Tarot and Energy Psychology

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Tarot and Energy Psychology

Easy does it!

Will I get married? Is she my soul mate?

Is he faithful to me? W ill I find love again?
Get an immediate answer with the Tarot
And reach a place of true fulfilment
with Energy Psychology

Johanne Bibeau & Sophie Merle

We dedicate this book to You, its reader,
and to Marie-Eve, dearest "Cocotte Ascendant Nonotte!"

As a bumper sticker reads...

"The best way to predict the future is to help create it!"
Johanne Bibeau
Born in Montréal, Canada, Johanne is an
Astrologer and Tarot card reader with nearly 30 years of
experience. As a former radio and TV host, and owner of
a successful web site (DestinyTarot.com), Johanne has
drawn a loyal audience of over one million people. In
November 2002, she was featured in Oprah’s "O
Magazine". Currently residing in Palm Beach Gardens
(Florida), Johanne has become one of the most sought-
after Astrologer in the U.S.

Sophie Merle
Born in Paris, France, Sophie is a published
writer whose work has been featured in the French
"Book of the Month Club". She is the author of many
books promoting physical and emotional well-being
through the use of Energy techniques such as Feng Shui,
or from the ever-growing field of Energy Psychology.
She has also authored a Tarot book interpreting 9240
combinations of the Major Arcana. Sophie is currently
residing in Las Vegas (Nevada US).

A match made in Heaven!

Johanne and I (Sophie) met for the first time in 1993. Or shall I say, met
again since it certainly felt as if we had known each other long before this initial
encounter. Being one of the most gracious person I know, Johanne also had
something that fascinated me: Her knowledge of the Tarot. A knowledge
doubled with a patience only professed by grand teachers. I owe Johanne a lot.
Not only did she teach me the Tarot, but she also unearthed my true purpose
in life: That of a writer. With this trilogy: "Love, Easy does it!", "Money, Easy
does it!", and "Health, Easy does it!" we fulfill a promise made to each other
a long time ago.


Countless people have played a major role in helping us develop our skills
and shape our unique characteristics (good and bad!). While we certainly hold dearest
to our hearts all those whose companionship has been sweet and pleasing, we extend
our gratitude to all.
We would like to specifically highlight the role of Rock, the late son of
Johanne, who has been directly instrumental to the creation of this book. We love
you and know, clear as day, your eternal presence.
Marie-Eve Lavoie, to whom we have dedicated this book, is the awesome
daughter of Johanne. Brilliant, beautiful and fun, you are treasured!
We both wish to offer a heartfelt thank you to Carol Ann Rowland, MSW
RSW, creator of Zensight Process. Your selfless devotion in promoting the ineffable
healing potency of Energy Psychology, along your strong support while formulating
Zensight for this book, has made its creation most enjoyable. We admire your work
and joyfully celebrate the magnificent union of Zensight with the Tarot you have
allowed us to perform.
I, Johanne, am expressing a deep gratitude to my many friends and clients for
your continued encouragements. Thank you for standing by me through thick and
thin, and for your awesome support of my Astrology and Tarot practice. It would take
at least ten pages to name you all!
Thank you Mireille Giosetto for introducing me to the Tarot when I was still
in my teens. And also to Lenore Fredman, Susan Ramus and Angela Lambert for
your love and contribution to this book.
I, Sophie, first and foremost would like to honor my husband Pierre and our
children, Marc and Romain. Only through your love and support have I been able to
express my true purpose and calling in life. I am profoundly grateful to you.
Each of the following (in alphabetical order, not in order of preference!):
Geneviève Bally, Phree Bartley, Alesha Bassford, Sophie de Beer, Charlotte Jemison,
Renée Louédin, Laurence Miller-Cameau, Carol Morgan, Barbee Phillips, Richard
Ross, Carol Ann Rowland, *Star* and Maryse Wagner, are very dear and trusted
friends whom I deeply cherish. Thank you for being in my life.
My appreciation also goes out to all the readers of my books. Thank you for
the curiosity you expressed in their innovative topics, trusting your abilities to heal
your problems and transform your life. Our journeys together through personal
Energy Psychology sessions or Feng Shui consultations have deeply enhanced my
existence as well.
And lastly, we wish to honor each other. This book is a definite tribute to our
long friendship.

Table of contents
The authors ... 3
Acknowledgments ... 4
Table of contents ... 5

Introduction to the Tarot by Johanne Bibeau

A short history of the Tarot ... 9
The purpose of the Tarot ... 10
The Tarot deck ... 11
The symbolic meanings of the Major Arcana ... 13
The Inner work of the Tarot ... 20

Introduction to Energy Psychology by Sophie Merle

Introduction to Energy Psychology ... 21
The 4-Card Tarot Spread and Zensight ... 23
The Zensight Process ... 26
Examples of Zensight healing statements ... 27
Open-ended statements ... 28
Closing statements ... 28
Installing Positives ... 30
Working with "Parts of Self"... 30

The 4-Card Tarot Love Spread with Zensight

Preparation for your readings ... 33
Example of a 4-Card Tarot Love Spread reading ... 34

Answers to the 4-Card Spread/ Zensight Healing Exercises

The Magician I ... 37
Zensight: “I heal my relationship with ...” ... 37
The High Priestess II ... 40
Zensight: “Can’t trust others, it’s my way or the highway!” ... 40
The Empress III ... 43
Zensight: “Yes, I have the right to exist and I can fight for myself!” ... 43
The Emperor IV ... 46
Zensight: I step into my own power now!” ... 46
The Pope V ... 49
Zensight: “No more of this painful being single!” ... 49
The Lovers VI ... 53
Zensight: "If only I was beautiful and attractive!" ... 53
The Chariot VII ... 56
Zensight: "Put the heat on, I am stuck on a frozen path!" ... 56

The Justice VIII ... 59
Zensight: "I am ready to love again, but differently!" ... 59
The Hermit IX ... 63
Zensight: "I heal my fear of being alone, now!" ... 63
The Wheel of Fortune X ... 67
Zensight: "Are things ever going to work out right for me?" ... 67
The Strength XI ... 71
Zensight: "Wow, such fallacious beliefs, I heal them all!"... 71
The Hanged Man XII ... 76
Zensight: "Can someone please help me?" ... 76
The Death XIII ... 79
Zensight: "Healing the fear of the unknown and all the grief within."...79
The Temperance XIV ... 83
Zensight: "It’s easy for me to receive, no more need to be a pack rat!" ...
The Devil XV ... 86
Zensight: "It’s not me, I am just playing a role!" ... 86
The Broken House XVI ... 90
Zensight: "Healing antagonism in relationships." ... 90
The Star XVII ... 94
Zensight: "I clearly see all of my blessing, I know inner peace." ... 94
The Moon XVIII ... 98
Zensight: "Illusions, delusions, I clear them all!" ... 98
The Sun XIX ... 101
Zensight: "Bliss and Happiness? You must be kidding!" ... 101
The Judgment XX ... 105
Zensight: "I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Me?"
The World XXI ... 109
Zensight: "At long last, being richly rewarded!" ... 109
The Fool ... 113
Zensight: "It’s about time that I grow-up!"... 113

The Three-Card Tarot Spread

Introduction to the Three-Card Tarot Spread ... 118
How to proceed ... 118
Example using the Three-Card Tarot Spread ... 119
Answers to Three-Card readings initiated by the Sun XIX or the Star XVII ... 120
Initiator/The Magician I, followed by ... ... 121
Initiator/The High Priestess II, followed by ... ... 123
Initiator/The Empress III, followed by ... ... 125
Initiator/The Emperor IV, followed by ... ... 127
Initiator/The Pope V, followed by ... ... 129
Initiator/The Lovers VI, followed by ... ... 131
Initiator/The Chariot VII, followed by ... ... 133

Initiator/The Justice VIII, followed by ... ... 135
Initiator/The Hermit IX, followed by ... ... 137
Initiator/The Wheel of Fortune X, followed by ... ... 139
Initiator/The Strength XI, followed by... ... 141
Initiator/The Hanged Man XII, followed by ... ... 143
Initiator/The Death XIII, followed by ... ... 145
Initiator/The Temperance XIV, followed by ... ... 147
Initiator/The Devil XV, followed by ... ... 149
Initiator/The Broken House XVI, followed by ... ... 151
Initiator/The Star XVII, followed by ... ... 153
Initiator/The Moon XVIII, followed by ... ... 155
Initiator/The Sun XIX, followed by ... ... 157
Initiator/The Judgment XX, followed by ... ... 159
Initiator/The World XXI, followed by ... ... 161
Initiator/The Fool, followed by ... ... 163
Answers to Three-Card readings initiated by The Pope V ... 165
The Pope V/The Magician I, followed by ... ... 166
The Pope V/The High Priestess II, followed by ... ... 168
The Pope V/The Empress III, followed by ... ... 170
The Pope V/The Emperor IV, followed by ... ... 172
The Pope V/The Lovers VI, followed by ... ... 174
The Pope V/The Chariot VII, followed by ... ... 176
The Pope V/The Justice VIII, followed by ... ... 178
The Pope V/The Hermit IX, followed by ... ... 180
The Pope V/The Wheel of Fortune X, followed by ... ... 182
The Pope V/The Strength XI, followed by... ... 184
The Pope V/The Hanged Man XII, followed by ... ... 186
The Pope V/The Death XIII, followed by ... ... 188
The Pope V/The Temperance XIV, followed by ... ... 190
The Pope V/The Devil XV, followed by ... ... 192
The Pope V/The Broken House XVI, followed by ... ... 194
The Pope V/The Star XVII, followed by ... ... 197
The Pope V/The Moon XVIII, followed by ... ... 199
The Pope V/The Sun XIX, followed by ... ... 201
The Pope V/The Judgment XX, followed by ... ... 203
The Pope V/The World XXI, followed by ... ... 205
The Pope V/The Fool, followed by ... ... 207

And more with ... 210

The "Past, Present and Future" Tarot Spread
How to proceed ... 211
Meanings of the 22 Major Arcana in their Past/Present/Future positions ... 212
The Magician I ... 212

The High Priestess II ... 212
The Empress III ... 212
The Emperor IV ... 213
The Pope V ... 213
The Lovers VI ... 214
The Chariot VII ... 214
The Justice VIII ... 214
The Hermit IX ... 215
The Wheel of Fortune X ... 215
The Strength XI ... 215
The Hanged Man XII ... 216
The Death XIII ... 216
The Temperance XIV ... 217
The Devil XV ... 217
The Broken House XVI ... 217
The Star XVII ... 218
The Moon XVIII ... 218
The Sun XIX ... 219
The Judgment XX ... 219
The World XXI ... 219
The Fool ... 220

The "Yes - Maybe- No" Tarot Spread

How to proceed ... 221

The "Full Moon Love Energy Attractor"

How to proceed ... 222

Annexes ... 223

Energy Psychology: The Personal Development Methods of the Twenty-
First Century by David Gruder, Ph.D. ... 224
The Amazing promises of the Zero Point Field by Tijn Touber ... 227
Shuffle Brain by Paul Pietsch ... 237

Resources ... 248

Introduction to the Tarot
by Johanne Bibeau

A short history of the Tarot

The origin of the Tarot dates back to the Middle Ages when the first traces
of structured cards can be found. The Tarot deck existed and was used in the same
way as ordinary playing cards for games, gambling, simple amusement, etc. The
following history and explanation of the Tarot is a summary of my studies on the
The oldest historical deck of cards found in Europe dates from the 14th
century. Gypsies came from India to Europe in the 9th century with sacred books
holding spiritual beliefs they spread along. People believed they were from Egypt,
hence calling them "Gypties", which later became "Gypsies". Many of the Gypsies’s
beliefs centered on the "Great Mother": Isis, Parvati, Artemis, Athene, Minerva,
Diana, and Madonna, which they called TARA.
The Saracens used cards for both divination and games since the 8th century.
The ancient "LUDI" or sacred games were banned by the church, hence the word
ludicrous. Astrology (considered clairvoyance at the time) was also banned by the
Romans who were trying to maintain control and power over their Empire in the face
of a growing Christianity. Because of this pressure, an alternative means of keeping
its wisdom alive had to be found.
During the 14th century the disciples of clairvoyance (astrologers) decided to
add 22 cards, known as the 22 Major Arcana, to the existing Tarot deck. Astrological
signs and symbols of the planets were concealed in the design to avoid persecution
and provided a safe and subtle way of continuing the art of divination. These symbols
were often depicted in foreign languages (some of which are now extinct., whereas
others can still be found in today’s Tarot decks).
Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, western Christianity flourished
and churches, cathedrals and oratories were built on sites considered sacred by
ancient cultures. The laborers organized themselves into structured and powerful
"brotherhoods" consisting of construction workers, project managers, carpenters,
stonemasons, sculptors and painters. They transmitted a spiritual message through
the use of astrological signs and symbols of the planets, and were backed by their
influential patrons and financiers, including the spiritual and temporal Masons and
Freemasons. However, this constructive wave of faith was brutally interrupted in
1314 by rivalries of power.
Under the directive of King of France, Philippe le Bel, together with the
Pope’s approval, the Grand Masters of the Masons were burned in Paris and their
order dissolved. The remaining Masons were persecuted and their vast wealth
confiscated. The Master builders, pursued by the Inquisition and accused of heretic

divination, while having lost a significant part of their financial backing, were forced
to scatter rapidly.
In a climate of increasingly radical Catholic dogma, they sought a means to
preserve and hand down their sacred knowledge. The method they chose, was to add
the 22 Major Arcana to the already existing Tarot deck. In full view and therefore
above suspicion, this pictural knowledge was able to survive through the ages and
transcend barriers of language and the written word. The game’s popularity assured
both the diffusion and continuation of the Tarot, all the while limiting the risk of its
deep-seated significance to be lost.
The Tarot game that appeared around the year 1375, encountered an
enormous success among the working class. Two years later, efforts were made to
regulate and even prohibit it altogether. People from the upper class and other
important figures of the time had already become seduced and captivated by the
game. In fact, a number of desks, called "Princely Tarot", were designed by the finest
artists of the era depicting spiritual meanings
At the end of the 18th century, Court of Gebelin asserted that the Tarot was
indeed expressing a hidden source of knowledge, once attributed to the wisdom of
ancient Egypt. The 19th century further reinforced beliefs that the esoteric character
of the Tarot conferred a means of divination. By the 20th century, two uses of the
cards coexisted - one for game purposes only with a deck of cards diverted of any
esoteric symbolism within four suits: clubs, spades, hearts and diamond, while
artistically designed Tarot decks, holding divinatory messages, continued to be used
for divination purposes.

The purpose of the Tarot

Millions of people have been mesmerized by the Tarot through the ages for
reasons of a profound nature; be it contemplative, predictive, even healing as we
suggest in this book.
Tarot symbols are the lexicon of the unconscious, expressing intuitions,
premonitions and dreams. The cards are just the instrument that gives access to the
infinite knowledge that it stores. Knowing how to decipher those symbols, like
developing any other skill, becomes easier and more interesting with practice. As
with mastering a foreign language, perseverance is essential.
Parapsychologists say that under hypnosis we can retrieve memories from
long forgotten past events, which may also hold true of past lives. Our subconscious
mind is a vast pool of information connected to a super-consciousness or universal
consciousness. If we have the power to access the past, we can access the future as

How many times have you heard someone say: "I knew it. I had the feeling

it would happen.", or you knew who was calling before you picked-up the phone?
Most of us have already experienced those feelings of "déjà vu", had premonitions,
or thoughts in simultaneous utterance with others. Where does this come from? Many
of my clients have told me: "I see my future in my dreams. Before falling asleep, I
ask my subconscious what will happen with this or that, and I get an answer when
I wake-up. The most remarkable is that I live exactly what my dream has predicted."
We all have had intuitions, feelings or precognitive dreams that came to pass.
There are no coincidences, weird happenings or accidents. Our future lies in
our deepest selves. The synchronized access to this, as yet obscured future
(knowledge stored in the subconscious mind) is revealed as unexpectedly and as
fleetingly as seeing a shooting star. It is neither imagination nor the power of reason.
Rather, it is simply becoming consciously aware of the future, here and now. Albeit
still "unknown", the future seems prearranged, planned and structured. The Tarot
reveals what this future holds through its images, allowing us, if needed, to make
adjustments before it unfolds.
If we know how to investigate our feelings, dreams and intuitions, we
certainly don’t need the Tarot to know about our future. However, since few of us are
able to pay close attention to these messages, the Tarot becomes our best conveyer
of information. Especially when we carefully chose the cards, allowing for a
subconscious guidance during the selection.
When we consult the Tarot, the cards specifically speak about our feelings,
concerns, ambitions and desires. They give us substantive information and answers.
Therefore they can be used as an aid in developing the intuitive parts of our brain.
The Tarot is a kind, friendly and useful guide that can be consulted for
getting information about ourselves, as well as for retrieving information concerning
others. It can be used whenever we want and as many times as we want. Note also
that the "future" captured via the cards is only made of probabilities. It is a vision
that keeps our free-will intact.

The Tarot deck

A Tarot deck is composed of seventy-eight cards separated into twenty-two
Major Arcana and fifty-six Minor Arcana.
I have been reading the Tarot for more than twenty-five years using only the
twenty-two Major Arcana. Representing a person or a symbolic scene, they convey
direct, practical and precise information. This method is totally adapted to our
modern world and eliminates the confusion and common mistakes made by those
using a full deck, which can only be mastered by the best trained readers. In my long
career as a professional Tarot consultant (alongside my astrology practice), I have
conducted readings for many people in the profession, as well as for notorious
authors, with excellent feedbacks

All the different Tarot spreads you will find in this book make only use of the
twenty-two Major Arcana . They come with the complete interpretation of all of your
readings and have been successfully tested with hundreds of people over a long
period of time. They will allow you to get an immediate, precise and accurate answer
to each and every one of your questions.
The fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana, numbered from Ace to Ten, depict
four different types of people of a noble rank: King, Queen, Page and Knight. The
Minors are divided into four groups: swords, pentacles, wands and cups
corresponding the spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts in the popular version of the
Tarot. They explain primarily the mundane details of a person’s life, announcing
meetings and special events, talking about one’s immediate circle of family and
The symbolism of the twenty-two Major Arcana is definitely more
sophisticated, combining the spiritual, intellectual and practical. They allegorically
portray the consultant’s inner journey, his or her actual set of mind and state of
affairs, while exposing upcoming challenges and how to best overcome them. The
Major Arcana convey accurate and insightful messages, yet simple and easy to
understand. They incorporate ten cards of a positive nature, five negative, and seven
neutral. Many people believe that their interpretation ought to change depending
upon their upright or downright appearance in a spread. Since its inception, the Tarot
has been read only by the meanings of the cards, regardless of the way they happen
to surface in a spread.

The symbolic meanings of the Major Arcana

The Magician I (Le Bateleur)
Appearance: This card shows a young man standing in front of
a table who is holding a stick in his left hand and a penny in his
right hand.
Meanings: The beginning of an action, developing new talents,
experimenting, creating, manifesting, focusing, venturing into the
unknown, finding a worthwhile purpose, feeling strong and in
control of one’s life, ambition, artistry, expertise, individuality,
craftsmanship, dedication, organizational skills, self-reliance.
Weaknesses: Can be too impetuous with a knack for twisting the
truth and become easily bored and lazy.

The High Priestess II (La Papesse)

Appearance: This card shows a mature woman holding an book
on her lap, ready to expose the truth.
Meanings: Stillness, intuition, self-knowledge, soul-searching,
remembering and understanding the past, discerning the truth,
premonition, ethics, courtesy, scrupulous data, important
documents, business venture, contracts, power of decision,
added responsibilities, accurate news. Weaknesses: Can be too
intimidating, showing no feelings, never explaining herself or her
actions, frightened when slowing down, shying away from
romance and passion.

The Empress III (L’Impératrice)

Appearance: This card shows a very young woman who seems
pregnant, seated on a throne, passive and serene.
Meanings: Innocent love, childbirth, maternal productivity,
patient anticipation, purity, inexperience, serenity, lenience,
modesty, devotion to a good cause, satisfaction, the ability to give
birth to ideas, nurturing a new project, expressing one’s feelings
openly, being receptive, transmitting verbal or written news.
Weaknesses: Can be too submissive and passive, too trusting and
only interested in puerile things.

The Emperor IV (L’Empereur)

Appearance: This card shows a man seated on a throne holding
a specter in his right hand. At his feet is a shield bearing the device of an Imperial

Eagle, symbol of worldly power.
Meanings: Leadership, mastery, autonomy, sovereignty, high
standing, worldly realization, social structures, increase of
personal power, mighty vigor and stamina, important material
achievements, the power to influence other people’s lives.
Weaknesses: Can be too controlling, domineering and one-
sided, only following his own fancies without sensitivity to
anyone’s feelings and wishes.

The Pope V (Le Pape)

Appearance: This card shows a religious man giving his blessings to two people. He
is wearing a three-tiered crown and holding a triple-cross symbolizing three worlds:
The divine, the intellectual and the physical.
Meanings: Traditions, rituals, faith, doctrine, religion, blessings,
sacraments, marriage, partnership, association, community,
family, institutions, brotherhood, spiritual and temporal
protection, healing, charity, mercy, anything related to the home
and real estate matters. Weaknesses: Can be guilt-ridden, self-
sacrificing, acting out of conformity, intensifying problems.

The Lovers VI (L’Amoureux)

Appearance: This card shows a young man solicited by two women who are enticing
him to follow them. Cupid is ready to shoot his arrow!
Meanings: Propositions, new opportunities, several options or
choices, negotiations, engagement, commitment, reconciliation,
love, emotional partnering, romantic feelings, pleasure, two
possibilities, double-happiness. Weaknesses: Can be indecisive,
vacillating, lack self-confidence, and miss good opportunities by
doubting his chances.

The Chariot VII (Le Chariot)

Appearance: This card shows a man standing firmly on a fast-
moving chariot propelled by two horses charging ahead.

Meanings: All types of travel and modes of transportation,
foreign countries, relocation, beneficial forces in motion, media,
publicity, ambition, expansion, progress, swift development,
renewed vigor, conquest, victory, triumph.
Weaknesses: Can be too independent, forge ahead too fast
without making use of past experiences or leave unfinished
business behind in eagerness to move forward

The Justice VIII (La Justice)

Appearance: This card shows a woman seated on a throne holding a scale in one
hand and an upraised double-edged sword in the other.
Meanings: Consequences of past and present actions,
investigation, assessment of a situation, reviewing past choices,
cutting through illusions, adjustment, clarity, awareness, honesty,
legality, judgment, sentencing, settlement, final verdict, fair
outcome, equilibrium. Weaknesses: Can be too cold, suspicious,
discriminating, intolerant, righteous and bitter.

The Hermit IX (L’Ermite)

Appearance: This card shows an older man wearing a long robe,
holding a lantern in his right hand to light his path, and walking slowly with a
wooden stick.
Meanings: Waiting, delays, withdrawal, vigilance, patience,
something lacking, wisdom, erudition, education, counseling,
self-sufficiency, pondering, taking a break, proceeding alone,
looking for evidence.
Weaknesses: Can be too serious, thrifty, withdrawn, in denial of
his own needs

The Wheel of Fortune X (La Roue de la Fortune)

Appearance: This card shows the coming and going of all things
symbolized by a moving wheel to which allegorical figures are clinging.

Meanings: Luck at play, a turn for the better, the end result of past actions and the
working of destiny, important change of circumstances, gifts,
inheritance, material assets, rewards, immediate or rapid events,
swift activity, outside influence. Weaknesses: Can go too fast,
gamble his chances, lack the ability to take control of a situation,
be unstable, shaky.

The Strength XI (La Force)

Appearance: This card shows a young woman wearing a large
hat in the form of a lemniscate, mastering a lion effortlessly.
Meanings: Inner strength, strong will, magnetism, physical
stamina, reliability, intelligence, ingenuity, mastery, honor,
control of resources, recovery, healing, well-earned success, all
desires fulfilled.
Weaknesses: Can be too egocentric, overly confident (things
come easy to her), and bypass good advise from others.

The Hanged Man XII (Le Pendu)

Appearance: This card shows a young man hanging up-side-
down with one leg attached by the foot to the gallows, hands tied behind his back.
Meanings: Deprived of a clear vision on a situation, guilt, pessimism, unsettling
news, powerlessness, hopelessness, inner-conflicts, self-
condemnation, stuck in a rut, setbacks, inertia, stagnation, lack of
vitality, overly dependant upon others. Insight: Could change his
outlook on things, stop playing victim, recognize his own strength
and make the necessary efforts to untie himself from a
troublesome situation.

The Death XIII (La Mort) This card rarely refers to physical
Appearance: This card shows a skeleton walking on the ground
and holding a stick with two hands.
Meanings: Complete transformation of a situation, end of a cycle and beginning of

another yet unknown, abrupt and non anticipated change (which
can be excellent) , letting go of the old, starting anew, drastic
transformation a mode of thoughts and actions, total
metamorphosis, renewal, rebirth.
Insight: With the ability to persist despite difficulties and
roadblocks, there is no need for constant change and drastic

The Temperance XIV (La Temperance)

Appearance: This card shows an angel (the Angel of Time), pouring water back and
forth from one vase to another.
Meanings: Providence at play, slow but steady progress, the
strengthening of a situation, weighing the pros and cons,
softening angles, adjusting, compromising, observing a steady
routine, moderation, self-control, emotional balance, inner and
outer peace, sweet satisfaction. Weaknesses: Can be too tedious,
quiet and boring, fearful of change and of the unknown, or wish
to please and keep the peace at all costs.

The Devil XIV (Le Diable)

Appearance: This card shows a strange male character half-
goat/half-bat, controlling and restraining two creatures (one male
and one female), by tying them to himself.
Meanings: Compulsive behaviors, obsessive need to possess,
dominate and control, substance abuse, self-sabotaging actions,
overwhelming jealousy, blind passion, prejudice, dishonesty,
avoiding self-responsibility, manipulation, lies, corruption,
adultery, sexual enslavement. Insight: Need of a serious reality
check, realizing other people’s feelings. Freedom from bondage
and enslavement is possible.

The Broken House XVI (La Maison-Dieu)

Appearance: This card shows a narrow tower hit by a lighting
bolt, from which two people are falling down to the ground.
Meanings: Conflicts, miscommunication, crisis, break-up, adversity, quick and
unforeseen events, sudden disruption of one’s routine, a chain of events forcing a

restructuring, a shock but not necessarily a disaster.
Insight: The need to check the foundation of a situation before
it collapses. Destruction is sometime needed in order to rebuild
on stronger ground.

The Star XVII (L’Etoile)

Appearance: This card shows a young naked young woman
kneeing by a river under a starry sky, pouring water on the
ground and onto the stream from two urns.
Meanings: New lease on life, high hopes for the future, promises fulfilled,
aspirations granted, truth revealed, love and happiness.
Weaknesses: A great believer in the intrinsic kindness of all
humanity, benevolent and compassionate, she often neglects to
protect herself. "Sprit will provide"is her credo, hence a lack
drive to fight for herself and what she needs.

The Moon XVIII (La Lune)

Appearance: This card shows the moon beaming her light over
two towers. Two dogs in front are howling at the heavens and a
large lobster emerges from the deep of a pool of water.
Meanings: Fecundity, dreams, prolific imagination, the activity of the unconscious,
vision restrained, uncertainty, betrayal, disillusionment,
confusion, ambiguity, clandestinity, deep fears, real or imaginary
danger, lack of freedom and autonomy.
Insight: Deep in the shadow dwells a diamond in the rough!

The Sun XIX (Le Soleil)

Appearance: This card shows the sun shining brightly over a
boy and a girl who are standing arm in arm in front of a low stone wall.
Meanings: Magnificent development of a situation, start of a splendid phase in life,
engagement, marriage, radiance, love, happiness, prosperity, everything is as good

as it gets.
Weaknesses: Can easily believe that his happiness is "too good
to be true" and spoil it with fear and doubt. Needs to be reassured
and fears nothing more than being alone.

The Judgment XX (Le Jugement)

Appearance: This card shows Angel Gabriel standing high in the
sky and blowing a trumpet adorned with a banner. Below, three
people are rising from their tombs.
Meanings: The outcome of an action (involving the law or
otherwise),other people’s decisions, surprising declaration, love at first sight,
unexpected announcement, something out of the ordinary,
acceptance of what is now, clearing the past, forgiving others or
self, upcoming event requiring a swift decision without knowing
all the facts. Weaknesses: Can bee too fearful of being judged or
of the unknown, also not fond of surprises, lacking self-assurance.

The World XXI (Le Monde)

Appearance: This card shows a beautiful woman, almost naked
except for a narrow scarf blowing in the wind, dancing within an
egg-shaped wreath. Standing at the corners appear a winged-
angel, an eagle, a lion and a bull.
Meanings: Grandiose completion of a project, efforts richly
rewarded, luck on a grand scale, huge success, big popularity, important clientele,
large crowds, worldly expansion. Soul mate connection.
Weaknesses: Can be too demanding and never truly satisfied,
having expectations hard for others to meet.

The Fool (Le Fou)

This card is not numbered. It can either be placed at the beginning or at the
end of the twenty-two Major Arcana series.
Appearance: This card shows a young man carrying a bundle on
his shoulder, walking with a stick toward the right of the card
(meaning the future), while a dog bites his left leg.
Meanings: Extravagance, lack of discipline, misjudgment, senseless action, unkept
promises, unrealistic goals, wandering aimlessly, abdicating responsibilities,
carelessness, frivolity, taking chances. Insight: Far from being all bad, the Fool

believes in endless possibilities. Fearless, nothing excites him more than the
unknown, the unpredictable and walking out of the ordinary.

The Inner work of the Tarot

As stated previously, when we consult the Tarot, the Major Arcana portray
our current state of mind and the ordeals we face, showing how to best channel our
energies and handle our lives. However, I have done countless readings and have yet
to see someone who will back-up from rushing into a painful experience. Although
being warned to change gears while still possible, nobody is home to listen. Why is
that? Because we need a boost that the Tarot alone cannot provide.
The best approach I have found to help soothe our pain and suffering (having
experienced it first hand in the most dramatic fashion through the loss of my son),
belongs to a new discipline called "Energy Psychology". Profoundly affected by his
death and suffering from an unshakable burn-out for over three years, this
revolutionary approach has allowed me to regain all of my strength and zest for life
in the blink of an eye. The very next day, after just one session with Sophie over the
phone, I was back into being my normal self again.
That swift healing quite naturally caught my attention. To be totally honest,
at first I could not believe what was happening. It seemed to be too good to be true
and I was expecting to fall back any minute into my previous state of being. But as
days, weeks and months passed, I only had to admit my renewed vitality and joie
de vivre. Resolving the very deep pain I was experiencing with the help of this
wondrous procedure enabled me to fully enjoy my life again.
In awe with my own healing, I asked Sophie if she would be willing to
provide the whereabouts and practice of this powerful technique. Being a prolific
writer with successful books published in France, teaching different energy healing
modalities, she immediately agreed.

I am now handing the pen over to Sophie ...

Introduction to Energy Psychology

by Sophie Merle

Do we have some power over our destiny? Can we change our fate? Create
our own luck? The answer is a resounding YES. What challenges you right now can
either be considerably eased or eradicated. You definitely have the power to make
your life be as beautiful and exciting as you wish. What you want has to be yours or
else you would not have the slightest longing for it. All difficulties realizing our
aspirations only stem from inner blockages that must first be removed.

Your quest to discover what a situation has "in store" for you with the Tarot
can be made an empowering journey, where instead of waiting for the circumstances
to emerge, you can actively participate in their venues, even changing the outcome
of a situation or the way it will affect you. The Tarot conveys information not carved
in stone, but only strong probabilities according to the way things are conditioned to
develop at the moment the Tarot is questioned. And that conditioning can be altered.
The direction your life takes largely depends on your perception and beliefs. Your
influence over the course of your affairs is huge. Either positive or negative, your
convictions are the driving force behind the wheel. And those convictions can also
be altered. In both cases, the task of altering annoying beliefs and behaviors can
easily be performed with the Energy Psychology procedure offered alongside the 4-
Card spread in this book: Zensight Process created by Carol Ann Rowland, SMW,
We live in the most thrilling and creative times in recorded history. Although
continuously bombarded by harsh news we may believe otherwise, we are on the
verge of entering an era of deep human fulfillment. For each one of us this will come
from wiping out the root cause of our misery, which stands no where else but at the
very core of our own being. The dark side of our reality is just a reflection of all the
suffering our mind/body is harboring. And this is good news for what belongs to us
belongs to nobody else. We have the freedom to keep it or to get rid of it. The choice
is entirely ours. But the question is: Where and how do we dump what we no longer
We have been filled to the brim with all manners of erasing our "negative
thinking", supposedly the culprit of everything causing havoc in our lives. And God
knows, most of us have tried. Not only did we try, we did flip around those nagging
thoughts, judging harshly every bit of negativity we could find in ourselves. Now, I
don’t know about you, other brave soldiers of this "Positive Movement", but for me
the results have been quite disastrous. It only made me feel worse without changing
anything in my life. I was still battling the same demons, topped with added guilt and
a sense of failure.
This is what happens when we deny our truth by pushing away our so-called
negativity. It comes back with a vengeance. Do you know why? Because this
negativity is made of every unfulfilled need we have. Needs so fundamental to our
well-being that denying their many cries can only lead to a greater deterioration of
our lives. Yet, when we acknowledge how sad, disappointed or angry we are for
having unfulfilled needs, all the while "processing Zensight" upon this cruel
suffering, they suddenly get fulfilled as if by magic. Thus, the necessity to change
"our negative thinking" or alter any condition through sheer determination and will-
power (which rarely works in the long run as we all know), becomes useless.
The concept behind all Energy Psychology procedures is that every bit of our
suffering (emotional or otherwise) stems from a troubled flow of energy within our
energy system. Hence, regaining our ground only becomes a matter of bringing this
flow of energy back into its natural state. As a matter of fact, when people experience

this type of healing they often see their results as being borderline miraculous. For
instance, take the testimonial of Johanne after a one-hour session I conducted with
her over the phone:

"In April 2002 I lost my son. My physical and emotional being went
through some dramatic changes. My periods stopped that month,
from the emotional shock, and never returned. I went through a period
of sadness, depression and total burnout. My condition worsened year
after year. I visited several doctors and took all the medications they
prescribed. I added vitamins and exercise, but to no avail. I finally
reached the point that I couldn’t even read my own personal email.
My business suffered, as well as my social life. I stopped taking
medications which where not improving my physical and emotional
well-being. I only continued with my vitamins. Then in May 2005,
after a couple of contacts with Sophie and hearing about the
technique from her newsletter, I decided to try a session with her
(only one hour). After all, I had nothing to lose. Well, well, well! A
miracle happened that day!. Since then I am functioning back to
normal. I no longer have chronic fatigue, I am capable of working a
normal work day, and even my sex drive returned. I finally feel
emotionally balanced, which I haven’t felt for the last three years. I
strongly recommend this miraculous technique to everyone."

Experiencing Energy Psychology in such a powerful way is not uncommon,

and countless people have astonishing stories to tell as well. But what makes
Johanne’s first encounter with this method so special is that it propelled the creation
of this book together. We immediately saw the huge potential "doing Zensight"
would add to anyone’s journey with the Tarot, hence its inclusion within the 4-Card
Love Spread in this book.

Every one consulting the Tarot, but especially those wishing to solve a
problem, would benefit greatly from a quest of self-knowledge, asking themselves
questions such as: "What is my responsibility in the making of this situation?", "Is
there anything I am doing that keeps me lonely or broke?". The clearer we become
about our actions (or non-action) in any given situation, the more power we have
over it. Being stuck in difficult circumstances may not have happened from our own
conscious choosing, but clinging to them certainly is now that we have potent Energy
Psychology Techniques readily available to us.
The reason I have chosen to introduce Zensight as the tool for performing the

healing work suggested in this book, is that I find it to be the easiest to handle on our
own, all the while giving mind-blowing results. There is an unexplainable magic
happening with Zensight that no other modalities seem to match when self-applied,
allowing deep issues to be healed quite mysteriously. This awesome Zensight feature
is what has made this process my favorite to use and teach.
Several energy healing modalities have influenced the creation of Zensight,
most notably the ground breaking work of Dr. Larry Nims, celebrated psychologist
and creator of the renowned Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) Process. Borrowing some of
the fundamental tenets of Be Set Free Fast, Grant Connolly C.Ht, created the Zero
Point Process, which later became ZPoint Process, conjointly developed with Carol
Ann Rowland, SMW, RSW (creator of Zensight).
Any book presenting Energy Psychology would not be complete without
mentioning Gary Craig, creator of EFT- Emotional Freedom Techniques, worldly
acclaimed Energy Psychology Techniques using a specific set of acupuncture points
to bring about healing. If these wondrous procedures have become known across the
world , this incontestably comes from the proverbial generosity of Gary Craig, along
his tireless resolve to make Energy Psychology accessible to all (see bibliography).

The 4-Card Tarot Spread and Zensight

Each Tarot card conveys a message that supplies a story depending upon its
position in the 4-Card Tarot spread. According to your question, the four cards you
will randomly pick out of your deck will foretell the way the situation is most likely
going to evolve, based upon hidden (and sometimes rather obvious) components
which are about to play a major role in your circumstances. For instance, imagine for
a moment that you are currently involved in a great relationship with someone who
totally fits your idea of a perfect partner. Everything is going well. But still, you
have a few nagging thoughts: "Is this not too good to be true?", "Will it last?" After
all you have never been that happy before.
And there you go questioning the Tarot ...

You choose your four cards and start pondering upon their meanings. Yes,
the Tarot clearly says how fortunate you are. This relationship is a true blessing.
Unfortunately something is brewing in the shadow. A foolish act is about to be made
and you will be the one responsible for it. Your old demons have reawakened and
you are well on your way to undermining this relationship. You have done it in the
past and you are about to do it again. The cards have just revealed a recurrent pattern
of yours. At this very moment all is in place for the breaking of this relationship and
it is just a mere matter of time before this happens. Your fate is sealed. You are
destined to fail. You will lose your chances of happiness within a wonderful

relationship. Wow!
But wait, wait, do not despair just yet. Nothing is lost if you call Zensight to
the rescue. The truth is: Your fate is not sealed. You are never destined to fail in any
situation. Being doomed to failure is not of this world, although you may believe
otherwise. And who could blame you ? You know all too well your constant struggle
to get something dear to your heart that keeps eluding you, always seeing your
efforts being wasted for nothing. If that is not being plagued by ill-fate, what is it
then? This seeming "bad luck" only stems from a set of hidden beliefs and patterns
playing in your lives. And since those are hidden, you are quite naturally not aware
of them. Nevertheless, these beliefs are the driving force behind all of your choices
and decisions.
Indeed, we are motivated from within according to a set of rules impossible
to bypass without the consent of our deeper mind. We can spend decades trying to
achieve something that truly matters to us, if our conscious motives do not match our
unconscious desires, we will never succeed. For better understanding, suppose that
you have once achieved great success by "doing it all alone". You were barely out of
your teens when you decided to take matters into your own hand, evidently not
getting the support you were expecting from family and friends. A decision that led
you to exercise your strength and power in many enriching ways. However, thirty
years later, you still are "doing it all alone". Nobody is ever there to help you,
especially not your mate. And truth be told, you went through a bunch of them, all
irresponsible. For one reason or another, none of them could provide you with the
kind of partnership you so much needed in your life. Thus, are you doomed to ever
find someone who can contribute to your well-being? Is a productive partnership not
part of your "destiny"? Not so. By erasing its fundamental tenets, you can rewrite
almost any unsatisfactory script currently playing in your life. Zensight will help you
delete "all of the reasons" you have this painful "doing it all alone" issue, along with
all the automatic behaviors that are leading you to experience: "Nobody is ever there
to help me".
Our most significant problem in life, one bypassing all the others combined,
is a lack of true awareness of the existence of our subconscious mind. A very costly
ignorance since its influence over the course of our existence is utterly prodigious.
What takes place does not come at random. What happens (or never does) solely
rests upon the willingness of our subconscious mind, who and based upon our own
requests, is constantly on the lookout for the best and most profitable deal it can find
to keep us well and happy. And when that mighty force agrees to any of our demands
(consciously or unconsciously stated) there is nothing that can stand in the way of
getting them continually fulfilled.
Therefore, on some subtle level we always want what we have.
The trouble is that we usually don’t know what our subconscious has in mind
for us, having long forgotten our dictates, if we ever consciously recorded them. Nor
do we know how our subconscious mind exercises its authority upon our lives. Thus,

with no recollection, whatsoever, of having passed any commands, and with no tools
to erase them, we then wish for things that we simply cannot have since they come
in opposition to other deeply ingrained aspirations. Hence the discontent that is
plaguing our lives. Much, if not all of what we could do without in our lives,
stems from decisions we have made in the past (mainly unconsciously), designed
once to protect us but which have become obsolete therefore useless.
Our subconscious mind is in fact our best ally. Always listening and ready to
help as nature has intended it to do. Sure enough, it knows how to play its role;
looking after us like a sheep dog over its herd, bringing us back within the ranks as
soon as we go slightly astray (moreover, often with a kick in the butt!). Of course,
this vigilance is well meant. It keeps us safe. But what when we want to do as we
please? We can then wave good bye to our peace since a conflict with this almighty
friend is never a good thing. First of all, it always wins. We can go into the worst
tamper tantrum, cry our eyes off, beg our way out, if our subconscious mind has
decided we would stay in a situation, as bad as it, there is nothing we can do about
it. Or is there?
We are in the habit of going all out to fight a situation, everywhere except
where it originates. Most of the time we refuse to see, let alone accept our hidden
responsibility in the making of our reality, denying the existence of our subconscious
mind along with its mysterious connection to all there is. We then rely essentially
upon a limited vision of ourselves, dwarfing our abilities to transform or eliminate
any consciously unwanted situations.
Subconscious agreements with self and others form the fundamental script of
our lives. Is yours truly enjoyable to live? If not, then just erase the agreements
carried out by your subconscious mind. You now have the means to perform this task
most easily with the Zensight Process. Use it and see where it leads you. Chances are
that you’ll be amazed!

The Zensight Process

We have included within this book several different Tarot spreads. Although
we could have inserted Zensight in either one of them, we elected the 4-Card Love
Spread to perform the inner work suggested with the Tarot. Hence, this is were you
will find the exercises designed to heal the worries and difficulties most people
encounter in their love life.

The way you can use the Zensight Process out of this book is two-fold. You
can either do the exercises suggested along the 4-Card Love Spread or separately.
Since each one carries the name of the topic being treated, this will enable you to
easily find any subject of matter to you. For further explanation about Zensight, I am
now lending the pen to Carol Ann Rowland, MSW, RSW, creator of the process:

"Zensight is a powerful process that is designed to assist

healing all the things that aren’t right in your life, and also help you
to bring in more of the feelings, beliefs, and behavioral, emotional,
and spiritual patterns that will allow you to create the reality you wish
With Zensight we use the power of the subconscious mind in
a very conscious way. We do this through the use of a healing
symbol. This symbol may be a word; visual image or color. It is not
important which form of symbol you choose, or what exactly the
symbol is, as long as it doesn’t have any strong negative emotional
connotations for you.
Example of possible symbols that could be chosen include a
word such as "safe" or "peace", a visual image of the ocean, or a
visual or verbal representation of a color - either your favorite color
or something else that feels healing to you, such as a white or golden
light. There is no need to become concerned about choosing the
"right" healing symbol. Any word, image, or color that you choose
will be exactly right for you. And rest assured that you can change it
at any time.
Through the use of the healing symbol, we stop our minds for
a moment and just allow the healing to occur by consciously focusing
our intent on exactly what we wish to heal. During the process, you
may obtain new insights into the situation being addressed, but doing
so is not necessary in order to bring healing.
If the idea of a "healing symbol" does not resonate with you
for whatever reason, you may also choose to simply stop and breath
and notice the energy shifts and feelings of peace that you experience
during the process. The results you obtain will be equally effective.
Unlike with some of the other energy work techniques that
have influenced the creation or Zensight, there is no need to install
any complicated "installation" instructions" or "healing program" in
order for this healing symbol to be effective. All that you - or your
subconscious mind - need to know is that whenever you use this
word, image or color, your concerns will gently and easily resolve.
Furthermore, you will be able to use your healing symbol to build

upon the feeling and experiences that you would like to replace those
past difficulties with.
All the exercises Sophie has created for your work with
Zensight involves the use of a healing symbol, together with a list of
clearing statements. Some individuals believe that they experience the
healing effects of Zensight more deeply if they say those statements
out loud, but in all instances, focus for about 10 to 15 seconds on
your healing symbol at the end of each statements.

Examples of Zensight healing statements:

I heal all of the ways I am afraid. (10 to15 seconds of focus on the
chosen healing symbol.)
I heal all of the issues that have contributed to all of this fear.(10 to
15 seconds of focus on the chosen healing symbol.)
I heal all of the times that I learned that I need to be afraid. (10 to 15
seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the reasons I am afraid to face the future.(10 to 15
seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal any and all issues that are contributing to all of this
situation.(10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the decisions made by any parts of me that something bad
is going to happen to me. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing
If the wording "I heal" doesn’t feel right to you, by all means
substitute any other wording that does feel right. Some people like the
wording "I release" or "I eliminate". Myself, I used to use "I clear".
However, I find that using "I heal" often feels more right to people,
as it more accurately reflects what it is that we are trying to do. It also
leads to less confusion about what we mean by "clearing" something.
Do we really want to "clear" all of the beliefs we are holding about a
particular issue? Probably not all the beliefs.
When using "I clear" I found that it often felt important to add
on "according to my highest good" to make clear that I was clearing
what is no longer beneficial rather than clearing everything. Whereas
with "I heal" that message is built into the statements, softening and
bringing healing into the issue, so that peacefulness can more easily

Open-ended statements::

Some of the healing statements you will find in the Zensight
exercises have been left on purpose "open-ended". It is not necessary
to consciously figure out what all of the possible endings of the
statements might be - the idea is that the subconscious mind will
know what all of the different endings are and will clear all of these,
even if you are not consciously aware of them.
The concept of using open-statements was first suggested by
Grant Connolly (creator of ZPoint) and are the ultimate in taking a
general approach to healing issues. They often end with "because,
"when", or "reminds me of".
For example:
I heal all of the ways I feel fear when ... (10 to 15 seconds of focus on
the healing symbol.)
I heal al of the reasons I feel fear because ... (10 to 15 seconds of
focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the times I’ve learned I need to be afraid of ... (10 to 15
seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the ways I would be able to let go of the fear but ... (10 to
15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the ways this situation reminds me of ... (10 to 15 seconds
of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal any and all tendencies I have to respond to fear by ... (10 to 15
seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)

Closing statements:
The idea is that we will begin by saying a whole series of
statements in relation to the concerns being addressed. At the end of
the clearing session, we can then use whatever closing statements feel
right, to wrap things up and further deepen the results of the healing
we just experienced. Here are a number of closing statements that I
often use in my own healing and in sessions with clients.
You can pick and choose which one feel right to you in
accordance with your own personal beliefs and/or as appropriate to
the particular situation being addressed:
I heal all of the ways that any part of me would choose to hold onto
what is familiar rather than moving forward. (10 to 15 seconds of
focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal any and all decisions, past life issues, and/or sacred contracts

in connection with all of this clearing that do not serve my highest
good now. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal any and all traumas connected with all of these concerns.
I heal any and all generational issues or ancestral issues connected
with all of these concerns. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my
body and/or energy field, or at the DNA, cellular and molecular
levels. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the ways I am holding onto any energetic imprint of any
kind, in relation to all of these concerns. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on
the healing symbol.)
I heal any and all neural pathways connected with all of these issues,
that don’t serve my highest good now. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on
the healing symbol.)
I now install new neural pathways in order to support, reinforce and
continue all of the healing that has occurred, and all of the healing
that is about to occur ... (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing
My subconscious mind, higher self and the Universe now create and
run any additional statements I would benefit from. (10 to 15 seconds
of focus on the healing symbol.)
I heal all of the patterns and all of the emotions connected to all of
these issues. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now. (10 to 15
seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I extend all of this healing to all of the past, all of the present, and all
of the future. (10 to 15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)

Installing Positives:
In addition to using Zensight to heal the things we want to be
free of, we also use it to add in more of the qualities and feeling that
we would like to have more of, or to experience more deeply. With
"installing" statements we simply say what it is that we want. For
I install new ways of feeling completely at peace. (10 to 15 seconds
of focus on the healing symbol.)
I love myself, and all of the parts of me, deeply and completely. (10

to 15 seconds of focus on the healing symbol.)
I now experience a sense of calm even when ... (10 to 15 seconds of
focus on the healing symbol.)

Working with "Parts of Self"

You will have noticed that some of the above statements are
referring to "parts of self" as in: "I heal all of the reasons that any
parts of me believe ...".
All of us have multiple parts of self, taking different roles at
different times. For example, the part of us who is a parent may act
and feel differently from the part of us who is a spouse, employee, or
When people have been through trauma, sometimes those
parts become more separate and more distinct. For those who feel
"stuck" in some area or areas of their life - or who notice that they
have improvement for a while and then repeatedly start to backslide -
working with parts of self is essential and be the difference that help
them to finally be able to move forward."

When doing an exercise do not rush through the statements. Take the time to
notice how you feel emotionally and physically. If some strong memories surface,
create statements on the spot to clear them as you go. Do the same with any physical
discomfort. Mind and body are one and often a sudden ache or soreness indicates a
spot where the issue being treated is physically localized.
Obviously, not all statements pertaining to the topic of an exercise will
necessarily apply to your personal issue. Just skip those and add your own if you so
choose. However beware of statements that you may find inappropriate even though
they may strongly fit your issue. When in doubt just clear them anyway. Your
subconscious mind can handle that wasted effort!
The number of statements within an exercise varies according to the topic
being treated and some are much longer than others. If you ever need to stop an
exercise at mid-course, do not worry. You can quickly finish-up the session with a
few closing statements or just leave it as it is, concluding sometime later. When you
are ready to resume, just take the session where you left off or start all over again.
I would suggest that you get a buddy to perform your Zensight clearings with.
While you lay down or are comfortably seated, the person can read aloud all of the
statements, allowing you to fully relax. You can either repeat each statement aloud
or just listen to them, repeating your healing word ten to fifteen seconds at the end
of each statement.

You will notice that each exercise starts with two standard statements. Those
are meant to treat any possible subconscious opposition to the complete healing of
the issue being addressed. Do not skip them as what you are trying to achieve may
otherwise not happen. The same is true for the closing statements whose purpose is
to ensure the ongoing success of the healing. Just disregard anyone that goes against
your beliefs. Also, drink lots of water after your session (as well as during if you
want). This helps the energy system to cleanse itself.
Also feel free to add your own positive statements at the very end of each
exercise. Go as wild and far as you can. Repeating your healing word after affirming
your good (as if it were already part of your life) will erase what Gary Craig (creator
of EFT) calls the "tail- enders" of an affirmation, which are made of every bit of
doubt you may have about your good ever coming true. Remember: Only our
negative beliefs can prevent our good from happening!
Exercises aimed at healing long lasting issues or ingrained in everything that
you do, such as a fear of being alone, will most certainly need to be repeated several
times. This is to be expected. Just repeat them daily over a period of a month or so
and you will clearly be rewarded for your persistence.
Zensight is a very simple yet profoundly healing process that yields life-
changing results. Both Johanne and I are standing with you in spirit as you walk the
beautiful path you have the power to create.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The Zensight exercises presented in this book

are not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendation of physicians.
These must be used at the reader’s sole discretion.

The 4-Card
Tarot Love Spread
The Twenty-two Major Arcana
in their various positions


The Twenty-two Zensight exercises


Enjoy your Readings, Enjoy your Healing!

The 4-Card Tarot Love Spread

(With the Zensight Process)
The 4-Card Tarot Love spread is a simple reading that speaks about your
current love situation and how it is most likely going to evolve.

Preparation for your readings:

C First of all, avoid reading the cards when you are emotionally disturbed or
under stress. Make sure that nothing will disturb your session. (unplug the
phone, etc.)

C Find a comfortable place to sit. Put a dark cloth on the table in front of you
(or any other flat surface), large enough to spread the cards comfortably.
C Burn a stick of incense or/and light a candle .
C Lay the twenty-two Major Arcana on the cloth (count them to make sure they
are all there), and mix them well with both hands.
C Spend a few minutes thinking about the question you wish to ask the Tarot.
When you’re ready, either say the question aloud or write it down.
C Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax your body.
C Open your eyes and focus on the cards in front of you.
C Now choose your four cards and place them in their intended positions.

3. What is out of your direct control/Destiny

1. Current trends regarding your question 2. Your mate or potential mate

4. Answer/How you will deal with the situation

The card in position # 1 talks about your question.

The card in position # 2 tells you about your mate or potential mate.
The card in position # 3 relates to what is out of your control (such as the blueprint
of your destiny or that of others).
The card in position # 4 answers your question and how you will deal with the
Now turn over your four cards. You will find their meanings in the following
pages, in the position they sit in.
But before you start looking out for your answers, remember: Time does not
exist where the Tarot retrieves its information. Hence, the events it predicts can occur
immediately or take months to manifest, sometimes even years.

C Always start the interpretation with the card sitting in the #1 position, which
gives you a general idea of your present situation and what you have the
power to control.
C Naturally, the combination of the Major Arcana are varied and each must be
adapted to your situation, taking into account your age, gender, etc.

C All Major Arcana bear a number showing on the card, except for the Fool
which sits here at the very end of the series.
C Below the four possible interpretations of the Major Arcana being addressed
stands the Zensight exercise specifically designed to heal the challenges that
card may present.

Example of a 4-Card Tarot Love spread reading:

This reading was done by Johanne for "Sylvia", a woman who had recently
married her boyfriend of nine years. Prior to their marriage, she had broken-up the
relationship and moved five hundred miles away. He then attempted reconciliation
and proposed her marriage. Once married, due to their respective professional
obligations, they were forced to live apart. She wanted a reading because of a "bad
feeling" she had regarding the loyalty of her husband.
Placing the twenty-two Major Arcana face down on the table, Johanne asked
Sylvia to mix them well with both hands while concentrating on her relationship,
and when she felt ready to choose four cards, placing them one by one in their proper
positions. Johanne reminded Sylvia that the first card would relate to her question,
the second to her spouse, the third to what was out of her control, and the forth
would answer the question. Sylvia’s four cards were:

1) The Sun XIX: Relating to Sylvia’s present situation, this card talked about love,
happiness and represented also her spouse who was very much in love
with her and wanting a stable relationship.

2) The Empress III: R elating to her spouse, his

actions and how he m ay feel about the
relationship, the E mpress symbolized his
hopes and willingness to submit to her wishes. He

was waiting for her. She had all the power and it would be up to her to decide if she
wanted to move with him or not.

3) The Devil XV: Relating to what was out of her control, the Devil clearly pointed
to a malicious event or betrayal. Hidden issues would likely be the cause of her
disappointment as she would have to face some unpleasant facts, and have to make
a decision.

4) The Death XIII: Concluding the reading, the Death card in this last position was
pointing to the end of the relationship. Having faced the truth, Sylvia would have to
choose if she wanted to stay with her husband or leave him for good.

Recapitulation - Johanne to Sylvia: Your husband truly loves you (Sun XIX in the
#1 position), and is waiting for you (Empress in the # 2 position). However, this
relationship is missing openness, and a discovery will bring about important issues,
which may or may not be settled (Devil XV in the # 3 position). It is up to you, and
you may decide to end this relationship because of your discovery (Death XIII in the
# 4 position).

Conclusion - Johanne: It is often challenging to read cards because the reader must
make a concerted effort not to disturb the seeker or to influence his/her decision.
However, our seeker’s "bad feelings"about the relationship were correct. Several
weeks later, Sylvia came back for another reading and recounted that her friend (who
lived in the same town as her husband) had seen him involved in a romantic situation
with another woman. He asked for her forgiveness saying that it was a mistake.
Remarks: The Death card represents the end of a situation but may also represent a
major transformation followed by a new beginning. The Empress in second position
(representing the seeker’s spouse), being a card of acquiescence, revealed that he
didn’t want to leave his wife and would stay in the relationship. If instead of the
Empress, the Death card had appeared, it would have meant that it was the husband
with the power to end the relationship.

Answers to the 4-Card Tarot Spread


Zensight Healing Exercises

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The Magician I
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: You love is profound and sincere and can grow even stronger. Both of you
can easily work-out any concerns and keep your relationship stable. If single: A new

love encounter is on its way. If you have someone in mind, continue to build the
relationship from the ground up. Some efforts are needed. This is a fortunate time to
commit to someone.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): You could start a new relationship,
rekindle with an old flame, or just rediscover your love for someone. Your partner
will do anything in his/her power to build and keep the relationship strong and stable.
Be at peace. You have done your share of hard work. Now you can rest and do
nothing. It is payback time for all the efforts you have put into the relationship!
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Luck is shining upon
you. A new love encounter is on its way or you may get back with someone. You will
be able to decide what you want to do with these new opportunities. You are
Position # 4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Very positive answer
to your question. This card means that you are ready to put forth the necessary effort
to better your life. Expect a positive outcome to your initiatives. You will find a new
clarity in your personal life. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of decisive
action as well as focused concentration. Come to term with the painful memories of
your past. Be aware of your abilities. Openly express all of your skills and talents.
Show how capable you truly are. You’re number one!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Magician

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.
"I heal my relationship with..."
I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath in and out.
I heal all that contributes to making my relationship with.... (name of the person) too
far gone that it cannot be healed for own sake and well-being.
I heal all of the reasons I would want to fix a relationship that is bad for me.
I heal the original decision I have made to stay in a painful relationship.
I heal all of that encourages any part of me to fear change.
I heal all inability to let go of this hurtful relationship if a break-up is best for me.
I heal all obsessive desires to fix my relationship with...
I heal all that makes me believe I will never recover if my relationship with ...fails.
I heal all that creates conflict between any parts of me regarding this relationship.
I heal all that makes me believe only my partner is to blame for what went wrong in
our relationship.
I heal all that encourages any part of me to block my possibilities to turn this bad
relationship into a good one.

I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am not worth loving.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that love hurts, because ...
I heal all that makes me believe that my needs for love are never going to be fulfilled
in this relationship with ...
I heal any and all system put in place by any parts of me that are negatively affecting
my chances of happiness with ...
I heal all that contributes to allowing any type of abuse to occur in my life.
I heal all the tendencies any part of me has to easily get hurt whenever....
I heal all that compels any part of me to get emotionally drained whenever ...
I heal the original decision I have made to be in conflict with...
I heal all of the turmoil this relationship with ... has caused in my life.
I heal all that engenders antagonism in my relationship with...
I heal all that engenders my need to fight to get my point across with...
I heal all that engenders my pain when my preferences are not taken into account by...
I heal all that engenders my aversion for ..., whenever ....
I heal all of the reasons any part of me get repulsed by ..., whenever ...
I heal all that makes me badly judge..., whenever ...
I heal all that makes me blame.., because ...
I heal all that makes me feel shame in connection to....
I heal all that makes me feel guilt in connection to...
I heal all of the reasons ... has become my worse enemy.
I heal all that makes me believe ... destroys what matters to me on purpose.
I heal all of reasons that any part of me believes ... enjoys fighting with me.
I heal all of the reasons I believe ... is opposed to my well-being.
I heal all of the reasons that I am involved in a dysfunctional relationship.
I heal all that contributes to making me want to leave this relationship with .., but ...
I heal all of the reasons I am always having the same relationship issues.
I heal all that prevented me from backing-up in time from this hurtful relationship.
I heal all the beliefs I have acquired in my relationship with...that don’t serve my
highest good now.
I heal all of that engenders my love for people who have the ability to hurt me.
I heal all that compels me to inflict pain to ..., whenever ...
I heal all that contributes to making any part of me feel abandoned, because...
I heal any and all built-up of hostility between me and..., because ...
I heal all of the resentment any part of me harbors against ..., because ...
I heal all of the sadness I have connected to my relationship with...
I heal all of the regrets I have connected to my relationship with...
I heal all of the anger I have connected to my relationship with ...
I heal all of the un-forgiveness I have connected to my relationship with ...
I heal all that contributes to letting ... hold the key to my fulfillment in life.
I heal all that contributes to letting any part of me decide how much love and
happiness I am entitled to receive in my life.

Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of this clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being
connected in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues treated in this clearing.
From now on whatever happens with ... in our relationship is for our highest good.
No matter what, this relationship with ... has been a blessing in my life.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I now install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the
healing that has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend
all of this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

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The High Priestess II

Answers to the 4-Card Love spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: This is a strong and open relationship. In case of ambiguity, you will

experience a release from tension and uncertainty concerning your situation. If
single: Your desires will be fulfilled through your own ability and determination.
Strength and power are yours. Great opportunities ahead.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate):If you are in a relationship, your partner
knows what he or she wants. If you are single, there is a possibility of marriage or
remarriage. Your current (or future)spouse is direct, open, powerful and ambitious.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Period of fertility and
new possibilities ahead. You are holding the key to your own fulfillment. Happiness
prevails in an existing relationship or a new one is coming your way.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): You are in full control
of what is happening in your love life. You know what you want and take
responsibility for your actions. Expect positive results from your determination and
natural abilities in managing your life. Guidance: This card suggests the importance
of acknowledging your limitless potential and looking deep within yourself. Your
sagacity is at an all height now and any insight you get on a situation is worth its
weight in gold. Go beyond social conditioning and superficiality. Come to term with
self-complacency. You have much to discover and many unrealized ideas to bring to
fruition. You are in a place of power. Listen to your feelings and act upon your

Zensight exercise suggested with the High Priestess

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Can’t trust others, it’s my way or the highway!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all that contributes to any fear I have losing control.
I heal all that contributes to any tendencies I have to lose control over my life.
I heal all of the reasons that have allowed me to be misled in the past.
I heal all of the reasons I believe that it is not safe for me to follow anyone’s advice.
I heal all of the reasons I am not trusting the process of life.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me need to control everything.
I heal all that makes me believe I will get hurt if I lose control.
I heal any and all inability I have to reach out to others when I need it.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to only refer to my own experience.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that my truth is the only truth.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to lack flexibility in my relationships.
I heal all of the reasons that I am not willing to have my opinion challenged.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me refuse to show any weaknesses.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me believe I cannot be vulnerable, because...

I bring healing to any parts of me who needs to always run the show, because ...
I heal any and all unshakable convictions that are detrimental to my well-being.
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me believe no one can ever meet my ideals.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me are only looking for perfection.
I heal all that contributes to making me a victim of my own expectations.
I heal all of the reasons parts of me need to feel superior to others.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me is too authoritarian.
I heal of the reasons that parts of me refuse to see any other options than my own.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me need to always have the last word.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me refuse to see any mistakes I have made.
I heal all of the reasons that I am convinced to know best what is right for everyone.
I heal all of the reasons that I refuse to accept that I can be wrong at times.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I am flawless.
I heal all of the reasons I cannot be caught off guard, because...
I heal all of the ways that I could be less uncompromising, but...
I heal all of the reasons that I create tension around me when ...
I heal all that contributes to keeping people at a distance from me when ...
I heal all of the reasons that I don’t know how to be warm and friendly.
I heal all of the reasons any part of me believes it is not safe to be vulnerable.
I heal all of the reasons it is necessary for me to be highly respected.
I heal of the reasons I take myself too seriously.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I know it all.
I heal all of the reasons I believe no one else but me can do the right thing.
I heal all of the reasons I need to impose my will on others.
I heal all of the ways that my will to feel superior puts me in a lonely position.
I heal all of the reasons that I cannot accept any type of disorder around me.
I heal all of the reasons my needs for support from others are not being met.
I heal all of the reasons that I don’t get all the attention that I need and want.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.

I install new ways of easily cooperating with others.
I install new ways of easily listening to other people’s opinion.
I install new ways of easily taking myself less seriously.
I install new ways of easily reaching out to others when I need it.
I install new ways of feeling safe when I am showing my vulnerability.
I install new ways of feeling safe when others are running the show.
I install new ways of attracting all the love and support that I need.
From now on it is easy for me to delegate.
From now on there is much warmth in my life.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

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The Empress III

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position # 1 (Current trends regarding your question): If you are involved with
someone: You relationship is fruitful and you may expect to see it improve and
grow. If you were thinking about leaving your current relationship, it would be wise

for the moment to stay involved. If you are single: This is a very promising time,
especially if you take matters into your own hands. Take initiatives and trust your
abilities to make good decisions.
Position #2 (your mate or potential mate): Your current partner is willing to
submit to your wishes and desires. You have the power to influence your mate to lead
the relationship in the direction that pleases you. If you are single, expect possible
news from a lover or admirer.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): You may meet someone
new, possibly through friends, at work, or dwelling in the neighborhood. Receiving
news from a lover or admirer is also possible. Communication and action are the keys
here. Do not wait for things to come to you, instead take the necessary steps.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Satisfaction and deep
contentment are yours. You will easily accept and deal with what is coming your
way, willing to make any necessary adjustments. You are ready to create and
procreate. Period of hopes and acquiescence. Guidance: The Empress card suggests
the importance of self-confidence in the creation process. Come to term with
expressing too much reserve for fear of what others may think, or just because you
don’t feel experienced enough. Step-up and show everyone the gorgeous creative
being that you truly are!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Empress

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Yes, I have the right to exist and I can fight for myself!"
I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all of the reasons that I cannot fight for myself, because...
I heal all of the reasons that I only know how to fight for others but not for me.
I heal all of the reasons that I rather lose my ground then be seen as forceful.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me needs to stay accommodating at all cost.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that others are more important
than me.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that other people’s well-being
must come first.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I need to oblige others.
I heal all of the ways that I have been affected by not fighting for myself.
I heal all of the reasons parts of me refuse to be seen and acknowledged.
I heal of the reasons that any parts of me believe I am not enough.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me believe I should have accomplished much
more with my life by now.

I heal all of the ways that I feel ashamed of myself for not standing higher on the
social scale.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that something is wrong with me.
I heal the original decision I have made that I need to be successful to be loved.
I heal the original decision I have made that only forceful people can succeed.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I didn’t get a good start in life.
I heal any and all conclusions any part of me has drawn from hearing anyone talk
badly about me.
I heal all the reasons that any part of me is acting out beliefs and patterns connected
to inadequacy.
I heal all of the reasons that I am dwarfing myself in any way.
I heal all of reasons any part of me feels in danger when I get noticed.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that I am deeply flawed.
I heal all of the reasons that have led any part of me to believe that I am a nobody.
I heal all of the reasons I believe that I should not be highly satisfied with myself.
I heal all of the reasons any part of me behaves in self-detrimental ways.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me believe there is nothing beautiful about me.
I heal all of the reasons that I cover-up my special gifts and talents, because...
I heal all of the reasons that I despise people who put themselves forward.
I heal any and all shame I have connected to being me.
I heal all of the reasons I have to be shy.
I heal all of the reasons any part of me needs to appear insignificant.
I heal any and all resentment I have connected to being me.
I heal any and all despair I have connected to being me.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I will never be assertive and self-confident.
I heal all of the reasons any part of me believes I am not allowed to assert myself.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I need to be perfect before I can show self-confidence.
I heal all of the ways and reasons that I allow others to dismiss my qualities.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe others have all the power over me.
I heal all of the reasons that I could lose what I already have if I fight for more.
I heal all of the reasons that parts do not feel entitled to fight for anything.
I heal all of the reasons I don’t feel deserving of getting what I would be fighting for.
I heal all of the reasons that I let other hold the key to what I deserve to have or not.
I heal all of the reasons parts of me fear being punished if I fight for my rights.
I heal all of the reasons I believe it is not safe for me or others to assert myself.
I heal all of the reasons parts of me don’t agree to getting what is rightfully mine.
I heal all of the reasons that I would rather loose what is mine than fight for it.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding at any level of my being connected in

any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install ways of being respected and honored.
I install new ways of deeply and profoundly loving and accepting myself..
I install new ways of taking stock of all of my special gifts and talents and expressing
them fully and completely.
I install new reasons to behave in ways that are highly profitable for me.
I am a powerful being and I have every right to express the best in me.
I am willing to make a big success of everything I am involved with.
I am different from anybody else and I am entitled to express my uniqueness in ways
that are completely fulfilling to me.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Emperor IV
Answers to the 4-Card Love spread
Position #1 (Currents trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Your relationship is strong and open. Working together is your best option
for the advancement and fulfillment of your dreams. For a single female seeker: A
new love encounter with a mature man. Great opportunities are close at hand and you

will soon become involved in a strong relationship. For a single male seeker: Your
hopes will be fulfilled through your determination and own abilities at making things
happen. Any choices made now will be of long-lasting duration.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): You partner is very determined (or the
one coming into your life will be). Powerful and ready to help you, it is someone you
can trust. Your luck depends on him.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Your determination
allows you to have full control over your destiny. In fact, your fate dwells in your
own hands right now. If you want a new relationship, you will have it. You have the
power to make anything happen. Others will surrender to your every wish. Luck is
definitely on your side.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation):You have the will and
power to deal successfully with anything coming your way. You are (or will soon)
be entering a very constructive period, reaching all of your goals. Guidance: This
card suggests the importance of self-understanding. It tells you to come to term with
holding and burying your emotions. All of them are good when allowed to move
through you. Although a tough task if you are constantly policing your thoughts!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Emperor

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"I step into my own power now!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all reasons I have for not being willing to step into my own power.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me believe it is not in my best interest to be powerful.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am powerless.
I heal all that have led me to believe that I am powerless.
I heal the original decision I have made that it is not safe to show-up fully in the world.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me are benefitting when I am helpless.
I heal all of that makes any parts of me believe stepping into my own power can be
harmful to me, because ...
I heal all that makes any parts of me believe stepping into my own power can be
harmful to others, because ...
I heal the original decision I have made to hide my strength and power, because ...
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me can decide on their own how strong and
powerful I am allowed to be.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me are holding on their own the keys to my
fulfillment in life.
I heal all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my personal power.

I heal all of the reasons that I am allowing parts of me to hold the keys to my moving
forward in life.
I heal all that is blocking my ability to be strong and independent.
I heal all of the reasons that I pretend to not have the ability to conduct my life on my
I heal all of the reasons that I choose not to express my full potential.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me is afraid of be strong and powerful.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe my power have been taken away from me.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I cannot change my behavior as I like.
I heal all that is blocking my ability to express any of my dormant skills and talents.
I heal all of the reasons that have made me decide to stay in the shadow.
I heal all that makes any parts of me believe I have misused my power in the past.
I heal all that is making me unwilling to come into my own power now.
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me have lost the courage to be powerful.
I heal all that makes me believe only those who are on an ego trip can be powerful.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me would be prone to becoming mean and
dangerous if I express my personal power.
I heal all of the reasons any part of me believes my being powerful is dangerous.
I heal of the ways that any part of me has suffered under the power of others.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me have lost their power under the abusive
power of others.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me would rather stay weak and powerless than
fully alive.
I heal all the beliefs systems around stepping into my own power that do not serve
my highest good now.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of embracing my true power.
I install news ways of feeling completely at ease being strong and powerful.
I allow myself to deeply and completely enjoy my renewed strength and power.

I am now fully aware of the magnificently powerful being that I am.
It is completely safe for me and others when I hold strong to who I am.
I have now stepped into my own strength and power and I love it!
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Pope V
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Peace and contentment are yours, although by being too close to a situation
you may miss its true value. You are engaged in a stable relationship and your union
is fully protected. If your are single: Excellent prospects for a blessed relationship.

A union is closer than you might expect. A new relationship is coming your way with
a possible marriage.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): If you are involved in a relationship,
you will enjoy a period of fertility. Or great productivity is to be expected in the
home front. Your spouse/partner is trustworthy and stable and if single, so will be the
person you will soon meet. Spiritual or elevated connection.
Position # 3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny):You are very protected,
as well as your current union or marriage. There is absolutely nothing to fear
concerning your home or real estate assets. You have the potential to get married or
settle in a relationship if that is your wish.
Position #4 (Answer/ How you will deal with the situation): This card symbolizes
spiritual protection. Heavens are watching over you! Your wishes will come true
according to your highest good. You have the possibility of establishing yourself in
a stable relationship or making an existing one permanent through a renewed
commitment. Guidance: The Pope indicates the importance of establishing and
respecting traditions in one’s abode, of observing some sort of rituals passed down
from generation to generation. It also suggests to have faith in the fundamental
kindness of man despite so many proof to the contrary.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Pope

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

“No more of this painful being single!”

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all of the reasons that I am staying single against my wishes.
I heal all that makes me believe I have no other choice but being single.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe this situation of being single cannot change.
I heal all that allows any part of me to block my chances of ever getting married.
I heal all that engenders any feelings of being excluded from the norms of society.
I heal the original decision I have made at any level of my being to remain single.
I heal all of the ways that I invite and perpetuate being single.
I heal all of the ways that I am energetically aligned to being single.
I heal all of the reasons that being single is painful to me.
I heal all of the reasons that I dislike being single, because ...
I heal the original decision I have made that being single is unfortunate.
I heal the original decision I have made that being single equates being punished.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I deserve to be punished.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me gets scared when I meet a potential mate.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me anticipates rejection whenever...

I heal all of the ways I am energetically aligned to being abandoned.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me expects others to reject me.
I heal all that makes me believe any new relationship won't last.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is expecting me to fail in my relationships.
I heal all of that contributes to my feeling awkward when I meet a potential partner.
I heal all of the reasons that I have nobody with whom to share my feelings.
I heal all of the reasons that I am not meeting any new and interesting people.
I heal all of the reasons that I am not expanding my circle of friends.
I heal all of the reasons that I am isolating myself from others, because ...
I heal all of the ways that I am condemning myself for any reason at all.
I heal all of the reasons that my needs for love remain unfulfilled.
I heal all of the reasons that I am not fulfilling my needs for companionship.
I heal all that makes me believe something is wrong with me.
I heal all of the reasons that I am critical of myself, because ...
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me feel unlovable.
I heal all that makes me believe I don't have what it takes to be happily married.
I heal all that makes me believe nobody cares about me.
I heal all of the regrets I have connected to being single.
I heal all of the sadness I have connected to being single.
I heal all of the frustration I have connected to being single.
I heal all of the anger I have connected to being single.
I heal all of the un-forgiveness I have connected to being single.
I heal all of the ways that I am rejecting any parts of myself.
I heal the original decision I have made that being single tells everyone what a bad
person I am.
I heal all of the reasons that I am in any way ashamed of myself.
I heal the original decision any part of me has made to live in isolation.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that led me to being single.
I heal any and all agreement I have ever made at any level of my being to stay single.
I heal any and all agreement made by any part of me that I should remain single.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me suffers from my remaining single.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me expects to always be alone.
I heal all of the reasons that are keeping me single.
I heal all of the reasons that are keeping me unattractive to any potential mates.
I heal all of the reasons blocking my possibilities to share my life with someone.
I heal the original decision I have made to behave in ways that are keeping any
possible spouse away from me.
I heal all of the reasons that I don't know how to take good care of myself.
I heal the original decision I have made that no one will ever want to be with me.
I heal all of the reasons I don't know how to draw and keep people around me.
I heal all that makes me expect to get hurt if I allow someone close to me.
I heal all that makes any part of me believe being close to someone is not safe.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me needs to hide from the world.

I heal all of the reasons that any part of me is scared of meeting new people.
I heal of the reasons that any part of me doesn't know how to connect with people.
I heal all that makes any part of me need to be blamed for anything.
I heal all that makes me blame others for my remaining single.
I heal all of the ways that I am remaining single to punish someone.
I heal all of the reasons I won't restore my rights to be in a loving relationship.
I heal all of the ways I am benefitting from not being in a loving relationship.
I heal all of that makes me believe companionship is a lot of work.
I heal all of that contributes to my getting bored when I have been with someone for
I heal all of the reasons that I meet the wrong people for good companionship.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I lack the skills to take care of someone else.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me values being unloved for any reason at all.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me has to despise themselves.
I heal all of the reasons that I won't break-free from my self-imposed aloneness.
I heal all of the reasons held by any part of me that are creating my aloneness.
I heal all agreements I have ever made at any level of my being that are perpetuating
my aloneness.
I heal any and all components to my inability to break free from my aloneness.
I heal all components to the need any part of me has to keep me in my aloneness.
I heal all components to my withdrawal from the companionship that I am seeking.
I heal all components to my inability to draw a good and stable companion to me.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I am now ready to start anew.
I install new reasons to behave in ways that are attractive to any possible spouse.
I install new ways of attracting love and companionship in my life.
I install new ways of feeling safe and protected when I meet new people.
It is safe for me to show up fully in the world now.

I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Lovers VI
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Love is right in front of you. Since you easily attract love, you may doubt
your current choice and dream about future or even past relationships. The advise
here is to seek pride and pleasure in your current relationship. If you are single:

Lucky you! Love is just around the corner. This is a very fortunate period blessed
with many opportunities. Soon you will have the chance to form a new relationship
with the emotional support that you may currently be missing.
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): This is a time of great attractiveness.
Happiness with your current mate. People are seeking you out. If you are single,
opportunities and propositions lie ahead. Possibility of marriage or of establishing
yourself in a stable union.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny):Love and happiness is
bound to come to you. There is also the possibility of a new relationship giving way
to indecision. Choices will have to be made. Likelihood of two propositions
(marriage, commitment, or serious liaison).
Position #4 (Answer/ How you will deal with the situation): Love comes your
way. Opportunities and propositions will demand that you make a choice. You may
feel undecided or insecure regarding the decision you have to make. However, expect
happiness in your life. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of accepting all
facets of a situation, the good along with the bad (as well as in ourselves), in order
to bring it into balance and harmony. No parts ought to be left neglected.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Lovers

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish all the open-statements.

"If only I was beautiful and attractive!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes I don't have what it takes to be
beautiful and attractive.
I heal all of the ways that I am energetically aligned to an ugly image of myself.
I heal all of the reasons that I can't achieve the beauty that I seek, because...
I heal all of the ways that I find myself unattractive, because...
I heal all of the ways that I hate my physical appearance since...
I heal all of the reasons that I have chosen to find myself unattractive.
I heal all of the ways that I need to keep myself unattractive, because...
I heal all of the ways that I need to protect myself by appearing unattractive, because...
I heal all of the ways that I have always seen myself being unattractive, because...
I heal all of the reasons that I believe my physical flaws are making me unattractive.
I heal all of the sadness I have connected to how I see myself physically.
I heal all of the disappointment I have connected to how I see myself physically.
I heal all of the shame I have connected to how I see myself physically.
I heal all of the anger I have connected to how I see myself physically.
I heal any and all issues I have had with my mother connected to the unattractive

image I have of myself.
I heal any and all issues I have had with my father connected to the unattractive
image I have of myself.
I clear any and all issues I have had with anyone connected to the unattractive image
I have of myself.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me cannot emit self-confidence.
I heal all of the ways that I don't know how to emit self-confidence, because...
I heal the original decision I have made that my worth depends on my appearance.
I heal all of the ways that I limit myself when I don't emit self-confidence.
I heal all of the traumas I have ever experienced when I didn't emit self-confidence.
I heal all the decisions any part of me has made when I experienced rejection.
I heal all of the ways any part of me doesn’t know how to feel beautiful.
I heal all of the ways that I don't know how to emit beauty.
I heal all of the reasons that I don't find myself beautiful as I am.
I heal the original decision I have made to feel weak and vulnerable.
I heal all of the ways that I block myself from expressing my true beauty.
I heal of the ways that any part of me refuses to show my true beauty.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I would get hurt if I show beauty
and become attractive.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me feels in danger when I express my beauty.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me needs to play a role that is hurting me.
I heal all of the ways that I don't know who I truly am.
I heal all of the ways that parts of me are in conflict with the way I truly am.
I heal all of the ways that I am limiting myself, because....
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes something is wrong with me.
I heal all of the ways that I am critical of myself, because ....
I heal the original decisions I have made that I am not enough.
I heal all of the ways that I hurt myself in situations where I believe I am not enough.
I heal all of the ways that I make myself less than who I truly am.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me disapproves of myself, because...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I am inferior, because ...
I heal the original decision I have made that people like me are bound to get hurt.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me has agreed to be tormented, because...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I am a disgrace.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I could be loved if I was different.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being
connected in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments

that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I acknowledge that my existence has a meaning that goes far beyond my physical
I install new ways of seeing myself that are uplifting and empowering.
I am discovering daily the beautiful person that I truly am.
From now on I behave in ways that completely support who I am.
I now embrace my true power.
From now on all of my efforts to better my physical appearance are paying off.
My life has become a true delight and I savor every moment of it!
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all
of this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Chariot VII

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Your relationship is thriving and will develop even further and stronger.
Whatever your question is, things will move on in the right direction and work out

positively. If single: You will soon be involved in a relationship. You may find your
new partner while traveling or through the media (Internet, dating services, etc.), or
get involved with someone residing in another city or country than yours.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): If you are single, that won’t last long.
Someone is about to conquer your heart. In all instances, expect movement and
happiness in your love life with a partner who is trustworthy and fun to be around.
Possibility of marriage or positive changes with your current partner.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny):You are moving in the
right direction, holding the reins of your destiny. Period of progress and happiness
ahead. Possibility of a new love encounter while on a trip, or someone is coming to
you from a distance.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): You are on the right
track and can move on fearlessly. Your success depends on your willingness to
perform some important changes, maybe even relocating. Expect a very beneficial
transformation of your love life. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of
movement in one’s life, welcoming change, adjusting our compass to a new
direction. If ignored, then comes stagnation with all the frustration that goes with it.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Chariot

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Put the heat on, I am stuck on a frozen path!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all that contributes to my being stuck on a "frozen path".
I heal all of the reasons I am experiencing difficulties moving forward in life.
I heal of the reasons I have to persist on my chosen path despite all of its pain and
I heal all of the reasons any part of me has to stay attached to my misery.
I heal all that has led me to become stuck on a frozen path.
I bring healing to all of the ways parts of me need to stay stuck on a frozen path.
I heal all of the reasons that my path has led me to a dead-end.
I heal the original decision I have made that performing change is too risky.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe it is not safe for me to change direction.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes moving ahead is dangerous
I heal the original decision I have made that I risk losing the good that I already have
if I perform the changes that I want.
I heal all of the ways that I am petrified to move forward, because...
I heal all of the ways that my not moving forward is hurting me at any level of my

life and being.
I heal the original decision any part of me has made to stop evolving and developing.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe changes never turns out right for me.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me interferes with my ability to perform
auspicious changes in my life.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me interferes with my ability to be rewarded
for the changes I perform in my life.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is expecting something from others they
cannot provide for me.
I heal all of the ways that I am mad at anyone for their unwillingness to stay stuck
along with me on my chosen path.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes there is never enough for me.
I heal all of the reasons that I am stuck on a frozen path that doesn't bear fruits.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe my frozen path should provide abundantly.
I heal all the reasons that any part of me believes something frozen ought to give plenty.
I heal all the reasons that I barely receive enough on my frozen path to survive.
I heal all of the ways that I am suffering from staying stuck on a frozen path.
I heal the original decision I have made to build my life around beliefs that are
keeping me stuck onto a frozen path.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is benefitting from deprivation and hardship.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes I am not allowed to be satisfied.
I heal all of the ways that I am angry at any parts of me for being stuck with my life.
I heal all of the ways that I am in conflict between moving on and staying stuck.
I heal all of the ways that I am energetically aligned to staying stuck in old choices.
I heal all of the reasons that I don’t know what I deeply and truly need and want.
I heal all of the reasons that I have difficulty keeping my focus on the positive.
I heal all of the reasons that I refuse to experience the full richness of life
I heal all of the ways that I am lacking what is important to my well-being.
I heal all of the ways that my affairs are suffering from a lack of forward movement.
I heal all of the reasons that no beneficial opportunities are ever coming my way.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me interferes with my ability to see and grasp
all the good that is coming my way.
I heal all of the ways that I am afraid to make a decision when it involves any risks.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am better off being a loser
than taking risks.
I heal all of the reasons that I dislike to make decisions on my own.
I heal all of the reasons that I doubt my abilities to make good choices.
I heal all of the reasons that I am having difficulties holding strong to the decisions
I make when others don’t agree.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I need to please others, because...
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me refuse to take action when needed.
I heal all of the ways that I believe taking action is not rewarding, because...
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.

I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of trusting myself completely.
I install new ways of feeling good when I have to make an important decision.
From now on I can easily keep my focus on whatever I want to achieve.
The frozen path I was on is now safely and permanently melting away.
I am discovering daily the full beauty of my new path.
My path has become one of grace and beauty.
Everything on my path is now fully alive.
Moving forward is now natural for me and feels great.
My path is now producing proficiently.
From now on it is easy for me to thrive in all aspects of my life.
I am feeling profoundly safe and fulfilled.
I know deeply and profoundly that I am on the right track.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d
The Justice VIII
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: You are facing a truth or soon may discover something that was out of
your awareness. This will be settled, either by yourself or with the help of another

source, and possibly officially. If you are single: At this moment, high hopes are
beyond your reach. Things must first be settled. A reality check is possibly needed.
Period of personal improvement.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): The truth, the whole truth will set you
free. You can expect a lack of willingness to compromise from your spouse/partner.
Negotiating at this time is unlikely. Weight all your options and act accordingly. If
single, you may still be weighting the pros and cons of getting involved with
someone or need first to bring order back into your life.
Position # 3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): A serious reality check
is in sight. A discovery may trigger some important changes in your relationship. In
all instances, a drastic decision will most likely be needed, either coming from you
or someone else will make this decision for you.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): You will soon know
the whole truth about a confusing situation and where it is heading. If you are already
aware of all the facts, you may decide to go your separate ways or perform drastic
changes in your relationship. If single, you will clean-up your act or consider getting
involved in a relationship more seriously. Guidance: This card suggests the natural
order of everything and the importance of recognizing the true cause of any difficult
situation, which always stands within, performing then all needed adjustments to
regain equilibrium.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Justice

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"I am ready to love again, but differently!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal the original decision I have made that it is not safe to open my heart again.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes showing love to someone could
hurt me.
I heal of the ways that I block myself from being true to all of my feelings.
I heal all of the reasons that I pretend I don't feel love.
I heal all of the ways that I am in energetic alignment with any of my failed relationships.
I heal the original decision I have made to shunt any new love opportunities.
I heal all of the ways that I let any of my previous relationships hold the key to my
getting involved with someone new.
I heal all of the ways that I let anyone from my past hold the keys to my happiness.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is sabotaging my chances to meet my soul
I heal all of the tendencies any part of me has to keep me stuck in my old beliefs.

I heal all of the ways that I hide my potential for love, because...
I heal all of the ways that I fear loving again, because...
I heal all of the ways that I am afraid to let someone come close to me, because...
I heal all of the reasons that I have lost my self-confidence in the love department.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am not good enough to attract the type of person
I want in my life.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is impossible to find happiness
in a relationship.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I will lose my freedom if I am in a relationship.
I heal all of the ways that I believe relationships are a lot of work.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I will have to work harder if I am
in relationship with someone.
I heal all of the ways that parts of me are still affected by my past relationships.
I heal all of the ways that love means for any part of me being tormented and abused.
I heal all of the ways that parts of me are holding onto the pain once induced to them.
I heal all of the sadness I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the disappointment I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the regrets I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the shame I have connected to any of my past relationships..
I heal all of the guilt I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the fear I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the anger I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the un-forgiveness I have connected to any of my past relationships.
I heal all of the ways that I don't love, accept and value myself completely.
I heal the original decision I have made that all men (women) are untrustworthy.
I heal the original decision I have made that I will never find someone good to me.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that love hurts.
I heal all of the ways any part of me believes that my say doesn't count with people.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is gullible and naive.
I heal all of the reasons that I easily let other's take advantage of me.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to easily accept the unacceptable.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to say yes when I mean no.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to be submissive to the will of others.
I heal all of the reasons that I don't dare challenging anyone's opinion.
I heal all of the ways that I don't let others face their responsibilities.
I heal all of the ways that I don't defend myself.
I heal of the reasons I lack the guts to assert myself.
I heal all of the ways that parts of me are afraid to take a stand.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am not fit to fight for my rights.
I heal all of the reasons that I don't see any malice in people even when it's there.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me need to believe in fairy tales.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me refuse to grow-up.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe others know best what is good for me.

I heal all of the ways that I need the approval of others when I make a choice.
I heal all of the reasons I have difficulties thinking big for myself.
I heal all of my tendencies to settle for less.
I heal all of the reasons any part of me is afraid of being judged.
I clear all of the ways that parts of me want me to stay in the shadow.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is afraid to show up fully in the world.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I don't have what it takes to shine in society.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to feel inferior to other woman (men).
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is expecting to be rejected by others.
I heal all the tendencies any part of me has to feel like I am nobody.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes without my entourage no one
would notice me.
I heal of the ways that any part of me believes I am not important in the life of others.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of knowing deeply and completely that I am as important as
anyone else.
I install news ways of knowing deeply and completely that my presence is pleasant
to others.
From now on I behave in ways that clearly show the beautiful being that I am.
From now on I choose to feel equal to my spouse.
I now choose to fully realize how vital I am to those around me.
I now choose to take stock of all of my skills and talents and feel good about them.
I am now committed to expressing myself fully and completely.
I am now aware of my uniqueness and I am completely at ease with it.
I am now in alignment with my highest aspirations.
I am now aware of my power to love and to be loved again deeply and profoundly.
My life is all around beautiful.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.

I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Hermit IX
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If your are involved with
someone: Your relationship seems to lack movement these days! Chances are you
are feeling lonely, either through your own doing or the emotional withdrawal of your
spouse/partner. If you are single: You may receive news from a old lover or admirer.

If you have any firm plans for the future, do not delay, start putting them into effect
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): If you are hoping for some resolution
in your love live, such as finding a suitable partner or getting married, expect
temporary delays. Patience and prudence are key words here. If you have someone
in mind or are already involved in a relationship, your mate or potential mate is wise
and your alliance will stand the test of time.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Timing is everything
now. Even though you may feel lonely and impatient, there is no rush here, but
slowness and reflection. Know what you want, exercise patience, and time will work
in your favor.
Positions #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): You can expect your
existing relationship to grow stronger with time. If you are looking to meet someone
special, use this period wisely. Do some soul searching. Find ways to break through
any patterns of withdrawal and loneliness. Guidance: The Hermit suggests the
importance of going on a vision quest, moving inward, questioning yourself, seeking
out your own personal answers from your own personal wisdom. What will emerge
will stun you beautifully!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Hermit

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"I heal my fear of being alone"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me feel the need to hold onto my fear of
being alone.
I bring healing to all of the ways that it is unsafe for me to be alone.
I heal all of the ways that my fear of being alone is keeping any part of me safe.
I heal all of the ways I refuse to overcome my fear of being alone, because...

I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that it not possible for me to overcome
my fear of being alone, because ...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is not in my best interest to be
I bring healing to all of the ways that being alone reminds me of ...
I heal all of the reasons that I have for not being willing to let go of my fear of being
alone, because ...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is holding onto my fear of being alone,

I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is not safe to let go of my fear
of being alone, because...
I heal all of the ways that I am not free to let go of my fear of being alone, because...
I heal all of the ways any part of me believes it is not safe for others if I overcome
my fear of being alone, because...
I heal all of the ways that I believe I cannot feel completely safe and protected when
I am alone, because...
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me cannot feel peaceful and serene when I
am alone, because...
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me cannot feel loved and supported when I
am alone, because...
I heal all of the ways that I would be losing something crucial to my well-being if I
were to overcome my fear of being alone, because ...
I heal all of the ways that being alone triggers feelings of being rejected, because...
I heal all of the ways that being alone triggers feelings of being betrayed, because...
I heal all of the tendencies any part of me has to believe that I am being abandoned
when I am alone.
I heal all of the tendencies any part of me has to believe that I am being rejected
when I am alone.
I heal all of the tendencies any part of me has to believe that I am a menace to myself
or others when I am alone.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I could hurt myself when I am
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am being punished when
I am alone.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I deserve to be punished,
I heal all of the ways that any part of me needs to be blamed, because ...
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me needs to experience isolation, because...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me needs to be excluded and secluded,
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that something is terribly wrong
with me, because....

I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I need to be guarded at all times,
because ....
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes something bad will happen if no
one is there to look after me, because ....
I heal the original decision I have made that I need to be closely watched-over,
because ....
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that demands to be constantly

I heal all of the reasons that I won't restore my rights to live freely and joyfully.
I heal all of the ways that I am benefitting from my fear of being alone, because ...
I heal all of the ways that I have an uncontrollable need to have people around me at
all times.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am addicted to having people around me at all
I bring healing to all of the ways that I become physically sick when I don’t fulfill my
needs of having people around me at all times
I heal any and all health issue I may have developed by not having my needs for
constant companionship met.
I heal all of the ways that I refuse to trust myself when I am alone, because....
I heal all of the ways that I believe I lack the skills to take excellent care of myself
when I am alone, because ...
I heal all of the ways any part of me believes I am not allowed to take good care of
myself, because ....
I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that I cannot fulfill my needs for love,
support and companionship any other way than through my fear of being alone.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to get bored when I am alone, because ..
I heal all of the ways that I need others to entertain me, because ....
I heal all of the tendencies any part of me has to experience boredom.
I heal in all of the parts of me all of the origins of this problem of boredom.
I heal all of the ways that I lose my vitality when I am alone, because...
I heal all of the ways that being alone drains my energy, because ....
I heal all of the ways that apprehension is keeping me scared of being alone.
I heal all of the ways that guilt and shame are keeping me scared of being alone.
I heal all of the ways that grief is keeping me scared of being alone.
I heal all of the ways that anger is keeping scared of being alone.
I heal all of the ways that un-forgiveness is keeping me scared of being alone.
I heal all of the ways that the fear of being alone is controlling my life.
I heal all of the ways that my fear of being alone is detrimental to my health.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that things never work out right for me.
I heal all of the ways that my fear of being alone is repressing my natural joy.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is blocking my fun in life.
I heal all of the ways I have to believe if I feel joy for something it will get smashed,
because ...
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes I am not allowed to provide joy
for myself.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected

in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
This fear of being alone happened, it is healing and I am safe now.
It is safe for me to completely let go of this fear of being alone now.
I install new ways of feeling completely safe when I am alone.
I install new ways of enjoying myself fully when I am alone.
I am now fulfilling all of my needs for love and support in healthy ways.
From now on I enjoy staying by myself whenever I have to.
I install new ways of having fun and interesting things to do whenever I am alone.
I install new reasons to trusting myself completely.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Wheel of Fortune X

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: You are currently in a period of progress that can move you to a place of
great fulfillment. If the relationship is not quite right now, look within yourself.

There may be a need to cultivate harmony and well-being. If you are single: You life
will progress smoothly toward the fulfillment of your dreams. Much joy is around
you with no bumps on the road, nor any major upsets. Enjoy those blessings even
though they may seem trivial. A new love is scheduled to arrive at high speed!
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): If you are already established in a
relationship, expect it to gain momentum! Your spouse/partner will bring you much
luck and happiness. Fortuitous new beginnings. Things will also move fast toward
marriage or getting seriously involved with someone, if that is your wish.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Enjoy! The wheel of
fortune is turning in your favor. It doesn’t matter if you are single or already involved
with someone, expect your wishes to get fulfilled. In all instances, you are destined
to be showered with blessings specifically designed to make you feel lucky and very
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Whatever challenging
the three other cards of your reading might be, expect a fast and positive movement
happening in your life. The wheel of fortune will turn in your favor and your wishes
will come true. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of keeping a playful
attitude, of not taking life too seriously, of laughing at one’s mistakes and

Zensight exercise suggested with the Wheel of Fortune

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Are things ever going to turn out right for me?"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal the original decision I have made that I am powerless.
I heal the original decision I have made that I have no control over my life.
I heal all of the reasons that I have difficulties making plans for my life.
I heal all of the reasons that I just let life happen to me.
I heal all agreements I have made at any level of my being to surrender my power to
anyone or anything.
I heal all of the ways that I have lost my trust in a bright future.

I heal all of the reasons any parts of me believe things will never turn out right for
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes it is useless to have expectations.
I heal all of the reasons that my life has been affected by lots of hardships.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe hardships and failures are inevitable.
I heal all of the ways that I am energetically aligned to experiencing hardships.

I heal all of the ways that I have allowed myself to suffer and be deprived, because....
I heal all of the reasons that I am not doing what I need to be happy and fulfilled.
I heal all of the reasons that I am not following through my plans when I have some.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me only want to follow directions from others.
I heal all of the ways that I only act when others lay plans in front of me.
I heal all of the reasons that I have made bad decisions following other people's input.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me doesn't feel important, because...
I heal all of the ways that I believe others are more important than me, because...
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am fundamentally flawed, because...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I will never amount to anything.
I heal all of the reasons that I am repressing any of my personal gifts and talents.
I heal all of the reasons that I am dwarfing myself in any way.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me needs to limit how creative I can be.
I heal the original decision I have made to limit my success in life.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me to be outshone by others.
I heal all of the ways that I am allowing myself to be less than who I truly am.
I heal all of the family patterns I have inherited that are limiting the full expression
of my great potential.
I heal all of the ways that I believe it is impossible for me to fulfill my dreams.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am doomed to never succeed.
I heal the original decision I have made to ride a rough road in life.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I was born unlucky.
I heal the original decision I have made to associate myself with people who are
helping me to fail in life.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am rejecting those who could help me become
I heal all of the reasons that have led me to experience failures and material losses.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I am a loser and a failure.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I deserve to fail and lose.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me to fail and lose in any area of my
I heal all of the ways that any part of me refuses to let me experience success.
I heal all of the ways that I believe my endeavors are doomed to being flops.
I heal all of the ways that I cannot draw to me what I need to achieve success.
I heal all of the reasons that I attract failures in my life.
I heal all of the ways there is always something destroying what I am building.
I heal all of the reasons I believe that nothing comes easy to me.
I heal all of the reasons my efforts are not being richly rewarded.
I heal all of the ways that I believe something is wrong with me.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I don't have what it takes to be thriving.
I heal all of the ways that I believe luck will never be on my side.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I have bad luck, because...
I heal any and all conclusions I have drawn from any of my setbacks and failures that

don't serve my highest good now.
I heal any and all opinion about myself any part of me has drawn from any of my setbacks
and failures that do not serve my highest good now.
I bring healing to all of the ways I have been affected by a lack of love and nurturing
in my life.
I heal all of the sadness I have in relation to any of my setbacks and failures.
I heal all of the guilt and shame I have in relation to any of my setbacks and failures.
I heal all of the anger I have in relation to any of my setbacks and failures.
I heal all of the un-forgiveness I have in relation to any of my setbacks and failures.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is not safe for me to reach my
goals and be successful.
I bring healing to all of the ways and reasons my experiencing success would not be
safe for me or anyone else.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
From now on I know exactly what I want and easily follow through all of my plans.
I am surprised to discover that I haven't lost a bit of my outstanding potential through
hardships and failures.
I understand that I have the power to be successful in everything that I do.
It is safe for me now to assert my awesome potential for success.
From now on I receive all the help necessary to fulfill my sacred mission in life
which comes packed with blessings beyond my wildest dreams.
I install new ways of being highly successful and abundantly blessed.
I install new ways of easily and effortlessly reaping all of the rewards I deserve for
my accomplishments.
I install new ways of being loved and appreciated by anyone important to me.
I install the loving care and nurturing that should have happened to me throughout
my existence but did not.
From now on it is safe for me to be loved, appreciated and rewarded.

I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Strength XI
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread

Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Any problems you may currently have will quicky dissolve. Your
relationship is strong and secure and can only grow stronger with time. Do not
hesitate to put any plans in action. The time is right to seriously commit. If you are
single: This is an excellent time for finding the love you have always wanted. Great
opportunities for a strong relationship are just around the corner. Love will come to
you with the possibility of getting married or significantly involved with someone.

Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): If you are already in a relationship,

your spouse/partner is someone you can count on and who is willing to do anything
in favor of a stronger bond with you. If single, expect love and passion to come to
you soon, giving way to a long-lasting alliance with a possible wedding.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): You are on your way to
signing a new pact with life. Expect a very beneficial change to happen soon for you
as a reward of your "good karma". You deserve it, enjoy it! A new love or the deep
transformation of an existing relationship will fulfill all of your dreams.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Luck is definitely on
your side right now, shining brightly. Everything is working to your advantage.
Whatever you wish to have, you will get it. Possibility of marriage or of a long-term
relationship if such is your desire. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of
recognizing your tremendous inner strength and calling upon its mysterious potency
to see your problems be revolved on their own. Easy does it!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Strength

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Wow, such fallacious beliefs, I heal them all!"

(Core beliefs are statements that we make about ourselves and our lives. Generally
acquired in our early days or through repeated experiences, these statements do indeed
run the way we behave, as well as control what happens or do not happen in our everyday

I heal all of the reasons that I have any resistance releasing any beliefs that do not
serve my highest good now.
I heal all of the patterns and distressing emotions connected to all of these reasons.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am not good enough.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am all alone.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am inherently imperfect.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am inferior to others.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am a nobody if I don't enjoy a big worldly success.
I heal all that contributes to making any part of me believe I will never make it big.

I heal all of the ways that I believe I am worthless if I am not in a relationship.
I heal all the origins of the belief carried by any part of me that I don't count.
I heal all the origins of the belief carried by any part of me that my say is negligible.
I heal all the origins of the belief carried by any part of me that I will never get what
I want no matter how hard I try.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is always all my fault when things
go wrong.
I heal the original decision made at any level of my being that I have no control over
what is happening in my life.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that the world in not a safe place
and I need to always be on guard.
I heal the original decision any part of me has made that men (women) are not to be
I heal the original decision I have made at any level of my being that no "wonderful"
men (woman) will ever love me and be in a fulfilling relationship with me.
I heal the original decision I have made at any level of my being that I am not in any
way "wonderful".
I heal the original decision I have made at any level of my being that no relationship
is ever going to bring me any true and long-lasting satisfaction.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I will never be loved.
I heal the original decision any part of me has made that I am not worth loving.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I need to be punished for anything.
I heal all agreement to the belief carried by any part of me that I have done things that
are irreparable.
I heal all the origins of the belief carried by any part of me that I can only be loved
for my money (physical appearance, etc).
I heal all the origins of the belief carried by any part of me that I am too ugly (old,
poor, etc.,) to be in a loving and fulfilling relationship.
I heal all the origins of the belief carried by any part of me that I am not deserving of
all the love I wish to have in my life.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I am not able to have the
good life other people seem to enjoy.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I should never have been
I heal all agreements to the belief that there is no point in reaching out to others.
I heal all agreements to the belief that I will always end-up being disappointed.
I heal all agreements to the belief that if I reach out to someone they will laugh at me.
I heal all agreements to the belief that people will always take advantage of me.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is letting others take advantage of me.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I don’t have the right to stand up for my rights.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I will lose other people’s love if
I don’t abide to their every whims and rules.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I need to stay accommodating at all cost.

I heal all of the ways that I believe other people’s needs are more important than mine.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that other people's well-being must
come before mine.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes others have all the power over me.
I heal all of my consent to the belief that no one understands me.
I heal all of my consent to the belief that people don't love and appreciate me.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I am not fit to protect myself.
I heal all the decisions I have made at any level of my being to believe that life is a
I heal all agreements I have made at any level of my being to believe that one has to
work very hard to achieve anything.
I heal all of the ways that I believe whatever has value can only be achieved through
hard work.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I am not working hard enough to
be successful.
I bring healing to all of the ways any part of me believes I have ruined my life.
I bring healing to all of the ways any part of me believes it is too late for me now to
succeed in life.
I heal all agreements to the belief that luck is for others but not for me.
I heal all agreements to the belief that whatever I want will never come to me.
I heal all agreement to the belief that there will always be something to spoil my joy.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I cannot fight for myself, because...
I heal all of my consent to the belief that I can only fight for others but not for me.
I heal all of my consent to the belief that I will lose everything if I fight for more.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am not deserving of what I am fighting for.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes others hold the key to what I
deserve to have in my life.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I am not ready to step into my own power now.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is not in my best interest to be
I heal all agreements to the belief that it is not safe for me to show my strength.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes it is best for me to be weak and
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes that stepping into my own power
can be harmful to me or to others.
I heal the original decision I have made at any level of my being that I need to hide
my strength and power for any reasons at all.
I heal all of the ways that I believe I don't have the ability to conduct my life as I
I heal all of the ways that I believe I cannot change my behavior as I please.
I heal all of the ways that I believe my strength and power have been taken away
from me.

I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I am not allowed to express all of
my dormant gifts and talents.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe I need to stay in the shadow.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe I have misused my power in the past.
I heal all agreements to any and all beliefs that have led me to become powerless.
I heal all agreements to any and all beliefs that have led me to be unwilling to come
into my power.
I heal all agreements to any and all beliefs that have led any parts of me loose their
will to be courageous.
I heal all agreements to any and all beliefs that would allow any part of me to be
prone to becoming mean if I express my power.
I heal all of the ways that have led any part of me to believe that power is dangerous.
I heal all the beliefs systems around stepping into my own power that do not serve
my highest good now.
I heal all of the belief systems that would allow any part of me to choose to stay
weak and powerless rather than fully alive.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments that
would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return I
release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with all
of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of embracing my true power.
I install news ways of feeling completely at ease being strong and powerful.
I allow myself to enjoy my renewed strength deeply and completely.
I am now fully aware of the magnificent being that I am.
It is completely safe for me and others to hold strong to who I am.
I have now stepped into my strength and power and I love it!
I install new ways of being aware of all the beliefs that are shaping my life.
From now on I can easily transform any beliefs that do not serve my highest good.
I acknowledge that I am a powerful spiritual being and I embrace my true power
I acknowledge that I am entitled to stand up for my rights.
I allow myself to exert my right to confront people whenever a situation calls for it.
From now on fighting for my rights comes naturally to me and always turns out to

be an easy and effortless thing to do.
I install ways of being respected and honored.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Hanged Man XII

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Some deep issues are to be resolved in your relationship. Not being on the

same wave-length may be one of them. Road blocks and setbacks with strong
feelings of discouragement and a desire to give-up. Do not act as a martyr, instead
take action and do what you know is best for you. If single: The time is definitely not
conducive to finding Charming Prince. Look within, as you may very well be the
only one blocking your chances to meet someone. A reality check seems to be in
order. Try to be more open-minded.
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): Something is not quite right with your
spouse/partner these days. This person may be involved in a difficult situation
(physical or emotional) without knowing how to resolve it, or acts indifferent and
withdrawn from the relationship. In case you have someone in mind, do not expect
to be in a happy a relationship with that person, or in any other one right now.
Position #3 (What is outside of your direct control/Destiny): You may have to
give-up something against your wishes. Or wait needlessly. In all instances, check-in
to see if you are not the only one responsible for any martyrdom happening in your
life. A change of view is called for to step out of it.
Position # 4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): You have the power
to overcome any difficulties just by reclaiming a position of command. Yielding to
the will of others and sacrificing yourself is uncalled for. The end of the tunnel can
only be seen if you are determined to change your outlook on your situation.
Guidance: This Hanged Man suggests the importance of accepting "what is", of
going with the flow. There are points in life where some sort of inactivity is much

Zensight exercise suggested with the Hanged Man

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Can someone please help me?"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I bring healing to all of the despair held in any aspect of my mind, body and spirit.
I heal all of the sorrow held in any parts of me concerning my cry for help.
I bring healing to all of the ways that any parts of me are experiencing a lack of love
and support of any kind.
I heal all of the lack of support and love any parts of me are experiencing.

I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I don't have the power to
initiate and sustain my own well-being.
I heal the original decision I have made that I have little if no control over my life.
I heal all of the reasons that I am at a stand-still point in my life.
I heal all of the reasons that I see no end to my suffering.

I heal any and all tendencies I have to believe that I deserve to suffer.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I expect my suffering to last, because ...
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that nobody can help me, because...
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that it is useless to have hopes.
I heal all the limiting beliefs acquired by any parts of me each time I have been
feeling hopeless.
I heal all that makes me believe pain and sorrow just happen and there is nothing I
can do about it.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that people have no control over what
is happening to them.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to be energetically aligned to experiencing pain,
sorrow, losses, hardships and failures.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me benefits when I am in pain.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I need to self-sacrifice, because...
I heal any and all self-condemnation held by any parts of me
I heal all of the beliefs carried by any part of me that I must surrender, because...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I despise myself, because ...
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I am not good enough.
I heal all of the ways that I am rejecting any parts of myself for any reason at all.
I heal all of the ways that I am ashamed of myself, because ...
I heal all of the ways that I am angry at myself, because ...
I heal all of the ways that I cannot forgive parts of myself, because ...
I heal all of the reasons that I am holding onto beliefs that do not serve my highest
I heal any and tendencies I have to be fundamentally pessimistic, because ....
I heal all of the ways that my outlook on life is defeating, because ...
I heal on all levels of my being any tendencies I have to be energetically aligned to
hopelessness, pessimism and unhappiness..
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.

From now on all of my feelings and beliefs that do not serve my joy are falling away.
I acknowledge that my natural state is one of grace and acceptance and I am grateful
to be alive.
I only surround myself with supportive people who have a good outlook on life
I have now full access to my authentic power from within and I express it easily.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Death XIII

This card rarely refers to physical death

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread

Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: A drastic transformation of your relationship is in the making . A change
of status is possible, as well moving to a new residence or emigrating to foreign
lands. Whatever happens, you will be fine. If you are single: Love is coming your
way. Be prepared to start a brand new journey realizing your hopes and dreams. You
are about to move into a pleasant season of your life.
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): A brand new relationship lies ahead
of you, be it through a complete change performed by your current spouse/partner,
the rekindling of a former relationship, or starting fresh with someone new. In all
instances, a major change is about to happen that will transform your outlook on
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): You will experience a
complete and beneficial transformation according to the blueprint of your life. The
bad times are about to end with the vanishing of all of your pain and suffering.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): A major change is in
the making in your life. You are about to go through a drastic transformation that
you will handle beautifully. A new life or a new relationship has the potential to
make your heart sing. Go with it! Guidance: This card suggests the importance of
getting rid of the old, of purging the worn-out from yourself (old and obsolete beliefs,
etc.), or from your life (unhealthy people, work, distractions, etc), as well as from
your physical environment (broken or unused material possessions, out-dated décor,
items triggering bad memories, etc).

Zensight exercise suggested with the Death card

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Healing the fear of the unknown and all the grief that goes with it."
I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to associate the Death card of the Tarot with fear,
grief and sorrow.
I heal any and all core beliefs held by any parts of me on any levels of my being
connected along the theme of "I fear what the Death card of the Tarot represents".

I now heal any and all core beliefs similar in any way to the belief that I need to fear
the fundamental transformation the Death card of the Tarot symbolizes.
I heal all of the reasons that contribute to my fear of the unknown.
I heal all that enables any part of me to associate grief with the unknown.

I heal all past memories that are instrumental to my fear of the unknown.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that danger is all around me.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that fearing the unknown keeps me
I heal any and all fear held by any part of me connected to grief and sorrow.
I heal all of the fear any part of me has to face the unknown.
I heal all of the times that I have experienced hardships of any kind when I was all
by myself.
I heal all of the times that I have experienced fear of any kind when I was away from
my familiar environment.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe what I have not yet experienced is threatening.
I heal all of the ways parts of me are holding onto grief and sorrow, because ...
I heal all past memories that are instrumental to any grief and sorrow held by any
parts of me.
I heal all of the beliefs formed by any parts of me each time I have experienced a
loss of any kind.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me believes I will never get over my grief, because...
I heal all of the beliefs held by any part of me that I would be a bad person if I didn’t
hold onto my grief, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am replaying any dramatic event in my mind.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me believe I could have prevented any dramatic
events that occurred in my life.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is overwhelmed with sadness, because ...
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me have lost their joy, when....
I bring healing to all of the ways any dramatic event that has occurred to me is locked
into my body and energy field.
I bring healing to all of the ways any drama I have experienced is energetically
locked into my physical environment.
I heal all of the guilt held by any parts of me in connection to any dramatic event that
occurred in my life.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am being punished by any parts of me in
relation to any dramatic event that occurred in my life.
I bring healing to all of the ways that any parts of me are struggling with feelings of
hate and anger for any reason at all.
I bring healing to any and all reasons any part of me may be struggling with feelings
of un-forgiveness towards myself or anyone else.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me are engulfed in the past, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I cannot envision myself being happy again.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that my life has to be burdened
with grief, because ....
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that nothing can ever bring me
joy again, because ...
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that I will always feel empty, because...

I bring healing to all of the ways I have lost faith in the benevolence of the Universe
I heal all of the ways that I have taken on a personality around my grief and losses.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me believes it is not okay to behave in ways
that do not match the deep pain that I am feeling.
I heal all of the ways that my pain is preventing me from remembering all the good
things that went along what I have lost.
I heal all of the ways that parts of me want to be happy again and others don't.
I bring healing to all of the ways parts of me may be preventing all of this healing to
reach through all the different levels of my being.
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that I am doomed to experience the
same losses if I start all over again.
I heal all of the beliefs formed by any parts of me about myself, others, the world,
or what I can expect from life during times of losses.
I heal all of the decisions made by any parts of me during times of losses and
hardships that do not serve my highest good now.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of trusting the fundamental benevolence of the Universe.
I install new ways of feeling safe around the unfamiliar.
I install new ways of performing all the beneficial changes I want in my life.
I install new ways of stepping into the unknown with joyful expectations.
I install new ways of feeling at peace with myself and with my life.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Temperance XIV

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: You have everything you need to be happy, although your expectations

may get in the way of your contentment. Your current relationship shows a good
amount of give-and-take and has all the ingredients for a long and stable union. If
single: Persevere and you will eventually have everything that your heart desires.
Things may take time to manifest but they will. Love will come to you when you
least expect it!
Position# 2 (Your mate or potential mate): Peace of mind is all yours concerning
your spouse/partner. You can bank on his/her fidelity and on the continuum of your
relationship. If you are single, you will find satisfaction. Do not go the hard way.
Easy does it!
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control): You don’t have to do anything.
No efforts are needed at this time to fulfill your wishes. All the beneficial forces of
the Universe are working on your behalf. You are currently extremely privileged.
Your destiny looks very rosy!
Position #4 (How you will deal with the situation): Serenity and satisfaction is
your answer. You will peacefully take any necessary steps to bring evolution and
progression to the situation. If you have to make a decision, your will choose wisely.
Guidance: The Temperance suggests the importance of regulating the flow of what
is coming in and what is coming out in our lives. When material things or duties are
piling-up, when a conflict is going way out of proportion, or in case of deprivation,
bringing in what is missing or taking out what is “too much” is the name of the game.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Temperance

* Remember to pause at the end of each statements, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"It’s easy for me to receive, I don’t need to be a ‘packrat’ anymore!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all fear contributing to any needs I have to hoard and save.
I heal all of the times that I have learned to be afraid of losing something.
I heal all of the times that I had to painfully let go of something of value to me.
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that there is not enough for me.
I heal all of the difficulties I have feeling safe and secure.
I heal the original decisions made by any parts of me that I will always be missing
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me associate giving with losing.
I heal all of the times that I have been afraid to give.
I heal all of the times that I have been afraid to receive.
I heal all of the ways that giving and receiving are challenging to any parts of me.
I heal the original decision I have made that giving is better than receiving.

I heal the original decision I have made that receiving is better than giving.
I heal all of the reasons that there is no balance between the giving and receiving in
my life.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to give out more than I can afford.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to receive without giving anything in return.
I heal all that makes any part of me believe I cannot receive what I am longing for.
I heal all of the reasons that I don’t allow myself to receive as much as I could.
I heal all of the times that I have lost something of value due of an inability to receive.
I heal all of times I have been told not to ask for what I need.
I heal all of the times my expectations were not met.
I heal all of the reasons that what I usually get is not what I truly want and need.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to believe that it is selfish to take care of my needs.
I heal all that makes me believe I am not worthy of coming first.
I heal all of the reasons that I have so many broken dreams.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me is set for disappointment.
I heal all that contributes to making my life empty despite all of my belongings.
I heal all the tendencies I have to be overwhelmed by my belongings.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me are tied-up to my belongings.
I heal all of the ways that I have assigned meanings to my belongings that are
blocking my natural progression in life.
I heal all of the meanings any part of me has assigned to the stuff I am hoarding.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me that emptiness is dangerous.
I heal the original decision made by any part of me I need excess to be safe.
I heal all of the reasons that I need to have more belongings than I can manage.
I heal all of the reasons I need to tackle more tasks than I can handle.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am overwhelmed by all of my possessions and
I bring healing to all of the ways that my possessions and duties are hindering my
I heal all of the reasons held by any parts of me that trigger a need to keep anything
that has a negative impact on me.
I bring healing to all of the ways that my need to save and rescue is hurting me.
I heal all of the ways that my saving and rescuing is draining any parts of me.
I heal all of the reasons that my saving and rescuing are not paying off.
I heal all of the reasons that I am not fulfilling my true needs.
I bring healing to all of the ways not fulfilling my true needs is affecting me.
I heal all of the sadness, despair, disappointment, regrets, shame, guilt, anger and un-
forgiveness connected to any of my unsatisfied needs.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.

I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of only keeping in my life and physical environment what brings
me real joy.
From now all that I do and all that I keep fulfills my true needs.
I now have the power to accomplish freely whatever I wish to do.
From now on I am able to express freely all of my gifts and talents
I install new ways of instantaneous having access to anything necessary to fulfill my
true needs.
I am a wonderful person in all aspects of my being and I accept to be fulfilled in ways
that I have never experienced before.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Devil XIV

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Do not accept to be dwarfed, restricted and limited for any reason at all.

Check to see if this relationship is truly worth your while. You have the power to cut
any unhealthy bond if you so choose. If you are single: Nobody is worth getting
obsessed about. If you’re thinking about grabbing something that obviously is not
yours, think twice. You may get it, but regret it later.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): Beware, be on guard and protect
yourself! Now is not the time to believe in fairy tales, even if they sound beautiful.
Look for honesty and truthfulness.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny):Pride and prejudice! A
very unsettling discovery may unleash all of your demons! Be cautious. Drinking,
partying, falling for the wrong person, all spells huge danger now with long term
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): You have the power
to get about anything that you want. However, are you sure that what you want is
aiming at your highest good? You may loose a lot in the long run if you are just after
some immediate gratification. Guidance: Associated with the material world as well
as with our physical body, the card of the Devil suggests the importance of enjoying
our present stay on earth, savoring all of its delights in balanced and pro-creative
ways. Being holy doesn’t mean shying away from physical pleasures and material
possessions. Greed only comes from insatiable needs constructed around personal
wounds and suffering.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Devil

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"It’s not me, I am just playing a role!"

(Where needed in the exercise, state the name of the person or organization that is
helping you play that role in your current life, or of the parent, teacher, mate etc., that
you believe has shaped you into being anything less than your true self.)
I heal any and all psychological and energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to play a role to fit anyone’s expectations of me.
I heal and release any roles I have accepted to play that don’t serve my highest good.
I heal any and all tendencies that I have to not be true to myself.
I heal all of the reasons that have led me to betray my own self to fit anybody’s
expectations of me.
I heal any and all flaws and weaknesses I am cultivating in order to fit into ...’s
expectations of me (name of the person or organization).
I heal all of the reasons I have accepted to play a role that summarizes all the flaws
and weaknesses "..." expects to see in a woman (men, in a French citizen, etc.).
I heal all of the reasons I am allowing anyone to express their build-in prejudice

against me for what I represent to them.
I heal the original decision I have made to portray anyone else’s flaws to please "...".
I heal all of the ways that I am allowing "..." to unleash on me any otherwise hidden
and forbidden feelings destined to someone else.
I heal all of the reasons that I have allowed myself to fall into a pattern of being
someone else’s than my true self to fulfill anyone’s expectations or image of me.
I heal on all levels of my being any and all decisions I have made to become petty
and small.
I heal any and all decisions I have made to become unattractive to fit into anyone’s
view of me.
I heal any and all decisions I have made to become impoverished to please anyone.
I heal any and all decisions I have made to become cheap and greedy for any reason
at all.
I bring healing to all the frustration and bitterness I have accumulated for not being
true to myself.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I have become mean and vindictive for not
being true to myself.
I bring healing to all of the ways I have become angry, revengeful and unforgiving
for not being true to myself.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I have transformed myself into someone I am
fundamentally not.
I heal all that contributes to my being anything less than mu true beautiful self.
I heal tendencies I have to be someone who cannot be easily pleased.
I heal all tendencies I have to be someone who cannot be fulfilled.
I heal all tendencies that I have to be someone who cannot succeed in life.
I heal all tendencies I have to be someone who cannot be happy.
I heal all tendencies I have to be someone who cannot thrive financially.
I heal all tendencies I have to be someone who cannot realize their hopes and wishes.
I heal all of the fear and anxiety I have accumulated for not being true to myself.

I heal all of the sadness, grief and despair I have accumulated for not being true to
I heal all of the disappointment, regrets, guilt and shame I have accumulated for not
being true to myself.
I heal all of the times that I have experienced setbacks, failures and losses for not
being true to myself.
I heal all of the anger I have accumulated for not being true to myself.
I heal all of the un-forgiveness I have accumulated for not being true to myself.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me under any circumstances to live
my life according to anyone’s view of me that don’t serve my highest good now.
I heal any and all agreements and sacred contracts I have made at any level of my
being that do not serve my highest good now.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that my safety depends on

respecting other people’s expectations of me
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that my support in life depends
on respecting "...’s" expectations of me.
I heal all of the times that I have learned that I need to respect "...’s" expectations
of me.
I heal any and all energetic connection and attachments to "..." in ways that are totally
satisfying for me and for all concerned.
I heal all of the reasons that parts of me needed to have this detrimental connection
with "..." .
I heal on all levels of my being any and all sacred contracts and unfinished duties
connected to anyone playing a detrimental role in my life.
I heal on all levels of my being all components known or unknown to any part of me
that are holding in place my detrimental connection with "...".
I heal all of the origins of my connection with "..." that are not serving my highest
good now.
I heal all of the times that I have been hurt, wounded and damaged due to my
connection with "..."
I heal on all levels of my being any and all fear, sadness, regrets, guilt, shame,
powerlessness, anger and un-forgiveness that are holding in place my detrimental
connection with "...".
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being
connected in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
From now on I allow myself on all levels of my being to be completely free of all
connection with "..." that do not serve my highest good now.
I install on all levels of my being any and all new patterns necessary for me to be
completely free of all connection with "..." that do not serve my highest good now.
I install new ways of being at peace in relation to my past connection with "...".
I install the loving care and nurturing that should have happened to me throughout
my entire connection with " ..." but did not.
I am a wonderful person in all aspects of my being and I install new ways of loving

and accepting myself deeply and completely.
From now on it is safe for me to be thoroughly true to myself and express freely who
I truly and fundamentally am.
I install new ways of feeling at peace with myself and with my life.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing
that has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all
of this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Broken House XVI

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Conflicting desires, fights and a possible crash of the relationship, with
still the possibility of rebuilding it stronger afterwards. If single: Your hopes were

built on moving sand. The timing wasn’t right. However, don’t lose faith. You will
either be able to reassemble the pieces or build something else on sounder grounds.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): Your partner may have a strong built-
up of anger or resentment. Beware of a risk of explosion leading to a break-up, if not
permanent at least memorable. If single, you can expect a short-term relationship,
coming and going as swiftly as a lighting bolt!
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control): A radical change ahead. Either
through your own making (like you’ll wake up one morning and be done with a
situation that has bothered you for a long time), or due to something happening out
of the clear blue sky.
Position #4 (How you will deal with the situation): When you look at the bigger
picture, whatever breaks allows for something stronger and sturdier to be born out
of the mistakes that were made. Any radical change will bestow upon you the power
to rebuild yourself in ways that would never have been possible otherwise.
Guidance: The Broken House suggests the importance of investigating the walls of
our self-imposed limitations that can literally choke us. No wonder that we explode
at times leaving all fears behind. Which is what you are prompted to do at this time,
lest choking or exploding! Break free from any confining situation by pushing your
fear-based limitations away.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Broken House

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"Healing antagonism in relationships."

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal all the tendencies any parts of me have to contribute to the challenges I am
experiencing in my relationship with "...".
I heal all of the issues that are contributing to the challenges I am experiencing in
my relationship with "...".
I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me that my relationship with "..." is beyond
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me to be in conflict with "...".
I heal all of the reasons that "...’s" behavior reminds me of ...
I heal any and all anger any part of me is experiencing in relation to "..." when ...
I heal all tendencies any parts of me have to feel victimized by "..."’s behavior.
I bring healing to any and all issues that contribute to my being critical of "...".
I heal all of the ways there is always something worth starting a fight with "...".
I heal all the antagonism that prevails in my relationship with "...", because ...
I heal all of the ways that I have to fight to get my point across with "..." when ...

I heal all of the ways that I expect "..." to contradict every word I say, because ...
I heal all of the reasons that we argue about anything and everything with "...".
I heal all of the ways that I have a built-up of hostility against "...", because ...
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe "..." has become my enemy.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe "..." is opposed to my well being.
I fully heal and release any and all roles I have taken on from "..." that don’t serve my
highest good now.
I fully heal and release any and all roles I have assigned to "..." that don’t serve my
highest good now.
I heal all of the disappointment I feel in connection to "...".
I heal all of the anxiety I feel in connection to "...".
I heal all of the doubts and confusion I feel in connection to "...".
I heal all of the conflict that exist between any parts of me in connection to "...".
I heal all of the ways that I am staying in a hurtful relationship with "...", because...
I heal all of the hopelessness carried by any parts of me in connection to "...".
I heal all of the ways that I would leave "...", if not for ....
I heal all of the ways that I would stop fighting with "...", if not for ....
I heal the original decision I have made to associate myself with someone who is not
fit to build and sustain a happy relationship with me.
I heal all of the ways that my association with "..." reminds me of ...
I heal all of the ways that I am angry at myself for all the wrong choices I have made.
I heal all of the tendencies any parts of me have to believe that "..." will keep on
deceiving me, because ....
I heal all of the tendencies any parts of me have to believe that "..." will continue to
hurt me, because...
I heal all of the tendencies any parts of me have to tolerate abuse, because...
I heal all of the tendencies any parts of me have to inflict pain to "...", when ...
I heal all of the times that I have deceived myself in my relationship with "...".
I heal all of the times that I have betrayed my values in my relationship with "...".
I heal all of the times that I have neglected my needs in my relationship with "...".
I heal any and all issues held by any parts of me that contribute to my being unable
to forgive "...", because....
I heal any and all fear I am experiencing in connection to my relationship with "...".
I heal any and all feelings of loss I am experiencing in connection to "...".
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I am not safe with "...".
I heal all of the times I have been hurt showing my love for "...".
I heal all the beliefs formed by any parts of me all of the times that I have been hurt
showing my love to someone.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to block myself from being true to my feelings.
I heal all of the reasons that I pretend I don't feel love for "...".
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is preventing me from loving "...".
I heal the original decision I have made to shunt love out of my life.
I heal all of the ways that I am in energetic alignment with any of my failed relationships.

I heal all of the ways that I let anyone from my past hold the keys to my happiness
with "...".
I heal all of the reasons that I hide my potential for love.
I heal all of the reasons that I fear loving again.
I heal all of the reasons that I am afraid to let someone come close to me.
I heal all of the ways that I don't love, accept and value myself completely, because...
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I am not enough.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that love hurts.
I heal of the ways there is not enough joy and pleasure in my life, because ...
I heal any and all memories from my past that are keeping me sad now.
I heal all of the reasons I would experience much joy in my life, if not for....
I heal all the tendencies any parts of me have to be afraid to feel joy, because...
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me would rather stay unhappy than know joy,
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I have lost my ability to be happy again.
I heal any and all unhappiness expressed by any parts of me connected to "...".
I heal any and all unwillingness any parts of me have to know tenderness, joy and
tranquillity with "...".
I heal any and all tendencies I have to lack the persistence to follow through my plans
and ideas.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to remain stuck in my old ways of doing things.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to fight with "..." to keep the excitement alive.
I heal and release any beliefs held by any parts of me that it is impossible to start
anew in my relationship with "...".
I heal all of the ways that I don't want to make the necessary effort or take the
initiative to rebuild my relationship with "...", because ....
I heal any and all tendencies any parts of me have to wait for things that never come.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected to all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.

I install new ways of knowing peace, happiness, love and prosperity my life.
I allow myself to experience the new beginning that I am longing for in my life.
From now on it is easy for me to accept ... exactly as he (she) is.
From now on it is easy for me to accept myself fully and completely exactly as I am
with all of my flaws and shortcomings.
I am now in alignment with my highest aspirations.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Star XVII

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread Answers
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: This is a match made in Heaven. If you’re still wondering, this is the

perfect time to tie the knot for good and settle down permanently. If you are single:
A Godsend love is coming to you. Even though getting involved in a relationship
may be far from your thoughts right now, chances are that you’ll change your mind
in the future!
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): Your mate finds you very attractive
and has eyes only for you. You can ask and have whatever you want from your
partner. If you’re hoping to get married or durably involved with someone, this is a
time of love and happiness in your life with the fulfillment of all your wishes.
Position # 3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny):Wish upon a star and
you’ll receive all the love and happiness necessary to fill-up your heart and bless your
life! Heavens are working on your behalf. All your wishes will be granted. Choose
and decide now!
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Listen to your
intuition. Do whatever your heart dictates. You can’t go wrong. Marriage,
commitment, happiness and love are all yours. You are blessed these days. Go in
peace and enjoy! Guidance: This card suggests the importance of consciously
participating in the creation process. It tells us to come to term with just being an
observer, for being an active player in the game of life is far more enjoyable. It also
indicates that either way, and according to the big picture, we cannot go wrong!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Star

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements

"I clearly see all of my blessings, I know inner peace!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in connection with
this clearing.
I heal all the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all difficulties I have seeing all of my blessings.
I heal any and all difficulties I have expressing gratitude for all of my blessings.
I heal any and all difficulties I have loving and accepting my life as it is now.
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that I am unlucky.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me believe there is nothing in my life truly worth
being grateful for.
I bring healing to any and all broken dreams held by any parts of me.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to primarily look at the dark side of life.
I heal any and all difficulties I have seeing and enjoying the bright side of life.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe my life has no good purpose.
I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me about my life that are contributing to
making me feel victimized and helpless.
I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me about my life that are contributing to
making me feel sad, depressed and hopeless.

I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me about my life that are contributing to
making me feel resentful, frustrated and angry.
I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me about my life that are contributing to
making me feel disappointed, regretful and disillusioned.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me about my life that are contributing to
making me feel ashamed and guilty.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that I need to be punished, because...
I bring healing to all of the ways I believe my life is a failure, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways any parts of me believe I am a loser, because ...
I heal any and all powerlessness I have to be who I truly want to be.
I heal any and all powerlessness I have to acquire what I truly want to have.
I bring healing to all of the ways I am not in energetic alignment with my highest
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that are hindering my well-being.
I bring healing to all of the ways and reasons I am letting my awesome potential for
happiness and fulfillment go dormant.
I heal all of the ways that I believe my skills and talents have no value.
I heal any and all resistance I have to believing in myself fully and completely.
I heal all of the ways I see myself less than ...
I heal any and all components to the belief held by any parts of me that nothing good
and truly fulfilling will ever happen to me.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe I am not programmed for the good
things in life.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe there will always be obstacles on
my path to a fulfilling and rewarding life.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe I am condemned to meagerness.
I heal all of the ways that I believe it would take away from others if I get my needs
I heal all of the ways that I believe life is fundamentally difficult, because ....
I heal all of the ways that I believe the world is a harsh place to live in, because ....
I heal any and all difficulties I have being grateful for what I have when there is so
much suffering going on in the world.
I heal all of the ways that I don't see the point of being grateful for anything these
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe that gratefulness is useless.
I heal all of the conflict that exist between any parts of me concerning gratefulness.
I heal any and all resistance I have to appreciating my life as it is now.
I heal any and all resistance to believing that I can realize my highest aspirations. .
I heal any and all difficulties I have to saying ""Thank you!"".
I bring healing to any and all overwhelming situation I am currently experiencing
in my life.
I heal any and all situations in my life that are causing me to be overwhelmed.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me are engaged into detrimental talks about

the way my life is presently unfolding.
I heal all the tendencies I have to stay absorbed in my worries.
I heal all of the needs I have to constantly think or talk about any difficult situation
happening in my life.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is consumed by any situation happening in
the world.
I heal any and all tendencies held by any parts of me to constantly worry and
I clear all of the ways that I believe I will only become peaceful when ...
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe worrying will solve my problems.
I heal all that makes me believe that peacefulness and happiness can only happen if...
I heal all that makes any parts of me believe that I cannot be happy now, because....
I heal all of the difficulties I have to feeling tranquil and fulfilled, because ....
I heal any and all situations in my life that are contributing to my current discontent
and unhappiness.
I heal all of that contributes to fueling any conflict going on between different parts
of myself.
I heal all that contributes to any kind of exhaustion I am currently experiencing.
I heal any and all judgment, criticism, anger, sadness, despair and unforgiveness that
are contributing to any lack of zest for life any parts of me may be experiencing.
I heal all the harm to my health that the stress I am experiencing may cause..
I heal any and all resistance I have to put any stressful situations in my life to rest.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being
connected in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of loving and accepting myself fully and completely.
I install new ways of loving and accepting my life exactly as it is now.
I install new ways of seeing the good that is already all around me.
I install new ways of keeping my inner peace in any situation
I believe that have the power to better my reality by focusing on all the good things
that are already parts of my life.

The good that I already have is enough for me to feel profoundly grateful for it.
I install new ways of being grateful for all the little things that are already enriching
my life.
I install new ways of being able to express my gratitude to everyone and everything
that is already making my life easy and agreeable.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I now install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the
healing that has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all
of this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Moon XVIII

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Confusion and passivity may lead to deception. Uncertainties and hidden
issues need to be brought into the open. Do not be afraid to commit to your
relationship. If your are single: Look beneath the surface if you have someone in

mind. Not planning a pregnancy? Then take precaution since you may be very fertile
these day! Or just dreaming about love? Nothing will ever happen if you stay hidden
in the shadow.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): Your spouse/partner may well be
depressed these days or going through a time of profound confusion. If you have
someone in mind, it would be a good idea to remove any rose-colored glasses you
may be wearing. Do not dwell for too long into a fantasy world.
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Even though dreaming
and having hopes is a good thing, there is a world of deception waiting for you if you
just passively wait for things to happen on their own. You may also have to revise
some unrealistic expectations.
Position #4 (How you will deal with the situation): You will have to work out
some profound issues. Maybe even move through your illusions. Confusion,
melancholy and puzzlement. It is not the right time to make any drastic decisions.
Guidance: The Moon card suggests the importance of a fearless plunge into the
vastness of our inner most being with the need to undertake a journey of self-
discovery. It remind us that what is concealed spells danger, whereas what is clearly
seen becomes inoffensive.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Moon

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements

"Illusions, delusions, I clear them all!

I heal any and all psychological and energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to only see what I want to see.
I bring healing to all of the ways I am adjusting what I see to fit my expectations.
I heal all of the reasons I see signs everywhere that are holding my chimeres in place.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to hold onto my illusions.
I heal all of the times that I have learned to lie to myself.
I heal all of the times that I have learned to live in a fantasy world.
I heal all that makes me believe things will change against all odds just to please me.
I heal all of the ways that I refuse to see things the way I intuitively know they are.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me to live a fictitious life.
I heal all the beliefs held by any part of me that I can change others.
I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me that others need to comply to my will.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me believe I will eventually get him (her) to
comply with my expectations and fulfill all of my dreams.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that him (her) will not go anywhere
in life successfully without me.

I heal all of the confusion I am experiencing whenever ...
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me would rather stay confused than face the
I heal all of the ways that being lied to is vital to parts of me, because ...
I heal any and all commitment I have to keeping deceptive people in my life.
I heal all of the ways that I soothe my frustration in unhealthy ways when ...
I heal any and all unhealthy behaviors held by any parts of me connected to any
disappointment I am facing in my life.
I heal any and all needs to hold onto any expectations for no good purpose in my life.
I heal any and all false hopes I am holding for any reasons at all.
I heal all of the ways that any part of me is keeping my hopes-up in any deceptive situation.
I heal any and all difficulties any part of me has to take "no" for an answer.
I heal all of the disappointment any parts of me would experience if I stopped hoping
for the impossible to happen.
I heal all of that makes any parts of me believe my life will be over if I don’t realize
my current dreams.
I heal all of the times that I had a dream that never got realized.
I heal all of the regrets and despair held by any parts of me connected to any of my
unrealized expectations.
I heal any and all resistance to letting go of anything that do not serve my highest
good now.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to play any situation over and over in my mind.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to make anyone play a role in my fantasy world
who is unwilling to play it in real life.
I heal all of the issues that have contributed to making me conclude I am better off
living in an imaginary world then facing the truth, because ...
I heal all of the times that any parts of me have been saved from harm when
retreating into a fantasy world.
I heal all of the times I have been hurt by not facing the truth.
I heal all of the times I have been lied to.
I heal all of the times that I have let someone play with my feelings.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that the world is not a safe place.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that something is wrong with me.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that it is not okay to be myself.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me are holding the key to what I can or cannot
be or have in my life.
I heal all of the ways that I am overwhelmed by any inner turmoil.
I heal any and all tendencies any parts of me have to be in conflict whenever I think
about ....
I heal any and conflict arising between any parts of myself when ...
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that I will be seen as a loser if what
I am expecting doesn’t happen.
I heal any and all hindrance or opposition to the fulfilment of all of my dreams as

long as they serve my highest good.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I now fully release any and all roles I have taken on that do not serve any higher
purpose in life.
I now fully release anyone from my imagination who is not playing a real and
beneficial role is my everyday existence.
I now fully release any expectations held by any parts of me that are not in full
accordance with my highest good now.
I install new ways of readily seeing the whole truth in any situation.
I install new ways of trusting my intuition.
I allow myself to face reality even when I don't like it.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d
The Sun XIX
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Your relationship shines with a radiance beyond compare! Everything is
working in your favor in this union. You are blessed, and very durably. If you are
single: True love and profound happiness is coming your way. If you already have
someone in mind, that’s may well be the one. This is definitely a period of grace.

Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): Your spouse/partner is full of love for
you and ready to offer you the world on a golden platter. Ask and you shall receive!
If you want to get married or durably involved with someone, this is a time of blessed
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): You are entering a
period of major happiness in your life. You will be showered with love and all the
good things that your heart desires. Great fulfillment is what life has in store for you.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Every plan you have
will work out in your favor. Each and everyone of your expectations will be fulfilled.
Now, just be happy and content. You absolutely cannot go wrong! Guidance: The
card of the Sun suggests the importance of being able to see things under a new light,
of expanding our vision of the amount of joy and happiness that we can have in our
lives. Full of passion and vitality, the Sun prompts everyone of us to come to term
with our coldness towards others, our lack of zest and enthusiasm in general, but to
have faith in the overall goodness of mankind and trust in a bright future.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Sun

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements

"Bliss and happiness? You must be kidding!"

I heal any and all psychological and energetic reversal of any kind in relation with
this clearing.
I heal all of the distressing emotions connected to these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal and release any and all upset of any kind that any parts of me feel in relation
to bliss and happiness.
I heal all the resistance expressed by any parts of me in relation to bliss and
I heal all that contributes to making me believe that bliss and happiness can at best
be felt under very special circumstances which rarely happen anyhow.
I heal all that contributes in any way to making any parts of me believe that moments
of joy and happiness are doomed to be followed by sorrow.
I heal all of the times that I have learned that joy and happiness spell trouble later on.
I heal all of the times that I have experienced sorrow after moments of profound joy.
I heal all tendencies held by any parts of me to feel in danger when I am joyful.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me have the power to disturb the occurrence
of joyful events in my life.
I heal on all levels of my being all that contributes to bringing me any unhappy events
after experiencing joy and happiness.
I heal all of the trauma and painful experiences that precipitated my belief that I am
better off not experiencing joy and happiness in my life.

I heal all of the times that I have spoiled moments of happiness with fear and doubts.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to respond to the good things happening to me
with fear and doubts, because...
I heal all of the times that I have learned not to express joy and happiness, because...
I heal all that contributes to any fear held by any parts of me of losing the good I
already have in my life.
I heal all of the reasons that I rather not have any good coming to me than losing
them afterwards.
I heal all of the times that I have felt joy for something that got taken away from me.
I heal all of the trauma I have experienced anytime I have lost something I loved.
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that anything that brings me joy and
happiness is bound to be taken away from me.
I heal all of the grief held in any aspect of my body, mind and spirit in relation to
anything joyful being taken away from me.
I bring healing to all of the ways that any parts of me have lost their zest for life.
I heal all of the hopelessness carried by any parts of me in relation to my future.
I heal all of the reasons any parts of me have lost their hopes in a bright future for me.
I heal all the beliefs held by any parts of me that my fate is sealed in unhappiness.
I heal all of the times that any parts of me have been swamped in despair.
I heal all that engenders for any parts of me the tendency to decline gifts and
I heal all that contributes to making me believe there are no free rides in life.
I heal all that encourages any parts of me to refuse to socialize.
I heal all that encourages any parts of me to dislike festivities.
I heal all that contributes to the need of any parts of me to stay in the shadow.
I heal all of the fear I am experiencing whenever I am the center of attention.
I heal all of the times that I have been ashamed of myself, because ....
I heal all the tendencies I have to judge and criticize myself, because ...
I heal all the tendencies any parts of me have to expect to be criticized.
I heal all of the times that I have been mocked and made fun of.
I heal all of the times that I have learned to dislike myself.
I heal all of the hurt and despair carried by any part of me in relation to any situation
where I felt disliked, unloved and pushed away.
I heal any and all energetic alignment to being disliked by those who matter to me.
I heal all of the tendencies any parts of me have to purposely act in ways that will
have others dislike me.
I heal all of that contributes to any parts of me wanting to be disliked, because...
I heal any beliefs held by any parts of me that being disliked keeps me safe when...
I heal all of the fear being held by any parts of me if I were to shine and be noticed.
I heal all of the times that being noticed brought me into trouble.
I heal all of the trauma held by any part of me in relation to being noticed.
I heal all of the decisions made by any parts of me in times of cheerfulness that do
not serve my highest good now.

I heal all that contributes to making my life unhappy and joyless.
I heal any and all decisions I have made to only allow happiness in my life if ...
I heal all of that contributes to blocking my natural joy and happiness.
I heal all that makes me believe joy and happiness cannot be sustained.
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me associate happiness with boredom.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I am better off not feeling
joy and happiness, because ...
I heal the original decision made by all parts of me that something bad will happen
if I allow myself to be warm with people and enthusiastic about my life.
I heal all the decisions I have made during any traumatic event that I have personally
experienced or seen happening to other people.
I heal all that engenders for any parts of me a need for drama to keep my life exciting.

I heal all that bestows to anyone or anything the power to ruin my happiness in life.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being connected
in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of knowing joy and happiness, deeply and durably.
I allow myself to be profoundly happy.
I now choose to enjoy life.
I joyfully interact with other people.
I am completely safe in all situations.
I am profoundly grateful for the abundance of good that I already enjoy.
My life is all around beautiful!
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Judgment XX
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: A shake and wake of the best kind is taking place in your relationship.
Nice surprises and a delightful rekindling of love. If you are single: Love is on its
way and will show-up in the most unexpected time or places. Get ready!
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): Sudden news from a loved one (good
or bad). Pay attention to the card in position #3 in your reading; it will give you information
regarding the nature of this event or news. Possibility of an impromptu marriage, or
of the swift sharing of a same home, or of an unexpected love encounter under odd

Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): An unexpected event or
some news will be the bearer of a sudden and most unexpected transformation of
your love life. Look at your card in the first position in your reading to get an idea of
the nature of this change.
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Serendipity is
working on your behalf, making you be at the right place at the right time to enjoy a
complete rebirth of your love life. Surprised and delighted, you will go with the flow.
Have faith in the changes taking place. It’s all good! Guidance: This card shows the
importance of self-acceptance and forgiving ourselves for our weaknesses and past
mistakes. It indicates to come to terms with judging ourselves harshly. The truth is
that we always do our best within the possibilities inherent in any situations. If we
could do better, we certainly would!

Zensight exercise suggested with the Judgment

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements

"I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Me?"

I heal any and all psychological and energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all the distressing emotions connected to all of these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all difficulties I have loving and accepting myself completely with all
of my flaws and shortcomings.
I heal the original decision I have made to not love myself, because ....
I heal all of the times that I have learned to criticize myself.
I heal all that contributes to making any parts of me believe I am inherently flawed.
I heal any and all beliefs I have acquired that forbid me to love and accept myself.
I heal all of the beliefs I am holding at any level of my being that I deserve to be
punished and condemned, because...
I heal on all levels of my being any and all self-inflicted punishment or imposed upon
me by anyone else.
I heal on all levels of my being any and all doomed prediction about my fate that any
parts of me believe in.
I heal all beliefs held by any parts of me that I have been a burden in anyone’s life.
I heal all descriptions of myself I have accepted as being true at any levels of my
being that do not serve my highest good now.
I heal all of the times that I have learned I need to be perfect to be loved.
I heal any and all conflict going on within myself in relation to any of my flaws.
I heal any and all necessity I have to become perfect.
I heal any and all roles of dictatorship any parts of me have taken upon any other

I heal any and all expectations of myself that do not serve my highest good now.
I heal all of the ways that I disapprove of myself, because...
I heal all of the ways that I am ashamed of myself, because...
I heal all of the ways that any parts of me expects to be rejected, because...
I heal all of the times that I have learned to feel inferior to others, because....
I heal all of the times that I have been humiliated, because ....
I heal all of the times I have been hurt for being myself.
I heal all of the times that I have been rejected and abandoned.
I heal all of the times my love for someone has been mocked.
I heal the original decision made by any parts of me that I am undeserving of love.
I heal all the torment I am experiencing for being the way that I am.
I heal all of the ways that I am tormented, because...
I heal all of the ways that I am energetically aligned to a detrimental view of myself.
I heal all of the suffering I have endured for being myself.
I heal all of the disappointment I have in relation to how my life turned-out to be.
I heal all of the regrets I have, because ...
I heal any and all conflicts that exist between all of the different parts of me.
I heal any and all anger being held by any parts of me, because...
I heal any and all un-forgiveness being held by any parts of me, because ...
I bring healing to any parts of me who have been unloved and rejected.
I bring healing to any parts of me that are in conflict with how I am handling my life.
I bring healing to any parts of me holding anger towards themselves.
I bring healing to any parts of me still suffering from any harm inflicted upon them.
I bring healing to any parts of me unable to forgive the pain that has been inflicted
upon them.
I bring healing to any parts of me opposed to my willingness to love and accept each
and every parts of me.
I bring healing to any parts of me that are opposed to being loved and accepted now.
I heal all of the ways that I have been diminishing myself, because...
I heal all that contributes to making me believe that something is wrong with me.
I heal the original decisions made by any parts of me that I am not enough.
I heal all of the times that I have undermined my chances in situations where I
believed I was not enough.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe I am less than who I truly am.
I heal all of that contributes to making me dwarf any of my skills and talents.
I bring healing to any parts of me who have had their skills and talents destroyed.
I bring healing to any parts of me not feeling good enough to express their skills and
I heal all of the beliefs held by any parts of me that it is not safe to show how skillful
and talented I really am.
I heal all of the fear being held by any parts of me that prevents me from reaching
the success I wish to enjoy.
I heal all of the ways that I am repeating the same errors over and over again, because....

I heal all of the times that I have accepted the unacceptable.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to yes when I mean no and no when I mean yes.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to readily submit to the will of others.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to avoid challenging anyone's opinion of me.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to not let others face their responsibilities.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to avoid conflict at all cost.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to not fight for my rights.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to lack the guts to assert myself.
I heal all the tendencies I have to believe that others know best what is good for me.
I heal all the tendencies I have to need the approval of others when I make a choice.
I heal any and all difficulties I have thinking big for myself.
I heal all of the tendencies that I have to settle for less.
I heal all of the tendencies I have to be afraid of meet new people.
I heal all of the ways that the outside world scared me, because...
I heal all of the ways that I want to stay in the shadow, because....
I heal all of the tendencies I have to feel like a nobody.
I bring healing to any part of me that believes I am not important and don’t count.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding onto at any level of my being
connected in any way to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
From now on I look at myself in ways that are loving and supportive.
I am discovering daily new qualities in me that I am very pleased to possess.
I now choose to take stock of my many talents and feel good expressing them.
I install new ways of knowing deeply and completely that I am as important as
anyone else.
I install news ways of knowing deeply and completely that my presence is pleasant
to others.
From now on I behave in ways that clearly show the beautiful being that I am.
I am now committed to expressing the best in me fully and completely.
I am now aware of my uniqueness and I am completely at ease with it.
It is safe for me to be myself completely.

I have extraordinary qualities and I truly believe that anyone can be proud of their
relationship with me, including any and all parts of me.
I now embrace my true power by loving and accept myself fully and completely.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I now install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the
healing that has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all
of this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The World XXI

Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Your relationship looks like a match made in Heaven! The two of you are
sharing a most profound and sincere love. Much happiness is yours. If single: Get
ready, the bells are ringing! Whatever your wishes may be, you are on your way to
realizing them grandiosely.
Position #2 (Your mate or potential mate): A huge success is to be expected for
your spouse/partner from which you will abundantly benefit. If you’re still looking
to find a suitable partner in life or have someone in mind for a relationship, this seat
in your heart will be occupied by someone very successful from whom you can
expect the world!

Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): The only thing
required from you at this time is to welcome with open arms the huge happiness that
is coming your way. So much good can be scary. But you deserve it. Embrace it thoroughly!
Position #4 (How you will deal with the situation): You have the world at your
feet. And also all the talents and skills needed to make the best out of the fabulous
opportunities that are present in your life or that soon will be. You are truly blessed.
Guidance: This card shows the importance of completing things, of not putting them
off to be finished at another time which never comes. When we bring something to
fruition, we have matter to celebrate. We can then embrace a new cycle, a new
project, with no unfinished business left behind dragging our energies down, but in
a state of greater ease strong of the knowledge acquired in the completed experience.

Zensight exercise suggested with the World

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements

"At long last, being richly rewarded!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all the distressing emotions connected to these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal the original decision I have made at any level of my being that my labor is not
worthy of being acknowledged, celebrated and rewarded.
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that contribute to the lack of
recognition and rewards my work is experiencing.
I heal all of the times that I have refused to be honored, because ...
I heal all that contributes to making me believe that what I do is not good enough to
be celebrated and rewarded.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to believe that I should not expect anything in
return for my labor.
I heal any and all fear I have of being richly rewarded for my accomplishments.
I heal all of the times that I have learned I was not good enough.
I heal all of the times that I have learned I was unworthy of being appreciated.
I heal all of the times that I have been looked-down, reprimanded or punished for
putting myself forward.
I heal all of the times that I have felt guilt or shame when being noticed, acclaimed
or rewarded for my accomplishments.
I heal of the ways that any parts of me do not feel safe taking a stand.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to dismiss myself, because ....
I bring healing to all of the ways that my self-confidence has been damaged.
I heal any and all reasons I have for not acknowledging and embracing all of my
skills and talents completely.

I heal all that prevents my accomplishments to be crowned with the success they
I heal all of the beliefs any parts of me have acquired about my skills and talents that
do not serve my highest good now.
I heal all that makes any parts of me believe those around me would be threatened by
my success.
I heal all that makes any part of me refuse to thrive, because...
I heal all of the ways that thriving reminds me of ...
I heal all of the times that my earnings have been taken away from me.
I heal all of the times that I have lost or spoiled a reward given to me.
I heal all that contributes to any self-inflicted punishment in anyway connected to
my inability to be richly rewarded for my accomplishments.
I bring healing to any parts of me energetically aligned to not receiving all of the
good that ought to naturally spring from my awesome accomplishments.
I heal all of the times that all of the good naturally attached to my accomplishments
did not reach me.
I heal all that contributes to making me believe that I cannot create my life as I want.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to allow other people’s needs to eclipse mine.
I heal all of the reasons that I believe my needs are not as important as that of others.
I heal all of the ways that I don’t know what my needs truly are.
I heal all of the ways that I don’t have any long-range goals for success.
I heal all of the times that I have been disappointed by the results of an important
goal I had successfully completed.
I heal all of the times that I have performed an important task leading me nowhere.
I heal all of the times that my high hopes have collapsed, because ...
I heal all of the decisions made by any parts of me each and every time my high
hopes got smashed.
I heal all of the regrets, despair, anger or un-forgiveness held by any parts of me
connected to any of my unfulfilled hopes and expectations.
I bring healing to any parts of me experiencing hopelessness.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I have lost faith in myself.
I heal any and all agreements I have made at any level of my being to surrender my
power to anyone or anything.
I heal all of the ways that things never turn out the way I expect, because...
I heal any and all tendencies I have to believe that it is useless for me to have hopes
and wishes.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I have lost my trust in a bright future.
I heal all of the times that I have been affected by hardships and failures.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I have suffered from hardships and failures.
I heal all that contributes to making any parts of me believe that I will never amount
to anything.
I heal any and all anger carried by any parts of me against the world.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I refuse to step out of my comfort zone.

I bring healing to all of the ways that I am not developing my skills and talents fully.
I heal all of the ways that I am letting my great potential for success go dormant.
I heal any and all barriers erected by any parts of me against my success.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am performing beneath my true potential.
I heal any and all tendencies I have to believe that I have reached the peak of my
potential for success.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I cannot move beyond my current success.
I bring healing to all that forbids me to belong to the group of people already
experiencing the kind of success I am wishing for myself.
I heal all of the times that I have been ashamed and belittled by any less-than-perfect
performance of mine.
I heal all of the reasons that I am unable to obliterate any self-imposed barriers to
performing at my best.
I bring healing to all of the ways that my self-talk limits what I am able to achieve.
I bring healing to all of the reasons that I am not performing to the best of my true
I bring healing to any and all self-deprecating beliefs that are hindering my progress
in any aspects of my life.
I bring healing to any and all parts of me who wish to remain invisible and left-out.
I bring healing to any and all of my broken dreams and smashed expectations.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies I have at any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding on at any level of my being in relation
to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of feeling at ease each time I am stepping out of my comfort zone.
I install new ways of loving myself even in case of a less-then-perfect performance.
I install new ways of knowing, deeply and profoundly, that I am worthy of being
richly rewarded for my accomplishments.
I install new ways of fulfilling all of my expectations according to my highest and
best good.
Each and every part of me is now energetically aligned to receiving all of the
recognition and rewards I have earned.

All of the bounty connected to any of my unrewarded accomplishments reaches me
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all of
this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my future.

d d d

The Fool
Answers to the 4-Card Love Spread
Position #1 (Current trends regarding your question). If you are involved with
someone: Are you having your most fundamental needs met in this relationship? Or
is it time to leave or perform some pressing changes? If you are single: You may
well find love in ways never before imagined. Chances are that you will be losing
your head over a strange and unstable character. If you don’t take the relationship too
seriously, you’ll have plenty of fun.
Position # 2 (Your mate or potential mate): Don’t bank too much on your current
partner. Lack of responsibility with the possibility of being unscrupulous. If you have
someone in mind, run away as fast as you can!
Position #3 (What is out of your direct control/Destiny): Something hard to

believe, weird and strange is coming your way. Look at the cards in the second and
forth positions of your reading to see the nature of this upcoming event. Could be all
Position #4 (Answer/How you will deal with the situation): Chances are you will
act impulsively, even burn your bridges. In other words, be warned! Get guidance
from someone who can prevent you from acting foolishly. To insist on moving
forward at this time without weighing the pros and cons of a situation will do you no
good. Guidance: This card suggests the importance of taking care of each other as
well as respecting the material world.. An eternal quest to new experiences can be
enriching when one remembers their responsibilities and duties. However, a fruitless
pursuit of freedom at the expense of others is bound to bring sorrow in its wake.

Zensight exercise suggested with the Fool

* Remember to pause at the end of each statement, repeating your healing word or visualizing your
healing symbol for 10 to 15 seconds. And also to let your higher mind finish any open-statements.

"It's about time that I grow-up!"

I heal any and all psychological or energetic reversal of any kind in relation to this
I heal all the distressing emotions connected to these issues.
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all behaviors held by any parts of me that do not serve my highest
good now.
I heal all of the reasons that I am holding onto behaviors that create havoc in my life
or that of others.
I heal any and all tendencies any parts of me have to rebel against order and tidiness
I heal all of the times that parts of me have suffered under the control of others.
I heal all of the times that I have been screamed at or punished for not abiding to the
rules of an authority figure in my life.
I heal all the tendencies held by any parts of me to automatically do the contrary of
what is expected of me.
I heal all of the ways that being told what to do reminds me of ...
I heal all of the times that not listening to the wisdom of others has led me to losses
and failures.
I bring healing to any needs expressed by any parts of me to experience defeats and
I bring healing to any parts of me whose revolt against guidance is hurting me in any
I bring healing to all of the ways that I rather daydream about my future success than
follow through the motion leading me there.
I bring healing to any and all of my behaviors leading others to distrust me.
I bring healing to any and all of my behaviors that are misleading those who have put
their trust in me.

I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that I am superior to others.
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that I never make mistakes.
I heal all of the ways that I don’t see the mistakes that I am making, because...
I heal all that makes any parts of me believe it is always someone else’s fault when
things go havoc.
I heal all of the tendencies held by any parts of me to distort the truth in order to
come out flawless in bad situations.
I heal all of the reasons that any parts of me are stuck in childlike behaviors.
I heal all of the reasons held by any parts of me to resist learning the lessons of my
I heal all of the tendencies I have to repeat the same mistakes over and over again,
I heal all of the reasons held by any parts of me to refuse to take responsibility for
my actions.
I heal all that makes me believe that my behavior is not affecting others.
I heal any and all beliefs held by any parts of me that it is other’s responsibility to
deal with the consequences of my behavior.
I heal all of the ways that I am in energetic alignment with anyone wishing me to
suffer in return of any of my careless and irresponsible behaviors.
I heal all of the ways that I am in energetic alignment with any bad situation that
occurred in the past due to some serious mistakes I have made.
I bring healing to all of the ways that my self-talk reflects the poor judgement
someone important in my life has about me.
I bring healing to all of the ways that my ineffective actions are dictated by
commands forced upon me in the past.
I heal all of the ways that I am still marching to the beat of a strict parental control
even though I have long passed the age of abiding to any detrimental rules.
I heal any and all tendencies that I have to feel like a little girl (boy) dwelling in the
body of a grown-up.
I heal all of the reasons held by any parts of me to rebel against any subtle parental
control still governing my life instead of breaking free from it.
I heal any and all parental beliefs held by any parts of me that are not serving my
highest good now.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I have not blossomed in life according to all of
the dreams and wishes I had when I was a child.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am not in energetic alignment with the best
in me. .
I bring healing to any and all issues I have ever had with anyone in charge of my
upbringing that are preventing me from blossoming into the big winner I am dreaming
to be in life.
I bring healing to all of the ways that any of my behaviors are blocking my potential
to be the great achiever I wish to be in life.
I bring healing to all of the reasons held by any parts of me that are blocking my

chances to achieve my goals.
I heal all that contributes to making me believe that I don’t have the necessary means
to succeed as I wish.
I bring healing to all of the ways that any parts of me are abiding to rules of hardship
and deprivation.
I heal any and all form of bondage to failure and hardship I have inherited from both
sides of my family.
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am perpetuating any family tradition to losses
and defeat.
I heal all of the reasons that any part of me would be committed to losses and defeat,
I heal all the reasons any parts of me believe I could hurt someone important to me
if I were successful.
I heal any and all decisions I have made at any level of my being that having as little
success as possible is the right choice for me.
I bring healing to all of the ways that any part of me is benefitting when I fail and
I heal all of the reasons that things would work out for me if only ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I believe I am powerless, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I despise myself, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am punishing myself, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I believe I am not worthy, because ...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I believe I am unacceptable, because ...
I bring healing to any parts of me who have been abused, when...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am abusing and mistreating myself, when...
I bring healing to all of the ways that I am disappointed at myself, because...
Take a slow deep breath and let it go.
I heal any and all traumas, past life issues and inherited issues connected in any way
to all of these clearing.
I heal any and all tendencies that I have any level of my being to hold anyone or
anything accountable for any of the issues connected with all of this clearing.
I heal any and all unforgiveness I am holding on at any level of my being in relation
to all of this clearing.
I heal any mechanisms, vulnerability, belief systems, decisions and commitments
that would allow any of the issues connected to this clearing to continue or return
I release any and all fear, doubts, confusion or worries held by any parts of me about
the effectiveness and permanence of this healing.
I heal all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body, energy field,
and at the DNA, molecular and cellular levels of my being.
I heal all of the patterns, emotions, behaviors, habits and thoughts connected with
all of the issues addressed in this clearing.
I install new ways of being self-reliant and self-governing.
I install new ways of trusting myself fully and completely.

I install new ways of blossoming into the trustworthy being that I truly am.
From now on I make choices that are for the highest and best good of all concerned.
I can now develop with much ease the full range of my many skills and talents.
I am willing to follow-up on my ideas and take the necessary steps to become highly
I now possess everything that I need to realize all of my dreams.
From now on I allow success, love and prosperity to come naturally to me.
I allow my higher mind to find any additional statements I would benefit from and
run them now.
I install new neural pathways to support, reinforce and continue all of the healing that
has occurred, and all of the healing that is about to occur.
All the different parts of me receive all of this healing now.
In total acceptance of myself and complete gratefulness for who I am, I extend all
of this healing to all of my past, all of my present and all of my

d d d

The Three-Card Spread

Know instantly anybody’s current (and private) affairs,
and what the future holds for them, as well as for you.
Get more information about yourself, your spouse,
a friend or family member, even your boss!

Introduction to the Three-Card Spread

The Three-Card Tarot Spread can give accurate information about anyone’s
current affairs (even revealing their secrets!). It enables you to see what your spouse,
a friend or even your boss are up-to these days and, more importantly, in which
direction they are heading. Which holds true for you too.
You can use this spread to instantly be aware of the outcome of any type of
situation you are currently involved in, or just let the cards reveal something your
subconscious mind wishes you to know. This could be a warning, suggesting that you
pay special attention to the whereabouts of someone, or just announce a pleasant
event about to manifest in your life.

How to proceed:

1) Choose among the following three cards the one that embodies the person or entity
that is specifically related to your question, and place it face up in front of you:

C The Sun XIX characterizes any male figure. Thus, it represents you, if
you are a man, or your husband, boyfriend, or any other guy if you are a

C The Star XVII characterizes any female figure. Thus, it represents you,
if you are a woman, or your wife, girl friend, or any other woman if you are
a man.

C The Pope V characterizes all institutions, partnerships and anything

related to real estate. Thus, it represents your marriage or any other type of
alliance and partnership, your family, your home, anything related to real
estate, as well as to any established organizations and communities (the
company you work for, your colleagues, people in your neighborhood, etc.)

2) Concentrate on your question. Even better, write it down on a piece of paper. The
clearer your question will be, the more insightful will be the answer you receive from
your subconscious mind via the Tarot. Ask only one question at the time. Take a
brake between questions to clear your mind. If you feel that your answer is not clear
or is repetitive, restart the day after. Actually, one question a day seems to be the best

3) Place the remaining twenty-one Major Arcana face down in front of you and mix
them well with both hands.

4) With either hand, choose two cards, one by one, and place them face down, either
below or next to your first card (the initiator).

5) Turn now these two cards over. Each Major Arcana is given a numerical value,
except for the Fool, traditionally positioned at the beginning of the series or at the
end, which is where it has been positioned in this book. To read your answer, go to
the section attributed to your first and second card combined, then scroll down until
you locate your third card. This final card holds the answer to your question, crafted
in ways that merge the meanings of your three cards together. The three following
examples will help you easily understand how to proceed.

Example using the Three-Card Tarot Spread:

1) In this example, we have the Sun XIX as the first card (the initiator), according
to the nature of the question being asked by a woman: Will my boyfriend be back
with me?
The response
embodies two ca rds:

The Sun XIX The

Empress III - The Star XVII
(The "Initiator" representing the seeker’s boyfriend)

Standard interpretation of the three cards combined: Period of great pleasure and
happiness with a woman (spouse or life-partner). If single: A fulfilling relationship
is on the horizon. Possible news from a lover or admirer.
Personal interpretation: You boyfriend wants to be back with you (the Star always
represents the female seeker). You will be communicating again and sharing a period
of great pleasure and happiness together.

Answers to readi
ngs initiated by:

The Sun XIX or the Star XVII

Before you look for your answers, remember that ...

C The "Initiator" is the first card in your series of three cards and the recipient
of your reading. Therefore ...

C The Sun XIX as Initiator, represents the male seeker, or the guy your
question relates to if you are a woman.

C The Star XVII as Initiator, represents the female seeker, or the woman your
question relates to if you are a man.

Happy readings!

Initiator/The Magician I,
followed by Y

The High Priestess II: Your work will gain importance in the near future.
Advancement or progress ahead. Favorable time for contracts or business in general.

The Empress III: Period of professional stability and satisfaction ahead.

The Emperor IV: Your work will gain importance in the near future. Positive
influence from a important man or a superior. Fulfillment.

The Pope V: Soon your work will gain importance. Help from your family or spouse.
Possible partnership. For a single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Lovers VI: New possibilities in your professional life. Propositions. Period of
uncertainty due to important decisions to make. For the single one: Possibility of a
new relationship ahead.

The Chariot VII: New development and improvement. Your work will gain
importance in the near future. Possible trip. Period of expansion. Luck from a

The Justice VIII: New equilibrium at work. Period of stability. Possible settlement
or end of negotiations with a signed contract.

The Hermit IX: Stability at work. Your wisdom and efforts are noted. Favorable for
long-term projects.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Your work will be very satisfactory financially. Expect
a raise or a good return on your investments. Increased financial power.

The Strength XI: Your work will be of major importance in the near future. Efforts
rewarded. Period of fulfillment. Possible advancement, promotion, etc.

The Hanged Man XII: Temporary disappointment at work. Take time to reevaluate
your position.

The Death XIII: Your professional life will undergo an important change or
renewal. Completion of a work project or experience.

The Temperance XIV: Satisfaction. Period of improvement at work. Fulfilling


The Devil XV: A temporary period of difficulties ahead concerning your work/goal.
Fortunately the situation will end up positively.

The Broken House XVI: Unexpected difficulties may come at work. Risk of
conflict or sudden change, but all for the better.

The Star XVII: Positive influence of a woman. Diligent efforts from your spouse or
partner. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship.

The Moon XVIII: Your work will gain importance in the near future. Increase of
clientele. Positive influence from a woman in your surroundings.
The Sun XIX: Desires fulfilled at work. Positive influence of a man, probably your
spouse or partner in life. Favorable initiation of new projects. For the single one:
Possibility of starting a new relationship.

The Judgment XX: Expect some surprising and beneficial news at work. Possible

The World XXI: Period of great success in your professional life . Vast recognition
of your efforts. Celebration. Happy times with a group of people. Luck from the
outside world (associates, media, the public, etc.).

The Fool: Unstable period ahead at work. Fruitless efforts. Risk of departure or
unexpected change.

d d d

Initiator/The High Priestess II,

followed by...
The Magician I: Luck in business. Contracts. Fulfillment of your professional goals.
Possible promotion.

The Empress III: Luck in business. Good news. Efforts rewarded. Expectations

The Emperor IV: Luck in business. Possibilities of a major contract from/with an

important man. Fulfillment of your goals.

The Pope V: Luck in business. Contracts. Possible partnership. Favorable time for
real estate matters.

The Lovers VI: Luck in business. New possibilities. Serious propositions.
Favorable time for negotiations and formal agreements.

The Chariot VII: Luck in business. Contracts. Period of expansion. Possible trip or

The Justice VIII: Possible business settlement or transaction. Luck with the law.
Finalization of a legal matter.

The Hermit IX: Luck in business. Contracts. Fulfillment of long sought-after goals.
Positive period concerning any interests of a serious nature.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Stroke of luck in business. Godsend contracts and

agreements. Windfall of money. Increased financial power. Favorable time for a
transaction, buying/selling.

The Strength XI: Luck in business. Important contracts. Goals realized. Period of
major progress and fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: A business matter, contract or professional ambitions may
bring disappointing results. There is a need to take another look at one’s position,
allowing for the discovery of a new potential or where a business can be improved.

The Death XIII: End of a contract with possible renewal. The discovery of a new
potential may bring total transformation of self or change the course of a business.

The Temperance XIV: Period of movement concerning business matters. Steady

progression toward the realization of goals. Important development of one’s
potential. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Devil XV: A business matter, contract or some professional ambitions may
temporary suffer, but it won’t be serious if one keeps their head up.

The Broken House XVI: A business meeting or a contract may bring disappointing
results. Conflict of interests. Broken promises. Risk of temporary conflict or change.

The Star XVII. Positive influence of a woman (mate, partner etc.) concerning one’s
goals. Business and contracts protected. For the single one: Possibility of a new
relationship ahead.

The Moon XVIII: Luck in business. Possible contract bringing an increase of

clientele. Fortunate influence of a woman concerning the fulfilment of a goal.
The Sun XIX: Luck in business. Important contract(s). Wealth and prosperity.
Positive influence of a man, spouse or close partner. For the single one: Possibility
of a new relationship ahead.

The Judgment XX: Surprising and fortunate happenstance in business. Contract
coming from out of the blue. Astonishing discoveries. Unexpected fulfillment of
one’s goals.

The World XXI: Period of great success in business. Major contract involving the
masses. Luck coming from a group of people (associates, media, friends, etc.)

The Fool: Period of instability ahead regarding a business matter, goal or contract.
Possibility of important papers lost or misplaced. There is a need to seriously
implement one’s skills to get things accomplished (procrastination and carelessness
must go out of the window!). Also remember: "Timing is everything".

d d d

Initiator/The Empress III,

followed by Y

The Magician I: Period of stability and satisfaction at work. Efforts are paying off.
Possible start of a project previously left on a shelf, or the launching of something
in gestation for some times.

The High Priestess II: Favorable change triggered by some verbal or written news.
One is holding the keys to the fulfillment of their goals.

The Emperor IV: News from an important man will fulfill a goal. Birth of a project
previously in gestation. Something will be built on solid ground.

The Pope V: Stability and satisfaction at home. Favorable for real estate and
partnership matters. Expectations fulfilled. Happy family news.

The Lovers VI: Period of indecision or duality concerning a love and relationship
matter. Many options, many doubts! Possible change.

The Chariot VII: Important news coming one’s way. Luck from a distance. Possible
trip or move.

The Justice VIII: Formal correspondence with the law. Legal notice. Official news.
Possible settlement.

The Hermit IX: Delays concerning some expected news or the fulfilment of a goal.
Possible need of having to do more research or to exercise caution in a situation.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Good news providing financial gains. Increase of income.
The Strength XI: Major positive news are on their way. Requests will be granted.
Fulfillment. Favorable time for any writings. Creative abilities largely enhanced.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of disappointing news ahead. Unfavorable time to bring
a creative work to fruition. Period of fatigue or burnout.

The Death XIII: Some important news will set a complete change. A creative
project may undergo a total transformation.

The Temperance XIV: Period of satisfaction and stability. Gradual progress and
steady movement toward the realization of your goals.

The Devil XV: Risk of upsetting news ahead. Requests, inquiries or goals may be
delayed but if one puts their mind into it, they will be able to handle any stressful

The Broken House XVI: Risk of some news triggering a conflict followed by a
change. Unfavorable time for requests. Possibility of broken promises.

The Star XVII: Period of great pleasure and happiness with a woman (spouse or
life-partner). If single: A fulfilling relationship is on the horizon. Possible news from
a lover or admirer.

The Moon XVIII: Favorable news from a woman in your surroundings. Fantasy,
imagination running wild. Excellent period for creativity.

The Sun XIX: Period of great pleasure and happiness with a man (spouse or life-
partner). For the single one: Love is coming. Wishes fulfilled with a new
relationship. Possible news from a lover or admirer.

The Judgment XX: Surprising and sudden news (quite often positive). Possible

The World XXI: News of major importance. Big celebration for the completion of
a project. Help or luck from others (media, associates, friends, etc.).

The Fool: A project, request, inquiries or goal may not bring the expected results.
Short period of instability ahead. Use your skills to get things accomplished.

d d d

Initiator /The Emperor IV,

followed byY

The Magician I: Very positive influence of a powerful man in one’s professional

life or for launching a new project. Excellent initiatives. Solid enterprises ahead.

The High Priestess II: Very positive influence of a powerful man concerning
business ventures. Possible new contracts. Substantial development.

The Empress III: Luck ahead coming from a powerful man willing to help.
Favorable time for requesting support.

The Pope V: Luck is coming. Possible partnership with a powerful man or help and
support from an influential male family member.

The Lovers VI: Positive influence of a powerful man in business or concerning a

love matter. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Chariot VII: Meeting or encounter with an important man. Luck coming from
a distance.

The Justice VIII: Positive influence of a judge or lawyer. Possible settlement.

The Hermit IX: Help or luck from an important man. Favorable time for research
or for the granting of one’s requests. Important news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Positive influence of a important man concerning money

matters. If needed, financial help will come from a wealthy man or one who has
control over money (loan officer, etc.)

The Strength XI: Help or luck coming from an important man. Period of success
and fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of being disappointed by a important man, or notice of
trouble concerning him. Possible total control of a man over one’s business.

The Death XIII: Luck or help ahead from an important man. Period of change or
renewal for a man in one’s surroundings or facilitating a personal transformation. .

The Temperance XIV: Positive influence of an important man around, always ready
to help and offer his support. Favorable time for negotiations and agreements.

The Devil XV: Caution needed with a powerful man around, but dishonest and ready
to use any means to win a battle. Major risks of betrayal.

The Broken House XVI: Conflicts and risk of break-up with an important man in
one’s life. Or sudden difficulties concerning him personally.

The Star XVII: Period of profound happiness. Help or luck from an important man
and a woman (his wife or life partner). For the single one: Possibility of a new

The Moon XVIII: Very positive influence of a man and a woman around.

The Sun XIX: Very positive influence of a important man along another one,
possibly husband or life partner. In any case, period of profound happiness for the
recipient of this reading!
The Judgment XX: Something unexpected but very favorable coming from a
important man in one’s life, or concerning him personally. A benevolent surprise in
all cases.

The World XX: Period of great luck and success for an important man in one’s life.
Or support and favor for an important man leading a major success.

The Fool: Exercise prudence concerning a situation with a man in your surroundings.
Risk of trouble due to his impulsive behavior or lack of structure.

d d d

Initiator/The Pope V,
followed byY

The Magician I: Help and protection for all family matters and situations concerning
the home. Initiation of a new project. Possible partnership.

The High Priestess II: Help and protection for all family matters and situations
concerning business done in partnership. Possible family help or that of a spouse
concerning a business deal. Favorable time for buying/selling real estate.

The Empress III: Protection and stability at home. Important family news or
concerning a partnership or a real estate situation.
The Emperor IV: Help or favors coming from a male family member or a partner.
Luck with real estate matters. Possible transaction.

The Lovers VI: Pleasure and satisfaction at home. Period of joy, reunion or happy
times with children.

The Chariot VII: New conditions at home. Possible change of residence. Favorable
time for the development of a project in partnership or concerning real estate.

The Justice VIII: Settlement at home. Partnership Agreement. Possible real estate

The Hermit IX: Feelings of loneliness. Period of delay concerning a project or a

family reunion. News from family members.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Substantial increase of monetary power. If needed,

financial help coming from the family or out of a partnership. Very favorable time
for real estate matters.

The Strength XI: Period of great fulfillment at home as well as in partnerships. Luck
in real estate matters. Help and support from the family if needed. Strong bonds.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of setbacks at home. Family problems or concerning
a partnership. Unfavorable time for real estate matters. Home expenses.

The Death XIII: Big transformation ahead. Period of change and renewal concerning
the family, the home or a partnership.

The Temperance XIV: Period of steady improvement. New stability at home.

Ongoing of a beneficial partnership.

The Devil XV: Risk of setbacks. Possible betrayal. Unfavorable time for real estate
matters or partnerships. Possibility of a "water problem" at home.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of sudden difficulties concerning a home, or adversity
with a mate or partner. Family conflicts. Possible break-up. Unfavorable time for real
estate matters. Broken items at home.

The Star XVII: Period of profound happiness at home or concerning a partnership
or real estate matter. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship followed by
partnership or marriage.

The Moon XVIII: Beneficial influence of a female family member. Possible

The Sun XIX: Period of profound happiness at home or concerning a partnership or
real estate matter. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship followed by
partnership or marriage.

The Judgment XX: The family life of the recipient of this reading will undergo a
sudden and unexpected change. New conditions at home. Favorable time for
transaction or settlement.

The World XXI: Major fulfillment at home. Period of great happiness and
celebration with family and friends.

The Fool: Instability at home. Risk of an hasty departure or sudden difficulties with
a family member, spouse, partner or real estate deal.

d d d

Initiator/The Lovers VI,

followed by Y

The Magician I: New professional opportunities. Favorable time for negotiations.
For the single one: A new relationship ahead.

The High Priestess II: Period of happiness. New business opportunities. Luck with
contracts. For the single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Empress III: Period of happiness. Possible change due to a joyful event. For the
single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Emperor IV: Proposition, new opportunities ahead with/from an important

man. Favorable time for negotiation.

The Pope V: Period of happiness at home. New opportunities concerning real estate
matters or a partnership. For the single one, a new relationship followed by

The Chariot VII: Period of happiness and expansion. New opportunities ahead.
Luck from a distance. Possible trip, move or expansion of the home. For the single
one: A new relationship ahead.

The Justice VIII: New equilibrium in life. Favorable time for negotiations or

The Hermit IX: Important opportunity or news ahead. Period of happiness and
security. For the single one, news from a lover or admirer.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Rapid progress in life. Period of renewal and financial
opportunities. Increased monetary power. For the single one: A new relationship

The Strength XI: Great opportunities ahead. Period of fulfillment and happiness.
Luck in negotiations. For the single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Hanged Man XII: Period of worry or disappointment concerning a child or his
love life. Love opportunities restricted or blocked.

The Death XIII: Change or renewal for the better regarding your love life. Luck with
negotiations. For the single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Temperance XIV: Period of improvement and stability. Ongoing love and

The Devil XV: Caution needed concerning new love opportunities. Risk of illusion,
disappointment and betrayal. Possible trouble for a child.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of conflict, of a break-up or sudden difficulties in a
love relationship or in regard to a child. Disagreement during negotiations, break-up
deal (business or love).

The Star XVII: Period of profound happiness and fulfillment. For the single one: A
new love encounter followed by union or marriage.

The Moon XVIII: Positive influence of a woman in the surrounding. Opportunities

coming from her. Sincere friend. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Sun XIX: Period of profound happiness and fulfillment. For the single one: A
new love encounter followed by union or marriage.
The Judgment XX: Surprising new opportunities. An out-of-the-blue proposition.
Unexpected and positive news ahead. Favorable time for negotiations or settlement.
For the single one: A new love encounter in unexpected circumstances.

The World XXI: Period of great happiness, celebration, fulfillment and popularity.
Major opportunities ahead. Luck from others (associates, friends, etc.) Excellent time
for negotiations.

The Fool: Period of instability concerning a love situation. Risk of disappointment.

Possible trouble with a child. Caution needed regarding an offer. Unfavorable for

d d d

Initiator/The Chariot VII,

followed byY
The Magician I: Period of noticeable progress in your professional life. Possible trip
for work

The High Priestess II: Period of luck in business due to some press coverage,
advertizing or new contracts (often from a distance). Easy and successful reach of any
business goals..

The Empress III: Period of noticeable advancement and progress. Wishes fulfilled.
Possible trip. Luck from a distance, new contacts, correspondence, etc.

The Emperor IV: Period of substantial advancement. Important encounter with an

important man. Help from him if needed. Possible trip.

The Pope V: Possible trip to visit the family or of traveling with a spouse of partner
or them coming for a visit. In all instances, any trip is fully protected.

The Lovers VI: Period great joy and happiness. Everything is going in the right
direction. Possible vacation with a spouse or life partner. For the single one: Possible
move encounter during a trip. Luck or opportunities coming from a distance.

The Justice VIII: Risk of problems with the law during a trip (watch for speed!).
Caution needed while driving. Possible legal settlement from a distance or during a

The Hermit IX: Important news from a distance. Possibility of a very long journey

The Wheel of Fortune X Period of swift movement and noticeable progress

concerning money matters. Financial luck coming from a distance.

The Strength XI: Significant fulfillment during a short trip or long journey. Luck
coming from a from a distance.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of trouble during a trip or cancellation of a journey.
Misfortune from a distance. Unfavorable period for any contacts with foreigners.

The Death XIII: Period of progress and beneficial change. Possible trip, long
journey or emigration. The Temperance XIV: Period of movement and progress.
Possibility of a very long journey ahead.

The Devil XV: Caution needed during a trip. Risk of robbery or of losing important
items. Unfavorable period for contacts with people residing at a distance.

The Broken House XVI: Conflict coming from a distance. Caution needed on the
road. Risk of sudden mechanical difficulties.

The Star XVII: Period of profound happiness during a trip. Honeymoon. For the
single one: Possibility of meeting someone very special while traveling (or travel
involving this person).

The Moon XVIII: Period of progress. Meeting or encounter with an influential

woman. Favorable time for new clientele. Possible trip.
The Sun XIX: Period of profound happiness during a trip. Honeymoon. For the
single one: Possibility of meeting someone very special while traveling (or travel
involving this person).

The Judgment XX: Period of unexpected progress and movement. Surprising and
beneficial news. Possible unanticipated trip or voyage. Luck from a distance.

The World XXI: Period of major progress and fulfillment. Long journey ahead.
Luck from a distance and others (media, associates, friends, etc.)

The Fool: Risk of trouble with a car. Annoying news from a distance or disturbance
during a trip.

d d d

Initiator/The Justice VIII,

followed byYY

The Magician I: New equilibrium at work. Adjustment, settlement.

The High Priestess II: Possible business agreement or contract. Favorable time for

The Empress III: Satisfaction concerning a settlement. New equilibrium.

Expectations fulfilled.

The Emperor III: Positive settlement with an important man or a superior.

The Pope V: Possible settlement concerning the home, family, a partnership or real
estate deal.

The Lovers VI: Possible negotiations concerning a settlement. Different options


The Chariot VI: Positive outcome concerning a settlement. Possible trip for a

The Hermit IX: News from a lawyer or the court justice. Delays concerning a

The Wheel of Fortune X: Positive financial settlement or transaction.

Buying/selling, etc.

The Strength XI: Positive transaction or settlement. Luck with the law. Period of

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of problems with the law. Unfavorable time for a

The Death XIII: Completion of a settlement. New equilibrium. Period of change or


The Temperance XIV: Period of improvement and new equilibrium. Luck with a
settlement or in negotiations.

The Devil XV: Caution needed with the law or concerning a settlement. Risk of
betrayal or abuse of power from an authority.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of trouble with the law. Unfavorable time for a

The Star XVII: New equilibrium in a love relationship. Happy consensus with a life
partner. Favorable time for agreements and settlements.

The Moon XVIII: Possible settlement with/from an influential woman. Misfortune

with the law, in case of a trial.

The Sun XIX: New equilibrium in a love relationship. Happy consensus with a life
partner. Favorable time for agreements and settlements.

The Judgment XX: Surprising and unexpected news. Possible transaction. Sudden
turn of event and luck regarding a settlement.

The World XXI: New equilibrium regarding social life. In case of trial or settlement,
luck from others (associates, friends, etc.).

The Fool: Mishap with the law, a settlement or trial. Period of disorder and
irresponsibility. Misplaced or lost legal documents.

d d d

Initiator/The Hermit IX,

followed byY

The Magician I: Positive professional news ahead . Efforts at work will be paying-
off. Favorable time for the fulfillment of any work related expectations.

The High Priestess II: Positive news ahead concerning something dearly expected.
Possible contract.

The Empress III: Some news or correspondence can trigger a change. Favorable
time for inquiries and the fulfillment of requests.

The Emperor IV: Very beneficial news from an important man or superior.

The Pope V: Very beneficial family news or concerning the home or a partnership.
Favorable time for real estate matters.

The Lovers VI: Important news ahead asking that a decision be made (related to
business or love). New potential and options are emerging. For the single one:
Possibility of a new relationship.

The Chariot VII: Important and beneficial news ahead. Luck from a distance.
Possible trip. Period of swift development and progress.

The Justice VIII: Important news ahead. Possible settlement or transactions.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Important and positive news ahead. Increased monetary

The Strength XI: Important and positive news ahead. Period of fulfillment.
Favorable time for exploring a new field, for continued research or requests and

The Hanged Man XII: Disappointing news ahead. Unfavorable time for requests
or inquiries. Period of delay. Possibility of a fruitless research.

The Death XIII: Important news ahead announcing a change or triggering a big

The Temperance XIV: Period of delay concerning a research or getting the answer
to a request or inquiries. Projects will require time and patience.

The Devil XV: Disappointing news ahead. Unfavorable time for research or
inquiries. Period of confusion or delay. Misleading information or lies.

The Broken House XVI: Important news ahead followed by a sudden change.
Period of delays concerning the fulfilment of goals and expectations.

The Star XVI: Important and positive news ahead (business or love). For the single
one: News from a lover or admirer.

The Moon XVIII: Important news ahead from an influential woman.
The Sun XIX: Important and positive news ahead (business or love). For the single
one: News from a lover or admirer.

The Judgment XX: Important and surprising news ahead. Favorable time for your
requests or winning a settlement. Possible change.

The World XXI: Beneficial news ahead from others (associates, friends, etc.). Help
or luck from a group of people.

The Fool: Unexpected and disappointing news. Unfavorable time for your research
or inquiries. Period of delay concerning your goals.

d d d

Initiator/The Wheel of Fortune X,

followed byY
The Magician I: Financial luck. Monetary means to start a new project if such is the
goal, or get a raise at work or be well compensated for a task.

The High Priestess II: Monetary gain from a contract or transaction.

The Empress III: Period of financial stability with a small increase of money.

The Emperor IV: Substantial financial stability. Increase of money. Positive

financial influence from/with an important man.

The Pope V: Finances protected. Increase of money. Positive financial influence

from/with family, partner or real estate matters.

The Lovers VI: Positive financial influences from two different sources or an extra
income. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship ahead.

The Chariot VII: Period of financial expansion. Substantial increase of money. Luck
with money may come from a distance.

The Justice VIII: New financial equilibrium. Favorable time for a settlement.
Possible transaction (buying/selling).

The Hermit IX: Financial stability. Favorable time for loans, requests or long term

The Strength XI: Financial fulfillment. Expect major monetary gain. Large increase
of income.

The Hanged Man XII: Caution needed concerning money. Risk of financial loss.
Unfavorable time for an investment.

The Death XIII: Transformation of a financial situation. Important change. Renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Gradual progress concerning money. Financial satisfaction.
Good returns on investments.

The Devil XV: Caution needed concerning financial goals with risks of betrayal or
theft. Possible monetary trouble, often due to too much financial ambition.
Unfavorable time for investments.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of sudden and unexpected financial expenses.
Possible losses due to a conflict. Unfavorable time for investments.

The Star XVII: Financial help from a spouse or life partner, or good fortune with or
for her. For the single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Moon XVIII: Financial help or luck from an influential woman. Favorable time
for an increase of clientele.

The Sun XIX: Financial help from a spouse or life partner, or good fortune with or
for him. For the single one: A new relationship ahead.

The Judgment XX: Finances will undergo an unexpected and beneficial

development. Sudden and surprising increase of money. Favorable time for a

The World XXI: Financial success on a large scale. Major increase of money.
Substantial luck coming from others (clientele, associates, media, friends, etc.).

The Fool: Caution with money needed. Period of instability. Risk of sudden
expenses, financial reversal or losses (most often due to neglect).

d d d

Initiator/The Strength XI,

followed byY

The Magician I: Period of professional fulfillment due to one’s determination and
"savoir faire". Important accomplishments with all the means to achieve major goals.

The High Priestess II: Period of fulfillment due to following one’s insights and
tenacity in business. Goals achieved. Contracts.

The Empress III: Period of fulfillment concerning any artistic creations, written
endeavors, or by receiving a favorable answer to requests or inquiries. Expectations

The Emperor IV: Period of major fulfillment. Goals achieved. Luck with/from an
important man.

The Pope V: Period of major fulfillment at home, with the family or in partnership.
Luck in real estate. For the single one: A new relationship followed by marriage or
union if desired.

The Lovers VI: Period of fulfilment and happiness (business or love). Several
propositions, new opportunities.

The Chariot VII: Period of great expansion and major fulfilment. Luck from a
distance. Possible trip.

The Justice VIII: Sound equilibrium. Period of stability and fulfillment. Luck with
a settlement. Happy transactions.

The Hermit IX: Period of fulfillment. Important news ahead. Favorable time for
research, answers to requests and for getting the dividends of one’s endeavors.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Period of financial fulfillment. Increased monetary power.


The Hanged Man XII: Risk of temporary trouble but luck ahead. Power over
difficulties and the ability to control situations going havoc.

The Death XIII: Transformation. Period of fulfillment. Possible change or new


The Temperance XIV: Stability and progress. Period of long term fulfillment.

The Devil XV: Risk of temporary trouble (business or love), but magnetic power,
intuition and cunning bring luck over others/the situation.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of temporary conflicts or troubles (business or love),
but conditions will change for the better due to a good control over the situation.

The Star XVII: Period of fulfillment and happiness. For the single one: A change
of destiny with the encounter of a new love.

The Moon XVIII: Period of fulfillment. Luck from/with an influential woman.

Favorable time for a new clientele.
The Sun XIX: Period of fulfillment and happiness. For the single one: A change of
destiny with the encounter of a new love.

The Judgment XX: A surprising event will result in an unexpected and fulfilling
realization. Luck concerning a settlement.

The World XXI: Period of major fulfillment. Substantial luck and success from
others (media, associates, friends, etc.). Favorable time for any creations.

The Fool: Risk of temporary trouble, but power over the difficulties due to the
ability to transform an unhappy situation, or turn a failure into a success.

d d d

Initiator/The Hanged Man XII,

followed by ...

The Magician I: Temporary burn out or difficulties at work or in fulfilling a
professional goal.

The High Priestess II: Temporary burn out or difficulties with a contract or in
controlling a business or realizing a project..

The Empress III: Temporary burn out or difficulties exercising control over a
situation. Painful submission. Risk of nervous exhaustion. Possibilities of getting
better by asserting one self.

The Emperor IV: Period of temporary trouble or disappointment with/from an

important man.

The Pope V: Period of temporary trouble at home or disappointment with or

concerning a family member, a spouse or a partner.

The Lovers VI: Temporary burn out or difficulties controlling a situation (business
or love). Possible worries for a child.

The Chariot VII: Temporary exhaustion or difficulties moving ahead as planned.

Progress will definitely occur or luck may come from a distance. Possible trip or

The Justice VIII: Period of worries or disappointment. Risk of problems with the
law. Although possible settlement bringing a just return to equilibrium.

The Hermit IX: Possible current burn-out or powerlessness over a situation. A

beneficial life transformation is ahead, but showing slowly at first.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Temporary burn out or financial distress. The situation
will be restored quickly.

The Strength XII: Short period of worries. Luck will come from an unexpected
event or positive news.

The Death XIII: Temporary burn out or worries ahead. A change may be necessary
for a positive outcome to happen.

The Temperance XIV: Temporary burn out or worries. Concession, time and
patience will improve the situation.

The Devil XV: Powerlessness, burn out or facing some troubles in business, love or
health. Changes are necessary to see the situation take a turn for the better.

The Broken House XVI: Period of worries or disappointment leading to conflicts

or a break-up in a business or love situation or concerning health.

The Star XVII: Period of frustrating and unproductive interaction with a spouse.
Necessity to bring the focus back on one’s personal goals and well-being.

The Moon XVIII: Period of trouble or disappointment from/with a woman around.

Possible health problem or nervous exhaustion.
The Sun XIX: Period of frustrating and unproductive interaction with a spouse.
Necessity to bring the focus back on one’s personal goals and well-being.

The Judgment XX: Period of worries or discouragement. Unfavorable time for a

settlement. Disappointing news ahead.

The World XXI: Period of temporary worries or dissatisfaction from/with others

(associates, friends, etc.).

The Fool: Period of trouble or disappointment. Possible unfortunate mistakes due to

nervous exhaustion or burn out.

d d d

Initiator/The Death XIII,

followed byY
The Magician I: Professional change or renewal or a big transformation at work.
The High Priestess II: Change or renewal to be expected concerning business
matters. Possible contract. Possible transformation of a business.

The Empress III: Beneficial renewal and transformation. Favorable time for writers,
or for any type of artistic endeavors, as well as for verbal and written

The Emperor IV: Change or renewal from/with an important man. Big

transformation happening with him or for him.

The Pope V: Change or renewal at home or concerning a spouse or the family.

Possible partnership.

The Lovers VI: Possible change or renewal (business, work or love). New
possibilities emerge.

The Chariot VII: Period of change. Possible move or trip. Luck from a distance or
from the media.

The Justice VIII: Period of change. New equilibrium. Favorable time for a

The Hermit IX: Period of change. Important and positive news ahead. Favorable
time for rewarding research or for receiving good answers to requests or inquiries.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Positive financial transformation and happy renewal.

Period of forward movement and favorable change.

The Strength XI: Positive change or renewal bringing complete fulfillment. Major
beneficial transformation.

The Hanged Man XII : End of a situation or risk of disappointment due to a change.
The Temperance XIV: Period of change and progressive improvement. Slow but
steady transformation.

The Devil XV: A change may look appealing , but not wise to realize. Caution
needed concerning a project (business or love). Risk of disillusion.

The Broken House XVI: Period of change. End of a situation. Risk of sudden
difficulties, conflicts or break-up.

The Star XVII: Period of change or renewal in the area of love. For the single one:
A new love encounter.

The Moon: Change or renewal from/with an influential woman. Big transformation
happening for her or with her.
The Sun XIX: Period of change or renewal in the area of love. For the single one:
A new love encounter.

The Judgment XX: Unexpected and positive change. A transformation leads to a

true resurrection. Favorable time for a settlement.

The World XXI: Major change or renewal. Substantial transformation due to others
(associates, media, friends, etc.). Favorable time for contests or elections.

The Fool: Period of unexpected occurrences. Emotional needs may cause setbacks.
Extravagance. A swift and unprepared change may be source of upset ahead.

d d d

Initiator/The Temperance XIV,

followed byY
The Magician I: Slow but steady professional improvement. New projects in the
same line of work.

The High Priestess II: Slow but steady progress concerning goals, business matters
or a contract.

The Empress III: Slow steady progress toward the realization of a goal or the
fulfilment of a desire. The Emperor IV: Slow but steady progress concerning a
project with an influential man (or his intervention) or regarding matters personal to
him. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Pope V: Slow but steady progress concerning a home project, or involving the
family, a spouse or a partnership. Possibility of negotiations leading to an alliance.
The Lovers VI: Slow but steady progress concerning a business or love situation.

The Chariot VII: Period of improvement and progress. Favorable time for foreign
affairs. Luck from a distance. Possible trip.

The Justice VIII: Period of improvement toward a new stability. Favorable time for
a settlement or negotiations.

The Hermit IX: Slow but steady progress concerning an investigation. Favorable
time for research and requests. Persistence rewarded. Important news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Period of financial improvement. Consistency in money

matters brings rewards.

The Strength XI: Period of major improvement. Favorable time for negotiations or
the realization of an important project.

The Hanged Man XII: Feelings of powerlessness. Beliefs in being forever trapped
in the same situation with no way out. An opportunity to make changes instead of
suffering needlessly.

The Death XIII: Progressive movement leading to a complete and beneficial


The Devil XV: Feeling stuck or unable (or unwilling) to act. There is no need to stay
in this situation. Any effort to make amends for past hostilities will be successful.

The Broken House XVI: Being of a good nature and compromising will not bring
any expected changes. Instead being assertive and standing for one’s beliefs and
values will.

The Star XVII: Period of steady improvement or new stability within an established
relationship with a woman. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship

The Moon: Slow but steady improvement with/for an influential woman. Favorable
time for any negotiations or a new clientele.
The Sun XIX: Period of steady improvement or new stability within an established
relationship with a woman. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship

The Judgment XX: Period of slow by steady progress followed by a positive and
unexpected turn of event or surprising news. Favorable time for negotiations or a

The World XXI: Period of major improvement and progress with the help of the
outside world (clientele, associates, friends, etc.). Favorable time for negotiations
and agreements.

The Fool: Period of instability ahead or surrender. Necessity to keep one’s eyes open
in order to not let any good opportunities slip by for a lack of awareness.

d d d

Initiator/The Devil XV,

followed byY

The Magician I: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck ahead
due to the ability of turning a situation in one’s favor. New beginning at work or
success with a project.

The High Priestess II: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck
ahead due to the ability of turning a situation in one’s favor. Success in business or
with contracts.

The Empress III: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck ahead
from an ability to manipulate a situation. Successful requests. Desires granted.

The Emperor IV: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck ahead
due to the ability of turning a situation in one’s favor. Power and success over an
important man.

The Pope V: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck ahead due
to the ability of turning a situation in one’s favor. Help and protection from family,
spouse, partner or a community.

The Lovers VI: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck ahead
due to the ability of turning a situation (business or love) in one’s favor. Possibility
of a passionate relationship ahead. The Chariot VII: Substantial progress comes
from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck ahead due to the ability of using all means
necessary to advance one’s self. Possible move or trip. Good fortune with the media,
a project or coming from a distance.

The Justice VIII: Risk of overwhelming difficulties with the law due to an excessive
need for sensation or for the control of a situation. Possible settlement.

The Hermit IX: Risk of difficulties concerning the realization of a goal (most often
due to a need for sensation, manipulation or control). Honesty and effort will be
necessary to succeed.

The Wheel or Fortune X: Perspicacity and right timing. Luck ahead. Chance with
money. Financial gain, raise, loan etc.

The Strength XI: Success ahead due to one’s power of persuasion, shrewdness,
charm and magnetism with the ability to control/manipulate a situation. Caution
needed about what is wanted though. It may not be worth getting it after all!

The Hanged Man XII: Period of difficulties ahead, most often due to an
overwhelming desire to possess something, an excessive need for sensation, or
wanting to have total control over someone or a situation.

The Death XIII: End of a situation. Great caution needed (business or love).
Possible difficulties due to an excessive need for sensation or total control over
someone or a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Success ahead due to one’s charm and perspicacity. Luck
from exercising patience with the ability to have others adjust to what is desired.
Favorable time for negotiations. The Broken House XVI: Period of difficulties
ahead. Great caution needed. Risk of accident, conflict, break up, or radical change
due to an excessive need for sensation or total control over someone or a situation.

The Star XVII: A loss of composure may be forgiven by a woman of great value.
Powerful energies can be expressed toward the greater good of a relationship. For the
single one: Possibility of a new and passionate relationship ahead.

The Moon XVIII: Self-discipline will be very important in matters of love and
specific behaviors in order to avoid great difficulties or a health problem.
The Sun XIX: A loss of composure may be forgiven by a man of great value.
Powerful energies can be channeled toward the greater good of a relationship. For
the single one: Possibility of a new and passionate relationship ahead.

The Judgment XX: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Luck
ahead due to the ability of being open to change. Positive settlement. An unexpected
turn of event brings success.

The World XX: Good fortune comes from maneuvering with subtlety. Major luck
ahead due to one’s ability to magnetize people. Power over others (associates,
friends, etc.) and huge worldly success.

The Fool: Risk of sudden difficulties (business of love). Problems may arise if one
is not completely honest with others. Possibility of an unfortunate mistake due to an
excessive need for sensation or control over someone or a situation.

d d d

Initiator/The Broken House XVI,
followed byY

The Magician I: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning a work project or

professional life.

The High Priestess II: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning a contract,
business trend or a specific business goal.

The Empress III: Temporary conflict concerning a request or radical change of a

project. Possible break-up of expectations.

The Emperor IV: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning a situation with
an influential man or a supervisor.

The Pope V: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning a situation involving

the home, the family, a spouse, a partnership or a real estate deal.

The Lovers VI: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning a child or

involving a love situation.

The Chariot VII: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning a project.

Possible trip or move. The Justice VIII: Risk of conflict or break-up followed by a
legal pursuit. Possible problems with the law.

The Hermit IX: Temporary conflict or radical change concerning the realization of
a goal or the fulfillment of a desire. The situation will be restored with time and

The Wheel of Fortune X: Temporary dispute or radical change resulting in financial


The Strength XI: Temporary period of difficulties or worries (business or love). The
situation will be positively restored. Success will come by sticking to one’s goals.
The Hanged Man XII: Caution needed . Risk of loss due to a conflict or sudden

The Death XIII: Risk of radical change due to a conflict or sudden difficulty.

The Temperance XIV: A minor conflict, a break-up or a sudden change will bring
a new stability.

The Devil XV: A conflict, loss, sudden difficulties, or betrayal will have
consequences (business or love).

The Star XVII: A crazy event may provoke a conflict, a break-up or sudden
difficulties with a woman of value in one’s life. This is just a temporary situation. If
single: Short period of instability related to love and the fulfillment of wishes.

The Moon XVIII: Risk of conflict or radical change concerning a situation involving
an influential woman in one’s life.

The Sun XIX: A crazy event may provoke a conflict, a break-up or sudden
difficulties with a man of value in one’s life. This is just a temporary situation. If
single: Short period of instability related to love and the fulfillment of wishes.
The Judgment XX: Temporary conflict or unexpected change ahead. Things will
return to a more normal state quickly due to an unexpected turn of event or the arrival
of positive news.

The World XXI: Temporary conflict or break-up with others (associates, group of
friends, etc.).

The Fool: Risk of conflict or radical change followed by a period of instability.

Possible accident due to negligence and carelessness.

d d d

Initiator/The Star XVII,
followed byY

The Magician I: Close relationship with a spouse or life partner concerning a work
project. Professional alliance. For the single one: Possibility of a new love encounter
at work.

The High Priestess II: Close relationship with a spouse or life partner concerning
a business project. Possible contract. For the single one: Possibility of a love

The Empress III: Stability and happiness with a spouse or life partner. For the single
one: A new relationship headed.

The Emperor IV: Help and good fortune from a spouse and an important man.
Fulfillment of desires, realization of projects. For the single one: A new relationship

The Pope V: Period of happiness at home. Blissful marital life. For the single one:
A new love relationship followed by an union or marriage, if desired.

The Lovers VI: Period of ecstasy and happiness in a love relationship. For the
single one: A new love relationship followed by union or marriage, ir desired.

The Chariot VII: Happy journey with a spouse. Honeymoon. For the single one:
Possibility of a love encounter during a trip or of a relationship with someone living
at a distance.

The Justice VIII: New equilibrium in a relationship with a spouse or life partner.
Stability and satisfaction. For the single one: Possibility or a new relationship.

The Hermit IX: Important and positive news ahead from a spouse or life partner.
Success in reaching a personal objective. For the single one: News from a lover or

The Wheel of Fortune X: Financial luck. Good fortune for or with a female spouse
or life partner. For the single one: Possibility of a love encounter.

The Strength XI: Period of luck and happiness in a love relationship with a female
spouse or life partner. For the single one: A love encounter followed by marriage or

The Hanged Man XII: Period of worries for a spouse. A woman of value may
undergo some difficulties (love, business or health). Necessity of expressing love and
tenderness towards her.

The Death XIII: Period of change in a love relationship. Renewal. For the single
one: Possibility of a new relationship.

The Temperance XIV: Ongoing happiness and satisfaction in a love relationship

with a spouse or love partner. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship.

The Devil XV: Period of difficulties with/coming from a spouse or life partner. Risk
of disappointment or disillusion. For the single one: A passionate love encounter with
risk of illusion.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of conflict or sudden difficulties in a relationship

with a spouse or life partner or for that person directly. Possibility of a temporary
break-up. For the single one: A temporary new relationship.

The Moon XVIII: Help or luck with a spouse or life partner involving the influence
of a woman for the realization of a goal or the fulfillment of expectations. Period of
fertility. For the single one: A new relationship.

The Judgment XX: Unexpected and positive news involving a spouse or life
partner. Favorable turn of event. For the single one: A sudden new relationship.
Possibility of love at first sight!

The World XXI: Period of major fulfillment and luck in a relationship with a spouse
or life partner. For the single one: A very important love encounter.

The Fool: Period of difficulties with a spouse or life partner, possibly due a
negligence of the relationship. For the single one: A temporary new relationship.

d d d

Initiator/The Moon XVIII,
followed by Y

The Magician I: Positive influence of a woman around you (friend, co-worker,

sister, etc.) concerning a professional situation or the start of a new project.

The High Priestess II: Positive influence of a woman concerning a business goal
or a contract.

The Empress III: Positive influence of a woman around you (friend, co-worker,
sister, etc.). Favorable time for requests and the fulfilment of expectations.

The Emperor IV: Help or luck from a woman related to an important man.

The Pope V: Possible partnership or help/luck ahead from a female family member
or from the community (church, etc.).

The Lovers VI: Positive influence of a woman around (friend, co-worker, etc). New
possibilities emerge (business or love). Favorable time for negotiations.

The Chariot VII: Meeting or encounter with an influential woman. Luck from a

The Justice VIII: Possible settlement with an influential woman.

The Hermit IX: Help or luck from an influential woman. Important news ahead.
Favorable time for investigations and requests.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Positive influence of a woman concerning a financial

situation. Increased monetary power. Excellent time for building a new clientele.

The Strength XI: ¨Luck with the help of a significant woman. Period of success
concerning the realization of goals and the fulfillment of desires.

The Hanged Man XII: Period of disappointment and trouble due to the influence
a woman over a spouse or life partner or concerning a woman around (friend, sister,
co-worker, etc)

The Death XIII: Help or luck from an influential woman around. Period of change
or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Positive influence of a woman around. Favorable time for

The Devil XV: Caution needed regarding a woman around. Risk of betrayal.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of break-up, conflict or sudden difficulties with/for
a woman around. The Star XVII: Period of happiness. Help or luck from an
influential woman and a spouse or life partner. For the single one: A new

The Judgment XX: Unexpected luck from an influential woman. Favorable time for
a settlement.

The World XXI: Period of major luck and success. Support and favor from an
influential woman.

The Fool: Caution needed concerning a woman around. Risk of trouble due to her
impulsive behavior or negligence and carelessness..

d d d

Initiator/The Sun XIX,
followed byY

The Magician I: Close relationship with a spouse or life partner concerning a work
project. Professional alliance. For the single one: Possibility of a new love encounter
at work.

The High Priestess II: Close relationship with a spouse or life partner concerning
a business project. Possible contract. For the single one: Possibility of a love

The Empress III: Stability and happiness with a spouse or life partner. For the single
one: Possibility of a new relationship..

The Emperor IV: Help and good fortune from a spouse and an important man.
Fulfillment of desires, realization of projects. For the single one: Possibility of a new

The Pope V: Period of happiness at home. Blissful marital life. For the single one:
A new love relationship followed by an union or marriage, if desired.

The Lovers VI: Period of ecstasy and happiness in a love relationship. For the
single one: A new love relationship followed by union or marriage, ir desired.

The Chariot VII: Happy journey with a spouse. Honeymoon. For the single one:
Possibility of a love encounter during a trip or of a relationship with someone living
at a distance.

The Justice VIII: New equilibrium in a relationship with a spouse or life partner.
Stability and satisfaction. For the single one: Possibility or a new relationship.

The Hermit IX: Important and positive news ahead from a spouse or life partner.
Success in reaching a personal objective. For the single one: News from a lover or

The Wheel of Fortune X: Financial luck. Good fortune for or with a spouse or life
partner. For the single one: Possibility of a love encounter.

The Strength XI: Period of luck and happiness in a love relationship with a spouse
or life partner. For the single one: A love encounter followed by marriage or union..

The Hanged Man XII: Period of worries for a spouse. A man of value may undergo
some difficulties (love, business or health). Necessity of expressing love and
tenderness towards her.

The Death XIII: Period of change in a love relationship. Renewal. For the single
one: Possibility of a new relationship.

The Temperance XIV: Ongoing happiness and satisfaction in a love relationship

with a spouse or love partner. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship.

The Devil XV: Period of difficulties with/coming from a spouse or life partner. Risk
of disappointment or disillusion. For the single one: A passionate love encounter with
risk of illusion.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of conflict or sudden difficulties in a relationship

with a spouse or life partner or for that person directly. Possibility of a temporary
break-up. For the single one: A temporary new relationship.

The Moon XVIII: Help or luck with a spouse or life partner involving the influence
of a woman for the realization of a goal or the fulfillment of expectations. Period of
fertility. For the single one: Possibility of a new relationship.

The Judgment XX: Unexpected and positive news involving a spouse or life
partner. Favorable turn of event. For the single one: A sudden new relationship.
Possibility of love at first sight!

The World XXI: Period of major fulfillment and luck in a relationship with a spouse
or life partner. For the single one: A very important love encounter.

The Fool: Period of difficulties with a spouse or life partner, possibly due to
negligence of the relationship. For the single one: A temporary new relationship.

d d d

Initiator/The Judgment XX,
followed byY

The Magician I: A surprising and favorable turn of event professionally or

unexpected news concerning a work project. In all instances, positive change ahead.

The High Priestess II: A surprising and positive turn of event related to business.
Unexpected good news. Possible luck with a contract.

The Empress III: Unexpected good news ahead. Favorable time for beneficial
answers to requests or inquiries.

The Emperor IV: Surprising and unexpected positive news will come from an
important man. Favorable time for a business settlement.

The Pope V: Surprising and unexpected positive news concerning the home, the
family, a spouse or a partnership. Favorable time for real estate matters.

The Lovers VI: Surprising and unexpected positive new opportunities or good news
related to business or a love matter. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Chariot VII: Possibility of a sudden and unplanned trip or surprising and
unexpected good news coming from a distance.

The Justice VIII: Surprising news or sudden turn of event followed by a settlement
or transaction. New equilibrium.

The Hermit IX: Surprising and unexpected good news ahead. Favorable time for a
settlement, receiving a positive answer to a request or research.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Surprising or unexpected financial good news ahead.

Sudden increase of monetary power. Favorable time for a settlement.

The Strength XI: Surprising good news ahead. Favorable time for a settlement.
Period of major fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: Unexpected worrisome news or event with a risk of loss.
Unfavorable time for a settlement.

The Death XIII: Unexpected positive news ahead followed by a sudden change
and/or a renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Unexpected positive news or turn of event leading to a new
stability. Favorable time for negotiations or a settlement.

The Devil XV: Unexpected news or a turn of event (business or love) may lead to
an uncomfortable situation. Caution needed with others. Risk of robbery, betrayal,
fraud, etc.

The Broken House XVI: Unexpected news or turn of event may lead to a sudden
change. Unfavorable time for a settlement.

The Star XVII: Period of sudden and great happiness with a spouse. For the single
one: A new love encounter under strange circumstances.

The Moon XVIII: Surprising or unexpected good news ahead. Positive turn of
event. Help or luck from an influential woman.
The Sun XIX: Period of sudden and great happiness with a spouse. For the single
one: A new love encounter under strange circumstances.

The World XXI: Get ready for a huge and fabulous surprise ahead! Favorable time
for contests. Sudden luck from others (media, associates, a large group of people,
friends etc.)

The Fool: Some unexpected news or unanticipated turn of event will foster a period
of instability. Risk of sudden change. Unfavorable time for a settlement.

d d d

Initiator/The World XXI,
followed by ...

The Magician I: Period of major professional fulfillment or concerning a project

involving others. Luck with the media, associates, a large group of people, friends,

The High Priestess II: Period of major fulfillment with a business. Luck with a large
group of people, the media, associates, friends, etc. Possibility of an important

The Empress III: Luck or help from others (associates, friends, etc.) will lead to the
realization of a goal or the fulfillment of some expectations.

The Emperor IV: Luck or help from others (associates, friends, etc.) related to an
important man.

The Pope V: Family reunion. Happiness and joy within a community of kindred
souls. Celebration.

The Lovers VI: Period of success and popularity. Luck or help from others (media,
associates, friends, etc.).

The Chariot VII: Major luck from a distance or others (media, associates, large
group of people, friends, etc.). Expansion of clientele.

The Justice VIII: New social equilibrium. Possible settlement with others
(associates, friends, etc.)

The Hermit IX: Luck or help from others (associates, friends, a group of people,
etc.) concerning any research or request. Efforts rewarded. Important news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Financial Luck or help from others (media, associates,
large group of people, etc.). Major increase of money.

The Strength XI: Luck or help from powerful friends. Period of major success with
the help of others (media, associates, a large group of people, etc.)

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of disappointing others (media, associates, friends,
etc.). Possible decrease of clientele.

The Death XIII: Luck or help from others (media, associates, large group of people,
friends, etc.). Period of change or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Luck or help from others (associates, clientele, friends, etc.).
Stability and satisfaction in one’s social life.

The Devil XV: Caution needed concerning interactions with others (associates,
friends, strangers, etc.). Risk of betrayal. Disappointing behaviors of others. Certain
actions may foster problems.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of difficulties, conflict or break -up with others
(associates, friends, a large group of people, etc.). Unfavorable time for clientele.

The Star XVII: Social success, popularity and fulfillment. Major influence of a
spouse or lover concerning the realization of an important goal. For the single one:
A new love encounter.

The Moon XVIII: Luck or help from others related to an influential woman
(associates, friends, large group of people, etc.). Increase of clientele.
The Sun XIX: Social success, popularity and fulfillment. Major influence of a
spouse or lover concerning the realization of an important goal. For the single one:
A new love encounter.

The Judgment XX: An surprising or unexpected turn of an event bring major

success. Sudden luck from others (media, associates, friends, large group of people,

The Fool: Period of disappointment and instability ahead with friends, associates,
etc. Risk of sudden trouble due to their negligence or impulsive behaviors.

d d d

The Initiator/The Fool,
followed byY

The Magician I: Risk of unfortunate professional mistake. Caution needed. Any

impulsive decisions are to be avoided.

The High Priestess II: Risk of unfortunate business mistake or concerning a

contract. Caution needed. Any impulsive decisions are to be avoided.

The Empress III: Risk of trouble or unfortunate mistake concerning the realization
of a goal or the fulfillment of one’s expectations.

The Emperor IV: An unfortunate mistake made against an important man may spell
trouble ahead.. Caution needed. Any impulsive comment or negligence can lead to
problems with him.

The Pope V: Risk of an unfortunate mistake or trouble ahead impacting the well-
being of a family, spouse, partnership or real-estate possessions, due to one’s
impulsive behavior or negligence.

The Lovers VI: Risk of unfortunate mistake or trouble ahead (business or love) due
to one’s impulsive behavior or negligence.

The Chariot VII: Risk of unfortunate mistake or trouble ahead concerning to the
realization of a goal or the fulfillment of a desire. Possible trip or move.

The Justice VIII: Risk of unfortunate mistake or trouble ahead with the law due to
some impulsive behavior or negligence. Possible legal settlement.

The Hermit IX: Risk of unfortunate mistake ahead concerning the realization of a
goal or the fulfilment of a search. Caution needed. Erratic behaviors and negligence
may lead to a period of instability.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Risk of unfortunate financial mistake due to one’s

impulsive behavior or negligence.

The Strength XI: Temporary period of instability or trouble ahead. Although an

impulsive decision or unexpected event will bring luck or power over the situation.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of unfortunate mistake or trouble (business or love) due
to one’s impulsive behavior or negligence. Possible loss and reversal.

The Death XIII: An unfortunate mistake (business or love) may bring a sudden
change. End of a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Unpleasant circumstances could blight a love or business
situation. Caution needed. Problems will arise if the situation stays neglected. In time
the difficulties will fade away.

The Devil XV: Risk of trouble (business or love) or unfortunate mistakes ahead.
Extreme caution needed. No explosive reaction and nasty behaviors or else the
repercussions will be very negative.

The Broken House XVI: Risk of unfortunate mistakes due to an impulsive decision
or negligent behavior. Extra caution needed. Possible accident or definitive break-up.
The Star XVII: Period of trouble concerning an established relationship. Risk of
unfortunate mistakes made with a loved one or a spouse. Loose ties.

The Moon XVIII: Risk of unfortunate mistakes or trouble with an influential woman
due to one’s impulsive behavior or negligence.
The Sun XIX: Period of trouble concerning an established relationship. Risk of
unfortunate mistakes made with a loved one or a spouse. Loose ties.

The Judgment XX: Impulsiveness, irritability and erratic behaviors spell troubles
ahead. An unfortunate mistake may change plans and cause inconveniences later.
Risk of settlement.

The World XXI: An unfortunate mistake or negligence may cost harm to one’s
reputation or lead to troubles with others (associates, friends, etc.). Caution needed
by staying calm and responsible.

d d d

Three-Card Spread
Answers initiated by:

The Pope V

(The Pope V characterizes all institutions, partnerships,

family, home, and anything related to real estate.)

The Pope V/The Magician I,
followed byY
The High Priestess II: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding
some professional goals, business matters or the launching of a new project. Possible
access to a yet unexplored domain.
The Empress III: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project involving requests or inquiries.
Expectations fulfilled.

The Emperor IV: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project. Luck ahead from an
important man. Possibility of partnership.

The Lovers VI: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project. Opportunities offered.
Possibility of a new beginning at work.

The Chariot VII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project. Period of expansion and

The Justice VIII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project. Formal establishment. Official
status. New equilibrium at work.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project. Research. Important news to

The Wheel of Fortune X: Financial help or support from the family or in partnership
regarding some professional matters or the launching of a new project. Positive
financial situation.

The Strength XI: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional matters or the launching of a new project. Capacities powerfully
expressed. Period of fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: A family business, relationship or partnership may suffer a
temporary disruption. Problems may be related to a work issue/situation.

The Death XIII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional goals, business matters or a project. Period of change or renewal.
Possible end of a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Ongoing help or support from the family or in partnership
regarding some professional goals, business matters or a project. Period of stability
at home/at work/in partnerships.

The Devil XV: You may find dealing with your mate or partner frustrating and
nonproductive. Clarify your goals and projects or you may undergo a period of
The Broken House XVI: A family business, relationship or partnership may
suddenly suffer a disruption. Risk of break-up or conflict related to a work issue or
situation at home.

The Star XVII: Help or support from the family, your spouse (for the male seeker)
or in partnership regarding some professional goals, business matters or the
launching of a new project. Period of profound peace and fulfillment at home/at
work/in partnerships.

The Moon XVIII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional goals, business matters or the launching of a new project. Luck from an
influential woman.

The Sun XIX: Help or support from the family, your spouse (for the female seeker)
or in partnership regarding some professional goals, business matters or the
launching of a new project. Period of great joy and rewards at home/at work/in

The Judgment XX: Sudden help or support from the family or in partnership
regarding some professional goals, business matters or the launching of a new
project. Unexpected and positive event or news at work. Possible change. Luck with
a settlement.

The World XXI: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
professional goals, business matters or the launching of a new project. Period of
major success. Large increase of clientele.

The Fool: A family business, relationship or partnership may suddenly be disrupted.

Risk of professional neglect, careless or unfortunate mistake. Possible period of
instability at home/at work/in partnerships.

d d d

The Pope V/The High Priestess II,
followed byY

The Magician I: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a

business situation. Luck with real estate. Possible contract or the launching of a new

The Empress III: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
business expectations. Important news ahead.

The Emperor IV: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation. Possible contract from/with an important man.

The Lovers VI: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation . Opportunities offered. Possible contract.

The Chariot VII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation. Possible move. Period of expansion.

The Justice VIII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation. Possible real estate transaction or official contract.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation. Possible probing of a new domain or undergoing research (real
estate, contracts, etc.)

The Wheel of Fortune X: Financial help or support from the family or in partnership
regarding a business situation. Increased money from a contract.

The Strength XI: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation. Realization of an important project or concerning a real estate

The Hanged Man XII: A family meeting or a business project will not bring the
result expected. Possible loss of a contract. Unfavorable time for real estate.

The Death XIII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding some
business matters. Period of change and renewal. Possible end or drastic
transformation of a business situation.

The Temperance XIV: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding
a business situation Period of improvement at home/in business/in partnerships.

The Devil XV: Caution needed concerning a business project with a family member,
in partnership or concerning real estate matters. Risk of betrayal, hidden vices etc.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed concerning a business project with a
family member, in partnership or concerning real estate matters. Risk of break-up,
conflict, or sudden difficulties.

The Star XVII: Help or support from family or in partnership concerning a business
situation or the realization of a goal. Luck with real estate. Favorable time for
transactions (buying/selling, etc.)

The Moon XVIII: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation Possible partnership or contract with a significant woman.

The Sun XIX: Help or support from family or in partnership concerning a business
situation or the realization of a goal. Luck with real estate. Favorable time for
transactions (buying/selling, etc.)

The Judgment XX: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation Sudden and unexpected news. Possible contract.

The World XX: Help or support from the family or in partnership regarding a
business situation Period of major success.

The Fool: Caution needed concerning a business project with a family member, in
partnership or concerning real estate matters. False promises, unexpected trouble,
instability or betrayal may occur.

d d d

The Pope V/The Empress III,
followed byY

The Magician I: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Period of stability. Letter or interesting professional news ahead
or concerning a new project.

The High Priestess II: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and
the realization of goals Period of stability. Letter or interesting news ahead
concerning a business. Aspirations fulfilled.

The Emperor IV: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Period of stability. Letter or interesting news ahead from an
important man.

The Lovers VI: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Possible letter or interesting news concerning a child. In all
instances, period of happiness and stability.

The Chariot VII: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Period of progress. Aspirations fulfilled through a letter or
interesting news. Possible move. Luck with a real estate matter.

The Justice VIII: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Period of stability. Letter or news ahead concerning a legal

The Hermit IX: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Period of stability. A letter or important news bring a fulfilling
answer to some deep aspirations.

The Wheel of Fortune X:Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships
and the realization of goals Period of stability. Money or interesting news through
the mail.

The Strength XI: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Period of stability. A letter or interesting news will allow for the
fulfillment of an objective or the actualization of a strong desire. Period of great

The Hanged Man XII: Period of worries or difficulties regarding a family member
or a partnership. Unfavorable time for real estate matters. Disappointing news ahead.

The Death XIII: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and the
realization of goals Letter or interesting news followed by a change or the renewal
of a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships and
the realization of goals Ongoing stability. Happy routine.

The Devil XV: Period of emotional difficulties regarding a family member or a

partner. Caution needed concerning real estate. Disappointing news ahead. Risk of

The Broken House XVI: Period of difficulties regarding a family member or a

partner. Caution needed concerning real estate. Risk of break-up, conflict or sudden

The Star XVII: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships, the
realization of goals and all matters of real estate. Period of profound peace and
fulfillment with all wishes granted.

The Moon XVIII: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnerships, the
realization of goals and all matters of real estate. Interesting news or letter from an
influential woman. Period of fertility or a new birth for someone in your extended

The Sun XIX: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnership, the realization
of goals and all matters concerning real estate. Interesting news or letter ahead.
Period of great fulfillment harboring long-lasting joy and happiness.

The Judgment XX: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnership, the
realization of goals and all matters concerning real estate. Interesting news or letter
bringing an unexpected opportunity.

The World XXI: Protection upon the home, spouse, family, partnership, the
realization of goals and all matters concerning real estate. Great news ahead. Period
of achievement and profound happiness.

The Fool: Period of instability regarding a family member or a partner. Caution

needed concerning real estate. Disappointing news or tribulation ahead. Risk of

d d d

The Pope V/The Emperor IV,
followed byY

The Magician I: Professional help or support from an important male family

member or leader of an organization (boss, manager, etc.). Possible partnership.

The High Priestess II: Help or support from an important male family member,
partner or leader of an organization regarding a contract or business goals.

The Empress III: Help or support from an important male family member or leader
of some sort, concerning the realization of goals or the fulfilment of desires.

The Lovers VI: Help or support from an important male family member or leader
of some sort. New possibilities emerge. Opportunities or negotiations. For the single
one: A new relationship.

The Chariot VII: Help or support from an important male family member, partner
or leader of some sort, concerning the realization of a goal. Desires fulfilled. Period
of movement, progress and expansion.

The Justice VIII: Help or support from an important male family member, partner
or leader of some sort, concerning a legal settlement. Possible real estate transaction.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from an important male family member, partner or
leader of some sort, concerning the successful achievement of a search or realization
of a goal. Important news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Help or support from an important male family member,
partner or leader of some sort (bank manager, etc.) concerning a financial situation.
Good news ahead.

The Strength XI: Help or support from an important male family member, partner
or leader of some sort, concerning the realization of an objective. Period of great

The Hanged Man XII: Difficulties ahead for a male family member or partner. Risk
of disappointment, depression or financial stress.

The Death XIII: Help or support from an important male family member, partner
or leader of some sort. Period of change or renewal. Possible positive end of

The Temperance XIV: Ongoing help or support from an important male family
member, partner or leader of some sort concerning the realization of goals.
Favorable time for any negotiations. Period of slow progress.

The Devil XV: Caution needed with/from a male family member, a partner or leader
of some sort. Risk of betrayal or dishonesty. In the other hand, this man is capable
of great accomplishment (good or bad) due to his influence on others.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed regarding a male family member, partner
or leader of some sort. Risk of conflict, break-up or radical change.

The Star XVII: Help or support from an important male family member, partner or
leader of some sort (possibly related to the female seeker or the spouse of the male
seeker), concerning the realization of a goal or the fulfillment of desires. Period of
profound peace and contentment.

The Moon XVIII: Help or support from a male and female family member
concerning the realization or a goal or the fulfilment of wishes. Possible partnership.

The Sun XIX: Help or support from an important male family member, partner or
leader of some sort (possibly related to the male seeker or the spouse of the female
seeker), concerning the realization of a goal or the fulfillment of desires. Period of
great achievement bringing lasting joy and happiness.

The Judgment XX: Help or support from an important male family member, partner
or leader of some sort. Unexpected and positive news ahead. Favorable time for a

The World XX: Help or support from an important male family member, partner or
leader of some sort, allowing a major realization. Period of great success.

The Fool: Caution needed regarding a male family member, a partner or leader of
some sort. Risk of betrayal or unfortunate mistake from his impulsive behavior.
Unexpected change for him or because of him.

d d d

The Pope V/The Lovers VI,
followed byY
The Magician I: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible
professional partnership or concerning the realization of a project. For the single one:
A new union.

The High Priestess II: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible
business partnership or concerning the realization of a goal. For the single one: A
new union.

The Empress III: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible new
union. Positive news from a child.

The Emperor IV: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible
partnership. Help or support from an important man. For the single one: A new

The Chariot VII: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. New
opportunities (business or love) coming from a distance. Possible move.

The Justice VIII: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. New
equilibrium. Possible negotiations concerning a legal settlement or real estate

The Hermit IX: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Important news
ahead. For the single one: News from a lover or admirer.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home Possible
partnership. Small increase of money. For the single one: A new relationship.

The Strength XI: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible
partnership. Great fulfillment of desires and aspirations. For the single one: A new

The Hanged Man XII: Period of worry or disappointment concerning a child, a

mate or family member. Possible depression for this person.

The Death XIII: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible
partnership. Period of change or renewal. For the single one: A new relationship.

The Temperance XIV: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home. Possible
partnership. Period of stability. For the single one: A new relationship.

The Devil XV: In a love relationship, necessity to clear up any misunderstandings.
A need to be precise about one’s intentions and desires. Possible emotional
difficulties for a child.

The Broken House XVI: Unexpected difficulties may occur concerning a child, a
mate, lover or family member. Risk of break-up or conflict.

The Star XVII: Family joy and happiness. Period of profound contentment in
partnerships. Great new opportunities may come for the female seeker or life partner
of the male seeker. Possible partnership.

The Moon XVIII: Family joy and happiness. Contentment at home Possible new
union or partnership. Help or support from an influential woman.

The Sun XIX: Family joy and happiness. Period of great realization in partnership.
Great new opportunities may come for the male seeker or life partner of the female
seeker. Possible partnership The Judgment XX: Family joy and happiness.
Contentment at home. Possible partnership. Unexpected and positive news. For the
single one: A new relationship.

The World XXI: Family joy and happiness. Period of great realization. Possible
partnership. Family gathering, reunion, etc. For the single one: A new relationship.

The Fool: Period of instability or trouble regarding a child, mate, partner or family
member may occur. Risk of break-up or sudden change due to a foolish action or

d d d

The Pope V/The Chariot VII,
followed byY

The Magician I: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at home
or in partnership concerning a project or professional goal.

The High Priestess II: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at
home or in a business partnership or concerning the realization of an important goal.

The Empress III: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at home
or concerning the realization of a important project.

The Emperor IV: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at home.
Help or support from an important man concerning the realization of a goal or

The Lovers VI: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at home or
concerning a love relationship.

The Justice VIII: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at home
or new stability with family/spouse/partnerships.

The Hermit IX: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Important news concerning
the realization of a goal. Period of progress.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Possible move. Luck with real estate or with the family.
Period of progress concerning the realization of financial goals.

The Strength XI: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at home.
Family help or support. Possible new union or partnership.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of trouble concerning a family member or a partner.
Possible move and/or difficult time in adapting to a new home/place.

The Death XIII: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of change or renewal
at home.

The Temperance XIV: Possible move. Luck with real estate. Period of progress at

The Devil XV: Possible move. Caution needed with real estate and/or a business

The Broken House XVI: Possible move or difficulty relating to a move. Risk of
conflict or sudden change concerning a project.

The Star XVII: Possible move. Luck with a real estate matter. Period of progress for
the female seeker (if a male seeker, his mate).

The Moon XVIII: Possible move. Luck with a real estate matter. Period of progress.
Help or support from an influential woman.

The Sun XIX: Possible move. Luck with a real estate matter. Period of progress for
the male seeker (if a female seeker, her mate).

The Judgment XX: Possible move. Luck with a real estate matter. Period of
progress. Unexpected and positive news ahead.

The World XX I: Possible move. Luck with a real estate matter. Period of great
progress. Help or support from family members.

The Fool: Period of instability at home or for a family member. Unfavorable time for
a move or concerning a project. Risk of conflict or unexpected change.

d d d

The Pope V/The Justice VIII,
followed byY

The Magician I: Real estate transaction. Possible legal settlement with

family/spouse/or partner. Luck with the law. New equilibrium at work.

The High Priestess II: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium or with a
spouse or partner. Luck with the law.

The Empress III: Real estate transaction. Possible legal settlement concerning the
family or with a spouse or partner. Luck with the law.

The Emperor IV: Real estate transaction. Luck or help from an important man.
Possible partnership.

The Lovers VI: Real estate transaction. Possible legal settlement concerning the
family, a spouse or partner. Favorable time for any negotiations.

The Chariot VII: Real estate transaction. Luck with the law. Period of progress
concerning the family or with a spouse or partner.

The Hermit IX: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium and stability or with
a spouse or partner.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Real estate transaction. Increased money. Luck with the
law or a financial settlement.

The Strength XI: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium or with a spouse
or partner. Possible legal settlement. Luck with the law.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of trouble regarding a family, partnership or real estate
matter. Possible trial or legal problems.

The Death XIII: Real estate transaction. End of a legal settlement. New equilibrium
at home, with family or in a partnership. Distribution of proceeds.

The Temperance XIV: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium and stability
or with a spouse or partner.

The Devil XV: Period of trouble ahead regarding a family or real estate situation or
with a spouse or partner. Caution needed regarding a legal settlement. Risk of
betrayal and unfavorable time with the law.

The Broken House XVI: Period of trouble regarding a family or real estate matter
or with a spouse or partner. Risk of sudden conflict, break-up or radical change.
Misfortune concerning a legal settlement.

The Star XVII: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium for the female
seeker, or with his spouse or partner for the male seeker.

The Moon XVIII: Real estate transaction. Possible legal settlement with or from an
influential woman.

The Sun XIX: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium for the male seeker,
or with her spouse or partner for the female seeker.

The Judgment XX: Real estate transaction. New family equilibrium or with a
spouse or partner. Luck with the law. Unexpected news ahead.

The World XXI: Real estate transaction. Luck from others (family, friends, etc.)
concerning a legal settlement. New family stability or with a spouse or partner.

The Fool: Period of instability at home or unexpected trouble with the law. Risk of
trial or betrayal.

d d d

The Pope V/The Hermit IX,
followed byY

The Magician I Important professional news ahead or concerning a new project for
(or from) the family or a spouse/partner. Possible change.

The High Priestess II: Important and positive news ahead concerning a business
goal for (or from) the family or a spouse/partner. Possible contract.

The Empress III: Important and positive news ahead for (or from) the family or a
spouse/partner concerning a project or request.

The Emperor IV: Positive news ahead for (or from) the family or a spouse/partner
coming from an influential man.

The Lovers VI: Important news ahead (business or love) for (or from) the family or
a spouse/partner. New possibilities emerge. Period of happiness.

The Chariot VII: Important and positive news ahead for (or from) the family or a
spouse/partner. Possible trip or move.

The Justice VIII: Important news ahead followed by a legal settlement for (or from)
the family or a spouse/partner. Possible real estate transaction.

The Wheel of Fortune X:Important news ahead concerning a financial goal for (or
from) the family or a spouse/partner. Increased money.

The Strength XI: Important news ahead for (or from) the family or a spouse/partner
concerning a project, goal or desire. Period of fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: Disappointing news ahead for (or from) the family or a
spouse/partner. Unfavorable time with real estate matter.

The Death XIII: Important news ahead fro (or from) the family or a spouse/partner
followed by a positive change or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Important news ahead for (or from) the family or a
spouse/partner. Period of slow progress and stability.

The Devil XV: Period of insecurity for a family member or spouse/partner. Caution
needed regarding contacts with others or a real estate matter. Risk of lies or betrayal.

The Broken House XVI: Sudden news ahead for (or from) a family member or
spouse/partner. Risk of conflict, break-up or radical change. Unfavorable time for
real estate matters.

The Star XII: Important and positive news ahead for (or from) family or a
spouse/partner concerning the female seeker or his spouse if the seeker is a male.
Period of contentment and happiness. For a single man: News from a lover or

The Moon XVIII: Pleasant news ahead from an influential woman for (or from) the
family or a spouse/partner.

The Sun XIX: Important and positive news ahead for or from the family or a
spouse/partner concerning the male seeker or her spouse if the seeker is a female.
Period of joy and optimism. For a single woman: News from a lover or admirer. .

The Judgment XX: Important news ahead for (or from) the family or a
spouse/partner. Unexpected opportunity. Possible move. Luck with a real estate

The World XXI: Important news ahead for (or from) the family or spouse/partner.
Luck from a group of people. Period of great success and happiness.

The Fool: Unexpected news ahead for (or from) the family or a spouse/partner.
Period of instability. Possibility of misfortune concerning a project or real estate

d d d

The Pope V/The Wheel of Fortune X,
followed byY

The Magician I: Help or support from the family or a spouse/ partner concerning
finances and a professional situation or project. Luck with real estate.

The High Priestess II: Help or support from the family or a spouse/ partner
concerning a financial and business situation. Luck with real estate.

The Empress III: Help or support from the family or a spouse/ partner concerning
a financial situation. Small increase of money.

The Emperor IV: Help or support from the family or spouse/ partner concerning a
financial situation. Luck with a real estate matter. Increased income due to an
important man.

The Lovers VI: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner concerning a
financial situation. New possibilities emerge.

The Chariot VII: Help or support from the family or q spouse/partner concerning
a financial situation. Luck with real estate. Period of movement and expansion.

The Justice VIII: Help or support from the family or spouse/ partner concerning a
financial situation. Possible real estate transaction.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from the family or spouse/ partner concerning a
financial situation. Important news ahead.

The Strength XI: Help or support from the family or spouse/ partner concerning a
financial situation. Luck with real estate. Period of fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: Risk of financial stress at home or for the family or
spouse/partner. Unfavorable time for real estate or investments.

The Death XIII: Help or support for (or from) the family or spouse/partner
concerning a financial situation. Period of change or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Help or support for (or from) the family or spouse/partner
concerning the finances. Financial stability.

The Devil XV: Caution needed concerning finances and assets. Possible lies,
betrayal, robbery at home, from family, spouse/partner or concerning a real estate

The Broken House XVI: A unexpected family situation could involve a sudden
outlay of money. Unfavorable time for real estate or investments.

The Star XVII: Help or support from family or that of a spouse/partner concerning
the finances of the female seeker (or his spouse if the seeker is a male).

The Moon XVIII: Help or support for (or from) the family or spouse/partner
concerning a financial situation. Possibility of increased income due to an influential

The Sun XIX: Help or support from family or that of a spouse/partner concerning
the finances of the male seeker (or her spouse if the seeker is a female).

The Judgment XX: Help or support for (from) the family or spouse/partner
concerning a financial situation. Luck with real estate. Unexpected increase of

The World XXI: Help or support for (or from) the family or spouse/partner
concerning a financial situation. Luck with real estate. Large increase of income.

The Fool: Period of financial instability at home, with family, spouse/partner or

concerning real estate. Risk of unexpected loss or sudden expenses.

d d d

The Pope V/The Strength XI,
followed byY

The Magician I: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Desires fulfilled. Professional success. For the single one: A new union or marriage.

The High Priestess II: Period of luck in real estate, with the family or
spouse/partner. Desires fulfilled. Success in business.

The Empress III: Period of luck in real estate, with the family or spouse/partner.
Desires and expectations fulfilled. For the single one: Union or marriage.

The Emperor IV: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner
due to the positive influence of an important man. For the single one: A new

The Lovers VI: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Desires fulfilled. For the single one: A new love encounter followed by union or

The Chariot VII: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Desires fulfilled, realization of goals and projects. Possible move.

The Justice VIII: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Desires fulfilled. New equilibrium at home.

The Hermit IX: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Desires fulfilled, realization of projects. Positive news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or
spouse/partner. Realization of projects. Increased money.

The Hanged Man XII: A situation that seems secure may undergo a period of stress.
Temporary trouble at home, with a family member or a spouse/partner.

The Death XIII: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Realization or projects. Period of change.

The Temperance XIV: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or
spouse/partner. Realization of goals and projects.

The Devil XV: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner due
to intuition or cunning.

The Broken House XVI: A situation that seems secure may suddenly undergo a
period of change. Temporary difficulties at home. Risk of conflict with a family
member, spouse or partner.

The Star XVII: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Fulfillment ahead for the female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male).
For the single man: Union or marriage.

The Moon XVIII: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner
due to an influential woman. Realization of goals and projects.

The Sun XIX: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or spouse/partner.
Fulfillment ahead for the male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female).
For the single woman: Union or marriage.

The Judgment XX: Period of luck in real estate, or with the family or
spouse/partner. Realization of goals and projects. Unexpected and positive news

The World XXI: Period of luck in real estate, or with family or spouse/partner.
Realization of goals and projects. Help or support from others. Period of major

The Fool: A situation that seems secure may undergo a period of instability.
Possibility of sudden change from a family member or spouse/partner.

d d d

The Pope V/The Hanged Man XII,
followed byY

The Magician I: After a short period of insecurity at home or concerning the family,
spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored quickly due to one’s efforts
and determination. Expect a new beginning ahead.

The High Priestess II: After a short period of insecurity at home or concerning the
family, spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored quickly due to
voluntary actions or professional advices. Possibility of real estate contract.

The Empress III: After a period of insecurity at home or concerning the family, a
spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored due to one’s responsible
nature and patience. Stability ahead.

The Emperor IV: After a short period of insecurity at home or concerning the
family, a spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored quickly due to
support or luck coming from an important man.

The Lovers VI: Temporary period of insecurity at home or concerning a family

member or a spouse/partner. An opportunity will give an option to settle the

The Chariot VII: After a short period of insecurity at home or concerning the
family, a spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored quickly. Luck
ahead from a the fast realization of a project or a move.

The Justice VIII: Period of insecurity ahead. Risk of disappointment from family,
spouse or partner. Possible legal settlement. Unfavorable time with real estate.

The Hermit IX: Period of insecurity ahead. Unfavorable time with/for the family,
a spouse or partner. Patience and time will be favorable. .

The Wheel of Fortune X: After a short period of insecurity at home or concerning

the family, a spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored quickly.
Financial luck or support ahead.

The Strength XI: After a short period of insecurity at home or concerning the
family, spouse/partner or real estate, the situation will be restored quickly. Luck or
power ahead from a positive event.

The Death XIII: End of a situation at home or with a partner. Unfavorable time with
real estate.

The Temperance XIV: Risk of trouble at home, or with the family or a
spouse/partner. Understanding, time and patience will be necessary to restore the

The Devil XV: You may have to let go a situation in which you are involved now.
Period of tribulation with/from family, spouse/partner or real estate. Risk of betrayal.
The Broken House XVI: Period of change with/from the family, spouse/partner or
real estate. Risk of conflict or break-up.

The Star XVII: Temporary period of worry at home or concerning the family of the
female seeker (or his spouse if the seeker is a male). The situation will be quicky

The Moon XVIII: Period of disappointment with/from the family, spouse/partner

or real estate matter. Risk of loss or trouble due to an influential woman.

The Sun XIX: Temporary period of worry at home or concerning the family of the
male seeker (or her spouse if the seeker is a female). The situation will be quicky

The Judgment XX: Temporary period of worry at home or concerning the family,
spouse/partner or real estate. Possible move or financial expenses.

The World XXI: Temporary period of difficulties home. Major help, luck or support
will come from others (family members, associates, friends or from the community).

The Fool: Difficult situation at home, or concerning the family, spouse/partner or a

real estate matter. Risk of loss of a deal, break-up, conflict and/or instability. Possible

d d d

The Pope V/The Death XIII,
followed by ...

The Magician I: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner concerning a

professional goal or new project. Period of change. Possible partnership.

The High Priestess II: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner
concerning a business goal. Period of change. Possible partnership. Luck with a
contract or real estate.

The Empress III: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
change or renewal. Favorable time for requests or inquiries. Possible partnership.

The Emperor IV: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
change or renewal due to an important man. Possible partnership. Luck with real

The Lovers VI: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
change (business or love). Possible partnership. New possibilities emerge. For the
single one: A new relationship.

The Chariot VII: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
change. Possible move. Luck with real estate.

The Justice VIII: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
change. New equilibrium. Possible real estate transaction.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of change
or renewal due to positive news.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period
of change or renewal. Possible partnership. Luck with real estate. Increased income.

The Strength XI: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
change and fulfillment. Possible partnership. Luck with real estate. For the single
one: A new relationship.

The Hanged Man XII: Period of worries concerning the family, a relationship,
spouse/partner or real estate. Risk of loss or financial reversal. End of a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period
of change or renewal. Possible partnership. New stability.

The Devil XV: Difficult time ahead for the family, a relationship, spouse or partner
or real estate matter. Possible robbery, betrayal or sudden change.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed with the family, a relationship,
spouse/partner or real estate. Risk of sudden difficulties, break-up, conflict or radical

The Star XVII: Help or support from the family of the female seeker (if a male
seeker, his spouse/partner). Period of change or renewal. Possible partnership.

The Moon XVIII: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
change or renewal due to an influential woman. Possible partnership.

The Sun XIX: Help or support from the family of the male seeker (if a female
seeker, her spouse/partner). Period of change or renewal. Possible partnership.

The Judgment XX: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Unexpected
change or renewal ahead. Possible partnership. Luck with real estate or a settlement.

The World XXI: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
change or renewal. Family gathering, reunion, etc. Possible partnership. Luck
regarding real estate.

The Fool: Period of difficulties or instability ahead with the family, a spouse/partner
or real estate. Risk of sudden move, break-up or loss of a deal.

d d d

The Pope V/The Temperance XIV,
followed byY

The Magician I: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner concerning a

professional goal or realization of a project. Period of slow progress and stability.

The High Priestess II: Help or support from the family or a spouse/ partner
concerning a business goal. Possible real estate transaction.

The Empress III: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
slow progress and stability.

The Emperor IV: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
improvement due to an influential man. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Lovers VI: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
happiness and improvement regarding love and relationship matters.

The Chariot VII: Help or support from your the family or spouse/partner. Period of
improvement and progress. Possible move.

The Justice VIII: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
improvement and new equilibrium. Possible settlement.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of slow
progress regarding goals and the realization of projects.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner.

Period of financial progress. Favorable time for real estate.

The Strength XI: Help or support from the family or a spouse/partner. Period of
progress. Desires fulfilled.

The Hanged Man XI: Understanding and compromises are the keys here. Period
of disappointment ahead with/for your family or a spouse/partner. Unfavorable time
for real estate.

The Death XIII: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
improvement and renewal.

The Devil XV: Caution needed with the family or spouse/partner. Risk of betrayal.
Unfavorable time for real estate.

The Broken House XVI: Period of sudden difficulties for/with the family or
spouse/ partner. Risk of break-up, serious conflict and unexpected change.

The Star XVII: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
improvement for the female seeker (if a male seeker, his spouse/partner).

The Moon XVIII: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
improvement. Luck from an influential woman.

The Sun XIX: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of
improvement for the male seeker (if a female seeker, her spouse/partner).

The Judgment XX: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Sudden
improvement or progress at home due to an unexpected event or surprising news.

The World XXI: Help or support from the family or spouse/partner. Period of major
improvement. Joy and happiness with extended family.

The Fool: Period of instability or sudden difficulties with the family or

spouse/partner. Risk of sudden move or break-up.

d d d

The Pope V/The Devil XV,
followed byY

The Magician I: Risk of betrayal or temporary difficulty at home, with family or a

spouse/ partner. Caution needed with real estate. Unfavorable time for professional
goals or the realization of a project..

The High Priestess II: Caution needed with family, a spouse/partner or matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal. Unfavorable time for a contract or business goals.

The Empress III: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or uncontrollable difficulties.

The Emperor IV: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or difficulties from/due to an influential man.

The Lovers VI: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or difficulties. Unfavorable time for negotiations.

The Chariot VII: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or difficulties. Possible trip or move.

The Justice VIII: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or difficulties. Possible legal settlement.

The Hermit IX: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or long-lasting difficulties.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Temporary period of stress at home, with the family or
a spouse/partner. In case of a home-based business, increase of money shortly. In all
instances, less worries soon and more financial ease.

The Strength XI: Temporary difficulties for or with the family, a spouse/partner or
in matters of real estate. A positive event or luck will bring control over the situation.

The Hanged Man XII: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in
matters of real estate. Risk of betrayal, difficulties or financial loss.

The Death XIII: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or difficulties. End of a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Period of worries for or with the family, a spouse/partner or
in matters of real estate. Time and patience will be necessary to restore the situation.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in
matters of real estate matter. Risk of betrayal, difficulties, break-up or sudden change.

The Star XVII: Risk of betrayal or temporary trouble for the female seeker (if a male
seeker, his spouse/partner) with/from her family, spouse/partner or concerning a real
estate matter.

The Moon XVIII: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in matters of
real estate. Risk of betrayal or uncontrollable difficulties from/due to an influential

The Sun XIX: Risk of betrayal or temporary trouble for the male seeker (if a female
seeker, her spouse/partner) with his family, partner or concerning a real estate matter.

The Judgment XX: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or a real estate
matter. Risk of betrayal or difficulties. Possible settlement or sudden change.

The World XXI: Risk of betrayal or temporary difficulties at home or with the
family. Help or luck will come from others (family members, friends etc).

The Fool: Caution needed with the family, a spouse/partner or in all matters of real
estate. Risk of betrayal, uncontrollable difficulties, sudden and unexpected change.

d d d

The Pope V/The Broken House XVI,
followed byY

The Magician I: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
regarding real estate. A touch of flexibility and effort will restore the situation.

The High Priestess II: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Be prepared to be as flexible as possible right now. It is in
your best interest.

The Empress III: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. As a result of your wisdom, wit and efficiency, others will do
your bidding.

The Emperor IV: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Help or luck will come from an influential man.

The Lovers VI: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate Possible trouble concerning a child. A sense of balance and
fairness will help restore the situation.

The Chariot VII: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Risk a radical change or serious conflict ahead. Possible
move. As a result you may expect positive outcome.

The Justice VIII: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate Possible legal settlement.

The Hermit IX: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Possible disappointing news ahead. Timing is everything.
With patience and a positive outlook, everything will turn out for the better.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk
of conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or
misfortune concerning real estate. Troubles will be followed by both unexpected
expenses and a financial compensation.

The Strength XI: Temporary period of difficulties ahead concerning the family, a
spouse/partner or real estate. Luck from a positive event, or one’s intelligence and
capacities will bring power over the situation.

The Hanged Man XII: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Loss or reversal.

The Death XIII: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up, or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. End of a situation.

The Temperance XIV: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Understanding, time and patience will restore the situation.

The Devil XV: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of conflicts,
break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Betrayal or hidden vice in a structure.

The Star XVII: Risk of temporary difficulties, conflicts, break-up or misfortune

concerning real estate for the female seeker (if a male seeker, his spouse/partner). For
a single woman: Difficulties regarding her love life. For a single man: Difficulties
regarding his love life.

The Moon XVIII: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner due to the
interference of a woman. Or risk of conflicts or break-up with an influential woman.
The Sun XIX: Risk of temporary difficulties, conflicts, break-up or misfortune
concerning real estate for the male seeker (if a female seeker, her spouse/partner). For
a single woman: Difficulties regarding her love life.

The Judgment XX: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate followed by unexpected luck.

The World XXI: Sudden difficulties may occur in the near future with risk of
conflicts, break-up or radical change with the family, a spouse/partner or misfortune
concerning real estate. Major help or luck will come from a large group of people.

The Fool: Discord with family members or a spouse/partner. Risk of conflicts and
sudden break-up.

d d d

The Pope V/The Star XVII,
followed byY

The Magician I: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner for the launching of a
project or in regards of new professional possibilities.

The High Priestess II: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a
male) will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner regarding a
business goal. New possibilities and luck in real estate.

The Empress III: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of peace and

The Emperor IV: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Important role of an
influential man.

The Lovers VI : The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male) will
receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Happiness at home.

The Chariot VII: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of movement
and progress.

The Justice VIII: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. New equilibrium.

The Hermit IX: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male) will
receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. For a single man: News from
a lover or admirer.

The Wheel of Fortune X : The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is
a male) will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Luck with real
estate. Increased money.

The Strength XI: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Fulfillment at home.
Luck with real estate.

The Hanged Man XII: Period of disappointment or worries for the female seeker
due to some occurrences in her family or due to her spouse/partner (if a male seeker,
this concerns his spouse/partner).

The Death XIII: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of change or

The Temperance XIV: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a
male) will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of slow but
steady improvement.

The Devil XV: Caution needed for the female seeker (if a male seeker, his
spouse/partner). Risk of making an unfortunate mistake that may profoundly affect
the family or spouse/partner.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed for the female seeker (if the seeker is a
male, his spouse/partner). Risk of conflicts, break-up or of an unfortunate mistake
that may profoundly affect the family or spouse/partner due to an impulsive behavior.

The Moon XVIII: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of fertility.

The Sun XIX: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male) will
receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of profound
happiness at home. For the single one: A new relationship followed by union or

The Judgment XX: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Luck with a real estate

The World XXI: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of great
achievement, happiness and success.

The Fool: Caution needed for the female seeker (if a male seeker, his mate). Risk of
impulsive behaviors or negligence leading to making an unfortunate mistake that may
profoundly affect the family or spouse/partner.

d d d

The Pope V/The Moon XVIII,
followed by ...

The Magician I: Help or support from a female family member or a very close
female friend regarding your professional life or the launching of a new project.
Possible partnership.

The High Priestess II: Help or support from a female family member or a very close
female friend regarding a contract or some business goals.

The Empress III: Help or support from a female family member or a very close
female friend concerning the realization of a goal or the fulfillment of a desire.

The Emperor IV: Help or support from a female and male family member (or very
close friends) regarding the realization or a goal. Luck with real estate.

The Lovers VI: Help or support from a female family member or very close female
friend. New possibilities emerge for her or for the seeker due to propositions she

The Chariot VII: Help or support from a female family member or very close
female friend concerning the realization of a goal. Period of movement and

The Justice VIII: Help or support from a female family member or very close
female friend concerning a legal settlement. Possible real estate transaction.

The Hermit IX: Help or support from a female family member or very close female
friend concerning the realization of a goal or research. Important news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Help or support from a female family member concerning
a financial situation. .

The Strength XI: Help or support from a female family member or very close
female friend concerning the realization of a goal. Period of fulfillment.

The Hanged Man XII: Difficult time ahead for a female family member or a very
close female friend. Risk of disappointment, depression or financial stress.

The Death XIII: Help or support from a female family member or very close female
friend. . Period of change or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Help or support from a female family member or very close
female friend concerning the realization of a goal. Period of slow but steady progress.

The Devil XV: Caution needed with a female family member or very close female
friend. Risk of betrayal or dishonesty.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed with a female family member or very close
female friend. Risk of conflicts, break-up or radical change.

The Star XVII: The female seeker (or his spouse/partner if the seeker is a male) will
receive the help and support of a female family member or very close female friend
for the realization of a goal or the fulfilment of a desire.

The Sun XIX: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female) will
receive the help and support of a female family member or a very close female friend
for the realization of a goal or the fulfilment of a desire

The Judgment XX: Help or support from a female family member or a very close
female friend. Unexpected and positive news ahead. Possible new partnership.

The World XXI: Help or support from a female family member or very close female
friend concerning the realization of a goal. Period of major success.

The Fool: Caution needed regarding a female family member or very close female
friend. Risk of betrayal or unfortunate mistake made out of negligence, carelessness
or due to her impulsive behavior. Unexpected change ahead.

d d d

The Pope V/The Sun XIX,

followed byY
The Magician I: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner for a project or new
professional possibilities.

The High Priestess II: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a
female) will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner regarding a
business goal. New possibilities and luck in real estate.

The Empress III: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of peace and
stability at home.

The Emperor IV: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Important role of an
influential man in this situation.

The Lovers VI : The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. New possibilities
emerge. Happiness at home.

The Chariot VII: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of movement
and progress. Trip possible.

The Justice VIII: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Settlement. New

The Hermit IX: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female) will
receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. For a woman single: News
from a lover or admirer.

The Wheel of Fortune X : The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a
female) will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Luck with real
estate. Increased money.

The Strength XI: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Fulfillment at home.
Luck with real estate.

The Hanged Man XII: Period of disappointment or worries for the male seeker due
to some occurrences in his family or due to his spouse/partner or a misfortune in real
estate. (if a female seeker, this concerns her spouse/partner).

The Death XIII: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of change or

The Temperance XIV: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a
female) will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of slow
but steady improvement.

The Devil XV: Caution needed for the male seeker (if a female seeker, her
spouse/partner). Risk of making an unfortunate mistake that may profoundly affect
the family or spouse/partner.

The Broken House XVI: Caution needed for the male seeker (if the seeker is a
female, her spouse/partner). Risk of conflicts, break-up or unfortunate mistake that
may profoundly affect the family or spouse/partner due to an impulsive behavior.

The Moon XVIII: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of fertility.
Influence or a female member of the family or very close female friend.

The Sun XIX: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female) will
receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of profound
happiness at home. For those single: A new relationship ahead followed by union
or marriage.

The Judgment XX: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Luck with real estate.
The World XXI: The male seeker (or her spouse/partner if the seeker is a female)
will receive help and support from family or spouse/partner. Period of great
achievement, happiness and success.

The Fool: Caution needed for the male seeker (if a female seeker, her
spouse/partner). Risk of impulsive behaviors or negligence leading to an unfortunate
mistake that may profoundly affect the family or spouse/partner.

d d d

The Pope V/The Judgment XX,

followed byY

The Magician I: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a

spouse/partner. Sudden new professional opportunities, project or goal. Luck with
real estate or a settlement.

The High Priestess II: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or
a spouse/partner. Sudden new business opportunities, or concerning a business
project or goal. Possible contract.

The Empress III: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Luck with a settlement. Sudden new opportunities.. Possible change.

The Emperor IV: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities from an important man. Luck with real
estate or a settlement.

The Lovers VI: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden propositions and new opportunities (business or love).
Period of happiness.

The Chariot VII: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities. Possible move. Period of progress.

The Justice VIII: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Possible legal settlement. Buying/selling real estate.

The Hermit IX: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Favorable time for research, requests or inquiries.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family
or a spouse/partner. Sudden increase of income. Luck with real estate or a financial

The Strength XI: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities allowing for the realization of an
important project or the fulfilment of a goal.

The Hanged Man XII: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family
or a spouse/partner. Risk of disappointment and worries. Unfavorable time for real
estate or a settlement.

The Death XVIII: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities leading to a change or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family
or a spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities leading to a period of progress or new
stability. Favorable time for negotiations.

The Devil Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a

spouse/partner. Unfavorable time for real estate or a settlement. Risk of betrayal,
robbery or difficulties.

The Broken House XVI: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family
or a spouse/partner. Risk of an unanticipated and swift move, difficulties, change,
conflicts or break-up. Unfavorable time for real estate or a settlement.

The Star XVII: Luck with real estate for the female seeker (if a male seeker, his
spouse/partner) or positive news or sudden new opportunities involving her family
or spouse/partner.

The Moon XVIII: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities involving an influential woman. Period
of fertility.

The Sun XIX: Luck with real estate for the male seeker (if a female seeker, her
spouse/partner) or positive news or sudden new opportunities involving his family
or spouse/partner.

The World XXI: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a
spouse/partner. Sudden new opportunities. Period of major success. Luck with real
estate or a settlement.

The Fool: Unexpected event or surprising news involving the family or a

spouse/partner. Risk of a unanticipated and sudden change or move. Period of
instability. Misfortune with real estate or a settlement.

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The Pope V/The World XXI,
followed byY

The Magician I: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Realization of

an important project. Family gathering, reunion, etc. Professional success.

The High Priestess II: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering. Business success or lucrative contract.

The Empress III: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, joy, etc. Positive news ahead.

The Emperor IV: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Possible partnership with an important man. Good fortune
with real estate.

The Lovers VI: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Period of happiness and popularity.

The Chariot VII: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner regarding the
realization of a project. Period of movement and expansion. Possible trip with or to
visit the family.

The Justice VIII: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
settlement. Luck with real estate.

The Hermit IX: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Important news ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune X: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Large
increase of income. Luck with real estate.

The Strength XI: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Realization of
projects, fulfillment of desires. Family gathering, reunion etc. For the single one: A
union or marriage.

The Hanged Man XII: Period of disappointment from the extended family.
Unfavorable time for contacts or business with others (associates, clientele, friends,

The Death XIII: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Period of change or renewal.

The Temperance XIV: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Period of happiness and stability.

The Devil XV: Caution needed regarding family matters or business with others
(associates, friends, etc.). Risk of betrayal.

The Broken House XVI: Period of disappointment regarding a family matter or

business with others (associates, friends, etc.). Risk of sudden difficulties, conflict
or break-up.

The Star XVII: Protection and luck for the female seeker from her family or
spouse/partner. Family gathering, reunion, etc. For the male seeker: Happiness with
your wife/partner or profound joy and contentment if single.

The Moon XVIII: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Possible partnership with an influential woman. Increased

The Sun XIX: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner for the male seeker.
Family gathering, reunion, etc. For the female seeker: Happiness with
husband/partner or profound joy and contentment if single.

The Judgment XX: Protection and luck from family or spouse/partner. Family
gathering, reunion, etc. Unexpected event or positive news ahead. Luck with real
estate or a settlement. Social success.

The Fool: Caution needed regarding contacts with extended family or others
(associates, friends, etc.). Risk of betrayal or unexpected change.

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The Pope V/The Fool,
followed byY

The Magician I: An unexpected event relating to the home or a spouse/partner may

change some plans. But change is not bad so go along with it quietly and everything
will work out to your benefit.

The High Priestess II: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble (from family,
partner or real estate) will bring a short period of instability. But you will see some
good progress in all private affairs if you pursue your goals in a more focused way.

The Empress III: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or the home will foster a short period of instability. Unfavorable
time for real estate.

The Emperor IV: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or the home will foster a short period of instability. The situation
will be rectified quickly by an influential man.

The Lovers VI: An unfortunate mistake or sudden conflicts at home or trouble

relating to the family or a spouse/partner will foster a short period of instability.
Don’t worry, an opportunity will emerge (business or love) and a solution will
present itself.

The Chariot VII: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or a project will foster a short period of instability. Possible move
followed by progress.

The Justice VIII: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or the home will foster a possible legal settlement. Unfavorable time
for real estate.

The Hermit IX: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or the home will foster the need for a research. The situation will be
restored through time and the use of one’s investigative skills.

The Wheel of Fortune X: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the

family, a spouse/partner or the home. The situation will be straightened out quickly.
Also, possibility of financial luck.

The Strength XI: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or the home will foster a temporary period of instability. Power or
luck will come from a positive event or one’s own abilities to straighten the situation

The Hanged Man XII: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the
family, a spouse/partner or the home will foster a period of disappointment and
worries. Difficulties making plans to restore the situation. Unfavorable time with real

The Death XIII: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble relating to the family,
a spouse/partner or the home will foster the end of a situation. Time to leave the
chaos behind and move forward!

Temperance XIV: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating to

the family or a spouse/partner will foster a period of instability. Compromise, time
and patience will be necessary to restore the situation.

The Devil XV: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating to the
family or a spouse/partner will foster disappointment and worries. Risk of betrayal,
robbery, etc. Unfavorable time with real estate matters.

The Broken House XVI: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or

relating to the family or a spouse/partner will foster risks of conflicts, break-up or
unexpected change or move. Unfavorable time with real estate matters.

The Star XVII: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating to the
family or a spouse/partner fostering a period of instability, will be restored by the
female seeker (or his spouse/partner if a male seeker). For a man single: An unstable
period ahead concerning his family or love life.

The Moon XVIII: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating to

the family or a spouse/partner will foster a period of instability. Strong influence of
a woman over this situation. Unfavorable time for real estate matters.

The Sun XIX: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating to the
family or a spouse/partner will foster a period of instability, but soon restored by the
male seeker (or her spouse/partner if a female seeker). For a woman single: An
unstable period ahead concerning her family or love life.

The Judgment XX: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating

to the family or a spouse/partner will foster a short period of instability. An
unexpected event or surprising news will bring new opportunities.

The World XXI: An unfortunate mistake or sudden trouble at home or relating to
the family or a spouse/partner will foster a short period of instability. Luck or help
will come from others (extended family, friends, associates, community, etc.).

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And more with ...
The "Past, Present and Future" Tarot Spread

The "Yes - Maybe - No" Tarot Spread

The Full Moon "Love Energy Attractor"

The "Past, Present and Future" Spread
Even though you may use this spread to ask about any situation, it has been
designed to allow your subconscious mind to choose the topic on its own. You will
be amazed at what it brings up!

How to proceed:
C Place the twenty-two Major Arcana face down in front of you.
C Mix them well with both hands.
C Clear your mind. Choose one card and place it in the "Past" position.
C Do the same for the "Present" and "Future". As follow:

Past Present Future

Aspects of the Past - The Hermit IX

You have been on a quest to fulfill something that was missing in your life, and
possibly missing for quite some time. Was it a search for love, companionship,
prosperity, a new job, a change of residence, or a renewed strength and vitality? Is
this longing fulfilled yet?
Aspects of the present - The Chariot VII
Busy seems to be the word these days. And you definitely have all the vigor and
stamina necessary to achieve whatever plan lies ahead of you. This is a time of
progress, success and expansion and you can make the best out of this period. Go for
it! Possible trip or move.
Aspects of the future - The Star XVII
Lucky you! The brightest star in the sky will be shining her light over your life and
blessings will abound. You will know then, deeply and profoundly, what happiness
really means. Your fulfillment is written in big bold letters all over your destiny.
Enjoy every bit of it when it comes. You will have deserved it. And not a minute too

Meanings of the Major Arcana
In their Past/Present/Future positions

The Magician I
PAST: You may have been very determined to making something happen, knowing
exactly what you wanted, such as launching an important project on your own (love
or business), starting a new job or moved to a different house or city. Overall, you
have used your will successfully.
PRESENT: You are currently asserting yourself courageously, ready to perform all
the changes necessary to better your life. Your will to succeed is strong and you are
determined to making your dreams happen. Nothing can stop you now. Go for it.
FUTURE: You will exercise a new potential in the knowing that you can handle
about anything as your learn your craft and become better at it each day. People will
admire you for your strong determination and capacity to overcome all difficulties.
Expressing all the qualities of the number one, your life will show it.

The High Priestess II

PAST: You have definitely been in control of your life, even maybe quite stiff in
holding onto your personal beliefs, not too willing to take other people’s opinions
and views into consideration. As a result, you may have distanced yourself from
others and been feeling a bit aloof.
PRESENT: Holding strong to your beliefs and personal convictions gives you a
sense of control over your life. You definitely have access to a deeper knowing that
can only bring you much good if you listen to your intuition and act upon your
hunches. However you may be a bit too dogmatic (rather than diplomatic!) when you
impose your views on a situation.
FUTURE: Through your own actions and following what you believe in, you will
be feeling quite in control of your life. This will be a very empowering place to be
if you stay open to new insights and in touch with others. However, beware of not
becoming too dogmatic in your views as it would distance you from people you
deeply care about.

The Empress III

PAST: Time has past like tranquil water along the river. Life was gentle, allowing
you to enjoy your days as you pleased. Maybe also fruitful with the birth of a child
or the creation of a book or other artistic endeavors. Amusing past times were yours,
although you may have felt like more could have been achieved with your life.

PRESENT: You are currently expecting something of value or about to give birth.
Is a baby on the way? Are you writing a book, painting, singing, quilting? Life is
good at the moment, allowing you to express your creativity fully. Don’t worry about
tomorrow. Let others take care of you. What you are about to bring to the world is
FUTURE: Not quite fulfilled yet although your future looks very promising. There
is still something that you feel you must create in order to be completely satisfied. Be
receptive, let others help you. And overall, take life less seriously. Go shopping, take
time off work, travel, spend money, have fun!

The Emperor IV
PAST: You have received the complete support of a powerful man or have been a
leader of some sort in your field. In that case, people have followed you, trusting in
your capacities to provide them with what they needed. Both ways, your life has been
built on solid grounds.
PRESENT: Your own capacities of leadership and commandment or that of a
powerful man in your life allows you to have a sturdy foundation on which to build
about anything that you want. You are seated on a solid base and trust that it will
hold strong for many years to come.
FUTURE: A powerful man will be at your side to make you feel secure and help you
build a future on solid grounds. Unless you are that person for yourself, displaying
qualities that will allow you to masterfully create on your own whatever pleases you.

The Pope V
PAST: Protection is the key word here. You have done your best to build a life of
comfort and security for your loved-one or just for yourself. Either way, traditions
and conformity have been important to you and you have taken pride at being part of
a respectable community.
PRESENT: You may feel it strongly as you are currently very protected. It is like
your life is surrounded by the most benevolent veil of energy. In turn this allow you
to be a blessing for others, with plenty to give around. Generosity comes back to you
FUTURE: Either through marriage, partnership or affiliation to a community, you
will definitely be feeling protected and profoundly secure. If you ever felt lonely and
separated before, this time is over. You will be blessed as well as a blessing to

The Lovers VI
PAST: According that the choices you have made in the past may not have been the
best for you or others, doubts and regrets are fruitless. It is a fact that we always make
the best choices according to our capacities at the moment or the possibilities
available to us within a situation.
PRESENT: A new opportunity (love or business) may have come your way lately,
leaving you to this day indecisive about the best direction to take. Unless you have
already made that choice and feel like no more options will ever be available to you.
Opportunities come and go. There always will be more. Overall, happiness can be
yours right now
FUTURE: Be open to change for change will come through new options and
opportunities. Possibilities unthought of before will emerge and you will have plenty
to think about to make the right choice. Happiness with a special someone can
definitely be yours.

The Chariot VII

PAST: Moving at a fast-pace, being all about making progress and being victorious,
along with much travel may have been your life. Or else, a big move to another city
or into another house. In all instances, not much calm and tranquility in the past, but
all drive and movement forward.
PRESENT: Busy seems to be the word these days. And you definitely have all the
vigor and stamina necessary to achieve whatever plan lies ahead of you. This is a
time of progress, success and expansion and you can make the best out of this period.
Go for it! Possible trip or move.
FUTURE: If your life spells stagnation these days, that is not what the future holds
for you much longer. Something will come to push you forward in the right direction
and you will experience a big victory. Expect triumph over your difficulties.

The Justice VIII

PAST: You seem to have achieved a certain equilibrium in your life, being quite
honest about what you can expect from yourself and others. You can look back and
stand tall and proud of your achievements to better your life. Some of them maybe
even achieved against all odds.
PRESENT Reaching a point of balance and equilibrium in our life seemed to be in
order these days, such as fighting for a fair settlement, undergoing therapy or paying
debts. Facing the truth is what matters and you will bring order into chaos if you
follow through a strict plan.

FUTURE: Strictness and discipline is what the future holds. Be it of your own
choosing or that of someone else, soon will come pay back time to carelessness,
dishonesty or chaos. Be ready to see order reign by witnessing the law of cause and
effect in action.

The Hermit IX
PAST: You have been on a quest to fulfill something that was missing in your life,
and possibly missing for quite some time. Was it a search for love, companionship,
prosperity, a new job, a change of residence, or a renewed strength and vitality? Is
this longing fulfilled yet?
PRESENT: You may feel withdrawn, even maybe quite a loner. Having no noise
around to study or recuperate from an hectic period is a good thing, but feeling
impoverished and lonely is not. Although you may not believe it, you have much to
offer. It’s about time that you meet new people and allow some fun in your life.
FUTURE: You will feel like taking some time out of the game with a need to
withdraw from it all. You may undergo some important studies or go on a quest to
find something missing in your life. In all instances, don’t become too isolated or
give-up on your dreams.

The Wheel of Fortune X

PAST: Luck has been on your side. Did you win the lotto, inherit some money,
gamble successfully ?. Or maybe met a new love, found the house of your dreams,
or have been in any other way blessed with a wonderful change in your life? Or just
have brought yourself back up from a serious downfall?
PRESENT: There is a fast and positive movement in your life. Luck is on your side
these days. Great opportunities abound. Look around and grab your chances by the
neck. It’s your time to be materially prosperous.
FUTURE: The wheel will be turning in your favor. What was down will come up.
Everything will suddenly be heading towards the fulfilment of your wishes, hopes,
and aspirations. Laugh at your past mistakes and imperfections. And above all,
believe in miracles!

The Strength XI
PAST: Strength and fortitude with the ability to overcome your challenges
masterfully have been your trademark. You have been successful at reaching your
goals, relying on your inner strength and using outer resources intelligently. You
currently have total mastery over something dear to your heart.

PRESENT: You definitely can rely on yourself to make things happen these days.
Your inner strength, tenacity and intelligence allow you to achieve anything that you
want. You have all it takes to overcome about any challenges coming your way.
FUTURE: Whatever your challenges may be right now, they will dissolve, either
through your own making, or with the help of someone else or a positive event. In all
instances, luck and power will be on your side and your wishes will be fulfilled.

The Hanged Man XII

PAST: Lots of hardships, an illness or a heart breaking situation has been your lot.
Hopelessness and a pessimistic outlook on life have probably been difficult to shake-
up. Deprived of a clear vision on the bigger scheme of life, as well as possible inner-
conflicts or guilt leading to self-condemnation have made your past quite difficult.
PRESENT: Some deep issues are at work here. It seems like you feel tied-up to a
situation with no way out. Sometimes just changing one’s outlook on something is
all it takes to regain hope. And once hope is back, then the positive soon follows.
One step at a time, you have the strength needed to overcome your challenges.
FUTURE: You may have to give-up something against your wishes. Or wait
needlessly for something that will never happen. Most often then not, we are the ones
creating our own martyrdom by refusing to change our outlook on a situation.
Otherwise, just go with the flow, accepting gracefully "what is" until a solution
presents itself.

The Death XIII

PAST: You went through an important transformation, either by experiencing the
abrupt end of situation or undergoing some deep cleansing by letting go of the old to
start anew (mode of thought, people, situation, etc.). We can safely say that you are
not the same now as you were then.
PRESENT: You are currently undergoing a complete metamorphosis, either by
changing your mode of thoughts and actions, or by witnessing the abrupt end of a
situation. Whatever happens, you are fine. Be prepared to start a brand new journey
all rejuvenated..
FUTURE: A major change is about to take place in your life. You may decide to
perform a much due cleansing, from getting rid of an old décor (or set of beliefs), to
saying good bye forever to someone or good riddance to a group of negative people.
Out with the old and in with the new, you will continue your journey through life all
well and refreshed.

The Temperance XIV
PAST: A good temper and an old routine was all that you needed to be content and
happy. Moderation, prudence, self-retrain, with maybe just a touch of denial for good
measure, and all was well under the sun. Change is scary, isn’t?
PRESENT: You have everything you need to be happy, although sometimes your
hopes for some changes (not too big though!) may get in the way of your complete
satisfaction. Or else, you may be getting a bit bored these days. No wonder,
regulating the flow of everything becomes tiresome after a while!
FUTURE: Depending on what you are presently going through, you may be happy
to know that your future looks all calm and peaceful. A good tranquillity, the type
that is heart-warming and makes you feel secure and protected. Or else, you can
count on the continuation of all the good old things that you already have. You may
get a bit bored with time, but you probably won’t even care!

The Devil XV
PAST: You got your way in a situation, didn’t you? Using all artifice and the power
you could muster to possess someone or get the full control over a situation. Was it
worth your while? Or else, maybe you were the one under the spell of someone or
chained to a terribly negative situation, dwarfed, limited, and retrained in many
PRESENT: Nothing can presently stop you from getting ahead of your game. You
have become a strong magnet to everything that you want. And you don’t truly care
about how you get it. Power is all that matters. It is certainly not that bad. Be only
extra cautious not to hurt yourself along the way, nor anyone else.
FUTURE: Life will be all good if you know when and where to stop exercising your
will and power. That is, as soon as your conscience reminds you of the difference
between good and wrong. Besides that warming, go for it. The material world is
your playground. Enjoy all of its beauty and richness. It has been created for that

The Broken House XVI

PAST: You went through some huge conflicts, maybe even leading to a break-up.
Or else, you experienced an event or a radical change that shook you up quite a bit.
Spiritual wisdom says that when you look at the bigger picture, what breaks is what
needed to go. If that helps!
PRESENT: Watch out for your temper, or else you’re heading for a possible break-
up or the crash of a situation that took you time to build. Maybe the one to blame is
not you, but someone around. In all instances, stay as calm as possible and check all
your insurance policies closely.

FUTURE: Either through your own making, such as fueling a situation until it
explodes, or due to someone else’s doing, or even coming out of the big clear blue
sky, you will experience a sudden and radical change. This will at least have the
merit of allowing you to rebuild something stronger and sturdier, which would never
have been possible otherwise.

The Star XVII

PAST: What a blessing. It seemed that whatever you were doing, you couldn’t go
wrong. Love, happiness and fulfilment were definitely part of your life. Bursting with
hope and optimism, the brightest star in the sky was undeniably shining over you.
PRESENT: You have every reason to be profoundly happy these days. Everything
seems to be turning in your favor, just like as if you were born under the luckiest star
in the sky. Enjoy fully all of your blessings. You deserve each and everyone of them.
FUTURE: Lucky you! The brightest star in the sky will be shining her light over
your life and blessings will abound. You will know then, deeply and profoundly,
what happiness really means. Your fulfillment is written in big bold letters all over
your destiny. Enjoy every bit of it when it comes. You will have deserved it. And not
a minute too soon!

The Moon XVIII

PAST: Illusions, disillusion, confusion? Or else a journey of intense inner work? Or
maybe even a pregnancy? In all instances, a mysterious situation conceived in the
deepest part of your mind or body, has either been a beautiful dream or a period of
true nightmare.
PRESENT: Something very important to you is out of your direct reach or out of
sight. Mysterious or illusory. You cannot see it and you cannot touch it. Is it a
pregnancy or some deep inner work in therapy? Then all is well. Otherwise, wake-up
and smell the roses. What you see as reality is just a dream, a mirage that will keep
eluding you for as long as you pursue it. It is just an illusion. You will never be able
to drink at this well.
FUTURE: Beware of duplicity and forgery, either through your own making or
compelled upon you. Watch out for anything that is not straightforward and clear.
Ask yourself if what you are expecting is worth your while. If it will see the light of
day. Otherwise, wake-up and run as fast as you can!

The Sun XIX

PAST: This was a time of radiance, of love and happiness. A time of feast, cheers
and prosperity. Of good companionship as well, while probably also sustaining a
strong bond with a special someone. Indeed, that was a very happy time.
PRESENT: This is a moment to remember. Love, happiness and success are all
yours. Look around, isn’t it beautiful?. Then say it now: "Yes! I have all that I need
to be profoundly happy. I am truly fulfilled!" (Regularly counting one’s existing
blessings goes a long way in the happiness department!).
FUTURE: No matter what you wish, you will get it and be truly happy with it.
Whatever your aspirations are, you will see them get fulfilled, and most beautifully.
Lucky you. A very happy time is waiting for you. Embrace it with all of your heart!

The Judgment XX
PAST: A Surprising event may have awakened you from a long sleep, such as
pulling you out of a boring routine or stagnant situation. Or was it a revelation?
Maybe even love at first sight? In all instances, you experienced something out of the
ordinary. Remember? Wasn’t it amazing enough!
PRESENT: Are you on the go somewhere and half prepared? A shake and wake is
happening right now. And if not exactly this minute, it won’t take long before it
happens. Follow the flow. It’s probably all fun!
FUTURE: Expect the unexpected! An unplanned, unexpected, and downright
astonishing event will shake your world. You may find the love of your life in the
strangest ways, or be proposed something with no time to think twice before jumping
on the occasion. Be ready for new possibilities in any and all areas of your life!

The World XXI

PAST: The world was at your feet. You either have achieved a huge task and got
immensely rewarded for it, or had a large crowd offer you help and support in a
moment of crisis. In all instances, you experienced a success of major importance.
PRESENT: An immense success, that’s what is all yours now. Your seductive power
is at an all high, and a large crowd is crowning you King or Queen of the world. This
is a moment of love, rewards and acclaims. Isn’t that great!
FUTURE: Love, wealth, affluence. Just name it, and you’ll get it! Whatever your
aspirations are, they will be crowned by a memorable success. Make yourself look
at your best. The world will see you and love you (or a major accomplishment of

The Fool

PAST: You may be regretting to this day a foolish act of yours or went through a
period of great confusion and instability because of someone’s carelessness toward
you, or experienced a major upheaval due to an act of negligence. And this was no
fun at all.
PRESENT: You seem to be quite confused these days, even acting irrationally. Fed-
up with all your responsibilities and longing for a much needed break, you may feel
a need to just take a packsack along and leave it all behind. Or else, would it be that
your negligence and carelessness is finally catching-up with you?
FUTURE: Beware of not making a fool or yourself. Watch out for any crazy
expectations you may have, which, if ever fulfilled, could only bring you regrets,
instability and confusion later on. If you are presently tired of your responsibilities,
check twice before making any hasty decision. Overall, be extra cautious now and
you will skip this prediction.

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The "Yes - Maybe - No" Spread
For a quick answer to your questions!

How to proceed:

C Select the following three Major Arcana from your deck of cards:

Bateleur I Strength XI Hanged Man XII

C Place those three cards (face down) in front of you.

C Mix them well with both hands.
C Close your eyes.
C Clear your mind.
C Take three full breaths in and out.
C Focus on your question.
C Choose one card.
C Look at your card and read the answer as follow:

If you picked the Magician I, your answer is a "Maybe". You will have what you want
if you act with determination and put forth some efforts into it.

If you picked the Strength XI, your answer is a resounding "Yes". You will get what
you want, either through your own making or out of pure luck.

If you picked the Hanged Man XII, your answer is a "No" as disappointing as it is.
Who knows, a "no" now may well be a blessing in the long run!

The Full Moon
“Love Energy Attractor”
Starting on the evening of the Full Moon
And for the next two days
(Thus three days in a row )
Place a pink candle on a fireproof base
Sprinkle potpourri around
Light the candle
While saying aloud:
“I call in the elements and the Goddess Venus
To bring me love
In perfect, ever-lasting and miraculous ways
I offer you my blessings and gratitude
for all the love that I already have in my life
So be it, and so it is.”


1) Energy Psychology: The Personal Development Methods of
the Twenty-First Century by David Gruder, Ph.D.

2) The Amazing Promises of the Zero Point Field by Tijn Touber

3) Shuffle Brain by Paul Pietsch

Energy Psychology:
The Personal Development Methods of the Twenty-First Century
By David Gruder, Ph.D.

Some truly exciting new upgrades in the field of Psychology have ben unfolding over
the past decade-plus that are beginning to align psychology with the stunning
discoveries that have been made over the past 75 years in the field of quantum
physics. Energy psychology is among such innovations leading the way into twenty-
first century psychotherapy, appearing to provide rapid, reliable and lasting treatment
of a broadening range of psychological issues through utilizing some of the principles
of quantum physics.

What is Energy Psychology?

Energy Psychology (EP) is the name of a recently-emerging family of interventions
being explored for possible effectiveness in treating a range of psychological and
spiritual issues, from phobias, trauma and limiting beliefs, to peak performance and
EP methods explicitly and methodically rebalance aspects of the human vibrational
matrix. This matrix may include over a half dozen inter-related systems, the most
well-known of which are the layers of the electromagnetic biofield (the energetic
envelop surrounding and permeating the body), chakras (centers of concentrated
bioenergy) and meridians (pathways through which electromagnetic information
flows through the body, along with access points referred to in traditional Chinese
medicine as acupoints). A somewhat oversimplified way to think about EP
procedures is to view them as acupuncture for the emotions, but without needles.
This methods innovations already applauded by the likes of self-help gurus Wayne
Dyer & Tony Robbins, self-esteem expert Nathaniel Brandon, renowned physicists
such as William Tiller and best-selling author microbiologist Candace Pert.

Three Core Varieties of Psycho energetic Dimensions are Addressed by energy

One straightforward way to describe the key elements of the psycho spiritual growth
process is through the famous phrase, “Ready, willing and able”. EP methods address
all three of these dimensions in elegant new ways that, so far, appear to be more
effective, rapid and lasting than most psychotherapeutics methods that have existed
before now.

Readiness is established through removing any existing Systemic energetic
Interferences preventing successful treatment of specific psychological issues. Think
of trying to tune inn TV or radio to a specific station, but the antenna can’t pickup the
signal and you get is white noise. This treatment dimension is about psycho
energetically preparing a person’s system to efficiently respond to the treatment.
Willingness is established through removing any Psycho energetic objections to
.treatment success with a specific issue. Think of an image of someone with their
goal sitting right beside them, but who is instead giving energy to their fears about
succeeding. This treatment dimension is about securing Psycho energetic permission
to succeed with treatment.
Ability is facilitated through Resonance Recalibration in which a person’s energetic
resonance with blockages interfering with a goal they have (baggage, blocks,
undigested life experiences, or limiting beliefs, for instance) is neutralized, and their
“magnetics” with their desired goal are amplified. Think of an image of someone
whose resonance or magnetics to any baggage that had kept them from their goal has
completely faded and in its place is a strong unimpeded resonance or magnetic that
enhances their ability to manifest their goal.
In short, then, energy Psychology methods provide specific energy systems
rebalancing procedures that seem to be helping increasing numbers of people to
“ready, willing and able” to reach their desired goals.

Why become ready, willing and able to manifest your goals through rebalancing your
energy system?
Over three-quarter of a century ago, physical sciences leaped beyond the Newtonian
matter-based understanding of physics when Einstein made it clear that energy is
even more fundamental to the basic mechanics of reality than is matter. This amazing
breakthrough provided the understandings needed for the high technology revolution
to begin. Without quantum physics, inventions such as computer, cell phones and
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) used in medical diagnostics) would not have
become possible.
Only now is the field of biology beginning to update their understanding of how the
human body functions based on the energy-based realities of quantum physics, and
with amazing results that will undoubtedly propel the field of physical wellness into
a new era of effectiveness (read the Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton). These
implications are sure to be at least as astounding what the high tech revolution has
already brought us.
Psychology seems to have waited to be the last of the sciences to begin integrating
the implications of quantum physics. Energy Psychology is now leading the way in
using these understandings to supercharge the process of psychotherapeutic change

and assist in developing their Intentional Effectiveness. It is doing this by building
upon and adapting quantum-based forms of medicine that have existed for thousands
of years, unfettered by Newtonian and Darwinian dogma. The cornerstone of these
is the energy-based acupuncture meridian system utilized by Traditional Chinese
Medicine which, it turns out, can be brilliantly used to treat psychological as well as
physical issues. Best of all, these methods appear to effectively treat psychological
issues through rubbing or tapping the acupoints rather than using needles!
Energy Psychology methods may well prove to be the most important breakthrough
in psychotherapy and self-help methods in the 21st century.

d d d

The Amazing Promises of the Zero Point Field
By Tijn Touber
This article appeared in the ODE Magazine, Issue 8

The story that you’re about to read has created quite a stir among our editorial
staff. The subject touches upon everything, literally everything that we humans
do in our lives. And this is confrontational, disturbing and hopeful all at once.
But that wasn’t the only reason for the commotion. There was also a continual
discussion about the way this topic should be introduced. After all, writing
about an energy field that connects man and matter and continually affects
everything and everyone is not as quite as simple as the average article.

Tijn Touber, who locked himself away for weeks to write this amazing story,
must have come close to desperation. Not only because of the comments we
made and the continual discussions we had with one another, but also and
especially because of the complexity of the issue. The words of Niels Bohr, the
renowned Danish scientist, should have been a warning to us: ‘‘Anyone who is
not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.’’
Hence, dear readers, you are forewarned. But there is some consolation: if at
any time you cannot follow the story, you are in good company. Hold on tight.
(Or better yet, let go.) BB The editors

Shireen Strooker is standing motionless in the middle of a large field,

surrounded by 600 people. The gorgeous landscape under the mist of powerful
Mount Rainier in the upper northwest of the United States is invisible to her. Shireen
is blindfolded, as are all the others in the field. That morning they all made a
drawing. The hundreds of drawings are now hanging on the fence along the edge of
the field. The assignment: find your own drawing blindfolded.
Shireen does a meditation exercise, pictures her drawing and thinks: ‘‘I am
the creator of the drawing and the spectator, I only have to become one with the
drawing and it will automatically pull me towards it. Then, without bumping into
anyone, she walks straight across the field andYY picks out her drawing straightaway
from among the 600.
Coincidence? Pure luck? You’’d think so. But Shireen was not the only one
to perform this implausible act that day. The results of this exercise involving the
students of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment violate the laws of empirical
probability theory. Apparently, humans are capable of ‘communicating’ with matter
intangibly. The curriculum of this unusual school aims to prove that phenomena such

as telepathy and clairvoyance are not wondrous mysteries, but gifts that every human
being possesses and can develop. The unwritten slogan of the Ramtha’’s school’s
curriculum could be that there is more to the world than meets the eye.
There are other schools and movements that have proclaimed this message
in recent decades. In fact, the New Time Movement was founded on it. But the
exciting thing is that the hard science of modern physics is starting to lend proof to
the existence of a ubiquitous energy field, which could offer an explanation for the
miracle of a blindfolded woman who finds her drawing amidst 600 others.

In her book The Field (HarperCollins, 2001), investigative journalist Lynne

McTaggart provides an overview of recent scientific discoveries that demonstrate
that there is an all-encompassing energy field connecting man and matter. In their
search for the heart of the matter (no pun intended) BB for the smallest particle BB
scientists discovered the field’s special characteristics and potential. The so-called
Zero Point Field (the name comes from the fact that even at the absolute zero point,
energy can still be measured) appears to provide the explanation for countless known
phenomena and processes that had stumped the scientific community for generations.
Gravity, electromagnetism, clairvoyance, telepathy and the spontaneous healing of
wounds: the origins of these diverse phenomena can all be traced back to this
quantum field.
McTaggart writes: ‘Researchers discovered that the Zero Point Field contains
the blueprint for our existence. Everything and everyone is connected with one
another through this field in which all information from all time is said to be stored.
Ultimately, everything BB from man to matter BB can be traced back to a collection
of electric charges that are continually in contact with this endless sea of energy. Our
interaction with this field determines who we are, will become and have been. The
field is the alpha and omega of our existence.’
A connection between matter and mind runs counter to the scientific
foundations upon which modern society is based. Our perspective on life is still
greatly influenced by the mechanistic world view introduced by Isaac Newton in the
17th century. Newton saw the universe as a machine with separate parts that have a
limited influence on one another. René Descartes added his vision to the mix, that the
human mind is separate from the lifeless matter we call ‘body’. In Newton and
Descartes’ way of thinking the world simply keeps turning, whether we humans are
there or not. We don’t particularly matter.
Darwin’s evolutionary theory reinforced the image of the lonely, isolated
human being. It was all about eating and getting eaten. Humans appeared to be an
evolutionary accident without any particular meaning. But huge questions remained:
how does life begin, how does our mind work, why do we get sick, how does a single
cell develop into a complete human being, and so forth. Many scientists looked for
answers to these questions in religion, but that brought them into conflict with

The first indications of a possible bridge between spirituality and science
came BB interestingly enough BB from physics discoveries made at the beginning of
the last century. In 1911 the German physicist Max Planck demonstrated that there
is an energetic ‘‘empty space’’ between atoms. But because he established that this
energy field is everywhere at all times, he considered it a constant that did not
influence material existence.
Other pioneers in quantum physics discovered that the most elementary
building blocks of matter couldn’t actually even be called ‘‘matter’’. Sometimes
these building blocks behaved like particles, then like waves and sometimes like both
at once. In 1927, Werner Heisenberg dubbed this the ‘‘principle of uncertainty’’. It
appeared that subatomic particles were not solid objects but vibrating little packets
of energy that couldn't be quantified or understood as separate parts. A more
significant break with Newtonian thought was hardly conceivable. At this elementary
level, nothing appeared to be certain. There were only endless possibilities.
Moreover, these particles appeared only to take a specific shape if a spectator
observed them. If a person noticed a particle, it ‘froze’. The researchers came to the
startling conclusion that consciousness creates reality and Einstein wondered whether
the moon would actually exist if we didn’t look at it.
The physicists also noted that particles that at one time were connected to one
another BB within a molecule for example BB remain connected always and
everywhere, and influence each other instantly, that is faster than the speed of light
and over great distances. This so-called ‘‘non-locale phenomenon’’ indicates that the
dimensions of time and space do not apply at an elementary level. Einstein spoke of
‘distant ghostlike connections’.
Einstein and his contemporaries were unable to reconcile the new discoveries
in quantum physics with the Newtonian reality they could see and touch around them.
Their solution was a scientific monster: different laws applied to the world of small
particles than for larger matter. At the same time these scientists sought meaningful
refuge in spiritual and religious texts. Erwin Schrödinger, for example, studied
Hinduism, Heisenberg looked into Plato’’s theory of the ancient Greeks, Niels Bohr
was drawn to the Tao and Wolfgang Pauli to the Cabala.
What didn’t work a century ago now appears possible. The theory of the all-
encompassing Zero Point Field could span a definitive bridge between spirituality
and science. Einstein couldn’t prove it, but suspected it, when he said the ‘the field
is the only reality’. The field could explain the instantaneous, ‘ghostlike’ transfer of
information between quantum particles. Divergent scientific discoveries point in the
same direction.
Biologist Paul Pietsch of the University of Indiana in the United States
wanted to know where memories are stored in the brain. Pietsch conducted
experiments with salamanders. First he taught them specific patterns of behaviour.
Then, to destroy their memory, he removed their brains and milled them in a meat

grinder. Finally, he put the remainders of the brains back in the salamanders’’ heads.
The result? After awhile the salamanders re-exhibited the learned behaviour. Put
another way, their brains were shattered, but their memory lived on. Pietsch
concluded that memory was not a local phenomenon, but is somehow linked to
something BB an energy field? BB outside the salamanders where they ‘‘collect’’ their
Neuroanatomist Harold Burr of Yale University discovered the field in a
different way. During the 1940s he researched energy fields around living organisms
and discovered that young salamanders have a light field around them in the shape
of an adult salamander. This ‘‘blueprint’’ appears to be already present around the
unfertilized egg. Burr also saw light fields around plant seeds that took the shape of
mature plants. These fields could explain why you can amputate a salamander’’s leg,
jaw or even the lens of their eye, only to see the body part grow back.
Salamanders may have an unusually strong connection with the energy field
around them, but this phenomenon can also be seen in humans. Amputees can
sometimes feel (phantom) pain in the amputated body part. Burr’’s work also
demonstrates that bodies BB matter BB are connected to an enveloping energy field.
And where do clairvoyants get their visions? Physicist Hall Puthoff of
Stanford University in the United States asked himself that very question. He
conducted various experiments with two clairvoyants in which he gave them the
coordinates of a place on earth they had never been. Independent from one another,
the clairvoyants were able to describe these places in detail. To measure the extent
of their clairvoyance Puthoff asked them to describe Jupiter before Nasa’s Pioneer
10 spacecraft had charted the planet. Somewhat embarrassed, clairvoyant Ingo Swann
said he saw a ring around the planet. ‘‘Perhaps,’’ he told Puthoff, ‘I may have
accidentally directed my attention to Saturn.’’ No one took the drawing seriously
until some time later when Nasa released images from the spacecraft showing that,
indeed, Jupiter had a ring.
The CIA has since shown interest in the extraordinary results of Puthoff’s
research, which could potentially be used for espionage. As an experiment, CIA agent
Christopher Green was sent up in an aeroplane with a piece of paper in his pocket on
which three numbers were written. This was no problem for clairvoyant Pat Price,
who was able to recite the numbers accurately, and in the right order. However, he
said he felt a little nauseated. It later appeared that Green’s flight had run in to heavy
Puthoff then conducted experiments in which he sent people to random
coordinates and asked them to photograph the location in 15 minutes and fill in a list
of questions he gave them. In nearly all cases, the clairvoyants were able to clearly
describe the locations based on the coordinates they were given.
Puthoff went a step further. He asked the clairvoyants to describe the location
before the test subjects arrived. And they did. The clairvoyants appeared capable of

describing the destination a half-hour to five days before the travelers arrived.
Puthoff concluded that time and space do not exist on the level of the Zero Point
Field. The information is apparently already available before the actual events occur.
Puthoff conducted a total of 336 comparable experiments proving it made very little
difference to the clairvoyants whether or not the subjects were at the location in
Physicist Helmut Schmidt conducted another remarkable experiment that
points to the timelessness of the energy field. He had his test subjects put on
headphones and listen to bleeps produced by a machine. The sounds were random
and equally distributed over the left and right ears. Their assignment was to have
more sounds go into one of the ears. Nearly all the subjects were successful. In other
words, people were capable of influencing the machine without directly touching it.
Schmidt concluded there must be a field that connects man and machine.
His next experiment reinforced this once more in a rather bizarre way. He
gave a test subject a tape with bleeps to take home and asked him to influence the
tape so that more bleeps would be sent to the left ear. Schmidt made a copy of the
tape for himself. The next day the bleeps had indeed shifted, with more going to the
left ear. To his amazement Schmidt discovered that his copy had also changed,
although as far as he knew the machine BB as usual BB had evenly distributed the
bleeps over both ears.
The only possible conclusion for Schmidt was that the future intention of the
test subjects influenced the tape when it was actually recorded. Just as the little
salamander knows that he must grow up to be a big salamander, Schmidt’’s test
subjects know that they will influence the recording of the bleeps before he actually
asks them to do so. Past, present and future apparently flow together in the energy
In another type of experiment, Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer
demonstrated that time is a relative notion. A group of people over age 70 was taken
to an isolated area where a scene from 1959 was exactly replicated. The furniture
dated to that year, they were shown films from 1959 and even the newspapers and
magazines they were given came from that period. Within a week the group’’s actual
symptoms of ageing had reversed. The joints in their fingers were more flexible and
their eyesight improved. Langer concluded that because the participants were given
the same mental information as in 1959, their bodies began to adapt to the physical
situation at that time. One of the possible explanations is that these people in their
70s made contact with their own energetic blueprint from 1959, and their bodies
followed suit.
The American doctor and author Deepak Chopra puts it this way: ‘Time is
dependent on our perceptions. No experiment has ever proven the existence of the
continual movement of linear time and the concept has never been expressed in a
mathematical formula. The experience of the continual movement of linear time is
a phenomenon that was created by our nervous system. In fact, the past, present and

future exist simultaneously, side by side, in a field of endless possibilities. The
experience of linear time is the way in which nature protects us from experiencing
everything at the same time. But that is what actually happens.’ Einstein put it more
concisely: ‘‘Space and time are modes in which we think, not conditions in which we
In the field there is no difference between a memory and a new experience.
The brain retrieves ‘old’ and ‘new’ information the same way. This explains the
salamanders’ remarkable recovery. Their brains were largely destroyed, but the
‘memory’ had not been lost; it was stored in the field. Just as intuition, clairvoyance,
premonitions, telepathy and other ‘inexplicable’ phenomena can be understood if the
Zero Point Field is seen as a storage place for information to which anyone can tune
in at any time. Is that what Nostradamus was doing when he ‘saw’ the future?
One of the first scientists to recognize that the Zero Point Field could be the
missing link for our understanding of the universe was the Hungarian systems expert
Ervin Laszlo (see page XX). In his book ‘The Creative Cosmos’ written in 1993 he
writes that the field is more than a mass of shimmering energy in the background of
our existence. According to Laszlo, the Zero Point Field is an information carrier.
‘This quantum vacuum is the origin of mind and matter BB a blueprint of the
universe. Even our own memories are not stored in our brains, but are stockpiled like
holographic information in the field. Our brains are mainly receivers and processors
of this information. When they resonate with certain frequencies they gain access to
specific information.’
Are you still there?
You have just read that time doesn’t exist and that human beings can influence
machines. All this in a world that says computers are always right because they are
indisputably logical. Yet we are still talking about verifiable physical and scientific
experiments. All these experiments and phenomena point to the fact that the
ghostlike discoveries in the area of quantum physics have substantially more
influence on our daily reality than the pioneers of a century ago originally thought.
Does the universe according to Newton’s laws still exist? Or is the world proving to
be a dynamic web in which everything and everyone are connected? Does that imply
that my life means something radically different than I thought?
My life? Does an ‘I’ even exist?
Does the concept of individuality still have meaning if everything is
connected and even our own memories are accessible to everyone? An even more
exciting thought: the atoms that are in contact with one another and with the universe
in a myriad of ways temporarily and intermittently shape our body. Every seven years
all the cells in our body are regenerated; no atom is the same again. And who knows
what kind of information those new atoms are carrying when they nestle into our
bodies? ‘Individuality’, ‘I’ and ‘mine’ become very limited concepts when viewed
this way. Our separate existence, which we believe to be the basis of our daily

experiences, is no longer the central issue. It is replaced by the all-encompassing
These scientific discoveries can also explain the peculiar phenomenon that
people in hospitals heal more quickly when random people in random locations
around the world pray for them daily, as research has proven. And the connection
with the Zero Point Field also appears to be clear thanks to the similarly bizarre fact
that people who have undergone organ transplants take on certain ‘memories’ from
the organ donor (see page XX).
When I pray for people, they get better. Surely, the reverse is also true. I
realize that it is in my own interest to treat my environment with care and respect.
One way or another, we all carry the responsibility for the field that connects us all.
And for the reality that we create together.
For my life, the second implication of the Zero Point Field is just as radical
as the insight that separation actually does not exist:
I create my own reality.
Just as I can apparently influence a machine, I can influence all matter around
me. More to the point: I do it all the time, including influencing the matter in my own
body. If I create reality, then the world is not as it is, but as I perceive it. My thoughts
determine reality.
Roy Martina, a doctor and karate champion, was at a party once when a friend
attacked him from behind as a joke. His natural reaction was to put the man in a hold,
whereby he broke his friend’’s finger. Under the motto of ‘you break it, you fix it’
they decided to conduct an experiment. They had heard that Aboriginals were able
to heal broken bones nearly instantaneously. Martina: ‘We thought, if they can do it,
we can too. We tuned into the "Aboriginal field" and sent that energy to the broken
hand. A couple of days later my friend was back playing volleyball. X-rays showed
no trace of a fracture.’
In his famous book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ written in 1937, Napoleon Hill
explains that those who make it big mainly succeed because, at the very deepest
level, they are convinced they will. Successful people, Hill concludes, solemnly
believe in their aim and simply know they will achieve it. Because they focus all their
attention on the aim, it materializes BB just as in physics experiments all particles that
are given attention become visible.
The third life lesson from the field is that in principle, everything is possible.
All information is available in the Zero Point Field. It is my challenge BB and
that of us all BB to glean the best from it. As Michelangelo once said about sculpture:
‘The image is already in the marble, all I do is cut away everything that is not the
image.’ I sometimes experience the same thing when I’’m writing a story and I see
words appear on the screen that I’m barely conscious of thinking. Just like that, I get
sentences that I don’t consciously know or think of BB from the field? It’’s called

inspiration. But in fact ‘inspiration’ is no longer an inexplicable circumstance, but
a demonstrable physical phenomenon.
During his visit to the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Mozart heard Allegri’s famous
Miserere. That piece of music is only heard once a year, during Holy Week, after
which it disappears behind lock and key for another year. After hearing it only once,
Mozart was able to register it in his mind and thus able to break the secret spell
around the work. Ervin Laszlo comments: ‘Mozart and other composers of his caliber
were not alone. They had access to the field and thus were in contact with
Artists are interpreters and translators rather than creators. Their talent is not a
miracle, but something that in principle everyone can learn. It is a question of tuning
into the field.
On a Greek island, Shireen Strooker is sitting with her husband Bram
Vermeulen at a table at an outdoor cafe in the sun. In the middle of the table a
briefcase blocks their view of one another. Bram is looking at a piece of paper in
front of him and slowly counts: ‘One, two, three, fourYY’. On every count Shireen
writes down a plus or a minus after the number on her sheet. She tries to ignore the
surprised glances from onlookers so she can fully concentrate on what Bram is
‘sending’ her: a plus or a minus. When the sheet is full, they switch. They are both
trying to get a plus or minus after the same number.
That day they play the game a total of 11 times. According to the laws of
probability, Bram and Shireen should have the same pluses and minuses 50% of the
time. But that day their score is 70%. They know it’s no coincidence. They’ve had
similar results before. Bram and Shireen know that you can reach each other if you
tune in correctly.
But we often get in the way of our ability to tune in. Shireen: ‘There is a clear
difference between concentrating and tuning in. If I concentrate, I try with all my
might to achieve something with my thoughts. Usually you achieve just the opposite.
What we call "thinking", is actually mainly about doubting. You wind up in all kinds
of emotions BB "I can’t do this, what am I doing here?" BB and you don’t achieve
your aim. Tuning in means not thinking and making contact with the information
that’s already there. You become one with the information and resonate with it.’
Shireen describes an exercise she did with an overweight man. They stood
opposite one another and stared hard into each other’s eyes. Then they both walked
to opposite ends of the room and Shireen had to pick up on the man’s favourite food.
Her first image was a chocolate bar. But BB given the man’’s size BB she began to
doubt. ‘‘It must be a hamburger,’’ she thought. She drew a hamburger and walked
back to the man. Wrong, it was a chocolate bar. Shireen: ‘That’s what I mean by
Children are naturals at tuning in. It is amazing how successful small children
are at Shireen’s drawing game with which this story began. I also remember playing

hide and seek with my little sister. She counted to 10 outside the living room, came
back in and walked directly to where I was hiding, regardless of which curtain or
chair I was crouched behind.
Nor are animals hampered by thoughts. The British biochemist Rupert
Sheldrake (see page XX) describes numerous extraordinary phenomena. A cat that
‘answers the phone’, but only when her owner calls. All other calls are ignored. Or
horses that refuse to take another step over a path that will shortly be buried under
an avalanche. Dogs that try BB to no avail BB to get their owners to leave the house
before they are involved in a serious accident. There are also stories involving
animals that manage to leave town before an earthquake hits.
Learning to tune into the Zero Point Field enables us to create consciously.
When at one point I needed to move, I created an image of the house I
wanted. I visualised a house by the ocean with woods nearby, high up, lots of light
and affordable. For a few weeks I paid a moment’s attention to that visualisation
every day, which anchored the energetic image in the Zero Point Field. It was just a
matter of time before it would materialise. That happened two months later. Now I
live in the home that I once envisioned. Using my visualisation I actually tuned into
the Zero Point Field. By paying attention to an image, that image BB my house BB
could become reality, exactly as physicists’’ small particles manifest themselves
when given attention.
Dreamers used to be laughed at by people who considered themselves
sensible, who had both feet planted firmly on the ground. Now those dreamers have
science on their side. Dreams are where reality begins. The future is created by seeing
that future, by tuning into it. In principle, anything is possible.
Science is presenting a reality that my rational mind can scarcely comprehend.
How can a person influence a machine? How can time not exist? How can I make
something intangible, tangible? But I am living in my house and Shireen found her
drawing. My doubts must have to do with the quantum leap that my rational mind
must now make. There’s a good reason why physicist Niels Bohr said that ‘Anyone
who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.’ One evening Shireen
arrives home to
f i n d a
envelope from
her mother
containing copies of the Gospel of St. Thomas discovered in 1947. In this gospel
Jesus tells Thomas: ‘I am not your Master, but you have drunk. You have become
intoxicated from the bubbling spring, which I have measured out.’ For Shireen it is
clear that Jesus drew from the same well BB the same field BB as she is now learning
to ‘drink’.

Enlightened learned people like Jesus see through the story of creation. They
didn’t need science for their ‘knowledge’ of the Zero Point Field. Thousands of years
later science and spirituality are on the point of converging. The consequences and
possibilities are immense. The miracle of Jesus and other enlightened thinkers was
their ability to see and help shape a better world. They understood: if I want another
world, I have to learn to think differently. Or, as Gandhi put it: ‘Be the change you
wish to see in the world.’
Anyone who thinks that only the Mahatma or the Saviour can do that, now
has scientific evidence of the contrary. Each one of us is capable. Each one of us is
a creator. Each one of us can change the world. And that doesn’t have to be an
endless, difficult process BB just think of the Aboriginals’ ability to heal broken
bones. It can happen today. It can happen now. After all, what is time?

d d d

Shuffle Brain
by Paul Pietsch
Article originally published in the May, 1972 issues of Harper’s Magazine
(Vol.244, NO. 1464). This article won the 1972 Medical Journalism Award of the
American Medical Association and was featured on 60 Minutes in August 1973.
The author is now a Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, Bloomington.

PUNKY WAS A SALAMANDER. Or at least he had the body of a salamander. But

his cranium housed the brains of a frog. I'd spent an entire season at the fringe of his
clear-water world, asking who he was, with the neural juice of a totally different
animal racing around inside, turning him on, tuning him in to his environment at a
wave band beyond a normal salamander's spectrum. The answers, borne by his
actions, flattened my scientific detachment, I confess.

Punky was only one in a long and varied series of brain transplants, experimental
tests of the holographic theory, a theory about the language of the brain, a scientific
treatment of nothing less than memory itself--the watering hole on the great
subjective plain where thoughts and dreams, hopes and fears, pride and guilt, love
and hate must drink to live, or else dry up, to vanish, like bone dust.

Years before, in Philadelphia, when I was first learning how to do operations like
those on Punky, I was an instructor in a gross- anatomy dissecting lab. Class met in
the afternoon. Insecure in my grip on what was then a newly acquired subject, I went
in early each morning to do a dissection of my own. With class in session, the place
roiled with the hurly-burly of people, alive and busy. But in the morning, when I
arrived, it was silent, a room of death in the most complete sense of the word. Ugly
gray light glared in through frosted windows and, without color, illuminated the rows
of rag-swaddled, tarp-wrapped cadavers. It wasn't frightening; it was lonely, the
loneliest place I'd ever seen. Its tables were the biers of the world's unwanted,
unremembered, unclaimed--as people. And they'd been forgotten long before their
corpses were hoisted up and flopped naked on the diener's soapstone prep table.
Nameless now, serial-numbered metal-ring tag tied around big toe, dirt still under
cracked nail or maybe half-peeled-away red or pink nail polish. Valuable, in death,
as things. Valueless before, as people. They were the unloved dead . For to be loved
is to be remembered. They were the unhated dead, for the same abstract reasons. The
unremembered dead, the truly dead. For memory is our claim to identity, and when
it stops, we are no more.

At the end, when we were finished, my department held funeral services for the
bodies. I went. But I went with a generalized grief that I carried back whole because
my memory found no place to assign any part of it.

Still, in time, I did forget the details. But Punky revived my memories of those
mornings back in Philadelphia. That's probably why I gave him a name. For the
Existent of Punky and his pals didn't stop with salamanders and frogs. It included my
own species.


I will be talking here about the neural hologram, but I really should speak of brain
information--a holologic principle, not only memory of past experiences. For the
theory seeks to explain all the brain's stored programs, whether learned or wired in
during embryonic life. It covers the mental yardgoods we unwrap to tailor "go: no-
go" in reflexes. It supplies the cash for complex, reasoned associations. It works
when the brain issues instructions to tune the A-string on a viola, or to make the baby
cry because the milk is sour.

But holographic theory deals with the mode of neural messages, not specific
molecules, mechanisms, or cells, as such. Like a multiplication or counting system,
it commits grand polygamy with place and time and circumstance. It treats the how
rather than the who--like gravity acting on the apple, instead of the meat, the freckles,
or the worm.

The holographic theory had its crude origins in the 1920s when psychologist Karl
Lashley began a lifelong search through the brain for the vaults containing memory.
By then, students of behavior had been readied for angry debate by a paradox that had
begun to emerge on the surgical tables of the nineteenth century. Clearly, the mental
world had its biological base in the brain. Yet war, disease, and the stroke of the
scalpel had robbed human brains of substance without necessarily expunging the
mind. Lashley carried the problem to the laboratory and pursued it with precision
tools, mazes, rats, controls, statistics.

Lashley also brought along the knife. With it, he found he could dull memory in
proportion to the amount of cerebrum he cut out. But if he left a rat with any
cerebrum at all, the animal could still remember. Not only did he fail to amputate
memory, but one area of the cortex would serve it as well as another. He came to two
controversial conclusions: intensity of recall depends on the mass of brain, but
memory must be divvied up equally. "Mass action" and "equipotentiality" became his

"Equibull!" a Neuroanatomist friend of mine once declared. For the knives and
battery poles of others had struck and dug into what seemed to be the specific loci of
sight, scent, sound. Moreover, no clear and obvious physical precedent existed for
equipotentiality. "I'm a scientist," my friend used to say, "not a goddamn Ouija board

But in 1948 physicist Dennis Gabor, trying to improve the electron microscope,
accidentally stumbled over the optical hologram, a discovery that earned him the
Nobel Prize in 1971. Lensless, 3-D photography was born. Within twenty years, the
same principles had been extended to the brain.

Holograms take getting used to--like the idea that light can be both waves and
particles, or that a curve gets you more quickly from star A to star B than Euclid's
straight line. It's like getting accustomed to the notion that energy and mass are
different ways of saying the same thing, or that time might shrink and expand. For
holograms package information in a form disguised from our common sense,
invisible behind the nominalistic curtains of our culture. But with patience, and a
little open-mindedness, the intuition soon begins to drink up the principles--like
relativity after Einstein or the shape of the earth after Columbus.

Familiar modes of information, even as complicated codes, reduce to bit parts, held,
stored, according to the summum bonum of home economics and gross anatomy: "A
place for everything, and everything in its place!" Not so a hologram (holo means
whole). In it, the entire shtick of information, tamped down into a minuscule
transcendental code, repeats itself, whole, throughout whatever the system happens
to be. Trim a hologram down to a tiny chip and the message still survives, whole,
waiting only to be decoded. One piece will work as well as another. But the fewer the
parts used in decoding, the less intense the regenerated image. In other words,
holograms work in precisely the same way that the memories in Lashley's rats did--
mass action and equipotentiality.

Gabor's discovery was for years a scientific curiosity, unknown outside a small circle
of physicists. It remained so until the advent of laser technology. Holograms in
physical media depend on coherent, orderly waves. To do anything other than just
look at holograms, the waves must be fairly powerful. Laser beams not only have this
property but they can be made very coherent.

Holography itself has bloomed into a new technology. There are even such people
as holographers nowadays. They construct physical holograms for a living, and they
are paid well to do so because the hologram may be the method of sending and
storing information in the future.

To construct a physical hologram, a holographer uses two sets of waves. He shines

one set through an object. He angles the other to miss the object but to collide with
the waves that have passed through. He then collects the results of the collision on
film or a cathode ray tube. His record, the hologram, represents the reaction between
the distorted and undistorted waves.

In appearance, physical holograms resemble Platonic ideas of a shivering tiger or

zebra or the signature of an artist suffering the shakes of a bad whiskey hangover. But

the holographer can regenerate an image of the original object by retracing his
construction procedures.

A hologram captures not a thingy thing. It captures rules--a harmonic syllogism, a

holologic. And it is the stored record of Hegelian skid marks produced when points
and counterpoints bang into each other, physical or numerical, concrete or abstract.
Mathematics in reverse. Indeed, they take getting used to. But the glory of holograms
glows through during decoding back to the original image, when they not only
behave like Lashley's rats but reveal feature upon feature of human brain function.

Holographers can construct, say, acoustical holograms and call back the original, not
with sound, but with light or waves in some other form. Thus, built into holographic
grammar is the automatic mechanism to shift gears, instantly, from one modality to
another-- how, for example, you can listen to someone and write what you hear him
say as fast as you can work the muscles in your hand.

Such rapid, whole-scene shifts, involving forests of data, would be out of the
question with the conventional message that must be translated bit by bit. In a
hologram, it's all part and parcel of the principle. And the same thing shows up again
in adding and modifying holograms. Holographers can construct multicolored,
composite holograms, in steps, by adjusting wave length, thus mimicking how we
might anneal present and past into a totality. Or they can de code several holograms
of the same thing into a multicolored original. In the process they can even change
colors. When the brain does these things on its munificent scale, we talk in terms of
abstract reasoning or imagination. And in this capacity the human brain outshines the
largest digital computers. For computers digest bits. But the brain's motifs are
informational wholes that can meld and blend without the go-between of a finger-
counting bureaucrat.

The flexible rules of holography even allow, automatically, for a subconscious, a bad
word in my own particular profession. But consider an optical hologram. In
decoding, it's possible to select a wavelength invisible to the naked eye, yet of
sufficient energy to burn a monogram permanently onto the retina of an unwary
onlooker. As with the subconscious, you don't have to see its wounds to ache from

Holographic theory would also explain the chemical transfer of memory--how

information from the brain of one worm, rat, mouse, or hamster might be extracted
into a test tube and injected into another animal, there to mediate recall in the absence
of the recipient's previous experience. Such reports from a dozen laboratories over
the past few years have excited the press and reading public. But in conventional
scientific circles, I've heard them called such things as "oozings from the stressed
seams of cracked pots." Yet a hologram can write itself into anything, including a
molecule. At the very same time, the theory in no way at all restricts the brain's
programs to molecules, as such. There's no rule against using, say, molecules,

voltages on cells, or groups of neurons to carry the information. The program might
even be carried at many different levels simultaneously.

Just who deserves credit as the first to apply holographic principles to the brain I'm
going to allow historians of science to fight out. Lashley, of course, saw them at work
in his rats and had both the genius and the courage to describe what nature showed.
Certain of Pavlov's conclusions look holological. Gabor's powerful mind must have
snared the notion the moment he tripped on the optical effect. Years later, in fact, he
published a mathematical scheme of reminiscing. Philip Westlake, a brilliant UCLA
cyberneticist, has shown that equations of physical holograms match what the brain
does with information. Karl Pribram and an army of colleagues at Stanford's medical
school have invested a decade and a thousand monkeys, using the theory to work out
details of how living brains remember.

Predictably, holographic talk provokes hot controversy. I recall not long ago
delivering a lecture on the subject, when out of the audience jumped a
neuropharmacologist, trembling with rage, demanding to know: "How can you
account for something like Broca's area?" He was referring to a part of the cerebrum
known for 100 years to be vulnerable to stroke accompanied by the loss of speech.
I cleared my throat to answer. But before I had the chance, a young psychophysicist,
sprawled in a front-row seat, whipped his shoulder-length mane around and fired
back, "You can't draw beer out of a barrel without a bung!"

It was a perceptive reply. For in holographic theory, functional centers such as

Broca's area represent processing stations rather than storage depots. Rage, fear,
hunger centers, the visual cortex at the back of the brain, or auditory areas at the
sides--these would act not to house specialized information but to pump it in or to
call out programs in the form, say, of snarl, smile, utterance, equation, kiss, or
thought. And sharp lines of distinction between innate and acquired information fade
as far as storage itself is concerned. Still, the theory does not completely rule out
uneven distribution of memory, particularly in the complex brains of higher animals.
Indeed, it is not hard to make a case for different storage within the two hemispheres
of the human cerebrum. Michael Gazzaniga recently published an intriguing book on
what has been known for almost twenty years as "split-brain" research. Begun in the
early 1950s by Meyers and Sperry at Cal Tech, the technique involves cutting the
corpus callosum, a broad thick strap of nerve fibers between the hemispheres.
Success in the lab with cats and monkeys prompted neurosurgeons to split the corpus
callosum in the human brain. They did so to alleviate violent, prolonged, drug-
resistant grand mal epileptic seizures, and they had remarkable success, medically.
But the patients emerged from surgery with two permanently disconnected
personalities. With more such operations, the left cerebral hemisphere emerged as the
dominant, verbal, arithmetic side, while the right brain held recollections of form and
texture. The tendencies appear to hold whether patients were left- or right-handed.
Early in 1971, music was found among the repertoire of the right hemisphere. Yet the
outcome of split-brain surgery has never been absolute, nor the individual patient's

subsequent behavior totally predictable. Both hemispheres can generate music in
some people, and the right may have a vocabulary. In addition, a totally illiterate right
hemisphere can learn to read and write in less than six months--as though it had a
tremendous head start. On top of this, Gazzaniga's observations convince him that
the consignment of memories to one side of the brain emerges with maturity.
Children seem to employ both hemispheres. Thus it would seem that the brain can
reshape its contents and make decisions about what will go where. But it is also quite
possible that split-brain research identifies not unequal storage but unequal access.
Like the reflected image of a written message, meaning would stay the same but
translation would entail different steps. The cerebral hemispheres, after all, do mirror
rather than carbon-copy each other.

At any rate, the brains of human beings and our close relatives seem to be many
brains, orchestrated by virtue of connections like the corpus callosum. Moreover, our
multisystem cranial contents seem to be in flux, physiologically. Different lights can
flash off and on, moment to moment. Some of the switches lie under our direct
control; others are no more within our deliberate, intellectual reach than the impulses
driving a hungry shark or an amorous jackrabbit. Holographic theory does not deny
conclusions of split-brain research. But it insists that, whatever the system used for
storage, the information shall be layered in whole and repeated throughout. It denies
that memory depends on minced-up and isolated bits filed in specific pigeonholes.
Just what happens to be going on inside a brain when it's loading up with a particular
hologram may determine which areas may and may not act as targets-- or how vivid
the reconstructed scene becomes during some later translation into conscious form.


It's one thing, though, to use a theory to draw complex sets of data or weird
collections of observations into a larger body of knowledge. It's quite another to
subject a theory to logically valid, epistemologically sound laboratory experiments.
Personally, I think it's legitimate to employ a theory without really bothering with
formal tests and even to nurture belief in its truth based on its usefulness. For theories
supply powerful intellectual tools. Those that don't work very well become
ornaments if they're beautiful, junk otherwise.

However, the theory that holographic principles could account for neural-information
storage was testable. Before getting into those tests, we need to talk some about theory
and experiments. For they belong to very different realms.

Theories are perfectible and can be made ubiquitous within confines set down by their
inventor. When they try to say something about physical things, they reach for the
harmony and simplicity in nature, for a side of it the inveterate experimentalist
believes he can comprehend by observation. To some biologists, for example, the Cell
is a fiction. Only cells exist. At best, the theorist regards experience as a start on the
road to truth, as Einstein did. At worst, the theorist might tell you that God contrived

experience to pollute man's view of the truth. Whatever the experimenter concludes,
the theorist seeks an ever-larger synthesis. For the particulate, nominalistic character
of an experiment means that it cannot extend far enough and spread out wide enough
to cover the expanse of a theory. Thus explanation demands theory.

Even so, because experiments take place in experience, they keep the experimenter
alive to a side of nature that theory misses-- its variety, its individuals. Theory would
turn nature into a peneplain, smooth, unenriched, simpler as the theory reaches higher
and higher abstraction until even a speck of dust would become something to cherish.
Experience returns hair, lips, smiles, surprises. Experience is where doves coo, horses
snort, and robins lay little blue eggs. We spend most of our time, mentally, where
experiments go on. And if there is some harmonious thread weaving through the
universe, we still have a right to want to connect the abstract world and the world we
call real.

How is this done? By poking around in theoretical constructs for testable predictions:
if such and such a theory is "true," then such and such an outcome will happen. This
is how experiments come in; they are ways of setting a trap for the predictable
elements of a theory--the parts of it that make the rules credible to the human mind.

My purpose in working with Punky and his pals was to make or break my faith in the
holographic theory of neural storage. And I was a skeptic, at the outset.

When I began this work the only prima facie experimental evidence to link the general
theory involving holographic principles to brains had come from ablation studies--
subtracting from brain substance. Subtraction is an incomplete test. To see the
incompleteness is to see how the salamanders relate to the theory. Thus, let's spend a
little time doing a few imaginary experiments.

Imagine several hundred Xerox copies of this unholographic page, but reproduced on
transparent plastic sheets. Now stack the sheets so that each letter, word, and line
forms a perfect overlay with its replicates below. Now subtract a sheet--two, three, or
any number, for that matter--only keeping the stack straight. What happens? Loss or
unevenness in density, perhaps. But as long as we keep the equivalence of one page,
we preserve the message. The reasons are obvious. First, we're working with a system
containing a redundant message. Secondly, when we eliminated some parts, we
merely allowed what was beneath to shine through. But we certainly don't have a
holographic system. This is how I viewed the results of ablation studies.

Let's try another series of experiments with the transparencies. Let's throw the pile up
in the air, arrange some of the sheets in a new order, cut some of the sheets into pieces
and reglue the pieces randomly--reshuffle, in other words. Now we would distort the
message and know it very quickly. Why? Meaning in a conventional message ( or
pattern ) depends on relationships among parts and subparts--sets and subsets. When
we scrambled relationships, when we messed up the system's anatomy, we wrenched
the carriers of meaning. We might also have done this by adding a transparency with

a different message. But when we merely took away parts from our redundant system,
we created empty sets and voided rather than distorted relationships.

But suppose the linotype operator had set a hologram? Then our reshuffling
experiments would have produced far different results. We would not have introduced
changes in the meaning of the message. For in a hologram meaning lies within--not
among--any sets we might produce by simple physical means. And in reshuffling we
would be shifting whole messages around, exchanging their positions without really
getting at components. Trying to dissect out a hologram's subunits is like trying to
slice a point, or stretch that infinitesimally small domain by an amount no larger than
itself. No, a knife won't reach inside the heart of a hologram. Of course, in practice we
might trim a system to such small proportions that the image upon decoding would
be too dim to register. Or in a physical experiment we could destroy or distort the
medium and make it technically impossible to decode. That's why we opted for
imagination--to bypass engineering details.

But look at the implications of our imaginary experiments. Look at the predictions.
If we really want to test holography against redundancy, we ought to shuffle the brain.
If it houses conventional messages, we would find out very quickly. But if programs
exist in the brain according to holographic principles, scramble though we may, we
won't distort their meanings. And that is where salamanders come in.

A peaceful, quiet world, the salamander's --unless you happen to be a dainty little
daphnia or a cockeyed mosquito larva whiplashing to the surface for a gulp of air. Or
even worse, the crimson thread of a tubifex worm. For it is the destiny of the
salamander to detect, pursue, and devour all moving morsels of meat small enough to
fit inside his mouth. He eats only what moves. And he adjusts his attack to fit the
motion of his fated quarry. When he sees the tubifex worm, or picks it up on sonar
with his lateral line organs, he lets you know with a turn of his head. Position fixed,
half-swimming, half-walking, he glides slowly, deliberately, along the bottom of his
dish, careful not to create turbulence that, in the wilds, would send the worm
burrowing deep into the safety of the mud. Reaching his victim, he coasts around it,
moving his head back and forth, up and down, to catch swelling and shrinking
shadows and vibrations and permit his tiny brain to compute the tensor calculus of the
worm's ever-changing size.

The size of a four-year-old's little finger, salamanders sustain injury and recuperate
like few other creatures on earth. Consider, for example, what I call the Rip Van
Winkle paradigm. Remove a salamander's brain. The behaviorally inert body
continues to live, indefinitely. Transplant the brain to the animal's broad, jelly-filled
tail fin for storage. After a month or two, slide the brain out of the fin and return it to
the empty cranium. In a couple of weeks, after the replant takes, the animal behaves
as if the operation had never occurred. He's awake again, a free-living, prowling
organism, like his normal brothers and sisters.

That same tail fin will accommodate hunks of brain pooled ad hoc from several
different salamanders. The pieces quickly send out thousands of microscopic nerve
fibers that weave a confluent network. Does such a mass of brain tissue work?
Communicate impulses? Splice a length of spinal cord on each end of the mass as a
conduit to the skin. Then, on one side, graft an eye, pressing the cut optic nerve
against the piece of spinal cord. On the other side transplant a leg, making sure that
it touches the conduit. Wait a couple of weeks to allow the optic nerve to invade the
spinal cord on the one side and the cord on the other to sprout fibers into the leg to
reinnervate its muscles. Now aim a spotlight at the tail and focus on the grafted eye.
If you can hit the light switch at the correct tempo, you can make the transplanted leg
stomp a tarantella.

Yet if my experiments were to be a fair test of the holographic theory, I'd have to
insure two things. First, the experimental salamander would have to be capable of
sensing a tubifex worm. Secondly, he'd have to be able to command his body and jaw
muscles into action. I was sure this could be done with salamanders by preserving the
medulla, the transitional region between spinal cord and the rest of the brain. In the
medulla lie input stations for touch from the head, the salamander's efficient sonar
system, and the sense of balance from a carpenter's level-like internal ear. Also,
impulses that bring jaw muscles snapping to life are issued directly from the medulla.
It does for head muscles what the spinal cord does for, say, the biceps or muscles in
the thigh. And in salamanders the medulla serves as a relay station for information to
and from spinal cord and brain. Higher animals have such stations too. But evolution
added long tracts that function like neural expressways.

There are actually five main parts of the brain common to all vertebrates, including
man. The cerebral hemispheres that predominate within our own heads are small lobes
on the tip end of a salamander's brain. But during embryonic life our own cerebral
hemispheres pass through a salamander stage. The next region back, known as the
diencephalon, is where the optic nerves enter the brain. Distorting this region would
and did create blindness in certain experiments. A so-called mesencephalon or mid-
brain connects diencephalon to medulla. These were the parts I would shuffle.

Amputating brain in front of the medulla turned off the salamander's conscious
behavior and, of course, feeding along with it. But, if I stayed out in front of the
medulla, I'd be leaving sufficient input and output intact for whatever programs
surgery might deliver up. This is not surgery in the nurse-mask-sutures-and-blood
sense. It goes on under a stereoscopic microscope. Very little bleeding. No stitches.
Just press the sticky, cut tissues together and permit armies of mobilized cells to
swarm over and obscure the injured boundary line. There is only room in the field of
operation for a single pair of human hands. The animals sleep peacefully in anesthetic
dissolved in the water. Trussed lightly against cream-colored marble clay, magnified,
they look like the prehistoric giants of their ancestry. A strong heart thrusts battalions
of red blood corpuscles through a vascular maze of transparent tissues. No bones to
saw. Under fluid your instruments coax like a sable-hair brush.

In more than 700 operations, I rotated, reversed, added, subtracted, and scrambled
brain parts. I shuffled. I reshuffled. I sliced, lengthened, deviated, shortened, apposed,
transposed, juxtaposed, and flipped. I spliced front to back with lengths of spinal cord,
of medulla, with other pieces of brain turned inside out. But nothing short of
dispatching the brain to the slop bucket --nothing expunged feeding!

Some operations created permanent blindness, forcing animals to rely on their sonar
systems to tell them what was going on outside. But the optic nerves of salamanders
can regenerate. Still, for normal vision to return, regenerating optic nerves need a
suitable target, as Roger Sperry showed many years ago. I was able to arrange for this,
surgically. And when I did, eyesight recovered completely in about two weeks-- even
when the brains came from a totally different species of salamander and contained
extra parts. As far as feeding was concerned, nature continued to smile on holography.
Not one single thing about the behavior of this group of animals suggested the drastic
surgery they had undergone.

The experiments had subjected the holographic theory to a severe test. As the theory
predicted, scrambling the brain's anatomy did not scramble its programs. Meaning was
contained within the parts, not spread out among their relationships. If I wanted to
change behavior, I had to supply not a new anatomy but new information.

Suppose, though, that parts of a salamander brain in front of the medulla really have
no direct relationship to what a salamander does with a worm? Suppose feeding
stations exist in the medulla or spinal cord (or left leg), awaiting only consciousness
to ignite them? If this were true, the attack response on worms-- the principal criterion
in the study--would be irrelevant, and shuffle brain experiments would say very little
about the holographic theory. A purist might have taken care of this issue at the outset.

"New experiments required," I scribbled in my notes. "Must have following features.

Host: salamander minus brain anterior to medulla. Donor: try a vegetarian, maybe
young Rana pipiens tadpole. But, first, make damn sure donor brain won't actively
shut off salamander's attack on worms." My working hunch was that the very young
leopard frog tadpole would make a near-perfect donor. His taste for flies comes much
later on in development. While he's little, he'll mimp-mouth algae from the flanks of
a tubifex and harm nothing but a little vermigrade pride. Then, too, from experiments
I'd carried out years before, I knew frog tissues wouldn't manifestly offend salamander
rejection mechanisms, not to the extent that they would be destroyed. Thus, if grafted
brains didn't perish in transit across the operating dish, they would become permanent
fixtures in their new heads.

Whether a tadpole brain would or would not actively shut off worm-recognition
programs in salamanders I had to settle experimentally before calling Punky into the
game. Here, I transplanted tadpole brain parts but left varying amounts of host
salamander brain in place. These animals ate normally, thus showing that tadpole

brain, per se, would not overrule existing attack programs. As I had guessed, it was
like adding a zero to a string of integers as far as feeding was concerned.

Now the scene was ready for Punky, the first of his kind through the run. He would
surrender his own cranial contents in front of the medulla to the entire brain of a frog.
If his new brain restored consciousness but gave him a tadpole's attitude about worms,
he'd vindicate the shuffle brain experiments. For controls, I carried out identical
operations but used other salamanders as donors. Also, to assure myself that frog
tissue itself would not affect appetite, I inserted diced tadpole in the fins and body
cavities of still other salamanders. This procedure had no effect on feeding. Moreover,
I had a hunch that Punky would remain blind. So I removed eyes from other
salamanders to get fresh data on feeding via sonar.

Punky awoke on the seventeenth day. Very quickly, he became one of the liveliest,
most curious-acting animals in the lab. He did remain blind but his sonar more than
compensated. A fresh worm dropped into his bowl soon brought him over. He'd nose
around the worm for several minutes. He lacked the tadpole's sucker mouth. And I
couldn't decide whether he wanted algae, or what. But he spent a lot of time with the
worms. In the beginning, he had me watching him, wondering in a pool of clammy
sweat if he'd uncork and devour the holographic theory in a single chomp. Yet, during
three months, with a fresh worm in his bowl at all times, in more than 1,800 direct
encounters, Punky never made so much as a single angry pass at a tubifex. Nor did any
of his kind in the months that followed. The herbivorous brain had changed the
worms' role in the paradigm. They were to play with now, not to ravage.

I kept Punky's group nourished by force-feeding them fresh fillets of salamander once
a week. This meant the same thing had to be done with each and every control animal
too. While the extra food did not blunt control appetites, the added work left me
looking groggily toward pickling time when I could preserve the specimens on
microscopic slides. I routinely examine microscopic slides as a final ritual. But
Punky's slides weren't routine. And on the very first section I brought into sharp focus,
the truth formed a fully closed circle in the barrel of my microscope. His tadpole
brain, indeed, had survived. It stood still in terms of development, but it was a nice,
healthy organ. And from its hind end emerged a neural cable. The cable penetrated
Punky's medulla, there to plunge new holographic ideas into his salamander readout,
and into the deepest core of my own beliefs.

d d d

The authors
Johanne Bibeau
Website: www.DestinyTarot.com / Email Address: Destarot@aol.com
Phone: (561) 625 8864 (Eastern Time)
Sophie Merle
Website: www.SophieMerle.com / Email address: TopRankHealing@aol.com
Phone: (702) 240 6723 (Pacific Time)

Energy Psychology
Zensight Process Developed by Carol Ann Rowland, MSW, RSW
Website: www.energyworks.ca / Email address: carolann.rowland@sympatico.ca
Phone: (416) 907 0781 (Eastern Time)
Emotional Freedom & Healing Developed by Richard Ross
Website: www.emotionalfreedom.com
Email address: emotionalfreedom@richardross.com
Phone: (541) 482 0800 (Pacific Time)
Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) Developed by Dr. Larry Nims Ph.D.
Website: www.besetfreefast.com
BSFF/DVDs - Don Elium: www.besetfreefastdvd.com
EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques developed by Gary Craig
Website: www.emofree.com
EF&H- Emotional Freedom and Healing developed by Richard Ross
Website: www.emotionalfreedom.com
TAT -Tapas Acupressure Technique Developed by Tapas Fleming
Website: www.unstressforsuccess.com
ACEP - Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Website: www.energypsych.org


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