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HOOK (1 sentence): (Write your point form outline here)

Purpose: to grab the reader’s attention
INTRODUCTION Include: a question, opinion, general fact, anecdote (story) , “Think happy thoughts “. A common saying that people tend to use in
or common saying or idiom stressful situations.
BACKGROUND (2-3 sentences):
Purpose: to explain or define the topic However, it does not apply on every situation. For instance, when it
Include: any definitions, background information + the comes to a case like poverty, there is no absolute possibility of thinking
primary effect of your chosen causes happy thoughts. For the term “poverty “is placed in the dictionary of
THESIS (1 sentence): pain and struggle. Especially if this term is implanted in an individual
Purpose: to tell the reader exactly what the essay is about since childhood and considered as a habitual lifestyle.
Include: “causes of” / “reasons for” the topic and it must
Thesis Statement:
include your 3 causes presented below
Listing the negative effects on people of growing up in poverty could
rather be a challenging mission, but it is proper to say that the main
three effects are deterioration of health, radical change in personality
and risky threats on educational lives.

TOPIC SENTENCE (1 sentence):

Purpose: to tell the reader what the paragraph will be One of the impacts of growing up in poverty that effects people
about (the main idea) negatively is deterioration of health that starts from childhood and
BODY Include: transition word, “cause of”/ “reason for”,+ cause 1 begins to appear later in the future.
PARAGRAPH 1: SUPPORTING DETAILS (at least 3 sentences):
 Supporting detail 1: e.g. explain how the cause creates the  Poverty can cause health damages as a result to consuming
Cause # 1 problem/effect undrinkable water and expired food to save money for later
 supporting detail 2: e.g. fact/more information days.
 supporting detail 3: give an example  Poverty effects mental health by causing depression and
CONCLUDING SENTENCE (1 sentence): optional chronic stress.
Purpose: to summarize the current paragraph and/or
introduce the following one Poverty can ruin your health not just physically but also mentally and
shapes a huge obstacle for getting treatment at proper facilities.
TOPIC SENTENCE (1 sentence):
Purpose: to tell the reader what the paragraph will be Another effect is that people who grow up in poor environments are
BODY about (the main idea) more likely to experience radical changes in their personalities as they
PARAGRAPH 2: Include: transition word, “cause of”/ “reason for” + cause 2
SUPPORTING DETAILS (at least 3 sentences):
 Poverty could generate a constant feeling of withdrawal like
Cause # 2  Supporting detail 1: e.g., explain how the cause being deprived from participating in certain activities and
creates the problem/effect causes lack of passion toward things like perusing a hobby.
 supporting detail 2: e.g., fact/more information  Poverty can also cause lack of confidence and subliminal
 supporting detail 3: give an example self-hatred. Making one feel desperate and discouraged.
CONCLUDING SENTENCE (1 sentence): optional
Purpose: to summarize the current paragraph and/or Poverty can build up a person’s character in a harsh way and change his
introduce the next topic sentence perspective of life.
TOPIC SENTENCE (1 sentence):
Purpose: to tell the reader what the paragraph will be The third effect poor environments cause on people is depriving many
BODY about (the main idea) genius minds from getting the suitable education.
Include: transition word, “cause of”/ “reason for”, topic,
PARAGRAPH 3: and cause 3
SUPPORTING DETAILS (at least 3 sentences):
Cause # 3 Difficult circumstances can lead to a decrease in educational
 Supporting detail 1: e.g., explain how the cause 

creates the problem/effect attainment in so many ways such as shaping distractions and
 supporting detail 2: e.g. fact/more information fading concentration away.
 supporting detail 3: give an example  Poverty could lead to abandoning education at the expense
of providing needs despite the existence of high educational
CONCLUDING SENTENCE (1 sentence): optional
Purpose: to summarize the current paragraph and/or
introduce the following one Many people haven’t been able to complete their education and
graduate because of the tough circumstances poverty has imposed upon
RESTATED THESIS (1 sentence): Paraphrase!
Include: the topic, “causes of”/ “reasons for”, and the 3 Posting the pessimistic impacts on individuals of experiencing
causes from the body childhood in neediness could be summed up in three points:
disintegration of wellbeing, revolutionary change in character and
[OPTIONAL] SUMMARY SENTENCES (1 to 3 sentences): hazardous dangers on instructive lives.
Restate and paraphrase the main ideas from the body
paragraphs [e.g one sentence per cause]
- Avoid introducing new ideas
MESSAGE/ADVICE (1-2 sentences):
Give the reader a final message
Use modals (should/could/might) to say what people can
do to improve the situation (reduce/fix the causes of the

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