Edwards College Peshawar

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Edwards College Peshawar

Name : Afrasiyab Khan

Class : Bs Eng Semester 2nd

Section : B

Topic : Status of women in Pakistan

Submitted to : Sir Danish Ahmed

Status of women in the world

The situation of women in our world today is very important. There are many differences between richer
and poorer countries.

In developed countries birth rates have fallen since the 1960s. One reason is that more and more women
have jobs and go to work. They do not want to stay at home any longer and have fewer babies.

In developing countries the situation of women is different. Many of them are at home. They do the
household chores and care for their children.

In the third world countries helping women is very important and can slow down the population
explosion. One of the key factors is education. Women who go to school and maybe later on study at a
university have higher chances of getting a job. They don’t marry so early and start having children at a
later age.

Such women also know more about birth control and can plan the number of children they want to

Educated women also know more about health care. Young girls who have sex at an early age risk getting
AIDS and passing it on to their babies when they are pregnant. More than half of the 40 million people
living with AIDS today are women. In Africa, more than 75 % of all AIDS victims are young women
between 15 and 24.
Status of women in Pakistan
Women are an important part of a society. They are equal in every sphere of life.In recent years
remarkable changes has taken place across the globe, but the status and fate of women still has not
changed much. In Pakistan, women situation has become worst. Pakistan rated as one of the worst
countries in the world when it comes to the way we treat women. It's has been more than 70 years that
in Pakistan 80 percent of women are still facing domestic violence . One in three has to endure villainy
like rape, honour killing, immolation and acid attacks. Our country is ranked 82 out of 93 countries on
the Gender Development Index and 152 out of 156 countries on the Gender Empowerment Measure.
We are also among a handful of countries where there is a negative sex ratio of 100 women to 108 men.
Though women have potential to play a multidimensional role from societal to organizational yet they
have been neglected.Our country’s backwardness can directly be attributed to the denied role of women
in country’s development.

Lack of access
Lack of access to resources including finance, land, inheritance, rights, education, employment, justice,
healthcare and nutrition are major causes of female backwardness in Pakistan. It is widely acknowledged
that a combination of poverty and the low status awarded to women is indeed a major problem. Many
women die from childbirth on account of poor health facilities. And more than half the women in the
country cannot read and write.

The burden of the poverty fell heavily on the female population which makes the 50% of the total
population of Pakistan. Women are neglected and under-nourished. They are restricted to the home
and are meant to perform only household work. They are deprived of their rightful share of property and
have no say in family decisions. All the governments have tried in one way or the other to develop
women but could not make a very happy progress because of various reasons.

Literacy rate
The constitution of Pakistan provides full participation of women in all spheres of life, but the literacy
rate in females ​is just 36% as compared to men that is 64%. The ratio of primary schools for girls and
boys is 4 and 10 respectively. Such attitude of discrimination is not new in the educational system of
Pakistan. Religiously, people are of the view that Islam does not permit a women or girls to step beyond
the limits of house. Modern education can make her a party girl instead of making her a house wife.
That’s why Taliban are blasting and attacking the girl’s schools. However, the Prophet Mohammad
(PBUH) strongly saying that it is the prime duty of men and women to acquire education.
The health indicators
The health indicators ​of women in Pakistan are among the worst in the world. It is one of the few
countries where women’s life expectancy is lower than that of men. Female infant mortality rate is
higher than that of male children. More than 40 per cent of the total female population are anaemic.
The maternal mortality rate is still high, 1 women in every 38 dies from pregnancy-related caused. The
low health status of women is the result of women’s lower social, economic and cultural status. Early
marriages of girls, excessive childbearing, lack of control over their own bodies and a high level of
illiteracy adversely affect women’s health and intensify their disadvantaged health status.

Patriarchal Pakistani society

In ​patriarchal Pakistani society​, women are mere symbol of family honour and dignity. They are
considered as private property. Prevailing feudal culture has confined women to home to ‘save male
honour and dignity’. Feudal lords implement their code of morality in the name of “tradition and
custom”. Under such customs women have no control over their lives. They don’t have right to
choice-marriage. Girl education is strongly discouraged and women tolerate oppressive norms in the
name of morality.

Honour killing
Honour killing​is one of the worst forms of violence against women. It is an extreme form of direct
physical violence, which is marked by great suffering. In recent years, Pakistan has been criticised
because of the dramatic rise in the incidents of honour killings in the country. There is no concept of
honour killing in Islam. Honour killing has no real basis in religion but is cheered and favoured by
traditions and misinterpretation of religion. There are many reasons for the increasing incidents of

Bride burning
Bride burning​is another form of inhuman domestic violence within the walls of the home. This is one of
the most severe abuses of human rights. There are several reasons for bride burning but the major
reason includes the failure of the wife’s family to provide a large enough dowry. The bride burning is not
only against women’s rights but it is a serious crime against humanity as well. Unfortunately, this is being
practised in Pakistan which is known as an Islamic society.

Sexual harassment
Even though an anti-sexual harassment law is active in Pakistan, it appears that working women still
brave ​sexual harassment​at their places of work. They are still resigning from their jobs because of being
asked for sexual favours. Furthermore, rape is one of the most common crimes against women in
Pakistan. Women are therefore safe nowhere.
Poor governance
Government replete with problems has been failed to provide protection and safe environment to
women. On account of ​poor governance​, women have remained second priority of every succeeding
ruler. Though many bills and ordinances have been passed by the parliament but they remain totally
ineffective in practical terms. Women are being victimized and persecuted in one form or the other.

Women's role in the development of nation

​ omen still can play a greater role in the development of our nation.​They have a great potential to lift
our nation which is rife with problems. God has bestowed them with all capabilities and their role in any
sphere whether it is social, economic, political, cultural or educational cannot be ignored. We need to
utilize their talent in right place and admit their stake in country’s progress.

Social role
Women have grater ​social role​to play. They can teach their children on right lines and inculcate in them
morality. As a result, many prevailing social evils can be eradicated. They can contribute to the financial
matters of the family. With ever rising prices and inflation, two earning people would surely help run the
financial affairs of the family. Apart from the material gains, working women are self-actualised entities.
Not only this, but they can also contribute to national exchequer by running small home industries.

Cultural heritage
The role of women in the ​transmission of cultural heritage​is of great significance. Women's involvement
in various spheres of cultural heritage is both central and vital. Such spheres include what may be
described as essential realms of culture, and those which are often indispensable in maintaining familial
and cohesive social relations. They include language, codes of ethics, behavioural patterns, value
systems, and religious beliefs. In most cultures, women maintain principle roles in the upbringing of
children, through which the intergenerational transmission and renewal of many of these essential forms
heritage occurs.

Furthermore, women can make a massive ​contribution in the field of education​. It is rightly said that if a
male child is educated an individual is educated and if a girl is educated whole family is educated.
Educated women can be instrumental in removing illiteracy from our soil. They can run home tuitions
and teach poor females who cannot afford schooling. They can also impart various skills to them and
enable them to earn money. In this way, they can be very supportive not only for their families but can
also contribute to national exchequer.
Women’s role in politics
Above all, ​women’s role in politics​is of utmost importance. They can represent the cause of women in
the parliament and before the nation. They can voice their concerns and draw the attention of media to
their problems and sufferings. Their representation in the parliament if fundamental to repel
discriminatory laws meant to denigrate them. They can also play brighter role in creating awareness in
women for the right use of their vote. Last but not least, their active role in politics can be advantageous
to improve the distorting image of our country before the world.

What is really needed is a fundamental change in social attitudes​toward women, particularly in rural
and tribal Pakistan. A massive effort is required to make both men and women aware of the need and
the benefits of women's empowerment for a better future of Pakistan. Healthy, educated and
empowered women can help raise better children to build Pakistan as a modern society that cares for its
people. This can be made possible by ensuring following steps.

• Greater involvement of women in all fields should be ensured.

• Empowering women to unleash their potential.

• Provision of training for women to enable gainful employment in small-scale industries in rural and
urban areas.

• Increasing training facilities for women in traditional fields of teaching, nursing and birth attendants.

• Free education to poor family women should be provided.

• Female teachers should be appointed to provide safe environment to girls in a single sex college.

• International organizations such as the UN, Human Rights Watch, the Red Cross, and the European
Union should take serious notice of occurrences of honour killings in Pakistan.

• In the contemporary world, the importance of media cannot be denied. If government of Pakistan
really aims to create an atmosphere of awareness towards women's rights, media can be used as an
influential and effective.

To conclude with​, women of Pakistan are highly devoted towards their roles in the development of the
country and they are emerging as politicians, social workers, lawyers, doctors, journalists, artists, pilots,
army officers and founder of NGOs. They are promoting the cause of women’s status and role in the
society. It must be admitted and applauded that these courageous women have not only created
awareness among the fellow women about their strength and importance, but also have indicated the
platforms where their demands could meet success. Now the time has come to actively integrate them
in countries affairs so that we can faster the pace of progress of Pakistan. The task is very simple and we
have to come out from the phobia of male superiority

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