Reading Summary and Reflection

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Name: Hung Za Lian esther Reading: Moreau Chapter 11-12

In chapter 11 firstly it began with Scott mission, after that it mention about a develop and

famous mission trip which trends in online, which is also include global mission Subsequently it is written about ‘choosing a mission agency’

which is also an important for the missionary to choose an agency whom they can trust and help

in needs and fruitful in God’s Kingdom, there are also John Mcvay’s mission experienced, the

important for a missionary when they considering an agency.

In the case study in chapter 11 it is about “when a woman should be a man”

Chapter 12 is all about what, and there are personal and family issue when doing a

missionary, like, teaming, education especially learning aboard language and their culture for

some of them may also be a short-term mission, the rich people and strict or tricky family can

also have trouble with poorly life, being single can be also advantages and disadvantage. It also

discusses about a missionary are better to have team and also mostly they work as a team in

missionary life. So sometimes the relationship can be composite. Being teammate and having

team can help a lot like mostly for a culture cross.


I think in the future I may also love for a short-term mission because my mother also kind

of wants me to be like that, like traveling around the world and share the word of God.

Sometimes I don’t know how to express my feeling, I think I may say that when I feel weak in

spiritual and more focus on the physical things, then I started feeling strange I ask myself why

am i here to serve God, but I do envy and look so cool to see who are serving the Lord and have

a good agency, and for me I feel like I’m going to fail and run away from the present of God I

know that I coundnt stand for myself but it is not so easy to ask money to the people, hope in the

future I will be a more prayerful to God not to people.

My teachers told me that there are many temptations while we are serving the Lord

especially personal and family issue because they were also in trouble. and people used to say a

lot about being a single or not I heard that in a good way and also in a bad way but thinking of

mine as also think as a youth mine who will be a missionary like preparing, I would only say I

will pray more what is suite for me, because I also admire who are single, but I decide to pray

while I am studying. Sometimes I seem like I like to be a lone like not with teammate but if

come to a mission I also would like to have a good team a good agency at least these thing if

God give me opportunity, and for our country I think it is hard to say to be a missionary in

another country because of our country is still Buddhism in officially, but still we need to be

careful as who are other people do, we do need to careful culture language it is in the same

country but sometimes it can be worst then the other to careful of cross culture.

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