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Effects on people growing up in poverty

“Think happy thoughts” is a common saying people tend to use in desperate times, but does
it apply to a desperate case such as poverty? Everyone has become familiar with the term
poverty, if not already experiencing it. When it comes to such a case, there is no absolute
possibility of thinking happily, for this term takes place in the dictionary of pain and struggle.
Especially if it is implanted in one's memory since childhood and considered as a habitual
lifestyle. Some of the negative effects on people growing up in poverty are noticeable
deterioration in health, radical change in personality, and risky threats on educational lives.

Firstly , one of the impacts on people growing up in poverty is deterioration of health either
physically or mentally. Starting with physical health, living in impoverished habitats may lead
to generating flaws in the body systems and metabolic processes which can cause serious
harm such as allowing viruses and chronic diseases to inhabit the body. This kind of damage
usually accumulates from childhood to slowly begin showing up later in the future. And if the
proper treatment was not provided due to expensive medication, it could lead to death.This
could happen as a result of consuming undrinkable and polluted water and eating expired or
rotten food in order to save sustenance for emergency times. Moving on to mental health, it
can be easily affected by the surrounding environments. So if the environment is improper to
live in, not all minds can adjust to that. Such environments are usually known for issues such
as crimes and lack of safety which can cause physiological damage in the nerves that leads
to disturbed mental issues. Numerous studies have shown that one of the main causes of
mental issues such as depression, anxiety, and chronic stress is dealing with poverty. Living
in poverty throughout the years has been proven to cause intense damage to physical and
mental health and shape a huge obstacle for getting treatment at proper facilities.

Another effect of dealing with poverty since childhood is experiencing radical evolvements in
character. Being raised in such flawed societies could generate the feeling of inferiority and
weakness within its people. This could happen when they start comparing others' lives with
their own and envying them for the privileges they have. And as a result, they could develop
the feeling of withdrawal and lack of passion for certain things which leads to changing their
characters into desperate and unmotivated souls who have lost the sense of life. Like losing
the will to learn new things and practice hobbies they have previously pursued, which affects
their ability to enjoy the aspects of recreational life and entertainment. Furthermore, as these
feelings grow and pile up inside of them, they become uncertain of themselves. Losing
confidence could develop many changes in personalities such as causing subliminal self-
hatred and low self-esteem and destroying their social lives. For instance, they could feel
inclined to isolation and emotional coldness which leads to losing social relationships and
friendships.Growing up in poverty can build up a person's personality in a harsh way and
change one’s perspective on life.

The third and final effect poor environments force on people is depriving them of getting a
suitable education. The difficult conditions that poverty brings along can lead to a decrease
in educational attainment which leads to getting bad marks or being suspended.
And as a result, serious penalties could be made in addition to compensation fines.For
example, poor people normally have so many responsibilities to think about. This keeps their
minds busy all the time which leads to causing huge distractions and fading concentration
away leaving them academically behind. Moreover, People who have been familiarized with
poverty can also be deprived of getting a full education. Despite the existence of high
educational efficiencies, they chose to abandon education in order to work and provide
needs and supplies. Incomplete education can form an obstacle for getting a proper job in
the future due to having a CV that shows lack of experience and knowledge. For example,
they may not be able to afford notebooks, stationery, or even transportation so they prefer to
save money for food, water, and lodging, which leaves their education stranded .Many
people haven't been able to complete their education and graduate because of the tough
circumstances poverty has imposed upon them.

Listing the negative impacts on individuals experiencing childhood and adulthood in poverty
could be summed up in three points featuring health damages either physically or mentally,
changes in character which normally show up later in the future, and uncompleted education
that can ruin their career lives.

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