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Lost Mines of Phandelver / Dragon of Icespire Peak

Player Character Level XP XP Needed

Gary Malo 4 DEAD
Larigo 4
Cobalatos 7 31,475 34,000
Anthony Dex’tavin 7 31,475
Appolyon 4
Wukong 6
Sean Warden 7 31,475 34,000
Beth Shaira 7 31,475 34,000

4 sessions for leveling

9th Day of Eleint

Encounter Building
- Do not use any monster that is 10 CR higher than the party’s level

- The Red Wizards of Thay
o Seek the four elemental keys; they currently have the keys of water, air and earth
- Nadir the Rakshasha
o In league with the Red Wizards, disguised as a red wizard named Arvik Zaltos
- The Zhentarim
o Led by Manshoon who is headquartered in Waterdeep, the organization is represented
by Halia Thornton (assassin) in Phandalin
o Torgar Bloodsword now works for Halia Thornton as well. She pays him well, and he’s
quite happy to rule the goblinoids and the forests
o Has 10 thugs, the Glasstaff (evil mage), and Droop (goblin) in Phandalin
o Has the forces of Torgar Bloodsword (hobgoblin warlord) in Cragmaw Castle, plus
Nezznar as an advisor

What the Town Knows

- Consult “Phandalin Tales”
- A gang known as the Redbrands has taken advantage of Harbin’s dragon fear to essentially seize
the town. They now demand free food and drink, and demand services free of charge
o If the PCs ask further about the Redbrands, locals get tight-lipped and say that they
don’t want to cause any trouble. It isn’t until the PCs complete a quest that locals have
hope the Redbrands can be removed
- Two dwarves, the Rockseekers, have gone missing. No one knows what happened to them, but
they were rumored to have a map to the lost mine of Phandelver
- Gossip: Shrine of Savras
o "As the Triboar Trail runs east, it passes through the ruins of Conyberry, a town sacked
by barbarians years ago. There's a ruined temple south of Conyberry where it's said the
locals hid their gold."

The Quests
Level Name Quest Giver Reward Completed? Day
1 Dwarven Excavation Harbin Wester 50 gp TRUE 1
1 Gnomengarde Harbin Wester 50 gp TRUE 2
1 Umbrage Hill Harbin Wester 25 gp TRUE 3
2 Redbrand Hideout Halia Thornton 100 gp TRUE 4
5 Old Owl Trouble Daran Edermath 100 gp TRUE 13
2 Banshee’s Bargain Sister Graele 3 potions of healing TRUE 12
4 Orc Trouble Harbin Wester 100 gp TRUE 7
5 Ruins of Thundertree Qelline Alerleaf 3 potions TRUE 14
3 Cragmaw Castle Sildar Hallwinter 500 gp TRUE 9
7 Butterskull Ranch Harbin Wester 100 gp
6 Loggers’ Camp Harbin Wester 100 gp TRUE 16
4 Wave Echo Cave Sildar Hallwinter 500 gp TRUE 11
7 Mountain’s Toe Gold Mine Harbin Wester 100 gp
7 Shrine of Savras Gossip* -
7 Axeholm Harbin Wester 250 gp
7 Dragon Barrow Harbin Wester -
7 Woodland Manse
7 Falcon’s Hunting Lodge - -
6 Cragmaw Castle (part 2)
7 Circle of Thunder
7 Icespire Hold
6 The Fall of Illefarn Akra
7 Storm Lord’s Wrath
8 Elemental Nodes Sir Isteval
9 Dead in Thay
Shadow of the Storm Giant

The Fall of Illefarn

- The party has been in Ilefarn for 4 hours

The Mountain (20,000 XP)

- 2: 10 orcs, 10 half-orcs (thugs). 8,000
- 3: 5 orcs, 1 orc hand of Yurtrus. 1,900
- 8: 5 orcs, 5 half-orcs (thugs). 2,500
- 9: 1 ettin. 1,100
- 10: 1 ogre, 3 orogs, 4 half-orcs (thugs). 5,500
- 13: 1 half-ogre. 200
- 17a: 3 orcs. 600
- 17b: 2 orcs. 200
- 17c: 1 orc. 100
- 18: 2 half-orcs (thugs). 300

Floor 2
- 27: 1 transmutor, 1 imp, 7 animated armors. 8,500
- 35a: 2 xorn. 5,400
- 35e: 1 animated armor, 7 stirges. 937
- 38: 2 earth elementals. 5,400

Floor 3
- 44: 1 wight. 700
- Outside 51: Akra (gladiator): 1,800
- 51: Nadir (rakshasa. 10,000

Dead in Thay
Elemental Nodes (Level 8, 30,000 XP)
- A1: 1 air elemental, 3 smoke mephits. 3,900
- A2: 2 air elementals. 5,400
- F1: 3 fire snakes, 1 azer. 2,100
- F2: 2 fire elementals. 5,400
- W1: 3 ice mephits, 1 flail snail. 2,000
- W2: 2 water elementals. 5,400

Bloodgate Nexus
- Enemies: Tarul Var, 8 Thayn acolytes, 8 wights, 2 darkmantles. 175,200
- Allies: 1 pit fiend, 2 assassins, 1 gladiator, 1 diviner, 1 master thief, 10 knights. 189,200
- Net: 75,400

Magic Items
- +1 Cold-Forged Iron Warhammer
o The hammer has 5 charges, where you can choose to expend them to try and petrify any
medium sized enemy (DC 17). The target is frozen in ice but may make a DC 17 strength
check at their end of their turn to try to break free (or someone else can try to break
them free). The ice melts after one hour

The Dragons
- There are several dragons around Phandalin; whether they know it or not, they are being
manipulated by the dracolich Ebondeath
- Venomfang (young green dragon) lairs at Thundertree
- Cryovain (young white dragon) is currently above Axeholm, but lairs at Icespire. Venomfang and
Cryovain are occasional lovers
- Chuth (adult green dragon) is Venomfang’s older brother, and lairs south of Leilon
- Old Gnawbones (ancient green dragon) is Chuth and Venomfang’s mother
- John flees Phandelver. He eventually joins up with the Cult of the Dragon, and plans to bring
back a draconic empire

Warden Rothgut
- Kuria the Eye, one of Bahamut’s mates, sponsors Warden
- Dead dragons also advise and protect Warden as spirit gaurdians
o Chatulio: copper dragon, prankster/jokester
 Instigated strife between Chromatic dragons (who were allied with the Cult of
the Dragon) during the Rage by pretending to be a black dragon
 Succumbed to the Rage, and was torn apart and eaten by the assembled
o Lareth: gold dragon, wise/stoic
o Havarlan: silver dragon, curious/eccentric

- If Sharia wants to create a ring of spell storing, she needs to hunt down a Death Slaad

- Falcon’s Hunting Lodge has no associated quest; save it for something

Naxxramas (party 4, level 7)

- Arachnid Quarter: neogi
o Boss: 1 neogi master, 2 neogi

Shadow of the Storm Tyrant (party of 4, level 7)

- F2: Medium: 3 ogres, 2 gnoll flesh gnawers

Ptolus, The Spire (Thaymount)


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