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BM035-3-1-FEP Page 1 of 4


A) Learning Outcome (LO2)
Explain the multiple principles and theories used in
LO1 Final Exam
entrepreneurship. (C2,PLO1)
Relate the critical thinking skills to solve entrepreneurship
LO2 problems in a group through creative business plan (A4,
Organise presentation to address concepts of entrepreneurship, idea Group
assessment and business plan development (A4, PLO5) presentation

B) Assessment Criteria

This assignment represents 30% of the total marks for this subject and this assessment is
worth 100%.

The report must follow on the standard academic format as stated below:
i. Font : 12
ii. Font size : Times New Roman
iii. Spacing : 1.5
iv. Due date : 14h March 2022
v. Margin : Justify (Justified Text)

Documentation Requirements
Please pay particular attention to the following:
✓ The report must follow the standard academic format (item B)
✓ 3000 words of a brief company business plan
✓ The business plan must be based on the assignment structure (item E)
✓ Plagiarism is prohibited (Less than 20% is acceptable)
✓ You should have a minimum of 5 references to substantiate your research and
essay writing.
✓ You are REQUIRED to use the Harvard referencing format for this assignment.
Include at least one book as a reference.

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

BM035-3-1-FEP Page 2 of 4

C) Assignment

The video game industry as a whole marked yet another sales record last year, being now worth
over 130 billion U.S. dollars. 2020’s Top 10 biggest video game brands are also largely the
same as in the previous years. The following lists the Top 10 biggest video game companies
2020 in the world by the achieved gaming revenue last year.

In a group of FIVE members, your team is requested to prepare a brief video games
company (below) business plan based on your group number


Gaming Revenue: $20.3 billion

Gaming Revenue: $11.1 billion

Gaming Revenue: $11.0 billion

Gaming Revenue: $9.2 billion

Gaming Revenue: $6.5 billion

Gaming Revenue: $5.1 billion

Gaming Revenue: $3.2 billion

Gaming Revenue: $3.1 billion

Gaming Revenue: $2.5 billion

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

BM035-3-1-FEP Page 3 of 4

Your group has to prepare 3000 words a brief company business plan based on the following
requirements and make a narrative presentation about the company that they could use to
convince potential investors.

The requirements of your report include:

1. Executive Summary
2. Vision and Mission Statement
3. Goals and Objectives
4. Value Proposition: Products & Service towards the economy, social, education, etc
5. Market Analysis (Market Segmentation)
a. Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioural
b. SWOT Analysis: Internal & External
6. Recommendation: Based on SWOT analysis for current and future applications to
continuously be a successful venture.

Note: You are required to provide proper citations and reference pages when referring to any
external sources of information, theories, concepts, and framework when writing your report.

D) Marks Allocation
Refer to marking rubric (as attached)

E) Assignment Structure:
When completing the assignment, it should have the following general structure:
i. Cover page
ii. Table of contents
iii. Executive Summary
iv. Vision and Mission Statement
v. Goals and Objectives
vi. Value Proposition
vii. Market Analysis
a. Market Segmentation
b. SWOT Analysis
viii. Recommendation
ix. References

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

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Criteria Poor Fair Good Excellence Score
1 pts - 3 pts 4 pts - 5 pts 6 pts - 8 pts 9 pts - 10 pts 10
Executive Summary & Vision , Mission
Background details are random Adequately explain background but Sufficient background information is
Goals & Objectives Contain detail background information.
collection of information and unclear. may lack in detail. provided.
1 pts - 5 pts 6 pts - 10 pts 11 pts - 15 pts 16 pts - 20 pts 20

An ability to think critically is

Value Proposition Basic information incorporating Accurate information incorporating It is beyond description to
demonstrated in the analysis,
relevant sources and references is relevant sources and references is interpretation, analysis and
synthesis and evaluation of relevant
conveyed. conveyed evaluation.
1 pts - 5 pts 6 pts - 10 pts 11 pts - 15 pts 16 pts - 20 pts 20
A clear and unambiguous statement of
A thoughtful statement of position is
A common statement of position is position is presented and defended
Market Analysis presented and defended through
A position is adopted and logically presented and defended through through logical arguments and
Description, Application -PLC, Geographic, logical arguments and carefully
argued. Fails to provide examples. ordinary arguments and supportive carefully selected supportive detail.
Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioural selected supportive detail. Provides
Examples are irrelevant. detail. Provide examples that illustrate Provides detailed and relevant
relevant examples that clearly
key points. examples that clearly illustrate key
illustrate key points.

1 pts - 4 pts 5 pts - 9 pts 10 pts - 14 pts 15 pts - 20 pts 20

Detailed discussion of all parts of the

SWOT Analysis:
An average grasp of subject matter is Most key concepts are identified and essay question. All key concepts are
Internal & External A basic grasp of subject matter is
demonstrated. Identifies and defines defined. A beyond thoughtful grasp identified and defined. A
about half of the key concepts. of subject matter is demonstrated. comprehensive grasp of the subject
matter is demonstrated.

1 pts - 4 pts 5 pts - 9 pts 10 pts - 14 pts 15 pts - 20 pts 20

Recommendation: Detailed discussion of all parts of the

Based on SWOT in current and future An average grasp of subject matter is Most key concepts are identified and essay question. All key concepts are
A basic grasp of subject matter is
application demonstrated. Identifies and defines defined. A beyond thoughtful grasp identified and defined. A
about half of the key concepts. of subject matter is demonstrated. comprehensive grasp of the subject
matter is demonstrated.

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts-4 pts 5 pts 5

Writing style lacks some clarity; some Writing is mostly clear; generally The writing is essentially error free in
Formating -write using academic language Writing contains numerous errors in
flaws in logical flow and structure; logical flow and structure. Mostly term of mechanics. Mostly logical flow
and structure. spelling, grammar. Sentence lacks
some use of discipline -specific written in discipline specific academic and structure. Correct use of discipline-
logical flow and structure. High
academic language. Frequent errors in language. Some minor spelling or specific academic language. No
spelling, grammar. grammatical errors. spelling or grammatical errors.
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts-4 pts 5 pts 5
A good variety of sources are
Formating -citation & referencing Some source variety. Most sources
Sources are exclusively of one (1) type, Sources presented meet the required represented interm of
used are weighted towards certain
Web sources. variety in the assignment. schorlarly/historical/current
types of sources.
news/opinion, webprint.

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 2022

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