2009 — The Special K Diet

Cereal is delicious, but can you make a diet out of it? That's what Kellogg's tried to do
with the Special K Challenge — a diet where you replaced breakfast and lunch with
Special K cereal or bars. 

The company no longer promotes the program, with Kellogg's CEO John Bryant
saying in a 2015 conference call that the diet was, "basically asking people to deprive
themselves where they have less calories."

2010 — The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Did someone say shots? In 2010, health-conscious people were convinced that taking
a shot of apple cider vinegar every morning would suppress appetite, improve
digestion, and aid with acid reflux. Studies on the diet, however, have produced
mixed reviews. 

A 2014 review found no evidence of apple cider vinegar affecting metabolism. A 2016
study, however,  showed that it could improve satiation, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

For what it's worth, INSIDER tested the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet and found it had
no affect on hunger levels or digestion.
2010 — The Baby Food Diet
Baby food is conveniently portioned, making it the ideal snack for people watching
their caloric intake. Or, at least, that's the thought behind the Baby Food Diet, a meal
plan in which you replace real food with its pureed counterpart.

Although this diet ensures you eat your fruits and vegetables, Everyday Health noted
that it lacks the fiber, fat, and protein required to keep you full and functioning. 

2011 — The Duke Diet

This "diet" is more about how you think than what you put into your body. According
to Everyday Health, the Duke Diet emphasizes listening to hunger cues, finding your
motivation, and not beating yourself up if you indulge. Essentially, it's the baseline
for intuitive eating. 

2012 — Juicing
Why eat your food when you can drink it? Although juice cleanses have been around
for years, they saw a rise in popularity in 2012 thanks to the convenience of shops
like Juice Press, Juice Generation, and the like. 

Although some people took this as an opportunity to grab something green for an
afternoon snack, others saw it as a chance to detox with a juice cleanse — a day- or
week-long program where you swapped your meals for various juices. 

Most doctors, however, advise against doing juice cleanses — even for a day. As US
News reports, juice cleanses severely restrict calorie consumption and deprive
participants of protein. 

2013 — Gluten-Free Eating

For the 1% of the population that has Celiac's disease, going gluten-free is not a
weight-loss method: it's a way of life that keeps their intestinal tract in check. 

As more people were diagnosed with Celiac's disease, more gluten-free products
became available in grocery stores. And, because gluten is most commonly found in
bread, pasta, and other carbohydrates — i.e. foods that have been deemed "bad" —
people assumed going glute-free was a way to lose weight. 

These people couldn't be more wrong. According to Health, many gluten-free

products have just as many calories as their gluten counterpart. 

2014 — The Paleo Diet

According to Health, the Paleo diet follows the food guidelines of the cavemen —
mainly fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, and nuts. But if the diet is, essentially, as
old as time, why did it take so long to become a trend?

Well, as humans have developed, so have more diseases. The New Yorker reports
that people thought they could ward off diseases by returning to the original way of
life. Or, at least, the original foods. 
2015 — Whole 30
According to the official website, Whole 30 advocates "clean" eating: In other words,
no added sugars, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy, and additives. Although the
program has been around since 2009, it didn't become widely popular until the
release of "The Whole30" in 2015. 

Although experts say the concept of eliminating or limiting foods that increase
hunger and cravings is good, they say the time frame is flawed. 

In an interview with TIME,  Dr. Alessio Fasano, director of the Center for Celiac
Research and Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, said "30 days isn't
enough time to turn off systemic inflammation." Additionally, Fasano said that the
restrictions are very generic, and not everyone will benefit from them. 

2016 — The Goop Detox Diet

When Gwyneth Paltrow sees a trend, she capitalizes on it. Such is the case with the
GOOP Cleanse which, according to the website, is meant to clean up the menu, re-set
the palate, and give your guts a break. 

Again, the concept of eating less processed foods is great. But a cleanse that consists
of teas and smoothies, like the GOOP Cleanse, is not sustainable. One thing the
GOOP Cleanse has going for it is that it incorporates proteins like salmon, chicken,
and almond butter. 

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