PD Lab Format-Observation/ Problem Statement

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PD LAB FORMAT- ​with example

Observation/ problem statement: ​Liam was eating an apple and left it on his plate while he went to get
his hockey gear. After 15 minutes he came back to his apple and noticed that the bitten part of apple
had become brown.

Title: ​Browning of apples

Hypothesis: ​A suggested explanation or reason for an observation. A statement that says what you think
the explanation could be. It might not be correct, but it should be sensible.

Apples become brown when exposed to air

Aim: ​The question you want to investigate

To determine whether apple become brown when exposed to air

Apparatus and materials:

● 1 large apple
● Knife
● 3 small clear containers
● Vinegar
● Sugar water

Method: ​Imperfect tense

1. Label the containers A, B and C.

2. Peel and cut apple into 3 pieces of approximately the same size.
3. Add one piece of apple to each container.
4. To container A, pour vinegar over the apple, ensuring the entire apple is covered.
5. To container B, pour sugar water over the apple, ensuring the entire apple is covered.
6. Do not add anything to container C.
7. Place the containers on the counter for 1 hour.
8. Make and record observations after 1 hour.

Expected results: ​State the expected results in a general way

Table showing expected results

Sample Observations
A No browning
B Slight browning
C Complete browning

It is expected that the apples covered with vinegar and sugar water will have little to no browning.

Variables: ​Any factor or environmental condition which can change (vary) during the experiment and by
doing so affect the result.

Manipulated variable​: this variable is changed in a controlled way.

Responding variable​: This is the variable being investigated.

Controlled variables:​ the manipulated variable is not changed/ where constant factors/variables
are used

Manipulated: ​exposure to air (covering the surface of the apple)

Responding: ​browning

Controlled: ​Container C (not covered by any liquid)/ time of experiment​ ​(each sample was
observed after 1 hour)


The liquids will act as a barrier between the surface of the apple and the air

Limitations: ​any factor or variable which you cannot control which might make your results less reliable.

The entire surface of the apple may not have been covered with liquid

Safety precautions:

Handle knife safely to avoid injury

Possible sources of error:

Mislabeling the containers

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