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Home Away Hareem Aslam
Managemen SUBMI

t BY:
System(HA DAR- (BITF19M043)


This is a software requirement specification (SRS) for the system. It

describes the functions, goals, objectives and tasks that the system can perform.
This is used to depict the scope of the project and to plan for the system's design
and implementation.
This project is basically about to facilitate the students whom stay
away from home during study. Project accomplish the following
functional and non-functional components,
01 How students can search and book their hostels near their school,
college and universities as well, just to avoid daily long traveling.
02 How can they reduce their living expenses?
03 How can they interact with their class fellows for study coordination?
04 How can they find a cleanliness environment like home?
05 Time saving
06 Least personal contact
07 Automation system
08 Room information (Size, facilities, etc.)
09 Dues and charges as well as online payment methods
10 Mess system (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
11 Security

1.1 Purpose:
This Home Away Management System (HAMS) is designed for the managing
Hostels, which assists them with saving the students' records about their rooms and
other things. It helps them from manual work from which is exceptionally hard to
track down the record of the student and the mess bills of the students, and the data
of about the individuals who had left the hostel years before.

1.2 Scope:
The software product “Home Away Management System” could be an
application with a purpose to be used for preserving the records in a prepared way
and to replace paper working on the system. This project aims at automating the
hostel management for the easy working of the hostel by automating nearly all
the calculations and accounting work.
 Hostel Management System is designed for hostel-like (colleges and
Universities Students).
 He tests the attested application form of students acquired from the net &
confirms it with the student database.
 If the students are eligible then they allotted to the hostel room

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations:

The Home Away Management System (HAMS) is an online Hostel
Administration System used to provide quick and efficient means for gathering the
student information like room, fees & finally check-in and check-out report of

1.4 Project Title:

“Home Away Management System(HAMS)”.
1.5 Project Overview Statement:
Hostel is a now not a less than a home for students whilst staying
far from their home. It has big nicely ventilated dormitories and single
rooms. Providing smooth and calm hostel accommodation is one of the
key responsibilities of management.
To control the hostel facilities, lots of facts want to be maintained
inclusive of number of student’s hostel can accommodate, hostel rules
and regulation, hostel fee, hostel inside and outside of student, guest and
visitor’s record and so forth. So, this needs the system which has an
ability to store all kind of records and information and evaluation it
nicely for smooth functioning of the hostel. Hostel warden can without
problems maintain the statistics/data.
Hostel Management in faculties frequently involves administering
of all activities of students. All those nonetheless remain difficult and
require a few tasks for the top management. Hostel Management features
and obligations in modern-day faculties have constantly been a problem
in managing, because of the manual system method of equipment they
use. Hostel Management System is nicely designed particularly to
meet challenges of administrative setup.

Project Overview Statement Template

Project Title: Home Away Management System

Project Members:
Name ROLL # Email Address
Project Goal: Provision of maximum information and facilities with the wide range
of institutions and cities coverage’s.
Sr. Objective
01 Hassle-Free Management of Bookings
02 Payments are easier and faster
03 Clear pricing with no hidden fees
04 Avoid manual and boring work
05 Provide website that a user can search and reserve a room
Project Success Criteria: To facilitate students with availability of hostels in the
fastest way.
Assumptions, Risks and Obstacles: In the future, our project would be affected by
the feedback of customer’s satisfaction on the online reservation system.
Organization Address (if any): PUCIT Old Campus

Type of project: Research Development

Target End users: Students whom stay away from home.
1.6 Problem Statement:
There are a variety of drawbacks in keeping and maintaining a hostel
especially with a manual system. Since maximum hostels are being run by most
effective one hostel supervisor/manager.
Most of the students from remote areas (especially females) have to face
difficulties to arrange the hostels for their reservation in a short time. They have
to submit some formal documents and have to do many formalities which waste a
lot of their time.
Room allocation also will become a trouble because the manager may not
recognize which rooms are available or not. And a few hostels have plenty of
rooms or have mare storeys and it would be very tedious to undergo all storeys in a
search of a free room for an applicant.
Also the manager may not recognize the number of students in a room or
know if a room is full or not. Registration forms verification to different data
saving processes are accomplished manually and mostly on paper.

1.7 Problem statement Solutions:

Home Away Management System is web based software to provide college
students accommodation. The hostel manager additionally keeps information of the
hostellers and applied students. It is headed through Administrator. Home Away
Management System software is meant to reduce human works and make hostel
allocation an less difficult process for students and hostel authorities by
providing online facility for hostel, automatically select the students from the
waiting list and mess calculation, complaint registration noticeboard etc.
Students will get approval notification of their mails. Hostellers can view notice
board, hostel rate and mess menu by using login into the online device.
As the number of educational fields and institutions increases most of the parents
are depressed and confused about the living concerns of their children. They want
to select an economical and quality residential place. The most difficult thing is
to search and find the desirable places. So in preview of these conditions and
difficulties we want to provide an online platform for parents where they easily
can search and choose the best option for their children.
 We have the idea to provide all the necessary facilities under one click via
an online system.
 We would start from the nearby location of their educational institute to all
the other facilities which they need during their study i.e. study
coordination, quality food, laundry, study privacy, online shopping
facility, very less administration or personal contact to call any facility
and many more.
 The Home Away Management System is the online platform for parents as
well as for students whom much worried about the resident, Food,
security, Educational & hygienic environment, and many more desired
facilities which they cannot find even upon searching.
 There is no need to fill any security document or application form for
verification; just by the provision of online information through artificial
intelligence system they can book their desired hostel room.
 Parents/Student book online their desired room and directly go for their
room without any discussion and entry to the reception.

1.8 Project Goals & Objectives

The goals of this project is to provide an online system where every student
 Online find the room according to their desired facilities and location as well
 Fast track online booking system,
 Online all information about the query i.e. hygiene, living standard, Food
 Online information even about the roommate.
 To minimize the personal contact,
 Project aimed to provide educational environment
 Study privacy
 Online verification through artificial intelligence system
Our major and principle objective is to provide a home like educational and
living environment even away from home, we have the objective to provide the
online option for students where they can search and select the best choice living
facilities according to their needs and temperament. We also have the objective to
provide the residential facility to students near their educational institutes.
Our one of key objective is to improve the quality of education as well as to
remove the hurdles which many students face during their study when they stay
away from home.
1.9 Project Planning:
 The existing system is manual based totally and wants a lot of efforts and
devour sufficient time.
 In the previous system we are able to practice for the hostels online however
the allotment processes are performed manually.
 It might also result in corruptions within the allocation manner in
addition to hostel fee calculation.
 The existing system does not deal with mess calculation and complaint
 Students face difficulty in manual attendance system.
 It is very awkward and tension full situation for request when student have
any guest.
 Due to converting to online system. Project has to be done in a short time.
 Well manner details are available about how the project will work.

 As software is to be integrated, so our project could be divided into
 We need sufficient human resources to complete it.
 To create a totally new project, prototyping would be necessary.
 This system is designed in favor of the hostel management which enables
them to save the records of the students about their rooms and different
 It allows them from the manual work from which it's very difficult to find
the record of the students and the mess payments of the students, and the
information of about the ones who had left the hostel years before.
 This system gives a concept about how a student and fee info, room
allocation, mess expenditure is maintained in a higher manner.
 The hostel management system can even contain special capabilities like
what numbers of students are in a room, student’s identification and
free rooms or space available.
 The administration has a unique identification for every member as well as
hostel student’s info.

1.9.3 Selected Process Model:


1.9.4 Reasoning for selecting the process model:

This project is aimed toward developing a system for retaining records and
displaying records approximately or in a hostel. As time constraint is there so
we are using RAD, as it is taken into consideration suitable to develop the
product in restrained time.
 As time is the basic factor, so the RAD model is the best option.
 Due to the RAD model, we can do our project in the most efficient way.
 By using this model, we shall fulfill our need for sufficient human resources.
 For newly made applications, prototyping is very necessary. As RAD is
highly depending on prototyping. So, it would be the best option.
 This system will assist the hostel manager so one can control the affairs of
the hostel. This system will offer complete records about student within the
 It will show rooms available or now not and number of people in a
particular room. This will also provide information on students who have
paid in full or still owe.
 This system may also provide record on the summary detail regarding fees
and payments students are owing.
 Also included is a user module for employees or the hostel officer. The
complexity of the software that is to make it effective and technologically
advanced software is resolved most effective by way of parallel component-
based development that’s supported by RAD Process Model.
 There will also be an administrator module which will access by the
administrator and has the ability to delete, add and edit employee records.
1.9.5 Project working:
Home Away Management System is based totally at the requirement
specification of the customers and the evaluation of the existing machine.
Identification of the drawbacks of the existing system ends in the designing of the
computerized system with a purpose to be well matched with the existing system,
the proposed system is more users friendly and more GUI oriented.
This project was able to build a hostel management system that manages the
processes involved in hostel application, allocation and management. It
additionally permits for updating of record processing. So additionally the online
application of hostels by students is made possible.
 The system developed guarantees that:
• Hostel Registration utility is achieved through the net.
• Rooms are allotted automatically.
• Students will become greater familiar with using the internet.
• Human errors can be minimized.
• Safety of student’s statistics and data is maintained.
• The Administrator can allot different students to the different
• He can vacate the students for the hostels.
• He can edit the details of the students. He can change their rooms,
edit and delete the student records.
• He can control the status of the fee payment.
• He can edit the news board
• He can check the complaints
• The Hostel Secretary can:
• Make the Mess menu
• Make the mess bill & hostel bill
 Finger-Print attendance
 Mess details
 Room service detail
 Visitor’s detail
 Room fees detail

1.10 Project Costing and Estimation

1.10.1 Function point (FP)

o External Inputs (EIs):

Username, password, name, gender, phone, address, CNIC, email, room
data, mess data, fee submission method, institute ID

o External Outputs (EOs):

Home screen, mess and laundry page, attendance and personal data
interface, room details, Admin view, contact site, some special offers.

o External Inquiries (EQs):

Mess detail inquiry, laundry inquiry, personal detail editing inquiry,
username or password change inquiry.
Student data edit, delete by manager

o Internal Logical Files (ILFs):

Student data, mess data, laundry data, hostel data, fee details, manager data

o External Interface Files (ELFs):

Attendance inquiry, contact inquiry, leave request, guest residential requests,
extras like bed tea orders, view student data by manager.

Sign up Username
Institute ID mess password, Biometric attendance system

Name gender phone

Address CNIC email attendance details
Room data fee


Student, mess, laundry
Fee details management manager, hostel, fee,


Login, edit, extras
Edit, view attendance,
Delete data of guests
Function point analysis questionnaire:


 Σ Fi = 48
Analyzing the Information Domain & weight:
Measurement parameters Count Weightage factor
Simple avg
Number of user inputs 12 X 10 12 15 180
Number of user Outputs 09 X 09 11 14 81
Number of user inquiries 07 X 05 07 12 49
Number of files 06 X 05 08 12 72
Number of ext. Interfaces 07 X 05 08 12 84
Count total = 466
Complexity Multiplier =
Function points = 526.58
FP = Count Total * [0.65 + 0.01 * Σ (Fi)]
FP = 466 * [0.65 + 0.01 * 48] = 526.58

1.10.2 LINE OF CODE (LOC):

(Opt .+4∗Most Likely + Pessi.)

Estimated LOC =

1. Student view
Optimistic LOC = 5800
Most Likely LOC = 7600
Pessimistic LOC = 9200
(Opt .+4∗Most Likely + Pessi.)
Estimated LOC =
(5800+ 4∗7600+9200)
Estimated LOC = = 7567 LOC

2. Database management system

Optimistic LOC = 1600
Most Likely LOC = 2600
Pessimistic LOC = 3300
(Opt .+4∗Most Likely + Pessi.)
Estimated LOC =
(1600+ 4∗2600+3300)
Estimated LOC = = 2550 LOC

3. Biometric attendance system

Optimistic LOC = 8800
Most Likely LOC = 9500
Pessimistic LOC = 10200
(Opt .+4∗Most Likely + Pessi.)
Estimated LOC =
(8800+ 4∗9500+10200)
Estimated LOC = = 9500 LOC


Student view 7567
Manager view 8238
Registration Page 5734
Database Management System 2550

Computer graphics and display 8970

Biometric attendance System 9500
Mouse and Keyboard buffer control 1239
Fee calculations system 4252
Estimated Lines of code 48050

Organizational Average Productivity = 780 LOC / pm

Labor Rate = Rs. 9000 / month
Cost per LOC = Labor Rate / Productivity
= 9000 / 780 = Rs. 11.53 /LOC
Total Project Cost = Estimated LOC * cost Per LOC
= 48050 * 11.53
=Rs. 544,423
Estimated Effort = Estimated LOC / Productivity
= 48050 / 780 = 61 PM
1.10.3 COCOMO:

Estimated KLOC = 480

Development model = Embedded Mode
Case: Developer with high application experience and high
programming language experience being used.

 EAF = Effort Adjustment factor

EAF = 0.91 * 0.95 = 0.8645

 E = effort (person-month)
E=ai ( kdLOC )b i∗EAF
=3.6∗( 480 )1.20∗0.9737=3.6∗(1650.02 )∗0.8645 ≈5136 PM
 D = Deployment time (month)
D = c i (E)d =2.5∗(5136)0.32=2.5∗(15.40 ) ≈ 39 P

 SS = staff size (persons)

E 5136
SS = D persons= 39 ≈ 132 persons

 P = productivity (KLOC/PM)
KLOC 480
P= = ≈ 0.094
E 5136
2.1 Product Perspective:
The Home Away Management System (HAMS) is a fully independent product.
Our product is not a part of any other system. We have user interfaces. User
interfaces will be:
 Administrator Interfaces
 Staff Interfaces

 Administrator Interfaces:
List of interfaces are listed as bellow:
 Account View:
In this view, the User will add remove, new staff in the system. In
administrator view, an administrator will verify the newly added
department. The administrator will be able to get access to all
information about hostel staff, hostel students & controlled them.
 Staff Interfaces:
 At the begin, there will be a login screen wherein the user has to enter
its login name & password to authenticate himself or herself.
 After the log in a homepage can be displayed showing all of the info.
and operations provided through Home Away Management System
 A record could be generated for each student containing fee info,
fines dues & check-in or check-out info.

2.1.1 System Interfaces:

“Home Away Management System (HAMS)” enables to perform the
following basic functions i.e.
 Maintaining the resident information.
 Maintaining room information.
 Maintaining fee information.
 Maintaining employee information.
 Maintaining Room details, Attendance details, and Mess details per
 Maintaining Data edition system for Manager.

2.1.2 Interfaces:
Our System is web based software, we use web interface and
server sided database.
 Administrator Interfaces
 View Account
 Login Screen
 Homepage
 Report
 Edit Data
 Student Interfaces
 Request for Room
 Pay Bill
 Check Mess Bill Report

2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces:

Hardware Interfaces exist in computing systems between many of the components

such as various storages devices, other i/o devices these are following for project.

 Processor: Pentium or Greater,

 RAM: 4GB.
 Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor or LCD.
 Monitor: 15 color monitor.
 Hard: Hard disk.

2.1.4 Software Interfaces:

 Developing Tool: Command Prompt

 Database: SQL
 Operating System: Microsoft Windows

2.1.5 Communications Interfaces:

There must be a network connected for connecting all the systems of the hotels.
This should provide updating data in every computer after each and every
transaction from each computer.

2.1.6 Memory Constraints:

Our web based Software will be light and system friendly but minimum 256MB of
RAM is necessary. User need 500MB storage to install software.

2.1.7 Operations:

The client will utilize this application to keep up the database of students and the
mess of the room. The utilization of HAMS has an easy-to-understand interface.
The software gives precision along with a wonderful interface. Make the current
manual system more intuitive, expedient, and easy to understand.

2.1.8 Product Functions:

The various functions covered by the software requirement specification which
follows, are to be given to meet the prerequisites of database supervisor/manager,
students, and administrator with job-based updating and survey rights.
The accompanying general highlights will be incorporated:

 Student Details are filled by as:

 Student Name
 Student Father’s Name
 Student Branch
 Student Year
 Student Room No.
 Student Permanent Address

 Following data will be given by Administrator/head:

 Students details
 Room Details
 Attendance Details
 Mess Details each month

 Updating by database administrator:

 Update the student details.
 Update mess item expenditure.
 Update the attendance details.

 Calculations & Report:

 Total mess expenditure each month.
 Calculate mess expenses for every student.
 Generate mess bill/expense report.

2.1.9 User Characteristics:

There are 3 sorts of clients for the proposed framework/system.

 Administrator
 Student
 Database manager
 Administrator:
The administrator is the person who monitors all clients and client transactions.
The administrator needs to keep up the information of each student profile in the
database. At the point when the solicitation/request given by the client
administrator to checks the accessibility of the client account at that point it is sent
to the student database. The administrator has the complete data related to each
student database. All the information is kept up at the Administrator level. The
administrator is reserving the privilege to confine/restrict any database.
The administrator can:
 Allot different students in different hostels.
 Vacate the Students for the hostels.
 Control the status of the fee payment/installment.
 Edit the details of the students and modify the student record

 Student:
Every student who has room in the hostel has a database and a student record to
get to his information. These consents will appear after head
endorsement/approval. The understudy can check his information whether it's
actual or need a few changes. Additionally, he can check the month-to-month
reports of their fines, mess bills, and other stuff.
 Database manager:
Database manager is the user/client who has the administrator's authorization to
refresh the whole database. In this undertaking, the Database set administrator has
the authorizations to refresh the student details, room details, student attendance
details, & update mess item expenditure.

2.1.10 Constraints:

The developed framework should run under any stage for example Unix, Linux,
Macintosh, Windows, and so on.
 All compulsory fields ought to be filled by a person.
 There can be security risks involved.
 Details given by the person during his sign-up ought to be stored in a
 Student details can refresh or change by just the administrator or database

2.1.11 Assumptions and Dependencies:

 The details related to the students, room, mess.

 Administrator is created in the database already.
 Roles and tasks are predefined.


3.1 External interfaces:

 Registration:

 Input:
o Name
o Id
o Password
o Roll number
o Fee data
o University name
o Email
o Room type
o Mess time
o Laundry time

 Output:
o Submission view
 Sign in:
 Input:
o Username
o Password

 Output:
o Student/manager home interface

3.2 Functions:

 Login credentials validations.

 Registration data validation.
 Account creation.
 Error message in case of invalid data.
 Home interface in case of valid data.

3.3 Performance Requirements:

 Registration of 80% of students occurs at 1 sec.

 At a time 5000 persons can be online on the web software in the ids.
 The edition of a person is take place at one and only by a single manager.

3.4 Logical Database Requirements:

The data of student is added into the SQL server site database at the time of
registration, which includes:
o Name
o Id
o Password
o Roll number
o Fee data
o University name
o Email
o Room type
o Mess time
o Laundry time

3.5 Design Constraints:

 It a web-based software, design is according to the respected interface of

HTML and CSS provide by google Chrome.
 Moreover, it is user friendly and respected software capable to run on
windows and mac OS.

3.5.1 Standards Compliance:

 Register account.
 Sign in home page.
 Edit daily formalities.

3.6 Software System Attributes:

3.6.1 Reliability:

The project shall give storage of all databases on redundant PCs with oracle
3.6.2 Availability:
The system should have chrome or any order website loader to load web, to run
software, system could be of 32 bit or 64 bit. The hosting of website is googling
related so availability of HAMS is 24/7.
3.6.3 Security:
This project gives real security to each one of those people who are having
their records on the database as they are password ensured.
This is a vital part of the plan and should cover areas of hardware
dependability, fallback methods, actual security of information, and arrangement
for identification of fraud and misuse.

3.6.4 Maintainability:

Home Away Management System (HAMS) will be maintainable as long as there

are no Hardware & software problems. Also databases ought to be

3.6.5 Portability:
The project is made in HTML and CSS as front end and SQL database as
back end and will work upon all OS productively.



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