Conveying Frame: Actions Frames Behavior

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Conveying Frame

Actions => Frames => Behavior

In other words, the way you act will set your Frame/Role/Category/Label towards other person

-How they treat you

-How they react words and behaviors to you
-What they will allow
-Their future behavior towards you
-The way they feel about you

>Remember, the longer an interaction goes with a certain frame, the more it “sticks.” The more the longer frame
is set (good or bad), the harder it is to get out of it.

How To Have a Solid Frame?

-Your actions must be congruent to your frame so it will be set and believed. If your actions are not congruent to
your frame they will not believe you.

That's why girls do CONGRUENCE TEST to test if your actions will still be able to be congruent to your frame. And
if you're still congruent to your frame she will give herself to you and stop messing with you because she just
proved it in her mind that you’re not pretending and that you're real.

If a woman wants to determine if you are being real with her, she won't use logic to analyze
what you said for inconsistencies.

Instead, she'll observe your actions to see if you appear congruent with what you are saying.

Women follow their intuition over analysis.

The Anti-Slut Defense

The word "slut" is a weapon women use against other women in
an attempt to lower their competitors' perceived' perceived social value.
Women have a powerful interruption mechanism known to pickup
artists as the anti-slut defense (ASD). Not only do women prefer to
avoid having others perceive them as sluts, but they also want to avoid
the discomfort of feeling like a slut. So a woman's highly calibrated
ASD circuit acts as an interrupt mechanism to help her avoid this fate.
Be aware of others in proximity, as their presence alone may influ�ence the behavior of the
woman you are trying to kiss.

Plausible Deniability
A woman will rarely do anything during the pickup that makes her
feel responsible for what may happen between the two of you. To whatever degree she feels
responsible, her anti-slut defense will be activated.
Thus she has a need for plausible deniability. For example, if you were
to say to her, "Hey, let's go back to my place and have sex," she would have
to say no, even though she wanted to say yes, because saying yes would
make her responsible for what is happening—which she can never be.
But if instead you were to say, "Hey, let's stop by my place on the way
to that party; I have to show you my tropical fish,"

A woman will almost always choose the man with higher value and a stronger frame, and
she will do it with little regard or loyalty to the fun little connection she had previously enjoyed
with you.

This may be true even if you are her boyfriend.

The only factor that counteracts this phenomenon is her level of investment in you it will be
psychologically much more difficult for her to jump to the next man if she has already
invested a lot of time
and effort in you.


Friendship Frames - Show that you know each other and they’ll become more willing to

Higher Value frames– Show that you’re a man of value and they’ll become more willing to

IOD frames – When you feel that they like you so much then take it away. Make them feel
the loss of you and they’ll become more compliant.

Personal Frames - Talking about personal and deep topics so they will trust and comply

Sexual frames – Show that sex is just natural and no big deal and no judgement. They’ll
become more compliant to open their true self

-Guys who don't know how to do frame control itself, don’t know what to do and they want to know what
to say specifically.

”To make their behaviour good and to have frame."

1. Ignore their hoop then change topic

2. Ignore their hoop then ask a question

3. Be a challenge by disagreeing to their topic.

4. Questioning their question

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