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What is a "Disease"?
A disease is defined as any dysfunctional process that interferes with the body's natural
functioning. In other terms, sickness is a dysfunction in a person's physical, physiological,
psychological, or social state caused by a lack of nutrition, a deficiency, a physiological problem,
a genetic problem, a pathogen, or any other reason.

Types of Diseases

Parts of the Body Affected by Diseases

Disease Affected Body Part
Arthritis Joints
Asthma Bronchial Muscles
Cataract Eyes
Diabetes Pancreas
Diphtheria Throat
Eczema Skin
Glaucoma Eyes


Goitre Thyroid Gland

Jaundice Liver
Leukemia Blood
Malaria Spleen
Meningitis Brain and Spinal Cord
Otitis Ears
Paralysis Nerves
Pneumonia Lungs
Polio Legs
Pyorrhoea Teeth and Gums
Rheumatism Joints
Sinusitis Inflammation of sinus linings
Tonsillitis Tonsils
Trachoma Eyes
Tuberculosis Lungs
Typhoid Intestines

Diseases and Causative Agents

Causative Agent Disease

Diphtheria, Gonorrhoea, Meningitis, Cholera, Leprosy, Typhoid, Tetanus,
Tuberculosis, Plague, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia
Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Measle, Mumps, AIDS, Yellow fever, Influenza,
Dengue fever, Rabies, Polio-meritis phelebotomus
Protozoans Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Kala-azar, Leishmaniasis, Amoebic dysentery
Fungus Athlete's foot, Ringworms, Madura foot, Dhobi's itch
Helminths Filaria, Tapeworm and Hookworm transmission


List of Diseases Spread through Viruses

Name of disease Description

• Caused by: Large variety of viruses, commonly rhino-
virus (RNA Virus)
Common cold
• Parts of body affected: Respiratory passages

• Caused by: Variola virus (DNA virus)

• Parts of body affected: Respiratory passages, then

• Caused by: A myxovirus (RNA virus)

• Parts of body affected: Respiratory passages:
epithelial lining of trachea and bronchi.

• Caused by: A paramyxovirus (RNA virus)

• Parts of body affected: Respiratory passages,
spreading to skin and intestines.

Chickenpox • Caused by: Varicella- zoster

• Parts of body affected: Blistering Skin rash

• Caused by: A paramyxovirus (RNA virus)

• Parts of body affected: Respiratory passages,
Mumps infection via blood, salivary glands, testes in adult

• Caused by: Rubella virus

• Parts of body affected: Respiratory passages, lymph
German measles (Rubella)
nodes in neck, eyes and skin.

• Caused by: Poliovirus (RNA Virus)

• Parts of body affected: Pharynx and intestines, then
Poliomyelitis (polio) blood; occasionally motor neurons in spinal cord,
paralysis may occur.

• Caused by: An arbovirus i.e arthropod-borne virus

Yellow fever
(RNA Virus)


• Parts of body affected: Lining of blood vessels and


• Caused by: Zika Virus (mosquito borne disease)

• Parts of body affected: Causes mild illness in the
Zika disease
people like dengue, yellow fever

• Caused by: Retrovirus (RNA virus)

AIDS • Parts of body affected: Skin Cancer

• Caused by: Ebola Virus disease (EVD)

Ebola haemorrhagic fever • Parts of body affected: Fatal Illness in Humans, Fever

List of Diseases Caused by Bacteria

Name of disease Description

• Caused by: Bordetella pertussis
• Parts of body affected: Upper respiratory tract,
Whooping cough (Pertussis) inducing violent coughing
• Medium of spread: Droplet infection

• Caused by: Corynebacterium diphtheria

• Parts of body affected: Upper respiratory tract,
Diphtheria mainly throat also toxin affects heart.
• Medium of spread: Droplet infection

• Caused by: Mycobacterium tuberculosis

• Parts of body affected: Mainly lungs
Tuberculosis (TB) • Medium of spread: Droplet infection, Drinking milk
from infected cattle

• Caused by: Neisseria gonorrhoeae

• Parts of body affected: Reproductive organs
• Medium of spread: Contagion by sexual contact

• Caused by: Clostridium tetani

• Parts of body affected: Blood
• Medium of spread: Wound infection


• Caused by: Treponema pallidum

• Parts of body affected: Reproductive organs, then
eyes, bones, joints, central nervous system, heart and
• Medium of spread: Contagion by sexual contact

• Caused by: Vibrio cholera

• Parts of body affected: Alimentary canal: mainly
Cholera small intestine
• Medium of spread: Faecal contamination

• Caused by: Salmonella spp.

• Parts of body affected: Alimentary canal
Bacterial food poisoning
• Medium of spread: Mainly foodborne meat from
(gastro enteritis or
infected animals from poultry and pigs. Also via faecal

• Caused by: Salmonella typhi

• Parts of body affected: Alimentary canal, then
spreading to lymph and blood, lungs, bone marrow,
Typhoid fever
• Medium of spread: Faecal contamination

• Caused by: Shigella dysenteriae

• Parts of body affected: Alimentary canal, mainly
Bacterial dysentery ileum and colon
• Medium of spread: Faecal contamination

Important Information about Human Body

• Biggest Organ: Skin

• Heart Beat: 72 times in a minute
• Largest Gland: liver
• Number of Bone: 206
• Number of Muscles: 640
• Number of chromosomes: 46 or 23 pairs
• Normal Blood Pressure: 80 to 120
• Teeth: 32
• The volume of Blood: About 7 litres in the normal body or about 7% of the total body
• Largest; Part of human Brain: Cerebrum


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