Paket Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 15.

Number 1–3 refer to the following passage.

Passage 1
Aereo is a service that allows users to stream broadcast TV over computers, phones, tablets,
and so on. Since its (1) ..., it has faced a barrage of lawsuits from broadcasters saying that it violates

copyright law’s prohibition against “public performance” of their content. Aereo consistently won
lawsuits in lower courts, but today Aereo lost against the major broadcasters in the Supreme Court.
Aereo’s big defense in this case was the technology that it used. Rather than using, say, a set
top box to receive information, Aereo created data centers that consisted of thousands of (2) ....
Users create a 1–1 connection between their device and one of those antennas. Aereo’s argument
amounts, essentially, to “How is it a public performance of this stuff? It’s one person connecting to
one antenna, and that can’t be considered a public performance!”
In his dissent, Scalia argues that (3) ... . He says that Aereo might be able to remain open if it
“time-shifts” its broadcasts, meaning that it does not show them live. It is unclear whether the rest
of the court agrees with him.
(Adapted from

The option that best completes (1) is ....
(A) service (D) technology

(B) broadcast (E) content

(C) inception

The option that best completes (2) is ....
(A) tiny antennas
(B) competent people
(C) public performances
(D) professional users
(E) retransmission fees

The option that best completes (3) is ....
(A) Aereo subscribers should be involved in taking the decision
(B) there is actually no lost experienced by any party

(C) Aereo made broadcasters’ advertising 4. (LEVEL III)
less valuable The points provided in paragraph 1 of the
(D) Aereo made it harder for broadcasters passage explain that ....
to negotiate retransmission fees with (A) ADD sufferers have a short attention
cable companies span.
(E) the real problem is not public (B) hyperfocused ADDers may immerse
performance but live performance themselves so completely in a
stimulating activity that they become
Number 4–7 refer to the following passage.
oblivious to everything around them.
Passage 2 (C) those suffering from ADD are easily
Adults with ADD are both blessed distracted, which makes it difficult to
and cursed with the ability to hyperfocus. give sustained attention to a specific
Hyperfocus is a unique ability that we have activity.
to focus so intensely that the rest of the world (D) adults with ADD have difficulty in
temporarily disappears. Instead of having staying focused
difficulty concentrating or getting started, the (E) many adults with ADD have a

hyperfocused ADDer has trouble shifting focus hard time managing their feelings,
away from the interesting subject at hand. especially when it comes to emotions
Hyperfocus can be a really good thing.
If you’re highly interested in what you’re
concentrating on, then the ability to hyperfocus
is an asset. It can help you get through a difficult
IL M 5.
like anger or frustration. 

Paragraph 2 is linked to paragraph 3 in that
the former ....
task, like a report for work or a household (A) discusses how hyperfocus can be
problem that needs to be fixed. This positive a bless for ADD sufferers; the later
hyperfocus is what I call being in the flow. You discusses how it can be a curse for
enjoy what you’re doing--whether it is work, ADD sufferers
problem-solving, or being creative. You’re (B) mentions some activities enjoyed
productive and you enjoy not only what you’re

by hyperfocused ADDers, the later

doing, but also the fact that you’re making mentions some stressful activities for
progress. Your thoughts and actions are flowing. hyperfocused ADDers
However, hyperfocus can also be a bad (C) outlines steps to get positive
thing. Adults with ADD often go into hyperfocus hyperfocus, the later gives some tips

mode when a stressful problem or situation for those who experiences negative
presents itself, and the inability to tear yourself hyperfocus
away results in more stress. This can happen (D) p re s e nt s s o m e a d va nt a g e s o f
when writing a paper for school, trying to solve hyperfocus, the later talks about the
a problem at work, attempting to fix a broken situations in which ADD sufferers can
gadget, or even surfing the internet. Negative shift focus effortlessly
hyperfocus is what I call being in the stick. It is (E) suggests some good activities to
really about an inability to shift focus, and the be done by ADD sufferers, the later
frustration that results. You want to finish a task discusses the problems and effect of
or make progress but your frustration in the negative hyperfocus
situation has made you unable to move on. You
become determined to do what you set out to
Which of the following is NOT in line with
do at any cost.
the sentences “You want to finish a task or
(Article source: make progress but your frustration in the

situation has made you unable to move on. The problem of ocean pollution is a
You become determined to do what you good example. All the oceans of the world are
set out to do at any cost.” (Paragraph 3)? connected. Pollution does not stay where it
(A) Your thoughts and actions are stuck. begins. It spreads out from every river and every
(B) You don’t feel good about making harbor and affects bodies of water everywhere.
progress. For centuries, people have used the oceans
(C) You feel compelled to finish what you as a dumping place. The quantity of garbage
set out to do at all costs. that ends up in the water is incredible. Five
(D) You may lose sleep, skip meals, and million plastic containers are thrown into the
compromise your mental health to world’s oceans every day! Aside from plastics,
finish a task. many other dangerous substances including
(E) You tend to have a good time human waste and chemicals used in agriculture
management and prioritizing.  are dumped in oceans. And every year, oil
tankers accidentally spill millions of gallons of
oil into the sea.
The paragraph following the passage will
likely .... Some people believe that the oceans are so

(A) deal with merits of hyperfocus large that chemicals and waste will disappear.
(B) present ways to cope with negative However, many things, such as chemicals and
(C) describe the symptoms of ADD
(D) explain how someone can suffer from
plastics, stay in the water and create problems.
They eventually float to shore and are eaten
by tiny sea creatures. Then the larger animals
that eat the tiny creatures are poisoned and
(E) discuss why hyperfocus can be a bad die. Harbors and coasts around the world have
thing become unsafe for humans or animals.
(Article source: More Reading Power)
Number 8–11 refer to the following passage.
Passage 3 8. (LEVEL II)
The passage is about ....

At the end of the 20th century, the world

is changing in important ways. Until recently, (A) air pollution
nations acted independently. Each country (B) old ways of thinking
did its business and tried to solve its problems (C) global thinking
alone. But now, the economy is worldwide and (D) economy condition

communications technologies have connected (E) ocean life

people all over the globe. Many problems are
global, too, and can no longer be solved by
Based on the information provided in
individual nations.
paragraph 1, the author implies that ....
Environmental destruction is one of these (A) problems were more local
problems. As the world’s population has grown (B) nations were more interested in the
and technology has developed, the environment environment
has suffered. Some nations have begun to try (C) the economy was more global
to stop the pollution and the environmental (D) individual nations did not have as
destruction. But the environment is global-the many problems as what they have
atmosphere, the oceans, and many forms of life today
are all connected. Thus, the solutions require (E) what happens in the ocean affects
global thinking. everyone

10. (LEVEL III) people usually lived with other members of the
What does the author assume regarding family. They usually had some responsibilities
the environmental problems? around the home. For example, older women
(A) They are caused by global thinking. could help take care of the children or prepare
(B) They are caused by old ways of meals. Older men could help their sons at work or
thinking. around the house. These days, married children
(C) They are caused by people from often prefer to live on their own, sometimes far
developed countries. away from their parents. Thus, older people may
(D) They cannot be solved by local laws. be cut off from family ties. They may feel cut off
(E) They are all started from the ocean. from the world around them. Life has changed
so much so quickly that older people sometimes
11. (LEVEL III) feel that they do not belong any more.
The author believes that the solution to (Article source: More Reading Power)
ocean pollution requires global thinking
because .... 12. (LEVEL III)
(A) no one cares about the ocean What can be inferred about elderly

(B) the oceans are so large according to both passages?
(C) all the world’s oceans are connected (A) They experience different feelings and
(D) more and more people take tons of
garbage to the sea
(E) the ocean problems have make
humans and animals unsafe
IL M needs as they get old.
(B) They feel sad since they cannot live
with their family members.
(C) They feel desperate when their
married children leave them.
Number 12–15 refer to the following
(D) They like to go travelling in the rest of
their life.
Passage 4 (E) They feel depressed knowing that
The average of the population of many they are already old.
countries is getting older. That means that

businesses in those countries must adjust to 13. (LEVEL II)

older customers. In fact, many companies are Based on both passages, it is implied that ....
working to respond to the special needs of (A) the government is responsible for
the elderly. One example of this is the medical older people’s life
industry. New medicines and technologies (B) married children should never leave

are being developed especially for the health their parents

problems of older people. Another business (C) we cannot treat elderly like what we
that offers services for the elderly is the tourist do to young people
industry. Many travel agents offer special trips (D) the population of elderly in many
for groups of older people. And, finally, there are countries is increasing
many different kinds of products made for the (E) there is nothing we can do to help
elderly. These include everything from shoes elderly who suffer from depression
and shampoos to magazine and furniture.
14. (LEVEL I)
(Article source: More Reading Power) The topic discussed in both passages is ....
Passage 5 (A) products for elderly
In industrialized countries today, many (B) elderly
elderly people suffer from depression. The main (C) population in many countries
cause of this is loneliness. In the past, older (D) elderly and their family
(E) business for elderly

15. (LEVEL IV)
Passage 4 differs from passage 5 in that
the former ....
(A) talks about how industry responds
to older people’s needs; the later
discusses older people’s family
(B) mentions some products specially
designed for elderly; the later gives
some situations in which elderly feel
(C) presents information about business
in many countries; the later mentions
causes that make elderly feel lonely
(D) outlines the recommended businesses
for elderly; the later discusses why
elderly should spend their life with

their family
(E) discusses how industry responds to

the needs of elderly; the later talks
about the lonely feeling experienced
by elderly


Petunjuk A dipergunakan dalam menjawab These days, all of the Hawaiian Islands have
soal nomor 1 sampai dengan 5. special signals to warn of tsunamis. When the
Passage 1 signal sounds, everyone knows it is time to run.
They must try to get as far as from the seashore
The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise
as possible.
most of the time. But even there, nature can

sometimes show its more violent side. The (Article source: More Reading Power)
islands have been bit by numerous natural

caused deaths and great damage.

disasters in the recent past. These disasters have

Through all of Hawaii’s history, volcanoes

have played an important part. The islands were
The passage above mainly talks about ....
(A) two types of natural disasters in Hawaii
(B) Hawaii’s volcanoes
(C) the damage caused by natural
formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the disasters
ocean. In the big island of Hawaii, the volcanoes
(D) Hawaii’s natural history
continue to erupt. During an eruption, hot lava (E) common natural disasters in the world
pours out of the top of a volcano and down the
side. The red, hot lava covers everything in its 2. (LEVEL II)

path. The air is filled with smoke and horrible- Based on the information in paragraph 2,
smelling gas that is sometimes poisonous. volcanoes were the cause of ....
(A) the formation of the Hawaiian Islands
Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes
(B) the warm climate of the islands
are a natural part of life. In their traditional
(C) many tsunamis in the Pasific Ocean

religion, volcanoes are ruled by the goddess,

(D) Hawaii’s resent tsunami
Pele. When Pele is angry, the volcanoes erupt.
(E) disasters in Hawaii
Before an eruption she takes a human from.
If you meet her and are kind to her, you will 3. (LEVEL III)
not be hurt by the lava. Today, Hawaiians have It can be inferred from the passage that
forgotten most of the ancient gods, but not Pele. most Hawaiians today ....
They continue to honor her and her volcanoes. (A) follow their traditional religion
Another kind of natural disaster that (B) do not follow their traditional religion
has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave, or tsunami. (C) do not understand volcanoes
Unlike volcanoes, tsunamis come from far away (D) do not worry about storms
under the ocean. When an earthquake occurs (E) do not worry about tsunamis
underwater, it creates huge waves. If these
waves hit land, they destroy everything along
the coast.

4. (LEVEL II) efficient plants instead of the standard types
Based on the information in paragraph of wheat or corn. They could also use watering
4, it can be concluded that tsunamis are systems that are much less wasteful. To save
caused by .... petroleum, farmers could make use of bio-
(A) volcanic eruptions gas generators which could be fueled by the
(B) strong winds far out at sea vegetable and animal wastes of the farms. In
(C) rain storms in the Pacific Ocean less-developed countries, bio-gas generators
(D) everything along the coast could reduce the need for firewood and so help
(E) underwater earthquakes save forests, as well.
(Article source: More Reading Power)
5. (LEVEL I)
The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to .... 6. (LEVEL II)
(A) a volcano (D) a disaster What is the topic of the passage above?
(B) a tsunami (E) underwater (A) Biological methods of farming.
(C) an earthquake (B) How we can change the way food is
Number 6−10 refer to the following passage. produced worldwide.

(C) How millions of people are facing
Passage 2
hunger and poverty.
Every year, more people face poverty
and hunger and more of the earth’s resources
are ruined. The problems are enormous, but
many experts believe that the situation is not
hopeless. The solution will require big changes
IL M 7.
(D) Farming around the world.
(E) Farming around developed countries.

Paragraph 2 implies that deep plowing of
in how we think about agriculture, food, and the soil ....
our planet. (A) is good for the environment
(B) prevents erosion
First of all, farmers everywhere need to
(C) improves the soil
develop methods that are less destructive to
(D) causes erosion
the environment. The change from single crop

(E) helps the plants grow

farming to a mixed crop system would be one
important step. The planting of several different 8. (LEVEL II)
crops improves the soil and helps prevent Which of the following is true about mixed
erosion. Erosion could also be prevented by cropping?

planting trees to protect the fields from the (A) It reduces erosion and the need for
wind. Another way farmers could improve the insecticides.
soil is to avoid deep plowing. In fact, only a slight (B) It could protect the fields from wind.
plowing is necessary if proper methods are used. (C) It increases erosion and the need for
If the soil were treated better, farmers insecticides.
would not need to use chemical fertilizers. They (D) It eliminates erosion and the need for
could use natural animal and vegetable products insecticides.
instead. With mixed crops, farmers would need (E) It does not affect erosion and the need
fewer toxic chemical insecticides. They could for insecticides.
use biological methods of controlling insects 9. (LEVEL III)
and disease. It can be inferred from the passage that
Farmers could also help save the earth’s farmers at present ....
precious supplies of water and petroleum.
To save water, they could plant more water-

(A) use very little water on average One solution is to burn the tires to create
(B) are now very careful about their water energy. An energy company with plants in
use California and Connecticut burns tires to
(C) have made use of bio-gas generators produce steam for generating electricity. When
(D) always use too much water the tires are burned properly, the fire does not
(E) often waste a lot of water pollute the air. Every day, workers check to make
sure that no dangerous gases are allowed out
10. (LEVEL II) of the energy plant’s chimneys. A total of about
Which of the following is true about bio- 15 million tires are burned every year in the
gas generators according to the passage? company’s two plants. This produces enough
(A) They would mean an increase in the electricity to supply about 42,000 houses.
use of other fuels.
(Adapted from More Reading Power)
(B) They encourage farmers to raise cash
crops. 11. (LEVEL I)
(C) They reduce the need for other fuels. The passage is about ....
(D) They help farmers raise cattle. (A) the effects of burning tires
(E) They encourage farmers to increase

(B) the dangers of tire dumps
the size of farms. (C) the problem of what to do with old
Number 11−15 refer to the following
Passage 3
The mountains of worn-out tires in
IL M (D) how old tires can be recycled
(E) air pollution is very dangerous for

these dumps present a number of health and 12. (LEVEL II)

environmental dangers. First, they attract rats It can be inferred from the passage that a
and mosquitoes, which then spread disease fire at a tire dump is ....
among humans. The tires can also catch on fire, (A) a good source of electricity
and these fires are very difficult to extinguish. (B) a good way to get rid of old tires
They may burn from a few days to a few months. (C) a way of saving resources

While the tires burn, they release cancer-causing (D) a source of dangerous pollution
gases into the air. These gases spread over (E) quickly put out
nearby towns and cause health problems for
13. (LEVEL I)
people who live there.

The word “they” in paragraph 1 refers to ....

After a tire dump fire is put out, pieces of (A) the mountains
burned tires remain on the ground. When it (B) worn-out tires
rains, chemicals from the burned parts wash into (C) dumps
the soil and into the ground water. This pollutes (D) health dangers
the soil and the drinking water in the area. (E) environmental dangers
Aside from these problems, the tire
dumps represent a terrible waste of resources. 14. (LEVEL II)
Therefore, in order to avoid the problems and Which of the following is true according to
the waste, people are looking for ways to recycle the passage?
or reuse tires. Recycling is common for other (A) The number of tire dumps will greatly
materials, such as paper, glass, and aluminum. increase.
Now tires are also being reused in a number of (B) Only western countries can recycle old
creative ways. tires.

(C) When tires are burned at the energy
plants, air pollution is not a problem.
(D) When tires are burned at the energy
plants, workers are exposed to
dangerous gases.
(E) Recycling tires a major source of water
and soil pollution.

15. (LEVEL IV)

The paragraph following the passage will
likely about ....
(A) where the worn-tires come
(B) another solution to recycle or reuse
old tires
(C) terrible waste of resources
(D) where the old tires go
(E) recycling old tires in United States




1. Konsep: mencari kata yang tepat untuk 3. Konsep: mencari klausa yang tepat
melengkapi kalimat dalam sebuah teks untuk melengkapi kalimat berbentuk
berbentuk news item news item

Trik Trik

Its + noun Klausa: Subjek + Predikat
“... Scalia argues that ....”
Kata benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi
kalimat tersebut adalah inception, yang
bermakna permulaan. Kalimat tersebut
IL M Klausa yang tepat untuk melengkapi
kalimat tersebut adalah the real problem is
akan bermakna sejak permulaanya, ia telah not public performance but live performance
menghadapi rentetan hukum ....” (masalah sebenarnya bukan pertunjukan
publik tapi pertunjukan langsung). Hal ini
55 Jawaban: C
dijelaskan di kalimat selanjutnya ... Aereo
2. Konsep: mencari frasa yang tepat untuk might be able to remain open if it “time-
melengkapi kalimat dalam sebuah teks shifts” its broadcasts, meaning that it does

berbentuk news item not show them live. (Aero mungkin tetap
bisa buka jika ia merubah waktu siarannya,
dalam artian ia tidak menyiarkan secara
(noun) of (noun) langsung).
.”..consisted of thousands of noun

phrase” 55 Jawaban: E
4. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
Frasa benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi terkandung di dalam sebuah teks
kalimat tersebut adalah tiny antennas. Ini penjelasan
diperjelas oleh kalimat selanjutnya users
create a 1-1 connection between their device Trik
and one of those antennas. Jawaban merupakan pernyataan yang
tersirat atau implicit. Inti sebuah paragraf
55 Jawaban: A
(implisit) didukung oleh keseluruhan
kalimat, baik kalimat utama maupun
kalimat pendukung.

Paragraf 1 menjelaskan bahwa orang

yang menderita hyperfocus bisa benar-

benar membenamkan diri dalam sebuah B : K amu tidak bisa/tidak nyaman
kegiatan yang menstimulasi, sehingga membuat kemajuan.
mereka lupa akan segala sesuatu di sekitar C : Kamu merasa terdorong untuk
mereka (hyperfocused ADDers may immerse menyelesaikan apa yang kamu
themselves so completely in a stimulating tetapkan untuk dilakukan tak peduli
activity that they become oblivious to apapun.
everything around them). D : K a m u m u n g k i n m e l e w a t k a n
55 Jawaban: B tidur, melewatk an mak an, dan
membahayakan kesehatan mental
5. Konsep: mencari informasi yang untuk menyelesaikan tugas tersebut.
terkandung di dalam sebuah teks E : Kamu cenderung memiliki manajemen
penjelasan waktu yang baik dan prioritas.
Trik Opsi jawaban yang tidak sesuai adalah E.
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana paragraf- 55 Jawaban: E
paragraf terhubung, ketahui ide utama 7. Konsep: menebak kemungkinan isi
dari masing-masing paragraf terlebih

paragraf selanjutnya pada sebuah teks
dulu. penjelasan

Paragraf 2 menjelaskan tentang positive
hyperfocus atau bagaimana hyperfocus
bisa menjadi berkah bagi penderitanya.
Paragraf 3 menjelaskan tentang negative
Isi paragraf yang akan mengikuti
umumnya berkaitan dengan isi paragraf
terak hir dalam bacaan tersebut.
hyperfocus atau bagaimana hyperfocus Paragraf yang akan mengikuti juga
bisa menjadi kutukan/hal buruk bagi tidak mengulang informasi yang ada di
penderitanya. paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya.
55 Jawaban: A
6. Konsep: mencari informasi yang Paragraf terakhir menceritakan tentang

terkandung di dalam sebuah teks bagaimana hyperfocus bisa menjadi hal

penjelasan buruk bagi penderitanya. Kemungkinan
isi paragraf selanjutnya adalah bagaimana
Trik cara untuk mengatasi negative hyperfocus
tersebut (B). Opsi jawaban A, C, D, dan E

Pahami makna kalimat yang ditanyakan

dan simpulkan. Jawaban merupakan sudah dibahas di paragraf-paragraf yang
pernyataan yang tersirat atau implisit. ada di teks tersebut.
55 Jawaban: B
Makna dari pernyataan pada soal tersebut 8. Konsep: menentukan topik teks
adalah kamu ingin menyelesaikan sebuah
tugas tetapi rasa frustasi akan keadaan Trik
telah membuatmu tidak bisa bergerak maju. Topik bacaan adalah hal atau tema yang
Kamu menjadi bertekad untuk melakukan diusung atau dibicarakan dalam suatu
apa yang kamu tetapkan untuk dilakukan teks.
tak peduli apapun.
Secara umum, tema yang diusung dalam
Makna dari setiap opsi jawaban tersebut
teks tersebut adalah mengenai global
A : Pikiran dan tindakanmu terjebak.
55 Jawaban: C

9. Konsep: mencari informasi yang 11. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi

Trik Trik
Informasi implisit adalah informasi Kata kunci dari pertanyaan tersebut
yang tersirat, bukan tersurat. Untuk adalah ocean pollution, terdapat di
mendapatkan informasi tersebut kita Paragraf 3. Pahami isi Paragraf 3 dan
harus memahami inti dari paragraf 1 dan simpulkan.
menarik kesimpulan.
Paragraf 3 menceritakan bahwa laut di
Paragraf 1 menceritakan bahwa dulu setiap seluruh dunia saling terhubung. Polusi
negara menjalankan bisnis masing-masing tidak menetap di mana ia dimulai. Polusi
dan menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri. menyebar keluar dari setiap sungai dan
Akan tetapi seiring dengan pertumbuhan setiap pelabuhan dan memengaruhi air di
ekonomi dan teknologi, permasalahan mana-mana.
yang muncul pun semakin global dan Bisa disimpulkan bahwa global thinking

tidak bisa diselesaikan oleh masing-masing sangat dibutuhkan karena semua lautan
negara secara sendiri. Dari isi paragraf di dunia terhubung.
tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa masalah

yang timbul jaman dulu bersifat lokal, tidak

55 Jawaban: A
55 Jawaban: C
12. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
terkandung dalam dua teks

10. Konsep: mencari informasi yang Trik

terkandung dalam sebuah teks Pahami inti dari passage 4 dan passage
eksposisi 5, kemudian cari opsi jawaban yang
mendukung isi kedua bacaan teks. Kata
kunci: elderly, older people, older men.
Kata kunci dari pertanyaan tersebut

adalah environmental problems, Dari passage 4 dan passage 5 bisa

terdapat di paragraf 2. Pahami isi paragraf disimpulkan bahwa para lansia memiliki
2 dan tari kesimpulan. perasaan dan kebutuhan yang berbeda
seiring bertambah tuanya mereka.

Paragraf 2 menceritakan bahwa seiring

55 Jawaban: A
pertumbuhan populasi dan teknologi,
lingkungan telah mengalami berbagai 13. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
kerugian. Banyak negara telah berusaha terkandung dalam dua buah teks
menghentikan polusi dan kerusakan alam.
Akan tetapi lingkungan pun sekarang Trik
sudah global dan semua bentuk kehidupan Pahami inti dari passage 4 dan passage
telah saling terhubung sehingga 5, kemudian cari opsi jawaban yang
penanganannya pun membutuhkan mendukung isi kedua bacaan teks.
pemikiran yang global (global thinking).
Bisa disimpulkan bahwa masalah-masalah Dari kedua teks tersebut bisa disimpulkan
lingkungan sekarang ini tidak bisa bahwa kita tidak bisa memperlakukan
diselesaikan dengan peraturan lokal. lansia layaknya kita memperlakukan orang
yang masih muda.
55 Jawaban: D
55 Jawaban: C

14. Konsep: mencari topik yang terkandung
dalam dua buah teks

Topik bacaan adalah hal atau tema
yang diusung atau dibicarakan dalam
suatu teks. Dalam hal ini, topik yang
dicari haruslah merupakan tema yang
dibicarakan dalam kedua teks; passage 4
dan passage 5.

Secara umum, kedua teks dalam soal

membicarakan lansia atau elderly.
55 Jawaban: B
15. Konsep: mencari informasi yang

terkandung dalam dua buah teks


temukan informasi yang berbeda.

Pahami inti dari masing-masing teks dan

Passage 4 menceritakan tentang bisnis

yang dikembangkan untuk merespon
kebutuhan lansial. Passage 5 menceritakan
tentang perasaan lansia yang depresi
karena kesepian ditinggalkan anggota

55 Jawaban: E


1. Konsep: mencari topik yang terkandung 3. Konsep: mencari informasi yang

dalam sebuah teks penjelasan terkandung dalam sebuah teks
Topik bacaan adalah hal atau tema yang
diusung atau dibicarakan dalam suatu Trik
Kata kunci: Hawaiians today (paragraf 3).

Secara umum, hal yang dibicarakan dalam

Dari k alimat today, Hawaiians have
teks tersebut adalah dua tipe bencana alam
forgotten most of the ancient gods, but
di Hawaii (two types of natural disasters in
not Pele (sekarang orang-orang Hawai
Hawaii). Paragraf 1 membicarakan bahwa

telah melupakan sebagian besar dewa-
Hawaiian Islands telah dilanda sejumlah
dewa, tetapi tidak melupakan Pele) bisa
bencana alam. Paragraf 2 dan 3 menjelaskan
tentang volcano eruption sebagai salah satu
bencana alam di Hawaiian Islands. Paragraf
4 dan 5 mendiskusikan tsunami sebagai
jenis bencana alam lain yang melanda
disimpulkan bahwa orang Hawai saat
ini tidak lagi mengikuti ajaran agama
tradisional mereka.
55 Jawaban: B
Hawaiian Islands. 4. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
55 Jawaban: A terkandung dalam sebuah teks
2. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
terkandung dalam sebuah teks Trik

Kata kunci: tsunami, come from.

Kata kunci: volcanoes. Dari kalimat ... tsunamis come from far
away under the ocean. When an earthquake
occurs underwater, it creates huge waves. (...

Dari kalimat the islands were formed by

tsunami berasal dari jauh di bawah laut.
the eruption of volcanoes .... (pulau-pulau
Ketika sebuah gempa terjadi di bawah laut,
tersebut terbentuk oleh erupsi gunung-
ia menimbulkan gelombang yang besar)
gunung berapi ....), bisa diketahui bahwa
bisa diketahui bahwa tsunami disebabkan
gunung-gunung berapi atau volcanoes
oleh gempa bawah laut atau underwater
merupakan penyebab terbentuknya
Hawaiian islands.
55 Jawaban: E
55 Jawaban: A
5. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
terkandung dalam sebuah teks

8. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
Trik terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi
Untuk pertanyaan tentang reference
atau rujukan, lihat pernyataan (kalimat/ Trik
klausa/frasa/kata) sebelumnya. Kata kunci: mixed cropping (paragraf 2
It merupakan kata ganti untuk benda dan 3).
Dari kalimat di paragraf 2 the change from
Dari kalimat when an earthquake occurs single crop farming to a mixed crop system
underwater, it creates huge waves, bisa would be one important step. The planting
diketahui bahwa kata ganti it mengacu of several different crops improves the soil
pada frasa an earthquake. and helps prevent erosion, bisa diketahui
55 Jawaban: C bahwa mixed cropping akan memperbaiki
6. Konsep: mencari topik yang terkandung tanah dan mencegah erosi.
dalam sebuah teks eksposisi Dari kalimat di paragraf 3 with mixed crops,
farmers would need fewer toxic chemical

Trik insecticides, bisa diketahui bahwa dengan
Topik bacaan adalah hal atau tema yang mixed crops para petani bisa mengurangi
diusung atau dibicarakan dalam suatu
teks. IL M
Secara umum, hal yang dibicarakan dalam
penggunaan insektisida.
55 Jawaban: A
9. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
teks tersebut adalah bagaimana kita bisa terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi
mengubah cara produksi makanan di
seluruh dunia.
Kata kunci: farmers at present.
55 Jawaban: B
7. Konsep: mencari informasi yang Berdasarkan opsi jawaban A – E, pertanyaan

terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi ini mengacu pada paragraf 4 yang
Trik membahas water dan bio-gas generators.
Kata kunci: deep plowing. Paragraf 4 berisi solusi-solusi yang bisa
dilakukan petani untuk menghemat air dan

bahan bakar. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa

Dari kalimat another way farmers could
petani pada saat ini sering membuang
improve the soil is to avoid deep plowing
banyak air. Hal ini diperjelas dari kalimat
(cara lain petani untuk memperbaiki tanah
they could also use watering systems that
adalah dengan menghindari deep plowing),
are much less wasteful. (Mereka juga bisa
bisa diketahui bahwa deep flowing tidak
menggunakan sistem pengairan yang
baik untuk tanah. Opsi jawaban yang
tidak boros)
menunjukkan bahwa deep plowing tidak
baik untuk tanah adalah (D) causes erosion 55 Jawaban: E
atau menyebabkan erosi.
55 Jawaban: D

10. Konsep: mencari informasi yang 13. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi

Trik Trik
Kata kunci: bio-gas generator (paragraf Untuk pertanyaan tentang reference
4). atau rujukan, lihat pernyataan (kalimat/
klausa/frasa/kata) sebelumnya.
They merupakan kata ganti untuk benda/
Dari kalimat to save petroleum, farmers could
orang jamak.
make use of bio-gas generators which could
be fueled by the vegetable and animal wastes
Dari kalimat the mountains of worn-out
of the farms, bisa diketahui bahwa bio-gas
tires in these dumps present a number of
generators bisa mengurangi penggunaan
health and environmental dangers. First,
bahan bakar lain.
they attract rats and mosquitoes, ..., bisa
55 Jawaban: C diketahui bahwa they mengacu pada the
11. Konsep: mencari topik yang terkandung mountains of worn-out tires atau tumpukan

dalam sebuah teks eksposisi ban bekas.
55 Jawaban: B
Topik bacaan adalah hal atau tema yang
diusung atau dibicarakan dalam suatu
IL M 14. Konsep: mencari topik yang terkandung
dalam sebuah teks eksposisi

Dari keseluruhan paragraf bisa disimpulkan Karena ini bukan merupakan pertanyaan
bahwa tujuan dari bacaan tersebut adalah detail, kita harus memahami keseluruhan
untuk mendiskusikan masalah tentang apa paragraf dan pilih jawaban yang sesuai
yang harus dilakukan terhadap old tires. dengan bacaan.

55 Jawaban: C

Dari kalimat di paragraf 4 when the tires

12. Konsep: mencari informasi yang are burned properly, the fire does not pollute
terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi the air, bisa diketahui bahwa ketika ban
dibakar pada energy plants, tidak akan ada
polusi udara.

Kata kunci: fire, tire, dump (paragraf 1

dan 2). 55 Jawaban: C
15. Konsep: mencari informasi yang
Dari kalimat di paragraf 1 while the tires terkandung dalam sebuah teks eksposisi
burn, they release cancer-causing gases into
the air dan kalimat di paragraf 2 this pollutes Trik
the soil and the drinking water in the area, Isi paragraf yang akan mengikuti
bisa diketahui bahwa a fire at a tire dump umumnya berkaitan dengan isi paragraf
merupakan sumber polusi yang berbahaya. terak hir dalam bacaan tersebut.
Paragraf yang akan mengikuti juga
55 Jawaban: D
tidak mengulang informasi yang ada di
paragraf-paragraf selanjutnya.

Paragraf terakhir membicarakan tentang
salah satu solusi untuk menangani
masalah ban bekas. Paragraf selanjutnya
kemungkinan akan berisi tentang solusi
lain terhadap masalah tersebut.
55 Jawaban: B



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