Does Modern Social Media Make People Less Socially Active

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Does modern social media make people less socially active

Does modern social media make people less socially active? That’s a question a bare person
wouldn’t be able to answer. Even I, as a student with a lot of knowledge, cannot answer that
question. Probably non of us can answer that question because, just like I do, everyone else
uses social media. No matter for what source, either if it’s for entertainment, knowledge, non
legal uses, and etc.
If we’re talking about my opinion here, then, I would answer with a simple answer. “Yes.” That’s
what my answer would be, I know that I, myself use social media but, there’s no need to lie
when it comes to this theme. I don’t spend that much time on my phone nor on social media, so
I am still pretty social with all of my friends. But on the other side, the people around me have
gotten very distant with me, and I think that is the effect of social media. Personally speaking, I
have never had that much to do on my phone, so that’s why I never spend too much time on it,
at least 4 to 5 hours a day is fine to me. However, people like video creators, streamers and etc.
have a lot of things to do on their phones and social platforms. I understand them whatsoever,
they make a living out of their actions on the internet and social platforms, so I can’t blame
them for their so called “obsession”.
There isn’t much to talk about this theme, other than to answer the question you asked, dear
professor. Yes, modern social media does indeed make people less socially active.

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