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Mercyhurst books Blues Traveler, concert j a m s in April

By Mary Medure ened songwriting and arranging skills.*
Merciad Staff Reporter Guitarist Chan Kinchla once remarked
on the band's creativity,"We drew from
Good things come in pairs. That's what our experiences of living in and around
Nick Roberts, (MSG) vice president, New York City, playing and practically
hopes for on Friday, April 30th when living together for the last three years."
Blues Traveler performs. Their new album, Save His Soul, was
"The Smithereens-Tom Cochrane con- inspired by a few downfalls. One of
cert was a huge success last year," said which was Popper's serious motorcycle
Roberts. When the "New York quartet accident that left him temporarily con-
performs their hybrid rock sound at 8:00 fined to a wheelchair. The group had a
p.m. in the Athletic Center, it will be the month off to reflect on their past works.
biggest event of 1993. The extra time and effort is reflected in
The band consists ofvocal ist/harmonica the 14 outstanding songs of the album.
virtuoso John Popper, guitarist Chan Following the recording of Save His Blues T r a v e l e r from New York will bring their sound to the Hurst on April 30
Kinchla, bassist Bobby Sheehan and Soul, Blues Traveler began touring with
drummer Brendan Hill-with David 4
names such as Lynyrd Skynrd, the to them. After two months on the phone, unfamiliar with Blues Traveler, Roberts
Swanson, the group's long-time studio Allman Brothers Band, the Jerry Garcia he received the confirmation call over admits the effort spent will assure a good
engineer and sound man. Band, the Neville Brothers and Carlos Spring Break. time for all.
Roberts said Blues Traveler are the Santana. They hosted the 'H.O.R.D.E. Tickets for the event are $15 for the Rocket 101 is sponsoring the event and
hottest to hit the college circuit this year. Tour' (Horizons of Rock Developing general public and $9 for Mercyhurst will broadcast from the Athletic Center
They have entertained on the stages of Everywhere) with friends such as Phish students. On Monday, March 29th tick- that evening.
Late Night With David Letterman and and Spin Doctors, whose sound re- ets will be on sale in the Student Union "I have been getting a lot of positive
the Tonight Show as well as been inter- sembles Blues Traveler's. from 4 to 6p.m.. For more information, response for it," he said. Mercyhurst is
viewed by Rolling Stone. Blues Traveler was one of the groups call the Concert Hotline at 824-2093. becoming recognized for its efforts of
Among their works, 1991 's Travelers that were on a list Roberts received. "I personally think the tickets will go bringing well-known artists to entertain
and Thieves combines the heated, jam- Through talking to agents and conduct- pretty fast I urge students to buy tickets the community.
oriented instrumental prowess with deep- ing a survey, Roberts narrowed it down early," Roberts said. Even ifstudents are

CHECjK Demby recounts Vietnam trauma

By Jennifer Trinidad to see a doctor who asked, aside from his and turn away. Because of this shame, he
Merciad StaffReporter legs, was there anything else wrong with drowned his pain in drugs and alcohol.
(OUT Bill Demby, disabled Vietnam veteran
and star of a Dupont commercial, spoke
him. Demby yelled at the doctor to fix
him. The doctor told him to stop feeling
sorry for himself. The doctor said that if
After eight years of substance abuse,
he started to slowly rehabilitate himself.
He decided to get bis life together.
in Sullivan Hall on Saturday, March 18 he wanted to feel sorry for someone, feel He got fitted for prosthetics and learned
Friday, March 26 at 8 p.m. on disabilities. sorry for the guys back in Vietnam who to walk again. He went back to school.
8 to lfl p.m. Laker Inn. Redclt ffe Demby, who lost his legs in Vietnam, had to continue to fight He got a col lege degree in business man-
Band! I asked who thought he was handicapped. When he arrived home hi a wheel- agement.
He explained that he was not handi- chair, people asked him how he lost his I^Dupont was testing a new kind of plas-
S a ^ r ^ y , MflrcliW capped; he was disABLEd. He said that legs. At first, he proudly told them Viet- tic for artificial limbs. They asked Demby
Shuttles to Mall. people should not judge others because nam. He felt that he had something to be to test tbem out while on the basketball
8 p*in. ZuruRecital Hall. Movieg of a disability. proud of. His country called on him, and court He got another chance to live his
f Raising Cane|§ He had not been selected for a job be answered without hesitation. dream. A dream that died the day he lost
because of his disability. He was sitting Soon that pride turned into shame when his legs in Vietnam.
Monday, March|29 in an interview that was going well. The people began to look at him strangely
8:30 p.m.fGovernment Chamf interviewer told Demby that he was qual i-1
bers. MSG Meeting.

Tuesday, March 30|

fled for the job. Demby thought that it
was important that the interviewer knew
that he had a disability. The interviewer's
Board approvesftuitionjhike
8:15 p.iu. Government Cham- face changed, a nd Demby did not get the At the February 18 meeting, the Mercyhurst College Board of Trustees approved a 5.5
bers. MSG Candidate!Speeches! job. percent tuition increase, or $485, for 1993-94. This tuition increase, along with a three
While in school, Demby had dreams of percent increase, or $107, for room and board, and a $50 increase in the building
Wednesday, March 31 becoming a professional basketball assessment fee, represent the lowest annual percentage increase in direct costs at
8 p.rn. Weber Little Theater. D l player. He went to his guidance counse- Mercyhurst College inthe past twenty years. Since the early 1970's, Mercyhurst annual
versify Yourself,?One Love, Dif- lor for advice. She told him that all ball tuition increases have averaged 8.5 percent, ranging from a low of 6.4 percent in 1992-
ferent Forms." players needed a college education to 93 to a high of 15.1 percent in 1982-83. ;
play. Since he was not college material, Mercyhurst College*s tuition remains about average for private colleges in Pennsylva-
Thursday, April 1 he was told to give that dream up. nia. The national average for tuition increases in 1993-94 is expected to be in the 6.5 to
8 p.m.: Great ^Room, Student After graduation, he went to work in a seven percent ra nge. Even though the Mercyhurst tuition increase is being held below the
Union. Diversify Yourself, "Spirit factory. He worked there until the gov- national average, the College will add another $250,000 to the financial aid budget, so
of the 6 0 V f ernment sent him to Vietnam. His will to that nearly $3.5 million of college financial aid will be available to students in 1993-94.
live became the desire to go home and The 1993-94 costs for full-time students will be:
Friday, April 2 play basketball again.
9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Student Union. When he was driving a truck, he was Tuition ..I,... * $9,275
Beach Party Dance. hit with a rocket that took off both his Room and Board $3,650
legs below the knees. His dreams of ever Building Assessment Fee $404
playing basketball again died in that Registration Fee ($20 per term) $60
accident Student Government Fee, $99*
While recovering in a hospital, Demby
began to feel sorry for himself. He went Total • » ~ $13,488
PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD $ \ * March 25^,1950

muammmmm i mm §m mmmmm IMMI I

Exhibit set in Erie stone
By Richard Shelton
justice group
The exhibit area is approxi- will be constructing a 70-foot long
Merciad StaffReporter mately 15,000 square feet. Sur- time-line on a dividing wa 11, which
rounding the creatures will be in-
A fascinating dinosaur exhibit formation about the lives of the
is coming to Erie this summer at dinosaurs and how they related to
depicts how the dinosaurs
evolved. Animals and Ggures will
be painted onto the wall. Second,
travels I to
the JMC Ice Skating Arena at W. zoo animals.
38 and Cherry Streets. " The main priority of the ex-
The project, called Dinamation, perts working on the Dinamation
at the exit of the exhibit, the An-
thropology Department will have
a special site where people can
Kansas City
is being organized by the Erie exhibit is to work in conjunction experience their own archeologi- By Sherrie Mishrell
Zoological Society and the with the schools in the commu- cal dig and examine fossils. Merciad Contributing Writer"
Mercyhurst Department of An- nity," said Dr. Dirkmaat "We hope Dinamation will be
thropology. It runs May 3 through 'There has been a great interest of interest to the Erie publ ic," said Alpha Phi Sigma, National
August 7. in dinosaurs for the past few years Dr. Dirkmaat Criminal Justice Honor Society,
"Dinamation is an exhibit of and we hope to get the school kids "We will also be giving lectures attended the Academy of Crimi-
life-like dinosaurs that move, roar in to get a feeling of what it was on dinosaurs during the summer nal Justice Sciences 1993 annual
and even feel like real dinosaurs. like;during that period in time. at Mercy hurst Our ma in problem meeting in Kansas City, MO on
They represent the latest paleon- Having said that, Dinamation is is finding enough artists to paint March 15 through 18. The theme
tological research available. This not purely educational and we the 70 foot wall. of the conference was "Class,
collection of dinosaurs is the most hope to see many adults attending "We are looking for anyone with Race, and Gender." The students
unique and longest running ex- the exhibit," he said. artistic ability to paint the wall in attended numerous panel discus-
hibit in the country," said Dr. The Anthropology Department their spare time. If anyone is in- sions on topics such as "Women
Dennis Dirkmaat, who is heavily -will be involved with the exhibit terested they should call me on and Prisons," 'Theory in Crime
involved in the project in two specific ways. First, they ext 2105," said Dr. Dirkmaat. and Punishment," "Legal Issues
Facing the Police," "Sentencing

w a n t s a lock u p
Patterns in Corrections" and "Se-
rial Murder in America." While
in Missouri, the group toured
Leavenworth, the U.S. Peniten-
tiary. Leavenworth is the oldest
Mercyhurst College enjoys the sonable care to protect the prop- "We are our brothers'/sisters' from offices and siorage rooms in prison in the federal system. The
reputation ofbeing a safe place to erty" is questionable. keepers," he said. "Let's look out the music wing were recovered aprison is of high security and has
go to school. Compared to other The security sta ff tries to cover for each other's property and incl ud ing the prior mentioned bass I population of approximately
colleges in northern Pennsylva- all bases, but Dever said there is safety.* Report strangers in or guitar, compact disc players, ra- 2,000 inma tes, incl ud ing approxi-
nia, students have a feeling of no way that they can be every- around living quarters, offices and dios, tapes, etc. mately 250 Cuban detainees.
being safe, fwith their property where, nor can they know who educational facilities. Security All of the recovered property, Alpha Phi Sigma's National
and their persons. belongs in an apartment, and who will check them out" with the exception of a few items, Meeting was held concurrently
Generally this is warranted, but does not. Security has cleared up several has been returned to its rightful with the ACJS Meeting. During
there is still a factor that causes a Once property is removed from burglaries of offices in Zurn Hall. owner, Dever said. the meetings, national outstand-
lot of concern to Bud Dever, di- campus, security must depend on It has identified a neighborhood Dever would like to express his ing chapter awards were pre-
rector of security. This factor is the cooperation of the Erie Police youth and four of his friends who personal thanks to the adminis- sented* Mercyhurst's chapter re-
the apparent disregard in protect- Bureau to follow up on names of had stolen keys from openjof- tration of Mercyhurst Prep who ceived the "Outstanding Scrap-
ing one's own property. suspects. This becomes a hassle fices. assisted his office in the investi- book Award. "This award is given
Just a week or two before the when "non-students" are in- All are juveniles, so no names gation and recovery of the stolen to the chapter, who demonstrates
spring break, there were several volved, Dever said. 'The police can be released. property. leadership and service to the com-
instances where a student's prop- are not interested hi small thefts A large quantity of items stolen munity, i
erty was stolen from unlocked of the type we incur. This means
apartments or storage rooms on that if the student cannot recover
campus. Dever said most of the a loss .from the homeowner's
cases involved students leaving policy of his/her parents — they
their doors unlocked, resulting in are out of luck for restitution." By Anne L. McNelis next year. Spinks mentioned some cert will go on sale beginning
somebody entering and remov- Dever would like to see every- A&E and Features Editor of the financial problems the club Monday, March 29 from 4 p.m.
ing among other things: an ex- one make an effort, take a little is likely to face, most notably, until 6 p.m. every day in the Union.
pensive coat, bottles of cologne, a time, and lock up their personal The Mercyhurst Student Gov- obtaining equipment for ex cur- Tickets for the concert, which is
small amount of cash, a walkman, belongings, their apartments, their ernment (MSG) meeting on Mon- sions. He has looked into several Friday, April -30, cost $9 for
and in a very strange case, bags of vehicles and even college prop- day, March 22 opened with a dis- different possibil ities for pu re ha s- Mercyhurst students and $15 for
food placed outside in the snow to erty after use. This could cut the cussion of the possibility of start- non-students.
ing or renting equipment from a
keep them cold while a refrigera- incidents of theft to a bare mini- Mark Korcinsky brought up
ing a rape support group for mem- number of different places. He is
tor was defrosted. mum, according to Dever. plans for Earth Day. MSG and
bers of the Mercyhurst commu- still looking for a solution to this
The most expensive loss was a Dever takes each theft person- nity. problem. Any suggestions can be SAC will be sponsoring collec-
bass guitar which was stolen from ally. He tries his hardest to iden- The idea was presented by se- tion of used tires, newspapers and
made to Spinks or to Dr. Diaz of
an unlocked room used for the tify the thief and recover the sto- nior Dara DcDad, who requested magazines. The materials will be
the Physics Department
storage of musical equipment. len goods. Mercyhurst has a re- inputfrommembers of MSG con- collected every Saturday through-
The next issue was the approval
This could have been a loss of covery rate of about 30 percent. cerning the way the group should out i April from 9 a.m. until 12
of the Mercyhurst chapter of Na-
nearly $1,200, but Dever said se- This is much lower than the na- be structured. DcDad said the p.m. A certain amount of money
tional average of 20 percent. Even tional Organization for the Re-
curity has since recovered the in- group may be formed as a satel- form of Marijuana Laws will be earned for each tire and
strument which was taken by a though Mercyhurst has a better lite of the Erie Rape Crisis Cen- each ton of newspaper and maga-
average, Dever finds no consola- (NORML). MSG representatives
non-student ter. Student Union Director Cass had the opportunity to ask ques- zine collected, Korcinsky sa id the
Had the guitar not been recov- tion in it because "statistics don't Shimek pointed out that "We have money raised would be given to
ease the pain of the loss." tions about the group's constitu-
ered, Dever said it may not have a rape crisis advocacy group," tion, which had been presented at the MSG general fund or to the
been covered by the student's in- ['Deverwants everyone involved made up of 12 faculty members Recycling Committee's fund.
in "locking up." a previous meeting. After a few
surance company because "rca- who were trained by Erie Rape minutes of discussion, a motion 'Korcinsky also mentioned the
Crisis last Spring Break. Shimek was made to take the vote in the upcoming Rcdcl iffconcert, which
was in favor of starting a support form of a silent bal lot. The ballot is this Friday, March 26 at 8 p.m.
: Attention juniors and seniors! group; the advocacy group's pur-
pose is to be the "first contact" for
resulted in approval of the
NORML chapter. 1
in the Union and the Shuttles to
the Mall scheduled for Saturday,
» If you arc a jimiofwho is planning to graduate in 1994 or if you are a senior March 27, leaving Baldwin at 1
rape victims. After much discus- President John Bruno then
• who expects to graduate in May and who has not yet successfully completed
sion and input, it was established brought up the need for a commit- p.m.
• the writing proficiency requirement for graduation, you must make arrange-
that the group would be similar to tee to "evaluate how (the Free- The next MSG meeting is sched-,^
• mcnts to do so as soon as possible. Test dates|
Alcoloholics Anonymous. dom Zone has) gone this year." uled for Monday, March 29 at
• iTIiuciday, April 15from3 to 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 17 front 9 a.m|to 12 rwn*§ § i Following the discussion about Some of the representatives 8:30 p.m. in the government

• Students should report to the lobby ofZt},m at least 15 minutes before the exam the rape support group, Brian present volunteered to participate chambers in the Student Union.
Spinks presented more informa- in the committee. All MSG meetings are open to the
• jsschechiied tobegin. Ifyou need mformation ,cotttactHeidi Hosey at ext 2336
tion about the proposal for a wil- Treasurer Hea ther Heid sa id tha t Mercyhurst community.
You must complete this requiiemeigh ordertoreceive your degree.
derness club, which would begin tickets for the Blues Traveler con-
March 251*1993 t * *



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Bx>-SS:S::v::: : : : : ! :::::
iMon fcxv.v.:

Dear Editor.
RycM seeks solutions trolled cityjof Tuzla. The truck As my heart pounded and my
Yieah whatever ?

convoy was supposed to be for stomach churned, my mind tried

A four-year-old boy was killed the wounded but hundreds o f refu- to comprehend what I'd read. I
in a bomb blast in London. A gees clamored aboard in despera- didn't get very far. How? Why? By Joseph Legler I
nine-year-old Palestinian boy was tion anyway. I wanted and needed someone to Editor in Chief
shot in the stomach by Israeli sol- I buy the Erie Daily Times ev- talk with. How can this be? I
diers in the Gaza Strip. Hundreds ery Sunday. This Sunday I didn't wanted to ask someone — some- lAs} write this, my bead is 1
of others were also wounded. get passed page 3 A, where I came one with an answer. Why does throbbing, my throat is so sore it
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, more upon these three stories about the this happen? Do the Irish really hurts to swallow, my eyes arc
than 600 people were transported British and Irish, Palestinians and hate the British? watering, my nose is running,
by truck to the government con- Israelis, and the Serbs and Bosnia. Then I thought, how can I help? my entire body is drained and I
What can I do? These are the basically feel the worst I have in
same questions I asked myself years. I call this the super cold
'.V.* •V«"v»- .'.*>.< last week as I read about murder from hell, which is a generous
• W i V i Csv
and rape in Bosnia. term. Pm making you aware of I

f^ m
I'll probably ask myself these
same questions next week as I flip
this in case I die before 11 .iish this column; you will at least know
why it is incomplete.
•>x r«v through the newspaper. Would you like to have youi neighbors come into your home while
r.v ft

M I'm looking for some answers. you were away without asking your permission? Would you like to
fess rv ^ \ <tN_

tss ( W ss
Does anyone out there have any? have them play with your expensive "toys" without permission?
« «

Would you like them to leave a mess all over the place? How would
tm JSS*
Mia tl-Rycki you like to come home and find this out? How would you feel?
SS.5SSK £&
E ^ • * 8

i The reason I ask is because this is exactly what happened to me this

past Monday. After four days away from Erie and Mercyhurst (in the
Big Apple), I came back to The Merciad to find out that a large

i •»•..?

number of the Freedom Zone staff members used this facility's
SV-SVi wmmm
mSP* computers and equipment to produce some (if not all) of their
SSffi m K*S£ •.•;•.

upcoming paper.
m untilM «•*»:
m m


'_• • i , . V

I don't think anyone would be happy finding this out I was irate
to say the least.
•SV '.•-•--
nnfc m
-Start talking out problems- I was told from a very reliable source that several members of the
Mv m&gza
SixMiii :•:•;• s&sss
N? (209 MAIN ?
Freedom Zone did this. Among the people trespassing in The
Merciad was MSG President John Bruno.
fmsm mm :•:•:•
John and I get along fairly well, so I didn't want to declare him
guilty" until I talked to him. He came to the offices on Tuesday to
Mercy hurst ColHi^W£®w®ffi (4
. . . . I .

mW&mZ A PERSONAL TOUCH return something he borrowed and I asked him if he and the
WTffl REAL LIFE CONCERN Freedom Zone staff were here over the weekend. He told me they
Send themio your were, and that Tate Davidson, the current editor of the Freedom
w> W?MgwMmwMm&M RELATIONSHIP ISSUES Zone, asked security to let him in. Davidson then let members of his
falmily. ^etlt|en|kn|)w SsSssS 8SS5S •: >v SUICIDE * staff in.
SEXUAL/PHYSICAL ABUSE When I talked to Davidson, he said he did have security let him in
Yol dil it! DEPRESSION and was under the impression that being on The Merciad staff
-::>^SSi::: *$ SELF ESTEEM allowed him access to the computers anytime. Wrong! Even if it did,
A l « l # s must hi s^@S£
he hasn't done anything for The Merciad in weeks. I'm not sure
whether he is still on the staff.
PREGNANCY 1 Using security doesn't excuse Mr. Bruno and Davidsonfromtheir
iSS^SP^^^B^i > ^ ^ ^ R i gSmMgfmm:^
ss^ a act*Bruno, especially as MSG president, should know that this
tlBCoHiei Bookstore!mmmm _._*_»•_._•

:,••• action was wrong — down right offensive. Yet, he did it anyway.
*s %•:• TO ARRANGE FOR AN APPOINT- Oh, by the way, one of my editors has told me that $200 turned up
MENT CALL EXT 2555 OR STOP missingfromher desk. It was there when she left for New York and
BY 209 MAIN now it's gone... poof, vanished! Nobody else saw it, but I think we
should all take her word for it Oh yeah, now that I think of it, I had
$5,000 in my desk drawer and now it too is gone. Could you even
The Merciad imagine? Can I get MSG to reimburse us for our losses? See Anne
McNelis's column on page 4 to interpret this paragraph.
Mercyhurst College's First Class newspaper as rated by the Associated Collegiate Press Anyway back to the incident .1 called security and I was told that
they have no record of letting'anyone into The Merciad. This
Vol. 66 No. 18 March 25,1993 means: A) Security simply forgot to write it down, B) Somebody
Joseph Legler Editor in Chief John Danknichl AssL Sports Editor that shouldn't have a key has a key, C) Security was under ihe
Jule Gardner News Editor Michelle Ryan Copy Editor impression that anybody who is or was on The Merciad staff has
Anne McNeils A&E/Features Editor access to the office at all times or D) Everyone is lying.
Yvonne Maher Advertising Manager The Merciad computers had Freedom Zone files all over their
Craig Rybczynski Sports Editor Timothy Moriarty Faculty Advisor hard drives, which a re now dumped—so I hope you boys don't need
it for anything.
Merciad Staff This was a major insult, and quite possibly illegal. This type of
Dave McQuillen Mary Medure Susan Lee Eback Mia U-Rycki action tells me everything about the individuals who perpetrated it
It tells me they are rude, unthougbtful, disrespectful, impulsive and
Megan Circle Erin Hauber Monica Sertik Elizabeth Johnson a few other adjectives I can't list here.
Jennifer Trinidad Tonie Bolan Nick Krayger Keith Courson Maybe they have been doing this all year, and I only found out now.
Leon Mum ford David Kosobucki Katie Johnson Jay Kennedy The fact is they did it How would members of MSG (which to my
RichShelton Beth Nichols- Nicole Geraci Heather Ryan understanding is the normal location,for the production of the
John ShanahanN David Rumsey John Furlong Suzanne Coneglio Freedom Zone) like me to take my entire staff over to their offices
and use their computers to produce The Merciad? I think their
Liam Barron Steph Szabo Beth Haas Tiffanie Williams members would be furious.
Stephanie Wainright Karen Trapolsi Grace Bruno Jay Fitchpatrick These computers aren't for random use by anybody, 1 have lost a
lot of respect for the entire staff of the Freedom Zone.
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161, 1 have since instructed security not to let anyone into The Merciad
501 E. 38th St., Erie, Pa., 16546. Phone 824-2376_ that isn't on a list that I provided for them. 1 am also planning on
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. having the locks changed.
I guess you gentlemen will have to use some other club's comput-
ers while they are away. I hear the business club will be going out
The Merciad's editorial opinion is determined by the Editorial Board with the of town some time soon.,.
Editor holding final responsibility. The opinions expressed in The Merciad are My super cold from hell has regenerated into a major threat to my
not necessarily those of The Merciad, its staff or Mercyhurst College. physical well being. I think 1 am going to take a friend's advice and
go see the nurse. Bye.
THE MERCIAD M a r c h 25,|1993

Everything On

fc£¥£rf PI mzmm -—^—^^^»—^—

[By Yvonne Mafauer; i t i B s Bui WSom^s we had

\IM JH Hi il ^%^^J^ m HMH lip &: « . B I B ? pleaseM Of cofrse^i __ __ -

M CO mo im»ehf
that wǤ following morning w<|wondfcred

My Mind Sometimes vou wish to! b #

• ^ P l i ^ a mediocre|second
|be$t to your dream- Howeveip
c o i p ^ i f H B * f i # t f | #>w those w«
|aWes|wpdjofnie|t<^bofe^^ K w ^ t h s i w h e n ^ ^ ^
wmmsmmm WMtZzm

the coup gffl^i oppoftunify had blen

Expectations were fulfilledt<§ agelo haf a c£bfThaf s ^ I I I L mammmm^ ___
By Anne L. McNelis IPabulgnls when ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m
A&E and Features Editor executes went|ru<li CM at loir rco^HiPW a* Into our
J@!^WS8& tyfr ^3SS82 £w>:£
bit ^ M i d to a prestcon|en| ^ n ^ p d e d by pev<|y ffce pr$vg Mbeidid outHH ~ F^mir - A-

We at the Merciad devote our fair share of time to pointing out tton in b e BIO APPLE! Gu$n|ght On pr w&sassit siifeway|o China Town where wc
the shortcomings of other groups on campus—sports teams, the t .jftne-hatir trip
housing department, administration and MSGamong others. Lately, it,#itheveryone pourlag o^ci iBrcl^^World i f ade CenteMwe Alsoiavailable wm- :«%:•:•:

MSG seems to have been victim of a good deal of criticism; I've ^ i V ^ S l S ^ d K i i t f ^ ^ W &e xna bootleg ffideo tapes of the aii&t
heard a lot of it here at the Merciad as well as from a number of other
people. First there was the trouble about the band MSG booked for
this year's concert, Blues Traveler. Have you heard the most recent _aiwe hid taSn ilk take||y# b e c a u ^ w e ^ r c ^ p t as greeips
one, though? thUwrong routelatjid that our t | i j » | m
I MSG President John Bruno had a large amount of money in his was going to take
office and $90 of it was stolen. He went to our representatives and ipHted. Did welliiNoiiitbe ||ib would p^tobl^
asked them to reimburse him with MSG funds. When I heard about
this, I thought it sounded a little bit ridiculous, but itgot worse—the l i g l ^ i i c k i a i i a c k s and-:treats for IJbe
reps voted to give him the money! I couldn't believe it; I could
understand if $90 of MSG money had been stolen, but this money
was for the trip to Florida that Bruno organized. ffi^Si^liiiind%e|^i^i)^li^$tevMiilittotliii: hottlwbercweloadcduplhevahi
t0 roake e
My problem isn't with $90; my problem is with the MSG repre- ^^m^M^ ft W « p v e « ^ o f n # l n | P e d p H ^ ; | p ^ r e ^ e r theT|tpUlg|$i drove
sentatives. If I were a member of MSG, I would not have voted to '"
appeat^h81^eii^< M ^ >ir||il lllhforS^^ ; i » t o | h e s«iog. Withg:an h ^ WW::

give Bruno the money, neither would most of the other people I have ; I waspfted fr^lthipco-pilot^s accenritel M K W havl • H H M M M W I fflmMm :
talked to. If most other people feel that Bruno should not have gotten iv
ecteq^us to 1 canitil * ^ h a t ^ i o t !
Ksi &>»S
jRf ovpn|hfjr arguing about the
the money, it seems to me that the Mercyhurst student body is not Buffalo 4»<ivvai relegaied to th^ ^ ^ ^^ bes&ute back. This t i m ^ ^ ,
being properly represented by the people we have elected. second a i^l€^or holmen ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y k ^ who put us on the
I've been to MSG meetings, I've seen how the representatives *
J fc
* * . • . . - - * • - •
^ghMJck|hom4and Ed drill
• . ^ - * . - • • •

"work." Some of them actuall y do take their responsibility seriously own fault anyway : ^Mjlting a 3SSS3! hfcla l # o u ^ f hill and gotp^g
and make an effort to ask questions in the meetings; to be informed ns Mercyhurst Inleconitime. ft|

• • • a f t * 4%
before they make any decisions. However, these seem to be more the Setv^M^gbt. :
and|I amused ourselves by slBtn-

exception than the rule. Most others attend the meetings, although Anyway we arrived ii{||p ing tbe^flashllghtii^o t h e c a l m
I can't quitefigureout why, because they don't do anything. They i|;&:a4n«$wi drivers |jf cars that we we|e pass^
sit at the meetings, not listening to what anyone else has to say, seal pulling oufalllhe stopspiW i^t<^h|ig) ^ d f i e ^ ^ f c
whether the speaker is a member or representing a group—they
stare off into space, play with their hair, do anything to pass the time. iinlHpligJjiPe gesips, fflimi p||^a te cop cars and la ughe
They vote the same way as the people sitting closest to them, and m c # s | swishing W®0 «•• W a l l f f t r hours. Yeah Right!
they're just waiting for someone to make a motion to adjourn the I M S did it |MW.:^ IM^slpiiemorabie momenis pd|
meeting so they can go home and wash their hair or watch TV. jgei inu^ihe^hotel wiSopwilugl comm^ts|w^|:
Before I sat down to write this column, I went to talk to MSG Vice- e so thatwe could attettd some ^ c | i G e t aM||ipf| ......1:::
President Nick Roberts so that I would be sure to get another side to | >Sw??x^»iiiSivii
a ^ i j 0 | i p r e ^ h p ^ ^ e being CraigfHow mueffibr die c h p | I
this story. I expected Roberts to give me the run-around—he's been !»i

Pi: hotel a « Ivant toptakeilnlibl I t p l s like

involved with MSG for a few years now, so he knows how to play ffi&% ^Moiiiihierry Ifiti j a sma!| furrypreature||
the game. And he did run me around a 1 ittle bit, but I was surprised lajtespii^ngltip foipiMirsS« ie: Whlftsihe tore o ^ ^
to find that he was also pretty honest with me. I explained my ;m<|«ibr<^M«^tehls, aj»d T h e Merciad crewin the road
Not ^o|get the ball^
concerns and he said that he has heard from some others who feel the : ;wg-
l o h i ^ i going h ^ M ^>8 ^^S ^ ^ J )
;a»g * woufiipl " P l ^ ^ ^ M v ^ ^ S
same way. He also said this issue was heavily debated and when the e MP^I-tM-apoolttied timer smoke p a kes me nausepis|f
^m mmM F • •• ••• •::>:->.:x-x-:::

vote was taken, it resulted in the exact number necessary for a 5V^!i:'o H lecture| ^e|e |>f Michelle!I never knlwf
majority. |eiii/ance|kins. I at- rable | I A s we wmk to meet ib<|d could look so good the s|c-
Roberts said that if people are concerned only because this seems ^ ^ cfci^fctlsing jjphose apartment was oiid time around.
to be a waste of money, they have a lot more to be concerned about and a|othcf on resume writing c o i ^ i # | l < | # d oyer a Chf Jule: Joe, can we go tot
because "there's been a lot more wasted (by MSG) than $90." For Intervilwr
If Iteseftakeloutt fWe grabbed a lvfoonal(|s? Answer: NO!;H|
example, 200 t-shirts were purchased*for Winter Activities, of thfip^her Jibctures attended over couple ofcases ofCoke and hailed .„ Wtpull this wjllf get blue sltfj
which 40 were sold. He said this was a "little mishap...student dielwo day period mciude<|prob~ yctfanother native Brooklyner, on my hand?;
government could reimburse that." Roberts pointed out that if lc|ns with libel, ethical decisions SantoJ Now here*s a guylyou Anne: Jule, get down, there's
people are not pleased with MSG, they are more than welcome to fcditoirs must make, and dealing want|td take home to|Mom| | detruck!" Most c^utmonly use|
come to the meetings, to speak up, to help out with advisors and administrators. donU think I laughed as much in quote was: "Would you like t
While the days belonged to aca- such a short space in my life. This lick my cheesy Danish^
But no one does. We all seem to be pretty content with our
demics, the nights were ours; and cabby did not believe in lanes or The _MercJadL staff tha
individual niche here at Mercyworld and unwilling to move out of
it, even if it might make things a little better. Only seven people boy didwe abuse them! The first blinkers; the streets were his|
night we met with two Mercyhurst After Kevy-boy's bash wefwent Mercyhurst for allowing us
signed up to run for next year's Executive-Board.^That's sad, opportunity to experience the rea
especially because participation in student government looks good i i l l | Kevin McHugh '92 and to his local, McSwiggans, where
Joe Devoy *92> now working in closing time is a myth. At around New York and for the chance t
on a resume, along with the fact that Executive Board positions offer serve the Mercyhurst communit
scholarships. So it might not be the easiest job in the world, but you New' York, We decided to go to a 6:30 a.m.|we decided for once
notable eatery and play Yatzee or that night that our beds were more in a better way through alllth
might like it or (gasp!) learn something. knowledge acquired at the setnl-j
Monopoly, NOT! Instead we de- inviting than a pitcher of amber
It's pretty damn easy to sit around and whine about how bad things cided that a strobe light in the tiquid refreshment and braved the nars.
are around here, especially if we're only going to do it among our building next door looked entic* elements to hail yet another cab|
friends. We have the ability to change things, but I really don't think ing, and we were sucked in by an Right outside the door, we jumped
anybody cares enough to make the effort. It's called apathy—I've unidentified vacuum. On imme- into the cab to meet Ben who
talked about it before in this column and I continue to see it almost diate entry of the establishment, informed us that we were the first
everywhere I turn. I see it at MSG meetings, I see it in my friends, jail doors systinaticaliy locked passengers in his brand spanking
I see it in people I don't know very well, I see it here at the Merciad.
So if you don't think MSG is being run properly, DO something and would not reopen until the gleaming new cab. He also fold
about it—go to a meeting (they're every Monday night at 8:30 p.m. time lock kicked in at 4 a.m.! Ha! us that we could get a £r£e ride
in the Government Chambers), write a letter, call the office, tell Wc cried into our pops and anywhere in the city. Well|atthis
your representative. This year, when you get the ballot for next munched on some popcorn If or stage the only ones still up for
year's offices, think (it's not that hard) before you circle the names | about five seconds until the beer 42nd street, where hookers and
of the best-looking candidates—these people may be faced with started flowing! The rest I leave cocaine were available, were
The Big Apple ..Jp.S. You
some pretty important decisions! How much will their looks help? up to your imagination. struck by an evangelical beam
The following day was Ipent at that forced them to utter|he words had ti bMherek
(March 25,1993
X-:«V •»*••*- MER€IAD PAGE 5

The Back Row Campus Profile: Albert Glinsky

By Megan Circle
By John Danknich Merciad Staff Reporter
Merciad Movie Critic M

For those of you who believe

Well, it's that time of the year that the music instructors here at
again. The time of the year when Mercy hurst do nothing but teach,
all of Hollywood becomes anx- f ' " ^ you are sorely mistaken. Yes, it's

ious because the Academy true that,Dr. Albert, Glinsky

Awards are only four days away. <m teaches .music in the D'Angelo
Of course, as I did last year,-1 m School of Music, but this is just
will attempt to divine this year's one of the many accomplishments
winners. As you may or may not m
of Glinsky.|
know, I predicted five out of the 7&
i ^His official title is Composer-
six major categories correctly. Let's see Siskel and Ebert do that! In-Residence and also Associate
Before I get into the nominations a nd my predictions. I wouldonce Professor of Music here at
again like to remind all of my readers that I do not see everyfilmthat Mercyhurst. He has been teachr
is released to the general public. So, my opinions on movies that I ing at Mercyhurst for six years, has been premiered by such per- 'denza. The second was written
haven't seen are based on the reactions of other critics and the and has just recently obtained his forming groups as the boys' Choir for Glinsky's two-year-old-son,
public. Oh, one more thing, if you haven't seen The Crying Game doctorate from New York Uni- of Harlem and the Zurich Cham- and is entitled "Fantasy in Noc-
and don't want to know the secret, ignore the Best Supporting Actor versity. He also directs the Visit- ber Orchestra. His works have turne (Luka's Lullaby)." Glinsky
and Actress categories. ing ArtisUSeries, which brings also been presented at the Lex- said that while composing this
Let's start out with Best Supporting Actor. The nominees are: Jaye well-known musicians to ington and Wilkes-Barre Ballets, part, "I thought of my son, asleep
Davidson (The Crying Game); Gene Hackman (Unforgiven); Jack Mercyhurst to perform]recitals the Merce Cunningham Dance in his room, and reflected on the
Nicholson (A Few Good Men); Al Pacino (Glengarry Glen Ross); and in-depth workshops in their Theatre, the Marin Ballet and at idea that be might be dreaming to
David Paymer (Mr. Saturday Night). This should be a tight race. particular field of expertise. universities around the country. the background of this melody as
If you saw The Crying Game, then you know all about Davidson's Glinsky was born in New York iMost recently, however, is his I played it." The third movement
performance. Both Nicholson and Pacino always have to be consid- City and was studying the violin composition of Albert Glinsky's is very "fast and exciting."
ered favorites, but this is^Hackman's year. His performance in by the age of 5 1/2. By age 11, he Piano Concerto No. 1. This work Due to the bad weather condi-
Unforgiven was outstanding, and he is as close to a sure thing as had realized^that he wanted to was performed at the Erie Phil- tions on March 13, Glinsky's con-
there is this year. become a composer. Hisfirstcom- harmonic on March IB during the certo will be performed again on
Next up is Best Supporting Actress. The nominees are: Judy position was published in his sev- "GreatBlizzard."Despite the fact Saturday, April 17 at the Warner
Davis (Husbands and Wives); Joan Plowright (Enchanted April); enth-grade yearbook, and was that only about 200 people were Theater. Student tickets are $7. A
Vanessa Redgrave (Howards.End); Miranda Richardson (Dam- entitled 'Titanic: A Night to Re- able to make the concert because few weeks after the show,: the
age); Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny). This is difficult for me member." of the, weather conditions, the performance will be broadcast on
because I know very little about Davis, Plowright or Richardson. As an adult, his music has been concert was said to be marvelous. WQLN. For those who miss both
However, I thought Redgrave made thefirsthalf of Howards End. performed in the Aspen Music The Erie Daily Times said that it shows, however, you can still hear
Also, Tomei was hilarious as Joe Pesci's girlfriend. Redgrave is still Festival, Lincoln Center, was "a wonderful piece. Master- Glinsky's work by picking up a
not in good graces with the Academy over her anti-Zionist speech Kennedy Center, England, fully performed." copy of the CD that he is featured
France, Belgium, Germany, Swit- There are three movements to on, due out in August of this year.
several years ago. So, if I had a vote, I would probably be for Tomei.
Before last year's Oscars, most people knew who was going to win zerla nd and the Far East His work the piece. The first is a big ca-
Best Director. This year is very much the same. The nominees a re:
Robert Altman (The Player); Martin Brest (Scent of a Woman);
Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven); James Ivory (Howards End); Neil
Jordan (The Crying Game). Altman received a lot of acclaim for
Voice icom approaches
The Player, but because the film was not nominated for Best The D'Angelo School of Mu-
Picture, his chances are slim. Eastwood has racked up many pre- sic, Mercyhurst College, is proud
Oscar directing awards and is the clear favorite. Jordan or Ivory to present the 17th Annual
could sneak in, but I expect Eastwood to take home the Oscar. D'Angelo Young Artist Compe-
Now, we come to the major categories. The nominees for Best tition in Voice. A total of $20,000
Actress are: Catherine Deneuve (Indochine); Mary McDonnell in prize money will be awarded,
(Passion Fish); Michelle Pfeiffer (Love Field); Susan Sarandon including $10,000 for first prize,
(Lorenzo's Oil); Emma Thompson (Howards End). This is a two- $5,000 forlsecond prize^and
woman race. Most critics didn't like Love Field, so Pfeiffer's $3,000 for third prize. I
One hundred and eight formal Evelyn Lear Franco Corelli
chances are very slim. Both Indochine and Passion Fish were not
[^widely released, making it difficult for Deneuve and McDonnell. typed applications were received, w: ;*:
of which 35 vocalists will travel
§SS8®: '>&S
Isarandon will get votes from people who thought she should have
gwon for Thelma and Louise last year. However, Thompson has to Erie to compete. Some of the JOIN
racked up numerous pre-Oscar awards and should win easily. world's greatest performers in the
field of voice will judge the com-
Unlike last year, picking the Best Actor should prove to be very THE THIRD ANNUAL UNITED COLLEGIATE
petition, including renowned Ital-
difficult for both theAcademy and myself. The nominees are: I ilVING ORGAN DONOR CAMPAIGN
ian soprano Renata Scot to, Ital-
Robert Downey Jr. (Chaplin); Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven); AJ
ian tenor Franco Corelli, Ameri-
Pacino (Scent of a Woman); Stephen Rea (The Crying Game);
can soprano Evelyn Lear, soprano APRIL 19 TO APRIL 23
Denzel Washington (Malcolm X). You can throw out Downey right
Judith Blegen, and vocal coach
away, most critics panned Chaplin badly. Rea deserved his nomi-
and pianist John Wustman, who
nation, but the odds are really against him this year. Since Eastwood YOUICAN GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE & SIGHjT
is accompanist for Luciano
will probably win Best Director, it may be difficult to win both. As
much as I think Washington really deserves to win, history is on Pavarotti. M I ISIGN A DONOR CARD TODAY
Pacino's side. Not only is he double-nominated, but no one has ever The preliminaries begin Thurs-
earned eight Oscar nominations and not won. Pacino's the man. day, April 1 from 10:30 a.m. to 10 Sponsored by AlphafPhi Omega at|Edinboro
p.m. at the Zurn Recital Hall. The
Finally, we come to the category you've all been waiting for. The
preliminaries will continue Fri-
nominees for Best Picture are: The Crying Game; A Few Good
day, April 2 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 Beta Beta Beta at Gannon and
Men; Howards End; Scent of a Woman; Unforgiven. While I am
p.m.. The semifinals will begin
1 overjoyed that The Crying Game received a nomination,I wouldn't
Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7:30
count on it winning. A Few Good Men might have made too much
money to be considered. Even though Scent of a Woman did win
to 10 p.m. The preliminaries and Tau Kappa Epsilon at Penn State-Ben-
semifinals!a re free and open to
a Golden Globe, I believe that a Western will win for the second time
in three years. My vote goes to thefirsttruly psychological Western the public at the Zurn Recital Hall,
Mercyhurst College Campus. The Student Government Association at
I since High Noon. Unforgiven wins|in a squeaker over Howards
finals will take place on Saturday, Mercyhurst College
Well there you have it, my Academy Award predictions. We'll April 3 at 7 p.m. at Central High
find out if I am as accurate as I was last year when the winners are School Auditorium, 3325 Cherry
announced on Monday, March 29. If I get all six right, I m going to Street Tickets are free to the (In conjunction with the Greater Erie Eye &
ask for my own movie show on HTV. This is John Danknich signing Mercyhurst community. For tick- I | Organ Bank)
off from the back row. ets, call ext. 2364. I
11 March 25,1993
—mmm —m
mm± w.
w$&. w$mm

.•.•.•^.-.•.•-".-.-.•.•.•.'.s-.-.v.'.v.'.s-.'.-.'.'.'.v." : : x£#

Student discusses h o m o s e x u a l lifestyle 9

couple of years you are going to helped tofilla female void. "You
By Jule Gardner Ben believesjthat the greater have certain stereotypes about
Merciad News Editor population at Mercyhurst is fairly who a gay person is or what a gay be comfortable and if you're not, have certain feelings for people
understanding of the gay lifestyle person does." He explained that tliere is something wrong. The such as friendship and love. It's
"I'm not a homosexual student. although not many are openly gay. when a friend reveals him or her- longer you wait the harder it is to just that my experiences of attrac-
I am a student who happens to be He encourages people to be in- self to you or you find out later come out," he added. tion have not been for women;
homosexual," he said. Ben* is a volved with Gala 10. "It's a shame that someone you care about is a Ben's parents and siblings are everyone needs both sexes in their
member of Gala 10, a homosexual that a minority group does not gay person, you begin to have an aware that he is homosexual, al- lives, gay or straight Relation-
support group of Mercyhurst The have the self-interest to want to understanding that their sexuality though at first discussion was dif- ships do not have to be physical to
accepted statistic from which the relate to people in their own envi- does not make them any less valu- ficult "It was hardest telling my be rewarding," Ben said.
group's name is derived is star- ronment The attendance is so low able. dad because of the way he was When you talk with Ben about
tling to some; it suggests that if when I know it could be much Ben knew at an early age that he brought up," be said. Ben and his his homosexuality, the most no-
you have tenfriends,one of them higher." * was gay.-Hc also very candidly father suffered a rift in their rela- table characteristic you will find
is gay or has had a homosexual Coordinator of the group, Sister disclosed an abusive experience tionship for a few years. Now, is confidence. Later he adds that
encounter. Ben is one who leads Marlene Lehmkuhl, has done an he had. When he was 14 he was however, he has accepted it and sometimes he is trying to con-
this common lifestyle and agreed "amazing" job in trying to bring raped by a 22-year- old man. "He they are much closer. "He real- vince himself to disregard the in-
to discuss his experiences. I people to the group, according to wa s to ta 11 y forcing me to do things ized it wasn't a choice, that it was hibitions on the outskirts of his
"It's a restriction being in a Ben. "Her wisdom, understand- I did not want to do just because like being born straight or being mindset Still, you wouldn't know
smaller environment At a bigger ing and drive is inspiring. I hope he was able to. He had the upper born black. When he knew I this.unless you dug deeply into
school it's a lot ea sier to be who the group grows and I'm going to hand and abused it because I was wasn't just trying to make myself his psyche.
you are, no matter what you are," do all I can to help." naive," he said. The experience different we reached an under- "You control your own destiny.
he said. "Still, I'm here for an Ben said that sometimes people happened during a time when he standing." If you let yourself be open to
education, not to be gay." get a bad rep for being intolerant. was trying to reach out to and gain As for the women in his life, prejudice; ifyou let people know
To the people who really know "It's a shame that the homophobic awareness about others who felt Ben is vehement in defending his you have a weak spot they will
him, Ben is very comfortable with population gets all the credit. like he did. "It forced me to come relationships. "I don't like the walk all over you. If you have
his sexuality. He asserted that Homophobic people ^are more out. I was traumatized and I had association that gay men are only enough pride in yourself to not let
every person he has told has been likely to speak up. It's easier to to talk to my family andfriends.I interested in men. At least in my peopledo that, they won't That is
very tolerant, especial ly his room- say Tags are gross' than to say, had to tell them how the situation case that is not how it is. Every- why I've had positive experiences
mates. "Friendship comes to a 'My best friend is gay' or i ' m came about" thing is not a conquest" Women at Mercyhurst with being gay,"
certain point and if you are going gay.'" He said that although the rape like his mother, grandmother and he sa id.
to have a real relationship, people Yet, snide remarks and lack of was psychologically damaging it best friend have played pivotal
should know. You can't base a compassion are enemies of real- did not ma ke him gay or push him roles in his life and the strength he *Name has been changed to pro-
friendship on a lie or something ity confronting him every day. further in. "I've been out for has within himself. He said that tect the individual.
that will never be," he said. "It's too bad that some people awhile," said Ben. "Within a his friendships with girls have

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"Dcean Pacific Swimweail"
March 25,1993

Craig optimistic about the future

The Blue Line
By Craig Rybczynski
By David Kosobucki
Merciad Sports Writer
tremendous ability to play the
game itsel f. Craig tries to put him-
beyond that. "I think th a t the Major
League changes the players atti-
Merciad Sports Editor self in a similar mold. tudes after they're in the league
Baseball is America's National Craig is optimistic about the awhile," he said. "When they start
To all of us professional athletes seem invincible. That's what Pastime. Every young boy, and Lakers' success this season. He out, most of them have a great
makes the tragedy o^the Cleveland Indians' Steve Olin and Tim girl remembers going to the feels that patience will have to be love for the game."
Crews that much harder to swallow. These two men who had ballpark with mom and dad to a key ingredient in the winning Baseball is sometimes called,
promising careers and families both lost their lives on Little Lake watch the local team play ball. formula. "We are an extremely "the game of percentages." Even
Nellie in Orlando, Florida. The authenticity of the game of young team," he said. "There still though numbers are important,
They, along with fellow pitcher Bob Ojeda, went boating Monday, baseball is as pure as the love that is a lot everyone has to learn. It Craig knows that there are many
night, but only one returned alive. Crews' boat approached the 185-* its fans have for the game itself. will take some time." more important things that can be
foot long dock and slammed into it at head level. The force of the Mercy hurst senior Tom Craig The Hurst is currently 4-5 after derived from the sport. "Baseball
collision killed Olin instantly, while Crews died on Tuesday due to shares the same feelings about is definitely going to help one in
head injuries. t the game of baseball. "All young life," Craig said. "The teamwork
Ojeda will recover from the accident, and so will his teammates. kids dream about baseball, "Craig is important as is the mental as-
But I think manager Mike Hargrove said it best when he stated, "I said. "I always wanted to play in pect of the game." Baseball is
don't think the Olins or the Crews' ever will..." It will take a long the pros." Unlike most people his indeed a game of perfection and
time for their friends and family to cope with the loss of these two age, Craig still hasthat dream "1 *_

men. Their memories will live forever. alive. When the Major League precision, i i i
Baseball Association holds their Craig is a Management major
When I heard the news of the tragedy, thoughts began to race in
annual draft this June, Craig hopes and would like to move South to
my head of past experiences I had with the death of friends I had
that he is no stranger to the list of look for further employment. Th is
grown up playing sports with. 11 comes unexpectedly and takes time
draftees. "It would be very nice to could mean the work force or
to get over, but the feeling will never go away. I remember when
get drafted, but that would only minor league baseball, which is
New York Yankees catcher Thruman Munson died in a plane crash
be the beginning of it," Craig said. more prevalent in the South,
in 1979. Everyone felt the grief, but I was young then and couldn't
This may be true, but it would be their series of games in Georgia f A When Tom Craig graduates this
realize what had happened.
anjj opportunity that Craig well over spring break. As Craig sees spring, one thing is for certain, he
A few years later, I experienced the tragedy that I had only seen will be ready for life no matter
on television. When I grew up pla ying hockey, I was a teammate for deserves. it, the season has just started. "At
which path he takes. Baseball has
two years with a kid who had cancer. We also attended the same Craig grew up in Hubbard, Ohio, times, we played very well. At given him many memories which
school. Outside of the ice rink, it seems the few tunes I went to which is just outside You ngstown. times, we played poorly. We still will stay with him forever. The
Buffalo Children's Hospital for a checkup for asthma, he also was He enjoyed playing all kinds of have 50 games on our schedule accomplishments and memories
receiving treatment At the time, I knew nothing of the struggle he sports while he was young. Base- for us to come together," he said. can never be taken away.
was having fighting cancer. ball was on the top of his list of When you talk about the game
I think that Madonna's song,
As time went on and we grew apart, I played against him and favorites, though. Craig looked of baseball, people have mixed "This Used To &t My Play-
noticed his disease was becoming worse as he began to miss a lot of up to Cal Ripken Jr. of the Balti- opinions. Most people are frus- ground" is filled with lyrics that
games. Then one afternoon, I found out that he had lost his battle more Orioles. This personal trated by the amount of money can be incorporated for anyone
with the disease. At that time I didn't know how to cope. As I get choice says enough about Tom the players earn. People feel that who is leaving something they
older, I always think about his life and how I can learn from his Cra ig the person as it does Tom both the players and the fans are love, especially baseball. The song
courage. " Craig the athlete. Ripken is a man losing touch wi th a ga me th a t was says, "don't hold on to the past"
However, the most trying time in my life was when a high school whose fine character and work once so innocent. Craig feels the and have "no regrets" because
classmate and friend of mine died. He lived next door to my best cthicsoinetimes overshadows his same way, but he is able to look "life is short" L 1
friend and we all played hockey and football together. It's odd that
I can remember the last time I saw him, since I saw him everyday in
the hallways at school.
Tennis Iteamfinishes2-3 in Florida
On that fateful day, I was delivering newspapers in my neighbor- By Chris Kull Bhuta said, "We played a lot of added Daeschner, "and in the up-
hood and decided to help out the other kid with his route. I went up Merciad Sports Writer competitive tennis and have per- coming years, I am looking for-
to his house I handed him the paper, said "Hi," and went on my way. formed well. The secret behind ward to the unlimited success
The next morning when I woke up before my baseball game, my our success is not only our indi- which we can obtain."
parents told me the news of his death. This time it really sank in. A vidual hard work but also coming The tennis team has a busy
1 The Mercy hurst men's tennis
kid who I had known for years and saw less than twenty-four hours together as a team and appreciat- schedule this upcoming weekend,
team splayed five matches in
ing each other's talents." playing the ^University of Buf-
ago was now gone. Florida over spring break, win-
"We have a very young team, falo, cross-town rival Gannon and
Like my other friend, he was an athlete. This tjme, however, I was ning two and losing three.
more aware of the concept of death. He had just graduated and was The Hurst defeated Florida Tech only graduating two members," Malone College.
on his way to college. Like Olin and Crews, he was a top athlete who
had a promising career ahead of him. Tragically, he died in a car
accident on a poorly lit road in Fort Erie, Ontario. Both tragedies
4-3 and St. Francis 9-0. However,
the team dropped ^matches to
Eckerd College and Armstrong
Hurst cyclists gear up
changed my life and brought me closer to God. State by scores of 3-6 and 1-8, By Andy Davidson this year.
That is why the deaths of these two Indians caused me to rehash respectively. The Lakers also Merciad Sports Writer McQuillen is looking to team
the memories of my two friends I lost when I was young. We take matched up against Rol Hands, the members Sean Wall and Leon
number two ranked team in the Mumford to lead the team to new
for granted the people we see everyday until they are gone. I saw
Olin pitch two years ago against the Boston Red Sox. I also saw country but lost in a very com- The Mercyhurst Cycling team heights on the roads. "Wall,
Crews pitch numerous times on TBS against the Atlanta Braves. petitive match. has begun to gear up for a gruel- Mumford and Marci Dziekonski
To me, it always seems like tragedy strikes those human beings "Our team has been injury- ing schedule over the next few have really improved since last
who were role models and good people. Those who knew both Olin plagued, but everybody should months. Under the leadership of season," he said, "and over the
and Crews stated the utmost respect and admiration for the two. be ready for this weekend. For the advisor Jim McKccvcr, captain straights and hills, I feel they can
Both were categorized as familymen and decent people. They both remainder of the season, the team David McQuillcn and the team handle any team in the District.
leave behind a wife and three young children. should hold their own," said will race against colleges such as Our novice guys are really look-
On thefield,they were role models. Olin was a key member of the
sophomore Markus Muenck. £ IUP, Carnegie Mellon and Slip- ing good, too, and this will be a
rebuilding Indians pitching staff. He was a 27-yearold reliever who According to Muenck, Pat pery Rock in the Western Penn- learning year for them."
was tobe the closer outof the bullpen. Crews,31,like Olin, was also O'Keefe, Vyom Bhuta and Jamie sylvania District The team faces Mumford is very firm on the
Pilkington are the key players on its biggest challenge at the team's chances this year. "We've
a pitcher who brought experience and leadership to the club. Their
this year's team. Muenck also said regionals on Sunday, May 2, really ridden our (butts) off in
presence will be greatly missed. 5 where it will have to race against training," said Mumford, "and I
- • L 2

I'm sure the next time I go to Cleveland's Municipal Stadium I that since there are only six play-
ers on the team, everyone is teams from Harvard and Yale, feel that if we keep our (butts) in
will look on the scorecard for those two names. The first time the among others.; top gear, we'll really surprise our-
Indians play and call up the bullpen they will also remember their equally important.
Muenck believes that the youth McQuillcn is optimistic about selves."*
fallen teammates. The call by the public address announcer, "Now this year's team. After sweating it The team rode four hours a day
pitching for the Indians, Tim Crews or Steve Olin," will never be of this year's team will have a
positive impact as the season out in Georgia over spring break, in Georgia, and during the aca-
heard again. t he says that the team has never demic year, it's on the road for
I In my case and in theirs, the loss of those you grow up with and progresses. Two freshmen, Bhuta
and Kevin Daeschner, will prove been better prepared. After fin- two or three-hour rides six nights
play with causes you to reflect upon your own life. For me, life is ishing fourth in the district last a week, weather permitting.
viewed as a sacred thing. Each of us should enjoy life and live each to be valuable assets for the Lak-
year, a notable achievement con- The cycling team sees its first
day like it is the last. That way, you have no regrets, j ers in coming years. Another
to the freshman, Henry Helff, played sidcring it was the team's rookie action of the season this Saturday
The Merciad would likejto express its^condole year, McQuillcn hopes that the afternoon at Slippery Rock Uni-
friends ancfomily of Steve Olinfand Tim Crews. well in Florida, winning two
matches and losing onejj team can pull offa top three finish versity^ _^__^__^
PAGE 8 • •>...««,
THE MERCIAD IH* March 253993 • ifti

Sports )

M e r c y h u r s t b o w s to B e m i d j i St. in Div. II finals

By Craig Rybczynski •-—..... .-.-.

Merciad Sports Editor Beavers with a goal and an assist

The first period once again saw
The Mercyhurst Laker hockey Mercyhurst get down by three
team skated into the NCAA Divi- goals and never have the opportu-
sion II National Championship nity to comeback.
with the chance to bring home the The final two periods were vin-
title, but its J hopes were swept tage Pellizzari, as be stopped 35
away in Bemidji, Minnesota by of 37 shots. He allowed only two
the host Bemidji State University goals in the final 40 minutes of
Beavers. play. The first to Eric Monsrud at
The Lakers were defeated in 16:38 of the second period and
two straight games by the Be a- the series-concluding goal to
vers. In the first contest Bjornson at the end of the third
Mercyhurst was soundly beaten frame. \
10-6, as two consecutivefivegoal Even though the Hurst lost the
periods keyed Bemidj i's win. The national championship, Coach
next night, Bemidji State shut Gotkin summed up his optimism
down the Hurst 5-0 en route to the for next season. Hesaid, "I looked
national title. at the last minute of the second
Despite the team's performance game and we had all freshmen on
in Minnesota, Head Coach Rick Hurst by adding three assists. duties once again. As in game one, Bemidji State the ice. The experience they have
Gotkin stressed his team's In the first period, each team Mercyhurst did achieve respect- got on the scoreboard early as at that time will have to come
achievements this season. Hesaid, traded goals in*the first 4:11. ability by dominating:the last Craig Matatall beat Pellizzari 35 back to help us one day."
"I am absolutely proud of our Bemidji State's Kris Bj ornson and frame. The Lakers got goals from seconds into the game. Accord- Coach Gotkin does have a very
guys, they did a terrific job this Mercyhurst's Ken Gushie both ECAC West Rookie of the Year, ing to Assistant Coach Craig young team returning next season
year. No one was ever expecting found thei net. That's when Kevin McKinnon, Rob Madia, Barnett, getting behind early was as they have only one senior,
us to challenge for a national Bemidji State started to get to Kevin Gauthier and Jon Johnson. a key to the Lakers' downfall. He Kevin Gauthier. The Lakers fin-
championship...we didn't win it goalie Mirko Pellizzari, as it beat Bemidji goalie Robin Cook faced said, 'They have a goodfteam, ished 18-10 and second in the
but at least we can say we were himfourmore times. The Lakers 15 Laker shots and stopped 11. plus they got off to a much better nation in what everyone thought
there." got a late goal by Bryce Bohun to Heading into Saturday's match- start than we did in both games. would be a rebuilding year. De-
The blue and green entered Fri- close the gap to 5-2. up the Lakers hoped they could It's an uphill battle when you're spite the loss of Madia, Moir,
day night's opener at the John However, period two belonged build upon the last 20 minutes of on the road in front ofthat crowd." Tom DeCoteau, Gushie and
Glas Field house in front of a to Beavers winger Erb. He did all play. \ I * This time, the Hurst defense Randy LaGue, Gotkin feels that
crowd of over 3000 fans. The he could to deny the Lakers a The Lakers did play solid held Erb scoreless, allowing him the championship could once
game's first few minutes set a chance to get back into the game. hockey, but Bemidji State bottled only a single assist Moir and Co. again be a reality for his team.
precedent for the rest of the game. The senior tallied three times in up the Mercyhurst offense en route on defense limited Bemidji State The Division II National Cham-
Both teams showcased 'the of- the second frame, forcing to a 5-0 victory. Goalie Todd to two even strength goals. The pionship will be rebroadcast on
fenses that got them to the finals. Pellizzarifromthe net Scott Bar- Kriebich turned aside all 23 Laker Beavers prospered with the man Mercyhurst's HTV, channel 62
Bemidji State was led by Jamie ber faired no better as he allowed shots. For Mercyhurst, Pellizzari advantage as they scored three of or 19B, on Friday and Saturday
Bib who had four goals and one two goals on three shots. Pell izzari backstopped the Hurst as he theirfivegoals on the power play. night beginning at 7 p.m. both
assist Andrew Moir captained the hadtto assume the goaltending blocked 44 Bemidji State shots. On offense, Bj ornson led the nights.

Lakerfootballsets new jacademic goals

By Keith Courson the team in an attempt to improve Pasquerell was perfect during the
Merciad Sports Writer the current average of 2.51. winter tenn.
Other team programs included Meanwhile, Kimball has had a
in Kimball's planareanacademic very successful track record
New football Head Coach Joe study hall and a 3.0 GPA club. throughout his years as a football
Kimball made it clear when he The study hall would require play- coach. His teams have posted sig-
accepted the vacant head coach- ers to work four nights a week. It nificant GPAs and an almost per-
ing job at Mercyhurst that he was would also include tutoring, aca- fect graduation rate. By John Danknich Mercyhurst include Sam Rotella
here to teach more than "Xs" and demic advising .and study skill At St Lawrence, Kimball's Merciad A sst. Sports Editor and Ma rk McNellie from th e foot-
"Os." •& sessions. The study hall will be teams showcased a 2.7 overall ball staff, Matt Nesser, Corey
The proof can be demonstrated monitored by the coaching staff. GPA over an eight-year period. On Sunday, April 4, the Na- Taylor and Jim Webb from the
in the set of academic goals imple- Current Laker players that have Most importantly, every student- tional Football League's Buffalo men's and women's basketball
mented by the former St. shined not only on the gridiron athlete except one received his Bills will challenge the teams; faculty members Randy
Lawrence University mentor. but also in the classroom the past diploma during the same span. Mercyhurst football staff and Clemons and John Leisering; and
"My goal is to get the best stu- few terms include Mike Holman, Coach Kimball's message goes other faculty members to a fun trainers Brad Jacobson and Dave
dent-athletes that L can and to George Pay dock, Jason Hillegas well beyond football. "Footba 1 is and exciting contest on the hard- Jacenski, to name a few.
keep the athletes that we have up and Joe Pasquerell. Holman, just one aspect of the student ath- wood of the Mercyhurst Athletic The game starts at 2 p.m. at the
to snuff," said Kimball. Paydockand Hillegas each posted lete," he said. "The real competi- Center. MAC. Tickets can be purchased
An overall team grade point a 4.0 average during the fall term tion come three or four years from The Mercyhurst staff, led by for $5 at the Mercyhurst Football
pverage of 2.75 has been set by when football was in season. now in the working world." new Head Coach Joe Kimball and Office (phone number 824-2560)
Offensive Coordinator Dave or at the door the day of the game.
Armstrong, will be looking for There will be a raffle, conces-
Blizzard strands team in Youngstown revenge after last year's defeat at sions, an autograph session at
the hands of Webster Slaughter halftime, and everyone in atten-
Men's volleyball team opens season and the Cleveland Browns.
Last year's game was featured
dance receives a team picture.
A reminder for the Mercyhurst
by the Erie News, WJET's Sun- community: the President's card
By Craig Da vie the top USVBA BB teams in the Saturday and Sunday due to the da y Sports Extra, WSEE's Sports land student ID cards will not be
Mercyhurst Volleyball Coach Ohio Valley region. Blizzard of 1993. Watch and Hurst Television. The accepted for this event. A ticket
The team lost four close matches Despite hav ing to wear the same game is already a major event on must be purchased for admission.
The Mercyhurst Men's Club by scores of 10-15, 14-16 to clothes and not being able to brush the Erie sports calendar. WSEE A sellout is expected, so please
Volleyball team traveled to Budweiser; 8-15, 11-15 to their teeth for three days, the team sports anchor Gary Drapcho and purchase your tickets in advance.
Youngstown State University on Outback Red; 12-15, 10-15 to did manage to end up being inter- Rocket 101's Mojo McKay and The Erie community is encour-
Saturday, March 13, for a United Oberlin VBC; and 13-15, 12-15 viewed in their hotel room by a the "Weasel" join the Mercyhurst aged to come to the MAC when
Sta tes Vol 1 eyball Association to Spike This. local television station. staff in its quest for victory over the Buffalo Bills come to Erie on
(USVBA) BB tournament, Not only were the men shut out The club volleyball team re- the three-time AFC East champi- Sunday, April 4, for an entertain-
Despite a great effort, the men on the day, but they ended up turns to action this Saturday, ons. ing afternoon of basketball and
were unable to unseed some of being stranded in Youngstown March 20, at Slippery Rock. Other representatives from autographs. *

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